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Think for Yourself

Issue 56: JUNE - SEPTEMBER 2019 PRICE: $NZ9.90 $A9.95 $US8.95

No, You're Not

It's Them.



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Media Lies:
er – December
ISSUE 25 Septemb


In This Issue:

Crash Was Obama’s
d Chemtrail Plane a CIA “Honeypo
The Engineere in California nz 1 Issue 28
Weapon June - Sept

Simple. We have the world's best writers.

Did a Nuclear the World
a? Take-down of ember 2012
Destroy Fukushim – December 2011
25: September PRICE: $NZ9
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It Wasn’t The Titanic

$US8.00 £4.99

This is one
come alon of the mos
g in man t compelli
that has y years. The ng, highly plau
foole evidence sible “con
like the good d the world for for a diab spira
crime story 100 year olically inge cy theories” to
with one it is, it enco s – is most intrig niou
logic uing. And, s fraud – one
Hint: A largeal “surprise” following mpasses misdirect to
passenge the next – ion and unfo cap it all off,
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it wasn’t end.
So what wa the Titan
(Story on
s it?
Page 68)

Think for yours THE ELE
Y OR?Thin

k for you
£4.99 €5.99
$A8.95 $US8.00
2013 PRICE: $NZ9.90 ISSUE 27:
Issue 30: January
– March
March - June MUCH MOR
E ...

How to Sto
2012 PRIC
E: $NZ9 .90 $A8.
95 $US8.00
£4.99 €5.9

World War p
The Agenda to Legalise

• STORY Page Many people
Indeed, a are now warn
propaganda “low intensity” war is that a war on Iran could
, already goin trigger Wo
viruses and a massive military buil g World
why is he REALLY indu dup, assass on – with years of “de War 3.
hurricane sandy – the US to bom strial and military inations, crip mon
the absurdities of b Iran, to get sabotag plinngg sanctio ising”
Now, insane the “real” war e. For many years Is ns,“
Israel has bee Stuxnet”
though this started – a war that rael
may be, it see could well n pressing
ms they are turn nuclear
on the verg
What will it e of succee
take to stop it?
Also In Thi
• US Martial
s Issue
• The Last Dirty Update • Did This Illuminati
• What Your Secret of Worl Card Game Pred
Doct d War 2 • Was ict the Future?
• Are Chemtrails or Will Never Tell You • Fukushim
Real? •The Gree Whose Solar Syste a a False Flag Operation
k Revolution Begi m Is This? – NASA ?
ns• Cannabis: ’s UFOs Revealed
Miracle Drug
of the 21st Cent

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Christchurch and the Dangers

of Censorship

What transpired in Christchurch on March 15, was not Given all this, why is it not OK to question ANY gov-
only horrific and unprecedented in this country, it ernment's story – thanks to years of governments'
unleashed a wave of censorship that itself was virtu- lying about ... so much? Indeed, we believe that it
ally unprecedented and chilling for the future of a free is our absolute right – nay, obligation as citizens –
press and free inquiry in New Zealand. to question, not only the "official story" about the
Christchurch massacre – but everything.
Now that we have studied the case, we firmly believe
that real murders were commited, not "hoaxes" – as And why is that? The authors and signatories of the
some commentators opined. US Constitution's First Amendment enshrined Free-
dom of Speech because they realised that without
We truly believe that the official narrative that impli- freedom there is no Enlightenment. There is no real
cated Brenton Tarrant and described the events was progress for human society, and a real abrogation of
by and large accurate, given the information that we our real mission here: to advance spiritually, to fulfill
have been permitted to see. our real destiny.

However, the fact that so much information has been Without freedom there is only the polar opposite –
ruthlessly censored in this "western democracy" of slavery to those who would not only control us, but
ours, allegedly with a free press, gives one reason to erase our true purpose here and force us to conform
pause and ask some questions regarding what was to every "official story" to come down the pike.
missing or possibly distorted from the "official story".
And all the better for them if we don't even know that
In light of the fact that so many mass shootings we are in fact being controlled and suppressed.
around the world have had so many similarities to
those of Christchurch gives one some reason to ques- As one philosopher said, if we give up freedom for
tion all official explanations. (I am thinking of the "security", we get neither.
venerable "lone gunman" scenario here as well as the
"simultaneous exercises" being carried out by mili- Whether or not Tarrant was set up as a patsy to take
tary and police in the vicinity of the mass shootings – the fall for the massacre by our "shadow" masters in
Christchurch included.) order to advance a fascist agenda – or if he were in
fact a real "lone gunman", the fact remains that the
In light of the swift censorship of the "live stream" event was a perfect opportunity for the government
video of the event as well as Tarrant's "Manifesto" one to consolidate its power.
can be excused for wondering what exactly doesn't
the government want us to hear and see? Censorship. Disarming the people. Armed police
"visits" to threaten people into silence. "Hate speech"
(A tip of the hat to all those citizen journalists in New (never adequately defined) suppression. It has been
Zealand and around the world for uncovering the happening in all of our "western democracies".
falsity of myriad official stories and then being shut
down and/or "de-platformed" from their websites Now it seems that it's happening here in New Zea-
and/or "visited" by armed police and queried about land.
their political beliefs.)
In this issue we are running some interesting articles
Given that "gun control" is seriously being pushed by that explore some of the Christchurch "anomalies".
our no-longer "western democracies" and censorship
being pushed as "necessary" for a variety of spe- While we don't agree with all of them, we would like
cious reasons, it is worth asking how the Christchuch you to give them some consideration and think about
massacre and ensuing restrictions of traditional and the evidence that the authors present – on its merit.
cherished liberties fits into this picture. Agree or disagree: it is your right to read them and
think for yourself. At the rate that censorship is mov-
Given the widespread left wing antipathy toward ing ahead it looks as though we may not have that
Donald Trump, nationalism (vs the globalist agenda), right for much longer. And once freedom is lost, it's
and the Caucasian race/culture generally, it is hardly difficult to regain it. Very difficult.
surprising (although it is disconcerting) to see that
the official narrative regarding Tarrant and his "belief Welcome to Issue 56. – Jonathan Eisen, Editor
system" fits well within this agenda.

UNCENSORED 56 June – September 2019 www.uncensored.co.nz 3

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In This Issue: Think for Yourself
11 Is a Falso Flag on the Way to Start the War on Iran?
12 LETTER FROM AMERICA: Why Did Mueller Let Trump Off
the Hook?
14 The Sellout of Julian Assange
19 CENSORSHIP: Amazon Bans Vaccine Awareness
Documentaries – But Still Sells Child Sex Dolls…
22 MEDIA: The Illusory Truth Effect: How Millions Were Duped
by Russiagate
24 KULTURE: France Legalizes Pedophilia; Child Brides as Young
as 10 Advertised, Sold on Facebook; What Your Sons and Daughters
Will Learn at University; Child Transgendering Totally Out of Control,
as State is Now Coercing Parents
32 CONSPIRACY: The 'Depopulation Agenda' Moves Ahead
About “Brenton Tarrant”; NZ: The Unraveling of a Mass Murder?;
Was Christchurch Yet Another False Flag?; In New Zealand a
Democracy Turns Against Itself
50 OPINION: How Real Is White Supremacy?
62 9/11: The Most Censored Man in America; What Struck the Twin OUR WEBSITE

73 OPINION: Are "Conspiracy Theories" Tearing Society Apart

Or Saving Us From Destruction? Publisher: FULL COURT PRESS LTD
76 RELIGION: Moral decline: Satanic Symbols Now Editor: Jonathan Eisen

Appearing At Government Buildings All Across America; Were the (editor@uncensored.co.nz)

Assistant Editor: Katherine Smith
Hebrew Prophets Anti-Semitic? (katherine@uncensored.co.nz)

81 CENSORSHIP: Wikipedia BUSTED Graphic Design: The Art Dept

84 SCIENCE/TECHNOLOGY: Brussels Halts 5G; Israel Has Back Contributing Editors: Wolf Brinsbury, Tom Brown, Gary Cook,
Isabel H, Julie Smith, Dr Brian O’Leary
Door on All Microsoft Devices; Psilocybin and Magic Mushrooms: Editorial Correspondence:
PO Box 44-128, Pt Chevalier, Auckland 1246, New Zealand
Next Health And Legalization Trend After Cannabis?; Greenpeace Business Correspondence:

Founder: Global Warming Hoax Pushed by Corrupt Scientists

PO Box 104-220, Lincoln North, Auckland 0654, New Zealand
Main Tel + 64 9 810-8095
‘Hooked on Government Grants’ NZ Distributor: Gordon & Gotch 09-979 3018
92 WHAT YOUR DOCTOR WILL NEVER TELL YOU: America’s Australian Distributor: Gordon and Gotch: Tel 61 2 9972 8800
“Medical Deep State” – The role of the CDC
94 UNCENSORED FICTION: The St Peter C*i*p*h*e*r
98 END PAPERS: Mudfossil University: The Giants Were Real


As censorship heats up and free thought becomes an increasingly rare commodity,
we appeal to our readers to support our efforts to reach people with information
now being censored elsewhere. In the last few years UNCENSORED has itself been
censored, removed from the shelves of two of our biggest NZ retailers – Count-
down supermarkets and Whitcoulls bookstores – accounting for 74% of our total
NZ sales. You can help keep the free press alive by subscribing and/or gifting a
subscription to your friends or relatives. – Jonathan Eisen

UNCENSORED 56 June – September 2019 www.uncensored.co.nz 5

Our Nation's Identity Crisis proudly claims to champion, should be desired and en-
couraged. We should not be fearful and allow the often
To the Editor: Choosing not to hear, or take into consid- loudly opinionated miniority of individual leftists, key-
eration the voice of everyday New Zealanders has never board warriors or armchair revolutionaries to silence our
been as prevalent as what we are seeing now with the own views and concerns that an increasing number of
government’s agenda in the coming weeks. New Zealanders share.

This government appears to operate under a genuine When I speak to NZ Muslims, they ask, “Why do Kiwis
false belief of entitlement, assuming the right to auto- not uphold their own country’s founding faith?” When
cratically discard our founding values, culture and faith I am in large Maori gatherings I’m asked, “Why did NZ,
that New Zealand established itself on in 1840 when and specifically the last Labour Government, not convey
the Treaty of Waitangi was signed. Advisors on the 9th their empathy and grief over the Tuhoe raids and share
floor of the beehive have failed to hear a large faction of the same sentiments?” Or when I am asked by the ethnic
individual taxpayers, who keep them in their jobs. Our groups in our communities “This government preaches
elected MPs, that fill seats in this government, have lost human rights and anti-racism so why has it taken 9
touch with the voters. months, and counting, to appoint the Race Relations
• The Prime Minister has abused her executive office
when she unilaterally commandeered taxpayer funded I, like other New Zealanders, am embarrassed. Partly
broadcasting channels to publicly fund the Islamic call to because of how we portray ourselves to the rest of the
prayer. world with our highly sought after and desirable image. I
• The Prime Minister has an inconsistent policy with am embarrassed because as a New Zealander I know we
regards to religion. Her government removed the name should, and could, be doing better.
of Jesus from Parliamentary prayer – yet has allowed the
propagation of Islam over our airwaves. So my question to the Prime Minister is this:
• They are hastily reviewing our hate speech law, limiting
free speech. Ms Ardern, will you stop using Christchurch to advance
• Without a doubt our gun laws need updating; however, your agenda, be it personal or political? Or will the
the Prime Minister is setting a dangerous precedent by Christchurch shooter, who by your decree “shall remain
rushing through gun laws without adequate public or unnamed”, quietly go down in the unwritten books, as
expert consultation – this violates democratic parliamen- the “monster” who took a coalition government strug-
tary process but more importantly sets the precedent of gling to relate and communicate any sort of vision, to
creating bad law. new and unforeseen heights? All done by way of compro-
mising our country's values and culture along the way.
The Prime Minister leads her government in an unprec-
edented and unorthodox manner showing no sign of I end by telling New Zealanders, this is not about me be-
understanding the pathway she is steering our country ing a religious leader, the Bishop of Destiny Church or a
down. Christian. This is about being a New Zealander! This view
has been reinforced by the hundreds of people I have
Ms Ardern is either completely naive or unaware that the engaged with and the thousands that written to me over
decisions being made will have negative effects on the the past weeks.
New Zealand we know. In my view, she has abused her
executive powers over the country she leads. The latest example of suggesting that the Muslim prayer
be acknowledged on ANZAC day, should be a stern warn-
It is not the Muslim community who are asking for the to- ing to us all, that the leadership of this country is opening
ken gestures we are currently witnessing. It is the liberal a door which will be hard to shut once ajar.
leftism of our decision-makers and government! They are
using recent tragedies, their position and power to push This week it is the stomping on the graves of our war he-
their liberal agenda. roes through the Titahi Bay RSA decision that will only be
the beginning of what is to come when dealing with our
• Did the Muslim community ask for their Islamic prayer Nation’s Identity Crisis.
to be played over the airwaves……I understand, No!
• Did the Muslim community ask for their Islamic prayer – Bishop Brian Tamaki, Auckland
to open New Zealands Parliament……I understand, No!
• Did the Muslim community ask that women wear their "When any government, or any
Hijab….I understand, No!
• Did the Muslim community ask that the name of the
church for that matter, under-
Crusaders is changed….I understand, No! takes to say to its subjects, this
• Did the Muslim community insist that an Islamic prayer you may not read, this you must
be included in ANZAC commemorations….I understand,
No! not see, this you are forbidden to
know, the end result is tyranny
In an Islamic country we would not question these ges-
tures. In Islamic Nations, death to Christians (with figures
and oppression no matter how
being in the hundreds in recent months) struggle to get holy the motives."
published in the obituraries of those national papers.
– Robert A. Heinlein
Now it is time to stand up and be heard, and remind
ourselves that freedom of speech, as this government

6 UNCENSORED 56 June – September 2019 www.uncensored.co.nz

Shutting Down Vaccine Debate
Editors: 4) Gun Control — Remove the ability to defend them-
selves from the government. That way you are able to
The U.S. Constitution protects the civil liberties of all create a police state.
Americans, including freedom of thought, speech, 5) Welfare — Take control of every aspect of their lives
conscience, religious belief and the right to dissent and (Food, Housing, and Income).
petition the government. Yet, in recent years we’ve seen a 6) Education — Take control of what people read and
frightening erosion of these civil liberties under the guise listen to — take control of what children learn in school.
of “protecting public health”. 7) Religion — Remove the belief in God from the govern-
ment and schools.
The effort to shut down public discussion about vaccine 8) Class Warfare — Divide the people into the wealthy
safety is reaching a fever-pitch as online communication and the poor. This will cause more discontent and it will
platforms have started actively censoring information be easier to take from (tax) the wealthy with the support
that questions the safety and effectiveness of vaccines of the poor.”
and government vaccine policies.
Hilary Clinton reportedly based her thesis on the writings
Vaccine-related videos on YouTube must now carry a and ideologies of Alinsky.
“Vaccine controversies” information panel, warning view-
ers that “Vaccine hesitancy ... contradicts overwhelming When I read this list it was apparent Ardern has found
scientific consensus about the safety and efficacy of vac- her mentor. She is following this socialist messiah to the
cines”. letter. I'm no great fan of Stalin, but I agree with this as-
sessment. He once described Lenin's converts to the ide-
Facebook is now hiding vaccine critical content, Pinter- ology of communism as “Useful Idiots". And, as we have
est blocks it, Amazon has removed films from its Prime observed, these “useful idiots” have destroyed almost
Video streaming service and books discussing vaccine every country in which they had control.
risks and/or biomedical and holistic health treatments for
autism, and Google is burying content and videos relating I believe New Zealand is heading down the same path.
to vaccine safety issues.
– Anon
"Vaccine hesitancy" continues to grow because vaccine
injuries have become commonplace, making it clear that Christchurch Massacre
one-sided, pro-vaccine information cannot be trusted.
To the Editor
Convincing people they are sick and need a drug is a mul- "Beware the Ides of March".
ti-billion dollar industry. In 2015, Big Pharma dropped a
record-breaking $5.4 billion on direct-to consumer (DTC) Interesting that this so-called mosque shooting happened
ads, according to Kantar Media. And, it paid off for Big on March 15, the 'ides of March', the famous date in which
Pharma. The same year, Americans spent a record $457 Julies Caesar was killed in 44 B.C. and a monthly date
billion on prescription drugs. The U.S. and New Zealand that was sacred to Jupiter as well as the Roman deadline
are the only countries where DTC is legal. for settling debts.

Americans also pay more for drugs and devices than any I watched the Brendon O'Connell video and before that
other country. watched the entire 17-minute Mosque shooter live stream
video. O'Connell says the video is real but I disagree. First
– Joseph Mercola ND of all the entire video looks like a video game simula-
SEE: https://articles.mercola.com/sites/articles/ar- tion. I have watched many cop videos in the USA using
chive/2019/04/06/shutting-down-the-vaccine-debate.aspx body cam footage showing real killings and they looked
real which they were. There is more than enough great
Freedom of Thought in NZ comments on YouTube that picks apart the video espe-
To the Editor: cially when he is firing through the car front window and
no glass breakage is seen to firing at multiple people at
I've been reading an article about Saul Alinsky, a commu- close range inside the mosque and no blood is seen.
nity activist and writer (a diluted description of a hard-
core socialist) in the USA in the mid-20th century. One of Interesting that the so-called shooter, Brenton Harrison
his books, written in 1971, was titled A Pragmatic Primer Tarrant has only been charged with one murder so far.
for Realistic Radicals, and among his many lists he identi- Which one?
fied the eight fundamentals required to create a socialist
state. Know the Daily Mail UK website is calling the '666' hand
sign that Brenton Harrison Tarrant (if it is his real name)
They are: made in his court appearance a 'white power gesture'.

1) Healthcare — Control healthcare and you control the The controlled mainstream media also said that he trav-
people. elled to North Korea and Turkey and Pakistan before.
2) Poverty — Increase the poverty level as high as pos- Strange travels for a white supremacist.
sible, poor people are easier to control and will not fight
back if you are providing everything for them to live. This event smells like another psyops like the previous
3) Debt — Increase the debt to an unsustainable level. ones where the controlled mainstream press has the same
That way you are able to increase taxes, and this will pro- script, the lone angry, white male gunman. Why change
duce more poverty. the script when it works so well. – Anon

UNCENSORED 56 June – September 2019 www.uncensored.co.nz 7

Notre Dame and Other Recent Attacks on Something quite frightening is clearly afoot in France.
A great tragedy as we enter Easter.
French Churches – Are Moslems to Blame?
(2) Consider the possibility that some of these are False Flag
To the Editor: attacks like 911

Consider this: But consider the possibility that some of these are False Flag
attacks like 911. Certain interests want Christians and Moslems
(1) Notre Dame was just one of a number of recent attacks on to fight each other. The most important real estate in the
French churches world is the Dome of the Rock and Al Aqsa Mosque; some
fanatics want to replace them with the Third Temple - from
I am very conscious that French authorities are treating the where, they believe, the Messiah will rule the world. Trump
cause of yesterday’s fire in Notre Dame as accidental. has already signed up to the Noahide Laws. But pulling them
down means war with Islam. Maybe they want to stir up the
But it seems yesterday’s devastating fire is just one of a num- Clash of Civilizations so that "Christians" do the dirty work,
ber of recent attacks on French churches. pulling those buildings down for them; or that Christians side
with Jews who pull them down. At least some of ISIS were
In March vandals set fire to Saint Sulpice, another of Paris’ Mossad agents. You may condemn me for this post; but bet-
largest churches. ter wake up before it's too late.

Police have concluded the Saint Sulpice fire was deliberately - Peter Myers, April 19, 2019
lit and are looking for suspects.
Toxic Feminism
Also last month the high altar of church of Notre Dame in
Dijon was ransacked.
To the Editor:
Communion bread was scattered on the ground and tram-

In Nimes the church of Notre Dame des Enfants was des-


A cross in the church was painted with human excrement and

the main altar of the church was looted.

In another town called Lavaur the arm of a wooden represen-

tation of Christ in the local church was twisted to suggest an
obscene gesture and an altar cloth was set alight.

And on the outskirts of Paris several churches in the districts

of Maisons-Laffitte and Houilles have had statues of the Vir-
gin smashed and altar crosses thrown on the ground.

Anti-Semitic gangs have also desecrated Jewish cemeteries

painting swastikas onto tombstones. All this has occurred
since February this year. Here I thought that feminism was a good thing; that all men
were rapists; that women never lied; that the family struc-
ture was oppressive to women
who needed to be liberated so
that they could go out into the
"marketplace" and earn good
money to buy quality daycare
for their children who they rare-
ly saw, having outsourced their
parenting to perfect strangers.

I used to think that babies who

had not yet been born were an
integral part of the woman's
anatomy and not a human baby
in gestation, and thus an abor-
tion was rather like a tonsilec-

Thanks for publishing some real

eye-opening material for the
last 15 years.

– Ralph Andrews
Christchurch, NZ

8 UNCENSORED 56 June – September 2019 www.uncensored.co.nz

Q Hoax Facial Recognition Bust
Hi Jon, To the editor:

the QAnon phenomenon looks to me like a psy-op, sustained Here's a creepy one: "Law abiding man fined for avoiding
with significant resources, algorithm expertise and a taste for facial recognition in Britain."
the conspiracy milieu to target Alt-Right conservatives with
"Bread Crumbs". There's a reason why they will punish people for hiding their
faces, because the real goal is to round up dissidents – which
It has drawn in Hagmann and Hagmann, the SGT Report and is why the law abiding will be punished this way.
Veteran's Today - to name a few - who don't seem to see how
this could turn out badly - credibility-wise for them. The Q- From the Daily Mail:
Anon thread, with its genesis on 4-Chan,
appears to be designed to lead the Alt-Right Trump cohort Police fined a pedestrian £90 for disorderly behaviour after
into an American Deep State Forest to get lost amid the hor- he tried to cover his face when he saw a controversial facial
ror of a witch whose custom it is to eat children (which kinda recognition camera on a street in London.
lends itself to a subtle casting of Hillary Clinton
as the bad witch). Officers set up the camera on a van in Romford, East Lon-
don, which then cross-checked photos of faces of passers-by
The Q Anon bread crumbs lead to meandering trails of vari- against a database of wanted criminals.
ous conspiracies for Alt-Right audiences to research - while
missing the point that these topics work like glyphs on trees But one man was unimpressed about being filmed and cov-
in the American Deep State Forest in the Q-Anon universe. ered his face with his hat and jacket, before being stopped by
officers who took his picture anyway.
Meanwhile, the phenomenon of many tech savvy somewhat
justifiably paranoid, cautious Alt-Right Q-ANON "research- After being pulled aside, the man told police: 'If I want to
ers" lose themselves for hours, days and fortnights in en- cover my face, I'll cover my face. Don't push me over when
crypted sojourns of virtual discovery. In doing so, these trails I'm walking down the street.'
produce data sets of encrypted searches as "Anons" follow
specific Q-Anon crumbs triggered by time specific My comment: Busted for covering his face with hat and
tweets. jacket. Do I need to state the obvious with regard to this?

In effect, Q-Anon encrypted search data sets are like Frodo – Jim Stone
slipping on the precious ring that draws the attention of the
Eye of Sauron in The Lord of the Rings. In the American Deep
State universe, like Frodo slipping on the precious ring that Ed Note: Jim Stone's site is highly recommended.
draws the attention of the Eye of Sauron is the Five Eyes of
the Anglo-Saxon Echelon surveillance network and its big
data surveillance partners such as Palantir.

In other words, for the American Deep State to win the

unfolding cyberwar, creating a conspiracy theory thread
that entices an addicted audience to actively participate in
searches down the garden path and into the forest each day
and night, would be an exquisite way to task A.I. machines to
work out how to break encryption keys.

It would also be an exquisite way to waste the time of a fairly

well-resourced audience who could otherwise be strategiz-
ing, organizing and mobilizing to mutiny against the Deep
State and construct self-determining communities rather
than feed the simulation referenced by Baudrilliard's book
Simulacra and Simulation in an early scene of The Matrix*.

Such is the power of propaganda, that it is designed to seem

plausible, engage emotions and bypass critical thinking
processes about a scheme's legitimacy, in order to distract,
divide and defeat - while always omitting key evidence of
what a regime is really hiding.

My concern is that many good people are being set up to

appear foolish, gullible tinfoil hat hat wearing moon-bats
who won't be listened again, and at Thanksgiving conspiracy
theories become a no-go topic across the United Police
States of America.

Thanks for sharing,


UNCENSORED 56 June – September 2019 www.uncensored.co.nz 9


Where Is
On an adjusted basis, China now has the Washington is not only losing its eco-
world’s largest economy and increas- nomic and military power but also its
ingly ignores Washington’s blustering. soft power that rested in Washington’s

The World
As does Iran. Even Venezuela stands up propaganda about making the world safe
to Washington. for democracy. Democracy is not even

safe in the United States as Democrats
The world is concluding that Washington and the presstitutes have done their best
is not the power it thinks it is. to overturn democracy and to drive the
elected president from office, which is
Washington’s abuse of its reserve cur- precisely what the Trump regime is trying
rency role and violations of international to do to Venezuela.
By Paul Craig Roberts
law have encouraged a movement away
from the use of the dollar in international All of the lies and propaganda that have
Since 2016 the United States has been
transactions. This is perhaps even a portrayed the West as God’s gift to hu-
in the Russiagate box, a hoax created
more serious threat to Washington’s manity have fallen away as the result of
by the US military/security complex to
power than Russia’s superior military Washington’s irresponsible use of power,
prevent President Trump from normal-
capabilities. leaving the West morally naked.
izing relations with Russia. Normalized
relations would devalue THE RUSSIAN
President Franklin D. Roosevelt was The world no longer thinks that the
THREAT, an orchestration that protects
happy to see World War II because he West is something to look up to and to
the $1,000 billion annual budget of the
understood that it would leave Brit- emulate. Instead, the world sees a great
military/security complex.
ain bankrupt and without an empire. evil, in the words of Matt Taibbi, “a great
Roosevelt understood that the gain vampire squid wrapped around the face
The Democratic Party, which most cer-
would be America’s, because the US of humanity, relentlessly jamming its
tainly is not democratic, supported the
would take over the reserve currency blood funnel into anything that smells
hoax hoping to do Trump in for their own
role. The reason this is important is that like money.”
reasons and pulled the presstitute media
the reserve currency country can pay its
into the conspiracy against Trump.
bills by printing money. Thus, the gov- A great promise was betrayed by those
ernment has no budget constraints. trusted with the promise. A government
Now that all the assurances from the
accountable to law and to the people
Establishment that Trump was a traitor
For a country as indebted as America, to requires a united people, not the disunity
to America who conspired with Russian
lose this role would be a crushing blow. of multiculturalism and Identity Politics.
President Putin to steal the election from
It is this blow that Washington faces as With the indigenous ethnic base of all of
the killer-bitch in order that America
a result of its idiotic policy of sanctions the Western countries under attack as
could serve Russian interests have been
and disrespect of international law. “white supremacists,” the West can no
exposed as lies by the Mueller report,
longer defend its culture from the immi-
American attention is free to take up
And there is another blow. Just as the grants who do not share the culture.
some other nonsensical campaign. The
Roman Empire fell to invaders who
succession of these stupidities is de-
crossed the frontiers of the empire, so The tension between an indigenous cul-
stroying America’s reputation.
is Washington’s empire falling. Europe, ture and imported cultures can be seen
the crown jewel of
True, some of the most crazed of the
the empire, is now
Democrats and media whores cannot let
overrun with millions "The world is concluding that Washington
go of Russiagate. The presstitutes are
saying that Trump would be impeached
of unassimilable is not the power it thinks it is."
peoples to the
for his non-crime except the unworthy
extent that Europe
Democrats had rather go back to the
is no longer European. The President in the tensions between Hungary and the
business of spending other people’s
of the US has so far been powerless to EU and Italy and the EU. Hungary has
money. A crazed professor or two have
defend the borders of the United States. refused to accept its quota of non-Euro-
declared that Mueller was part of the
Indeed, the Democratic Party and the pean immigrants and faces punishment
“Trump coverup” and that Mueller needs
presstitute media are totally opposed to by the EU. In Italy the government is in
to be investigated. But these claims
any defense of American borders. Why the hands of a coalition of leftwing and
simply underline that the United States
does a government unwilling to defend rightwing parties that are united in their
wasted three years of its existence.
its borders spend $1,000 billion annually opposition to the EU and non-European
on defense? immigration. In Europe the situation is
Meanwhile, other countries moved on.
one in which the EU government, as well
The American Neoconservative Zionists, as the governments of member states
The Russians, for example, discovered
who have controlled US foreign policy in such as France and Germany, have
that Washington’s sanctions had a silver
Israel’s interest since the Clinton regime, taken the side of immigrants against the
lining. Russia became more self-suffi-
continue to operate as if we still live in indigenous people. In other words, the
cient economically and moved out of the
an unipolar world. For some reason the governments of Europe are not com-
box of being an exporter of raw materials
National Security Advisor to President mitted to their own cultures. This is the
to the West, a box into which the Ameri-
Trump has poor sources of information. unmistakable sign of a dead culture.
cans and the American-brainwashed
He speaks as if he rules the world, but
Russian economics profession had put
even Washington’s pathetic European In the United States there is so much
the Russian government.
vassals did not go along with Trump’s disunity that to call the states united is
The fulminations and threats from Wash-
gift of the Syrian Golan Heights to Israel. a misuse of words. Hillary voters hate
ington against Russia brought forth new
As for moral authority, after, Afghani- Trump voters, and vice versa.
Russian weapon systems for which the
stan, Iraq, Libya, Somalia, Syria, Yeman,
US has no match or defense, weapons
Ukraine, Honduras, and now Venezuela, Continued on Page 24
that demote the US to a second-rate
all moral authority has vacated the West.
military power.

10 UNCENSORED 56 June – September 2019 www.uncensored.co.nz


is a false flag on the

way to staRt iRan waR?
Intel Drop: Will an Israeli Sub pulling Trump’s strings, the same gang Donald Trump ordered four nuclear
that planned the rigged 2000 election, armed B52s and a carrier battlegroup to
Sink the Abraham Lincoln? picked up Chalibi, and joined with Saudi the Straits of Hormuz (Iranian national
Arabia and Israel to stage 9/11. waters) on what he knew to be totally
By Gordon Duff and Ian Greenhalgh fake/non-existent intelligence.
They are now doing it again and Trump is
Our sources say that Israel is planning totally on board, buoyed by an Attor- We know this as a fact.
to drop a missile or torpedo into the ney General that has told him that he is
USS Abraham Lincoln and blame Iran, above the law. The driving force behind this was Ben-
just like they did with 9/11, blaming of jamin Netanyahu, who had just backed
all nations, Iraq and Afghanistan, when Now, through the Federal Reserve down after Hamas hit Tel Aviv over and
a pack of supposed Saudis, financed by owned by Rothschild banks, all are en- over and over with several hundred mis-
the Royal Family there, dropped around thralled to Israel. They “protect” Trump, siles, “killing four and injuring 200.”
four megatons of aluminum aircraft into help him hide his taxes, protect him from
Manhattan. rape charges, hundreds of cases of fraud Not one phone call describing dam-
and ever mounting treason, Saudi Arabia age was allowed out of Israel, not one
The US has tried twice before to stage and Israel, who never tire of screwing social media post, not a single YouTube,
sinkings of American ships supposedly the United States, the same nations that nothing. No photos, no video, no inter-
by Iran and was blocked, something staged 9/11 and are preparing to do it all views, no names, nothing, the biggest
re-classified and erased from news, again. single blackout of communications ever
“Google-ized” from the internet. achieved.
The “opinion” that a sitting president
We can show how Donald Trump, cannot be indicted has no basis in You wonder why so many fear Israel, a
buoyed by Bob Barr, an Israeli bought the Constitution whatsoever, no court nation that peddles draconian technolo-
congress and a blackmail game run opinion or decision affirms it but several gies around the world, tech they use
against opposition leaders by Rudy (“the submitted drafts by people like Rudy against even their own Jewish popula-
Rat”) Guiliani, has legalized outright trea- Giuliani, Robert Bork and Ken Starr tion, now virtual prisoners of what is
son against the United States. intended to protect corrupt GOP tyrants, clearly a military dictatorship over a
and we are talking Nixon, Reagan and thinly veiled Bolshevik regime.
With Congress cut out of all war pow- “W,” were penned. All read childishly,
ers, no “advise and consent” for a GOP
controlled senate where nearly everyone
that somehow we all need to be saved What we know:
from ourselves and that if we lock up an
is corrupt and an intelligence community insane or outrageously corrupt president,
run by torturers and incompetents, the Israel has gotten ahold of a batch of
the Russians will kill us all in our beds. “off the books” production of a highly
American people have been openly told We begin:
that US forces are being deployed for capable Norwegian built missile that the
war based on rumors from Israel. Continued on Page 13

Why would anyone believe Israel? No

sane person would believe a nation that
has openly violated UNSC resolutions
200 times, the pariah of the world.

This is the ultimate crime for an Ameri-

can leader, surrendering command of US
forces and knowingly allowing thou-
sands of Americans to be murdered in
order to start another war that America
will eventually walk away from, as with
Vietnam, Grenada, Iraq, Afghanistan…no
wait, we “won” Grenada.

This is a complex story or a simple story.

The US and by “US,” we mean those

UNCENSORED 56 June – September 2019 www.uncensored.co.nz 11

letter from america

Why did Mueller let Trump

off the hook? By Mike Whitney
April 29, 2019

• Why did Robert Mueller end the Russia inves- the mistakes of the past…We will stop looking to topple re-
tigation when he did? He could have let it drag gimes and overthrow governments…. Our goal is stability not
chaos, because we want to rebuild our country [the United
it out for another year or so and severely hurt States]… We will partner with any nation that is willing to join
Trump’s chances for reelection. But he didn’t do us in the effort to defeat ISIS and radical Islamic terrorism
that. Why? …In our dealings with other countries, we will seek shared
interests wherever possible and pursue a new era of peace,
Of course, understanding, and good will.”
we’re assum-
ing that the Imagine how terrified the foreign policy establishment must
investigation have been when they heard Trump utter these words. No
was never more regime change wars? Are you kidding me? That’s what
intended to we do: Regime-Change-Is-Us., and now this upstart, New
uncover the York real estate tycoon is promising to do a complete 180
truth. If it was, and move in another direction altogether. No more destabi-
then Mueller lizing coups, no more bloody military interventions, instead,
would have we’re going to work collaboratively with countries like Russia
interviewed and China to see if we can settle regional disputes and fight
Julian As- terrorism together? Really?
sange, Craig Murray and retired members of the Intelligence
Community (Ray McGovern, Bill Binney) who have shown At the same time Trump was promising this new era of
that the Podesta emails were leaked by an insider (on a “peace, understanding, and good will,” Hillary Clinton was
thumbdrive) not hacked by foreign agents. Mueller would issuing her war whoop at every opportunity. Here’s candidate
have also seized the servers at DNC headquarters and done Hillary trying to drum up support for taking on the Russians
the necessary forensic investigation, which he never did. He in Syria:
also would have indicted senior-level agents at the FBI and
DOJ who improperly obtained FISA warrants by withhold- “The situation in Syria is catastrophic. And every day that
ing critical information from the FISA court. He didn’t do that goes by, we see the results of the Assad regime in partner-
either. Mueller did none of these things which simply proves ship with the Iranians on the ground, and the Russians in the
that his final report was what many people had expected air…When I was Secretary of State, I advocated and I advo-
from the very beginning; a purely political document that cate today a no-fly zone and safe zones.”
twists the truth to achieve Mueller’s particular objectives. But
to understand what those objectives are, we need to deter- Interesting, isn’t it? Here’s Hillary, the “liberal” Democrat,
mine what the real goals of the investigation were. So, here pushing for a no-fly zone in Syria even though the Chairman
they are: of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, General Joseph Dunford, stated
clearly that “Right now… for us to control all of the airspace in
• To help sabotage Trump’s political agenda Syria would require us to go to war against Syria and Russia.”
• To create a cloud of illegitimacy over Trump’s election In other words, if Hillary had been elected, she was all ready
• And to prevent Trump from implementing his plan to to flip the switch and start WW3 ASAP. Is it any wonder why
normalize relations with Russia. the establishment loved her?

These were the real objectives of the investigation, to create “We have to work more closely with our partners and al-
a forth branch of government (Special Counsel) that had the lies on the ground,” boomed Hillary, meaning that she fully
power to keep Trump permanently on the defensive while supported the continued use of jihadist proxies in the fight
the media made him out to be either an unwitting accom- against Assad. “I do think the use of special forces, the use
plice in Russian espionage or, even worse, a traitor. The aim of enablers and trainers in Iraq, which has had some positive
was to reig him in and keep the pressure on until a case could effects, are very much in our interests, and so I do support
be made for his impeachment. Mueller played a key role in what is happening.”
this travesty. His assignment was undermine Trump’s moral
authority by brandishing the cudgel of criminal indictment War, war and more war, that’s the Hillary Doctrine in a nut-
over his head. This is how a D.O.J. appointee, who had never shell.
held public office in his life, became the most powerful man
in Washington. It was Hillary’s relentless hawkishness that pushed leftists into
the Trump camp, not that they ever believed that Trump was
My question is simply this: Why did Mueller give up all that anything more than what he appeared to be, an unprincipled
power when he did? narcissist with an insatiable lust for power. But they did hope
that his dovish comments would steer the country away from
I think I can answer that, but first, we need a little more back- nuclear annihilation. That was the hope at least, but then
ground. Check out this quote from candidate Trump in 2016: everything changed. And after it changed, Mueller released
his report saying: “Trump is not guilty after all!”
“We will pursue a new foreign policy that finally learns from

12 UNCENSORED 56 June – September 2019 www.uncensored.co.nz

So, what changed? There are other signs of capitulation too; like providing lethal
weapons to the Ukrainian military, or nixing the short-range
Trump changed. nuclear missile ban, or joining the Saudi’s genocidal war on
Yemen, or threatening to topple the government of Venezue-
Think about it: In mid December 2018, Trump announced la, or stirring up trouble in the South China Sea. At every turn,
the withdrawal of all U.S. troops in Syria within 30 days. But Trump has backtracked on his promise to break with tradition
instead of withdrawal, the US has been sending hundreds and “stop toppling regimes and overthrowing governments.”
of trucks with weapons to the front lines. The US has also …’ At every turn, Trump has joined the ranks of the warhawks
increased its troop levels on the ground, the YPG (Kurdish he once criticized.
militia, US proxies) are digging in on the Syria-Turkish border,
and the US hasn’t lifted a finger to implement its agreements Trump is now marching in lockstep with the foreign policy
with NATO-ally Turkey under the Manbij Roadmap. The US establishment. In Libya, in Sudan, in Somalia, in Iran, in Leba-
is not withdrawing from Syria. Washington is beefing up its non, he is faithfully implementing the neocon agenda. Trump
defenses and settling in for the long-haul. But, why? Why did “the peacemaker” is no where to be found, while Trump the
Trump change his mind and do a complete about-face? “madman with a knife” is on the loose.

The same thing happened in Korea. For a while it looked like Is that why Mueller let Trump off the hook? Was there a quid
Trump was serious about cutting a deal with Kim Jong-un. pro quo: “You follow our foreign policy directives and we’ll
But then, sometime after the first summit, he began to back- make Mueller disappear?
peddle. He never honored any of his commitments under the
Panmunjom Declaration and he never reciprocated for Kim’s It sure looks like it.
cessation of all nuclear weapons and ballistic missile test-
ing. Trump has made no effort to “build a lasting and stable This article was originally published by Unz Review.
peace regime on the Korean Peninsula” or to strengthen trust
between the two leaders. Then, at the Hanoi Summit, Trump SOURCE: http://www.informationclearinghouse.info/51512.htm
blindsided Kim by making demands that had never even
been previously discussed. Kim was told that the North
must destroy all of its chemical and biological weapons as
well as its ballistic missile and nuclear weapons programs
before the US will take reciprocal steps. In other words,
Trump demanded that Kim completely and irreversibly
disarm with the faint hope that the US would eventually
lift sanctions.

Trump made these outrageous demands knowing that

they would never be accepted. Which was the point,
because the foreign policy establishment doesn’t want
a deal. They want regime change, they’ve made that
perfectly clear. But wasn’t Trump supposed to change all
that? Wasn’t Trump going to pursue “a new foreign policy
that finally learns from the mistakes of the past”?

Yes, that was Trump’s campaign promise. So, what hap-


Continued from Page 11 warheads, our Norwegian friends are be- Iran totally controls the Indian Ocean
coming the “go to” source for terrorism. with its advanced Chinese designed
US is looking at in order to deploy tacti- missiles and Iran has many thousands
cal nuclear weapons with the F35. The The NSM can’t be jammed, it maneuvers of them, shore based and hardened and
Konigsberg NSM or Naval Strike Missile to avoid being shot down and is nearly hundreds on small and highly maneuver-
has been sold to a number of countries, invisible to radar. These have shown able boats as well.
but most of the sales have been “off the up in Turkey for transfer to “al Nusra/al
books”. Qaeda” to be used against the Russian This is a nuclear war, one Trump has
airbase in Syria. been personally paid for though loans
Israel has five German built Dolphin and deals Jared Kushner is on the record
submarines modified to carry missiles It will take a tactical nuclear warhead, for having penned already and one made
like these, and larger variants of cruise a very small one like those Israel has possible by a corrupt congress that has
missiles as well, such as the one that hit become so adept at building, to sink a turned the US into a full and complete
the Pentagon on 9/11. supercarrier in the Straits of Hormuz. dictatorship under foreign rule.

Israel has deployed cruise type missiles This will open the door for a nuclear at-
from their submarines on several occa- tack on Iran, the only way Iran is vulner- SOURCE:
sions. able.
Following these missiles, shipped America simply doesn’t have the re- ry/investigations/gordon-duff-files/
through Poland, transferred to Ukraine, gional allies nor muscle to take on Iran, a
all “off books”, new variants modified nation capable of obliterating both Israel
to launch from submarines, land based and Saudi Arabia in a matter of days.
variants, some with tactical nuclear

UNCENSORED 56 June – September 2019 www.uncensored.co.nz 13

How Ecuador’s Globalist Regime Received Billions to

Sell Out Julian Assange

Lenín Moreno will be remembered as one of the most and World Bank would be trampling over Ecuadorean sover-
cowardly and disgraceful leaders in world history. eignty as well. “The fact that the world trusts us shows that we
are on the right path.”
April 11, 2019
By Shane Trejo WikiLeaks noted that an embarrassing corruption scandal
connected to the Moreno government was being used as the
Ecuadorean President Lenín Moreno thrust a dagger into the pretext to boot Assange:
heart of free speech today after he allowed a foreign country’s
authorities into his nation’s embassy in Britain to arrest heroic With Moreno’s popularity cratering, Assange became an easy
whistle-blower and award-winning journalist Julian Assange. scapegoat for government officials unwilling to own up to their
own corruption after their shame was exposed publicly.
What was Moreno’s price to commit this betrayal? A 4.2 billion
loan guarantee from the International Monetary Fund (IMF), it “What WikiLeaks and other political actors have done, to
seems. publish private photos of the President of the Republic, of his
family, is a despicable, repugnant, and odious act,” Ecuador’s
The Economist published a profile on Moreno showing how he Vice President Otto Sonnenholzner said.
has reversed the policies of his predecessor, Rafael Correa.
Correa was a populist who used oil revenues to fund social Former Consul of Ecuador Fidel Navarez claimed there was no
programs and stood firmly with Assange. proof indicating that WikiLeaks was involved in publishing the
Moreno has moved Ecuador toward being a submissive vas-
sal state of the globalists, begging international financiers for “Not a single document referring to INAPAPERS, or the presi-
handouts to keep his corrupt regime afloat. dent’s family, has ever been leaked or published by WikiLeaks,
let alone by Julian Assange, who for more than half a year has
“Thanks to the firm decisions I have made, we are not what not been its editor and who has been isolated for one year
Venezuela is today . . . we have recovered democracy,” Moreno under a regime quasi-prison by the government of Ecuador,”
said in February. “This money will create work opportunities for Navarez said.
those who have not found something stable.”
It is far more likely that the INA Papers were a convenient ex-
The IMF deal was announced on the seven-year anniversary of cuse to boot Assange to distract from the billions of dollars in
Julian Assange’s asylum at the Ecuadorean embassy in Lon- globalist blood money pouring into Ecuador from the IMF.
don, hardly a coincidence. It was clear in Moreno’s rhetoric that
they were bowing to their global masters and readying to throw “If President Moreno wants to illegally terminate a refugee
Assange under the bus. publisher’s asylum to cover up an offshore corruption scandal,
“Our government is recovering its credibility,” Moreno said as history will not be kind,” WikiLeaks told the Associated Press.
he sold his nation to the IMF syndicate, also announcing that
other globalist entities like Inter-American Development Bank Moreno will certainly be remembered as one of our era’s
greatest monsters, whose corrupt
actions will have ramifications
against digital freedom the world


14 UNCENSORED 56 June – September 2019 www.uncensored.co.nz

UNCENSORED 56 June – September 2019 www.uncensored.co.nz 15
On The Martyrdom of
Julian Assange
By Chris Hedges via TruthDig.com
April 15, 2019

The arrest Thursday (April 11, 2019) of Julian Assange eviscerates all pretense of the rule of law and the
rights of a free press. The illegalities, embraced by the Ecuadorian, British and U.S. governments, in the
seizure of Assange are ominous. They presage a world where the internal workings, abuses, corruption,
lies and crimes, especially war crimes, carried out by corporate states and the global ruling elite will be
masked from the public. They presage a world where those with the courage and integrity to expose the
misuse of power will be hunted down, tortured, subjected to sham trials and given lifetime prison terms
in solitary confinement.

They presage an Orwellian dystopia where news is replaced with propaganda, trivia and entertainment.
The arrest of Assange, I fear, marks the official beginning of the corporate totalitarianism that will define
our lives.

Under what law did Ecuadorian President Lenin Moreno capriciously terminate Julian Assange’s rights of
asylum as a political refugee? Under what law did Moreno authorize British police to enter the Ecuado-
rian Embassy – diplomatically sanctioned sovereign territory – to arrest a naturalized citizen of Ecuador?
Under what law did Prime Minister Theresa May order the British police to grab Assange, who has never
committed a crime? Under what law did President Donald Trump demand the extradition of Assange,
who is not a U.S. citizen and whose news organization is not based in the United States?

