An Almost Impossible Dream

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An almost


By Stefanny sierra Martinez

Chapter 1

‘’The meeting’’

On the Swiss peninsula, west of Quebec lives Christine, a little

girl who has been very fortunate to grow up in a homey environment
with her mother and her brother. The girl is in the sixth grade of school
where she enjoys being and sharing with her friends. She walks quietly
from home to school. She arrives at her school as she has always
done. She was very thoughtful and distracted when suddenly she
accidentally collides with a very handsome boy.

Around 1995, in the city of Quebec, Switzerland, near midnight, a

beautiful and delicate girl is born, who comes into the world to
enlighten the lives of her parents and other loved ones. Her name is
Christine, very nice and shy girl. Her appearance is beautiful, her hair
and eyes are brown and her skin white like snow in its splendor. She
always gets up every morning with the desire to play and share with
her little brother. His name is Steve, Christine's younger brother whom
she loves very much. Since he was born he has always been her
company. His appearance is similar to Christine's; their appearance is
more similar to their father than their mother. As Christine grows, she
changes her perception of the world, realizing that life is not as easy as
it seems in her childhood. Each day learns a new experience of life.
She has always seen the example of her parents and wants to be like
them. When Christine gets 11 years old, she enters the sixth grade at
school. She has studied at Rev School since third grade. Her school
friends are Raquel, Susan and Carol.

Their friendship has lasted from small and now they are very united.
They have always longed to reach sixth grade, since they thought this
was the maximum. Sometimes, when they leave school early, they go
to Christine's house, because it is near to their school. At Christine's
house, they gather and cook flour cake and listen to music until it's time
to go home. Christine always enjoys that moments with them.
Christine is a very intelligent and excellent student, her teachers
always congratulate her for her good behavior. Suddenly, an afternoon
of rest at school, she is sitting with her friends in the last corner of the
school, right next to the soccer field. At that moment she thinks in
everything, in her life, and in all the things that happened to her every
day, when for a moment her gaze stops on one single person. A
handsome boy who was playing soccer on the pitch with his
schoolmates. Christine, on seeing him, she feels quote attracted by
him, but she ignores it and continues the day as if she had not seen

From that moment, she still sees the handsome boy walking in school
with his classmates and his girlfriend. But one day, she walks quietly
from home to school. She arrives at her school as she has always
done. She was very thoughtful and distracted when suddenly she
accidentally collides with a very handsome boy. She is very
embarrassed and blushes herself. Then, when she looks up to
apologize to this boy, she sees that it is him and only him, the
handsome boy who had caught her attention on the soccer field days
before. At that moment the two guys are staring into each other's eyes
and feel a strong connection between them. However, Christine feels
more than affection, feels love.
Chapter 2

‘’ Friendship’’

From that moment, they become friends, however,

Christine does not know what his name is. But casually, Carol, one of
her best friends, has been very close to him for some time ago, so she
decides to introduce him to Christine. Then, fortunately Carol is on the
school's soccer field with him and takes the opportunity to introduce
him to Christine.

Christine is very shy, however, she greets him very kindly. He says,
‘’Hello, my name is Jason, nice to meet you ... ''. So, she blushes and
just only says ‘’Hello’’. From that moment their friendship begins. Time
passes and they become more friends. Christine meets Jason's friends
and gets a nice friendship with each of them.

One is Carl and the other is Sam. Her friendship with them
strengthened more and more. Carl is very outgoing and loves to tease
Christine. He is not very good student, however, has managed to pass
all grades. On the other hand, Sam is a little more sober and very good
student. He also enjoys jokes to his friends but not as much as Carl.
Jason, Carl and Sam are like the three Musketeers; the handsome and
desirable men of the school. For that reason, in many cases, Christine
obtained enemies there, who did not want her to be friend of them.
Whenever they saw her pass, they insulted her and treated her very
badly; they always wanted to make her life impossible to make her
suffer. But, Christine finally never pay attention to any of that, despite
feeling sad at many times because of her enemies.

Over the years, the three boys, Jason, Carl and Sam are expelled from
school for clipping students. So, they have to go to another school and
leave Christine. Though it did not look, Christine feels a lot of love for
Jason, so, she feels very sad about this, because she thinks she will
lose him forever, even though he has never expressed love for her.

After that, Jason and Christine begin to separate more and more. They
got to the point of quitting talking for almost a year. But, Christine
always misses him and thinks about what will become of his life. She
thinks of all her longings and things that she has always wanted to do
with Jason, but all that is left in her imagination, nothing is real.
Everything was more impossible every day for Christine because
Jason was further away from her.

