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Blog 1: Benefits of Running

Blog 2: Misconception about supplements

Blog 3: Importance of vegetables in maintaining healthy lifestyle
Blog 4: Gym Training
Blog 5: Fitness plans
Blog 6: Will power
Today we’re talking about running. But before that, let me give you a quick background. I joined
the army when I was quite young. First I had to clear the Army Physical Fitness test. The test is
mandatory and it has to be passed at least twice a year. The running test is, in fact, a 2-mile run
meant to test your leg muscles endurance and your cardiorespiratory fitness. The basic rules are
pretty simple:

- The faster you run, the better you score. - You are not allowed to walk - If you get minimum 60
points to maximum 100 points, you pass. Thus, if I had to take the military seriously I had to take
running seriously.
When I started I wasn’t a sporty person at all. I committed some typical mistakes like over-
striding, running off for miles from the start and drinking too much water. I want you to learn
from your mistakes:
1- Cross train as much as you can
If running is your only form of exercise you will get injured. Adapt to different cross-training
2- Get your correct shoe size
Before starting, test out your shoe size. You need a little more room in your running shoes than
you think.
3- Start slow and short
Nobody’s challenging you when you start. Even if you show up for a mile run here and there,
every day you’re on the right track.
4- It is always going to be hard on some level
You get faster over time but, somedays even a mile run feels like an epic battle. In those days
remind yourself “ If it were easy, everybody would be doing it.”
5- Do the little things
Icing every now and then, naps after a long workout and taking care of small aches and burns
can stop them before they become a real injury. Do these little things and take care of yourself.
6- Self-doubt
You think “I’m not a runner.” Instead of labeling yourself adopt a more positive mantra like
“remember to breathe” etc.
7- Don’t drink too much water
If you over-hydrate, you will feel bloated. During a run carry a water bottle but it isn’t necessary
to drink if it’s a lightly windy day.
8- Success in distance running takes time
For a runner, it takes approximately 2-3 years to realize their potential. Distance running success
is about consistency and a gradual, yet progressive, pattern of training.
9- You need to eat
I’m not saying to run on a full stomach. But your body needs the energy to run on its own. But
while eating you need to care about what you eat.
10- One of the worst things you can do as a runner is standing on the start line and have
negative thoughts about your last run or running in general. Replace any negative thoughts with
positive self-talk. Train your mind to think positive. Not every run is great but your mind only
thinks what you train it to think. Develop a positive mantra that you repeat to yourself over and
over again. Focus on it mentally. Positive thoughts often lead to positive results.
Running reduces stress by boosting the level of serotonin in your brain and creating a more
positive mood. Your self-esteem will be improved. As you progress you will being to realize a
greater sense of sense reliance and accomplishment. It also fights depression with the brain’s
release of beta-endorphins. Realize that not all runners are equal. Bottom line you look better,
you feel better!

Note: I could not rename in the file as the option was grayed out and wasn’t available to
select. The word limit has already exceeded 450 words so I cut point number 10.

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