I am sure government attorneys are skillfully doing what has become de rigueur for the corporate state,
using specious legal arguments to eviscerate enshrined rights by judicial fiat. This is how we have the
right to privacy with no privacy. This is how we have “free” elections funded by corporate money, cov-
ered by a compliant corporate media and under iron corporate control. This is how we have a legislative
process in which corporate lobbyists write the legislation and corporate-indentured politicians vote it into
law. This is how we have the right to due process with no due process. This is how we have a govern-
ment – whose fundamental responsibility is to protect citizens – that orders and carries out the assas-
sination of its own citizens such as the radical cleric Anwar al-Awlaki and his 16-year-old son. This is how
we have a press legally permitted to publish classified information and a publisher sitting in jail in Britain
awaiting extradition to the United States and a whistleblower, Chelsea Manning, in a jail cell in the United

Britain will use as its legal cover for the arrest – the extradition request from Washington based on con-
spiracy charges. This legal argument, in a functioning judiciary, would be thrown out of court. Unfortu-
nately, we no longer have a functioning judiciary. We will soon know if Britain as well lacks one.

Assange was granted asylum in the embassy in 2012 to avoid extradition to Sweden to answer questions
about sexual offense allegations that were eventually dropped. Assange and his lawyers always argued
that if he was put in Swedish custody he would be extradited to the United States. Once he was granted
asylum and Ecuadorian citizenship the British government refused to grant Assange safe passage to the
London airport, trapping him in the
embassy for seven years as his health
steadily deteriorated.

The Trump administration will seek to

try Assange on charges that he con-
spired with Manning in 2010 to steal
the Iraq and Afghanistan war logs ob-
tained by WikiLeaks. The half a million
internal documents leaked by Man-
ning from the Pentagon and the State
Department, along with the 2007 video
of U.S. helicopter pilots nonchalantly
gunning down Iraqi civilians, including
children, and two Reuters journal-

16 UNCENSORED 56 June – September 2019 www.uncensored.co.nz

ists, provided copious evidence of the hypocrisy, indiscriminate violence, and routine use of torture, lies,
bribery and crude tactics of intimidation by the U.S. government in its foreign relations and wars in the
Middle East. Assange and WikiLeaks allowed us to see the inner workings of empire – the most impor-
tant role of a press – and for this they became empire’s prey.

U.S. government lawyers will attempt to separate WikiLeaks and Assange from the New York Times and
the British newspaper The Guardian, both of which also published the leaked material from Manning, by
implicating Assange in the theft of the documents. Manning was repeatedly and often brutally pressured
during her detention and trial to implicate Assange in the seizure of the material, something she stead-
fastly refused to do. She is currently in jail because of her refusal to testify, without her lawyer, in front of
the grand jury assembled for the Assange case. President Barack Obama granted Manning, who was
given a 35-year sentence, clemency after she served seven years in a military prison.

Once the documents and videos provided by Manning to Assange and WikiLeaks were published and
disseminated by news organizations such as the New York Times and The Guardian, the press callously,
and foolishly, turned on Assange. News organizations that had run WikiLeaks material over several days
soon served as conduits in a black propaganda campaign to discredit Assange and WikiLeaks. This co-
ordinated smear campaign was detailed in a leaked Pentagon document prepared by the Cyber Counter-
intelligence Assessments Branch and dated March 8, 2008. The document called on the U.S. to eradicate
the “feeling of trust” that is WikiLeaks’ “center of gravity” and destroy Assange’s reputation.

Assange, who with the Manning leaks had exposed the war crimes, lies and criminal manipulations of the
George W. Bush administration, soon earned the ire of the Democratic Party establishment by publish-
ing 70,000 hacked emails belonging to the Democratic National Committee (DNC) and senior Democratic
officials. The emails were copied from the accounts of John Podesta, Hillary Clinton’s campaign chair-
man. The Podesta emails exposed the donation of millions of dollars from Saudi Arabia and Qatar, two
of the major funders of Islamic State, to the Clinton Foundation. It exposed the $657,000 that Goldman
Sachs paid to Hillary Clinton to give talks, a sum so large it can only be considered a bribe. It exposed
Clinton’s repeated mendacity. She was caught in the emails, for example, telling the financial elites that
she wanted “open trade and open borders” and believed Wall Street executives were best positioned to
manage the economy, a statement that contradicted her campaign statements. It exposed the Clinton
campaign’s efforts to influence the Republican primaries to ensure that Trump was the Republican nomi-
nee. It exposed Clinton’s advance knowledge of questions in a primary debate. It exposed Clinton as the
primary architect of the war in Libya, a war she believed would burnish her credentials as a presidential
candidate. Journalists can argue that this information, like the war logs, should have remained hidden,
but they can’t then call themselves journalists.

The Democratic leadership, intent on blaming Russia for its election loss, charges that the Podesta
emails were obtained by Russian government hackers, although James Comey, the former FBI director,
has conceded that the emails were probably delivered to WikiLeaks by an intermediary. Assange has
said the emails were not provided by “state actors.”

WikiLeaks has done more to expose the abuses of power and crimes of the American Empire than any
other news organization. In addition to the war logs and the Podesta emails, it made public the hack-
ing tools used by the CIA and the National Security Agency and their interference in foreign elections,
including in the French elections. It disclosed the internal conspiracy against British Labour Party leader
Jeremy Corbyn by Labour members of Parliament. It intervened to save Edward Snowden, who made
public the wholesale surveillance of the American public by our intelligence agencies, from extradition to
the United States by helping him flee from Hong Kong to Moscow. The Snowden leaks also revealed that
Assange was on a U.S. “manhunt target list.”

A haggard-looking Assange, as he was dragged out of the embassy by British police, shook his finger
and shouted:

“The U.K. must resist this attempt by the Trump administration. … The U.K. must resist!”

We all must resist. We must, in every way possible, put pressure on the British government to halt the
judicial lynching of Assange. If Assange is extradited and tried, it will create a legal precedent that will
terminate the ability of the press, which Trump repeatedly has called “the enemy of the people,” to hold
power accountable. The crimes of war and finance, the persecution of dissidents, minorities and immi-
grants, the pillaging by corporations of the nation and the ecosystem and the ruthless impoverishment
of working men and women to swell the bank accounts of the rich and consolidate the global oligarchs’
total grip on power will not only expand, but will no longer be part of public debate. First Assange. Then

SOURCE: https://www.zerohedge.com/news/2019-04-15/chris-hedges-martyrdom-julian-assange

UNCENSORED 56 June – September 2019 www.uncensored.co.nz 17

House Democrats Block Bill Yesterday, Republican Whip Steve
Scalise and Representative Ann Wagner
members’ minds.

to Stop Infanticide For 28th moved forward with a discharge petition The blocking of a vote on a bill to stop
to force Speaker Pelosi to schedule a infanticide come even as national polling
Time, Refuse Care for Abort- vote. That’s a petition any member of shows Americans — including people
ed Babies Born Alive Congress can sign to allow legislation
to move out of committee and to the
who are “pro-choice” on abortion — op-
pose abortion up to birth and infanticide.
House floor when the party controlling And doctors indicate abortions are never
By Steven Ertelt
Congress refuses to allow a vote on it. needed to protect a woman’s health
April 3, 2019
and women admit having abortions on
Rep. Cathy McMorris Rodgers, a leading healthy babies.
Nancy Pelosi and House Democrats
House member, discussed the discharge
continue to refuse a request to allow a
petition in a recent interview with the And a new poll finds a massive 17 per-
vote on the Born Alive Abortion Sur-
Daily Signal. cent shift in the pro-life direction after
vivors Protection Act, legislation that
Democrats have pushed abortions up to
would stop infanticide and provide
“It’s just heartbreaking. I was disheart- birth and infanticide nationally.
medical care and treatment for babies
ened by the vote, 44 senators that voted
who survive abortions.
against legislation that would protect H.R. 962, the Born Alive Abortion Survi-
babies who were born alive, babies that vors Protection Act, introduced by Rep.
Late Tuesday, House Democrats refused
had survived an abortion, were outside Ann Wagner (R-MO), ensures that a baby
a vote on the bill for the 28th time –
the womb, and yet they were not willing born alive after a failed or attempted
reading the same statement they have
to bring in the insurer under law that abortion receives the same medical care
read the previous 26 occasions that
they would bring in the doctor’s care,” as any other newborn. It would also
claims there is no bipartisan agreement
she said. “In years past, this has passed penalize doctors who allow such infants
to bring the bill up for a vote. Despite the
with unanimous consent in the Senate. to die or who intentionally kill a newborn
claim, Republican leaders have repeat-
So it really exposed the extreme posi- following a failed abortion.
edly asked Pelosi and top Democrats to
tion that the left is taking right now, that
reach an agreement for the bill to receive
Democrats are saying they reject legisla- Every single Democrat in the Sen-
a vote.
tion to protect babies born alive.” ate who is running for president voted
against a bill that would stop infanticide
This is the 30th time in total that Con-
“In the House, we are moving forward and provide medical care and treat-
gressional Democrats thwarted an
with a discharge petition. As you know, ment for babies who are born alive after
attempt by Republicans to vote on a bill
the Democrats have the majority in the botched abortions. That includes Bernie
that would provide medical care and
House. One way that we can bring a bill Sanders, Kamala Harris, Cory Booker,
treatment for babies who survived failed
to the floor is to demand a discharge Elizabeth Warren, Kirsten Gillibrand, and
abortions – 28 times in the House and
petition,” she added. “You have to get Amy Klobuchar.
twice in the Senate.
218 people to sign a discharge peti-
tion, and then you can bypass Speaker While they all voted to support infanti-
Rep. Russ Fulcher, an Idaho Republican,
Nancy Pelosi and bring the bill directly to cide, President Trump spoke out against
offered the unanimous consent request
the floor. We’re working actively on that infanticide in two tweets saying that it’s
to allow a vote on the anti-infanticide bill
right now.” nothing short of “executing” babies to
but Democrats, as shown below, ruled it
let them die after failed abortions.
out of order. As they have done numer-
Republicans would need all GOP mem-
ous times, after Democrats denied his
bers to sign the petition, along with 21 SOURCE: https://www.lifenews.
request to vote on the bill, they cut off
Democrats. Rodgers said she hoped com/2019/04/03/house-democrats-
Congressman Fulcher’s microphone so
polling data showing Americans strongly block-bill-to-stop-infanticide-for-28th-
he could not object to their denying a time-refuse-care-for-aborted-babies-
oppose infanticide would help change
vote. born-alive/

18 UNCENSORED 56 June – September 2019 www.uncensored.co.nz


Amazon bans vaccine awareness

documentaries – but still sells
child sex dolls…
Is Jeff Bezos creepier than Joe Biden?

Are satanism and pedophilia core values of

Jeff Bezos and Amazon?
Meanwhile, Amazon is also promoting and selling all sorts of
Satanic content on its website, including The Devil’s Bible, The
Happy Satanist: Finding Self-Empowerment, and Satanism: A
Beginner’s Guide to the Religious Worship of Satan and Demons
Volume I: Philosophy.”

Underage children can discover and buy books on Amazon

that teach them how to accept Satan into their lives from the
youngest age possible, and this is all perfectly okay with Bezos
– as is reportedly texting nude photos of himself to his latest
fling of the week. But when it comes to any information that
By Ethan Huff
might cause a person to question vaccines, this is completely
April 3, 2019

“As covered in my detailed video analysis of what’s next for

(Natural News) Jeff Bezos has been on a banning binge lately,
Amazon, the tech giant will soon start remotely deleting vac-
pulling down books and documentaries about vaccines from
cine Kindle books from Kindle devices, carrying out the Min-
Amazon that fail to meet the company’s “customer content
istry of Truth agenda described in George Orwell’s dystopian
quality expectations,” presumably because they conflict with
novel 1984,” warns Mike Adams, the Health Ranger.
the government’s official narrative on immunization. But Bezos
sees nothing wrong with amazon.com selling child sex dolls to
“It’s also obvious that Amazon will begin banning pro-Trump
pedophiles, which are openly available for sale with “hidden
books from its retail operation and Kindle devices, declaring
delivery” to keep purchasers’ identities private.
that Trump, much like ‘anti-vaccine’ knowledge, is ‘danger-
ous to society’ and must therefore be banished from existence
These inflatable “love sex dolls” are littered all over Amazon’s
through digital book burning.”
page, in child sizes of four-feet, two-inches tall, clearly cater-
ing to mentally deranged Amazon customers and perverts who
Lying is also one of Bezos’ and Amazon’s fortes, seeing as how
want to simulate having sex with real human children. But if
the deadline for Amazon-owned Whole Foods Market to begin
you want to watch or purchase Vaxxed: From Cover-Up to Ca-
labeling genetically-modified organisms (GMOs) in its stores
tastrophe on Amazon, that’s off limits because any material that
has now come and gone, with no indication whatsoever that
questions the safety and effectiveness of vaccines is “danger-
this promise will ever be kept.
ous to society,” according to Amazon.
“After being purchased by dishonest globalist Jeff Bezos – the
The Free Thought Project was able to identify a host of child
same ‘Dr. Evil’ anti-American creep who runs the fake news
sex doll items for sale on Amazon, the implications of which
Washington Post – Whole Foods Market is now reversing
violate every decency and morality ethic that remains in dying
five years of promises to consumers by suspending its GMO
American society. But you’ll no longer find much in the way of
labeling promise,” Adams adds. “This means Whole Foods will
independent science about vaccines on Amazon, as Beelze-
continue to sell unlabeled GMOs while fraudulently insinuating
bezos kowtows to the demands of political tyrants like Adam
to customers that its stores sell no GMOs whatsoever.”
Schiff, who actually wrote a letter to Bezos demanding that all
material about vaccines be purged from Amazon’s website.
For more news about vaccines, technocrats, and lying corpora-
tions like Amazon and Whole Foods, read JeffBezosWatch.com.
“If Amazon truly cared about ‘content quality’ on their site,
removing Vaxxed while allowing child sex dolls to be sold on Sources for this article include:
its platform for pedophiles, is not a good way of proving that
point,” writes Matt Agorist for The Free Thought Project. (htt- • TheFreeThoughtProject.com
ps://thefreethoughtproject.com/amazon-purges-vaxxed-dolls/) • NaturalNews.com
• TheCut.com
“It seems that Amazon is more concerned with caving to politi- • NaturalNews.com
cal pressure than they are about upholding freedom of speech
SOURCE: https://technocrats.news/2019-04-03-amazon-bans-
and fostering an environment that doesn’t promote pedophilia. vaccine-awareness-documentaries-but-still-sells-child-sex-
Thanks for nothing, Jeff Bezos.” dolls.html

UNCENSORED 56 June – September 2019 www.uncensored.co.nz 19

If Wolfgang Halbig was wrong that no- I was skeptical
about this until I

body died at Sandy Hook, why is this

discovered it is
banned, and the
message Twit-

image banned wherever it gets posted?

ter sent was way
more nasty than
the usual mes-
By Jim Stone sage. I have never
seen Twitter do
If they had nothing to hide, they’d laugh at this. But, they do that, someone’s touchy about this. Anyway, here it is from a
have something to hide so they ban it instead. I can’t host this different image host:
from here right now because I can’t upload it when in “combat
mode” but someone got this posted to a location that is not so SOURCE:
closely watched and killed off. I’ll get this uploaded later and
host it from here.

Wolfgang Halbig says he’s been victims. The suits say Jones and his as- research because he seemed credible
sociates have been spreading baseless – Halbig worked for the Lake County
attacked, harassed, his reputation claims about the Sandy Hook massacre School District as a risk manager and
destroyed – all for asking that left 20 children and six educators has a background in law enforcement.
questions. dead.
In that same deposition, Jones said he
In a deposition released last week, Jones believes that the mass shooting at Sandy
By Katie Sartoris said Halbig sent him thousands of emails Hook did happen.
April 6, 2019 over the years, providing him much of
the information that helped propel the But Halbig, 72, is pressing on despite his
But they aren’t just any questions. Halbig notion that Sandy Hook never hap- family’s objections. He said his quest for
has, with the help of InfoWars founder pened, that it was a hoax cooked up by the real story behind Sandy Hook has
Alex Jones, broadcast conspiracy theo- the government in its effort to take away become personal.
ries about the 2012 massacre at Sandy Americans’ guns.
Hook Elementary School in Newtown, “I don’t want to be doing this. I’m too
Connecticut. InfoWars is a is a far-right conspiracy old,” Halbig said in an interview. “I want
theory website and broadcasts The Alex to play with my grandkids.”
Halbig, a Sorrento resident, is named Jones Show. Halbig even appeared on
in defamation lawsuits against Jones Jones’ show a few times. In his deposi- His quest started when he was asked to
filed by family members of the shooting tion, Jones said he relied on Halbig’s speak at a 2013 Florida School Boards

20 UNCENSORED 56 June – September 2019 www.uncensored.co.nz

Association about how to prevent a trag- For the record, Halbig said he also has But Halbig is hoping to get the attention
edy like the Sandy Hook shooting in the doubts about the 2018 shooting at Mar- of Jones’ legal team.
future. He started looking into the details jorie Stoneman Douglas High School in
surrounding the event and thought Parkland. He recently wrote an email to Norm Pat-
things just didn’t add up. tis, an attorney for Jones, with “facts not
“If I’m wrong about my questions, I opinions” to support his theories.
So he started requesting public records. promise you I will run as fast as I can
Among them: Halbig asked who cleaned to a mental hospital,” he said. “If I am Among them: Halbig said he has evi-
up the blood from the shooting and for wrong, I really need serious help. I’ll dence that 6-year-old Emilie Parker is
the photos of children’s bodies. apologize, I’ll put up a billboard in Con- still alive and that Sandy Hook was actu-
necticut saying, ‘I’m sorry for all of the ally closed during the shooting.
“For six years, my public records pain I caused you.’”
requests in Connecticut, they’ve been “I hope you and Alex are not cowards?”
refusing to answer me,” Halbig said. His drive was ignited around Christmas Halbig wrote.
in 2013, he said. According to an inci-
Since his theories began receiving public dent report, Halbig told the Lake County Halbig said he doesn’t recognize this
attention, Halbig said he’s been “at- Sheriff’s Office that two plainclothes new Jones, who in the deposition said
tacked and brutalized.” deputies showed up at his home and that a “form of psychosis” made him
threatened to arrest him if he didn’t stop believe that events like Sandy Hook were
“I saw an Alex Jones story that said ‘The looking into the Sandy Hook massacre. staged. Jones also said he knows not all
Sandy Hook School shooting has more of the information Halbig provided him
holes in it than Swiss cheese,’” Halbig “They lit a fire under me,” he said. was accurate.
said. “I wanted to fill in those holes –
that’s what I was doing by asking my As for pending lawsuits, Halbig said he “That’s not the Alex Jones everybody
questions.” isn’t concerned. He thinks they’ll dis- knows and sees on InfoWars,” Halbig
sipate. said. “He’s acting like he’s on a stage.
Those questions, however, were more He’s not combative. I’m telling you
like accusations. He said the victims Halbig is representing himself. He said there’s something wrong with him.”
themselves were still alive and accused he can’t afford legal representation
victims’ family members of being crisis because he doesn’t have any money left SOURCE: https://www.dailycommercial.
actors, including Jeremy Richman, the after his years of research. Halbig’s web- com/news/20190406/sorrentos-wolf-
father of victim Avielle Richman. sites and social media accounts where gang-halbig-still-insists-sandy-hook-was-
he solicited donations are no longer. faked
Jeremy died last month of suicide at age GoFundMe kicked him off its platform.

Health Professional Vaccine Skeptics In Australia Now Face Prosecution

By Baxter Dmitry matters seriously,” the statement said.
June 10, 2017
“Any published anti-vaccination material and/or advice which
Australian nurses who dare to speak out against the dangers is false, misleading or deceptive which is being distributed
of vaccinations will be prosecuted, the Australian government by a registered nurse, enrolled nurse or midwife (including via
has warned. social media) may also constitute a summary offence under
the National Law and could result in prosecution by AHPRA
Australian nurses and midwives who dare to speak out against [Australian Health Practitioner Regulation Agency.]”
the dangers of vaccinations on social media or in person will
be prosecuted, the Australian government has warned, urg- One of the strongest supporters of vaccination, Victoria’s
ing members of the public to report vaccine skeptics to the Health Minister Jill Hennessy, has no time for parents who be-
authorities. lieve vaccines require further study in order to ensure that they
are safe for our children.
Medical professionals face prosecution for expressing doubt
about the effectiveness of vaccinations or urging further stud- Describing vaccine skeptics as “brain dead sheep”, the politi-
ies into vaccine safety. Opponents of the new law claim free cian said:
speech and scientific integrity is under attack in Australia by a
government that has been bought and paid for by Big Pharma. “They are an organized movement, largely stemming from
the United State of America that are hell bent on misleading
“With no exceptions we expect all registered nurses, enrolled parents that vaccinations are unsafe.
nurses and midwives to use the best available evidence in
making practice decisions. This includes providing information “That’s a dangerous message and one I’m going to continue to
to the public about public health issues,” Chair of the Nursing fight. Vaccinations save lives,” the minister concluded.
and Midwifery Board of Australia (NMBA) Dr. Lynette Cusack
said in a statement. SOURCE: https://newspunch.com/vaccine-skepticism-austral-
The NMBA has called on Australians to report nurses or mid-
wives promoting information that is considered to be "anti- Ed note: Australian parents who want to know what their rights
vaccination". are with regard to vaccinations may wish to visit the
following website:
“The board will consider whether the nurse or midwife has
breached their professional obligations and will treat these https://avn.org.au/information/vaccine-laws/

UNCENSORED 56 June – September 2019 www.uncensored.co.nz 21


The Illusory Truth Effect:

How Millions Were Duped
By Russiagate
By Caitlin Johnstone The rather uncreatively-named illusory helped my sense of cognitive ease any,
March 27, 2019 truth effect describes the way people are either.
more likely to believe something is true
“Mueller Finds No Trump-Russia Con- after hearing it said many times. This is Science has been aware of the illusory
spiracy”, read the front page headline due to the fact that the familiar feeling truth effect since 1977, when a study
of Sunday’s New York Times. Bit by bit, we experience when hearing something found that subjects were more likely to
mainstream American consciousness is we’ve heard before feels very similar to evaluate a statement as true when it’s
slowly coming to terms with the death our experience of knowing that some- been repeatedly presented to them over
of the thrilling conspiracy theory that the thing is true. When we hear a familiar the course of a couple of weeks, even if
highest levels of the US government had idea, its familiarity provides us with they didn’t consciously remember hav-
been infiltrated by the Kremlin, and with something called cognitive ease, which ing encountered that statement before.
the stark reality that the mass media and is the relaxed, unlabored state we expe- These findings have been replicated
the Democratic Party spent the last two rience when our minds aren’t working in numerous studies since, and new
and-a-half years monopolizing public at- hard at something. We also experience research in recent years has shown that
tention with a narrative which never had cognitive ease when we are presented the phenomenon is even more drastic
any underlying truth to it. with a statement that we know to be than initially believed. A 2015 paper titled
true. “Knowledge Does Not Protect Against
There are still holdouts, of course. Many Illusory Truth” found that the illusory
people invested a tremendous amount We have a tendency to select for cogni- truth effect is so strong that sheer repeti-
of hope, credibility, and egoic currency in tive ease, which is why confirmation bias tion can change the answers that test
the belief that Robert Mueller was going is a thing; believing ideas which don’t subjects give, even when they had been
to arrest high-ranking Trump administra- cause cognitive strain or dissonance in possession of knowledge contradict-
tion officials and members of Trump’s gives us more cognitive ease than doing ing that answer beforehand. This study
own family, leading seedy characters to otherwise. Our evolutionary ancestors was done to test the assumption which
“flip” on the president in their own self- adapted to seek out cognitive ease so had gone unchallenged up until then that
interest and thereby providing evidence that they could put their attention into the illusory truth effect only comes into
that will lead to impeachment. Some in- making quick decisions essential for sur- play when there is no stored knowledge
sist that Attorney General William Barr is vival, rather than painstakingly mulling of the subject at hand.
holding back key elements of the Mueller over whether everything we believe is as
report, a claim which is premised on the true as we think it is. This was great for “Surprisingly, repetition increased state-
absurd belief that Mueller would allow not getting eaten by saber-toothed tigers ments’ perceived truth, regardless of
Barr to lie about the results of the investi- in prehistoric times, but it’s not very whether stored knowledge could have
gation without speaking up publicly. Oth- helpful when navigating the twists and been used to detect a contradiction,” the
ers are still holding out hope that other turns of a cognitively complex modern paper reads. “Reading a statement like
investigations by other legal authorities world. It’s also not helpful when you’re ‘A sari is the name of the short pleated
will turn up some Russian shenanigans trying to cultivate truthful beliefs while skirt worn by Scots’ increased partici-
that Mueller could not, ignoring Mueller’s surrounded by screens that are repeating pants’ later belief that it was true, even if
sweeping subpoena powers and unri- the same bogus talking points over and they could correctly answer the question
valed investigative authority. But they’re over again. ‘What is the name of the short pleated
coming around. skirt worn by Scots?’”
I’m dealing with a perfect example of the
The question still remains, though: What perils of cognitive ease right now. Writing Stored knowledge tells pretty much
the hell happened? How did a fact-free this essay has required me to move out- everybody that the “short, pleated skirt
conspiracy theory come to gain so much side my familiar comfort zone of political worn by Scots” is a kilt, not a sari, but
traction among mainstream Americans? commentary and read a bunch of stud- simply repeating the contrary statement
How were millions of people persuaded ies and essays, think hard about new can convince them otherwise.
to invest hope in a narrative that anyone ideas, and then figure out how to convey
objectively analyzing the facts knew to them as clearly and concisely as pos- This explains why we all know people
be completely false? sible without boring my audience. This who are extraordinarily intelligent, but
movement away from cognitive ease still bought into the Russiagate narra-
The answer is that they were told that has resulted in my checking Twitter a lot tive just as much as our less mentally
the Russiagate narrative was legitimate more often than I usually do, and seeking apt friends and acquaintances. Their
over and over again by politicians and so much distraction that this essay will intelligence didn’t save them from this
mass media pundits, and because of a probably end up getting published about debunked conspiracy theory, it just made
peculiar phenomenon in the nature of twelve hours later than I had intended. them more clever in finding ways of
human cognition, this repetition made it Having to read a bunch of scholars defending it. This is because the illusory
seem true. explaining the precise reasons why I’m truth effect largely bypasses the intellect,
acting like such an airhead hasn’t exactly and even one’s own stored knowledge,

22 UNCENSORED 56 June – September 2019 www.uncensored.co.nz

because of the way we all reflexively conspiracy theory the way that it did. human psychology. We may be ab-
select for cognitive ease. “We are not investigators. We are jour- solutely certain that there are people
nalists, and our role is to report the facts who’ve been working to drive the public
Another study titled “Incrimination as we know them, which is exactly what narratives about western rivals like Rus-
through innuendo: Can media questions we did,” Zucker said. “A sitting presi- sia, and that they are doing so with a far
become public answers?” found that dent’s own Justice Department inves- greater understanding of the concepts
subjects can be manipulated into believ- tigated his campaign for collusion with we’ve touched on in this essay than we
ing an allegation simply by exposure to a hostile nation. That’s not enormous have at our disposal.
innuendo or incriminating questions in because the media says so. That’s enor-
news media headlines. Questions like, mous because it’s unprecedented.” The manipulators understand our psy-
for example, “What If Trump Has Been a ches better than we understand them
Russian Asset Since 1987?”, printed by “We are not investigators”? What the ourselves, and they’re getting more
New York Magazine in July of last year. fuck kind of dumbass shit is that? So clever, not less. The only thing we can do
it’s not your job to investigate whether to keep our heads while immersed in a
You can understand, then, how a what you’re reporting is true or false? society that is saturated with propagan-
populace who is consuming repetitive It’s not your job to investigate whether da is be as relentlessly honest as pos-
assertions, innuendo, and incriminating the anonymous sources you’re basing sible, with ourselves and with the world.
questions on a daily basis through the your reports on might be lying or not? We’ll never be able to out-manipulate
screens that they look at many times a It’s not your job to investigate whether the master manipulators, but we can be
day could be manipulated into believ- or not you’d be committing journalistic real with ourselves about whether or not
ing that Robert Mueller would one day malpractice with the multiple completely we’re selecting for cognitive ease rather
reveal evidence which will lead to the bullshit stories your outlet has been than thinking rigorously and clearly. We
destruction of the Trump administration.
The repetition leads to belief, the belief
leads to trust, and before you know it
"If you think about how many advances have been made
people who are scared of the president in other military fields over the last hundred years, that
are reading the Palmer Report every gives you a clear example of how sophisticated an
day and parking themselves in front of
Rachel Maddow every night and letting understanding the social engineers must now have of the
everything they say slide right past their methods of mass manipulation of human psychology."
skepticism filters, marinating comfort-
ably in a sedative of cognitive ease.
humiliated by in the last two years? It’s can be truthful with our friends, family,
And that repetition has been no acci- not your job to weigh the consequences coworkers and social media followers
dent. CNN producer John Bonifield was of deliberately monopolizing public at- wherever untruth seems to be taking
caught on video nearly two years ago tention on a narrative which consists of hold. We can do our very best to shine
admitting that CNN’s CEO Jeff Zucker nothing but confident-sounding asser- the light of truth on the puppeteers wher-
was personally instructing his staff to tions and innuendo? ever we spot them and ruin the whole
stay focused on Russia even in the midst goddamn show for everyone.
of far more important breaking news “We are not investigators.” So? You’re
stories. not dentists or firefighters either, what’s It may not seem like a lot, but truth is the
your point? That has nothing to do with one thing they can’t manipulate, whether
“My boss, I shouldn’t say this, my boss the mountains of journalistic malpractice it’s truth about them, truth about the
yesterday we were having a discussion you’ve been perpetrating by advancing world, or truthfulness with yourself. The
about this dental shoot and he goes this conspiracy theory, nor with the inex- lying manipulators got us into this mess,
and he was just like I want you to know cusable brutalization you’ve been inflict- so only truth can get us out.
what we are up against here,” Bonifield ing upon the American psyche with your
told an undercover associate of James deliberate nonstop repetition of bogus SOURCE: https://medium.com/
O’Keefe’s Project Veritas. “And he goes, assertions, innuendo, and incriminating @caityjohnstone/the-illusory-truth-
just to give you some context, President questions. effect-how-millions-were-duped-by-
Trump pulled out of the climate accords russiagate-61199bfbe325
and for a day and a half we covered the The science of modern propaganda has
climate accords. And the CEO of CNN been in research
said in our internal meeting, he said and development
good job everybody covering the climate for over a century.
accords, but we’re done with it, let’s get If you think about
back to Russia.” how many ad-
vances have been
(And before you get on me about made in other
O’Keefe’s shady record, CNN said in a military fields over
statement that the video was legitimate the last hun-
and disputed none of its content, saying dred years, that
only that it stands by Bonifield and that gives you a clear
“Diversity of personal opinion is what example of how
makes CNN strong, we welcome it and sophisticated
embrace it.”) an understand-
ing the social
Zucker, for his part, told the New York engineers must
Times in an article published yesterday now have of the
that he was “entirely comfortable” with methods of mass
CNN’s role in promoting the Russiagate manipulation of

UNCENSORED 56 June – September 2019 www.uncensored.co.nz 23


France Legalizes Pedophilia

— Any Child, Any Age (UPDATE)
August 9, 2018

France Passes Law Saying Children Can Consent To Sex With Adults

President Macron’s government has voted against having an age of

consent in France, becoming the latest nation to give in to pressure
from an international network of liberal activists determined to normal-
ize pedophilia and decriminalize sex with children across the world.

Federal law in France now has no legal age of consent, meaning adults
who have sex with children of any age will not be prosecuted for rape
if the child victim is unable to prove “violence, threat, duress, or sur-
prise.” [1]

Phi Beta Iota: President Macron, who has no children of his own, is
suspected by many in France to be a Satanist and a murderous pedo-
phile. We have no direct knowledge.

See Also: Pedophilia @ www.PhiBetaIota.net

[1] http://www.lefigaro.fr/actualite-france/2018/08/03/01016-

The shadow foreign minister of France has confirmed this report.
Those who seek to treat it as disinformation are incorrect. The Deep State is starting to worry about pedophilia as its Achilles
heel – and starting to realize that its efforts to liberalize pedophilia have failed.We would also point out that pedophiles have
been migrating toward toddlers in the pre-speech age range precisely because they cannot bear witness. Marcuse calls the lib-
eralization of everything, the “anything goes” attempt to break down communities and families, “Repressive Tolerance.” And as
we have seen with the attacks on Alex Jones, Repressive Tolerance is dishonest — it seeks to make okay that which its pedo-
phile elite wish to make okay, while censoring all those who have competing opinions.

Reference: “Repressive Tolerance” by Herbert Marcuse in Robert Paul Wolff, Barrington Moore, Jr., and Herbert Marcuse, A
Critique of Pure Tolerance (Boston: Beacon Press, 1969), pp. 95-137.

SOURCE: https://phibetaiota.net/2018/08/betty-boop-france-legalizes-pedophila-any-child-any-age/

Continued from Page 10 Russian Federation is the

remains of an old empire,
The presstitute media and universities largely assimilated, not the
are uniformly anti-white. result of recent immigra-
Countries without unity are not strong.
Consequently, the Western world is The consequence of
losing its leadership of the world. disunity perhaps precludes
any leadership. But the
Of course, the rest of the world also collapse of the West into
suffers from disunity. The Sunni and diversity and multicultural-
the Shiites cannot unite, with the ism definitely means that
consequence that the Muslim world Western leadership has
is weak. The tribes in Africa cannot been lost to the weakness
unite. India and Pakistan stay at each of disunity.
other’s throats. Animosities exist among
Asians. Russia herself is a federation. Is it chaos that awaits?
China has a Muslim province. But the
disunities are different from those in the SOURCE:
West. Japan and China have differences www.paulcraigroberts.com
but the population of Japan is homo-
geneous and China largely is. Arabs
are Arabs whether Sunni or Shiite. The

24 UNCENSORED 56 June – September 2019 www.uncensored.co.nz

Child Brides as Young as 10
Advertised, Sold on Facebook
Report reveals African children bought by older men after being advertised on Facebook

“He'll buy new clothes and force me

and my sisters to put them on before
taking photographs of us.”

"While Mark Zuckerberg's

Facebook is focusing on
shadowbanning conservatives,
real issues are going
She claims she got married to a much
older man she had never met before.
The same thing happened to her
sister, too. Monica ran away about a
year after the marriage, however. “It
is young people who convince old
men to look for wives on Facebook,”
she said. “The man I married said his
oldest son showed him my photo on Fa-
By Jay Greenberg The statement added: “We're always im- cebook and directed him to my father.”
April 6, 2019 proving the methods we use to identify
content that breaks our policies, includ- So, if someone wishes to share a Neon
ing doubling our safety and security Nettle report with their friends, Facebook
While social media monopoly Facebook team to more than 30,000 and investing makes sure it disappears into the black
is busy stamping out conservative voices in technology." hole that is their News Feed algorithm by
from its News Feed, African child brides shadowbanning all links to our website
as young as ten-years-old are being But even a robust security team can't to- to "keep users safe" because we're criti-
advertised and sold by traffickers on the tally scrub the site clean. One girl named cal of the left. Meanwhile, child traffick-
Mark Zuckerberg-owned platform, a new Monica told the Daily Beast how she and ers are cashing-in using the platform to
report has revealed. Parents in Africa are her sister were sold without their consent connect with predators and sell children
using Facebook to sell their children via because their father wanted to settle to them. Well done Mark.
connections made on the social network debts. And because he had a smart-
in order to pay off debts. phone. “My father knew nothing about MORE HERE: https://neonnettle.com/
Facebook until my elder brother bought news/7045-child-brides-as-young-as-
An investigation by The Daly Beast found him a smartphone and convinced him to 10-advertised-sold-on-facebook-report-
that, in some cases, kids are young as join Facebook and post our photographs reveals
10 are having their freedom bartered with whenever he likes,” she said.
men old enough to be their grandfather.
Girls from the Becheve community in
Nigeria have been sold on Facebook
for money or exchanged for goods,
according to the Daily Beast.

The girls are known in the community

as “money women” or “money wives,”
are usually sold locally to older men.
The worldwide reach of Facebook,
however, has helped connect more
buyers and sellers, making the trades
far more lucrative for traffickers.

Facebook didn’t respond to a request

for comment from Fox News, but the
company’s spokesperson told the
Daily Mail that “any form of human traf-
ficking – whether posts, pages, ads or Child bride: Faiz (40, left) and Ghulam
groups – is not allowed on Facebook (11, right) sit in her home prior to their
and we remove this content whenever wedding in Damarda village, rural Af-
we identify it.” ghanistan
What Your Sons and Daughters
Will Learn at University
By Philip Carl Salzman to the subjectivity of each individual, but theory goes, oppression and poverty
September 4, 2018 also that ethics and morality are relative take place in colonies instead of in rela-
to the individual and the culture, so there tion to the metropolitan working class.
Universities in the 20th century were is no such thing as Good and Evil, or Postcolonialism posits that all of the
dedicated to the advancement of even Right and Wrong. So too with the problems in societies around the world
knowledge. Scholarship and research ways of knowing; your children will learn today are the result of the relatively short
were pursued, and diverse opinions were that there is no objective basis for prefer- Western imperial dominance and coloni-
exchanged and argued in the “market- ring chemistry over alchemy, astronomy zation. For example, British imperialism
place of ideas”. over astrology, or medical doctors over is blamed for what are in fact indigenous
witch doctors. They will learn that facts cultures, such as the South Asian caste
This is no longer the case. Particularly in do not exist; only interpretations do. system and the African tribal system. So
the social sciences, humanities, edu- too, problems of backwardness and cor-
cation, social work, and law, a single All Cultures Are Equally Good; ruption in countries once, decades ago,
political ideology has replaced scholar- Diversity Is Our Strength colonies continue to be blamed on past
ship and research, because the ideology Western imperialism. The West is thus
presents fixed answers to all questions. Our social understanding has also been the continuing focus on anti-imperialist
And, although the most important thing transformed by postmodern relativism. and anti-colonialist sentiment. Your
in universities today is the diversity of Because moral and ethical principles are children will learn that our society is evil,
race, gender, sexual practice, ethnicity, deemed to be no more than the collec- and the cause of all the evil in the wider
economic class, and physical and men- tive subjectivity of our culture, it is now world.
tal capability, there is no longer diversity regarded as inappropriate to judge the
of opinion. Only those committed to the principles and actions of other cultures. Only the West Was Imperialist and
ideology are admitted to academic staff or This doctrine is called “cultural relativ- Colonialist
administration. ism.” For example, while racism is held
to be the highest sin in the West, and This ahistorical approach of postcoloni-
Universities have been transformed by slavery the greatest of our historical sins, alism ignores the hundreds of empires
the near-universal adoption of three your children will learn that we are not and their colonies throughout history, as
interrelated theories: postmodernism, allowed to criticize contemporary racism well as ignoring contemporary empires,
postcolonialism, and social justice. and slavery in Africa, the Middle East, such as the Arab Muslim Empire that
These theories and their implications will and the equivalents in South Asia. conquered all of the central Middle East,
be explored here. North Africa, southern Europe, Persia,
The political manifestation of cultural rel- Central Asia, and northern India, and
There Is No Truth; Nothing Is Good ativism is multiculturalism, an incoherent occupied them minimally for hundreds of
or Bad concept that projects the integration of years, but 1400 years in the central Mid-
multiple incompatible cultures. Diversity dle East and North Africa, and occupy
Postmodernism: In the past, academics is lauded as a virtue in itself. Imagine them today. China, once the Commu-
were trained to seek truth. Today, aca- a country with fifty different languages, nists took power, invaded Inner Mongolia
demics deny that there is such a thing as each derived from a different culture. to the north, Chinese Turkestan to the
objective Truth. Instead, they argue that That would not be a society, but a tower west, and Tibet to the south. Once in
no one can be objective, that everyone is of babble. How would it work if there control, the government flooded these
inevitably subjective, and consequently were multiple codes of law requiring and colonies with Han Chinese, in effect
everyone has their own truth. The correct forbidding contrary behaviors: driving on ethnically cleansing them. Postcolonial-
point of view, they urge, is relativism. the left and driving on the right; monoga- ists have nothing to say about any of
This means not only that truth is relative my and polygamy; male dominance and this; they wish to condemn exclusively
gender equality; arranged marriage and the West. Your children will learn to re-
individual choice? Your children will learn ject history and comparisons with other
that our culture is nothing special and societies, lest the claimed unique sins of
that other cultures are awesome. the West be challenged.

The West Is Evil; The Rest Are Western Imperialism Was a Racist
Virtuous Project

Postcolonialism, the dominant theory in Postcolonialists like to stress the racial

the social sciences today, is inspired by dimension of Western imperialism: as an
the Marxist-Leninist theory of imperial- illustration of racism. But postmodern-
ism, in which the conflict between the ists are not interested in Arab slave raid-
capitalist and proletariat classes is ing in “black” Africa, or Ottoman slaving
allegedly exported to the exploitation of among the whites in the Balkans, or the
colonized countries. By this means, the North Africans slave raiding of whites in

26 UNCENSORED 56 June – September 2019 www.uncensored.co.nz

Europe, from Ireland through Italy and white-male supremacist dog whistles; a feminist law professor. It argues that
beyond. Your children will learn that only they are to be replaced by “diversity” of some individuals fall into several victim
whites are racist. gender, race, sexual preference, ethnic- categories, for example, black, female
ity, economic class, religion, and so on. lesbians have three points in the victim
White Men Are Evil; Women of (Note that “diversity” does not include stakes, as opposed to male members of
Color Are Virtuous “diversity of opinion”; for only social the First Nations who receive only one
justice ideology is acceptable. Any criti- point. Further, on the action front, mem-
Social justice theory teaches that the cism or opposition is regarded as “hate bers of each victim category are urged
world is divided between oppressors and speech.”) Academic committees now to unite and ally with members of other
victims. Some categories of people are twist themselves into pretzels trying to victim categories, because sharing the
oppressors and other are victims: males explain that “diversity is excellence.” victim designation is the most important
are oppressors, and females are victims; status in the world. This leads to some
whites are oppressors, and people of Members of Oppressor Categories anomalies. Black victims of racism are
color are victims; heterosexuals are op- Must Be Suppressed urged to unite with Arab victims of co-
pressors, and gays, lesbians, bisexual, lonialism, even though Arabs have been
etc. are victims; Christians are oppres- Of course, the requirement of represen- and still are holders of black slaves.
sors, and Muslims are victims. Your sons tation according to population applies
will learn that they are stigmatized by only one way: to members of victim Being Educated Is About Being on
their toxic masculinity. classes. If whites, men, heterosexuals, The Right Side
Christians, etc. are underrepresented,
Individuals Are Not Important; that is fine; the fewer the better. For As Karl Marx said, “The philosophers
Only Category Membership Is example, females now make up 60% have only interpreted the world in various
of university graduates, although in the ways. The point, however, is to change
Social justice theory has taken university general age cohort males are 51%. There it.” The objective of a university educa-
life by storm. It is the result of the relent- is no social justice clamoring for males tion today is to ensure that students
less working of Marxist theory, adopted to be fully represented. Members of dis- chose “the right side” in changing the
by youngsters during the American favored oppressor categories are dispar- world. The idea that it probably makes
cultural revolution of the 1960s, then aged. The classics of Western civilization sense to try to understand the world be-
brought to universities as many of those should be ignored because they are the fore attempting to change it, is rejected
youngsters became college professors. work, almost exclusively, of “dead white as outmoded, modernist empiricism and
Marxism as an academic theory was men.” Only works of females, people of realism, now superseded by postmod-
explicitly followed by some in the 1970s color and non-Western authors should ernism and social justice. If there is no
and 1980s, but it did not sweep eve- be considered virtuous. So too in politi- Truth, and whatever one feels or believes
rything else away, because the idea of cal history. The American Constitution is one’s truth, then trying to gain an
economic class conflict was not popular should be discarded because its writers objective understanding of the world is
in the prosperous general North Ameri- were slaveholders. futile.
can population. The cultural Marxist
innovation that brought social justice Victims of The World Unite! SOURCE: https://www.mindingthecam-
theory to dominance was the exten- pus.org/2018/09/04/what-your-sons-and-
sion of class conflict from economics to “Intersectionality” is an idea invented by daughters-will-learn-at-university/
gender, race, sexual practice, ethnicity,
religion, and other mass categories. We
see this in sociology, which is no longer
defined as the study of society but has
for decades been defined as the study
of inequality. For social justice theory,
equality is not the equality of opportuni-
ty that is the partner of merit, but rather
equality of result, which ensures the
members of each category at equality of
representation irrespective of merit. Your
sons will learn that they should “step
aside” to give more space and power
to females. Your daughters, if white, will
learn that they must defer to members
of racial minorities.

Justice Is Equal Representation

According to Percentages of the

As there is allegedly structural discrimi-

nation against all members of victim
categories, in order for equality of result
to prevail, representation according to
percentages of populations must be
mandated in all organizations, in all
books assigned or references cited, in
all awards and benefits. Ideas such as
merit and excellence are dismissed as

UNCENSORED 56 June – September 2019 www.uncensored.co.nz 27


It'sYour Choice: They are given positions, power, money,

sex, etc. and they blindly obey the orders
and believe that they are important and
ties, importance, social status and the like
are now worth nothing, unless used for
the benefit of the whole mankind, your
Life or Death above all of us, and often they are un- true family. You arrived here naked and
approachable and belong to evil secret crying, and will go away with nothing.
It's time to learn the whole Truth, avail- societies. The Elite and their puppets are
able since I989 from two special people known to the knowledgeable human who Study deeply the website below; get
in the USA. Those people were attacked, has made the effort to learn. If one dares together by the millions; be united as our
including attempted murder. to expose them, as it has happened, his/ enemies are; acquire the whole Truth that
her life is cut short or made quite miser- is now available by cutting all your un-
The following information, with more to able. But remember the four limits of necessary activities; connect worldwide;
follow, will give you the chance to survive Satan & Co. (for the future). become totally honest, humble, cordial,
what is coming soon to the planet. brave, persistent; follow the Command-
The evil followers do not know that the ments daily, pray to GOD the Creator,
We encourage you to support Uncen- very top Elite are aware of the coming not Lucifer (the Light Bearer); ACT on
sored in which you’ll find good informa- big Cosmic events which will wipe them the HUGE Gold program, which is a debt
tion, as only very few others can do. We out, and also since the Elite realise that of the world’s Elite, especially the top
will try to add to it unique and very rare they cannot rule the planet anymore as it bankers, to be paid in Gold, not in useless
data much hated by the evil rulers of the was dreamed by them, they want to blow paper money, to you citizens, not your
world. it up and are working for a global nuclear government, and it is millions of times
war, which will succeed if we allow it. greater than all their assets worldwide,
Sadly, we have let the satanic forces rule and can neutralize them peacefully, and
the planet thanks to our low spiritual level They themselves are suicidal and don’t return to be sovereign again, not slaves
of evolution, while top good entities were care even about their own death, as as now.
also sent to help us, but only a small num- long as they kill as many of mankind as
ber followed their teachings. This planet possible. They have underground cities It can be done because with GOD every-
is our school, and we have the free will in many places, the most luxurious being thing is possible.
to listen to the temptors, aggressors, the in the outback of Australia, but all their
destroyers, or to the true saints, prophets, co-ordinates are known and hence there You are co-creators, while the satanic
or to the spiritually evolved. is no safety for them either. forces can only manipulate what is cre-
ated, including your mind. We can help.
It is now compulsory to unite against the If you dismiss this as nonsense, or do
top evil rulers who are a tiny fraction of nothing because your daily material ac-
all of us, and they are all precisely known. tivities have a preference over the value The team of:
Their silly followers, who sold their souls of your own life, so be it. We do not want
to Satan and Co., are numerous, but still money, glory, power, position, fame, etc., WeHateEvil@gmail.com
only a fraction of us. for we just do our special mission as re- Messengers of the Light
quired. Know that all your money, proper-

The ONLY Way to Save America

and the world
• The unique document is Bonus 3392-181 owned by a corporation
legally registered in Nevada, USA.
• IT IS A HUGE DEBT of the world's rulers toward us citizens and it's
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by the millions and become sovereign again.
• Either GOLD ... or a global nuclear war. You decide.