When Christine saw him in the street, he was always with a different
woman, "Maybe she's his girlfriend," thought Christine.

One day, she arrives at her house and finds her mother with some
friends. They begin to go to Christine's house afterwards, so she
becomes very fond of them. She loved them as if they were second
parents to her. Their names are Mrs. Mary and Mr. Jordan. They are
excellent people, full of virtues and love. They really want Christine and
treat her like a daughter.

Christine thinks that her dreams with Jason would never be true
because he was so far from her life, but what she never thought was
that he had always been very close to her. One morning, Christine is
with her mother and her brother and they meet Mrs. Maria and Mr.
Jordan, but they were not alone, Jason was with them. Christine is very
surprised to see Jason next to her mother's friends. So that day, she
realized that the son of Mrs. Mary and Mr. Jordan is Jason, the same
handsome young man Christine had met one day casually. After this,
they become very friendly again and share much more together.

On the other hand, Christine begins to go to a holiday group, where

she meets many people, but especially a single person, a girl named

She falls in love with Christina and they become very good friends.
Actually, they loved each other as if they were intimate sisters.
Christine loves her in a big way and always wants the best for her. She
always seeks to help her in whatever she needs, in addition, Christine
trusted her very much and told her his most intimate secrets. One day,
Christine told Sofia about her love for a boy named Jason and also told
her how much she loved his parents. Christine told her everything.

On Christine's birthday, her mother has a big party and invites Jason
with his parents and Christine's new friend ‘’ Sofia.’’

At the party, Christine introduces Jason to Sofia and they become

friends. It was a great party, and very unforgettable for Christine. Since
then, Sophia went too much to her house and just wanted to be with
her. But suddenly, she begins to change her way of being with
Christine, she becomes very hateful with her, but still went on going
Christine’s home.

One afternoon, Christine receives a visit from her good friend Sofia.
She stays all afternoon at her home and casually borrows the cell
phone from Christine to send a text message. As evening passes,
Sophia says good-bye to Christine and goes to her apartment. At night,
Christine receives many text messages and when checking her cell
phone she sees a message to Jason where Sophia tells her that
Christine is in love with him, and that he should stop talking to her. At
that moment, Christine realizes the hypocrisy of her friend. So, she
decides to call her and meet her.

When Christine met her friend Sofia, she confessed the truth to
Christina, and told her that she too was in love with Jason and would
do everything possible to be with him regardless of her friendship with
her. Christine was shocked at what she confessed. She was
disappointed by her friend, who claimed to be her "sister" and her
"confidant." And from that moment, Sofia becomes Christine's enemy
and decides to do the impossible to damage her friendship with Jason
and she can get his attention.

Sophie hurt Christine a lot, put Jason on her and earned her parents to
get closer to him.

Sofia was a very beautiful woman, so she took advantage of it to catch

the attention of Jason and his parents, Mr. Jordan and Mrs. Maria. She
did everything to be near him and never mind the damage she did to

Christine only endured and humiliated herself so as not to be equal to

Sophia. Because she always believed that "if you do good, then good
will come to you." For that reason, Christine decided to ignore the
behavior of Sofia and everything bad that she did. However, Jason
never expressed any feelings of love towards Christine.
Chapter 3

‘’Bad way’’

Sometime later, Christine goes to study at the University of

Switzerland in Urak. Urak is a town near Christine's home town. She
decides to study social communication, because she loves this career.
A week later, she realizes that her beloved Jason also went to
University of Switzerland to study International Business. She was a bit
surprised because he was always on her way lately. It is as if
something united them in everything. However, Jason only treated her
as a friend. And she never dared to confess her love for him because
she was so afraid of being rejected. Jason had a girlfriend, his name is
Ana, a beautiful girl and she is twenty years old and studies Medicine
at the University of Quebec, near to Urak city. She is studying that
career, but she would study bachelors in music, that was always her
dream. However, she learned to play the saxophone when she was a
child and sometimes performed with her jazz band. She is a good girl
but is also a little bit crazy. She loves to go to parties with her friends
all weekends.

Jason enjoyed being with her and always going to the presentations of
her jazz band. He was apparently very much in love with her, and so
was she. But life takes many turns!!!
His parents did not accept Jason's relationship with Ana because they
believed that she was very libertine and perhaps she could be a bad
influence for him. However, Jason was so in love with her, so he
ignored their comments, or anyone's.

And yet, dear Sofia did not give up and she kept insisting on Jason.
She wanted to achieve her goal.

