I. Fill in With The Right Article

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When ___ composer sets out to write ___ piece of music, he

is usually quite definite about what he is going to create; for
although ___ music is intangible, there is nothing vague about it.
___ composer has to be ___ practical workman. He may, for
instance, be asked to write ___ opera for ___ particular occasion.
For this he would need ___ help of many other practical artists.
Here is ___ kind of way ___ opera could be made, from its very first idea to its actual
presentation on ___ stage of ___ opera house.
___ composer will probably begin by drawing up ___ time-schedule of ___ work, as if
he were ___ architect-builder. Then he finds ___ right librettist to work with, and they discuss
the chosen story in detail, plan its general outline, and divide it into scenes – even into ___
arias, ___ recitatives and ___ choruses. When ___ librettist has written his first draft of ___
words, ___ composer studies it, pointing out weak syllables that destroy ___ rhythm. As soon
as ___ libretto is satisfactory, ___ composer begins to set it to ___music, working at it day
after day until it is finished.
(from “The Story of Music” by Benjamin Britten and Imogen Holst)

I. Fill in with the right article:

1. Have you fed ___ dog? 18. He plays ___ violin as a professional.
2. ___ dolphin is my favourite animal. 19. They generally have ___ breakfast at 8 o’clock.
3. ___ Budapest is the capital of ___ Hungary. 20. It is not visible at ___ night.
4. We hope we’ll have ___ good time at the 21. He translated the book from ___ English into
party! ___ Romanian.
5. The murderer was sent to ___ prison. 22. ___ book she bought is about Mozart.
6. They always travel by ___ bicycle. 23. Is ___ German language difficult to learn?
7. ___ breakfast is always at 9 o’clock. 24. What ___ kind girl she is!
8. ___ breakfast was delicious. 25. I think ___ movie is excellent.
9. They elected him ___ president. 26. She has ___ piano lessons in ___ morning.
10. We never read ___ Times. 27. Is your father ___ famous guitarist?
11. Peter likes to lie in ___ bed until very late. 28. It takes me ___ hour to get to Bacău.
12. He boasts to have climbed ___ Mount 29. How many times ___ week do you have
Everest. counterpoint classes?
13. Don’t play ___ fool with me! 30. Yes, I can play both ___ piano and ___ violin.
14. As ___ matter of fact, she doesn’t like him. 31. Do you like ___ music?
15. He suffers from ___ diabetes. 32. She was hired as ___ assistant professor.
16. ___ hand in ___ hand we crossed the 33. Peter Hill, who is ___ Professor of Music at
bridge. ___ University of Illinois, signed ___ article.
17. ___ Danube flows into ___ Black Sea. 34. I like flowers in ___ spring.

The definite article The indefinite article The zero article

The life of the musician is not easy. A great musician studies a lot. Music is my life.
the – înaintea subst. la sg şi pl: Sg only Ø nu este exprimat. Se foloseşte:
the musician, the musicians a - înaintea sunetelor - cu subst nenumărabile la sg :
+ pronunţie: înaintea sunetelor consonantice/ semiconsonantice Haste makes waste. Light travels
consonantice/ semiconsonantice (u, (u, y, w) faster than sound. + precedate de
y, w) the guitar, the unicorn a violin, a university, a uniform adj: I like American jazz/ ancient
- înaintea vocalelor, h mut: the an – înaintea vocalelor, h mut history.
artist, the instrument, the honour şi an echo, an hour, an honest man (exc. Se fol. art. hot. the când
pt subliniere: These are the [θi:] Folosire: avem o constr. cu of: I like the
facts. - pt introducerea unei noţiuni care music of the Irish.)
Folosire: nu a fost menţionată anterior: I saw - cu subst numărabile la pl, cu
- cu subst. menţionate anterior a great movie last night. referire la toţi membrii unei clase:
I bought a book. The book is mine. - cu funcţie numerică, are valoarea Children like to play.
- cu funcţie generică, at când subst. lui one: I have an orange, two - cu nume proprii: Tom, Professor
denumeşte un reprezentant al unei apples and a lemon. Jones, Mr and Mrs Smith, Lord
clase: The horse is a beautiful - cu funcţie generică, cu subst Nelson; membrii familiei, folosiţi
animal. numărabile la sg, pt a reprezenta o ca referinţă unică: Father, Daddy,
- cu nume proprii: the United clasă: A postman delivers letters. Dad, Mother, Mummy, Mum,
States, construcţie cu of: The - după vb ca to be, to become, cu Grandpa, Grandma, Uncle …
University of Bucharest, the subst care denotă ocupaţia, - diviziuni de timp: Monday,
Browns, the Danube, the Black profesia, naţionalitatea, starea unei April, sărbători: Easter Day
Sea, the Sahara, the Cape of Good persoane (de obicei nu se traduce): - denumiri geografice: Europe,
Hope, the Lido (Hotel), the He is a Frenchman. (dar He is Asia, Romania, Japan, Bucharest,
National Theatre, the British French) She is a conductor. London, Lake Ontario, Mount
Museum, The Times Nu se foloseşte! Everest, cu adj: North America,
- expresii: - cu subst nenumărabile : iron, modern England, industrial NY
anumite instituţii: be at/study at the milk, sugar - expresii: anotimpuri: in spring,
university (Am. E.), approach the during summer,
town, anumite instituţii: be in bed/
mijloace de transport: sit on the hospital/ prison, be at/go to
bike, be on the bus/plane, take the school/ university/ sea, be at/ go
train, sleep in the car home, be in/ leave town
mom ale zilei si ale nopţii: in the mijloace de transport: travel/
morning/evening, wake up in the leave/ come by bicycle, boat, bus,
night, in the daytime, during the car, train, plane
day mom ale zilei si ale nopţii :
nume de boli: the plague, the flu, at/before dawn/daybreak, sunrise/
the measles sunset, at/ around/ before noon/
midnight, at/by night, day and
mesele zilei: have/before/at/after
nume de boli : anaemia, diabetes,
Structuri paralele: arm in arm,
hand in hand, day by day, face to
face, from dusk till dawn, from
morning till night, from beginning
to end, from right to left, from east
to west.
II. Listen to this song and fill it in with the right articles:

It's A Good Day

Peggy Lee (1946)

Yes, it's ___ good day for singing ___ song,

And it's a good day for moving along
Yes, it's a good day, how could anything be wrong,
A good day from ___ morning till night

And it's ___ good day for shining your shoes,

And it's a good day for losing ___ blues
Everything to gain and nothing to lose,
___ good day from morning till night

I said to ___ sun, "good morning, sun

Rise and shine, today"
You know you've gotta get going
If you're gonna make a showing
And you've got the right of ___ way

'Cause it's a good day for paying your bills

And it's a good day for curing your ills,
So take ___ deep breath and throw away ___ pills
'Cause it's a good day from morning till night!

III. Translate into English:

1. Muzicianul pe care îl cunosc este în camera cealaltă.

2. Ce piesă muzicală minunată!

3. Pianistul repetă de dimineaţa până seara.

4. Toamna devin mai melancolic.

5. Înainte de micul dejun, citesc o pagină nouă.

6. Când plec în vacanţă, iau de obicei trenul.

7. Pe la miezul nopţii, el i-a cântat o serenadă.

8. Mierea e dulce.

9. El este compozitor. El este compozitorul acestei minunate opere.

10. Londra este capitala festivalului de jazz în această vară.

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