Email: WeHateEvil@gmail.com

28 UNCENSORED 56 June – September 2019 www.uncensored.co.nz

Child Transgendering Totally Out of parents into handing their offspring off
to be drugged, sterilized, and (increas-
Control, as State is now

Coercing Parents
ingly) surgically ‘corrected’ by therapists
and doctors who are confident they
know best when it comes to other peo-
ple’s children.”

In a highly publicized case last February,

an Ohio Christian couple lost custody of
their 17-year-old daughter to her mater-
nal grandparents after they opposed her
testosterone injections.
By Lianne Laurence, LifeSiteNews.com comfortable with their own bodies after
April 11, 2019 passing through puberty without inter- “Around the country, similar cases are
ventions.” arising in the courts,” Kao said.
State-coerced child gender
‘transitioning’ is here. Parents Parents losing right to oppose Evidence lacking on consequences of
are horrified “transition” treatments

Moreover, the transgender lobby is The “general trend is to support affirma-

April 10, 2019 (LifeSiteNews) — As a
waging a successful three-wave cam- tion of gender identity in all affected chil-
Canadian father fights to stop court-
paign for government-coerced transition dren,” agrees pediatric endocrinologist
ordered testosterone treatments for
of minor children, with “removal of a Dr. Paul Hruz, adding that the process
his 14-year-old daughter, U.S. experts
child based on accusations of medical “starts with social affirmation which is
warn there’s an increasing danger that
neglect,” Cretella told the Federalist’s increasingly being mandated by law.”
more and more American parents will
Margot Cleveland in February.
find themselves in a similar heartrending
predicament. But whether this is “best practice”
The first wave involved intervention dur- remains “contentious,” he told LifeSite-
ing family court custody disputes; the News.
“Yes, it is really that bad,” Michelle Cre-
second involves “emergency room staff,
tella, president of the American College
therapists, or doctors” reporting parents “Several medical societies have adopted
of Pediatrics, told LifeSiteNews.
“who refuse to affirm their child’s false guidelines that support transition for all
gender” to Child Protection Services; children who have ‘consistence, insist-
“Parents are losing their right to pro-
and the third wave, soon coming, will in- ence, and persistence’ of a gender
tect their children from this dangerous
volve schools launching investigations of identity that is discordant with biological
medical experiment, and extended
parents who oppose a child’s transition. sex,” said Hruz, an associate professor
family members fare no better,” she told
LifeSiteNews. of pediatrics at Washington University in
The gender activists are also enlisting St. Louis.
the aid of workers in multiple levels of
The general rule that individuals under
government. “This is in contrast to earlier recommen-
age 18 cannot consent to medical treat-
ment is being tossed out the window dations that cautioned against transi-
At a recent United States Professional tion in young children due to the high
when it comes to sex transitioning, she
Association for Transgender Health incidence of spontaneous realignment of
(USPATH) conference, a panel cited gender identity with sex,” he said.
“training” Department of Human Ser-
Children are started on puberty-blockers
vices workers “in Delaware, Pennsylva- And the change “has been made without
as young as nine, and “under the ‘guid-
nia, and New Jersey” to tell parents who any strong scientific data against the
ance’ of gender ‘experts’ … girls have
oppose transitioning “you’re creating an prior cautious approach,” Hruz told
been allowed to consent to double
unsafe environment for your child,” wrote LifeSiteNews.
mastectomies as young as age 13,” said
“In general, the medical recommen-
Parents are often told that unless the dations are based upon low quality
“There are gender surgeons pushing to
child’s gender choice is affirmed, the evidence that does not even come close
eliminate age restrictions on the removal
child is at an increased risk for suicide, to the level of evidence that is generally
of reproductive organs and genital sur-
a strategy documented by 4thwavenow. expected when making strong recom-
com, a “community of parents & others mendations for a novel treatment ap-
concerned about the medicalization of proach,” he said.
That’s echoed by Emilie Kao, director of
gender-atypical youth and rapid-onset
Heritage Foundation’s DeVos Center for
gender dysphoria (ROGD).” “There is so much that we do not yet
Religion and Civil Society.
know about the long-term consequenc-
“Balking parents must be ‘educated’, es. The existing evidence is concerning
“The number of pediatric gender clinics
cajoled into going against their deepest that harm is being done to these children
in the U.S. has grown exponentially from
protective instincts. If this indoctrination without clear long-term benefit in pre-
one clinic in 2007 to 45 clinics around the
process doesn’t work, there’s the fre- venting suicide.”
country,” she told LifeSiteNews.
quent threat your kid will kill themselves
because of your hesitations,” notes one Underlying problems ignored
“Transgender activists and trans-affirm-
ing doctors are rushing children into
hormonal treatments at as young as 11 Moreover, as well subjecting children
“This weaponization of adult self-harm to what are essentially experimental
years old,” Kao said, “even though the
statistics is wielded by activists, clini- medical treatments, this approach often
best statistics show that 80–95 percent
cians, and the media alike, to terrorize leaves ignored and untreated underlying
of gender-dysphoric children become

UNCENSORED 56 June – September 2019 www.uncensored.co.nz 29

psychological and emotional trauma that and YouTube,” Kilgannon says. Introduced by Democrat Nancy Pelosi
may have triggered the child’s gender in the House of Representatives, the
dysphoria in the first place. Oregon allows “minors as young as age controversial bill is now before the House
15 years to receive Medicaid to pay Judiciary Committee.
Cretella told the Federalist’s Cleveland for their cross-sex drugs and surgeries
that of seven families “in as many dif- without parental consent — or even their “H.R. 5 would create a nationwide
ferent states” who contacted her during knowledge,” Cretella told LifeSiteNews. ‘Transgender Medical Mandate’ that
custody battles in 2017, six involved would subject doctors and hospitals
“a 15 year-old girl who never had any “Conveniently, Oregon State University to lawsuits if they decline to perform
sexual identity confusion prior to her par- Health Center does not report numbers hormonal and surgical interventions even
ent’s [sic] divorce.” of youth referrals, prescriptions and if their concern is that patients will be
procedures,” she noted. harmed,” warns Heritage Foundation’s
In all cases “the guardian ad litem and Kao.
judges removed the right to medical “The normal range for start of puberty
consent and/or custody from the parent in biological males is 9–14 years. Many “That will further reduce the number of
who objected to transition with puberty insurance companies have been reluc- medical professionals to whom parents
blockers and hormones,” she said. tant to pay for puberty blockade for this can turn for objective diagnoses of gen-
indication, but the general trend, through der dysphoria and could lead to more
“It is documented that teens who pre- advocacy efforts, is to force coverage,” parental custody disputes,” she told
sent with GD have high rates of preced- said Hruz. LifeSiteNews.
ing and concurrent psychopathology,”
Cretella told LifeSiteNews. She noted “This does vary by state in the same During the April 2 committee hearing
that an April 2015 study out of Finland way that coverage for other medications on the Equality Act, “one of the speak-
confirmed that “severe psychopatholo- varies. In other conditions, it is rare for ers claimed that 1 in 5 children in foster
gy” and “autism” were all overrepresent- the courts to mandate coverage,” he told care in America is LGBTQ. That is a bold
ed among one pediatric gender identity LifeSiteNews. claim and it went unchallenged,” pointed
clinic population. out Kilgannon.
And as a bellwether of the strength of the
An August 2018 study by American Dr. transgender lobby, Americans should be “The danger to children on the margins
Lisa Littman found that 62.5 percent of alarmed that “solidly red” South Dakota is hard to overstate. If this ‘identity crisis’
minors “had reportedly been diagnosed recently nixed a bill protecting parents’ can attack children in families who seem
with at least one mental health disorder right not to consent to gender transition- to be living the American Dream, imagine
or neurodevelopmental disability prior to ing treatment for minor children, wrote the risk for children who have no one to
the onset of their gender dysphoria.” the Federalist’s Cleveland. advocate for them.”

Littman also found that 86.7 percent of Federal Equality Act next looming threat SOURCE: https://www.lifesitenews.com/
“parents reported that, along with the news/state-coerced-child-gender-transi-
sudden or rapid onset of gender dyspho- Whether a state is “trans”-friendly will be tioning-is-here-parents-are-horrified
ria, their child either had an increase in less significant if the federal Equality Act
their social media/internet use, belonged H.R. 5 passes.
to a friend group in which one or
multiple friends became transgen-
der-identified during a similar
timeframe, or both.”

That’s echoed by Meg Kilgannon,

education research associate with
the Family Research Council.

Parents need to “monitor or elimi-

nate access to social media like
Tumblr and YouTube that essentially
provide a community for confused
or lonely children and train these
children on how to manipulate
parents, school administrators, and
medical professionals so that the
children can “transition” from one
sex to another.”

Kids run away to “trans”-friendly


And since medical coverage for

gender transition and consent laws
vary from state to state, “social
media helps children learn about
these kinds of options and children/
teens do run away to states who
offer this kind of ‘medical care,’ on
the advice of ‘friends’ on Tumblr

30 UNCENSORED 56 June – September 2019 www.uncensored.co.nz

the situation was handled:
The Left's Pronoun Tyranny:
First-grader sent to principal's “I stressed over and over with the principal that I am all for
protecting the rights of [the transgender child], but my children
have rights as well. It makes me sad that my daughter felt like
she was punished for trying to be kind to the kid.”

another student Capitol Resource Institute specializes in strengthening families

and is working with a number of parents at Rocklin Academy
By Dr. Eowyn upset about the LGBT agenda being forced on their children.
August 31, 2017
Alliance Defending Freedom (ADF), a nationally-known con-
The First Amendment to the U.S. Constitution guarantees servative Christian law firm, is investigating the playground
Americans’ right to free speech. incident as well as the classroom lesson on gender identity. An
ADF spokesman said:
But the one-party State of California has gone whole hog in
contravening that right. “Our focus is on ensuring that every student’s privacy is pro-
tected and that parental rights, including the right to be notified
Recently, California’s State Senate approved SB 219: Les- that before children are exposed to gender identity teaching,
bian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender Long-Term Care Facility are respected by the school officials.”
Resident’s Bill of Rights, which will make it a crime for nursing
homes to use the “wrong” gender pronoun. If the State Assem- Todd Starnes reached out to Rocklin Academy numerous
bly approves the bill, it will be law. times, but they did not return his phone calls.

Now, California state government’s madness has spread to Starnes concludes:

Rocklin Academy, a charter school in Rocklin, Placer County
in Northern California, where a first grader was terrorized when “What’s happening at Rocklin Academy is an example of how
she was sent to the principal’s office after she accidentally schools have become indoctrination grounds for the LGBT
“misgendered” a classmate. agenda. And the only way to stop the indoctrination is for
moms and dads to take a stand. It may be unpleasant and
Recently, Rocklin Academy was roiled by controversy after a it may be uncomfortable, but we’ve got to stand up to these
kindergarten teacher led an in-class discussion on transgen- activist bullies.”
derism that included a “gender reveal” for a 5-year-old boy
who was “transitioning” to a little girl. Here are the websites of Capitol Resource Institute and the Al-
liance Defending Freedom:
Parents were furious because they were not informed in ad-
vance and were not given the chance to opt their children from • https://capitolresource.org/
the classroom “transgender” propaganda. However, school • https://www.adflegal.org/
leaders informed the parents they were not allowed to opt-out
and that the state did not require the school to notify parents.
SOURCE: https://fellowshipoftheminds.com/http-fel-
Todd Starnes reports for Fox News, Aug. 25, 2017, that the
latest incident occurred during the first week of school when a tyranny-first-grader-sent-to-principals-office-for-misgender-
first grader came across a classmate on the playground. She
called the student by his given name, unaware that the boy
now imagines himself to be a girl.

Karen England of California-based public policy group Capi-

tol Resource Institute said:

“This innocent little first grader sees a classmate, calls him

by the name she knew him last year and the boy reports it to
a teacher. The little girl gets in trouble on the playground and
then gets called out of class to the principal’s office.”

The first grader was investigated by the principal to deter-

mine whether or not she had bullied the transgender child by
calling him by his original name. After about an hour it was
determined the little girl had made an honest mistake and
she was not punished or reprimanded.

But the girl is terribly traumatized by the incident. England

said the girl “came home from school upset and crying –
saying, ‘Mommy, I got in trouble at school today.’” The little
girl’s mother, who asked not to be identified, immediately
contacted the school to find out what had happened. She
was told that whenever there is a pronoun mishap with this
biological boy who now claims to be a girl — the school
must investigate.

Capitol Resource Institute provided FoxNews with a letter

the mother wrote, expressing her extreme concern over how

UNCENSORED 56 June – September 2019 www.uncensored.co.nz 31


'Understand that deranged
Leftists really believe the planet

The will be destroyed if humans are

Agenda M o v e s A h e a d
allowed to survive much longer.
Left-wing nut case Alexandria
Ocasio-Cortez warns that planet
Earth only has 12 more years
before it will be destroyed by
“climate change” — a completely
fabricated junk science narrative
invented by power-hungry Leftists
By Stefan Stanford
who are almost universally illiterate in the realm of real science.

'Because Leftists truly believe humans are a threat to the

Any mention of a globalist depopulation agenda in many cir-
planet, they have no qualms whatsoever about calling for the
cles in 2019 will earn you looks of bewilderment with sugges-
mass genocide of human beings around the world. After all,
tions one put on one's tinfoil hat or visit a mental hospital...
they are trying to “save the planet,” they tell themselves, which
However, all one has to do is take a look at the mysterious
means in their minds, the ends justify the means.'
Georgia Guidestones and read the text engraved in eight
While you might think it impossible or insane for leftists to
languages into this granite monument, to realize how serious
actually WANT billions of people to simply 'die off', let's take a
the globalists are with their depopulation agenda. The very first
look at some remarks made by one prominent leftist scientist
guideline on the Georgia Guidestones is:
who makes no bones about it, he wants billions to die.
"Maintain humanity under 500,000,000 in perpetual balance
Several years ago, one Dr. Eric Pianka received a lengthy and
with nature."
extended standing ovation from the Texas Academy of Science
for suggesting that the planet Earth can be 'saved by Ebola'.
And while that might sound like a worthy goal, when you realize
That's right, 'Dr. Doom' as he is known was calling for mass
that the global population in 2018 was nearly 7.7 billion people,
death via a horrific deadly contagious disease, something we'd
it helps to lead to a stark realization; for the world's population
never wish upon our worst enemies.:
to hit 500 million, more than 7 billion people will have to perish.

With mandatory vaccinations becoming the 'new norm' in Saving the Earth with Ebola
New York and forced quarantines in Los Angeles also happen-
ing now, in the only video at the bottom of this story, 'Health Professor Pianka said the Earth as we know it will not survive
Ranger' Mike Adams take a look at a very interesting theory without drastic measures. Then, and without presenting any
that leads straight to the depopulation agenda.: The goal of data to justify this number, he asserted that the only feasible
mandatory vaccine policies is to train the population to em- solution to saving the Earth is to reduce the population to 10
brace "automatic compliance" with all government-mandated percent of the present number. He then showed solutions for
immunizations. Once fully indoctrinated, the masses will reducing the world’s population in the form of a slide depict-
happily line up to be injected with the "kill switch" euthana- ing the Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse. War and famine
sia vaccines that are engineered with biological weapons to would not do, he explained. Instead, disease offered the most
depopulate the planet. efficient and fastest way to kill the billions that must soon die if
the population crisis is to be solved.
So go ahead. Try this little experiment. Talk with friends, family
or co-workers about the 'depopulation agenda' and see what Pianka then displayed a slide showing rows of human skulls,
kind of reactions you get. We strongly suspect that unless the one of which had red lights flashing from its eye sockets.
person that you're speaking to has ventured into alternative
news and away from the msm, they'll probably look at you like AIDS is not an efficient killer, he explained, because it is too
you're crazy so you might want to be very careful about who slow. His favorite candidate for eliminating 90 percent of the
you speak with. Others who you speak with might surprisingly world’s population is airborne Ebola (Ebola Reston), because
agree with you completely though, with some on the left actu- it is both highly lethal and it kills in days, instead of years.
ally agreeing with the concepts expressed upon the Georgia However, Professor Pianka did not mention that Ebola victims
Guidestones with some liberal professors strongly believing die a slow and torturous death as the virus initiates a cascade
global depopulation is necessary. of biological calamities inside the victim that eventually liquefy
the internal organs.
Let's go ahead and take a look at this recent story from Mike
Adams at Natural News titled "The Annihilation Agenda: Why After praising the Ebola virus for its efficiency at killing, Pianka
globalists are actively working to exterminate 90% of the hu- paused, leaned over the lectern, looked at us and carefully
man race": said, “We’ve got airborne 90 percent mortality in humans. Kill-
ing humans. Think about that.”
'Globalists are actively working to exterminate 90% of the hu-
man race, telling themselves that eliminating “useless eaters” With his slide of human skulls towering on the screen behind
is the only way to “save the planet.” The annihilation of the vast him, Professor Pianka was deadly serious.
majority of humans on planet Earth is now openly advocated
by left-wing influencers and the wealthy elite, including Bill The audience that had been applauding some of his state-
Gates, Ted Turner and even comedians like Bill Maher who just ments now sat silent.
wants people to, “Not have kids, DIE, and stay dead.”
After a dramatic pause, Pianka returned to politics and envi-
'“As he argued that humans hurt the environment, he conclud- ronmentalism. But he revisited his call for mass death when he
ed that it would be better for Earth for more people to ‘not have reflected on the oil situation.
kids, die and stay dead,'” reports NewsBusters.org.
“And the fossil fuels are running out,” he said, “so I think we

32 UNCENSORED 56 June – September 2019 www.uncensored.co.nz

may have to cut back to two billion, which would be about drop from $19 trillion in 2017 to only $2.4 trillion in 2025 while
one-third as many people.” So the oil crisis alone may require forecasting our GDP per capita to drop from $59,274 in 2017 to
eliminating two-third’s of the world’s population. only $24,561 in 2025 while one of the most telling numbers was
their forecast for our military budget to drop from $637 billion in
How soon must the mass dying begin if Earth is to be saved? 2017 to only $32 billion in 2025.
Apparently fairly soon, for Pianka suggested he might be
around when the killer disease goes to work. He was born in By comparison, the last time the US population was near 100
1939, and his lengthy obituary appears on his web site. million was back in the early 1900's. The last time the US's
GDP was anywhere near $2.4 trillion was back in 1978. And the
When Pianka finished his remarks, the audience applauded. It last time the US's military budget was anywhere near $32 bil-
wasn’t merely a smattering of polite clapping that audiences lion was back in the late 1930's, prior to the outbreak of World
diplomatically reserve for poor or boring speakers. It was a War 2 and huge military expenses in the US ever since.
loud, vigorous and enthusiastic applause.
Deagel's forecast numbers for America in 2025 are clearly
Why would members of the Texas Academy of Science give showing a 'post new world order, post-collapse' country.
loud, vigorous applause to the mass deaths of billions?
But how might our population drop from 327 million in 2017 to
We can also see what looks to be very real evidence of a only 100 million in 2025 as Deagel forecasts? As 'mad scien-
globalist depopulation agenda in the numbers over at the deep tist' Erik Pianka had argued, an airborne form of Ebola might
state sourced website Deagel.com. While one of Deagel's do it. And with our wide open southern border still porous and
primary functions is keeping track of military expenditures by a countless number of Third World illegal immigrants flow-
country, having extremely detailed records of military purchas- ing in to America with Third World diseases, as 'Warrior at the
es made including weaponry, ships, planes, etc, also keeping Border' had warned in this SQ Alert as we had also reported on
track of events such as air shows around the world, US military in this April 14th ANP story, the illegal immigrants flowing into
tests such as this one "US Air Force to Test High-Power Mi- America are a trial run for medical tyranny.
crowave Gun System to Take Out Swarm of Drones", they've
also been making forecasts going back many years of what Which brings us full circle to Mike Adams and this video within
the world might look like by the year 2025, and their forecasts which he warns us he believes the mandatory vaccinations
show the US a Third World nation by 2025 if their numbers are now taking place in New York and elsewhere could be a glo-
correct. balists test for the 'kill shot', euthanasia via an injection, a sure
way for the luciferians to cull the masses with bio-weapons
As we've previously detailed on ANP, Deagel's sources are the once most of the sheep have fallen obediently into line.
'deep state' and 'global government' including the CIA, the US
Department of Defense, the US Department of State, the Euro- SOURCE: http://allnewspipeline.com/Make_No_Mistake_
pean Union, and the World Bank among others. They_Want_Us_All_Dead.php

And as we see in the numbers above taken from their website,

by 2025, Deagel is forecasting the US to have a population of
approximately 100 million people; down 227 million from the (If you appreciate stories like this, please consider donat-
327 million living here in 2017. ing to ANP to help keep us in this battle for the future of
America: https://www.paypal.me/AllNewsPipeLine.)
Deagel is also forecasting the US gross domestic product to

UNCENSORED 56 June – September 2019 www.uncensored.co.nz 33

The Christchurch Massacre

Christchurch: Serious Questions Emerge

Many serious questions have What Happened to the Other Shooters?
- Early reports from Christchurch clearly indicated that Tarrant
ports on Brenton Tarrant and the might have had help, and that there was a strong possibility
that there were two or three more people involved.
Christchurch massacre in March.
And, moreover, until the official narrative was firmly in place
Some of these "anomalies" are seri-
other shootings were reported, possible bombs found in
ous enough to merit a second look at
Auckland, and other "terror" events were reported elsewhere in
what the public have been told, not only
Christchurch. Were these early reports incorrect? All of them?
about the alleged perpetrator himself
but about the actual event.
• For much more on this, please see Steve Edwards' excellent analy-
sis HERE: https://snoopman.net.nz/2019/05/09/christchurch-
The bottom line seems to be that he had help; that the event fit
the pattern of many other "false flag" events going back many
years, and that it might have been designed to usher in some
Then, a day or two later, all references to these reports quietly
major policy changes, including sharp and dramatic reductions
disappeared, replaced by a blanket ban on downloading or
in personal freedoms that people in New Zealand and other
sharing the alleged livestream video of the shooting.
western countries have long enjoyed.
In fact, the censorship order from NZ's chief censor warned
But are now under threat in all the Western Democracies.
that anyone caught downloading or sharing Tarrant's alleged
video would be fined and imprisoned, and in fact one man was
The sharp and almost immediate censorship of Tarrant's video,
imprisoned pending his trial.
for example, makes no sense – especially when compared
with the many violent videos on the Net that have never been
The question occurs to us to ask what was in the video – a
censored – unless, that is, the perp(s) inadvertantly left some clues
recording of Tarrant's accomplices, perhaps?
in the vid regarding, say, possible accomplices?
And what about the "anti-terror exercises" going on at the
Portraying Tarrant as a Trump-loving extreme right wing ex-
same time as the shooting occurred? And the swift reaction
tremist fits the contemporary narrative, until you actually see
on the part of the government to change our gun laws? Time
that his manifesto indicates that he is a self-described "Eco-
to remember that Jacinda Ardern worked in London for Tony
fascist" and a great admirer of China!
"Bliar" Blair?
That could tell us a lot. – Ed.


A ‘Lone Gunman’ –
or a Stealthy Coup D’état in Slow in Motion?
By Steve ‘Snoopman’ Edwards (Last updated 12 May 2019)*

Was the terrorist shooter’s timing so uncanny that he was able to freely
carry out his mayhem while there just happened to be three multi-na-
tional, multi-agency training exercises occurring in, around and above
Christchurch? How did multiple bomb scares occur at two New Zea-
land airports, a train station and a CBD bus shelter near the Auckland
City Council – all happen while he was in custody? Why did the ‘lone
gunman’ give the Department of the Prime Minister and Cabinet, and
70 other recipients – including politicians and the news media – a nine-
minute head-start by sending them an email subject-lined “On the At-
tack in New Zealand today” and include a ‘manifesto’ with the locations
that could be quickly found with the search term “attack”? Was the
attack simply the horrendous scheme of an ideologically driven ‘lone
gunman’? Or was the Christchurch Mosques Massacre a stealthy coup
d’état set in motion by a ‘Global Terror Tour’ team?

FULL STORY HERE: https://snoopman.net.nz/2019/05/09/christchurch-


34 UNCENSORED 56 June – September 2019 www.uncensored.co.nz

Looming Questions
the second ammendment, and the right Another thing mentioned on the gun
wing within the Us (sic) will see this as an was "1683", which refers to the Battle of

attack on their very freedom and liberty. Vienna. In this battle, the strategic city
This attempted abolishment of rights by of Vienna was besieged by the Ottoman
the left will result in a dramatic poloriza- forces.
“Brenton Tarrant” tion of the people in the United States
and eventually a fracturing of the Us (sic) However, the poorly written manuscript
along cultural and racial lines.” could have been greatly improved had
By Angelina Nic the author merely used a spell checker.
#NZ #Podesta #AUS #Democratic Since the document was posted as an
The story of “Brenton Tarrant” begins #DeepState #CIA #Mossad #Op MS Office .docx file, one has to wonder
in 1948 where an impoverished Jewish #ReadTheManifesto #FindTheMotive why the author didn’t use the spell-
family leaves Palestine for Britain and #FiveEyes #FISA #Reveal ing and grammar tools? Or re-read his
then Australia, where in 1970 they gain writing just once? The manifesto’s poor
citizenship. 5-25 years later, a son is Here are the clues. writing quality was faked.
born named Brenton. With the fam-
ily now living in Australia, dad dies of 1 The Dog Whistle: My Fellow White 3 Too Stupid For Grammar, Yet So
mesothelioma (asbestos) and “Brenton” People Smart He Profits from Bitconnect/
suddenly inherits enough money to travel
the world though, as holocaust survivors, On page 5 of the shooter’s manifesto,
no living relatives exist. Whatever world Tarrant twice mentions he is “just a [sic] On page 5, the author claims he invested
travels are on the list, and we are getting ordinary White [sic] man”. It’s the well- in Bitconnect, and used the proceeds to
feedback every hour, a considerable known dog whistle that some Twitter fund his travels abroad since 2012. But
sojourn in Israel is part of it, followed users have used to stealthily accuse Bitconnect dot co was a Bitcoin lending
by Turkey and then a tour of neo-Nazi/ white people of evil (“My fellow white platform that launched in 2016, along
Freemason training camps, the same men, …”). Why would a white man need with its own cryptocurrency. Apparently,
facilities that prepared Anders Brevik. to stress he is, in fact, a white man? It the shooter claims to have made a profit
should be more than obvious that Tarrant but Bitconnect went bankrupt in January
Tarrant is allegedly a member of the is white. of 2018. The currency dropped in value
Masonic Forum in Canberra, capital of
from $500 to $1.
Australia, listed as something very much
2 The “Uneducated White Male”
other than a social organization.
Caricature Unless it was the CIA/Mossad that ran
Bitconnect, it is highly unlikely that an
Before the attack, 12 bombs were
The shooter claims to be uneducated, apparently uneducated white male like
planted in the same area surrounding the
of lower class stock. Indeed, the mani- Brenton Tarrant could have made a
mosque and connected to the explosion
festo is riddled with mixed writing styles, profit of Bitconnect. https: slash slash
via Mobil (sic), which were dismantled by
grammar, and spelling errors. The errors en.wikipedia dot org/wiki/BitConnect
the authorities after all the nearby resi-
dents were evacuated from their homes. appear to make the shooter look “unedu-
cated”, which, in itself, is a pet peeve of 4 Iran Connection (1): Visits to
On page 19 of his manifesto, the New the anti-white movement. They love to North Korea, One of Iran’s Few
Zealand shooter ironically remarked: paint their white political adversaries as Political Allies
uneducated and ignorant.
Though the manifesto fails to mention
The well-educated right-winger seems to the shooter’s trips to North Korea and
No, but the next person to attack could be, so know a lot on history. Dates and names Pakistan (the manifesto was intended
a healthy scepticism is a good thing.” of white supremacists, the Crusaders, for a white audience), Brenton visited
wars with the Ottoman Empire, and a lot both North Korea and Pakistan some
The alleged shooter, Brenton Tarrant, about historical events, which involved time in 2018 or before. North Korea has
was, indeed, in all likelihood, a CIA/Mos- Muslims were written on his weapons. economic and possibly nuclear ties with
sad asset. This becomes clear when The writing in white mentioned the name Iran, Israel’s archenemy. It helps to as-
observing that the shooter’s writing and of Anton Lundin Pettersson, who was sociate the dictatorial regime of NK with
actions before the massacre associate a young, extremist student in Sweden. the NZ massacre, especially if you are
himself, a “right-wing white male”, with Petterson had killed two migrant children Israel and looking to further incriminate
all of Israel’s enemies and pro-European in 2015. the regime.
movements, discrediting them.
Another name was of Alexandre Bisson- The subliminal message is, “white
The plan at hand, in the words of the nette, who attacked a Canadian mosque right-wing extremists love authoritarian
killer himself… in 2017 and murdered six Muslims. regimes like North Korea’s”.

MANIFEST EXCERPT: “I chose firearms for Albanian military Commander Skander- The shooter visited Pakistan, a neighbor
the affect it would have on social dis- beg’s name was also written on the gun. of Iran, just months before the attacks.
course, the extra media coverage they He led a rebellion against the Ottoman During or shortly after the visit, he
would provide and the effect it could Empire in the 15th century. praised the Pakistani people for their
have on the politics of the United states hospitality. He posted a message on
(sic) and thereby the political situation The other names included that of the Facebook page of Osho Than, the
of the world. The US is torn into many Antonio Bragadin and Charles Martel. hotel he stayed at, which is run by Shia
factions by it’s (sic) second ammend- Bragadin was a Venetian officer who Muslims.
ment, along state, social, cultural and, violated an agreement, killing Turkish
most importantly, racial lines. With captives. Whereas, Martel was a Frank The subliminal message is, “this white
enough pressure the left wing within the military leader who had defeated Span- guy was influenced by Shia Muslims,
United states (sic) will seek to abolish ish Muslims in the Battle of Tours. then killed 49 Sunni Muslims”. Shia

UNCENSORED 56 June – September 2019 www.uncensored.co.nz 35

Muslims, of course, are the majority in subliminal message is, “it is bad to keep sonalize them with various scrawlings of
Iran, Israel’s enemy. Sunni are the major- Muslims out of your country”. The link is names and symbols to leave no doubt
ity outside of Iran. The Sunni Muslims also made with Russia, another support- who I identify with, secure a vehicle, all
will want to retalliate against the evil er of Iran and enemy of Israel. (Ed note: away from familiar surroundings and all
Shia, which serves Israel’s upcoming war Russia seems friendly to both.) without raising suspicion.
against Iran.
11 Tarrant Was an Expert As a lover of my race and people, I do
5 Iran Connection (2): Visits Shia- Marksman many strange things to do them the
Muslim Hotel in Pakistan But NZ most harm. I leave messages naming
Victims Were Sunni-Muslim In the live-stream, Tarrant hit moving alt-right heroes, rather than keep silent
targets from quite a distance. He had and perform my crime in a manner than
The shooter visited Pakistan, a neighbor done this before. Where did he receive would protect them. One would almost
to Iran, just months before the attacks. his training? Likely, from the Mossad/ conclude my conduct to be in the most
During, or shortly after the visit, he CIA. Apparently his precision marksman- clichéd manner of the perfect neonazi.
praised the Pakistani people for their ship coupled with his low grain bullets I’m no individual, I’m a caricature. Almost
hospitality. He posted this message on proved for zero visible bullet holes or too conveniently, I target Muslims at the
the Facebook page of Osho Than, and blood splatter or and shrapnel or impact perfect moment they are most vulner-
the hotel he stayed at, which is run by type debris. able, gathered in prayer, finding them
Shia Muslims. at a mosque whose location I almost
certainly wouldn’t have known.
12 Tarrant Made Sure His Face and
6 The Attack in Christchurch For- License Plate Were Captured on I live stream my attack in a precise video
ever Associates the Attacks with Video. Why? game, again making sure to include all
Christianity the clichés, making sure to capture my
It means he wanted to be caught (for the own image, and license plate number,
ensuing media and court show). It also just to make sure there are no doubts of
7 The New Zealand Prime Minis-
means he wanted the media to show his who I am. It’s almost as if I’m leaving my
ter Met with John Podesta in the white/whitish face to the world. Most calling card.
Days Before the Shooting, and With media complied.
Globalist Matriarch Hillary Clinton a At the same time a Climate Change
Few Months Earlier 13 Tarrant Was a Brevik-Copycat march is being conducted all around the
world to demonstrate the strength of glo-
Podesta praised the Prime Minister Like Brevik Tarrant wore full military balist love, I perform an attention-grab-
of New Zealand HERE: https://www. custume [psy-ops] to instill fear and bing hate crime to do the most damage
nzherald.co.nz/nz/news/article.cfm? paralyze people); had an overkill of guns to the cause I’m supposed to support
c_id=1&objectid=12211429 (the AR-15 apparently had Ca legal and reinforce the evil of the white race.
modifications, even though NZ had no My timing could not have been more
8 Questions About NZ such requirements), ammo and bombs at perfect."
Prime Minister's Press Conference his disposal; shot people at point-blank
range to make sure they were dead; Oh, and all of this is an expensive exer-
After the attacks, the NZ Prime Minister worked calm and desensitized (like a cise, from someone the media is claim-
Jacinda Ardern held a press conference. trained soldier) (or mind-controlled shill – ing is down on his luck.
She emphasized that Muslims seeking Ed); shot unarmed people; killed people
a “better life” in NZ “are us” and that at two different places, traveled by car
there might have been refugees and in between; didn’t kill himself; showed
migrants among the dead. In the video, a “right-wing” hand gesture in court
“No hobbyists or Advent Gamers, how-
on three occasions, she says the attacks (Brevik’s fist, Tarrant’s O.K. sign); smiled
ever invested, possess these precise
were “clearly” a vile act. The first time in contempt of court; had many if not
time-hardened ingrained abilities, tactics,
she says this, she looks straight into the hundreds of hours of target practice…
&/or skillsets…” #TrainedOperative
camera with unblinking eyes. But the
second and third time, she looks down Think People… Think Motive… Think The alleged mass killer trained in Israel
and away. It’s hard to lie to people’s
faces. A body language expert might
World-Wide Consequences! in 2017 and 2018 then visited Turkey and
the Balkans, this is confirmed.
need to look into this.
"Like hey, I’m an Aussie white suprema-
cist, who trained against Palestinians and Remember Tarrant is not from NZ but
9 The “Doom”-Style First-Person served in Southern Syria and in Idlib with Australia. How did he get to Australia?
Shooter Video Helps Condemn Vid- al Qaeda, transiting in and out of Turkey. I How did he get 5 military weapons, some
eo Games (That Potentially Teach want to partake in a hate crime speci cal- of them universally illegal? How were
Kids How to Fight Back One Day) ly a shooting of Sunni-Muslims. I don’t do they carried on the plane or arranged?
(Ed note: Rather, it fosters the normal- it in my hometown of Grafton, Australia, Where did they come from? Where are
ity of violence.) or even drive to ydney I instead y to they now? Why can’t we see them?
NZ where I have to pass through security,
10 Tarrant’s Strange Association twice, before leaving Oz and on arrival in Tarrant’s original shooting involved an
with Serbian Nationalists (Who New Zealand. Why wouldn’t I just do it at Eotech sight, manufactured in Ann Arbor,
home where I’m in my comfort zone, have Michigan. This unit has a serial number.
Opposed Islamic Immigration)
contacts, pass unnoticed? What is it? It can be traced. The second
rifle used in the video had a Swedish
In the live-streamed video, Tarrant
Instead, I do it in Christchurch, a city manufacture Aimpoint sight, also very
played some music of an old Serbian na-
unknown to me, where I have to secure expensive and also individually serial
tionalist outfit that supported Karadzic.
a cache of arms in gun-controlled New numbered.
The Serbs fought to keep mass Muslim
Zealand, find the paint and time to per- In the US, the “Eotech used is a 'law
immigration out of their country. The

36 UNCENSORED 56 June – September 2019 www.uncensored.co.nz

enforcement only'” verson. Also, as the incredible place filled with the most ear- was able to fund his many travels after
weapon photographed was an early ver- nest, kind hearted and hospitable people successfully investing in cryptocurrency.
sion of a specially modified AR15, much in the world”.
like the Clinton era “banned” weapons In Bulgaria security and intelligence
in the US. None or fewer of these fake “The beauty of Hunza and Nagar valley chiefs held an emergency meeting fol-
modified AR 15s from rural areas of in autumn cannot be beat,” he wrote lowing the Christchurch shooting, as the
Australia exist. The weapon was never online, according to the Sydney Morning Eastern European country was one of
used there as the .223/5.56mm cartridge Herald. Tarrant’s most recent destinations.
was inadequate for long range varmint The gunman was in Bulgaria between
work and few were issued to Australian The alleged 28-year-old boy of two Brit- November 9 and 15 last year “to visit
military and those in 20 inch barrel with ish parents of Jewish origin, whose fam- historical sites and study the history of
Vietnam era and highly recognizable M ily fled from the occupied territories after the Balkan country,” Prosecutor-General
16 E1 characteristics. the 1948 war to Britain and then to New Sotir Tsatsarov, told the media.
Zealand, stayed for 11 years and then Bulgarian sources told the New Zealand
How did this banned “Aussie” weapon get settled for residency in Australia and Herald that inscriptions on the rifle maga-
to Australia? Where did the other weap- obtained Australian citizenship in 1970. zines found at the scene of the shooting
ons, more AR’s, shotguns and pistols, Brenton went to the occupied territories were made in Cyrillic, and included the
come from? in 2017 and 2018 with visits lasting six names of famous battles and historical
months. figures from the Balkans, who fought
Some of the background came from against the Ottoman Empire. The wars
sources in the Netherlands counter-ter- He is a member of the Masonic Forum in against Ottoman Turks were also a
rorism forces as well who began running Canberra, capital of Australia, listed as source of inspiration for Norwegian ter-
background on our shooter as he began something very much other than a social rorist Anders Brevik.
contacting White Supremacist groups organization.
there and across Central Europe (never Tarrant arrived in Sofia, Bulgaria on a
called Eastern Europe, that’s Russia). Little known fact: Before the attack, 12 flight from Dubai in the United Arab Emir-
The trail he followed, other than North bombs were planted in the same area ates. He rented a car there and visited a
Korea and elsewhere, was the “Steve surrounding the mosque and connected host of local towns, o a lobe reported.
Bannon/Anders Berstein” circuit where to the explosion via Mobil (sic), but were
the Maidan snipers were trained as well. later dismantled by NZ authorities after The man then flew from Sofia to the Ro-
The Georgian snipers used at Maidan all the nearby houses were evacuated. manian capital of Bucharest, from where
were private military contractors from he traveled to neighboring Hungary by
groups Veterans Today knows very well, The shooting took 17 minutes and 4 car, the outlet added.
groups contracted to Bechtel Corpora- seconds, long enough for the police to
tion and British Petroleum, according quickly find that their station was only Tarrant visited Turkey at least twice,
to VT bureau chief Jeffrey Silverman in 2 kilometers away from the mosque, staying an “exended period of time in
Tbilisi, Georgia. raising questions about the New Zealand the country,” an unnamed Turkish official
authorities. New Zealand is a country in told TRTWorld. His visits took place in
So, where are we? We have silenced wit- which many of its officials are Masonic. 2016, before and after the failed Turkish
nesses and banned videos. coup in mid-July. In his manifesto, the
The Australian accused of the deadly gunman urged the recapture of Istan-
We have money from alleged crypto-cur- shooting at two mosques in New Zea- bul’s Hagia Sophia from the Muslims and
rency investments during a time crypto- land traveled around the globe, including the assassination of Turkish President,
currency was not doing so well, training Eastern Europe, Turkey, Pakistan and Recep Tayyip Erdogan.
in Israel, time spent in Syria and in and probably North Korea. Authorities in sev-
out of Turkey, we have a trained assas- eral countries are probing his trips. Turkish law enforcers are looking into
sin pretending to be a world tourist with Before his shooting spree left 51 wor- Tarrant’s activities in the country as they
zero-little photos, videos, social media, shipers dead and 50 people injured believe he arrived “to carry out a terror
friends, schoolmates, neighbors, or a in Christchurch on Friday, the alleged attack and/ or an assassination,” the
British/Scottish background achieved shooter published a manifesto where source said. People of Turkish origin
when his Jewish family allegedly immi- the 28-year-old (42 year old?) mentioned were among the victims of the Christch-
grated to the UK from Israel in 1948. visiting Pakistan, North Korea, Turkey, urch mosque shooting.
France, Poland, Bulgaria, Ukraine,
New Zealand shooting suspect’s Iceland, Argentina and many other According to the official, the man may
countries. Now, some of these states are have also travelled from Turkey to coun-
worldwide trips investigated
investigating what he might have done tries in Europe, Asia and Africa.
there and whether he picked up his radi-
#CIA & #MOSSAD trained operatives,
cal ideas during his travels. An owner of a hotel in Nagar valley in
(often disguised as tourists, contractors,
Northern Pakistan has told the media
political delegates or representatives,
One of those countries is the UK, as the that Tarrant was one of his guests in
etc.) tend to travel quite a bit…
gunman called for the murder of London October 2018. He said that the man
mayor Sadiq Khan. Tarrant accused travelled alone and looked “humble.”
Tarrant’s travels took him through much
Khan of working to “replace” the major- The owner shared a picture of a man he
of Europe, the UK, Bulgaria, Greece
ity-white British people with Muslims. claimed was Tarrant, holding a camera in
(Crete island, Heraklion, & Santorini)
MI5 is now looking into Tarrant’s possible front of his face.
Israel, North Korea, Pakistan, Turkey,
links to far-right radicals in Britain that
Egypt, India, & Japan, trained in Ukraine,
he might have established during his There’s also a photo circulating online,
Croatia, trained against Palestinians and
European visits. showing the Christchurch attacker at
served in Southern Syria and in Idlib with
the Samjiyon Grand Monument in North
al Qaeda, transiting in and out of Turkey.
The bodybuilder and personal trainer Korea.
from a small Aussie town wrote that he
Last year, he described Pakistan as “an

UNCENSORED 56 June – September 2019 www.uncensored.co.nz 37

Years in the Making

In New Zealand it’s not clear if Tarrant “based in Dunedin,” she added. This agenda is already in play, using the
was looking for a target during his travels NZ shooting for these purposes.
and why Christchurch mosques eventu- Motive
ally became the venue of the attack. FULL STORY HERE:
It is likely that the Mossad and Deep
New Zealand Prime Minister, Jacinda State alphabet agencies are staging https://wakeupthesheep.com/who-is-
Ardern said that the gunman stayed these events in order to limit the free- brenton-tarrant/
in the country for “sporadic periods of doms of Americans and usher in an
time.” unconstitutional police state where the
American people are treated as perpe-
He wasn’t a resident of Christchurch trators.
when the massacre took place, being

38 UNCENSORED 56 June – September 2019 www.uncensored.co.nz

New Zealand:
on live video, but first we will deal with Turkish state broadcaster TRT reports
Trump’s ties to the shooter who praises that he visited Turkey the same month,

The Unraveling of
Trump as a defender of “white national- before returning in September and
ism” and the fight against “invaders.” staying in the country for around seven

a Mass Murder
Of course, the incident itself, police
that show up late, only one shooter, Local news agencies have also reported
one guaranteed the fame he sought that Tarrant visited the Balkan nations
By Gordon Duff, with VT Staff and failed to get through the murder of of Serbia and Montenegro, Bosnia and
and Intelligence Sources President Assad on behalf of his Israeli Herzegovina and Croatia in late 2016 and
handlers (Russian military intelligence early 2017.
March 17, 2019 sources) will now spend his life in a
prison apartment. In the hate-filled “manifesto” sent to New
Arthur Brown’s 1968 “Not So Rock And Zealand PM Jacinda Ardern and oth-
Roll” semi-hit song provided the back- And so we have, as in so many cases, ers shortly before the mosque attacks,
drop for the carefully staged, fully theatri- fake mass shooters, and we have two Tarrant wrote that his world view had
calized murder “hit video” (below) with a varieties, shootings with no dead and changed dramatically while traveling in
cast of far more than we will ever know. shooters who are invariably police or se- Europe in 2017.
curity agents, who do the shootings and
Are we dealing with an experienced find hapless and insane patsies to either Tarrant visited Bulgaria and Romania in
professional assassin, a sociopath, and kill or lock up for life. late 2018, Bulgarian Prosecutor General
a “fake person” with no social media, Sotir Tsatsarov told journalists on Friday,
no neighbors, no co-workers, no school Shooters are always multiple, as in according to state news agency BTA.
friends, no records of getting weapons, a reports from Sandy Hook, where arrests Tsatsarov added that the suspect had
car out of thin air, a second shooter who were made but those arrested disap- a very good knowledge of the region’s
dissolved and some very serious con- peared. Let’s get on with this one and history.
tinuity problems in his video with some then circle back.
victims “pre-killed”? CNN has confirmed that Tarrant also
28 year old Brenton Tarrant, who is visited Pakistan in October 2018.
Ostensibly we have a single young man, photographed flashing Trump’s infamous
28 (?) years old, a “physical trainer” with “666 Sign of the Beast,” the identi- Turkey was added to the visited group
tons of inherited money, who travels the fier of top level Freemasons initiated after VT announced his three visits to
world, photographs everything, is loved into Satanic ritual, is being recreated Turkey. What is not told is that his Turk-
by everyone, then mysteriously goes on more and more as a fake person. From ish visits coincided with his six months in
a personal murder rampage. CNN today: “Details have continued to Israel starting in 2018 and involved him
emerge about the extensive travels of exfiltrating from Idlib Province where he
What we may have is a trained assassin, the suspected gunman, Brenton Tarrant, was being “blooded” by Israeli backed al
42 years old, from a Jewish family, who before the Christchurch attack. Qaeda/al Nusra groups.
trained against Palestinians and served
in Southern Syria and in Idlib with al CNN has confirmed that Tarrant visited Prior to that, in 2017, he entered Israel
Qaeda, transiting in and out of Turkey. Egypt and Greece in March of 2016, and and from there, he entered Syria where

We also have an opera-

tion where solid intelligence
sources say four women
“tourists” aided in “handling
and logistics” and local po-
lice counter-terrorism forces
supplied a second shooter.