On the other hand, Christine felt a little sad to see the behavior of
Jason, seeing his girlfriend and her life with him became even more

One afternoon, Christine is at her house for lunch. That day

she was very happy because the next day she would go on vacation.
She comes out, waits for the bus and gets on it. Christine is on her way
to college. And suddenly, in a fraction of a second, the bus crashes
into a van. The people injured in the accident are many, including
Christine, who is very hurt and unconscious. Christine is taken to the
hospital where she has to undergo immediate surgery due to her
serious injuries. She is on the brink of death. The doctors manage to
contact his mother to give her the sad news. His disconsolate mother
falls into tears. When Christine's mother arrives at the hospital, she
sees that her daughter is about to die. Minutes later, she calls her aunt
Elizabeth who arrives at the hospital as soon as possible. She calls
Maria and gives her warning of the tragedy. Maria cannot believe it and
she feels very sad because she feels that Christine is going to die.
Shortly afterwards, when Jason arrives at the house, his mother tells
him what had happened, and Jason is shocked. He immediately leaves
for the hospital and tries to see Christine. She is transferred to the
intensive care unit, however she is between life and death. So, Jason
enters the room where is Christine and seeing his grave condition, he
feels a large and inexplicable emptiness in his chest, feels as if he
loved her forever.

Christine is getting worse every day, she's in an induced coma and on

the verge of death. Doctors give no hope. She was always a great girl,
she is nineteen years old. Her life has always been too difficult, so as
the time goes by she becomes hard and learnt that the life is not as
easy as she believed. She has been always a little bit shy and
reserved. She is a sincere and loving woman with her family and other
beings that surround her. And throughout her life she struggles to the
end to reach her dreams without any limit.

He loved her deeply, like no one else in the world. Her whole family
was dismayed by what had happened, and Jason felt as if someone
were taking away a part of his heart. He react and accept his love for
Christine, that great love he always felt in his heart for her.

In the midst of unconsciousness, Christine could hear every word they

said. She could not wake up from the coma but she could hear
everything. One morning, Jason enters the room where she is. He is
disconsolate because she does not recover and he loved her. He sits
by the table, takes her by the hand and with tears expresses all his
love. Jason thinks she does not notice anything, yet Christine does
hear every word in the midst of the deep sleep.

Days passed, when suddenly a doctor calls Christine's mom to give her
the good news. She had awakened from the coma. She was alive!

Her mother got up with joy to go to the hospital to see her daughter
again and in the midst of the excitement she called all her relatives to
tell them the good news. Everyone is very happy. Later, Jason realizes
that Christine is better than ever, but he is afraid to go to see her. He
prefers to stay at home and wait. But what he does not know is that
Christine had won a scholarship days before to study in Israel. And as
soon as she was in better health, she was going to live there.

When Christine awoke, she remembered the words she had heard
from Jason. However, she thought that had been a dream and not a
reality. So, the days went by and Jason suffered every day because he
was proud and full of fears inside. His parents were traveling, and
when they got back to their village, they told Jason about Christine's
scholarship. And Jason sat in tears, he felt dying and losing everything
in his life, because of his cowardice and pride. He felt that he had no
hope and that Christine would never love him. However, he did not
listen to his parents anymore and ran to Christine's house, but she was
not there. She was at the airport bound for Israel. Likewise, Jason
never reached her and she never stayed because of his indifference.

Over time, about a year, Jason had worked very hard, because he had
a great purpose: to go for his beloved Christine. So, when the time
came, he packed up his bags and went to Israel. He had an address
his parents had gotten from Christine's parents. He felt very anxious as
the time of his meeting with her approached. When night arrives, Jason
arrives at a building, asks for Christine and arrives at apartment 305
where she lived. Christine was relaxed at home watching a movie. She
always kept her feeling of love for Jason in her heart, but she had
already decided to go her way without him and leave it in the past.
Suddenly, someone knocks on the door. Christine is surprised because
no one visits her in the evenings. She gets out of bed and opens the

Ohhhhh, it’s a big surprise. Jason was standing right in front of her.
Christine could not believe it, was surprised because she never
imagined having Jason in her way again. They stare into each other's
eyes, Jason cries with joy and longing to see his beloved and
embraces her. She asks: what are you doing here Jason? How did you
find me? And Jason confessed everything, told her how much he loved
her and wanted her. She remembered what she had heard in the
hospital and realized that it had not been a dream, Jason had told her
everything. She was very surprised because she never thought this
would happen. Everything had always been in her dreams, but it had
come true, so from that moment she felt happier than ever.

Christine has fought for her dreams throughout her life. Everything is
unexpected and Jason very happy looks to heaven very grateful for his
wonderful life. He never imagined that he could live such extraordinary
situations with which he would learn to value and love in depth and

The end!!

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