During his world travels as

a “young man with wander-
lust,” we have no school
photographs, no work history,
no education, no job history,
another “empty person” like
our Sandy Hook “shooter”
and so many others.

This time he made the mis-

take of crossing into areas
watched by Russian and Syr-
ian intelligence, from which
VT receives daily private
briefings. They know him,
after all, he was supposed to
murder President Assad. Oh
that? CNN failed to mention

The incident itself, this time

UNCENSORED 56 June – September 2019 www.uncensored.co.nz 39

he, according to Russian Military Intel- There are no records of Tarrant’s “inherit- enforcement only'” verson. Also, as the
ligence, visited Deraa and then a refugee ance” that allowed his travel to Israel, weapon photographed was an early ver-
camp outside al Tanf, where Israel and Syria, Turkey and more and more nations sion of a specially modified AR15, much
the US have stationed hundreds of ISIS now being added to the group. like the Clinton “ban” era weapons in the
fighters under cover of refugees. US. None of these fake modified AR 15s
The video below clearly demonstrates from rural areas of Australia exist. The
This is confirmed by a General in Rus- that Tarrant was familiar with handling weapon was never used there as the
sia’s military. Russia is seriously con- weapons and killing civilians. There is .223/5.56mm cartridge was inadequate
sidering confronting the US military in al no question. We warn anyone about this for long range varmint work and few
Tanf. video, it is reprehensible but also clearly were issued to Australian military and
demonstrates someone fully radicalized, those in 20 inch barrel with Vietnam era
Coordinating efforts there is the shadowy we believe, from taking “pot shots” at and highly recognizable M 16 E1 charac-
FDD, the Foundation for Defense of De- Palestinians including children, from Is- teristics.
mocracies, whose staff is almost entirely rael’s “Trump-like” wall and its hundreds
made up of Israeli trained intelligence of- of sniper towers. How did this banned “Aussie” weapon
ficers, according to our sources in Syria get to Australia? Where did the other
and Russia. Listen to him chat about “combat” as weapons, more AR’s, shotguns and pis-
he pumps round after round into women tols, come from?
Tarrant was in the Rukban camp, and and children, spraying blood into the air.
from there traveled to Deraa, where This isn’t his first rodeo. Some of the background came from
he met with ISIS cells, and then was
escorted back to Israel and from there to Then the "So, where are we? We have a second shooter and guns
Turkey where he entered Idlib and met second
with al Nusra. He transited in and out of video, we
there, strange video with “pre-killed” victims. We have
ISIS/al Nusra occupied Syria to Turkey believe, silenced witnesses and banned videos."
three times before traveling to Belgrade. shows his
Background, From Syrian Intelligence which we believe to be a police handler sources in the Netherlands counter-ter-
(below): https://d.tube/#!/v/phusionphil/ rorism forces as well who began running
Tarrant has been on a watch list since hzbtsj11 background on our shooter as he began
2012 as an Israeli trained assassin repre- contacting White Supremacist groups
senting a threat to President Assad. As with Sandy Hook, we have issues there and across Central Europe (never
about the weapons used. We now see called Eastern Europe, that’s Russia).
Their records, submitted to VT in Arabic a single AR15 with bizarre “California”
on 3/16/2016, say that Tarrant’s family modifications, no flash suppressor and a The trail he followed, other than North
was in Palestine in 1948. They have no rear stock to remove the hand grip. New Korea and elsewhere, was the “Steve
record of family origin, and technically, Zealand has no such laws. Bannon/Anders Berstein” circuit where
this makes his family Jewish by reli- the Maidan snipers were trained as well.
gion, “Holocaust survivors” even if they Remember The Georgian snipers used at Maidan
weren’t in Europe during the war. This Tarrant is not were private military contractors from
is the current definition, any Jew living from New groups VT knows very well, groups con-
during this period, even outside Europe, Zealand, but tracted to Bechtel Corporation and Brit-
may under some circumstances, claim Australia. ish Petroleum, according to VT bureau
compensation as a “Holocaust survivor.” How did he chief Jeffrey Silverman in Tbilisi, Georgia.
Tens of thousands to this day, who were get to Aus-
never in Europe, receive compensation tralia? How So, where are we? We have a second
from the German government. From the did he get shooter and guns there, strange video
Times of Israel: five military with “pre-killed” victims. We have si-
weapons, lenced witnesses and banned videos.
“Earlier this year, the German govern- some of them
ment agreed to recognize some 25,000 extremely We have money from heaven, training
Jewish Algerians as Holocaust survivors, illegal? How in Israel, time spent in Syria and in and
making them eligible for compensation. were they out of Turkey, we have a trained assas-
carried on sin pretending to be a world tourist with
"The Claims Conference announced in the plane? no photos (Except for Pakistan – Ed.), no
February that Jews who lived in Algeria Where did video, no social media, no friends, no
between July 1940 and November 1942 they come school chums, no neighbors and a Brit-
were eligible for a one-time payment of from? Where are they now? Why can’t ish/Scottish background achieved when
€2,556.46 ($3,183)." we see them? his Jewish family immigrated to the UK
https://d.tube/#!/v/phusionphil/hzbtsj11 from Palestine/Israel in 1948.
The Claims Conference is a nonprofit or-
ganization that helps survivors to obtain We have a bit too much lying.
compensation. It was founded in 1951 Tarrant’s original shooting involved an
by representatives of international Jew- Eotech sight, manufactured in Ann Arbor, And so it goes.
ish organizations, and distributes funds Michigan. This unit has a serial number.
it receives from Germany to survivors What is it? It can be traced. The second
and their welfare groups. According to rifle used in the video had a Swedish
Claims Conference figures, since 1952 manufacture Aimpoint sight, also very SOURCE: https://www.veteranstoday.
the German government has paid out expensive and serial numbered. com/2019/03/17/new-zealand-the-un-
some $70 billion in compensation.” raveling-of-a-israeli-mass-murder/
In the US, the “Eotech used is a 'law

40 UNCENSORED 56 June – September 2019 www.uncensored.co.nz

Was Christchurch Yet
Police complicity is confirmed, over and died of an asbestos-related cancer and
over, (We do not have access to the sourc- shortly afterwards, having acquired some

Another False Flag? es on which this assertion is based. – Ed)

not just in New Zealand and Australia, but
inheritance, Tarrant left the family home to
travel the world.
the fake Brenton Tarrant has traveled the
By Gordon Duff with sources in Israel, world as a terrorist with the aid of some "During the years that he was away, his
the Balkans and Turkey very powerful people, just like Anders mother, an English teacher, wrote online
Brevik, the “Norwegian” mass killer. We about how much she missed her 'incred-
March 16, 2019 are already faced with conflicting stories, ible son' although she said she 'under-
disappearing videos but the lies have only stood his wanderlust'.
Intel Drop: begun.
"She wrote fondly of her 'Brento' and
Shooting Real, Shooter Fake Intelligence sources, angry at another appeared blissfully unaware of how his
patsy sent out to butcher the innocent, world had turned."
All done, according to the “manifesto” in are flowing their own data into Veterans
the name of “Donald Trump” and, if one Today. Tarrant’s travels took him through much of
were to read between the lines, the now Europe, North Korea, India and Japan.
pseudo-legally designated “Jewish Only” The information below came in today in
State of Israel. Hebrew and Arabic (similar) and awaits Last year, he described Pakistan as “an
confirmation: incredible place filled with the most ear-
dd modi cations no ash suppressor nest, kind hearted and hospitable people
strange stock, none of which is required The planning group included four women in the world”.
by New Zealand law….we have never who are currently in New Zealand as part
seen a weapon like this…piece of junk. of a tour group. (No, we can’t say where “The beauty of Hunza and Nagar valley in
The mass killer trained in Israel in 2017 they come from because we don’t know autumn cannot be beat,” he wrote online,
and 2018 then visited Turkey and the and aren’t going to make something up.) according to the Sydney Morning Herald.
alkans this is con rmed.
There are multiple confirmations of The 28-year-old, fake, 42-year-old boy of
When automatic fire broke out barely advance notification and involvement by two British parents of Jewish origin who
a mile from a police station, the police members of the New Zealand police au- fled from the occupied territories after
finally (!), 17 minutes later, showed up. thority who belong to Freemasonry. This the 1948 war to Britain and then to New
We saw this in Columbine and in nearly is identical to the Norway shooting under Zealand and stayed for 11 years and then
every shooting since, with few excep- Anders Brevik, which was also a Freema- settled for residency in Australia and ob-
tions. On November 7, 2018 in Thou- son “sponsored” event. As you remem- tained Australian citizenship in 1970.
sand Oaks, California, a police officer, ber, Brevik was allowed to buy fertilizer,
gun drawn, ran into a bar to stop a mass own an assault rifle, attend training with Brenton went to the Israeli occupied ter-
killing (attributed to a 28 year old Marine neo-Nazi and pro-Zionist organizations ritories in 2017 and 2018 with visits lasting
veteran named Ian Long). The officer in Europe, which our “caught” shooter, six months.
Brenton Tarrant has done, also.
was murdered, at the scene, by his own
He is a member of the Masonic Forum in
men. He didn’t know the rules.
Tarrant was assured a “free ride” after the Canberra, capital of Australia, listed as
killings, as with Brevik, who lives in a pri- something very much other than a social
Our story begins in 1948 where an impov-
vate apartment and gets regular outings. organization.
erished Jewish family leaves Palestine for
New Zealand had abolished the death
Britain and then Australia, where in 1970
penalty in 2007, Australia in 2005. Before the attack, 12 bombs were planted
they gain citizenship.
in the same area surrounding the mosque
28 year old “Brenton Tarrant’ is 42 years and connected to the explosion via Mobil
Five years later, a son is born, who in the
old. (confirmed by VT). Here is the bio of [sic], which were dismantled by the au-
succeeding 42 years ages only 28. With
the fake “Brenton Tarrant” from the UK thorities after all the people were taken out
the family now living in Australia, dad dies
Telegraph: of the houses.
of mesothelioma (asbestos) and “Bren-
ton” suddenly inherits enough money to
“The young Brenton Tarrant had just cel- An automatic weapon will release the
travel the world though, as Holocaust sur-
ebrated his birthday. entire contents of the safe in one push
vivors, no living relatives exist. Whatever
without pressing the trigger for each shot
world travels are on the list, and we are
"He would go on to enjoy a normal up- of Israeli weapons. The bullets and shots
getting feedback every hour, a consider-
bringing in the rural town of Grafton, New were allegedly made in Israel.
able sojourn in Israel is part of it, followed
South Wales, alongside his parents and
by Turkey and then a tour of neo-Nazi/
sister. The shooting took 17 minutes and 4
Freemason training camps, the same
seconds – long enough for the police to
facilities that prepared Anders Brevik.
"Little, if anything, pointed towards the quickly find as the police station was only
horror that he would go on to unleash. two kilometers away from the mosque.
We remember Brevik and his tiny Opel se-
Indeed, he describes himself as an “or- This raises questions about the New Zea-
dan and the fuel oil/fertilizer bomb whose
dinary, white man”, born into a working land authorities.
output equaled 50 tons of explosives in
class, low income family of Scottish, Irish
a vehicle that is rated by Hertz for “two
and English decent. SOURCE:
passenger and one suitcase.”
"By all accounts, his life was unremark-
The lies are piling up and the planning
able, leaving school to become a fitness (Disclaimer: Not all of the assertions made
and execution of the mass shooting in
instructor at a local gym. by the author have been con rmed by us
Christchurch goes from Australia and
and indeed, may sound outlandish. We
New Zealand into Israel and the Balkans.
"He had 'no interest' in education or include this article because of the author's
Everything about Brendon Tarrant is a lie,
anything that university had to offer. But credentials as an editor of Veterans Today,
and the lies are piling up.
in 2010, his father Rodney, an athlete, an exceptionally good Website. Ed)

UNCENSORED 56 June – September 2019 www.uncensored.co.nz 41

UPDATE 1: out of Turkey, we have a trained assassin
False Flag Articles pretending to be a world tourist with next
to no photos, no video, no friends, no
Why Was John Podesta REALLY In New school chums, no neighbours and a Brit-
By Robert Steele Zealand Days Before Mass Shooting? ish/Scottish background achieved when
Signs This Was A HUGE False Flag To his Jewish family immigrated to the UK
For those who do not know me, I am
Demonize Nationalism And Further from Palestine/Israel in 1948.
a former US spy and I ran a false flag
Censor The Internet
operation for CIA in the 1980’s. I spoke
We have a bit too much lying. And so it
with Gordon Duff about this and with
NZ shooter was Mossad agent. Major false flag goes.
his permission have posted a full replay
operation. Spread the proof around, call names
of his original article. I am not going to
UPDATE 5: Multiple Shooters, Locations
spend any time on this, it is very clearly https://www.reddit.com/r/conspiracy/
a mind-controlled false flag operation comments/b1mhr0/nz_shooter_was_ Evidence Indicates Link Between
with possible local complicity. I hesitate mossad_agent_major_false_flag/ North Korean Embassy Break-In And
to speculate on the insanity of all of this,
Christchurch Attacks
other than to note that I fully anticipate New Zealand Gunman Mind-Controlled by 9/11
Syria making good on its declared plans False Flag Operation: Analyst Police speculated during the attacks
to retake the Golan Heights illegally oc-
that there were up to three suspects. But
cupied by Israel (as Palestine is illegally https://www.presstv.com/De- footage and photos that have emerged
occupied by Israel). The US Government tail/2019/03/16/591158/US-New-Zea- along with early reports of other suspect-
is in enemy hands – from Pompeo and land-terrorist-attack ed locations where incidents occurred
Bolton to King Kushner, our President’s
indicates that the number of attackers
ability to control the forces that want all Brendon O’Connell – Mosque Shooter Was was likely larger.
out war between the Zionists and the Professionally Trained
Muslims – the long planned WWIII – is
There were also rumours of other in-
questionable. Our President has the right https://www.henrymakow.com/2019/03/
cidents which suggest that the attack
instincts. He knows in his heart that he brendon-oconnell-false-flag.html
might have been larger than is being
needs to back out of the Middle East
disclosed. Maori News noted reports that
now, conclude the Korean deal, and later NZ Anti-Mosque Terrorist: False flag?
an additional shooting was ongoing at
return to insist on the denuclearization Hypnotized to Kill?
Christchurch Hospital. This went largely
of Israel as well as Saudi Arabia and
unacknowledged by the international
Iran. In the meantime, my bottom line is https://www.veteranstoday.
media. In the aftermath of the attacks,
simple: as long as Jared Kushner and com/2019/03/15/nz-hypno/
police in Auckland, New Zealand also
John Bolton are officially employed in
VIDEO: FALSE FLAG New Zealand Mosque responded to a bomb scare in the vicin-
the White House, the US Government is
Shooting (EXPOSED) Must Watch! ity of Britomart Train Station in Central
in enemy hands. It’s time for a new Sec-
retary of State (Jon Huntsman has my
vote) and a proper Secretary of Defense
watch?v=tpenvEMqCq0 It is also worth noting that the location of
with combat experience who is not a
police stations in and around Christch-
rabid Zionist or dual citizen or contractor.
UPDATE 2: 14 Reasons This Was a Mossad urch shows that there were several just
Operation a few blocks away from the Al Noor
The Zionists did 9/11 (and before that
Mosque and Linwood Islamic Centre.
the USS Liberty and in between the as-
https://steempeak.com/news/@ This is about a seven to eight minute
sassination of JFK Jr. to clear the way
baldrmedia/14-reasons-why-the-new- drive with normal traffic. But witness
for Hillary Clinton). This is a crucible zealand-mosque-attack-could-be-a-false- statements say that police took over 20
moment for our President, who is alone. flag-mossad-operation minutes to arrive at the scene (the police
The US secret intelligence community is
response time was actually an even
not only worthless, it is unlikely to have UPDATE 3: Mossad Spy Ring Found (2011) longer 36 minutes). Ambulance services
the integrity to tell the President what
took over half an hour to arrive at the
I and Gordon Duff and perhaps Mike Mossad spy ring ‘unearthed because of scene despite the fact that hospitals
Flynn would tell him if we could: this was Christchurch earthquake’ were in even closer proximity to the at-
a Zionist state-sponsored false flag that
tack locations than police stations.
should be called out for what it is, and Although dated (2011), this excellent
the Embassy of Israel in the USA closed story makes clear the promiscuous New Zealand government has engaged
down for this atrocity. “Enough already!” activity of the Mossad in New Zealand, in unprecedented censorship of the
– ROBERT STEELE: and brings forth the high probability that event and videos of the incident have
the New Zealand police in particular are all been taken offline.
See Especially: totally compromised (both technically
and criminally). UPDATE 6: FAKE Intended to Ramp Up Red
with Javad Heirannia: Is Zionism in the UPDATE 4: Second Shooter, Travel & Training
USA Over? One Former Spy & Counterin-
telligence Officer Says Yes. So, where are we? We have a second WHAT HAPPENED AND WHY?
shooter and guns there, strange video
• Memoranda for the President on 9/11: with apparently “pre-killed” victims. We OBJECTIVE: Neutralize Right-Wing, Con-
Time for the Truth — False Flag Deep have silenced witnesses and banned servative Republican Christian base of
State Truth! UPDATE 14: Spanish Trans- videos. President Trump
• 33 Zionist Strikes (Zionism is Not We have money from heaven, training TACTIC: Orient Department of Justice and
Judaism) in Israel, time spent in Syria and in and all law enforcement agencies to elevate

42 UNCENSORED 56 June – September 2019 www.uncensored.co.nz

white, right-wing, conservative republi- ment says it was; and both the attacker Syria launches its promised attack to
can Christians to top of list of domestic and the victims are not as they appear. remove the Zionists from the Golan
threats and terrorist list, and conse- In the USA most attackers are patsies, Heights where oil has been discovered.
quently increase incidents of “stop, some mind-controlled, and most victims The Zionists are desperate to keep the
investigate, and arrest” actions against are crisis actors or paid locals who are Golan Heights and to draw the USA into
this group. then sworn to secrecy using national a Middle Eastern general war. False flag
security warrants that threaten them with operations as well as the bribery and
TACTIC: Increase red-flag gun confisca- life in prison if they tell the truth about blackmail of most US Members of Con-
tion laws by including the justification for the event. gress and key Senior Executive Service
this action will include allegations of par- officials is how they get their way.
ticipation in white, right-wing, conserva- Q. The attack on a mosque in New
tive republican Christian suspect groups Zealand by an alleged white supremacist Let me say very clearly that I believe that
or activities. appears to have many questionable as- this event, for the first time in modern
pects. In broad terms, what do you think history, gives white nationalists in the
TACTIC: Conduct Democrat controlled happened? USA, and Muslims world-wide, a founda-
House Committee hearings on white, tion for coming together against Zionist
right-wing, conservative Republican A. A careful analysis of all available infor- Israel. I want to see a Muslim investiga-
Christians and directly associate Presi- mation, including a complete technical tive team in New Zealand immediately,
dent Trump with rhetoric and beliefs and as well as military analytic review of the and I want the exposure of this atrocity
agenda of this white, right-wing, con- full video tape, suggests that this was a to bring down the government of New
servative republican Christian terrorist false flag event. Zealand and force President Donald
group. Trump to honor his campaign promise
Q. efore I ask for speci c reasons why to fully disclose the who, how, what, and
UPDATE 7: Massive Censorship Panic you challenge the of cial narrative that a why of 9/11.
lone white man killed at least fty uslims
NZ Threatens 10 Years In Prison For ‘Pos- and wounded at least 50 more mostly If invited, I would be honored to donate
sessing’ Mosque Shooting Video; Web Muslims – let me ask about motive. my time and join the team, I am quite
Hosts Warned, ‘Dissenter’ Banned Assuming you are correct and this was certain I can extract the truth from the
a staged event followed by immediate alleged shooter within 24 hours. Sadly,
This is sheer panic. NZ is wrong to think global censorship to block common sense I would not be surprised to see the al-
for a moment this tape can be censored challenges, what was the purpose of this leged shooter die in the next few days,
– one atrocity documented on this tape event? allegedly by his own hand, to silence him
may be the complicity of the NZ govern- forever.
ment in a false flag event – something A. I am so glad you asked that, because
the International Criminal Court should my answer could help to unite Muslims Q. hat is a red ag law
be looking at. everywhere with white nationalists in the
USA and perhaps in other countries. This A. A “red flag” law is a very unconsti-
Below is an interview with Robert David event was designed with two objectives: tutional law that is being passed by
Steele. Anyone who can place it in an US states that do not believe in the US
Asian outlet, please go ahead or encour- The first could have been to demonize Constitution and the right to bear arms.
age them to connect via email to robert. white nationalists who support President In Maryland a man was assassinated by
david.steele.vivas AT gmail DOT com. Donald Trump, and to set the stage for police recently when they went to confis-
disarming them in violation of the US cate his weapons without notice. A red
Zionist Provocation to Disarm US Constitution by using a flood of new “red flag law allows anyone – someone you
flag” laws that the Deep State is at- owe money to, for example – to tell the
White Nationalists and Start World tempting to push through in the USA. police that they feel “threatened” by you,
War III? and this – without due process, without
Just as the Zionists assassinated John a judge, without a hearing – allows the
By Javad Heirannia F. Kennedy Junior to clear the way for police to demand your guns. If someone
Hillary Clinton to buy her Senate seat in wanted to assassinate me, arranging for
Q. You are well known as a former spy, New York, they are seeking here to help a “red flag” report so that I am disarmed
and you have also said many times on the the Democrats defeat President Trump first by the police, without actual just
public record that you managed a false in 2020. My colleague Scott Bennett, a cause, would be the perfect preamble.
ag operation for the entral Intelligence former US Army psychological warfare
Agency (CIA). You have also written three officer, has published a useful analysis of Q. List for us the anomalies – the clear
books and two chapters on speci c false objectives and tactics for this event. indications that this was a false ag event.
ag operations alse lag ttacks Tool
of the Deep State, 9/11 Truth, Sandy Hook In New Zealand, where the government A. My list is drawn from both my own
Truth, Orlando Atrocity, and Paris 11/13. In is a mix of good – criticizing Zionist viewing of the movie, which is clearly full
brief what is a false ag attack Israel – and bad – seeking to confiscate of special effects such as bullet cas-
weapons – this false flag event is clearly ings that “disappear” and do not hit the
A. The term originated in maritime war- being used to justify the disarming of the ground, and the works of Gordon Duff,
fare, where pirates as well as countries public. Kevin Barrett, James Fetzer as well as
such as Spain and France, would fly Baldrmedia and William Craddick. I will
the flag of their prey so they could sail The second objective is to set the stage divide my list into event anomalies and
closer and mount a surprise attack. The for World War III. contextual anomalies.
term today means nothing more or less
than “not as it appears.” This means I will predict right now that at least two
that the event did not happen the way Muslim mind-control patsies will mur-
the government says it did; it was not der – for real – at least 20 kindergarten Event Anomalies
carried out for the reasons the govern- children in the USA immediately before

UNCENSORED 56 June – September 2019 www.uncensored.co.nz 43

These are clearly toy guns firing air and
addition of bullet casings, after the fact, cess to the prisoner and the mosque in
not ejecting casings or firing real bul-
never mind the reality that the shooter fear of their quickly seeing this for what it
lets. In the video the bullet casings were
was quickly arrested and had no time to is – a false flag provocation.
added after the fact as a special effect.
edit anything.
• With the exception of the alleged dead • The government of New Zealand has
by the front door, who appear to have entered into a censorship panic, and in
been staged beforehand, none of those Contextual Anomalies the USA the Zionist-controlled social
allegedly killed in the video fall in spastic media notably Facebook and Twitter,
shock as real wounded do, and there are • The individual either is not who they are actively censoring the video particu-
no blood splatters. Some of those lying say he is, or he is much older than they larly, and skeptical comments generally.
dead are not actually shot in the video. claim. Gordon Duff has documented his The video, intended by its originators
Indeed, the shooter exits the mosque family history and it leads back to Zionist to defame white nationalists and anger
and then returns, this time we see some Israel in multiple ways. Muslims, has clearly become a liabil-
rather amateurish blood evidence, as if ity because watching it one is quickly
he had to leave so the special effects • The individual received an “inherit- convinced this is a false flag event – not
crew could come in. ance” when he lost his family, a common what the government claims it to be.
Mossad technique for picking up promis-
• The piles of bodies appear to have ing orphaned males for mind-control If 50 people prove to be dead and an-
been there prior to the gunman entering. projects, and spent years traveling other 50 wounded, this makes it almost
They are all in very unnatural positions, including North Korea, China, Afghani- certain that there were multiple shooters.
and interestingly, not a single one is face stan, Pakistan, Turkey, and Syria and in One man with several magazines cannot,
up, useful if you want to conceal all their training in Israel. under any possible circumstances, do
identities. the claimed damages.
• The shooter allegedly drove past at
(Ed Note: Given the evidence that the least two police stations en route from Q. You speak of mind control as if it were
mosque shootings were real and killed the first to the second mosque. a routine matter. What can you tell us
51 people and injured many more, the about this as it relates to terrorist incidents
anomalies described in the analysis of the • Video exists of at least two other and assassination?
video suggest that the gunman and/or ac- shooters, and evidence exists of at
complices might have pre-recorded video least four women in a tour group that A. Let me first say that although I was
footage and somehow "live streamed" this appear to have been a Mossad support a spy for the CIA, most of what I have
footage.) cell. learned about the evil associated with
the CIA and also the National Aeronaut-
• Shots fired from a shotgun inside the • Government claims that this individual ics and Space Agency (NASA) – the two
car do not blow out the front windshield. was not on their radar are a clear lie. He places where the Nazis took up resi-
was a known shooter in the Bruce Rifle dence after WWII – comes from non-fic-
• All traffic is blocked from the street Club catering to military shooters and tion reading and debriefing others after I
during the event, as if the police had is known to have visited countries of left CIA.
roadblocks set up. concern including North Korea.
Nothing I have ever said in public vio-
• The police do not arrive officially until • He is known by Turkey to have entered lates my lifetime oath of secrecy as a
36 minutes after the first shot, never that country intent on carry out an assas- spy.
mind that their nearest station is two sination or some form of terror attack.
miles away from the first mosque. Alone among all Muslim nations, Turkey Mind-control at CIA and NASA started
The video shows clear signs of having has a team on the way to New Zealand with hypnosis and drugs and has
been technically altered, including the where I expect they will be denied ac- advanced to electromagnetic “tuning”
and early childhood
pedophilic trauma
leading to the crea-
tion of multiple per-
sonalities in a single
body, and the ability
to train people to
do extraordinary
things not nor-
mally expected – for
example a chubby
housewife able to
crush a man’s throat
when walking past
him – and to wipe
their minds clean
after the fact.

The ability to
convert totally in-
nocent people into
unwitting spies
and on-command
assassins has long
been the Holy Grail

44 UNCENSORED 56 June – September 2019 www.uncensored.co.nz

of the Mossad as well as the CIA. I was We also share with all Muslims one big
surprised to learn NASA was so heav- challenge: it is impossible to learn the • Bodies on Ground & Fallen BEFORE
ily engaged in this atrocity, it appears truth from the US Government, from any Shooter Arrives
to be a result of their Nazi transplants government, or from the media, because
combined with the desire to train super all of the channels of communications • Perfect Walls — no damages, no bullet
humans for long-range space missions. are controlled. holes, up close OBVIOUS
Being evil comes easily when you have a
great deal of money and no oversight. I am reminded that the Prime Minister • Manikins and the open doorway not
of Malaysia some years ago called for used
I have about 40 posts on mind-control at a Muslim Press Service because the
my blog, but particularly recommend my Zionists control the world press and de- LINK TO ABOVE VIDEO: https://www.
review of TRANCE: Formation of America. monize Muslims. Now they are demoniz- bitchute.com/video/VRRZI8Pre7oa/
ing white nationalists.
I am quite certain that most “active LINK TO ABOVE VIDEO: https://www.
shooter” events are either staged or We all need a truth channel – a global to bitchute.com/video/ANHw6iIAXWAx/
using a mind-controlled patsy who local network for sharing information that
sometimes dies as part of the deal. I cannot be censored, a network where New Zealand Mosque False Flag Ex-
am especially troubled by law enforce- voices for the truth cannot be digitally posed, Reasons for the Hoax Revealed
ment personnel being engaged in crimes assassinated, a network that can help
against humanity and then being ordered educate the billions who wish to live in “Everything points to a real mass shoot-
to lie on the pretext of national security peace and prosperity together, a network ing that did occur, but a fake video was
and with the threat to them of losing their that can achieve the sustainability goals also produced before the terrorist attack
pensions or going to prison for life. within twenty years by using Open as a separate psyop.”
Source Everything Engineering (OSEE)
Mind control – as with geoengineering, at ten to twenty percent the cost of the
5G genocide and ecocide communica- failed Western model. UPDATE 9: Christchurch, the Former
tions, and legalized sterilization through Islamic Minister: “Mossad Behind Shoot-
vaccinations and other means – is out of This event in New
control. There is no Western government Zealand is well-
I know of that is a genuine democracy. suited to bringing
While I have high hopes for President together US white
Donald Trump, at this time he is fighting nationalists and
for his life against the Deep State and its Muslim activ-
Zionist under-belly, and we could still see ists, against the
the death of America the Beautiful. Zionists, against
the censored
Q. You are a Christian, a white nationalist controlled media,
but also a Latino of a Colombian mother, against govern-
who has lived all over the world as the son ments that believe
of an oil engineer, as Marine Corps infan- they can deceive
try of cer and as a spy. You only became their citizens and
an anti-Zionist when they destroyed your the world with
#UNRIG election reform program co- false flag events
founded with the great Dr. Cynthia McKin- intended to disarm
ney. hat is your nal word to all uslims individual citizens
on this matter? on the one hand,
and justify organ-
A. In your last interview with me, “Is Zi- ized state-level
onism in the USA Over?” I ended my final violence on the
answer to you by saying this: other.

I support our President, and I support The truth at any cost lowers all other ings”
Ilhan Omar. Each in their own way em- costs. That is what I stand for. I would
bodies all this is good within America the be honored to be invited to join a Truth
Beautiful. Commission, perhaps led by Indonesia
and including representatives from India,
Copyright © 2017,
The America that most Muslims have Iran, and Turkey as well as Malaysia,
Public Intelligence Blog
experienced is not America the Beautiful, focused on the atrocity in New Zealand.
the land of the free, where faith in God The truth can unite, the truth can heal,
SOURCE: https://phibetaiota.
and loyalty to the Constitution – includ- the truth can triumph. May God bless all net/2019/03/breaking-new-zealand-
ing the rights of free speech and free- those who honor Him with the truth. false-flag-by-zionist-israel-with-com-
dom of religion – are core values. Most plete-new-zealand-police-and-freema-
Muslims see the Deep State America Learn more: https://robertdavidsteele. son-complicity/
in which virtual colonialism, predatory com and https://phibetaiota.net.
capitalism, and unilateral militarism are
the norm. UPDATE 8: Two Debunk Videos SHORT URL:
I would say this to all Muslims: we white • Magic cartridge casings edited into
nationalists embrace Latinos and blacks video (pre-recorded then “live streamed”)
and Muslims who are committed to God • Cartridge Casings on Floor BEFORE
and country, to freedom and tolerance. Shooter Arrives

UNCENSORED 56 June – September 2019 www.uncensored.co.nz 45

Twitter hosted violent hate eos, since they have forfeit any liability
protection under Sec. 230 of the CDA
filled rants against Islam and a desire to
carry out violence against Muslims.
rants and photos of New
Zealand mass shooter who The facts of this horrific event seem
to point toward huge legal liability for
The narrative that this shooter was
“radicalized” by intelligent conservative
live-streamed the killing of Twitter, which is now functioning as an voices like Candace Owens is obviously
Muslims at prayer editorial publisher by selectively banning
channels for political speech or health
contrived, and it points to larger ques-
tions about who might really be behind
freedom speech. this event (and who benefits from the
narrative that emerges from the carefully
Twitter can now be sued by scripted, video-documented violence).
all the families of the victims
of these violent shootings, According to the shooter’s own manifes-
for Twitter has forfeited Sec. to which was apparently posted to social
230 legal immunity by selec- media, the shooter specifically chose
tively banning pro-America, to use firearms to escalate mass media
pro-Trump channels as part coverage and cause a civil war in the
of its agenda to assert strong United States. The rantings read like a
editorial control over its plat- CIA “divide and conquer” blueprint, or a
form. This puts Twitter in the “problem-reaction-solution” approach to
position of being legally liable sowing dissent and sparking even more
By Mike Adams for all the content posted on violence. See TheGatewayPundit.com
March 14, 2019 Twitter, including the content posted by for rapid coverage of tweets and videos,
this mass shooter. as we are refusing to publish the videos
here, since they are too graphic.
(Natural News) Because Twitter has now The shooter also live-streamed the entire
repeatedly violated Sec. 230 of the CDA mass killing on Facebook, posting a Another suspicious fact that’s emerging
(Communications Decency Act), the video that looks eerily like a first-person from this event concerns reports that
dishonest, unethical tech giant can now shooter video game… except these there may have been three shooters at
be sued by victims of the mass shooting were real casualties and real deaths, not two locations, meaning this may have
involving two mosques in Christchurch, imaginary video game scores. By the been a coordinated, carefully planned
New Zealand, where the murder of inno- same legal reasoning, this also makes (i.e. staged) event.
cent Muslim churchgoers just took place Facebook legally liable for potentially
in the last few hours. billions of dollars in damages stemming Notably, New Zealand is already an
from lawsuits of the families whose loved extremely restrictive nation when it
The two mosques where shootings took ones were murdered while Facebook comes to civilian ownership of firearms.
place, according to Radio NZ, are the used a video stream of the mass murder The rifle that has been shown in photos
Masjid Al Noor Mosque and the Linwood to increase its corporate profits. that appear to be linked to this shooting
Masjid Mosque. are firearms which are extremely difficult
Both Twitter and Facebook, accurately to obtain in New Zealand and require
At least one of the shooters obtained stated, are complicit in these New Zea- multiple levels of government permitting,
what almost certainly appear to be illegal land murders. background checks and home inspec-
weapons in New Zealand, then posted tions. Although it is too early to know yet,
his intentions to kill Muslims on Twitter. Here’s a screen grab of the video the it seems almost certain that at least one
He even posted deranged photos with shooter live-streamed on Facebook. of these weapons was acquired illegally.
revenge messages scrawled across Note the bizarre scrawling in white mark-
firearm magazines. Twitter did not remove er on this shotgun which was used at the We mourn the loss of innocent life and
his account, even as Twitter banned Natu- beginning of the shooting. The fact that reiterate that no person — not Muslims,
ral News (@HealthRanger) from posting this event was carefully scripted, video not Christians, not Hindus, Sikhs or Jews
stories about nutrition and natural health. recorded and published on social media — deserves to be subjected to violence
proves that this real violence was staged merely because of their religion.
Yes, you read that correctly: Twitter as a global media event to achieve a
banned one of the most prominent online specific political purpose (see below). Since President Trump was elected in
channels on natural health and nutri- 2016, however, Leftists in America have
tion but didn’t ban an insane, deranged The violence is real, but the entire shoot- been escalating their hate-filled at-
mass shooter’s channel that clearly ing appears to be an elaborate staging of tacks on Christians in America, all while
contained disturbing visual proof of an events to provoke more war and ha- labeling Bible scripture “hate speech”
intent to carry out mass murder. As you’ll tred… and Twitter just helped the killers and censoring Christians from social
see below, Twitter may be complicit in achieve their ultimate goal media. The same tech giants that cen-
this carefully planned, staged event that sor Christians who preach the word of
took the lives of innocent people for the Notably, as much as the violence in this God, it turns out, are more than happy to
purpose of causing cultural chaos and event appears to be genuine, it also ap- live-stream mass murder by a deranged
violence. pears that the shooter was setting up an lunatic whose rantings just happen to
elaborate narrative to blame conserva- perfectly fit the globalist narrative that
Here’s one of the photos that Twitter car- tives such as Candace Owens, who is for would foment worldwide violence and
ried on behalf of the mass shooter, who some reason named in a post that was hatred.
went on to murder an unknown number reportedly authored by the shooter. (Can-
of churchgoers: dace Owens is a brilliant, African-Amer- How convenient.
ican conservative commentator who
Twitter and Facebook can both be sued abhors the use of violence, by the way.) SOURCE: www.naturalnews.com
for publishing this killer’s photos and vid- Other parts of the post containing hate-

46 UNCENSORED 56 June – September 2019 www.uncensored.co.nz

In New Zealand, a Democracy
Turns Against Itself
Under pressure, democracies have a nasty habit of acting like panicked crowds.

J.D. Tuccille | March 29, 2019 ton Tarrant wanted just such a reaction. of bloody conflicts, such as the Vietnam
In his nasty, hate-filled "manifesto" he War, which helped to spur opposition to
One of the oldest criticisms of democ- explains that, to commit his crimes: the same by emphasizing the reality and
racy is that it's prone to degenerating consequences of violence. "Certainly, the
into little more than mob rule, driven I chose rearms for the affect sic it would war became a television event, a tragic
by the latest panic, hatred, or revulsion have on social discourse, the extra media serial drama stretched over thousands of
to consume people's attention. When coverage they would provide and the af- nights in the American consciousness,"
it comes to stoking such strong emo- fect it could have on the politics of United wrote Michael A. Anderegg in Inventing
tions, it's difficult to top the effect of the states and thereby the political situation of Vietnam: The War in Film and Television,
brutal mass murders committed at two the world... With enough pressure the left published in 2009.
mosques in Christchurch, New Zealand. wing within the United states will seek to
In the wake of that crime, the country's abolish the second amendment, and the As for the manifesto, "it promotes,
government has succumbed to blind right wing within the US will see this as an encourages and justifies acts of murder
reaction by restricting speech, depriving attack on their very freedom and liberty. and terrorist violence against identified
innocent people of arms, and heighten- This attempted abolishment of rights by groups of people," insists Shanks. "It
ing domestic surveillance – intrusions the left will result in a dramatic polariza- crosses the line."
into individual rights that are inherent tion of the people in the United States and
whether or not governments and majori- eventually a fracturing of the US along Yes, it does cross the line – but no more
ties formally respect them. cultural and racial lines. so than the murderer himself. It just
might be helpful to know what motivated
It's a grim illustration of just how vul- The effect on New Zealand law he Tarrant (and to see that Ardern and com-
nerable the "liberal" element of liberal considered a foregone conclusion, de- pany are essentially following Tarrant's
democracy can be – as our own country scribing gun owners there as "a beaten, script in their reactions).
has itself demonstrated in the past. miserable bunch of baby boomers, who
have long since given up the fight." New Zealanders looking for relevant in-
"The greatest danger to democracy is a formation about the massacre from over-
struggling population in search of easy Do the people of New Zealand know seas will encounter yet more censorship.
answers," commented Philip Freeman, that they're playing into the hands of a ISPs are limiting access to websites
now a professor of classics at Pepper- murderous, racist thug? Are they aware elsewhere "following specific requests
dine University, during a 2016 Arizona that that they're explicitly fulfilling the from the government".
State University forum on demagoguery. desires of a self-described "fascist" who
As demagogues go, New Zealand's admires the government of the People's They also may run afoul of their coun-
Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern looks less Republic of China, and wants to "incite tries' spies, on the lookout for just such
like a Mussolini-type leading a mob and violence, retaliation" with the partial goal end-runs around the law. New Zealand's
more like a participant in the panic trot- of "destabilizing and polarizing Western domestic surveillance apparatus, which
ting just a bit faster than the others and society?" Edward Snowden has already revealed
eager to mouth as many "easy answers" as intrusive, says it has stepped up its
as it takes to avoid getting trampled by Perhaps they don't know because "Chief efforts after the attack. No doubt much
the rest. Censor" David Shanks banned pos- of that effort will be expended to find
session of both the video record Tar- legitimate threats – although some in-
Among those easy answers is a quickly rant made of his crimes, as well as the nocent people may be rousted along the
introduced ban on semiautomatic manifesto he produced explaining what way. But people retaining newly illegal
firearms, with a few exceptions for .22 he hoped to accomplish by slaughter- guns or perusing forbidden documents
rifles and shotguns in order to minimize ing people. Shanks declared it "illegal to may want to be sure to draw the cur-
resistance from rural dwellers who need have a copy of the video or document, tains.
such tools. How enforceable the ban will or to share these with others." Know-
be is anybody's guess, since the country ing possession of either the video or the Unfortunately, New Zealand isn't unique
doesn't currently have widespread manifesto by unauthorized individuals is in surrendering individual rights and
registration to track who has which guns. punishable by up to 10 years in prison respect for liberty to the panic of the mo-
Ardern proposes a national registry for and NZ$50,000, while distribution can ment. We need look no further than our
firearms that remain in private hands, get you 14 years behind bars. own country (the USA) for examples that
presumably to ease the task of confis- are as bad or worse.
cating them during the next unthinking The video was banned, said the censor,
panic. because of its "depiction and promotion Furious at opposition to World War I, the
of extreme violence and terrorism." But Wilson administration "took immediate
Ironically, alleged mass murderer Bren- similar content is also found in footage steps at home to curtail one of the pillars

UNCENSORED 56 June – September 2019 www.uncensored.co.nz 47

of democracy – press freedom – by im- (which itself was investigated by the and conformity. That's true in the United
plementing a plan to control, manipulate administration over repeated criticism of States as well as in New Zealand. It's a
and censor all news coverage," accord- the president and his policies) asked at habit worth breaking if liberal democra-
ing to Christopher B. Daly, professor of the time. cies are to rebut their critics and demon-
journalism at Boston University. It was strate their ability to remain bastions of
left to succeeding president Harding More recently and directly relevant to freedom.
and Coolidge to release Wilson's politi- New Zealand's experience, national
cal prisoners, including Socialist Party uproar over the 9/11 terrorist attacks led But to know that Brenton Tarrant himself
leader Eugene Debs. to the passage of the Patriot Act under chortled that "democracy is mob rule" in
President George W. Bush "without his manifesto, and that New Zealand's
Using the stresses of the Depression and debate" as the American Civil Liberties government is living up to his predictions
the Second World War as his excuses, Union points out. "The massive surveil- with its authoritarian reactions, you'd
FDR also worked to squash dissent and lance bill was hastily passed just 45 days have to be free to read his words for
investigate critics, though less brutally after 9/11, and was the first of many yourself.
than Wilson. His biggest crime, though, changes to surveillance laws over the
was confining 117,000 Japanese-Amer- past decade that made it easier for the For the moment, anybody doing so in
icans to concentration camps for fear government to spy on innocent Ameri- that country risks stiff fines and arrest.
of what they might do, based on their cans," the group adds.
Under pressure, democracies have SOURCE: http://reason.com/ar-
"On what theory can an American citizen a nasty habit of acting like panicked chives/2019/03/29/in-new-zealand-de-
be locked up, with or without trial, be- crowds, suppressing anything frightening mocracy-turns-illiberal
cause of his race?" the Chicago Tribune or just different in a search for security

New Zealand Jesus in order to make the prayer “more

inclusive” for all parliamentarians.
before actioning the changes.

removes any The Guardian reported: A reference to

“Almighty God” remains, but it is not a
“Well the decision as to what should
be changed should be made by parlia-
reference to Jesus specific reference to a Christian god. mentarians and not the speaker – that’s
our position, I don’t mind telling you
from Parliamentary The protesters want Jesus’s name rein-
stated, and held signs reading “Dishon-
publicly”, deputy prime minister Winston
Peters told RNZ.
prayer ourable Judas Mallard”.
“If you’re going to make a change let’s
By Emma R. Around 1,000 people protested on the have Parliament decide – not one per-
March 19, 2019 steps of Parliament House in Wellington, son.”
arguing that New Zealand was a Chris-
In the wake of the Christchurch mosque tian nation and Mallard had no authority Mallard said he had consulted with
attack, we now find out that New Zea- to axe Jesus’s name. parliamentarians and the majority had
land has removed references to Jesus indicated they were in favour of a secular
from the parliamentary prayer, sparking “He needs a good kick in his pants, prayer.
outrage among the country’s Christian and he needs to actually be removed
population. because this is a Christian nation”, As former Christian churches are turned
protester Rieki Teutscher told Radio NZ. into mosques, New Zealanders are told
Speaker of the House, Trevor Mallard, “We don’t share his atheism.” to accept the Islamification with smiling
made the decision to drop references to tolerance.
Another protester, Carmel Morgan,
said Mallard should Just don’t make the Muslims mad. New
have consulted with Muslim migrants have the “right” to not
New Zealanders or be offended by references to Christ even
announced a referen- when they are in Christian countries.
dum before changing
the prayer. If a Muslim hears a reference to Jesus
in a public prayer, it might trigger an
“This is a land of de- extreme response, so it’s best to delete
mocracy, this is a land Jesus from the domestic culture so we
of freedom, you know, can all “get along”.
we want to be a first
world country… he When the Prime Minister of New Zealand
took that choice away dons a hijab in public, all of New Zealand
from us.” is being betrayed to the gods of diver-
sity, but Christianity will not be part of
Politicians such as the equation.
Jacinda Ardern and
Winston Peters have SOURCE: https://voiceofeurope.
said it would have com/2019/03/new-zealand-removes-any-
been judicious for the reference-to-jesus-from-parliamentary-
speaker to have con- prayer/
sulted more widely

48 UNCENSORED 56 June – September 2019 www.uncensored.co.nz

Good thing they banned guns:
London averaging 40 knife crimes per day
April 9, 2019

London has some serious crime issues: See the following:

London Mayor Sadiq Khan has a serious crime problem: City sets record for murders as police launch
100th investigation: https://fellowshipoftheminds.com/london-mayor-sadiq-khan-has-a-serious-crime-prob-

London stabbings: Six teenagers attacked in 90 minutes during night of violence: https://fellow-

Guess what is responsible for this: London sees surge in knife attacks: https://fellowshipoftheminds.com/i-

Mayor Sadiq Khan refuses to acknowledge the real source of knife crimes in his city: criminals. Instead of get-
ting tough on criminals the mayor focuses on political correctness and blames the lack of taxpayer dollars for
this “complex” problem (of course).

From Evening Standard: "The shocking extent of London’s knife crime problem was revealed today as figures
showed that 40 knife offences a day were reported to police over a two-year period.

"A person was knifed to death on average every four days in London in 2017 and 2018, following a Freedom
of Information request by the Standard." The figures reveal the total number of knife offences including those
involving stabbings and deaths caused by a blade for the calendar years of 2017 and 2018. Met Police dealt
with 29,232 knife offences in a two years.

"On average this is about 40 offences a day in London.

"The total number of homicides and stabbings fell across the two-year period however. In 2018, the number of
knife attacks fell by over 500. In 2017, there was 4,784 stabbings and in 2018 there was 4,246. The number of
homicides also fell by 12.

"Official statistics for 2019 have not been made available just yet but Mayor of London Sadiq Khan said the de-
crease is encouraging. Although the number is still “too high”,
Mr. Khan praised London communities and the Met for their
work in reducing crime.

"A spokesman from the Ben Kinsella Trust, which tackles knife
crime through education and campaigning, said the small re-
duction is not a victory yet.

"A Metropolitan Police spokesman said officers are working

“day and night” to identify and pursue knife criminals.

"The majority of the crimes detailed in the figures were commit-

ted in Southwark with 1,594 offences occuring in that London
borough The borough also had the highest number of knife-
related homicides with 17 people being stabbed to death in
two years. Bexley was the only borough of 33 to not have any
deaths resulting from a knife in the two years.

"Mr. Khan said: “Thanks to London’s communities and the hard

work of the Met Police, who have been targeting offenders and
removing dangerous weapons from our streets, we are seeing
some knife crime offences starting to fall, but it still remains too
high. We still desperately need the Government to reverse its
damaging cuts to the police and preventative services.”

"He added the level of knife crime “across the country” was still
“unacceptably high”."

Read the whole story HERE: https://www.standard.co.uk/news/

SOURCE: https://fellowshipoftheminds.com/good-thing-they-

UNCENSORED 56 June – September 2019 www.uncensored.co.nz 49


How Real Is White Supremacy?

By Paul Craig Roberts
April 5, 2019 All of these terror events, those that seem to be real and those
that seem to be staged, have explanations ready prior to
I don’t share the interest many have in the reported mass the event. Indeed, the explanation of the event is sometimes
shootings. However, there are wider issues associated with the provided as the news is reported. This should strike people as
shootings, and I do find these issues interesting. suspicious, and it does strike some that way.

For example, mass shootings are a relatively new occurrence. Thus, I understand that many wonder why the New Zealand
I believe the first was in 1966 at the University of Texas when a government and the presstitute media are suppressing the
former US Marine who was enrolled as a student shot a num- shooter’s explanation.
ber of people from the university’s clock tower. What caused
this breakdown in moral behavior? We can’t simply say that the A long succession of poorly reported terror events, together
shooter became unhinged or insane. There have always been with such blatant and obvious lies told by Washington and its
such people. Had the Marine been on active duty in Vietnam NATO vassals as Saddam Hussein’s weapons of mass destruc-
and experienced mass shootings of Vietnamese? Did he de- tion, Assad’s use of chemical weapons, Iranian nukes, Russian
cide to bring the horror inflicted by Americans on Vietnamese invasion of Ukraine, Russiagate, the lies about Gaddafi, Ma-
home to Americans? Did student protests against the Vietnam duro the dictator starving his own people, and so on and on,
war in which he was at risk make him feel unappreciated? have destroyed trust in governments and the media. People
are accustomed to seeing high government officials of West-
I don’t remember if there were answers provided in 1966. I ern countries stand in front of a TV camera and tell the most
understand people’s frustration with the lack of answers that is blatant and obvious lies.
often the case in events today. For example, readers ask me,
as if I know, why the New Zealand government has criminalized Whatever you decide is the case in the New Zealand shooting,
having a copy of the New Zealand shooter’s manifesto. I do take care not to conflate a protest or a defense of the West,
not know, but a good guess is that the New Zealand govern- however misguided, with “white supremacy,” as the latter is
ment wants to control the explanation and does not want any how the story is spun. If a defense of the West is white su-
competition from the shooter himself. premacy, then a defense of blacks is black supremacy and a
defense of Jews is Jewish supremacy. It is, of course, much
Remember the 2016 Nice, France, truck attack on Bastille safer to defend blacks and Jews than white gentiles, which
Day when a white delivery van was reported to have run shows that whites certainly have no supremacy.
over a large number of people. The only video we had of the
truck’s progress was a fuzzy one that showed little – taken at a Consider also whether there is a difference between the New
Zealand shooter killing Muslims in a
"Terror is what the Western governments with scant mosque and the US and its vassals
including the New Zealand government
killing Muslims in mosques, weddings,
funerals, schools, hospitals, and play
as everyone else was killing Muslims, he could also." grounds during the past 20 years of in-
discriminate bombings that constitute
"the war on terror".

distance from a hotel balcony by the exact same person who Terror is what the Western governments with scant protest
provided the only video of an earlier reported terror attack in inflict on Muslims. Perhaps the New Zealand shooter thought
Germany. That the same person happened to be present with as everyone else was killing Muslims, he could also.
camera ready for back-to-back terrorist events in two different
countries struck many as suspicious. Another interesting question is whether leftwing and Jewish
groups who work overtime to demonize white people, espe-
Suspicions mounted when it was reported that Nice city offi- cially heterosexual males, have any responsibility for the New
cials had video cameras on every corner, block by block, of the Zealand shooter’s reported attack. Was it an act of frustration
avenue along which the truck progressed, but were prohibited by a shooter provoked by the constant demeaning of his race,
from releasing the videos by the central authorities in Paris gender, sexual preference, and culture?
who ordered the Nice officials to destroy the only evidence that
clearly recorded the event. Jewish lobbies have largely succeeded in establishing Jew-
ish Supremacy. In many Western countries it is, or borders on,
Nice authorities resisted this order as it was an order to destroy a hate crime to criticize Jews and Israel. Scholars have even
evidence, which is a felony, but the evidence was never publicly been imprisoned for correcting errors in the Holocaust story.
provided. Many who followed the story justifiably concluded In the US Jewish lobbies have succeeded in having half of the
that the French government was hiding the evidence in order states pass laws denying state government contracts to any
to control the story. The presstitute media, including the BBC, business or person who participates or supports in any way
never expressed any interest in why the actual evidence of boycotts of Israeli goods and services or advocates for disin-
what happened was deep-sixed. The presstitutes reported as vestment in Israeli companies. President Trump even cut off US
if the fuzzy video, which in fact showed no one being hit by a aid to the Palestinians whose country has been stolen by Is-
truck much less the more than 500 reported killed or injured, rael. It is considered anti-semitism to even mention what Israel
proved the official story. has done, and is currently doing, to Palestinians. Professors

50 UNCENSORED 56 June – September 2019 www.uncensored.co.nz

lose their university positions. Journalists get fired. Students the United States draw upon ideas, propaganda, and recruiting
are sent to sensitivity training. techniques from the Nazi era, and how they diverge.
Former CBS Chief Foreign Affairs Correspondent and “60 Min-
This is real supremacy. White gentiles have nothing like it. Yet utes” contributor Lara Logan will moderate the morning session.
Jewish lobbies – the very people who constantly complain Speakers include reformed violent extremist Christian Picciolini;
about hate speech – use hate speech to the full extent as they world renowned expert on Nazi tactics and genocide Father Pat-
lead the movement to demonize white gentiles. Here is the lat- rick Desbois, who uncovered links between ISIS attacks on the
est “media advisory” from the Center for Jewish Civilization at Yazidis and Nazi practices; other moderators including Jessica
Georgetown University. Roda, an expert on Jewish music and politics who will dialogue
with Kirsten Dyck, an expert on White Power and neo-Nazi hate
MEDIA ADVISORY music; and Kristen Clarke, the president of the Lawyers Commit-
tee for Civil Rights Under Law, who played an instrumental role in
Center for Jewish Civilization Facebook’s decision last month to ban discussion about “white
Georgetown University nationalism” and “separatism” from the social media site.
ICC 305P
37th and O Streets NW Some sessions will deal with topics related to women in White
Washington, DC 20057 Power groups, while others will look at how anti-Semitism has
cjcinfo@georgetown.edu changed between the 1930’s and today’s Alt-Right movement.

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE April 5, 2019 Will this meeting be broken up by the “alt-right” “neo-Nazi”
Contact: Jamie Horwitz, 202-549-4921, jhdcpr@starpower.net equivalent of Antifa? Not a chance. Indeed, in what sense does
an alt-right really exist and to what extent is the term a creation
How Do We Deal with a New Ecosystem of Hate and of those intent on demonizing white people?
Anti-Semitism on the Far Right?
Note that in the Center for Jewish Civilization’s news release,
A Growing and Dangerous Extremist Movement in America is people who went to defend a statue of Robert E. Lee from
Combining Old Nazi Ideas with New Tactics and Social Media demolition are described as “neo-Nazis.” Why is it “Nazi” and
“white supremacy” to defend a historic statue of a person
Wed., April 10 Georgetown University-sponsored widely respected in his own time and today even at the US
conference at the National Press Club Military Academy at West Point?
brings together top scholars, journalists
and diplomats to explore “Contemporary White Supremacy in The Center for Jewish Civilization’s news release makes it clear
America: What are its Links to the Nazi Past?” that the Jewish group is creating the image of a vast white
supremacist plot to terrorize and kill every one else. If any
WASHINGTON — In the United States and across the globe, at- such white supremacist groups do exist, they are isolated and
tacks by violent networks of extremist hate groups against Jews infiltrated by the FBI. Indeed, the FBI may have organized them
and other minorities have been on the rise. Building on world- for purposes of its own.
views from the Nazi era, combined with modern communications
and recruitment tactics, white supremacist groups have been Are the reckless and irresponsible accusations leveled against
gaining new followers. As a result, in the past few years we have white people by the Center for Jewish Civilization intended to
witnessed the most deadly anti-Semitic incident in the country’s produce in reality the bogeyman fantasy in the Jewish lobby’s
history at the Tree of Life Synagogue in Pittsburgh in 2018, where news release, a fantasy that will grow larger in a conference
11 were killed; a neo-Nazi march in Charlottesville in 2017 that whose purpose is to further demonize gentiles, Christians, and
terrorized an entire city; and the 2015 attack in Charleston, South critics of Israel?
Carolina by a white supremacist where nine African American
churchgoers were killed. Was it demonization of this kind that produced the Australian
These extremist incidents are connected and cannot be ex- shooter who killed and maimed worshippers at the mosques in
plained away as solitary acts of madmen and bigots. “Extremist Christchurch, New Zealand?
groups in America are invoking anti-Semitism and hate through
social media and bringing the practices and theories of their Nazi SOURCE: www.paulcraigroberts.com
forebears into a new era. Organized hate groups are indoctri-
nating individuals and cells in a manner similar to
terrorist groups,” said Jacques Berlinerblau, Director
of the Center for Jewish Civilization at Georgetown
University, the conference sponsor.

While efforts are being made by social media

companies such as Facebook to shut down hate
speech, and civil rights groups have been pushing
back against extremists through protests and court
action, activity by white supremacists continues to
grow. On April 10, The Center for Jewish Civilization
at Georgetown University will host a day-long confer-
ence, “Contemporary White Supremacy in America:
What are its Links to the Nazi Past?” beginning at 9
am at the National Press Club in Washington, 529
14th Street NW, 13th Floor.

The conference brings together top scholars, journal-

ists and diplomats to explore white supremacist
movements in this country and how hate groups in

UNCENSORED 56 June – September 2019 www.uncensored.co.nz 51

52 UNCENSORED 56 June – September 2019 www.uncensored.co.nz
Notre Dame
Who Did It?

UNCENSORED 56 June – September 2019 www.uncensored.co.nz 53

Notre Dame: Here’s what we know
about what (who) started the fire
Here is the latest update from Maxime
Lépante, our French correspondent in
France (emphasis is mine):

"This is an update about what we

know today about the fire that de-
stroyed the roof and parts of the vaults
of Notre-Dame:

1) Restoration work hadn’t started on

the roof. The scaffolding were still being
put in place. The architect in chief of the
“Monuments Historiques” (“Historical
Monuments”) the administration that
maintains and repairs monuments in
France), Philippe Villeneuve, who was
responsible for the refurbishing of the
spire of Notre-Dame, has stated that :
“Work had not started yet, scaffoldings
were still being built”.

2) Everything was done to avoid any

source of heat near the wood of the
roof. No electrical plug, no welding
were allowed. So, Philippe Villeneuve
By Pamela Geller
says : “The hot spot hypothesis is therefore not the right one”.
April 17, 2019
3) The head of the company that was building the scaffold-
Here is a little background first from Maxime Lépante, our
ings (Europe Echafaudage) (Europe Scaffolding), Julien Le
French correspondent in France:
Bras, was interviewed by a French TV (BFM) : “All I can say for
the time being is that at the moment of the fire, absolutely none
"Notre-Dame was one of the most important jewels of all
of the employees of my company was present on site”.
human history. It started the “Gothic” architecture revolu-
tion, that was, from 12th to 15th century called “francigenum
4) He added : “All safety procedures on the Notre-Dame de
opus” (“French art”) before being called “gothic” by the
Paris site have been respected”.
Italians. It’s the epitome of Western civilization and Christian
art. The framing of the roof, which was one of the biggest
5) One of my friends sent me an email concerning the secu-
masterpieces of human carpentry, is permanently destroyed.
rity on the roof of Notre-Dame. She has a diploma in Art history
The stained glasses (biggest and most ancient rose windows
and studied in the “Ecole du Louvre” (“Louvre School”, where
in Europe) are probably saved."
students learn art history and restoration processes): “I visited
the framing of Notre Dame with architects of the “Bâtiments de
Some other information :
France” (“Buildings of France”, the highest rank for an architect
in France), some years ago. This 13th century timber frame
1) The workers who were refurbishing the roof of Notre-
was extremely protected. Each intervention is always accom-
Dame are among the best specialized craftsmen in the world,
panied by historians, architects, experts; no work is envisaged
concerning the restoration of medieval monuments. (Their
without extreme caution; no source of heat, no torch, no elec-
title is “Meilleur Ouvrier de France”.) They love their work, and
trical apparatus is allowed; a high-performance alarm system is
take all the necessary precautions. They have worked in many
in place; and very strict supervision of all people allowed there.
rooms of the Castle of Versailles, they have restored many
I think we will eventually learn that this was arson.”
churches and cathedrals. For example, they worked for more
than 20 years on the marvelous Strasbourg cathedral (I lived
6) So, as I said yesterday, with all these security measures,
in Strasbourg and saw their progress), and there was never a
to have a fire on the roof of Notre-Dame, someone had to bring
single problem.
something there, and lit it up.
2) The workers stopped at 6:00 PM, the fire started at 6:50
PM, near scaffoldings, used to climb there.
For 1 and 2, see the article of Le Monde, reserved to the pay-
3) No electricity was allowed near the roof, because it
ing members, but the important parts have been copied here:
was made in wood and as a matter of security, every inflam- http://www.fdesouche.com/1192629-notre-dame-les-travaux-
able thing was banned too. So, to have a fire there, someone navaient-pas-encore-debute-seuls-les-echafaudages-etaient-
needed to bring something. en-cours-de-montage

54 UNCENSORED 56 June – September 2019 www.uncensored.co.nz

''For 3 and 4, see the article of the Journal du Dimanche, here: site PI-News, every day in France, two churches are desecrat-
https://www.lejdd.fr/Societe/notre-dame-de-paris-rien-ne- ed. They report 1,063 attacks on Christian churches or symbols
va-dans-le-sens-dun-acte-volontaire-selon-les-debuts-de-len- like crucifixes, icons, and statues in France in 2018, marking a
quete-3893032 17 percent increase from the year before.

Previously: The Middle East Forum reports that attacks on Catholic

churches in France since the start of the year have included
Le mar. 16 avr. 2019 à 04:06, Maxime Lépante a écrit : smashed statues, broken crosses, and demolished tabernac-
Hello again,
More from Lepante:
Notre-Dame was one of the most important jewels of all
human history. It started the “gothic” architecture revolution, • More than two churches vandalized each day in France in
that was, from 12th to 15th century called “francigenum opus” 2018. This fire is probably a criminal fire. We will see what the
(“French art”) before being called “gothic” by the Italians. It’s experts will say. But I remind you that Hollande and the media
the epitome of Western civilization and christian art. The fram- orchestrated a coverup, after the Muslim terrorist attack in
ing of the roof, which was one of the biggest masterpieces the Bataclan, to hide the fact that many civilians had been
of human carpentry, is permanently destroyed. The stained beheaded, eviscerated, emasculated, their eyes torn out, etc.
glasses (biggest and most ancient rose windows in Europe) are (See: https://nypost.com/2016/07/15/horrifying-details-of-the-
probably saved. bataclan-theatre-massacre-revealed/ - Ed.)

Some other information : • Of course, the media and Macron will try to pretend that this
was an accident, but we know that churches don’t burn “all by
• The workers stopped at 6:00 PM, the fire started at 6:50 PM, themselves”.
near scaffoldings, used to climb there.
• According to the French Interior Ministry, there were 1063
• The fire was due to a criminal act. (The fire started at least in anti-Christian crimes in 2018 (and 541 anti-Jewish crimes) in
two different places, according to LCI, a French TV) ! (For nine France. In average, each day 2 churches are desecrated and
centuries, there was never a single fire in Notre-Dame!) vandalized. https://fr.euronews.com/2019/02/14/1036-actes-
antichretiens-en-france-en-2018 When the perpretators are
• It’s a very big probability that this crime, in the middle of the found, they are usually Muslims (and a small minority are anti-
Christian Holy Week, was committed by jihadis. Christian “pagans” or “satanists”).

• In 2016, two veiled Muslim women tried to detonate a • Compared to this, there were only 100 anti-Muslim incidents
car filled with explosives in front of Notre-Dame https:// in 2018 in France, and I say deliberately “incidents” and not
en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Notre_Dame_Cathedral_bombing_at- “crimes”, because the police report a “hate crime” when an
tempt. imam receives a slice of ham in the mail, or when someone
writes, on the wall of a mosque, “cheers to the pigs”, and other
• At the beginning of March, an illegal Muslim immigrant tried banal jokes.
to burn down the Saint-Sulpice church http://www.leparisien.
accidentel-18-03-2019-8034678.php. SOURCE: https://gellerreport.com/2019/04/notre-dame-fire-
• At mid-March, an illegal Muslim immigrant tried to burn
down the organ of the Saint-Denis basilica (another jewel) and
destroyed stained glass http://www.leparisien.fr/paris-75/

• On Twitter, thousands of Mus-

lims are rejoicing and saying
that they are happy that Notre-
Dame was destroyed ! http://

• A fire at Saint-Sulpice church

in Paris is believed to have
been deliberately set
CBN: Across Europe, there has
been a growing rise in attacks
on churches. Countries like
France and Germany have seen
a spike in violent vandalism,
desecrating cherished church-
es and Christian symbols in
recent months and years.

According to the German news



56 UNCENSORED 56 June – September 2019 www.uncensored.co.nz

Chief architect/engineer of Notre Dame:

'We installed a new detection system in 2010, and

caused by electrical short-circuit'

April 18, 2019

French media reports citing an

interview with the former French
Inspector-General for Historic Monu-
ments Benjamin Mouton, who over-
saw the installation of state-of-the-art
fire prevention systems in the Notre
Dame Cathedral in 2010, and who was
responsible for the building from 2000
to 2013, cast doubt on today's leak to
the Associated Press that the fire was
likely caused by an electrical short-
Former chief architect/engineer of Notre Dame Cathe- circuit.
dral, who oversaw renovation of its electrical wiring and
Benjamin Mouton was interviewed live
on TV on Monday evening as the fire
continued to burn the 850-year-old symbol of French culture and history. Here's what he had
to say:

"I don't understand this at all. The fire's spread is extremely curious. With really old oak
like that, it's super-hard, so you'd need a lot of smaller wood to first get the fire hot enough
for the oak beams to burn.

"In 2010 we replaced all the electrical wiring, so there's no way this was sparked by a
short-circuit. We put new wiring in place according to modern standards. And we went even
further; we installed state-of-the-art fire protection and detection systems in the cathedral.

"At all times, there are always two men on standby in the Cathedral, day and night, to go
investigate anything the moment an alarm goes off, then if necessary to call the fire emer-
gency services.

"I am really stunned that this [the fire] has happened. It's incomprehensible."

That's not all. Mouton told French construction magazine BatiActu the following:

"In 40 years of experience, I have never heard of a fire like this.

"It would take a really combustible load at the start of such a fire for it to rapidly develop
into the disaster we saw. Also, oak is a particularly fire-resistant wood.

"The fire detection/protection system installed in the cathedral was of the highest level. It
was a very expensive undertaking, but it enabled us to quickly ascertain whether a fire had
started somewhere. Additionally, we had many old wooden doors replaced by fire-doors.

"We also drastically reduced the number of

electrical appliances throughout the building,
and completely forbid them in the attic."

SOURCE: https://www.agoravox.tv/tribune-li-



UNCENSORED 56 June – September 2019 www.uncensored.co.nz 57

Notre Dame Cathedral
09 Afternote B: This is intended to save the global financial
system owned by the Satanists by saving the European Elec-

Burning False Flag

tion in May, anticipate a call for “financial solidarity” that keeps
France trapped in Europe by “EU” agreeing to pay for the
renovation of the cathedral. “EU” and Central Banks are the
beneficiaries of this false flag event, along with Macron as the
Complicity of Pope, Organized by Macron, token leader of France on behalf of the Satanic Deep State.
Merkel, and May, Each a Satanist, 10 Afternote C: This is an intended “death blow” against West-
Goal of Saving EU & Central Banks ern Civilization. Although the Muslims are not being blamed,
the sub-text is Frankfurt School / Tavistock Institute funda-
By Robert Steele mental: whites and the West are shit, hail all illegal immigrants,
transgenders, and fat, stupid people – the sheep of all sheep.
I was devastated by the burning of Notre Dame cathedral, a
place where I once prayed in thanks for one of my son’s who 11 Afternote D: The roof of Notre Dame was original to the 13th
survived what might otherwise have been a certain death. century and has survived all wars, all manner of natural haz-
ards. This was the single most precious asset in France, not so
The parallels to both the Reichstag Fire and 9/11 loomed. much a Catholic religious asset as a national spiritual cultural
Then I heard from the shadow foreign minister of France and asset. Final conclusion: the Satanists are DESPERATE.
I believe all of the following to be true and an indictment of
Macron, Merkel, May, and the Pope — Notre Dame would not Separately I am told by sources in Asia with access to secret
have burned as it did without the explicit complicity of the society leaders:
Church — and key police, fire, and government offices in Paris
— in detail, in advance, and into the future. 01 This was a Satanic Easter energy sacrifice by Satanists
Macron, Merkel, and May, each believed to be an individual
Here is what I have been told by a Satanist (and pedophile and sacrificer of children in ritual
ranking source in France: torture ceremonies). Each has their own major secular physical
world failures pointing toward their Earthly demise.
01 Canadian intelligence officers who went immediately to the
site for a first hand look were prevented from getting close. 02 This was assuredly done with the complicity of the Pope
and the Catholic Church hierarchy, the two dead may have
02 There was no electricity in the area where the fire is alleged been murdered because they would not comply with Satanic
to have started. instructions. This was not an accident, this was an inside job
with outside (French national police) complicity in closing the
03 Two dead within the fire, both evidently murdered (two bul- area off and preventing effective responses from being coor-
lets each). dinated. For the existing plan to blanket this sacred site with
water to not have been executed instantly is the equivalent of
04 No helicopters brought in to fight the fire. Dick Cheney controlling NORAD on 9/11.

05 Dysfunctional water spraying machine, a mockery of a fire- 03 The coincidence of Steve Bannon setting up shop in an Ital-
ian monastery and calling the Pope an enemy with the timing
fighting performance.
and scope of the fire (total destruction) is considered just that
– a coincidence.
06 Official narrative pretending it was an accident was immedi-
ate and clearly on the shelf and ready to go. 04 The Pope’s incentive – apart from being a Satanist for
whom God is the enemy and Notre Dame a lovely sacrifice
07 Timing impossible to dismiss – intended to prevent an- to Satan – is said to revolve around the WikiLeaks dump and
nouncement of Macron’s loss in the national debate inspired the exploding pedophilia scandal that if properly investigated
by the Yellow Vests. would lead to every single cardinal and most bishops being
defrocked, and the arrest of Assange, which has triggered
08 Afternote A: The fire was on the anniversary of the sinking the “dead hand” data dump and will lead to further deeply
of the Titanic that was the precursor to the creation of Central scandalous revelations about the Catholic Church in relation to
Banks and the subversion of all governments. Satanism, pedophilia, and financial crime.

05 Commercial insurance fraud is

beginning to be discussed. The
Church’s income has suffered from
the pedophilia scandal, apart from
a Satanic sacrifice of epic propor-
tions, the Church (and the owner
of the site, the French government)
should be investigated for the pos-
sible use of the event as a two-fer:
Satanic sacrifice and insurance

UPDATE on Commercial Insurance

Fraud. An alert reader sent in this
paragraph from the Daily Mail:

“Notre-Dame is owned by the

state and has been at the centre

58 UNCENSORED 56 June – September 2019 www.uncensored.co.nz

of a years-long row between the
nation and the Paris archdiocese
over who should bear the brunt of
costs for badly needed restoration

Daily Mail: "Twenty-three minutes

that could have saved Notre
Dame? Alarm was raised during
mass at 6.20pm but staff could not
find the fire until 6.43pm ….when
the inferno was raging out of

The “patsies” for the alleged

“gross negligence” are likely to be
the restoration team, we look for
them to be placed under investiga-
tion as a means of distracting the
public from the real perpetrator,
Macron and his Satanic allies.

"She’s safe in our hands! Young

construction boss, 32, at centre
of Notre Dame fire probe boasted about his firm’s ability to religious war is always good for the military industrial complex.
protect historic sites as his company won £5 million contract Perhaps they might even try and blame it on Iran – but most
to repair cathedral’s spire.” likely would have been MEK if it was anyone, working with
MI6-CIA. Just another day in the police-state."
UPDATE on Commercial Insurance Fraud from different Alert
Reader. Scott provides this link:
Everything including the candles, statues, and most art ap-
pears to have been saved although fraudulent insurance Notre Dame Cathedral in Paris on Fire, Worker Claims it
Was “Deliberately” Started HERE: https://www.sott.net/

Biblical Quote:

There is to be a particular insult which will be in icted upon y

Holy Name, in an effort to desecrate Me, during Holy Week. This
wicked gesture, during Holy Week, will be seen by those who
keep their eyes open and this will be one of the signs by which
you will know that the imposter, who sits on the throne in My
Church on earth, does not come from Me.”

Public Intelligence Blog, Copyright © 2017



claims are to be expected. It is as if the roof and only the roof

was carefully prepared for cinematique burning.

Scott Bennett, always a good source for Grand PSYOP, says


"If I was a betting man, my guess is this Notre Dame Cathedral

fire was a “Kristolnacht” type of psyop event, similar to when
the Nazis ignited the 1930’s fire and blamed the communists
to win the election. My guess is this is similar, with Macron
benefiting by shutting down the yellow vest protests (which
have been destroying him and putting France in civil war). Who
benefits from the fire? Well, perhaps Israeli Mossad and/or
Shin-bet doubling-down on their “religious war” between Mus-
lims and Chrisitians as may have been the case in the “Chr*st-
Ch_rch” NZ event and the fake video of the guy running around
like he’s in a video game with fake weapons, etc. A renewed

UNCENSORED 56 June – September 2019 www.uncensored.co.nz 59

Notre Dame:
Another Point of View

60 UNCENSORED 56 June – September 2019 www.uncensored.co.nz

Jewish Extremists
Vandalise 53 Israeli
Churches, Mosques The Church of the Multiplication of Loaves and
Fishes, following the June, 2015 arson attack.
— No Media Outcry

September 25, 2017 Church in the Beit Jamal Monastery, near of Tuba-Zangaria and some in Jerusa-
Beit Shemesh. Many items were broken, lem.
Jewish extremists have attacked and including some of the stained glass win-
burned at least 53 Christian churches dows and a statue of the Virgin Mary. Tag Meir said it knows of only two cases
and Muslim mosques in Israel since 2009 that were solved: an arson attack on a
– but there is no international media out- This was the third such attack on the Christian seminary near the Abbey of the
cry unlike what would be the case had monastery in the last five years. In 2013, Dormition, Jerusalem; and an arson at-
53 synagogues been similarly burned by a firebomb was thrown at a door and tack on the Church of the Multiplication
non-Jews anywhere in the world. anti-Christian slogans were scrawled on of the Loaves and Fishes in Tabgha, on
the walls – all in Hebrew. the Lake Kinneret shoreline.
In fact, the controlled media in Europe
and America even refuses to report on About 18 months ago, Christian grave- The ministry data were divulged in
the mass attacks by Jews upon non- stones were vandalized in the cemetery. response to a parliamentary question
Jewish religious buildings in Israel, and No suspects were arrested in those filed by MK Itzik Shmuli (Zionist Union)
the attacks have only come to light after cases, either. at Tag Meir’s request. Shmuli also said
the Haaretz newspaper in Israel men- that when “about 85 percent of the cases
tioned them. The wave of vandalism peaked in 2013, in such serious crimes are closed with
the data show. That year, eleven inves- nothing,” this should “sound an alarm
In an article titled “53 Mosques and tigations were opened and five people about the order of priorities.”
Churches Vandalized in Israel Since were convicted.
2009, but Only 9 Indictments Filed,” the The lack of interest by the West’s con-
Jewish newspaper blandly asserts that Nine Christian and Muslim sites were trolled media in the ongoing plague of
the “many unsolved crimes are a ques- vandalized in 2014 and the same number attacks against non-Jews in Israel is due
tion of police priorities” . . . “Without a in 2015. In 2016, only three such attacks to the fact that the Jewish lobby controls
doubt, they aren’t looking hard enough” were recorded, but there were four in the those outlets – there is simply no other
– in other words, they don’t really care first half of this year. From 2009 through reason.
about attacks on non-Jews. 2012, there were seventeen such inci-
dents – but there wasn’t a single indict- Consider, for example, what the media
According to Haaretz even though over ment. would have done had 53 synagogues
50 Christian and Muslim sites have been been attacked and burned in any Euro-
vandalized in Israel and the West Bank The Tag Meir organization, which moni- pean country, or America. The coverage
since 2009, only nine indictments have tors hate crimes, keeps its own records. would be non-stop, all the politicians
been filed and only seven convictions It says there were 44 attacks on Christian would be condemning it, there would be
handed down, according to Public Secu- and Muslim sites between the end of mass arrests, bannings and all manner of
rity Ministry data. 2009 and the beginning of 2016. state reaction.
Tag Meir said many arson attacks on
“Moreover, only eight of the 53 cases are mosques have never been solved. These But, because it is Jews carrying out the
still under investigation, with the other 45 include mosque attacks in the West attacks, and non-Jews being the victims,
all closed.” Bank villages of Kafr Yasif, Luban al- the media is silent. SOURCE: http://ne-
The article adds that the latest attack oc- Sharqiya, Beit Fajjar, Hawara and Qusra, wobserveronline.com/israel-jews-burn-
curred last Wednesday, at St. Stephen’s as well as one in the Israeli Bedouin town 53-churches-mosques-no-media-outcry/

Are you a "coincidence theorist"?

Al Aqsa mosque catches fire same
time as Notre Dame cathedral

Dubai - As the iconic cathedral of Notre Dame burned in Paris,

a fire broke out at Al Aqsa mosque in Jerusalem.

A fire broke out at the roof of a structure known as Al Marwani

prayer room in Al Aqsa mosque in Jerusalem

The blaze didn’t cause significant damage, but it did endanger

a part of the worship site that’s over 2,000 years old.

SOURCE: https://gulfnews.com/world/mena/al-aqsa-

UNCENSORED 56 June – September 2019 www.uncensored.co.nz 61

9/11 conspiracy

Alan “Israel Did 9/11” Sabrosky:

The Most Censored Man in America

spending far more money to
monitor and censor us than we
are spending doing the show in
the first place. Talk about asym-
metrical information warfare!

But I don’t believe the people

behind this are as stupid as they
seem. Such apparently counter-
productive acts sometimes do
serve strategic purposes. In this
case, I assume the censors were
beta-testing protocols for cen-
soring live-streams in real time.
It is no coincidence that this
attack on Alan Sabrosky’s First
Amendment rights came exactly
one week after the allegedly live-
streamed Christchurch shooting.
Since the Christchurch terror
By Kevin Barrett event, Facebook and YouTube
March 24, 2019 representatives have been all over the MSM announcing that
they have to fix their systems to prevent “the live-streaming of
Who’s afraid of Alan Sabrosky? Whoever they are, they have hate.”
the ability to monitor and censor YouTube live-streams in real
time. And they apparently don’t want you to know what Sabro- If I were a paranoid conspiracy theorist I would wonder
sky thinks about the Holocaust. whether the Christchurch attack was a set-up to roll out the
beta testing of precisely this sort of censorship. I would note
That’s the obvious takeaway from the highly unusual exam- the incongruity of the fact that the people pushing for internet
ple of YouTube censorship that disrupted the March 22 live censorship are almost all Zionist Jews, not Muslims – yet the
broadcast of False Flag Weekly News. The broadcast, which censorship is being rolled out on the pretext that it is supposed
live-streamed from Vimeo to three different YouTube chan- to protect Muslims and “honor the sacred Christchurch vic-
nels, transpired normally up to the 59:31 mark, when Sabrosky tims.” Since when did Zionists care about Muslim lives? They
stated that the Holocaust was “a technological and logisti- proudly slaughter a Christchurch worth of Palestinian Muslims
cal impossibility – “ and suddenly his mike was cut…but every month or two. And they have murdered 32 million Mus-
only on the YouTube stream, archived here: https://youtu.be/ lims, and created tens of millions of refugees, in the 9/11 wars
WKsB0SeCV_U for Israel.

If you want to hear the rest of Dr. Sabrosky’s Holocaust state- It’s as if the people behind the Christchurch push-for-censor-
ment (instead of long stretches of dead air) you’ll have to watch ship PR op, and the subsequent deployment of new censor-
the Vimeo version, which was not censored: ship systems like the one just beta-tested against FFWN, are
trying to conceal their true identities. Perhaps that is why they
Whoever did this must have been monitoring the broadcast in made sure that the word “Jew” was almost entirely absent
real time. It must have been a human, not an AI algorithm. The from the Tarrant manifesto. As Daniel Haqiqatjou notes:
censor must have had his or her finger hovering over the “cut
his mike” button throughout the show. And that censor must "The 73-page document reads like it was written by someone
have been trained and given the power to cut Sabrosky’s mike who is trying very hard to pretend to be a White Nationalist…
within a couple of seconds of Sabrosky starting to “deny the But there is one glaring inconsistency. If you ever visit places
Holocaust.” Altogether quite an amazing feat of censorship! on the internet frequented and owned by White Nationalists,
such as 4chan, 8chan, Daily Stormer, or Gab, one immedi-
But however logistically and technologically impressive this ate, indubitable fact hits you in the face: These people hate
bizarre crime against free speech may have been, it seems Jews. More than anyone else, White Nationalists hate Jews
even more impressively stupid and self-defeating. Can they re- and are not afraid of expressing it with thousands of different
ally believe that actions like this are going to stop people from memes…. What is bizarre about Tarrant’s alleged manifesto
asking questions about the Holocaust? Haven’t they heard of is that he says a great deal about this (Jewish) plot. He rails
the Streisand Effect? Isn’t everyone who hears about this going against immigration, fertility rates, and “White genocide.” But
to say, “gee, if they have to take such extreme measures to he doesn’t mention who the supposed plotters are. Why? Why
silence this guy, maybe he’s onto something?” is Tarrant following the White Nationalist script to the letter but
doesn’t mention Jews once in the entire 73 pages?"
It is really quite a tribute to Dr. Sabrosky and False Flag Weekly
News that someone went to so much trouble. They must be (Except one passing mention that they’re fine when they’re Israeli!)

62 UNCENSORED 56 June – September 2019 www.uncensored.co.nz

he thinks the official Holocaust narra-
tive of six million Jews killed mostly in
gas chambers is “a technological and
logistical impossibility.”

Why are these two issues so sensitive?

The Holocaust, whatever it was, hap-
pened 75 years ago. And 9/11 hap-
pened more than 17 years ago. Isn’t all
that stuff ancient history?

The answer, I believe, is that both Of-

ficial Conspiracy Theories (OCTs) are
foundational myths of Zionism. The
myth (sacred narrative) of the Holocaust
is Israel’s primary basis of legitimacy
in global public opinion and especially
Jewish opinion. The Platonic guardians
of Zionism need the Holocaust hor-
ror story to bludgeon world Jewry into
accepting the necessity of establishing
and maintaining a “Jewish state.”

Likewise the sacred official myth of 9/11

If the perps were hiding their identities while orchestrat- is the lynchpin of the “clash of civilizations,” which in essence
ing Christchurch and the internet censorship campaign it is a long-term Western war against Israel’s enemies. Were it
launched, they dropped the mask when they silenced Alan Sa- widely known that Israel itself orchestrated 9/11 and the ensu-
brosky. We all know who reacts reflexively against “Holocaust ing crusade, Israel’s already-dubious future wouldn’t just be
denial.” And we all know who hates Alan Sabrosky, the former dubious – it would be nonexistent.
US Army War College Head of Strategic Studies who came out
as a 9/11 truther on my radio show in March, 2010 – and an- Alan Sabrosky happens to be one of the world’s best-creden-
nounced that Israel did it. tialed and most-eloquent voices debunking the two founda-
tional myths of Zionism. The fact that he hails from a Jewish
The Zionist fear and loathing of Sabrosky is so off-the-charts background makes him that much more annoying – and that
that the mere mention of his name can get you arrested. That’s much more credible. Dr. Sabrosky is extremely well-informed,
what happened to Jeremy Rothe-Kushel in May 2016 when and he expresses himself in an engagingly straight-shooting
he tried to ask Dennis Ross a question during the Q&A after manner. An ex-Marine as well as Strategic Studies professor,
Ross’s talk at the Kansas City Public Library: Alan Sabrosky has a full clip of info-ammo and unloads it with
https://youtu.be/hrsKzg0_BNA uncanny accuracy and alacrity. In many respects he is the
Zionists’ worst nightmare.
Tellingly, the Times of Israel report on Rothe-Kushel’s free
speech lawsuit tiptoes around Sabrosky’s unspeakable name. No wonder “Doc Sabrosky” is the most-censored man in
Alan Sabrosky, “he who must not be named,” is also “he who
must not be broadcast.” Bonnie Faulkner’s Guns and Butter SOURCE: http://www.unz.com/kbarrett/alan-israel-did-
radio show, one of the most popular and respected Pacifica 9-11-sabrosky-most-censored-man-in-america/
staples, was abruptly terminated by KPFA management last
August due to Sabrosky’s appearance there.

“Somebody” apparently doesn’t want Sabrosky on False Flag

Weekly News, either. Last January 4th Alan Sabrosky made his
debut appearance as a regular FFWN co-host. The audience
gave him a huge thumbs-up. But when he tried to return on
a regular basis, his computer suddenly started coming down
with bizarre ailments. It always seemed to happen right before
the show. His computer would be working fine, and then sud-
denly WHAM – it would melt down right before broadcast time
and we’d scramble to find a replacement. This has happened
so many times in the past three months that I have lost count.
Tech experts who have tried to solve the problem say Sabro-
sky is the victim of a highly sophisticated cyber-attack. It was
only this past Friday, March 22, that after elaborate precau-
tions we were finally able to get Alan broadcasting again on
FFWN. And miraculously enough, he somehow got through 58
minutes of live-streaming before they cut his mike.

Why is Dr. Alan Sabrosky the most censored man in America?

Those seeking to silence him don’t want you to know what he
thinks about two issues: 9/11 and the Holocaust. Specifically,
they don’t want you to know that he thinks 9/11 was “a Mos-
sad operation, period.” And they don’t want you to know that

UNCENSORED 56 June – September 2019 www.uncensored.co.nz 63

conspiracy files

What Struck the Twin Towers:

Revising My Outlook

June 22, 2018 a scenario where bullseye hits had to be technology capable of simulating three-
guaranteed if the Twin Towers were to dimensional images of aircraft in broad
This is the fifth post I have written on be demolished afterwards; daylight;
9/11. The most recent previous ones
were: • The government’s failure to match a • Israel – suspect number one for 9/11
single aircraft part, found in wreckage, – had commissioned its first cruise
• To 9/11 and Beyond, which examined to any of the original 9/11 planes, a task missile-firing submarines in 1999, and
evidence that the two explosions which that would be easy by comparing serial began test-firing missiles from them in
ultimately decimated the Twin Towers numbers to logbook records; 2000; it had also been working on stealth
were nuclear (a post I could not have technology since the 1980s;
written without technical advice from • The impossible physics seen in foot-
sources who preferred anonymity); age of Flight 175 hitting the South (sec- • A holographic image might explain the
ond) Tower, its aluminum frame slicing “impossible physics” of a plane gliding
• impli ed, which attempted to through massive 14-inch steel columns, through steel, as well as other strange
reconstruct the 9/11 events, regard- whereas there are many examples of phenomena, such as Flight 175’s nose
ing both the who and the how, and jetliners shattering upon hitting water, appearing to emerge from the other side
proposed a new take on the fate of the having their noses bashed in by bird col- of the South Tower, observable in foot-
original passenger planes (that they lisions, etc.;
were hijacked by Israeli special ops, and
diverted over the Atlantic); • The three-dimensional, missile-shaped
object visible on the underside of “Flight
• Conversations with an Airline Pilot about 175,” which could not have been missed
9/11, an exchange with a highly experi- at Logan Airport by the maintenance
enced, active Airbus captain (his identity crew or by the pilots during their manda-
shielded as “Pilot A”), who helped clarify tory preflight inspection of the aircraft.
many technical aspects of 9/11, includ-
ing elimination of electronic hijackings
on that day. age from multiple angles.
However, a cloaked missile could not
Because in these posts I had to keep re- account for the airliner debris found in
vising and refining my own understand- the World Trade Center vicinity (such as
ing of 9/11, I felt that I should finally sum the famous engine remnant on Murray
them all in a short book. But I tabled that Street), even though this debris was
idea because there was still one major limited in quantity, and has never been
9/11 riddle that seemed impervious matched by serial numbers to flights
to a firm solution: What actually struck 11 or 175. This meant the debris would
the Twin Towers (and the Pentagon and So what did hit the targets on 9/11? In have had to be planted, which seemed
Shanksville). the earlier posts, we narrowed this down very improbable. However, given the ob-
to two basic options: cloaked missile or vious planting of other evidence (such as
In “9/11 Simplified” and “Conversations drone. a Koran together with a flight manual in
with an Airline Pilot,” I reviewed the a car at Logan airport), and the fact that
evidence that it could not have been the The cloaked missile is a variation of the the “dancing Israelis” worked for Urban
original jetliners, as the official narrative “no planes” paradigm, and though it is Moving Systems, which possessed the
claims. Without belaboring details here, often ridiculed, had much going for it: trucks and manpower to dump off some
this included: wreckage during 9/11’s smoke and
• Missiles can precisely hit targets at confusion, this option seemed worth
• The planes reaching speeds unattain- high speed; they would not have been considering.
able by jetliners in the thickened air of subject to the strong “G-forces” facing
low altitude, speeds that could have the alleged jetliners; The alternative to the missile hypothesis
caused structural damage during flight, was a drone, an idea with its own strong
with pieces of wings, tail or fuselage • Unlike airliner noses, a missile’s nose points:
breaking off; is hardened for penetration;
• Drones are consistent with the proto-
• The demonstrable uncontrollability of • By the 1990s, for strategic purposes, type of Operation Northwoods, a real-life
planes at such speeds and altitudes, in the Air Force had developed holographic 1962 Pentagon plan to stage a “false

64 UNCENSORED 56 June – September 2019 www.uncensored.co.nz

flag” in order to justify invading Cuba. It wards, probably owing to the blast of the Building does not help us much; in ways
called for swapping a drone, disguised fireball. I do remain convinced it wasn’t it contradicted the official 9/11 story (a
as a jetliner, midair for a passenger suicidal hijackers that flew ordinary wing was shorn off and landed in the
plane. The passenger plane would be B767s into the WTC. But perhaps you street below; there was no collapse from
landed safely at a military base, while should try and flush out some other pos- “steel beams melting,” and the building
the drone would be exploded by remote sible scenarios, like maybe the planes was open for business just two days
control over Cuba after it sent a fake were from a secret base somewhere, and later). But in other ways it emulated 9/11
radio message that Cuban MiGs were had been specially kitted out to achieve (an engine flew out the other side of the
attacking it. high speeds and higher impact damage, building, fuel set office workers on fire,
etc. and an elevator line was cut). The plane
• A drone could account for the aircraft was traveling much slower than “Flight
wreckage; Looking at the gash pictures myself, I 175,” but the Empire State Building’s
couldn’t deny Pilot A’s conclusion. A exterior was also quite distinct from that
• It would avoid any risks that holograph- missile could explain the holes in the of the World Trade Center, which was a
ic cloaking might fail; it wouldn’t just middle of either photograph, but not the virtual steel wall.
resemble a plane, it would be a plane. peripheral damage. Some of the steel
bars do bend inward as if struck with After earnestly praying for the truth in
However, the drone presented its own tremendous force from outside. I realize the manner of an Orthodox Christian,
difficulties. How could a “substitute that some in alternative media have sug- conducting additional research, and
jetliner” overcome the risks posed by gested the gashes were cut-outs from consulting knowledgeable profession-
G-forces on a regular jetliner, at high planted charges. But to get the bars als, here is my conclusion. By the way,
speed and low altitude? How could it be bending inward meant planting charges I’m aware that many divergent opinions
controlled with such precision, and be outside the building. True, the famed exist regarding 9/11. I respect all people
immune to structural damage in flight? “Israeli art students” had occupied the seeking the truth, including those who
And how could a drone defy physics North Tower’s 91st floor in the spring of disagree with me. As always, what I
any more than other planes, sailing right 2000, and had even removed a window present should be understood as a sug-
through steel and concrete “like a hot and erected a small balcony. But would gestion for consideration, not something
knife through butter”? they leave external charges in place for I dogmatically insist on as fact. I remain
more than a year? And how could pre- open to further revising any views.
After considerable discussion, Pilot A planted explosives coordinate to create
and I were both favoring the cloaked such a realistic impression? The weak, My New Take: Preliminaries
missile hypothesis over a drone, which furthest tips of the wings, for example,
seemed burdened with more problems. have only dented the external aluminum I’ll start by quoting an email I received
cladding, as one would expect in a genu- last year, omitting the writer’s name:
Then, however, I sent Pilot A a picture ine collision.
I found on the Internet juxtaposing the I listened to you last night on “SGT
gashes in the two Twin Towers. I asked Yet we still see improbable physics in Report” talk about 9/11 and I was very
him if he thought the nearly identical these photos. In the North Tower gash, impressed with your research. But I want
for example, part of the left wing has not to tell you this, I am one of the few people,
merely damaged the external cladding; maybe the only one (who knows?) who
it has sliced right through and shredded watched the rst plane hit the orth Tower
14-inch steel. Even at high speed, what from West Broadway just above Hou-
fragile aluminum wing could accomplish ston Street. I was locking up a van I was
driving at the time and heard the plane
overhead – much louder than normal. I
looked up and watched it y over ash-
ington Square Village and directly over
my head. The plane seemed old, frankly.
The plane then penetrated the top of the
building. And I mean penetrated, the entire
plane entered the building as if it was a
hangar and did not explode until the rear
n was completely inside the building. I
know what I saw. I’m just emailing you
that? so that you don’t go down a blind alley in
angles had significance. This looks like neither a cloaked missile your research. The second plane I never
Other observations, however, caught nor an ordinary aircraft. saw. ut the rst plane was de nitely a
Pilot A’s attention. He replied: plane. And it tipped its wing slightly a few
At that point, I gave up. Until now. seconds before it hit as if it was being
Upon first glance the after-impact dam- controlled. I wish you luck in your research
age looks like the shape of an aircraft Unfortunately, we do not have adequate and I think most of what you present is
complete with a cutout of the wings all at historical examples of what happens correct. But don’t fall for that holographic
an angle and looks convincing. I looked when airliners slam into buildings. One theory for the rst plane. I saw that plane
at a few more [pictures] and I’m starting can see footage of a telephone pole slic- and watched it hit. But keep up the good
to think that maybe it was an aeroplane ing off a jetliner wing; yet there is also a work and I wish you luck.
as the damage pattern looks like I think case of a Boeing wing cutting through a
it should, and not like a conventional brick building. Variations in speed, wing OK, so this individual witnessed what
military missile. I can see from the pho- construction, and the impacted material he is convinced was a real plane, yet it
tos that some of the steel beams are make comparison to the World Trade did something no real plane should do –
bent inwards. Some of the weaker outer Center challenging. Even the 1945 crash completely penetrate the Tower before
aluminum cladding is inwards and out- of a B-25 bomber into the Empire State exploding.
Actually, what he described is quite simi-

UNCENSORED 56 June – September 2019 www.uncensored.co.nz 65

lar to the countless videos of the second be diverted. And this detail is very important: we want
plane – which vanishes into the South fires, hot, very hot, for the World Trade
Tower, seemingly laughing at physics, Druid: Sounds like Operation North- Center.
followed by an enormous explosion. woods.
Here it is in slow motion: Druid: If you could give me some idea of
https://www.youtube.com/watch? Mr. E: There’s a copy of Operation North- why, I think I could better address that.
time_continue=1&v=B7UtX_QoSdY woods in the folder in front of you, in
case it’s helpful. But this, of course, has Mr. E: They’re going to collapse the
nothing to do with Cuba. Your replicas World Trade Center towers about an
are to be crashed into major American hour later.
landmarks in broad daylight, with lots of
destruction on impact. The public will Druid: Good god. How?
be told the “hijackers” were on a suicide
mission. Mr. E: Something will happen in the
basement. That’s as much as you need
Druid: What are the targets? to know. But the public will be told it’s
from your fires melting the steel. That’s
Mr. E: The two towers of the World Trade why they have to be extremely hot.
Next let’s consider the Pentagon. Some- Center, the Pentagon, and the White
thing appears to have penetrated the House. Druid: And supposing the New York City
first three of the Pentagon’s five Fire Department puts them out before
concrete rings. The holes look too Druid: (slightly stunned silence) your hour or whatever is up?
circular to have likely been from pre-
planted bombs, and are too large to Mr. E: Is there some problem? Mr. E: At 80 stories? Ludicrous. Other
represent a missile’s body; they’re closer questions?
to fuselage size, but an ordinary plane Druid: I don’t think so. But if I’m going to
should have crumpled at the first take on this job, I do have to know: Am I Druid: Well, I’ll need to know which
concrete ring, which was heavily assassinating the President of the United airline or airlines, of course, so I can
reinforced with steel and Kevlar. States? replicate their logos and markings.
Pentagon exit hole at the
Mr. E: Certainly not. Both he and the Vice Mr. E: You’ll get that information later.
President will be safely diverted. There will be more than one airline. You’ll
need to have extra replicas on standby,
Druid: But NORAD. . . at least two. If any of the original planes
is cancelled or significantly delayed,
Mr. E: You needn’t worry about inter- well, another one will get hijacked from
ception by NORAD. Nor the restricted the same airport. But very probably from
airspace over DC. That will be handled a different airline, because it will require
in another department. What we want the same time and destination.
from you is, planes going completely
inside these buildings, then blown up. Druid: So you’ll even have backup
Obliterated, so they’ll be impossible to hijackers.
third interior ring compare to the originals. Not even a big
enough piece to look for a tail number Mr. E: Failure is not an option.
And let’s not forget Shanksville’s smok- on, do you understand?
ing hole, where (unlike innumerable other Druid: I take it, then, that my budget has
airplane crashes), no bodies were seen, Druid: . . . Well, I hate to have to tell you no ceiling.
and only tiny bits of debris. this, Mr. E. I think the White House is a
pretty soft target, but these other ones Mr. E: Two trillion is going to go missing
Sitting in with the Bad Guys you’re talking about – airliners aren’t from the American DOD. Other ques-
likely to pierce them. They might fall tions?
I found the best way to start analyzing apart, right on contact.
this was to put myself in the shoes of Druid: You realize that, for what you’re
9/11’s architects. Suppose you were a Mr. E: We’re fully aware of that, Druid. It’s asking of me, it would require perfect
black op specialist, code-named Druid, YOUR specialty and it’s YOUR problem. weather.
an evil sort of James Bond, and you Fix it. That’s what we’re paying you those
were assigned to plan a compartmen- big bucks for. We want planes into the Mr. E: You will have it.
talized detail of 9/11 by your boss, Mr. buildings. Possibly at precise coordi-
E. I’ll write the conversation in English, nates. Druid: No wonder they call you the
though it was very probably in a foreign Prince.
language: Druid: Why is that?
Mr. E: Other questions.
Mr. E: We have a new job for you, the Mr. E: There may be certain objectives
biggest ever. There can be no failures within these targets that will be desirable Druid: What happens to the original
with this. On September 11, 2001, four to destroy. Also, there may be explosives planes?
passenger planes are going to be hi- planted within these targets that your
jacked. Simultaneously. Boeing 757s and drones will need to aim for to maximize Mr. E: That’s on a need to know basis,
767s. In any case, nothing smaller than their impact. That is still being worked and you don’t need to know. They’ll
a 757. We are going to need unmanned on. In the meantime, we want to hear never be seen again. Just be sure your
planes built that can be put in the air and from your team on the potential for the substitutes aren’t either.
take the place of the originals, which will drones themselves creating explosions. *****

66 UNCENSORED 56 June – September 2019 www.uncensored.co.nz

napalm is basically gelatinized kerosene, there is an interesting recorded debate
So you sit down with your black op so they could always explain it away as regarding the Pentagon between experts
colleagues, and after explaining the situ- jet fuel from the plane. Barbara Honegger and Wayne Coste.
ation, the conversation goes something Coste believes there was damage and
like this. Black op #2: Those poor bastards inside. debris consistent with some type of
aircraft hitting the Pentagon, although he
Druid: OK. We all agree that we can’t Druid: I’ll forget I heard that. You know definitely agrees it could not have been
guarantee these results using conven- what would happen to you if it got back Flight 77:
tional planes. So I think a good place to to Mr. E. https://www.youtube.com/watch?
start is: What CAN fly into buildings? v=DEGljZ79QWI
Black op #2: I’m sorry. It won’t happen
Black op #2: Cruise missiles. Or other again.
missiles that take out hard targets.
Black op #3: They did it many times dur-
ing the Gulf War. Let’s morph back out of our imaginary
dialogue. When the 9/11 planes hit the
Druid: Check. So let me ask this. What buildings, they penetrated. Why didn’t
enables them to penetrate? What’s a the fuselage of “Flight 175” crumple, as it
missile got that a jetliner hasn’t got? should have, when it smacked the South
Tower? Because the fuselage was simply
Black op #2: Let’s see . . . hard nose . . . following the hard nose into the building –
exploding warhead . . . as my North Tower eyewitness said, “the
entire plane entered the building as if it When I first heard about this debate, I,
Black op #3: High velocity. . . tiny wings, was a hangar.” being a veteran 9/11 Truther, was some-
so minimal G-forces. what irritated to hear of Coste’s
This would also account for the Penta- position. However, listening objectively, I
Druid: Anything else? . . . OK. So sup- gon’s round holes. The nose, just as hard felt his points were reasonable, and that
pose we do this. We modify a plane into as a missile’s, but same size and shape there’s little denying that something
a missile. Almost everything you just said as a fuselage nose, penetrated that far. wider than a missile struck the
a Boeing doesn’t have – well, it’s going This might even explain “Pinocchio’s Pentagon’s first floor (note the broad
to have. We replace that wimpy fiber- nose” at the World Trade Center—if it damage at the extreme bottom of the
glass nose with the same components could traverse three of the Pentagon’s photograph, taken before the building
as a missile nose. concrete rings, I suppose it might be collapse).
able to penetrate the breadth of a Twin
Black op #2: Nose job. Don’t remind me Tower. If you look at the footage of By the way, Coste does not argue that
of my ex! the nose emerging, the object casts a the object dove, leveled off, and then
shadow in angles that could catch it: flew parallel to the ground (which would
Druid: Then we replace the skin over it. have diminished its speed), but rather
So, to the naked eye it’s still a regular https://www.youtube.com/watch? that it flew at a steady downward angle
nose cone. No one, not even techies v=OBKVI5mQ_00 until it impacted the first floor.
from Boeing, would ever spot the differ-
ence. Behind the nose we pack explo- A drone with a missile-hardened nose,
sives, same as a missile. packed with explosives, would also ac-
count for the Shanksville hole. The nose,
Black op #3: Better not be in propor- traveling at around 570 mph (the official
tion, or you’re gonna blow up the whole speed given), burrowed into the ground,
target. just as the Pentagon drone burrowed
through three concrete rings, and just as
Druid: No, just enough to do the job. the World Trade Center drones penetrat-
And the nose will have to explode after ed the exterior frames. Why was so little
penetration. We don’t want any pain-in- aircraft wreckage seen at Shanksville?
the-ass bystanders taking pictures of Because after the nose penetrated, the
it. All right, gentlemen. Hardened nose, explosives behind it detonated in a mas-
check, we’ll get the material through The body of “Flight 175” hit off-center
sive fireball, obliterating the drone.
black budget; the entire thing will have to and appears to have missed the core
There were also fireballs at the
be built in in our own skunkworks. A job columns in the middle of the Tower.
Pentagon and Twin Towers, of course.
like this, well, obviously nothing can be For those with time for a 1-hour video,
contracted out. Now explosives are no Pentagon fireball
problem; we’ve got a whole candy store
South Tower fireball
to pick from. But this high heat. Any sug-
gestions? They want something that’ll
generate lots of fire, smoke and heat.

Black op #3: I’d use good-old fashioned

napalm bombs. They want hot, napalm
burns around . . . [works laptop] 5000
degrees. That’s twice the melting point
of steel, if that’s what they’re thinking of.
And it’ll keep on burning ‘til they’re ready
for whatever they’re going to do. Plus,

UNCENSORED 56 June – September 2019 www.uncensored.co.nz 67

I am not suggesting that a KC-767 was
used on 9/11. Although more rugged
than its civilian counterpart, it still could
not likely have managed the speed and
penetration seen in “Flight 175.” which,
like all four 9/11 drones, would have
been custom-modified for the crime,
using a virtually unlimited budget. I do
erPoints by famed 9/11 blogger-lecturer not believe it is possible to find the 9/11
Christopher Bollyn. He mentioned the drones by looking online at publicly
possibility that what struck the Twin Tow- discussed aircraft; they were unique im-
ers were 767 refueling tankers. The idea plements for a one-of-a-kind crime, and
didn’t register with me; I didn’t study it their precise specs would only be known
and stayed behind the learning curve. to their designers.
First, let’s acknowledge that 767s have
indeed been converted into these tank- But let’s at least explore some possible
I believe one can safely conjecture that ers. A perfect example is the Boeing explanations for enhanced speed, pen-
the explosives inside these drones were KC-767. Here is a picture of one: etration, guidance, and the “pod,” and
intended not only to damage the target, Next let’s recall the Twin Tower witnesses then who likely revamped these aircraft.
but to demolish the drones themselves,
so much that they would become virtu- Speed
ally impossible to identify. I think this is
the true reason for the dearth of plane According to famed pilot John Lear, son
wreckage at all locations, rather than of Lear Jet designer Bill Lear, the object
there being “no planes at all.” But the ex- that hit the South Tower was traveling
plosions could only occur after penetra- 127 mph above a 767’s low-altitude
tion of the target; the perpetrators could design limits.2
not allow, for example, a tell-tell fuselage
to be left on the Pentagon lawn. Lear describes many factors that would
have made this speed unattainable.
It is Jon Carlson who, rightly or wrongly, Before writing this post, I exchanged
makes the case that napalm was used who reported seeing a military plane: several new emails with Pilot A, whom
on 9/11, noting that, in addition to its I am going to embed about 6 minutes I had not communicated with since last
5000 degree heat (which might account of the YouTube video “9/11 False Flag year. He remarked:
for the people who jumped), napalm’s Conspiracy,” which links 767 tankers, as
signature orange color matches that of well as flight termination pods, to Dov “I’ve been speaking to a colleague who
the 9/11 impact explosions. It might also Zakheim, who was comptroller of the has done some air testing on the A300
help explain the victims with burning Pentagon on 9/11, the day after Donald [Airbus’s competitor to the Boeing 767]
flesh – napalm adheres. It is absolutely Rumsfeld notoriously announced that and it turns out the aircraft can achieve
not my intention to insist napalm was the Defense Department was missing speeds about 10-15% higher than the
used, or to suggest this was the only $2.3 trillion. Zakheim was also former book figures, which have a built-in safety
explosive or weapon used that day, but I CEO of System Planning Corporation’s margin. So we might be able to explain
think Carlson’s idea merits consideration. (SPC) International Division. how the Boeings flew so fast on the film.
Napalm explosions In other words, jetliners can travel faster
Why would 9/11’s planners choose a than their max book speed. The value in
military 767 tanker over a regular Boeing the manual helps ensure a pilot doesn’t
767? First, the tanker is about the same play cowboy, but it’s like your car’s fuel
size and thus could fill in as a “ringer.” gauge: 'Empty' doesn’t literally mean
Second, even if we discard the idea of empty." I asked Pilot A for further elabo-
napalm and other potential explosives, a ration. He said:
tanker is normally filled with fuel instead
of passengers, so it generates much “I spoke to my colleague who recently
more fire and destruction on impact. was a crew member on an air test
Third, military-grade 767s fly faster than including a high speed component and
their civilian counterparts: for example, tested the A300 up to 360 kts which is
Of course, this scenario still leaves some according to Wikipedia, the KC-767 only 7.5% higher than the legal limit of
unresolved problems: has a max cruising speed of 570 mph1 335 kts, but the observer/data recording
versus 533 for a regular 767. Fourth, person (3rd member in the jump seat)
How did they get the drones to achieve tankers are built tougher because they who was independent said that the A300
speeds impossible for jetliners at low may face combat situations. If you look can easily get up to 400 kts (about 20%
altitude? I found the solution begins by at Boeing’s description of the KC-46A increase). At FL300, along with a high
looking into something I had not given Pegasus Tanker and scroll down to the thrust setting they put the aircraft in no
due attention before. plane’s graphic, it describes it as having more than a 5 degree nose down attitude
“cockpit armor,” “EMP hardening,” “fuel and quickly achieved this speed. On
Besides the “pod” under Flight 175, foot- tank ballistic protection,” and “hi resolu- the B767, which has a limit of 360 kts,
age reveals a diagonal pipe-like structure tion stereoscopic boom cameras.” The if it could be flown 20% faster then this
visible at the tail, as in this shot by Car- Pegasus, of course, was not in use on would equate to 430 kts or close to 500
men Taylor: 9/11, but exemplifies the added robust- mph. This may help to explain the high
ness and technology that goes into these speed, but the aircraft would still be dif-
tankers. ficult to control.”
In 2016 and 2017, I attended live Pow-

68 UNCENSORED 56 June – September 2019 www.uncensored.co.nz

minutes before significant damage starts targets with precision on the other side
Few commercial pilots have ever pushed to occur. So with the FADEC disabled or of the world.
a Boeing 767 to its limits because it is turned off (2 guarded switches on the
impermissible to try. If, as Pilot A sug- overhead panel) it is possible to exceed So the thought of using unmanned
gests, Boeing 767s can exceed their the design thrust and temperature limits drones on 9/11 is hardly the stuff of
book limits by as much as 20 percent, of the engine and get significant extra science fiction. As previously discussed
and if, in fact, “Flight 175” was mod- thrust, in other words get more bang for with Pilot A, it would not be possible
eled on a tanker like the KC-767 (which your buck. How much I don’t know, and to remotely hijack a Boeing 757 or 767
can fly more than 30 mph faster than a am not about to find out with experimen- because (unlike the newer fly-by-wire
civilian 767) we are starting to approach tation as I like being employed!” 777s), their basic flight operation was
the speed range of whatever struck the manual rather than computer-driven.
South Tower. Hardening However, if we are talking about a 757 or
767 which has been thoroughly prepped
Also, though the plane was essentially In addition to modeling the nose cone at a secret location, that is a different
on a level course when it struck the after a missile’s nose (as suggested in story. Its equipment could be fully inte-
Tower, it had descended from altitude the imaginary dialogue), and adding grated with remote control, flight path
before beginning its final approach. The military armor (which would have main- programming, and military-grade GPS,
momentum of residual gravity from the tained better fuselage integrity at high making it comparable to a cruise missile
descent should have boosted speed speed), could the drones’ designers have in its accuracy.
without adding much strain on the substituted other materials for aluminum
engines. Pilot A commented in his last in parts of the crafts? The best way to Laser guidance can direct a weapon into
email to me: “The engines, regardless of break steel is with something stronger a precise target, which adds interest
type, do not have the thrust capability than steel. Titanium is both stronger than to footage of a laser light on the South
alone to push the B767 up to 550 mph, steel and lighter than aluminum. Boeing Tower just before being struck by “Flight
but with a descent it is possible.” engines are made primarily from tita- 175” (lasers emit an infrared beam that
nium, which is one reason these engines is invisible to the naked eye, but which
Speaking of engines, the perps may survive crashes better than other com- digital cameras can detect):
have wanted the drone refitted with ponents. Planes can in fact be construct-
a powerful one capable of maximum ed almost entirely from titanium, which The “Pod”
speed. Pilots for 9/11 Truth identified the is precisely what Lockheed did with the
engine remnant found on Murray Street SR-71 it built for the Air Force. What about the infamous pod seen
as coming from a 747 (a “jumbo jet,” the underneath flight 175? It flashed right
largest craft produced by Boeing): It is not my intention to assert that the before impact, as seen in photography
9/11 drones were made from titanium— from multiple angles. There was also a
However, this may (or may not) be a building a titanium 767 from scratch flash just before Flight 11 hit the North
moot point, since a 747 carries four of would present extreme challenges. (first) Tower, in the only known footage,
these engines to achieve its thrust, and Perhaps even more importantly, titanium the Naudet Brothers video:
the plane that struck the South Tower is difficult to destroy. This would have
only had two. made the drones hard to obliterate after Some have argued that the pod may
penetration, and I’m not aware of evi- have been a missile, perhaps intended
Some have argued that aircraft engines dence that significant titanium fragments to set off planted explosives in the Twin
could not tolerate the speeds at which were discovered at the 9/11 crash sites. Towers and/or open a gash for the
“Flight 175” traveled without burning out. Nevertheless, in addition to a rigid nose, plane. This might be correct; however,
However, Pilot A believed this would not I think it worth considering if the archi- there is only a slight fraction of a second
be a problem for the relatively brief ap- tects utilized an alloy of titanium, Kevlar, between the flash and plane’s impact,
proach to the South Tower: or some other hardening substance as and no exhaust fumes are visible behind
the leading edge of the wings and tails to the pod to suggest it was a launching
“The JT9 is a powerful engine like the ensure full penetration. missile.
General Electric CF6-80 C2 we have on
our [Airbus] machines. They’re fitted Guidance I believe a better explanation is the one
with FADEC [Full Authority Digital Engine offered in the previously mentioned
Control] which protects the engine from Remote-controlled aircraft are nothing video “9/11 False Flag Conspiracy”: that
over-boost, pressure etc., and increases new. The United States and England had the pod was probably a flight termination
efficiency but when the FADEC fails or both successfully developed radio-con- module from Dov Zakheim’s Systems
is switched off, then as pilots we have trolled planes by the 1930s. Operation Planning Corporation:
to be careful not to over-boost/cook the Northwoods, as we have already noted, The U.S. Air Force has been sending up
engines. With this in mind, though, you called for using a remote-controlled
can get quite a lot of extra thrust from drone to instigate war with Cuba in 1962.
the engines when you’re not especially In “A Brief History of Drones,” Kashyap
worried about its health and longevity! At Vyas writes: “Even though the U.S. was
maximum normal take-off thrust with the able to achieve a breakthrough in mass-
FADEC operating for instance – which manufacturing and supplying drones for
we rarely do as most take-offs are done the military, UAVs were often considered
on a reduced thrust setting called flex unreliable and expensive. This perspec-
temp take-off – is allowed for up to 5 tive however changed in 1982 when
minutes. This 5 minutes limit though Israel forces used unmanned aircrafts to
which the engine manufacturer has gain victory over Syrian Air Force with
stipulated can be exceeded in a single minimal losses.”3 Today, U.S. armed drones for decades for target practice.
engine scenario and then it becomes 10 forces alone have over 11,000 unmanned These drones often have the capacity to
minutes! But I’ve read stories of guys drones,4 and from Creech Air Force self-destruct; otherwise, if missed by the
sitting at max take-off thrust for over 20 Base in Nevada, drone operators strike military, they might accidently crash in

UNCENSORED 56 June – September 2019 www.uncensored.co.nz 69

populated areas. The self-destructive ca- arrived at my house and, without cause
pability of drones was acknowledged by But what about drones? My first incli- or provocation, TASERed me and broke
the Pentagon in Operation Northwoods, nation was these would exceed Israeli my elbow in front of my family on August
written nearly 50 years before 9/11. capabilities to produce, or to launch 15, 2006...
9/11’s architects would have wanted the within the United States, until I recently
drones to explode so that no remain- read, for the first time, Christopher Bol- “Shalom Yoran has an extremely suspi-
ing wreckage could be compared to the lyn’s outstanding post “The Planes of cious and unusual profile for an Israeli
original hijacked aircraft. If indeed the 9-11.” I strongly recommend reading immigrant to the United States. He was
pod on “Flight 175’s” undercarriage was Chris’s entire article, but here are key in the original Israeli air force of 1948 and
a self-destruction system, it would make excerpts, which I quote extensively with is a founder and former head of Israel
sense that it flashed right before entry. his permission: Aircraft Industries. Yoran was instrumen-
They wouldn’t want building impact to tal in building the IAI into an internation-
shear the pod off before it could ignite “A little-known and privately-held aircraft ally recognized company and the largest
the drone’s explosives, nor could they leasing company created by the Israeli industry in Israel...
allow the drone to be photographed military intelligence is connected to the
exploding before it reached the Tower. Mossad-run airport security and passen- "Before Yoran emigrated to the United
ger screening company at the center of States, which is very unusual for Israelis
Where Were the Drones Prepared? the “false flag” terror network of 9-11... of his age and with his high-level military
If the planes that were involved in the background, he had spent the previ-
In answer to this question, my immediate attacks on the World Trade Center were, ous ten years as senior vice president
thought was Area 51, where Lockheed in fact, not United Airlines Flight 175 and of IAI and as president of IAI’s parent
Martin secretly developed the U-2 spy American Airlines Flight 11, but remotely- company, Bedek. Israelis like Yoran don’t
plane, the SR-71 Blackbird, and the controlled tankers painted to look like ci- usually come to America as immigrants –
F-117 Nighthawk “stealth fighter.” How- vilian aircraft, who could have produced they are sent there on a mission...
ever, as dark as the “Military Industrial such disguised planes and inserted them
Complex” has become, I have doubts into the NORAD anti-terrorism exercise “Today, Bedek is the senior group of
that it would develop something for use that was taking place in the airspace of Israel Aerospace Industries and special-
against their own command centers (the the East Coast on the morning of 9/11? izes in aircraft operation, conversion,
Pentagon and White House), especially Given the evidence of Israeli prior knowl- maintenance, and overhaul. In 1975,
given the number of American engi- edge, the obvious questions arise: Did when Yoran “left” Bedek and IAI at the
neers who would have been involved in the Israelis have the means to carry off unusually young retirement age of fifty,
research and development—sworn to such a complex operation? And if they the corporation had 22,000 employees,
secrecy or not. had the means, is there a link between of which 4,000 worked in the Bedek Divi-
their capability and the events of 9-11? sion. In reality, Yoran didn’t leave Bedek
In impli ed, I stated: and IAI at all; he was sent by the Israeli
“The answer to both questions is yes. military to the United States to manage
I believe that, when it comes to resolving The Israeli military and its intelligence one of their most important operations –
the mystery of how 9/11 was executed, agencies have long had the capabil- ATASCO...
the Truth Movement suffers from a major ity to convert and disguise large-body
[misnomer]: aircraft in the United States, and their “His 2003 biography on the website of
companies that do this kind of work are Tel Aviv University (TAU) tells a similar
• 9/11 was an inside job. connected to International Consultants tale:
on Targeted Security (ICTS), the Israeli
I believe a far more correct rendering is: airport security company that is a prime “At the age of fifty, Shalom Yoran retired
9/11 was an outside job, done by Israeli suspect in the “false flag” terrorism. ICTS from the Israel Aircraft Industries. In 1978
operatives, but with consent and coop- was a key defendant in the 9-11 litigation he moved to the U.S. where he became
eration at the highest levels of the U.S. until Judge Hellerstein allowed them to chairman of ATASCO USA – a private
government. be dismissed from the case in May 2011. aircraft trading and service company.
The Israeli military has spawned sev- ATASCO bought and leased airplanes
To understand this, it may be helpful to eral aircraft leasing and maintenance to major airlines around the world. The
compare Israel’s vicious 1967 attack on companies in the United States since the company also had an aircraft mainte-
the USS Liberty. It is well understood late 1960s. There is, in fact, a network of nance and modification plant in Smyrna,
that President Lyndon B. Johnson and Israeli-controlled aviation companies op- Tennessee.
Defense Secretary Robert McNamara erating in the United States which were
fully cooperated, by twice recalling U.S. all started by Israel Aircraft Industries “Shalom Yoran continues to be chairman
fighters that the Sixth Fleet had sent to (IAI), now known as Israel Aerospace of ATASCO USA,” the 2003 TAU entry
rescue the Liberty, and later by order- Industries. Israel Aircraft Industries is a noted. How could an Israeli be appoint-
ing a cover-up. However, at the physical wholly owned subsidiary of the Israeli ed to be president or chairman of an
operational level, the attack was carried Defense Ministry, which produces and “American” company, unless that com-
out by Israelis, not by Americans in an maintains planes and missiles. pany were actually an Israeli company
“inside job.” disguised as an American company?
“One of the Israeli military’s aviation And why would an Israeli company doing
After the Twin Towers’ implosion, it was companies spawned in the United States business in the United States want to
dancing Israelis who were spotted and is or was an aircraft leasing company disguise the fact that it is Israeli-owned
arrested – not dancing Navy Seals, danc- named ATASCO, which began operating in the first place?
ing Lockheed engineers, or dancing CIA in the United States in the early 1970s. I
agents. In the post, I made the case that began investigating ATASCO in August The Atasco-Bedek Connection
both the nuclear demolition of the Twin 2006. As a matter of fact, I spoke with
Towers and the (yes, real) hijackings of Shalom Yoran, the Israeli chairman of “ATASCO USA was, of course, cre-
the original airliners were carried out by this now defunct Israeli company, about ated and owned by the Israeli military
Israeli operatives. six hours before three undercover police and connected to the Mossad, but this

70 UNCENSORED 56 June – September 2019 www.uncensored.co.nz

information is not easily found. There has from October 1986 through December extraordinary planning and spending. No
only been one article that I have found 1989. . . . Gitner later served on the conventional civilian Boeings would have
that mentions what ATASCO has been board of directors of another Mossad- been used for it. And I think, for many
doing for the past 36 years in the United run company, ICTS, which was one of of us in the Truth Movement (myself
States, since it was first created by the the key defendants in the 9/11 litigation. included), we have tried to analyze the
Israeli Defense Ministry in 1971. That Along with a handful of senior Israeli “plane strikes” based on the charac-
article, entitled “Ugandan Plane Deal Mossad veterans, Gitner was a director teristics of ordinary planes. Since no
Believed Key to Israeli Spy Operation,” of ICTS from at least 1997 through 2005. ordinary planes could achieve the results
was published in the Washington Post of Most significantly, he was a director of 9/11, some of us made the “either or”
September 11, 1978. of the Israeli parent company which mistake, and discarded planes in favor of
was responsible for airline security and “no planes at all,” “holograms,” or “CGI
“This investigative article, which in- passenger screening at Boston’s Logan added after the fact.”
volved an international team of journal- Airport on 9-11.
ists that included an Israeli, focused on I do believe that jetliners, modified in the
the “mysterious Israeli tycoon and the International Consultants on Targeted types of ways this post has suggested,
Mossad, Israeli’s intelligence service,” Security (ICTS) International, N.V. is could resolve the observed phenomena,
and how they had provided the Ugandan the Mossad-run company that owns including the “impossible” penetration
dictator Idi Amin with two Boeing 707 Huntleigh USA, the airline security of the second tower (even the “nose
jetliners as part of an Israeli effort to spy company that oversaw the passenger out”), the entry gashes in both Towers,
on Libya. The “big winner” and tycoon screening operations at Boston’s Logan the holes in the Pentagon rings and
in this Mossad spying operation was Airport on September 11, 2001. How Shanksville soil, and the presence of
Shaul Nehemia Eisenberg (1921-1997), would Gitner be a director or CEO of a aircraft wreckage (but in scant amounts
“the reclusive Israeli entrepreneur at its Mossad-run company like ATASCO or untraced to the original aircraft).
center.” [Chris Bollyn next block-quotes ICTS if he were not working for the Mos- A drone, unlike the original jetliner, would
the 1978 Washington Post article, which sad? also allow for the pod visible on the
I am distinguishing with quotation marks undersurface of “Flight 175.”
and italics:] IAI is “a world leader in aircraft conver-
sion and modernization programs, un- Drones also resolve a tricky Pentagon-
“The chief isenberg rm in these deals manned air vehicles (UAVs), communica- related issue. Although the lawn in front
was Aircraft Trading and Services Inc., tion programs and defense electronics,” of the impact location remained pristine,
or Atasco. Headquartered in Asia House, according to the company’s website. five light poles were knocked over. De-
Eisenberg’s luxury building in Tel Aviv, Shalom Yoran’s company, Bedek Avia- fenders of the official story maintain that
Atasco also has branches in the ‘Eisen- tion Group, reportedly converted its first Flight 77, piloted by Hani Hanjour, did
berg Building’ in New York and in London. Boeing 767 from a passenger to cargo this. Truthers, especially advocates of
jet in early 2000. The converted passen- the missile theory, have argued that the
“Atasco was put together in 1971 by ger jet was the first of eleven 767s to be poles must have been toppled artificially
executives of Israeli Aircraft Industries, converted for Airborne-Express, accord- to support the government’s narrative.
a wholly owned subsidiary of the Israeli ing to the Jerusalem Post of April 4, 2000. They note that the poles should have
Defense Ministry that makes planes and “Bedek is one of the world’s leaders in shorn off a Boeing’s wings, or at least
missiles. plane conversions,” the Israeli newspa- damaged them enough to leak fuel on
per reported. the lawn (a Boeing’s wings carry fuel).
“Eisenberg got into Atasco as an equal High-velocity hardened wings, however,
partner with Israeli Aircraft for $500,000 in In early 2001, Bedek delivered a refur- could probably have broken the poles
cash. After the 1973 Middle East War, Is- bished Boeing 707 refueling tanker for (same as they partially broke steel at the
raeli Aircraft, staggered by scandals, sold the Israeli air force, according to the Twin Towers), and perhaps the wings
its share in Atasco to Eisenberg, leaving Jerusalem Post of February 22, 2001. carried no fuel, as the drone was modi-
him its sole owner... fied and on a short trip.
“The number of [Israeli] refueling tankers
At its Israeli hangars, currently jammed is classified,” the Post reported. “The There remains the question of where
with 707s bearing obscure markings, first 707 air refueling tanker converted for these drones took off from. Many com-
Atasco remodels the interiors to suit cus- the Air Force was delivered twenty years mentators have noted the strange simul-
tomers, and paints on their proud colors ago.” This Israeli report indicates that taneous convergence of Flights 11 and
– Iran Air, Tarom of Romania, Uganda Bedek has been converting Boeing air- 175 over Stewart Airport, a former Air
Airlines. craft into tankers since the early 1980s.5 Force base that had become America’s
first privatized airport in 2000. Some
In May 1976, Atasco sold the 707 that was Conclusion think this convergence represented the
once an m s lipper upiter to a rm ideal time and place to launch drones.
in Zurich, which dealt it on to Amin. So there we have it. ISRAEL AIRCRAFT The drones could have been kept in se-
Intelligence sources say that the head of INDUSTRIES (IAI): cure hangars until the day of operation.
this urich rm is a year veteran of The drones that pursued Flights 77
Mossad, the Israeli intelligence agency, • was heavily linked to Mossad and to and 93 may have originated from other
and the rm is an agency laundry. It the Israeli-owned firm that controlled bases. It is interesting that 77 changed
exists, these sources say, to pass on security at the 9/11 airports;
Mossad funds for deals in which the Israeli • had facilities for large aircraft modifica-
secret service is interested.” tion in the United States;
• built unmanned drones;
Gerald L. Gitner, an aviation executive • purchased existing Boeings, then con-
with Pan Am, TWA, and a host of smaller verted them into tankers and otherwise
airlines, was appointed Chief Executive remodeled them.
Officer (CEO) of ATASCO USA, Inc. . . . 9/11 wasn’t just the crime of the century,
Gitner reportedly stayed with ATASCO it was arguably the crime of the millen-
nium. An extraordinary crime required

UNCENSORED 56 June – September 2019 www.uncensored.co.nz 71

be credibly attributed to Israelis. This is manned Aerial Vehicles (UAVs),” January
not to deny that they may have received 2, 2018, https://interestingengineering
assistance from rogue elements of the com/a-brief-history-of-drones-the-
U.S. military, especially if the E4B – the remote-controlled-unmanned-aerial-
mysterious white “doomsday” plane
seen above both the World Trade Center 4. Ibid.
and Washingtonm – was an accomplice 5. Christopher Bollyn, “The Planes of
and not just an observer. 9-11 at http://www.bollyn.com/the-
Feel free to send any comments, ob-
course near Tri State Airport6 and 93 servations, or criticisms to me via my 6. Rachel Adkins, “Officials Remember
turned around near Cleveland’s Hopkins website’s contact form. Flight 77 Flying over Ashland on
Airport. 9/11,” The Daily Independent, Sep 9,
NOTES 2016
As to other 9/11 controversies, such as http://www.dailyindependent.com/
1. “Boeing KC-767,” Wikipedia, https:// news/officials-remember-flight-flying-
the Towers’ demolition and fate of the en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Boeing_KC-767
original planes and passengers, includ- over-ashland-on/
ing Flight 93, I refer my readers to the 2. John Lear, “Ghostplane,” July 16, 2009 article_e43d2856-76d3-11e6-8333-2b
articles named at the top of this post. http://hostplane.blogspot.com/2009/07/ 43e4ffd383.html/
I believe the case can now be made that, john-lears-no-plane-affadavit-no-boeing.
at virtually all operational levels, the exe- html SOURCE: https://jamesperloff.
cution of 9/11– hijackings, drone strikes, 3. Kashyap Vyas, “A Brief History of
and demolition of the Twin Towers – can Drones: The Remote Controlled Un- towers-revising-my-outlook/

Yourself Still
With available
Books By amazon.com

James Perloff

72 UNCENSORED 56 June – September 2019 www.uncensored.co.nz

Are "Conspiracy Theories" Tearing Society Apart
Or Saving Us From
By Brandon Smith conspiracy REALITY is not something aganda war against the alternative media
via Alt-Market.com these people want entertained by the and conspiracy reality is Cass Sunstein,
public. Conspiracies are a fact of history. former “Information Czar” in the Obama
April 19, 2019 Governments lie, all the time, and they Administration. Sunstein has written
have been caught doing it. The media numerous books and articles lamenting
The phrase “conspiracy theory” is often lies, constantly, and has been caught the growing influence of the alternative
used by establishment agencies, the doing it. Yet, we are supposed to ignore media, including his book Conspiracy
mainstream media and useful idiots as this and assume that anyone daring to Theories And Dangerous Ideas.
a tool to dismiss legitimate evidence stand contrary to government and media
or viewpoints that disagree with their claims is some kind of lunatic? The main thrust of Sunstein's position
predetermined version of events. This is that conspiracy theories isolate the
method of propaganda was not always In the past 5-10 years, however, things populace into small groups of like-mind-
as widespread as it is today. The phrase have been changing. ed people perpetuating each others'
was not “created” by the CIA, but it “misguided” views. He also suggests
was in fact weaponized by them in the Suddenly, anti-establishment views and that these groups represent a concrete
1960's after the assassination of John investigations of corruption are bulldoz- threat to the stability of government
F. Kennedy with the express purpose of ing the mainstream scripted narrative, and of society by spreading “wrong”
shutting down rational debate. and the elites and the media are be- (or perhaps inconvenient) information
wildered. They can see they are losing and civil unrest. In other words, a few
CIA memo 1035-960, circulated within control of popular thought and they are decades ago all information was central-
the CIA in 1967 and exposed through a disturbed, to say the least. A steady ized and filtered by the corporate media
freedom of information act request by stream of articles and essays have been and government, and now the internet is
the New York Times in 1976, outlines flooding the MSM recently lamenting the decentralizing information flow, thereby
strategies the agency would use to shut rise of “conspiracy culture” and warn- allowing people to think differently and
down critics of the Warren Commission ing of the “death of democracy” if this is break from the majority narrative, which
Report. Specifically, they suggested the allowed to continue. is unacceptable by Sunstein's standards.
accusation of “conspiracy” with negative
connotations attached, predominantly in They seem specifically angered by the Sunstein sees the creation of a public
mainstream books and articles. This was idea that their “journalistic” and “profes- hive mind as the best outcome for social
indeed done through the CIA's many sional” status no longer matters to most order. He suggests in his book Nudge
puppets in the media, and the concept people. Not long ago, anyone wearing a the concept of “Libertarian Paternal-
of “conspiracy theory” as a pejorative suit, a uniform, a lab coat, a journalist's ism” (which is neither libertarian or
was born. badge or collecting a government pay- paternal). He advocates for the control
check was supposed to be immediately of society through subversive means of
Through the use of strawman arguments, taken seriously as a designated “expert”. influence (nudging) while allowing people
red herring fallacies and sophistry, the As Noam Chomsky describes them in his to continue believing that their choices are
incredible scale of evidence (exposed by book Manufacturing Consent, they were actually their own.
investigators like New Orleans District the professional class, the top 10% or
Attorney Jim Garrison) suggesting the less of individuals with “all the answers”. But how would Sunstein go about ex-
Warren Commission was either corrupt These were the people the establish- ecuting this influence? His solution to the
or ignorant in its findings was buried in a ment sought to indoctrinate most of threat of the alternative media was first
flurry of hatchet jobs and hit pieces. And all, because these were the community made clear in his paper titled 'Conspira-
this was the goal, of course; to attack the leaders that many in the public listened cy Theories', published in 2008. In it, he
messenger and silence the truth without to without question. argues in favor of government interference
having to go through the ugly process of or control of alternative media or “con-
directly confronting the truth. Now there is a growing movement of spiracy theory” sources.
people who could not care less about
Until recently, this strategy was highly what kind of degree someone's par- His primary tactic was the infiltration of
effective. Attacking a person as a ents purchased for them from an Ivy alternative media forums and sites by
“conspiracy theorist” was the only tool League university. They don't care about government agents or private actors
critics really needed to keep a piece of establishment designations and fake ac- paid by the government to disrupt dis-
evidence or a concrete viewpoint from colades and titles and credentials. What cussion, derail activism and sow seeds
going viral. Conspiracy theory is equated they care about are facts and evidence. of doubt or chaos. Effectively, Sunstein
to insanity, or stupidity, or buffoonery. What they care about are the arguments wanted the covert destruction of the
Everyone knows a conspiracy theorist is a person puts forth, rather than how liberty media by paid agitators.
not to be taken seriously, so why waste important they purport to be. This is
time listening to what they have to say in causing some consternation among the So, the same man who accuses the
the first place? elites. alternative media of conspiracy monger-
ing and the destruction of the western
It should come as no surprise that A key figure and gatekeeper in the prop- world is actively seeking to foment a

UNCENSORED 56 June – September 2019 www.uncensored.co.nz 73

conspiracy to undermine that movement. amount of mutual trust among citizens, rect conspiracy theories, they have all
Is this irony, or hypocrisy or both? and conspiracism destroys it.” come from the left side of the political
Are you getting the sense yet that there spectrum (which they call “progressive”
Doesn't this mean that Sunstein is a part is a repetitive message coming from conspiracy theories”). They then assert
of one of the very conspiracies he criti- these people that they want you to that there are no verifiable conspiracy
cizes people like me for being concerned embrace? Is there ANYTHING true about theories coming from the political right.
about? the statement above? The fundamental This is madness.
root of their argument is that conspiracy
Sunstein and his elitist ilk want the pow- theories (viewpoints outside the main- When Cass Sunstein describes the
er to erase or sabotage the alternative stream) must be treated as existential tribalist isolation and conspiracy delu-
media. In fact, there are probably a few threats to society. In other words, some sions of certain groups, he was clearly
of their agent provocateurs attacking this ideas are so dangerous that they must trying to mislabel conservative activists
article in the comments below right now. be controlled or outlawed. The basis of and the alternative media, but the REAL
They would prefer that the government this argument, though, is entirely fraudu- conspiracy nutbags have actually been
eventually take full control of the internet lent. on the left this whole time.
and dictate the terms of media partici-
pation directly. This gives rise to one of First, leftists incessantly refer to our so- A lot of young leftist millennials, profes-
the most important questions that the ciety as a "democracy", I think because sional (I say this with the utmost sar-
establishment does not want to answer: they believe if they tell the lie enough it casm) mainstream media personalities
Who gets to decide what is and what is will become reality by default. The US and celebrities foolishly bought into the
not “dangerous conspiracy theory”? was never intended to be a “democ- Russiagate conspiracy theory; a theory
racy”, but a Republic, and with good based on ZERO concrete evidence and
If pressed, the elites will ultimately sug- reason. Democracy requires blind and a garbage heap of empty conjecture. For
gest that they are the best qualified. often misplaced faith in the system. A example, how many sessions of “Real
Sunstein describes the general public Republic requires constant vigilance and Time With Bill Maher” or “Late Night With
in his books as essentially lazy, unintel- healthy skepticism. In a Republic, we are Stephen Colbert” was the Russiagate
ligent, impulsive and not to
be trusted to make good
decisions. He does not seem "It should come as no surprise that conspiracy REALITY is not
to include himself and his something these people want entertained by the public. Con-
globalist comrades as being
prone to the same weak- spiracies are a fact of history. Governments lie, all the time, and
nesses. They are apparently they have been caught doing it. The media lies, constantly, and
wise and benevolent enough
to make the best decisions has been caught doing it. Yet, we are supposed to ignore this
for all of us. and assume that anyone daring to stand contrary to government
Imagine that... and media claims is some kind of lunatic?"
This elitism bias and Sun-
stein's overall methodology for biting not supposed to simply “trust” that our fantasy propped up as verified fact by a
at the ankles of the liberty media is leaders are going to do the right thing. screeching flock of leftist parrots, blan-
being carried over into a new wave of We are supposed to put them under a keted in the protective peanut-brained
propaganda in the past couple of years, microscope, uncover criminality and imbecility of the audiences in their Los
primarily coming from (though not limited corruption, and generally make them Angeles and New York echo chambers?
to) the political left. uncomfortable at all times. It is our civic
duty to become “conspiracy theorists”. Even today, after the long anticipated
Sunstein's gatekeeping has spawned Mueller Report led to no indictments,
a cancerous growth of copycats in The establishment prefers a democracy leftists continue to cling desperately like
progressive academics. This is going on because in a democracy 51% of the hemorrhoids to the anus that is Russia-
everywhere, but one particular example population can dictate the individual gate.
I found recently was on Vox, a leftist rag liberties of the other 49%, and they are
which shamelessly flaunts its political rightly convinced that they can influ- Leftists have to this point justified much
bias and actively slanders conserva- ence the thinking and decisions of the of their schizophrenic and sometimes
tives. Vox's article “Conspiracy Theories larger half. Also, in a democracy, society violent and criminal behavior on the lie
that Donald Trump is a usurper put into
office by Russian manipulation of US
"Even today, after the long anticipated Mueller Report elections. Now isn't this the epitome of a
led to no indictments, leftists continue to cling desper- conspiracy theory that is destructive to
ately like hemorrhoids to the anus that is Russiagate."
Not all conspiracy theories are started by
the alternative media. Many are started
Are Getting More Absurd And Harder revolves around moral relativism and by the establishment itself, and these are
To Refute” promotes a new book which the ever arbitrary “greater good for the indeed designed to cause the destabili-
regurgitates Sunstein's propaganda greater number”, instead of governing zation of the nation.
model. The article takes special time to according to individual liberty, inherent
reassert the old disinformation narrative moral compass and human conscience. At the same time, the fabricated Russia-
by stating that: gate conspiracy has been very effective
The Vox article goes on to make the at leading the left away from the very real
“Democracy requires a minimum claim that while there are some cor- conspiracy of Trump's saturation of his

74 UNCENSORED 56 June – September 2019 www.uncensored.co.nz

cabinet with banking elites and globalist and Julian Assange (who is now facing ened with subjugation are those of
think tank ghouls like John Bolton, extradition and prosecution for noth- conservatives and the alternative media
Steven Mnuchin or Wilber Ross. Weren't ing more than publishing truths on the that are contrary to centralization and
these the same elites that Trump was internet). Both the political left and government power. Not because our
going to “drain from the swamp”? Why political right are aggressively hostile to theories are dangerous to the fabric of
hasn't the left talking about that for the both these men, and are seeking to bury society, but because our theories are
past two years? them. dangerous to the people who want to
dictate the fabric of society. Our activism
The article also makes no mention of the My question is, what is really more and journalism represents decentralized
DNC rigging of the Democratic primaries dangerous? Conspiracy theories, or the thought which could choke the engine of
in favor of Hillary Clinton and against actual conspiracies governments and the globalist agenda. We aren't tearing
Bernie Sanders. This was a conspiracy elitists execute against the people? down the western world, we're the only
conservatives had to help expose, while thing keeping it alive.
the left sat idle and ignored it, hyperfo- The message here is not ambiguous at
cusing on their hatred of Trump while all. To summarize, the establishment Note from the Author: If you would like
propping up Hillary Clin-
ton, a repeat criminal
"My question is, what is really more dangerous? Conspiracy
But, hey, conserva- theories, or the actual conspiracies governments and elitists
tive conspiracies are
always wrong and leftist execute against the people?"
conspiracies are often
correct according to
Vox and friends...
wants control of internet media, by hook to support the work that Alt-Market
And what about the verified fact of mass or by crook, in the name of protecting does while also receiving content on
digital surveillance by government on people from themselves and from ideas advanced tactics for defeating the glo-
the public? This was a conspiracy that they consider unsettling to the world or- balist agenda, subscribe to our exclusive
conservative groups had been warning der. The political left is all on board with newsletter "The Wild Bunch Dispatch".
about for years. We were called kooks, this as long as their conspiracy theories (More information about this is at the
because why would the government are treated with legitimacy; and they will source link - Ed.)
care about what the average person did be, because their conspiracy theories are
in their day-to-day life? Our fears were the establishment's conspiracy theories. SOURCE: http://www.alt-market.com/
verified by the exposure of classified articles/3728-are-conspiracy-theories-
data by people like Edward Snowden The only theories that are being threat- tearing-society-apart-or-saving-us-from-

Florida Legislature Passes Bill governor’s signature. He has 10 days to sign or veto any bill
once it crosses his desk; approved bills left unsigned and un-
Banning Speech in Schools that is vetoed still go into effect 10 days after transmittal.
Critical of the Israeli Government In other words, DeSantis could ceremoniously sign it during
May 2, 2019
his May 25-31 trip to Israel which will include a Florida Cabinet
A bill in Florida, waiting for the signature of Governor Ron meeting at the U.S. Embassy in Jerusalem, likely sometime
DeSantis, requires public schools, including universities and between May 28-30.
colleges, to treat anti-Semitism as discrimination, and anti-
The Senate moved to introduce HB 741 Monday morning two
Semitic speech and acts as racist. The bill conflates criticism
days after a shooting at a San Diego-area synagogue [on the
of the Israeli government with anti-Semitism. It identifies anti-
last day of Passover which killed one woman and injured three
Semitism, and only anti-Semitism, as an example of discrimi-
other people - Ed] and six months after the deadly mass shoot-
nation, ignoring all others.
ing at a Pittsburgh synagogue [which killed seven people and
injured ten others, excluding the shooter - Ed]
The Senate Monday may have given Gov. Ron DeSantis the
perfect agenda-sweetener for his Florida Cabinet meeting next GOP State Chairman Sen. Joe Gruters, R-Sarasota, who spon-
month in Jerusalem – a signing ceremony for a new Florida law sored SB 1272, cited both attacks in describing why the meas-
requiring public schools to treat anti-Semitism as discrimina- ure is necessary to ensure students are properly educated.
tion, and anti-Semitic speech and acts as racist speech and
acts. “Anti-Semitism is on the rise, and we have the ability to do
something about it. No one is born with hate in their heart,”
The Florida Senate unanimously approved House Bill 741 with Gruters said.
all 39 members on the chamber floor Monday signing on as
co-sponsors. “If we don’t do something now,” Gruters continued, “it will only
get worse. I believe when the history books are written, it will
HB 741 – approved by the House 114-0 on April 11 – was sub- be known that on this day, in this chamber, and at this mo-
stituted for its Senate companion bill, Senate Bill 1272, which ment, we made a statement against hatred.”
had only progressed through one committee, on the Senate
floor and adopted after senators consented to waive proce- FULL STORY HERE: https://needtoknow.news/2019/05/flori-
dural rules to accelerate its passage. das-legislature-passes-bill-banning-speech-in-schools-that-is-
After it is formally enrolled, the bill goes to DeSantis for the

UNCENSORED 56 June – September 2019 www.uncensored.co.nz 75


Moral decline: Satanic symbols right to express their feelings, their thoughts,” stated Dave Druk-
er, a spokesman for the Illinois Secretary of State, in defense of

now appearing at government the statue’s grotesque presence. “This recognizes that.”

buildings all across America Several months prior to this, a much larger Satanic statue
depicting Satan himself was erected in front of the Arkansas
Capitol building, with cheers and celebration from “free-
By Ethan Huff speech activists.”
April 2, 2019
Reports indicate that the giant, eight-foot-tall bronze statue
(Natural News) Despite its strong Christian origins, the United depicted Satan in the form of Baphomet, a transgender render-
States of America is rapidly descending into total amorality ing of Lucifer as the “goat monster,” holding up its two fingers
and godlessness, with statues openly honoring Satan now ap- below a giant pentagram.
pearing on government property all across the country.
The “Satanic Temple” had been trying for three years to get
Back in December, for instance, it was reported that the Chi- permission to place the statue in front of the Arkansas Capitol
cago chapter of the “Temple of Satan” was given permission as part of an effort to find a permanent home for the blas-
to place a Satanic statue in between a Christmas tree and a phemous, human-goat avatar. In this case, proponents of the
menorah at the Illinois statehouse during the holiday season, in hermaphroditic Baphomet statue had previously attempted to
open defiance to both Christianity and Judaism. have it placed next to the Christian Ten Commandments plac-
ard in front of the Oklahoma Capitol building, only to have the
According to reports, the four-foot sculpture depicted a black- Supreme Court strike down the monument for violating state
colored fist clenching an apple, which was meant to represent law governing the separation of church and state.
the sin of Adam and Eve when they ate of the fruit of the Tree
of the Knowledge of Good and Evil, in violation of God’s edict That’s when the Satanic Temple moved on to Arkansas, where
placing the tree and its fruit off-limits. a similar Ten Commandments monument was set to be built
in Little Rock, and where the Baphomet was intended to be
Below this Satanic statue was a placard stating, “Knowledge is placed as a direct affront to Christianity.
the Greatest Gift,” along with a Baphomet-embedded penta-
gram – just to ensure that everyone viewing the statue knew While both of the aforementioned statues ended up only
that it was there to honor Satan. remaining on their respective government properties tempo-
rarily, the boldness with which the “Church of Satan” is now
“Under the Constitution, the First Amendment, people have a demanding that its Satanic paraphernalia be openly displayed
for the world to see suggests that the moral decline
of this country is accelerating.

Big Tech is also embracing Satanism

Satan-worship is also infesting the digital realm

throughout America, with U.S.-based corporations
like Apple now censoring information that’s critical of
Satanism and Satanic practices like abortion, which
is a form of human sacrifice to Molech, an ancient
Canaanite demon to whom pagan cultures would of-
fer up the lives of their children.

There’s also the U.S.-based Amazon corporation,

which no longer offers “anti-vaccine” films like
Vaxxed on its platform for “public good” purposes,
but that gladly sells books that teach young children
how to become Satanists.

“The stunning truth is simple and self-evident: Like

all the other evil tech giants – Apple, Google, Twitter,
Youtube, Pinterest, etc. – Amazon is actually run by
Satanists who actively seek the murder of children
via abortions and vaccines,” warns Mike Adams,
the Health Ranger, about the encroaching threat of
Satanism into every aspect of American life.
For more related news about the spread of Satanism
in America today, be sure to visit Evil.news.
Sources for this article include:
• BBC.com
• WashingtonPost.com
• NaturalNews.com

SOURCE: https://www.naturalnews.com/2019-

76 UNCENSORED 56 June – September 2019 www.uncensored.co.nz

UK: Radical Muslims cluding from Exodus, Leviticus, and Mat- Concerning the asylum process, she
thew, presumably to show that the Bible said that whenever she responded to her
Welcome, Persecuted is violent; it said Revelation was "filled Home Office interviewer, "he was either
with imagery of revenge, destruction, chuckling or maybe just kind of mocking
Christians Need Not death and violence." The governmental when he was talking to me.... [H]e asked
Apply letter then concluded: me why Jesus didn't help you from the
Iranian regime or Iranian authorities."
By Raymond Ibrahim "These examples are inconsistent with
March 31, 2019 your claim that you converted to Chris- These two recently exposed cases ap-
tianity after discovering it is a 'peace- pear to be symptomatic not only of a
ful' religion, as opposed to Islam which breathtaking lack of logic that flies in the
In rejecting the claim for asylum contains violence, rage and revenge." face of history – God obviously did not
of a man who converted from Islam always save those who believed in Him
to Christianity, and presumably com- In response, Nathan Stevens, the asylum – but also what increasingly appears to
pelling his return to Iran, the British seeker's caseworker, tweeted: be a venomous Home Office bias against
government is effectively sentencing Christians. For instance, when Sister
him to death. "... I've seen a lot over the years, but Ban Madleen, a Christian nun in Iraq
even I was genuinely shocked to read who had fled the Islamic State, applied
"[O]ut of 4,850 Syrian refugees ac- this unbelievably offensive diatribe being to the Home Office to visit her sick sister
cepted for resettlement by the Home used to justify a refusal of asylum. in Britain, she was denied a visa – twice.
Office in 2017, only eleven were Chris- Another report cites a number of other
tian, representing just 0.2% of all Syrian Stevens added: Christian orderlies who were denied
refugees accepted by the UK." — Barn- visas, including another nun with a PhD
abas Fund. "Whatever your views on faith, how in Biblical Theology from Oxford; a nun
can a government official arbitrarily pick denied for not having a personal bank
At the same time, the Home Office bits out of a holy book and then use account, and a Catholic priest denied for
allowed a Pakistani cleric, Syed Muzaf- them to trash someone's heartfelt reason not being married.
far Shah Qadri, considered so extreme for coming to a personal decision to fol-
that he is banned even from his native low another faith? In another case, the Home Office not
Pakistan, to come and lecture in UK only denied entry to three heroic Chris-
mosques. There seemed no awareness that, tian leaders – archbishops celebrated for
despite occasional verses of violence in their efforts to aid persecuted Christians
"It's unbelievable that these perse- the Bible, its main message, in both the in Syria and Iraq who had been invited to
cuted Christians who come from the Old and New Testaments, is to be found attend the consecration of the UK's first
cradle of Christianity are being told in Leviticus 19:18: "Love thy neighbor as Syriac Cathedral, an event attended by
there is no room at the inn, when the thyself." Prince Charles – but also mockingly told
UK is offering a welcome to Islamists them there was "no room at the inn."
who persecute Christians.... There is a In rejecting the claim for asylum of this Even longtime Christian residents are
serious systemic problem when Islam- man who converted from Islam to Chris- being deported. Earlier this year, Asher
ist leaders who advocate persecution tianity, and presumably compelling his Samson, 41, a Christian man who had
of Christians are given the green light return to Iran, the British government is been residing in the UK for 15 years and
telling them that their applications for effectively sentencing him to death. undergoing theological studies, was de-
UK visas will be looked on favourably,
while visas for short pastoral visits to In the second case, an Iranian
the UK are denied to Christian leaders female asylum seeker was in-
whose churches are facing genocide. formed in her rejection letter:
That is an urgent issue that Home
Office ministers need to grasp and cor- "You affirmed in your AIR
rect." — Dr. Martin Parsons, Barnabas [Asylum Interview Record] that
Fund. Jesus is your saviour, but then
claimed that He would not
In two unrelated cases, the United be able to save you from the
Kingdom denied asylum to persecuted Iranian regime. It is therefore
Christians by bizarrely citing the Bible considered that you have no
and Jesus. Both Christians, a man and conviction in your faith and your
a woman, are former Muslims who were belief in Jesus is half-hearted."
separately seeking asylum from the
Islamic Republic of Iran, the ninth-worst Recently interviewed on BBC
persecutor of Christians -- particularly of Radio 4, the woman, who
those who were Muslims and converted wishes to remain anonymous,
to Christianity. said:

UK asylum worker Nathan Stevens "When I was in Iran I convert-

recently shared their stories. In his rejec- ed to Christianity and the situ-
tion letter from the UK's Home Office, ation changed and the govern-
which is in charge of immigration, the ment were [sic] looking for me
Iranian man was told that biblical pas- and I had to flee from Iran.... In
sages were "inconsistent" with his claim my country if someone converts
to have converted to Christianity after to Christianity their punishment
discovering it was a "peaceful" faith. The is death or execution."
letter cited several biblical excerpts, in-

UNCENSORED 56 June – September 2019 www.uncensored.co.nz 77

ported back to Pakistan – where he had status to extremist Muslims. One has yet because he had defended Asia Bibi.
earlier been "beaten and threatened by to hear about Muslim asylum seekers In short, local Muslim opinion appar-
Islamic extremists." (Such treatment is being denied visas because the Koran ently plays a major role in the UK's
normative for Christians in Pakistan, the is too violent, or because they do "not immigration policy: radical Muslims are
world's fifth-worst persecutor of Chris- have enough faith" in Muhammad. welcomed with open arms; Christian
tians.) Samson's former UK pastor said: "infidels" need not apply.
Ahmed Hassan, despite having no
"I've received some messages from papers – and despite telling the Home Commenting on the difficulties Christian
him. He's very scared, he's fearful for his Office that "he had been trained as an minority asylum seekers have with the
life.... He's in hiding in Pakistan and his ISIS soldier" – was still granted asylum Home Office, Dr. Martin Parsons, the
family are terribly worried for him.... At two years before he launched a terrorist head of research at the Barnabas Fund,
the moment he has no funds to live on attack in a London train station that left remarking that "visas were granted in
– he can't work .... [T]he UK is sending 30 injured in September 2017. July to two Pakistani Islamic leaders who
people back to these countries where have called for the killing of Christians
their lives are in danger." The Home Office also allowed a foreign accused of blasphemy," summarized the
Muslim cleric, Hamza Sodagar, to enter situation:
By contrast, a report from the Barnabas and lecture in London, even though he
Fund found that in offering asylum, the advocates beheading, burning, or throw- "It's unbelievable that these persecut-
UK "appears to discriminate in favour of ing homosexuals from cliffs. ed Christians who come from the cradle
Muslims" instead of Christians. Statistics of Christianity are being told there is no
confirm this allegation: In addition, according to another report, room at the inn, when the UK is offering
"British teenagers are being forced to a welcome to Islamists who persecute
"Figures obtained by Barnabas Fund marry abroad and are raped and im- Christians.... There is a serious systemic
under a Freedom of Information request pregnated while the Home Office 'turns problem when Islamist leaders who
show that out of 4,850 Syrian refugees a blind eye' by handing visas to their advocate persecution of Christians are
accepted for resettlement by the Home [mostly Muslim] husbands." given the green light telling them that
Office in 2017, only eleven were Chris- their applications for UK visas will be
tian, representing just 0.2% of all Syrian The case of Asia Bibi – a Christian looked on favourably, while visas for
refugees accepted by the UK." mother of five who has spent the last short pastoral visits to the UK are denied
decade of her life on death row in Pa- to Christian leaders whose churches
Statistics from earlier years have shown kistan for challenging the authority of are facing genocide. That is an urgent
the same disparity. Although Christians Muhammad – is perhaps emblematic of issue that Home Office ministers need to
accounted for approximately 10% of the immigration situation in the UK. After grasp and correct."
Syria's prewar population, the over- she was finally acquitted last November,
whelming majority of Syrians granted Muslims rioted throughout Pakistan; in
asylum by the Home Office were Sunni one march, more than 11,000 Muslims
About the Author:
Muslims. Such an imbalance appears demanded her instant and public hang-
even more bizarre when one realizes that ing.
Raymond Ibrahim, author of the new
the Islamic State (ISIS) is itself a Sunni
book, Sword and Scimitar, Fourteen
organization that targets non-Sunnis, As Pakistanis make up the majority
Centuries of War between Islam and the
primarily Yazidis, Christians and Shiite of all Muslims in the UK – Sajid Javid
West, is a Distinguished Senior Fellow
Muslims, all minority groups that the U.S. the head of the Home Office is himself
at the Gatestone Institute and a Judith
government acknowledges have been Pakistani – when they got wind that the
Rosen Friedman Fellow at the Middle
targets of genocide. UK might offer Asia Bibi asylum, they
East Forum.
too rioted. As a result, Prime Minister
As Lord David Alton of Liverpool, a life Theresa May personally blocked Bibi's
SOURCE: https://www.gatestoneinsti-
peer in the House of Lords, wrote to asylum application – "despite UK playing tute.org/13975/uk-unwelcome-christians
Home Secretary Sajid Javid, who heads host to [Muslim] hijackers, extremists
the Home Office: and rapists," one headline read. The
UK, in other words,
"It is widely accepted that Christians, was openly allowing
who constituted around 10 per cent "asylum policy to be
of Syria's pre-war population, were dictated to by a Paki-
specifically targeted by jihadi rebels and stan mob," reported
continue to be at risk.... As last year's the Guardian, "after it
statistics more than amply demonstrate, was confirmed it urged
this [ratio imbalance between Muslim the Home Office not to
and Christian refugees taken in] is not grant Asia Bibi political
a statistical blip. It shows a pattern of asylum in the UK..."
discrimination that the Government has
a legal duty to take concrete steps to At the same time, the
address." Home Office allowed a
Pakistani cleric, Syed
Considering that persecuted Christian Muzaffar Shah Qadri,
minorities – including priests and nuns considered so extreme
– are denied visas, one might conclude that he is banned
that perhaps the Home Office just has even from his native
extremely stringent asylum require- Pakistan, to come and
ments. This notion is quickly dispelled, lecture in UK mosques.
however, when one sees that the Home Qadri celebrated the
Office regularly grants visas and refugee slaughter of a politician

78 UNCENSORED 56 June – September 2019 www.uncensored.co.nz

Were the Hebrew
Prophets Anti-Semitic?
Ed Note: In these times, when city is full of violence.) 7:24 I will anger still further. Look, they are
anyone who questions anything that bring the most wicked of the nations putting the branch to their nose
Israel or its lobby does is called “anti- and they will take possession of their 8:18 Therefore I will act with fury! My
Semitic” it struck me that many of houses. I will put an end to the eye will not pity them nor will I spare
the same things that are being called arrogance of the strong, and their them. hen they have shouted in
“anti-Semitic” these days sounded sanctuaries 40  will be desecrated. my ears, I will not listen to them.”
familiar. And then it struck me! So I 9:9 He said to me, “The sin of
went back to the Old Testament and 8:6 He said to me, “Son of man, do the house of Israel and Judah is
voila! there it was. And here it is: you see what they are doing – the extremely great; the land is full of
great abominations that the people murder, and the city is full of cor-
Ezekiel: 14  of Israel are practicing here, to ruption, for they say The ord
3:4 He said to me, “Son of man, go drive me far from my sanctuary? But has abandoned the land, and the
to the house of Israel and speak my you will see greater abominations ord does not see : ut as
words to them. 3:5 For you are not than these!” for me, my eye will not pity them nor
being sent to a people of unintelligi- will I spare them I hereby repay
ble speech and dif cult language 8:9 He said to me, “Go in and see them for what they have done.
the evil abominations they are
practicing here.” 20:10 “‘So I brought them out of the
“But the house of Israel is unwilling to lis- 8:10 So I went in and land of Egypt and led them to the wil-
ten to you, 8  because they are not willing looked. I noticed eve- derness. 20:11 I gave them my stat-
to listen to me, 9  for the whole house of ry figure 15  of creep- utes and revealed my regulations
ing thing and beast to them. The one who carries
Israel is hard-headed and hard-hearted.”
– detestable images them out will live by them :
and every idol I also gave them my abbaths as
of the house of Israel, a reminder of our relationship so
4 but 5 to the house of Israel – 3:6 engraved on the wall all around. that they would know that I, the Lord,
not to many peoples of unintelligible 8:11 Seventy men from the elders of sanctify them. : ut the
speech and dif cult language whose the house of Israel with aa a- house of Israel rebelled against me in
words you cannot understand niah son of Shaphan standing among the wilderness; they did not follow
surely if 7 I had sent you to them, them) were standing in front of them, my statutes and they rejected my
they would listen to you! 3:7 But the each with a censer in his hand, and regulations (the one who obeys
house of Israel is unwilling to listen fragrant vapors from a cloud of them will live by them), and they
to you because they are not will- incense were swirling upward. utterly desecrated my Sabbaths.
ing to listen to me for the whole So I decided to pour out 25  my
house of Israel is hard-headed and 8:12 He said to me, “Do you see, rage on them in the wilderness and
hard-hearted. son of man, what the elders of the destroy them. : I acted for
house of Israel are doing in the dark, the sake of my reputation, so that
ys: I – even I – am against you, each in the chamber of his idolatrous I would not be profaned before the
and I will e ecute udgment images or they think The ord nations in whose sight I had brought
among you while the nations watch. does not see
us! The Lord
has abandoned “For they have filled the land with violence
: I will do to you what I have
never done before and will never
do again because of all your abom- the land!’” and provoked me to anger still further. ”
inable practices. : Therefore 8:13 He said to
fathers will eat their sons within you, me, “You will
erusalem and sons will eat their see them practicing even greater them out. : I also swore to
fathers. I will execute judgments on abominations!” them in the wilderness that I would
you, and I will scatter any survivors not bring them to the land I had given
to the winds. 8:17 He said to me, “Do you see, them a land owing with milk and
son of man? Is it a trivial thing that honey, the most beautiful of all lands.
5:11 “Therefore, as surely as I live, the house of Judah commits these : I did this because they
shake the chain because the abominations they are practicing rejected my regulations, did not
land is full of murder and the here? For they have filled the land follow my statutes, and desecrated
with violence and provoked me to my Sabbaths; for their hearts fol-
UNCENSORED 56 June – September 2019 www.uncensored.co.nz 79
lowed their idols. : tion to our od s rebuke people 58  they associate with 59  thieves.
of Gomorrah! 1:11 “Of what impor- All of them love bribery, and look
39 "As for you, house of Isra'el, here tance to me are your many sacri- for 60 payoffs. 61 They do not take
is what Adonai ELOHIM says: 'Go on ces says the ord. up the cause of the orphan, 62 or
serving your idols, every one of you! defend the rights of the widow. 63 
But afterwards, [I swear that] you will I am stuffed with burnt sacri ces 1:24 Therefore, the sovereign Lord
listen to me, and you will no longer of rams and the fat from steers. who commands armies, 64 the
profane my holy name with your gifts The blood of bulls, lambs, and goats powerful ruler of Israel, 65  says
and with your idols. – EZEK 20:39 I do not want. : hen you this: “Ah, I will seek vengeance
enter my presence, do you actually 66  against my adversaries, I will
43 There you will remember your think I want this – animals trampling take revenge against my enemies.
behavior and all the things you did on my courtyards : o not 67 1:25 I will attack you; I will
by which you defiled yourselves, bring any more meaningless purify your metal with u . I will
and you will loathe yourselves for offerings; I consider your incense remove all your slag. : I will
all the evils you committed.EZEK detestable You
20:43 observe new moon
festivals, Sabbaths, “When you offer your many prayers,
44 You will know that I am the LORD, and convocations, I do not listen, because your hands are
when I deal with you for my name's but I cannot toler- covered with blood.”
sake and not according to your evil ate sin-stained
ways and your corrupt practices, O celebrations!
house of Israel, declares the Sover- reestablish honest judges as in for-
eign LORD.' 1:14 I hate your new moon festivals mer times, wise advisers as in earlier
and assemblies; they are a burden days. Then you will be called The
22: 4 You are guilty because of that I am tired of carrying. 1:15 When ust ity aithful Town. :
the blood you have shed, you are you spread out your hands in prayer,
de led by your idols that you have I look the other way when you ion will be freed by ustice
made. You have shortened your offer your many prayers, I do not and her returnees by righteousness.
days, you have completed your listen, because your hands are : ll rebellious sinners will be
years; therefore I have made you an covered with blood. shattered those who abandon
object of scorn for the nations and a the Lord will perish. 1:29 Indeed, they
laughingstock for every country. : Wash! Cleanse yourselves! will be ashamed of the sacred
Remove your sinful deeds 41  from trees you nd so desirable
5 Those close by and those far off my sight. Stop sinning! 1:17 Learn you will be embarrassed because of
will taunt you, you who have such to do what is right! Promote jus- the sacred orchards where you
a de led reputation and such great tice! Give the oppressed reason to choose to worship. 1:30 For you will
disorder. celebrate Take up the cause of be like a tree whose leaves wither,
the orphan! Defend the rights of the like an orchard that is unwatered.
6 "'The leaders of Isra'el in you all widow : The powerful will be like a
use their power in order to shed thread of yarn, their deeds like a
blood. : ome let s consider your spark; both will burn together,
options says the ord. Though and no one will put out the re ...
Obedience, not Sacrifice your sins have stained you like the
color red you can become white (Compiled by Jonathan Eisen)
1:2 Listen, O heavens, pay attention, like snow; though they are as easy
earth or the ord speaks: to see as the color scarlet, you can
I raised children I brought them become white like wool.
up but they have rebelled 1:19 If you have a willing attitude
against me! 1:3 An ox recognizes its and obey then you will again eat
owner, a donkey recognizes where the good crops of the land.1:20 But
its owner puts its food but Israel if you refuse and rebel,you will be
does not recognize me, devoured by the sword. now for
my people do not understand.” certain that the ord has spoken.

: The sinful nation is as good Purifying Judgment

as dead, 11  the people weighed
down by evil deeds. They are off- 1:21 How tragic that the once-
spring who do wrong, children 12  faithful city has become a prosti-
who do wicked things. They have tute! he was once a center of
abandoned the Lord, and rejected ustice fairness resided in her
the oly ne of Israel. They are but now only murderers. :
alienated from him. Your 55  silver has become scum,
1:10 Listen to the Lord’s word, 56  your beer is diluted with water.
you leaders of odom ay atten- 57  1:23 Your officials are rebels,

80 UNCENSORED 56 June – September 2019 www.uncensored.co.nz


Wikipedia’s Assault on Scientific Progress – The Case of Dr. Rupert Sheldrake
Dr. Rupert Sheldrake

By Gary Null PhD and legally vetted, indicate Wikipedia’s low at the Institute of Noetic Sciences
Progressive Radio Network, ostensibly open-access editorial policy in California. He was ranked among the
October 10, 2018 is in fact one of the largest conspiracies top 100 Global Thought Leaders for
on the internet. 2013 by the Duttweiler Institute, Swit-
Wikipedia, the brainchild of Jimmy zerland’s leading think tank.
Wales, is supposed to be an objective Ever since Wikipedia came online, it
source of knowledge. Every entry is has had its detractors. Increasingly, In the opinion of many, including several
expected to be researched and written its reliability is being questioned by Nobel Prize laureates, Sheldrake is one
with a sense of balance, fairness, and prestigious institutions and credible of the world’s most innovative post-
accuracy and supported with reliable journalists, including the MIT Technol- modern visionaries, a scientist unafraid
references. However, for users who rely ogy Review and the recently launched to think and research outside the con-
upon Wikipedia as their primary source Wikipedia Project at Yale University. The fines of what are regarded as accept-
for information, there is no way of know- most toxic Wikipedia editors now terror- able areas of scientific investigation.
ing if articles reflect Wikipedia’s stated izing and sabotaging the encyclopedia’s He is an ardent believer in the need for
standards. pages are often anonymous non-ex- scientific experimentation and valida-
perts who identify themselves with an tion, but at the same time he does not
Over the years, we have heard multiple extreme form of scientific materialism share scientific materialism’s view that
complaints from experts with impec- known as Skepticism. These editors modern science knows with certainty
cable professional credentials who have now control large numbers of Wikipedia everything there is to know in nature.
been viciously attacked on their Wiki- entries dealing with non-conventional
pedia biographies. Some have had their medicine, parapsychology, and doctors Early in his professional career at
reputations seriously stained and even and researchers who advocate these Cambridge, Sheldrake was regarded as
destroyed, yet there is no viable channel disciplines. “one of the brightest Darwinians of his
for them to receive due process. Wales generation,” according to an early ex-
keeps his Wikimedia Foundation her- As we have described and documented posé about the biologist in The Guard-
metically sealed from the encyclopedia in the past, Skeptic editors do not limit ian. Today, he is a heretic with a price on
that serves as the battleground for an their vitriolic attacks to Wikipedia pages his head among the Skeptic community.
army of volunteer editors. dedicated to scientific and medical Wikipedia’s Skeptics have become
theories and practices they oppose. Grand Inquisitors, pursuing scientists
We have been performing our own in They also rule over Wikipedia’s biog- like Sheldrake who dare to investigate
depth investigations to determine the raphies of important practitioners and phenomena of which they disapprove.
accuracy of these individuals’ claims of researchers in these fields. Their inten- When the journal Nature reviewed Shel-
Wikipedia victimization. During the past tion is singular: to deny Wikipedia users drake’s first major book A New Science
year, we have spoken with present and access to reliable information about of Life in 1981, it deemed it a “book for
past Wikipedia editors, former employ- health modalities and leaders in these burning.” Nature’s review is prominently
ees, and international celebrities who fields whom Skeptics have targeted as noted on Sheldrake’s Wikipedia page.
have been victimized on Wikipedia. All enemies. One person who has been
of these speak of the problems they targeted for over a decade is Dr. Rupert Sheldrake’s original Wikipedia biog-
encounter with Wikipedia’s editorial Sheldrake. raphy, created in October 2002, was
structure in their efforts to remove false, limited to two sentences and a link to
misleading and derogatory information Sheldrake is a British biologist and his personal website: “Rupert Sheldrake
from their personal biographical pages author of over 85 scientific papers and (1942-) is a British biologist and author
or from pages dealing with certain top- 13 books. He earned his doctorate in of several books. In his 1981 book A
ics, such as medicine and health. Mak- biochemistry at Cambridge University New Science of Life he put forward the
ing even a minor successful change can and studied the history of science as hypothesis of formative causation which
often take well over a year, if it happens a fellow at Harvard University. While at basically suggests that memory is inher-
at all. Cambridge’s Clare College, Sheldrake ent in nature.”
was the Director of Studies in biochem-
If even one of these accusations is istry and cell biology. He is credited That’s it! Today, his biography has
accurate, it presents a problem. If all with co-discovering the method of grown to nine major headings and 12
of these complaints are accurate, it transportation of the hormone auxin in subheadings. Instead of identifying him
represents a dangerous scandal that is plants. He held positions at the world- as a biologist – only noting this title in
systemic throughout the Wikipedia plat- renowned Woods Hole Oceanographic the past-tense – the article falsely iden-
form. The results of our independent re- Institute and Trinity College at Cam- tifies Sheldrake as a “parapsycholo-
search, which are carefully documented bridge University and is currently a Fel- gist” in the lead paragraph. Although he

UNCENSORED 56 June – September 2019 www.uncensored.co.nz 81

conducts experiments in telepathy, he Research and Therapeutics, the reviewer theories. Along with Richard Dawkins
approaches the topic from a biological writes, “the book is very interesting and and Sam Harris, Coyne is a major pro-
viewpoint, in keeping with his scientific thought provoking in more than one ponent of New Atheism and takes pride
training. Reviewing the many thousands sense. The approach he takes is truly in stating he is a “determinist.” Accord-
of edits made to his biography during scientific: he places the facts, states the ing to those who have encountered
the past 16 years is a lesson in how bru- existing dogmas and provides phe- Coyne, he is short-tempered and has
tal and vicious the Wiki wars spawned nomena that counters the dogmas, and been reported to stalk his opponents to
by Skeptics can become. questions the dogmas.” None of this prevent them from speaking at profes-
praise can be added to his Wikipedia sional venues. Such was the case when
Sheldrake’s Wikipedia “Talk” page be- page without being immediately deleted he attempted to persuade a prestigious
gins with the warnings: by Sheldrake’s critics. university to disinvite Rupert Sheldrake
from presenting a lecture. Philosophy
“The subject of this article is contro- Real science has never been about professor Massimo Pigliucci at City
versial and content may be in dispute. certainty. “The search for knowledge,” University of New York charges that
When updating the article, be bold, but writes Carol Rovelli, the author of Seven Coyne “suffers from hero worship and a
not reckless. Feel free to try to improve Brief Lessons on Physics, “is not nour- selective dearth of critical thinking.”
the article, but don’t take it personally ished by certainty: it is nourished by a
if your changes are reversed; instead, radical distrust in certainty.” Sheldrake’s We mention Coyne because he is close-
come here to the talk page to discuss Skeptic critics, on the other hand, ly affiliated with the internet militant
them. regard the established rules of orthodox group Guerrilla Skeptics on Wikipedia,
science as the law of the land. Any de- founded by his associates Tim Farley
“The Arbitration Committee has au- viation from these axioms, according to and Susan Gerbic. As we have docu-
thorized uninvolved administrators Skeptics, is apostasy. Following Francis mented elsewhere, the Guerrilla Skep-
to impose discretionary sanctions on Fukuyama’s discredited theory about tics control many Wikipedia pages with
users who edit pages related to pseu- the “end of history,” Skeptics now hail Wales’ blessing. Coyne has also had a
doscience and fringe science, including the dawn of the “end of science.” long-standing conflict with Sheldrake,
this article.” whom he has attacked in articles in The
What has made Wikipedia so unreli- New Republic and on his blog. While
Here we observe Wikipedia’s own Com- able and a source of disinformation in serving on the Scientific Advisory board
mittee showcasing flagrant bias in iden- the medical sciences is that its editorial of TED Talks, Coyne and biologist PZ
tifying Sheldrake’s scientific research as model discourages – even prevents – Meyers were responsible for censor-
“pseudoscience.” real experts from contributing. There ing Sheldrake’s 2013 TED talk about
is something seriously wrong when scientific materialism’s ten erroneous
In his book Science Set Free (published someone like Sheldrake is unable to dogmas and how its reductionist delu-
in the UK as The Science Delusion), correct his own Wikipedia page be- sions hinder scientific advancement.
Sheldrake undertakes a meticulous cause of an anonymous administrator
investigation into the fallacies of scien- who has deemed himself the final judge Craig Weiler, author of PSI Wars, TED,
tific materialism, which serves as the of an article. Has Wikipedia has become Wikipedia and the Battle for the Inter-
foundation of contemporary Skepticism. so unmanageable that Wales or the net, describes the Guerrilla Skeptics as
His premise is that a distinction should Wikimedia Foundation cannot intercede a “loosely knit secretive organization”
be made between the scientific method, to reign in the corruption, misinforma- that operates through private Facebook
which attempts to understand nature, tion, bias, and propaganda plaguing so pages. Weiler investigated their “secre-
and “philosophical materialism,” a sub- many articles? Or have Wales and/or tive” platform and discovered it relies
jective, biased dogma that is employed the Foundation intentionally provided upon intermediary links which conceal
to discredit non-conventional medicine, special editorial privileges to represent- Skeptics’ real identities. Gerbic and her
parapsychology, and theories of non- atives of specific interests that prevent Wikipedia militants use online programs
localized consciousness as something fair treatment of certain topics? Our like Web of Trust and Donotlink to boost
other than neurological activity. Accord- previous investigative reports suggest their own sites and the Wikipedia pages
ing to Skeptic materialism, all of these the latter is the case. Wales is vocal they control on search engines while
disciplines and theories are unbeliev- about his personal embrace of Skeptic downgrading sites about subjects they
able and therefore qualify as pseudosci- dogma. As a consequence, he allows disdain, such as alternative medicine
entific. After reading Science Set Free, Skeptics to judge anyone they deem and parapsychology.
it is obvious why Wikipedia Skeptics “fringe” as liars and “lunatic charla-
attack it so ferociously. Sheldrake draws tans” (his choice of words) and their There can be little doubt that Coyne’s,
out Skepticism’s weakest arguments research’s results as implausible and Gerbic’s and Farley’s efforts are having
and dissects their irrational conclusions ridiculous. an enormously deleterious impact on
to prove their scientific unsoundness. Wikipedia’s credibility. In one of Gerbic’s
Skeptics on Wikipedia not only prevent training videos, she states:
Science Set Free was widely reviewed others from removing their criticism
both in the US and Europe. While and defamation of non-conventional “So they’re getting their information
Wikipedia editors suggest that positive medicine, holistic doctors and parapsy- from here, so, we can control this, this is
reviews are limited to “outside the sci- chologists; they also protect the pages so powerful you don’t understand when
entific community,” the book received of leading Skeptics. you put one of these guerrilla skepti-
favorable reviews in the Financial Times cism edits up on Jenny McCarthy’s
(by Oxford Fellow Sir Crispin Tickell), Dr. Jerry Coyne, an American biologist, page or Priceline, or Walmart or just
the journal for the Institute of Paradig- Skeptic, and professor emeritus at the some of these pages you’re like glowing
matic Reforms, and the peer-reviewed University of Chicago, is known for his inside it’s so powerful to feel like I’ve
Journal of Vocational Education and scathing attacks on religion, intelligent made such an impact , hundreds of
Training. In a review of Science Set Free design, and scientists researching hy- thousands of people can be reading my
in the peer-reviewed Journal of Cancer potheses that overlap with paranormal edit, homeopathy, we’ve changed that

82 UNCENSORED 56 June – September 2019 www.uncensored.co.nz

page drastically, the lead, the very very specimen of scientism…. This sort of ists as well as legislators at federal and
first couple of sentences of the page arrogance and certitude is the essence state levels take heed of this problem. It
which most people it’s the only thing of scientism.” is our opinion that the public has been
they read we use the word ‘quackery’ I misled, if not outright lied to, on issues
mean it’s so awesome” According to Wikipedia’s criteria, both regarding non-conventional medicine,
the Wall Street Journal and cienti c genetically modified agriculture, vac-
And Gerbic doesn’t hold back her American are reliable sources. Nev- cines, parapsychology and the science
acknowledgement that her Guerrilla ertheless, attempts to cite criticisms of consciousness. This has serious
Skeptics own Wikipedia pages: about Coyne’s work is removed by consequences not only for those who
the Skeptics guardians of his bio. The question the authority of commer-
“Nobody owns their Wikipedia page, same is true for all of the big names cialized science but also for anyone
we control the Wikipedia pages, the in the Skeptic movement, including interested in protecting and improving
editors. Everyone. And because we’re Richard Dawkins, Sam Harris, Daniel people’s health and advancing scientific
organized and we have this project we Dennett, and James Randi, as well as discovery.
as a skeptic since we’re focused on the movement’s more prominent medi-
this we’re not updating bowling page or cal doctors such as Steven Novella, For full references please use source link
Internet fans or something like that . . . David Gorski and Paul Offit. And there below - Ed.
this is our thing, we need to have this, is plenty of criticism to cite for each of
scientific pages are pretty dang good these individuals to bring balance to ABOUT The PRN.FM
they’re in really great shape…” their biographies and permit users to
decide for themselves. Just as factual The Progressive Radio Network is
According to Weiler, Gerbic also pre- evidence and references are not permit- the World’s Leading commercial free
sented a strategy for Skeptic militants ted to support the scientific credibility 24/7/365 progressive news and radio
to “attack” the Wikipedia page about of alternative medicine, parapsychol- network. We are supported by gener-
“Pet Psychics,” which referenced ogy, or their proponents, nor can factual ous contributions made by our listeners,
Sheldrake’s research. Weiler concludes, criticism of Skeptic leaders be added to We are focused on creating premium
“Much of skeptical sourcing is merely give Wikipedia users a more accurate content that is distributed for free. Our
skeptics citing opinions from notable image of who these people are and knowledgeable hosts speak passion-
skeptics or from articles in skeptical what they stand for. ately about important topics such as
publications. Rarely do they venture far health, news, politics, art, culture and
outside of the skeptical echo chamber For over a decade, Wales has been re- issues that directly impact our every-
to get their information.” In no uncertain peatedly warned about the behavior of day lives. Our voices and ideas are not
terms, Wikipedia distinguishes reliable the Guerrilla Skeptics and ideologically- always welcome by corporate media so
and unreliable sources for reference motivated editors like them. He is fully Progressive Radio Network is an impor-
purposes. Skepticism’s newsletters, aware that their editorial assaults violate tant outlet for these great minds.
magazines and blogs do not qualify Wikipedia rules. But he refuses to stop
as legitimate, objective references. Skeptics from adding demonstrable The Progressive Radio Network can
They are not peer-reviewed. None are falsehoods to biographical articles or be listened to all over the world by our
acknowledged as mainstream publica- using unreliable references to perpe- website, our app (Apple/Android), over
tions. And their articles speak to only a trate smear jobs. the phone, and TuneIn. You can also
tiny segment of the English-speaking listen to our shows in the form of a pod-
public. Nevertheless, these sources are Consequently, Wikipedia is a rigged cast by visiting our Show Archive page.
repeatedly found throughout Skeptic- sham of an encyclopedia. For over a
controlled Wikipedia pages and serve to decade, Jimmy Wales has turned his The Progressive Radio Network would
promulgate their narrow perception of back on a crisis in the nation’s health, also like to thank its listeners for over 1
science and discredit others. enabling a small group of radical million visits to the website in the past
scientific fundamentalists to dominate 12 months and for the 24 million down-
Negative reviews of Coyne’s book, the discourse on medicine. In Skeptical loads that our programs have.
Faith vs. Fact: Why Science and Reli- About Skeptics, Sheldrake writes,
gion are Incompatible, have appeared Progressive Radio Network is an inter-
in the Wall Street Journal and cienti c “Skepticism is also an important weap- net radio station driven by passion. We
American. The Journal’s reviewer, John on in the defense of commercial self- value and appreciate all the feedback
Horgan, writes, “Coyne’s defenses of interest.” Skeptics on Wikipedia, ac- we receive from our listeners.
science and denunciations of religion cording to Sheldrake, are applying the
are so relentlessly one-sided that they very same tactics used by the tobacco SOURCE: prn.fm
aroused my antipathy toward the former industry. The goal is to generate doubt ALSO: https://tinyurl.com/yxr5xe2y
and sympathy toward the latter… He about cheaper, safer, effective, less-tox-
overlooks any positive consequences of ic natural remedies that may compete
religion, such as its role in anti-slavery, with the pharmaceutical industry and
civil-rights and anti-war movements. He its culture of drug-peddling. To be clear,
inflates religion’s contribution to public Skeptics, whether or not they receive
resistance toward vaccines, geneti- direct funding from drug companies, are
cally modified food and human-induced ardent supporters of the private medical
global warming [. . .] industry and the drug-for-every-disease
paradigm. And Wikipedia has served
Mr. Coyne’s critique of free will, far from as a perfect vehicle for Big Pharma to
being based on scientific ‘fact,’ betrays smile, sit back, and enjoy Skeptics’ ef-
how his hostility toward religion dis- forts to turn people away from healthier,
torts his judgment.” He concludes that non-conventional medical regimens.
Coyne’s book “serves as a splendid It is our hope that legitimate journal-

UNCENSORED 56 June – September 2019 www.uncensored.co.nz 83


Brussels Halts 5G Pilot Over Radiation Concerns

As Verizon Clicks Heels Over US Rollout
A pilot project to provide 5G wireless internet in Brussels, Belgium, has
been halted by officials over health concerns for its citizens, according to
the Brussels Times.

mault told Bruzz that she does not Firstenberg stated.

intend to make an exception. – Brussels
Times. Meanwhile, as Brussels pulls back on
5G technology, Verizon on Wednesday
Belgian officials found themselves at an announced that it has turned on its
impasse last week over an agreement 5G wireless network in two markets;
on the auctioning of 5G licenses. Chicago and Minneapolis – which will be
compatible with the next generation of
As Michael Snyder noted last month, 5G-capable devices, according to CNBC.
5G may be incredibly dangerous – as
it's "ultra high frequency and ultra high "Verizon said the wireless network will
intensity": give customers access to peak speeds
up to 1Gbps. That's about 10 times
"5G cell towers are more dangerous faster than you might traditionally find on
than other cell towers for two main the LTE connection you have now. Put
reasons. First, compared to earlier ver- plainly: You'll be able to download mov-
sions, 5G is ultra high frequency and ies in seconds instead of minutes.
ultra high intensity. 1G, 2G, 3G and 4G
use between 1 to 5 gigahertz frequency. "Only a select number of phones will
5G uses between 24 to 90 gigahertz fre- support the network at first. Samsung
quency.* Within the RF Radiation portion will launch a Galaxy S10 5G model
of the electromagnetic spectrum, the later this quarter that will be exclusive
higher the frequency the more danger- to Verizon to start. AT&T, T-Mobile and
ous it is to living organisms." Sprint begin to sell it during the end of
Brussels Environment minister the second half of the year. That leaves
Céline Fremault "So basically the radiation that we will the Motorola Z3 as the only phone that
constantly be absorbing will be much, supports Verizon's new 5G network right
much, much more powerful than before, now, and it requires a separate acces-
By Tyler Durden and the sources emitting the radiation sory to work on it.
April 3, 2019 will be much closer to us," writes Snyder.
"The Motorola Z3 costs $240 and re-
A pilot project to provide 5G wireless And as Mac Slavo of SHTFplan.com quires a $200 'moto mod' to work on the
internet in Brussels, Belgium, has been notes, author and activist Arthur Robert network." – CNBC
halted by officials over health concerns Firstenberg recently launched an online
for its citizens, according to the Brussels petition calling for various world or- Sprint and T-Mobile are planning 5G
Times. ganizations, such as the United Nations, rollouts later this year, however neither
World Health Organisation (WHO), and company has activated networks yet.
In July, the government concluded an European Union to "urgently halt the AT&T, meanwhile, is providing their
agreement with three telecom operators development of 5G," as they are "harm- "5G+" network in 12 markets - and has
to relax the strict radiation standards in ful for humans." been marketing its new network by
Brussels. But according to the Region, it switching on an indicator for capable
is now impossible to estimate the radia- Speaking with The Daily Star Online, phones which reads "5GE" despite the
tion from the antennas required for the Firstenberg said this 5G rollout is deadly. devices still operating at 4G speeds.
“There is about to be as many as SOURCE: https://www.zerohedge.com/
"I cannot welcome such technology 20,000 satellites in the atmosphere. The news/2019-04-03/brussels-halts-5g-
if the radiation standards, which must FCC approved Elon Musk’s project for project-over-radiation-concerns-verizon-
protect the citizen, are not respected, 12,000 satellites on November 15th and clicks-heels-over-us
5G or not," Environment minister Céline he’s going to launch his in mid-2019.
Fremault (CDH) told Bruzz. "The people I’m getting reports from various parts * Ed note: The 5G system that the telcos
of Brussels are not guinea pigs whose of the world that 5G antennas are being want to introduce into NZ differs some-
health I can sell at a profit. We cannot erected all over and people are already what from what is described in this article;
leave anything to doubt," she added. getting sick from what’s there now and see: http://www.5g.org.nz/2018/10/11/
A pilot project is not feasible with the the insect population is getting affected,” facts-about-5g-in-nz/
current radiation standards, and Fre-

84 UNCENSORED 56 June – September 2019 www.uncensored.co.nz

Science & Technology

‘Telecom industry did no

research on health impacts of 5G’
India plans to begin 5G trials by 2020, but experts and indus- All artificial electromagnetic radiation is a problem because
try stand at odds over its impact on human health and envi- biological systems are not adapted to it. Since exposure has
ronment. The fifth generation wireless network promises to increased progressively and started at a time when disease
be 50 times faster than its predecessor – 4G. detection was primitive, those impacts went largely unnoticed.
The health evidence has been there, but ignored for decades.
By Akshit Sangomla 5G will promote cell phone use and therefore human expo-
March 27, 2019 sures to phones and base stations. The higher frequencies will
concentrate the radiation in a smaller portion of the human
body because of smaller penetration depth. These frequen-
Paul Heroux, professor of toxicology and health effects of elec- cies also need more intensity to allow penetration through
tromagnetism at Department of Surgery, McGill University Health obstacles. The exposures will be more concentrated over time
Centre, Canada, speaks with Down To Earth about how the because of the beam-forming (5-10°) that is specific to 5G. On
adoption of 5G will be detrimental towards people’s health. the specific issue of cancer, all major animal studies, including
Chou (1992), Repacholi (1997) and NTP-Ramzzini (2019) con-
Q: What are the primary health impacts of using 5G mobile net- firm carcinogenic action of electromagnetic radiation (EMR).

impacts will take place? Q: Countries like UK, US and even India are pushing for faster
adoption of 5G? Have the concerns around health impacts been

UNCENSORED 56 June – September 2019 www.uncensored.co.nz 85

resolved? The International Agency for Research on Cancer in Lyon,
France, warned in 2002 and 2011 about the connection be-
Industry has performed no health studies on 5G. They do not tween EMR and cancer. Many other international and public
need to as they have a stranglehold on legislation that allows bodies are under the direct influence of industries. Since this
them to arbitrarily place base stations where they went on question involves interdisciplinary science, it has been pos-
streets close to homes and people have no recourse whatso- sible for industry specialists to infiltrate many organisations,
ever. Dominique Belpomme, an oncologist in Paris, calls this who also get generous donations from large tech corporations.
a “crime against humanity”. As usual, to push adoption of the The convenience of wireless has created a huge financial base
next update, industry represents that 5G is a revolution, while and a wide public audience that has been driven to believe by
in fact it is only an expansion of wireless. Most of the applica- publicity and simplistic science that there are no health impli-
tions presented to promote it are "vapourware", things that cations to EMR.
either already exist or will never see implementation. Self-driv-
ing cars can be designed without 5G. The Internet of Things Q: Can the health impacts be reduced without affecting
(IoT)is an invasion to privacy primarily optimised for spying and implementation of 5G?
should be framed with restrictions that protect private informa-
tion and the right not to be irradiated by EMR. [More informa- It is perfectly possible to design the fastest telecommunica-
tion about the Internet of Things (IoT) may be found at this link: tion systems while minimising health impacts. First, give the
http://www.5g.org.nz/2018/06/03/what-is-the-iot-and-what-is- highest priority to deployment of optical fibre networks to
its-connection-with-5g/ Ed.] home and businesses, which can, ultimately, be two crore
times faster than 5G. Second, capitalise on wired connections,
Q: In a completely 5G-connected world how severe could these which, like cable, can bring speeds of 10 gb/second to homes.
impacts be? Third, recognise cell phones for what they are: a radiating
device. Redesign them to minimise user exposures, which can
There would be impacts on cancer rates, on neurological dis- result in reduction by factors of 100. And, use them sparingly,
eases, including electrical hypersensitivity (EHS), fertility and rather than letting them become a substitute to workstations,
diabetes. Children are particularly vulnerable. and the home of eye candy.

Q: What is the current stand of the European Union and other SOURCE: https://www.downtoearth.org.in/interviews/science-
global bodies about the health consequences of 5G? technology/-telecom-industry-did-no-research-on-health-

is Killing Us
How many health experts have to say that 5G isn’t worth the risk

Bumper sticker for sale

HERE: http://www.naturalmedicine.net.nz/

86 UNCENSORED 56 June – September 2019 www.uncensored.co.nz
Israel Has Back Door on Russia and Iran.
3. How this is impacting on the Middle

All Microsoft Devices 4. I ring Homeland Security to make a

complaint about Jewish Zionist spying in
America – it a good one hour watch.
By Brendon O'Connell
Israel has kill switched the entire planets critical infrastructure.
April 20, 2019
From banking to hospitals to power grids to the Internet of
Things and Military Industrial Complex of the United States.
Israel is a cyber technology juggernaut.
With Microsoft's move to Israel, Israel now has https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=C0Sw-4MsGQI
full and total access to all home, business, corpo-
rate, and soon, military computers - The Pentagon 4. KOMPRAMAT | HOW ROGER STONE WORKED WITH
Detailing how Roger Stones worked with A Wall Street sex
Microsoft Windows 10 is now fully coded in Israel. The Win- worker to compromise targets of interest for the Israeli and
dows Security Center. Updates. R&D. It's all done in Israel. The Russian state intelligence apparatus.
NSA has to mess about to get their malware implanted in 90% https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UnPNotP5PHU
of the world's computers. Not Israel, they just include it with a
It's official, Windows is now officially fully malware in its own The Oded Yinon plan was first postulated in the 1970s as a way
right. to "re-shape the Middle East" for the benefit of Israel.
What it was really about is long term Soviet-era strategic plan-
But it gets worse. ning to "re-shape" the Middle East for the benefit of The Belt
& Road economic development under the CFR (Communism
The Intel hardware backdoor is not limited to the "Management For Rothschild) and other Round Table Groups? The East India
Engine." There are dozens of "God Mode" registry entries that Trading Company writ large.
give access to the DEC - Deeply Embedded Core. The Gold-
man Sachs funded "Arc Processor". This means a simple entry 911 was meant to happen in 1992-3. The Israeli company lost
such as "0f3f" in machine code at the command line level will the security contract in 1988. And 911 was over ten years
give full access to a system with full administrator privileges. behind schedule along with the Belt & Road Initiative. All praise
Cybersecurity specialists are full time searching for these com- to the New York Port Authority employee who spotted war
putational entries and there are potentially millions. criminal Avraham Shalom Bender and Zvi Malkin. Israel should
be called "Soviet Israel".
All of these dozens of software and hardware backdoors were https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=R7sjnGtzodY
implanted from around 2006 and on, when Intel moved to
The B.I.R.D, the B.I.R.D, the B.I.R.D is the word.
The ramifications are catastrophic in nature.
The Bi-national Industrial Research & Development Founda-
tion. The greatest security penetration...ever...is so funny you
Israel is now deeply in bed with China and Russia on the mas-
have to laugh. Its the only way to cope. This is a catstrophe for
sive Belt & Road project. No one is pulling up Israel and its
the United States and it is in full view. Russia got Israel to set
massive technology theft out of the United States and else-
up the Bi-national Science Foundation (B.S.F) in 1973 under
Nixon and Henry Kissinger. The B.I.R.D was set up in 1978,
around the same time they set up The Talpiot Program. And
A sick, psychotic racial and religiously supremacist state with
then they have the B.A.R.D - Bi-national Agricultural Research
an ultra-right-wing extremist at the helm has the planet at its
& Development Foundation.
Here it is...no one will talk about it.
Now you know how Israel is so powerful.
Can they be stopped? This is the most pressing and urgent section:17337%20edition:prelim%29 So when you see BiBi
issue... ever. bragging about how clever Israeli scientists are what he's really
saying, is his Russian immigrant scientists are very good at
stealing US technology.
How Israel totally dominates cybersecurity and has planted
high-level corporate spys all over the world via their Talpiot Comments
Program run under Israeli military intelligence. – Peter in Australia
I've also followed Jim Stone on these types of topics for some
time now - see https://web.archive.org/web/20121014103629/
2 - ISRAELI DRONES WORLD WIDE http://jimstonefreelance.com/corevpro.html
1. How Russia China & Israel work together for the One Belt
One Road Project. Purchasing a new laptop this year, I went for AMD, even though
2. How Israel steals US technology and passes on to China, they too like Intel are probably compromised since A6, being

UNCENSORED 56 June – September 2019 www.uncensored.co.nz 87

made in China (https://www.productfrom.com/products/CN/0/ It's probably fair to say that the U.S. military has always lost
PC-Processors/1). And the HP brand I bought is everpresent in very consistently, and very badly, every time they've had to
Israel corralling the apparently doomed Palestinians. face off against Russian military equipment in the field. Viet-
nam, Syria, Bay of Pigs all come to mind, as would many other
The thing with these new laptops is that it won't work without conflicts. From low-tech assault weapons like the Kalashnikov
an EFI part of the drive which is linked inexorably with the and AK-47 to high-tech weaponry like the SU-27 or the MiG-31
UEFI/BIOS of the motherboard. It, therefore, cannot be run "space plane", Russian military equipment is regarded the
without the Windows component lurking https://threatpost. world-over as simply the best money can buy.
com/microsoft-mistakenly-leaks-secure-boot-key/119828/ as
to why this is a bad idea), even though I would like to wipe it all Russians never bother reverse-engineering American military
out and go just with Linux. Not that anything recent does not equipment for the same reason Rolex never reverse-engineers
have Israel inside with back door chips as Brendon outlines. an American-made watch or Mercedes-Benz never reverse-
engineers a Ford Pinto.
Short of the Samson option, Israel will no more likely be held to
account than the original Hollywood moguls were 'persecuted' Countries purchase nonsense, worthless U.S. military equip-
for stealing all their gear from Edison and heading off to the ment b/c it comes w/ "free trade" promises of no-tariff access
wild west to subvert culture as the world's greatest victims. to the giant U.S. consumer market.

Paul S said (April 20, 2019): Countries purchase Russian military equipment b/c it's simply
the best and actually gets the job done.
One thing I'd like to call out about the tenor of Brendon's latest
article ("Israel Has Back Door on All Microsoft Devices") is the The sooner Americans get the nonsense "Russians are reverse
underlying presumption that American technology is somehow engineering our technology!" meme out of their heads, the
the "best" and everyone else in the world (the Russians! the sooner Americans can get back to, say, actually having a real
Chinese!) is desperately scrambling to "reverse-engineer" the space program again... although sadly I'm not sure that will
technical brilliance of Americans. ever be possible again.

This simply isn't the case. With Microsoft's move to Israel, Israel now has full and total
access to all home, business, corporate, and soon, military
Countries like Russia and China are easily capable of produc- computers – The Pentagon Cloud Contract (JEDI).
ing their own high-quality technology all on their own. In 2019
NASA astronauts ride into space on-board Russian Soyuz
rockets – America today has neither the budget nor the techni- SOURCE: https://www.henrymakow.com/2019/04/brendon-
cal competence to actually run its own space program. oconnell-israel-has-b.html

Electric vehicles emit per kilometre, scientists Christoph Bu-

chal, Hans-Dieter Karl and Hans-Werner
electric vehicles whereas, the research-
ers feel, it would have been preferable
more CO2 than diesel Sinn noted in their study. to opt for methane engines, “whose
emissions are one-third less than those
ones, German study The CO2 given off to produce the elec- of diesel motors.”
shows tricity that powers such vehicles also
needs to be factored in, they say. SOURCE: http://brusselstimes.com/
By Oscar Schneider business/technology/15050/electric-ve-
The Brussels Times When all these factors are considered, hicles-emit-more-co2-than-diesel-ones,-
each Tesla emits 156 to 180 german-study-shows
April 17, 2019 grams of CO2 per kilome-
tre, which is more than a
Electric vehicles in Germany account for comparable diesel vehicle
more CO2 emissions than diesel ones, produced by the German
according to a study by German scien- company Mercedes, for
tists. example.

When CO2 emissions linked to the The German researchers,

production of batteries and the German therefore, take issue with
energy mix – in which coal still plays an the fact that European of-
important role – are taken into consid- ficials view electric vehicles
eration, electric vehicles emit 11% to as zero-emission ones. They
28% more than their diesel counterparts, note further that the EU tar-
according to the study, presented on get of 59 grams of CO2 per
Wednesday at the Ifo Institute in Munich. km by 2030 corresponds to
a “technically unrealistic”
Mining and processing the lithium, co- consumption of 2.2 litres of
balt and manganese used for batteries diesel or 2.6 litres of gas per
consume a great deal of energy. A Tesla 100 kms.
Model 3 battery, for example, represents
between 11 and 15 tonnes of CO2. Given These new limits pressure
a lifetime of 10 years and an annual German and other Euro-
travel distance of 15,000 kilometres, this pean car manufacturers
translates into 73 to 98 grams of CO2 into switching massively to

88 UNCENSORED 56 June – September 2019 www.uncensored.co.nz

Psilocybin and magic mushrooms:
Next health and legalization trend
after cannabis?
Psilocybin, the substance found in 200+ species of magic long effects lasted … We found
mushrooms, may be the next health and legalization trend after that psilocybin, when taken in
cannabis. Magic mushrooms have been used in many cul- a naturalistic setting, increased
tures all over the world for therapeutic and spiritual purposes. aspects of creativity and empa-
Many scientific studies and clinical trials have found positive thy the morning after, and 7 days
evidence of their benefits to the human body, especially in the after use. Furthermore, psilocybin
area of mental health. With the state of Oregon and the city also enhanced subjec- tive well-
of Denver (Colorado) about to vote on legalizing magic mush- being. Interestingly, changes in
rooms later this year, will psilocybin become the next trend well-being correlated with changes in empathy after psilocybin
after cannabis? use.”

Current Legal Status of Psilocybin in the USA This also has implications for other mental disorders such as
depression, anxiety and PTSD, as the study notes in its Intro-
Like cannabis (marijuana), MDMA (Ecstasy or Molly), peyote duction:
and heroin, psilocybin is classified as a Schedule I drug. The
definition of this category is substances with no medical use “Both creative, flexible thinking and empathy deficits have
and the high potential for abuse. Possession of psilocybin been found in stress-related psychopathologies like depres-
mushrooms is a felony. Given the incredible benefits which sion, anxiety disorders, and post-traumatic stress disorder.”
magic mushrooms containing psilocybin offer mankind, this
kind of classification is clearly ignorant, heavy-handed and Breaking Down the Ego and “Default Mode Network”
contradictory. How can such benign substances as magic
mushrooms be on the same level as the highly addictive, artifi- If you want to learn more about psilocybin and what science
cially manufactured and deadly heroin? is beginning to show about its benefits and effects, check
out the work of Michael Pollan, author of How to Change Your
What the Science Says About Psilocybin Mind: What the New Science of Psychedelics Teaches Us about
Consciousness, Dying, Addiction, Depression and Transcend-
It turns out magic mushrooms are already being closely stud- ence. He discusses how psychedelics, contrary to a common
ied all over the world by many different scientists. So far, the misconception, actually make you more sane than crazy. This
science shows psilocybin bestows many health benefits. In is because substances like psilocybin decrease the activity of
a nutshell, scientific studies including pre-clinical and clini- a brain network called the default mode network, which is in
cal trials show that psilocybin helps beat depression, anxiety, charge of perception of self. Psilocybin halts the functioning of
addiction and even cancer. On a higher level, it helps increase this network, thus allowing a space for new neural connections
joy, peace and altruism. However, looking closely at the results – a re-wiring of the brain.
provides even more insight.
Psilocybin: Naturally in Sync with Our Biology
Psilocybin for Autism, Asperger’s, ASD, Depression,
Anxiety and PTSD Another person to check out is Dr. Roland Griffiths, Professor
in the Departments of Psychiatry and Neurosciences at Johns
Autism rates are skyrocketing across the US, with many sus-
Hopkins University. He has some online videos such as this
pecting vaccines (thimerosal/mercury and alumnium adjuvants)
one where he shows that psilocybin helps people release fear,
and GMOs (such as those contaminated with glyphosate) as
old patterns and negative beliefs. On a higher level, it helps
possible causes. Whatever the cause, it’s a serious neurologi-
increase joy, peace and altruism. Studies have also found that
cal disorder. Asperger’s used to be considered its own disorder
it can engender mystical-type experiences in people which are
but was recently reorganized to come under the ASD (Autism
identical to those that occur naturally, suggesting psilocybin is
Spectrum Disorder) and is now considered a mild form of
naturally in sync with our biology.
autism. Asperger’s is characterized by a rigidity of thought and
routine, and by a lack of empathy and social/emotional aware-
ness. Interestingly enough, this is exactly what psilocybin can Further Evidence of Psilocybin’s Potential as a Healing
heal according to a recent January 2019 study, which found Agent
that psilocybin increased flexibility, creativity and empathy.
Here’s what the author of the study Natasha Mason said: Lastly, take a look at the studies reported here and here on
Waking Times. The latter showed that psilocybin strongly
“Examples of processes that have been found to be decreased helped patients with depression:
in these pathologies include creative, flexible thinking and “Amazingly, after the participants were given two doses of psil-
empathy. Specifically, individuals are characterized by repeti- ocybin (10 mg and 25 mg), with the second dose a week after
tive and rigid patterns of negative and compulsive thoughts, as the first – their brains showed pronounced, decreased blood
well as reduced empathic abilities. Thus we wanted to assess flow to the areas of the brain implicated in depression. Re-
whether psilocybin enhanced these processes, and if so, how searchers also found increased
Continued on next page

UNCENSORED 56 June – September 2019 www.uncensored.co.nz 89

The Weakening of If the rate of decay continues at this
pace, or if it speeds up even more, we
mic rays would bombard our bodies and
could even damage our DNA, increasing
Earth’s Magnetic could be looking at a mass extinction
event that is beyond what most people
worldwide risk of cancer and other ill-
nesses. The flashes of light visible when
Field Has Greatly would dare to imagine. we close our eyes would be the least of
our problems."
Accelerated As more solar radiation reaches Earth,
we would expect to see a rise in can- And even if some of us found a way to
By Michael Snyder
cer rates, and this is something that survive underground for a while, we still
Earth’s magnetic field is getting signifi- even National Geographic has acknowl- wouldn’t be able to survive because
cantly weaker; the magnetic north pole is edged… solar winds would strip away our planet’s
shifting at an accelerating pace, and sci- atmosphere and oceans…
entists readily admit that a sudden pole "However, if the magnetic field gets
shift could potentially cause “trillions of substantially weaker and stays that way "Without Earth’s magnetic field, solar
dollars” in damage. Today, most of us for an appreciable amount of time Earth winds — streams of electrically charged
take the protection provided by Earth’s will be less protected from the oodles of particles that flow from the sun — would
magnetic field completely for granted. It high-energy particles that are constantly strip away the planet’s atmosphere and
is essentially a colossal force field which flying around in space. This means that oceans. As such, Earth’s magnetic field
surrounds our planet and makes life pos- everything on the planet will be exposed helped to make life on the planet pos-
sible. And even with such protection, a to higher levels of radiation, which sible, researchers have said."
giant solar storm could still potentially hit over time could produce an increase in
our planet and completely fry our power diseases like cancer, as well as harm So could such a scenario actually hap-
grid. But as our magnetic field continues delicate spacecraft and power grids on pen?
to get weaker and weaker, even much Earth."
smaller solar storms will have the po- Of course most scientists believe that a
tential to be cataclysmic. And once the Of course we are already seeing this. pole flip takes hundreds or thousands of
magnetic field gets weak enough, we will Cancer rates have been rising all over years to happen, but they don’t actually
be facing much bigger problems. As you the world, and if you live in the United know because they have never seen one
will see below, if enough solar radiation States there is a one in three chance that take place.
starts reaching our planet none of us will you will get cancer in your lifetime.
survive. But what’s really catching attention is
But as the magnetic field continues to the acceleration in movement. Around
Previously, scientists had told us that the weaken, things will get worse. the mid-1990s, the pole suddenly sped
magnetic field was weakening by about up its movements from just over 9 miles
5 percent every 100 years. But now we The weaker the magnetic field gets, the (15 kilometers) a year to 34 miles (55
are being told that data collected from amount of solar radiation that will reach kilometers) annually.
the SWARM satellite indicate that the us will rise, and eventually it would get
rate of decay is now five percent per so bad that the entire human race would As of last year, the pole careened over
decade… be in jeopardy. The following comes the international date line toward the
from Futurism… Eastern Hemisphere.
It’s well established that in modern
times, the axial dipole component of "Radiation and cosmic rays are a real And earlier this year, authorities had to
Earth’s main magnetic field is decreas- concern for NASA, especially when it issue an emergency update to global po-
ing by approximately 5% per century. comes to long-term spaceflight. As- sitioning systems because “the magnetic
Recently, scientists using the SWARM tronauts on a mission to Mars could field is changing so rapidly”…
satellite announced that their data indi- undergo up to 1000 times the exposure
cate a decay rate ten times faster, or 5% to radiation and cosmic rays that they SOURCE: http://theeconomic-
per decade. would get on Earth. collapseblog.com/archives/
In case you didn’t quite get that, 5 per- "If Earth’s magnetic field disappeared, ic-field-has-greatly-accelerated-and-that-
cent per decade is 10 times faster than 5 the entire human race – and all of life, in could-have-apocalyptic-implications-for-
fact – would be in serious danger. Cos- all-of-us
percent per century.

Continued from previous page

stability on parts of the brain related to depression – and these for it was teonanacatl, which translates to “divine mushroom”).
effects lasted up to five weeks. There are several prehistoric rock art drawings depicting
psilocybin mushrooms, such as the one in Spain, near Villar
The team described the immediate results of patients’ symp- del Humo, approximately 6,000 years old, another in Tassili
toms disappearing after the initial trip as an “afterglow” and a n’Ajjer (a national park in the Sahara Desert, Algeria) which is
“disintegration” – with the compound also reintegrating brain around 7,000-9,000 years old, and the one pictured above from
networks afterward. The afterglow included marked improve- Guatemala. My prediction and hope is that it will become the
ments in mood and stress relief. Patients used a lot of com- next health and legalization trend after cannabis, which, for the
puter metaphors to describe how their brains felt afterward – USA, also started in Denver, Colorado.
defragged, rebooted, and reset.” (NB: Please note that abuse of
psilocybin-containing fungi may have neurotoxic effects - Ed.) We shall see.

Final Thoughts: Psilocybin is a Gift of Nature which will

SOURCE: https://www.nexusnewsfeed.com/article/conscious-
Hopefully Soon be Widely Legalized ness/psilocybin-and-magic-mushrooms-next-health-and-legali-
Psilocybin has a long history of use across the world, especial- zation-trend-after-cannabis/
ly among South American tribes (like the Aztecs, whose word

90 UNCENSORED 56 June – September 2019 www.uncensored.co.nz

Greenpeace Founder: are getting paid by public money, they
are not being paid by General Electric

Global Warming Hoax Pushed by

or Dupont or 3M to do this research,
where private companies expect to get
something useful from their research that

Corrupt Scientists ‘Hooked on

might produce a better product and make
them a profit in the end because people
want it – build a better mousetrap type

Government Grants’ of idea. But most of what these so-called

scientists are doing is simply producing
more fear so that politicians can use it to
control people’s minds and get their votes
By Robert Kraychik
because some of the people are convinced, ‘Oh, this politician
March 7, 2019
can save my kid from certain doom.’"
Greenpeace co-founder and former president of Greenpeace
The narrative of anthropogenic global warming or "climate
Canada Patrick Moore described the cynical and corrupt
change” is an existential threat to reason, warned Moore:
machinations fueling the narrative of anthropocentric global
warming and "climate change” in a Wednesday interview on
"It is the biggest lie since people thought the Earth was at the
SiriusXM’s Breitbart News Tonight with hosts Rebecca Man-
center of the universe. This is Galileo-type stuff. If you remem-
sour and Joel Pollak.
ber, Galileo discovered that the sun was at the center of the so-
lar system and the Earth revolved around it. He was sentenced
Moore explained how fear and guilt are leveraged by propo-
to death by the Catholic Church, and only because he recanted
nents of climate change:
was he allowed to live in house arrest for the rest of his life.
"Fear has been used all through history to gain control of peo-
"So this was around the beginning of what we call the Enlight-
ple’s minds and wallets and all else, and the climate catastro-
enment, when science became the way in which we gained
phe is strictly a fear campaign — well, fear and guilt — you’re
knowledge instead of using superstition and instead of using
afraid you’re killing your children because you’re driving them
invisible demons and whatever else, we started to understand
in your SUV and emitting carbon dioxide into the atmosphere
that you have to have observation of actual events and then
and you feel guilty for doing that. There’s no stronger motiva-
you have to repeat those observations over and over again,
tion than those two.
and that is basically the scientific method.
"Scientists are co-opted and corrupted by politicians and
"But this abomination that is occurring today in the climate
bureaucracies invested in advancing the narrative of "climate
issue is the biggest threat to the Enlightenment that has oc-
change” in order to further centralize political power and con-
curred since Galileo,” declared Moore. "Nothing else comes
trol, explained Moore.
close to it. This is as bad a thing that has happened to science
in the history of science.”
Moore noted how 'green' companies parasitize taxpayers via
favorable regulations and subsidies ostensibly justified by the
Moore concluded, "It’s taking over science with superstition
aforementioned narrative’s claimed threats, "all while enjoying
and a kind of toxic combination of religion and political ideol-
propagandistic protection across news media."
ogy. There is no truth to this. It is a complete hoax and scam.”
"And so you’ve got the green movement creating stories that
instill fear in the public. You’ve got the media echo chamber –
fake news – repeating it over and over and over again to every-
SOURCE: https://www.breitbart.com/radio/2019/03/07/
body that they’re killing their children. And then you’ve got the greenpeace-founder-global-warming-hoax-pushed-corrupt-
green politicians who are buying scientists with government scientists-hooked-government-grants/
money to produce fear for them in the form of scientific-looking
materials. And then you’ve got the green businesses, the rent-
seekers, and the crony
capitalists who are taking
advantage of massive sub-
sidies, huge tax write-offs,
and government mandates
requiring their technologies
to make a fortune on this.
And then, of course, you’ve
got the scientists who are
willingly, they’re basically
hooked on government

"When they talk about

the 99 percent consensus
[among scientists] on cli-
mate change, that’s a com-
pletely ridiculous and false
number. But most of the
scientists – put it in quotes,
scientists – who are push-
ing this catastrophic theory
what your doctor will never tell you

America’s “Medical Deep State” –

The role of the CDC
By Richard Gale and Dr Gary Null

For over two decades, American families have faced an unscru- are expected to be independent and not represent private interests.
pulous foe that threatens the public health and welfare. It is a During a press conference this month at Yale University, Children’s
rogue, unmanageable institution within our federal government, Health Defense founder Robert Kennedy Jr presented data (see vid-
now seemingly beholden solely to private interests. Citizens have eo at the source link - Ed) from his investigations into the CDC’s cul-
been horribly mistaken in believing that the nation’s leading health ture of medical negligence and efforts to cover up of the compelling
agency, the Centers for Disease Control (CDC), honors its mandate evidence for vaccine-induced injuries, including autism. Over the
to protect the public from “dangerous health threats,” both domes- course of twenty years, the IOM has monitored and reviewed the
tic and foreign. We are expected to assume the CDC relies upon medical literature to determine the most- and least- likely injuries
the most advanced and cutting-edge medical science and data to associated with specific vaccines and provided recommendations
make its policy decisions. However, the agency’s history of corrup- to the CDC. In 1991, twenty-two illnesses were identified, six were
tion and fraud contradict its own pledge, as outlined on its website. confirmed as vaccine-related and twelve remained uncertain due to
Instead of protecting the “health security of our nation,” the CDC insufficiently reliable studies.
uses bromides and meaningless pageantry to hide its true nature.
Those cases with confirmed causation included learning disabili-
During the past year, especially in recent months, the fear-monger- ties, attention deficit disorder, and childhood diabetes. This data
ing spewing forth from the CDC has become virulent. It is a classic was collected subsequent to President Ronald Reagan signing the
Orwellian script. The recent measles outbreak – although nowhere National Vaccine Injury Compensation Act, a point when autism
near as alarming as the flare-ups of bygone eras – has been seized rates started to climb exponentially. Three years later, the IOM
upon as an opportunity to brainwash the public and reshape it into identified 54 medical conditions, the medical literature supported
obedient livestock in order to increase vaccination compliance. 10 diseases as vaccine-induced and 38 were uncertain. Among the
Worse, this disinformation campaign ignores everything we know confirmed illnesses were seizures, demyelinating disease, steril-
about measles infection and the failures of the MMR vaccine. ity, transverse myelitis and, for the first time, Sudden Infant Death
Syndrome (SIDS). Again in 2011, the IOM reported a whopping 155
Unfortunately, we are no longer permitted to debate the pros and adverse conditions with 16 vaccine-induced injuries supported by
cons of the measles vaccine. The CDC consistently shuts down the science, including a correlation between the DTaP vaccine and
debate when its decisions are challenged. Physicians, medical autism.
researchers, immunologists and former vaccine advocates who
challenge the loose claims for vaccine safety and efficacy are frus- Unfortunately, the IOM holds no official authority over our federal
trated and eager to publicly debate the best vaccine advocates the agencies; consequently, its recommendations to the CDC to further
CDC and vaccine industry have to offer, but none will take up the investigate vaccines’ adverse effects went unheeded. Today, noth-
challenge because the science is so clearly not on their side. ing has changed at the CDC. Instead, the agency has dug itself into
a deeper hole of secrecy and corruption. With a budget of $11.5
The agency consistently fails to conduct and apply the gold stand- billion, Kennedy notes that only a pathetic $20 million is designated
ard in its own medical research and ignores the best independent for vaccine safety. The CDC is crying out for a thorough public
peer-reviewed science. In short, this agency is a mouthpiece for audit.
the pharmaceutical-industrial complex and operates for its own
financial advantage, rather than for the benefit of society. Its revolv- These early IOM reports are extremely valuable. They identify
ing doors are kept spinning with a constant influx of pharmaceutical many of the same childhood diseases that have grown to epidemic
industry and vaccine insiders. In fact the lines separating corporate proportions in the intervening years, and they indict vaccines as a
influence and public health are grossly blurred and distorted. It is causal factor. Yet regrettably, the IOM has recently showed signs of
no surprise that documents obtained through Freedom of Informa- becoming as compromised as other health agencies. It, too, may
tion Act (FOIA) requests paint the CDC as rotten in its core and one have become another pawn of the Medical Deep State that is infil-
of the greatest health threats to the nation. The agency, in Robert trating every state legislative body to pass draconian immunization
Kennedy Jr’s words, is a “cesspool of corruption.” laws with the end goal of vaccinating Americans by lies and even
threats and force if necessary.
What you will never hear in the mainstream media is that there is
another medical institution that is supposed to have been granted For example, in a 2013 report on the safety of the CDC’s Child-
the responsibility to assure the CDC receives quality and reliable hood Immunization Schedule, the IOM gave its stamp of approval
scientific research to use as the basis for its healthcare decisions. while ignoring the fact that no vaccine trial, except for a poorly
The Institutes of Medicine (IOM) does not possess the CDC’s legis- designed Gardasil trial, has conducted safety tests with a scientifi-
lative clout; however, it represents a far superior body of scientists cally valid placebo. Nor are there credible and reliable studies to
and researchers in their medical fields. support claims that no synergistic health risks arise from adminis-
tering multiple vaccines concurrently. Now the IOM, too, is basing
Founded in 1970, the Institute of Medicine falls under the charter of its conclusions on junk corporate science. Its recent reports also
the National Academy of Sciences started by President Abraham omit reviews of the scientific literature that note the toxicity of the
Lincoln and Congress in 1863. The Academy was founded for the aluminum adjuvant used in many vaccines.
purpose of bringing together the nation’s best scientific minds to
advise the government on scientific matters. The IOM was founded Recent research conducted by Dr. Chris Exley at Keele University
later to provide expert advice and reliable medical research to the in the UK has uncovered the pathways by which high amounts of
White House and Congressional legislators to guide their decisions, vaccine aluminum accumulate in brain tissue rather than being
keeping them informed about the social, economic and political excreted. High brain aluminum levels were found in deceased au-
impacts of healthcare. According to its principles, and unlike the tistic children whose tissues were donated for his research. Autistic
CDC, IOM members deliberating on vaccine research and policies children can have as much as ten times the amount of aluminum

92 UNCENSORED 56 June – September 2019 www.uncensored.co.nz

lodged in the brain compared to a normal adult. Blogging on the mission is being influenced and shaped by outside parties and
Hippocratic Post, Exley notes that Merck refuses to make its alu- rogue interests…. What concerns us most is that it is becoming
minum adjuvant available for researchers to conduct independent the norm and not the rare exception. Some senior management of-
analysis. ficials at CDC are clearly aware and even condone these behaviors.
Others see it and turn the other way. Some staff are intimidated and
The CDC’s crimes are a matter of public record. These are not pressed to do things they know are not right.”
secrets or confidential information. The documents and voices of
whistleblowers within the CDC are readily found on the internet Out of fear of retribution, this group of CDC employees filed their
to support all of our charges against the agency. They are read- complaint anonymously.
ily available to anyone who wishes to investigate. Unfortunately,
our media has again failed to do its job in accurately reporting on Over the years, Congressional subcommittees have voiced warn-
federal corruption, instead becoming an instrument of the Medical ings to CDC officials to clean up their act. A House Government
Deep State and a mouthpiece to deceive the public. Reform Committee reported that both the CDC’s and FDA’s advi-
sory committees for vaccines were thoroughly compromised with
CDC misconduct includes widespread corporate nepotism favoring pharmaceutical conflicts of interest.
private pharmaceutical interests, illegal destruction of clinical data
that showed a correlation between the MMR vaccine and a 250 Another voting advisory committee member held a patent on a rival
percent increase in autism among African American boys, hiring a rotavirus vaccine. Neither advisory committee complies with the
criminal(s) to conduct fraudulent research to conceal the neurologi- Federal Advisory Committee Act, which requires a diversity of med-
cal risks of mercury-containing vaccines, the silencing of internal ical opinions; instead, the committees are stacked with corporate
officials and whistleblowers, serving as the go-between on behalf shills advocating for fast-tracking poorly developed vaccines with
of the beverage industry concerning the World Health Organiza- insufficient and untrustworthy safety and efficacy data to otherwise
tion’s restriction of sugary soft drinks, etc. The CDC has fudged support their approval. In 2009, the Office of the Inspector Gen-
firearm safety statistics; that report led Harvard University’s Injury eral conducted an investigation of conflicts of interests within the
Control Research Center director David Hemenway to declare that CDC. The Office discovered that 97 percent of its advisors failed to
no one should trust the CDC’s estimates. declare their links to the pharmaceutical industry.

During the 1970s, it was the CDC’s Dr. Colleen Boyle who covered We have reported in the past how the CDC operates more like a
up the hideously toxic nature of Agent Orange and dioxin that private intelligence and surveillance firm rather than a federally
thousands of Vietnam War veterans were exposed to. Although funded public health service. In the meantime, epidemics of autism,
the IOM and Congress revealed Boyle’s chicanery, the agency duly neuro-developmental disorders, autoimmunity, childhood diabetes,
rewarded her loyalty with a promotion. febrile seizures, asthma and allergies roll on and federal health of-
ficials embrace the superstitions of vaccine magic and reside in a
The CDC and the vaccine industry have been colluding for a long culture of medical denialism.
time. In 2004, Congress accused the agency of operating as a
public relations firm for private interests, rather than as a watchdog Finally, there is a fundamental question:
ensuring the integrity of vaccine science. That same year, the US
Office of Special Counsel uncovered potential evidence that the Would you hire someone with such an extensive rap sheet to care
CDC and pharmaceutical companies were destroying data linking for your child, let alone a newborn infant? Would you trust them
the vaccine preservative thimerosal with neurological disorders. to undertake the correct measures in an emergency, or use sound
Senator Tom Coburn’s expose reveals the agency’s widespread judgment to assure your child’s well-being? For the hundreds of
budgetary mismanagement has wasted millions of tax dollars and thousands of vaccine-damaged children, the CDC remains a felon
concludes that the CDC cannot demonstrate that it is controlling on the loose. And the rest of our government is less competent
disease. than inebriated Keystone cops to authorize a thorough houseclean-
In October 2017, Congressman Bill Posey sent a letter to then-
Attorney General Jeff Sessions calling on him to resume efforts The agency displays no sincere interest in your child’s well-being
to extradite and prosecute Dr. Poul Thorsen for money laundering and health, nor those of any American for that matter. And the
of over $1 million from the CDC. The catch is that Thorsen was mainstream media, every major network, newspaper and magazine,
contracted by the CDC to conduct fraudulent research in Denmark are similarly unconscionably complicit in preserving the CDC’s
that would mask any association between the vaccine preserva- culture of deception. The entire media should be stamped with a
tive thimerosal and autism. In 2011, Thorsen was placed on the warning as life-threatening dangers to the public health.
Inspector General’s most wanted list; nevertheless, the CDC has
continued to erect obstacles to extradition efforts. More worrisome,
Rep Posey discovered that for at least three years after the FBI NB: For references, please se the source link - Ed.
issued its arrest warrant, the CDC and National Institutes of Health
continued to collaborate with Thorsen and even joint-published About the Authors
more junk science together.
Richard Gale is the Executive Producer of the Progressive Radio
Another misdemeanor involved the CDC providing erroneous data Network and a former Senior Research Analyst in the biotechnol-
to Congress about its women’s health program, WISEWOMAN, ogy and genomic industries.
commissioned to provide preventative health services to women
between 40 and 65 to reduce cardiovascular disease. Native Ameri- Dr. Gary Null is the host of the nation’s longest running public radio
cans were also targeted for assistance in the program. The data program on nutrition and natural health and a multi-award-winning
was cooked and enrolled far less women than the CDC reported to documentary film director, including Autism: Made in the USA, War
Congress. on Health: The FDA’s Cult of Tyranny and Silent Epidemic: The Untold
Story of Vaccination.
These ethical violations are systemic throughout the agency and
Congress has been paralyzed in any efforts to rein in the rottenness Gary holds a Ph.D. in human nutrition and public health science.
that saturates the agency’s leadership. Learn more about Gary on his radio network, the Progressive Radio
Network, as well as his website.
In 2016, a group of scientists within the agency submitted a letter
stating their concerns to the CDC’s chief of staff:
SOURCE: globalresearch.ca
“We are a group of scientists at the CDC that are very concerned http://tinyurl.com/y69x82l3
about the current state of ethics at our agency. It appears that our

UNCENSORED 56 June – September 2019 www.uncensored.co.nz 93


The St Peter
By John McRae

Back home in his Bondi Junction apartment, Equally strange was the once performed by
Krochmal examined the contents of the file Wer- story of Deputy Fuhrer soap. For that the
ner Meinecke had given him. It was a simple Rudolf Hess. In May 1941 world could thank
A-to-Z expanding file with about twenty com- Hess flew to Scotland in a Adolf Hitler and
partments. Some of the compartments bulged specially modified Messer- the German Nazis.
almost to bursting point with small scraps of schmitt 110 fighter plane on Hitler wanted to
paper. Curious to see what information Mei- a secret mission to forge an rid the world of
necke had amassed over the years, Krochmal alliance between Ger- soap and very
emptied the contents of the first compartment many and England. Working nearly achieved
onto his desk and began sorting the fragments through royal inner circles, his goal. But why?
into piles. Three fragments immediately caught Hess hoped to put the Duke Why this horror
his attention. of Windsor back on the of soap? What the
English throne. Unknown to hell was wrong
First came a quote from Hitler: A Study in many people, the Duke of with these people?
Tyranny by Alan Bullock. ‘More often he Windsor was fiercely pro-Nazi and this was the Soap was soap, for God’s sake!
drew posters and crude advertisements for small real reason why he had been forced to abdicate
shops – Teddy Perspiration Powder, Santa Claus the English throne in 1936. If Hess had ac- Deeply perplexed, Krochmal examined the con-
selling coloured candles, or St Stefan’s spire ris- complished his mission, the swastika flag would tents of the third compartment. Might there once
ing over a mountain of soap, with the signature have flow from the roof of Buckingham Palace. have been an age of soap secrecy, he wondered.
A Hitler in the corner.’ Every age had its Great Secrets – this, of course,
His mission failed because the British Secret being the age of nuclear secrecy. But might
Next a quote from Hess: the Missing Years
Service had been warned of his plans in advance there once have been a time when soap recipes
1941-1945 by David Irving.
and had agents waiting for him in Scotland. were as jealously guarded as the plutonium
‘A bizarre scenario, repeated every Sunday from Instead of being taken to meet the British Royal enrichment formula today? What was the key
garments brought to him: he claimed to find un- Family, Hess was secretly transported to the Ab- to wealth and power during the age of endemic
rinsed soap powder in them, and thrashed them ergavenny Mental Hospital in Wales. There he skin disease? What might it mean, in such an
for as long as ten minutes against a cupboard was repeatedly interrogated by a foxy-faced lit- age, to have exclusive control of the soap mak-
door so that the attendant could see the (invis- tle SIS agent named Frank Foley. Mind-altering ing industry?
ible) clouds of powder. These violent Sunday chemicals were put into his food and his person-
linen flagellations became as regular a feature ality began to disintegrate. It was then that the Reading on, Krochmal learned that the bane of
of the orderlies’ reports as the pains and other bizarre underpants thrashing rituals began. But the ancient world wasn’t cholera or typhus but
complaints! what prompted the orderlies to leave unrinsed skin disease. Simple infections were no less
soap powder in his underwear in the first place? frightening than cholera to people who could
Finally a quote from Five Chimneys by How had they learned that Hess had a peculiar cure neither. Serious disease brought death so
Olga Lengyel. ‘The Nordic Supermen knew soap fetish? Why choose that particular method quickly that it hardly counted. It was suppurat-
how to profit from everything. Immense casks to goad him? ing body sores that most bothered the ancients.
were used to gather the human grease which A person covered from armpits to crotch with
had melted down at high temperatures. It was Strange as the Hitler-Hess stories may have weeping sores was conscious of nothing but his
not surprising that the camp soap had such a been, they paled beside that of SS Commander own misery. Such a person had little energy for
peculiar odour.’ Heinrich Himmler. Himmler joined the Nazi artistic or literary pursuits.
Party in 1925 and became head of the SS in
Sitting back, Krochmal rubbed his jaw. Hitler 1929. From 1936 he also directed the Gestapo Until the late 19th century, this was the natural
and his weird paintings of St Stefan’s Cathedral and supervised the extermination of Jews in condition of most of the people most of the
almost buried under a mountain of soap. Rudolf Eastern Europe. It was Himmler who devised time. Imagine going through life with cowpox
Hess and his bizarre underpants thrashing rituals the death pit trenches sixty yards long and four pustules on your legs and arms, he thought.
to rid the garments of unrinsed soap powder. yards wide with cunning systems of ditches to Imagine buying vegetables from a woman with
Himmler and his attempts to turn a million Aus- drain off the human fat so that Jewish corpses open sores on the back of her hands. In a world
chwitz Jews into soap. What was it with these could be made into soap. What a horrible way to of endemic skin disease, the only knowledge
people? Why this thing about soap? dispose of corpses, Krochmal thought, reaching worth having was the secret recipe for soap. It
for a glass of water. What the hell was it with was a paradox of medical history that ninety
As a youth in 1912 Vienna, Adolf Hitler made these people? percent of the maladies which most distressed
his living as a street artist. Sometimes he painted humanity down the ages responded to simple
the Vienna Opera House, sometimes the Roman Emptying the contents of the second compart- soap and water remedies.
ruins at Schoenbrunn Park. A drawing he made ment onto the desk, Krochmal continued to read.
of the Vienna parliament building once sold for Adolf Hitler became Chancellor of Germany in In modern times, Krochmal realised, it was hard
ten crowns. But the one building he never tired 1933. One of his first actions as Head of State to imagine a society so hygienically primitive
of painting was St Stefan’s Cathedral. This ca- was to convene a meeting of powerful financiers that the control of soap could bestow absolute
thedral was one of the great Gothic buildings in and industrialists, among them representatives power on a privileged elite. Staying clean was
Europe, dating from about 1147. Its twenty-ton of the pharmaceuticals giant I G Farben. Hitler something that everyone took for granted these
bell was cast from captured Turkish cannons. had a special task for the Farben people: he days. But through all human history until quite
When Hitler painted this building, however, he wanted them to develop a new cleansing agent, recent times this was exactly the case. It was
painted it with a difference: everything except a substitute for soap. Over the next few years only over the last hundred years or so that
the spire was buried under a mountain of soap. Farben developed the product now known as humans had become blasé about a quest which
What on earth was he hinting at? What message detergent. By the early 1960s detergents had had obsessed all humanity since the dawn of
was he trying to get across? become the primary cleansing agents on Planet civilisation.
Earth, having taken over two-thirds of the tasks

94 UNCENSORED 56 June – September 2019 www.uncensored.co.nz

What could be simpler than removing dirt and But the mystery did not end there. A precious Boars had tusks, snakes had fangs – but some
grime with lavish quantities of soap and water? substance, once invented, should not subse- animals, to be different, had horns. Some horns
But imagine a world where grime couldn’t be quently disappear; it should not later have to be were made for blowing. Some were made for
removed because soap didn’t exist? Imagine reinvented. Penicillin was discovered in 1929 by melting down into glue. Others were just right
raising several little kiddies, all under ten, Alexander Fleming and never since then had the for carrying things – oils, unguents, salves.
without soap. In a world where ninety percent world lived without the stuff. Yesterday a horse Salvation, then, was something that poured from
of the people were filthy, soap was one of the and buggy, today a Mercedes or a Porsche – a horn like salve. Yes, Krochmal thought excit-
most highly prized substances known. No secret evolution did not work backwards. edly, salve!
was more jealously guarded than the recipe for
soap. Krochmal now suspected that the deciding Yet this was exactly what happened with soap. Religious people talked a lot about getting saved
factor in world affairs for most of the past five Soap was widely known in the ancient world – talked, for that matter, about little else. But
thousand years was the control of soap. at the time of Jesus Christ, but with the 4th what did the expression actually mean? What
Century rise of great Catholic monasteries it destina-
exactly was salvation? Was it a place, a destina
Too often, he realised, people interpreted all disappeared again. Not until Thomas Cromwell tion, a condition, a reward what?
previous history in terms of modern realities. dissolved the monasteries in the 16th century
Certain things became so familiar, so banal, did it reappear. The timing, Krochmal real- All the little ones, boys and girls, chatting and
that people ceased to be amazed by them. And ised, was significant: the hygienic Dark Ages praising the Lord. Happy people, quick with the
what could be more banal or familiar than soap? coincided precisely with the period of absolute pennies when the plate came round. But were
Modern humans couldn’t imagine a time when Church rule. they one hundred percent saved? Or had they
soap and water were not the basic cleansing been deceived into accepting false salvation?
agents. Becoming more and more perplexed by the min- That, Krochmal decided, was the question. True
ute, Krochmal examined the contents of the next salvation? Or false? And could they be trusted to
In fact, water without soap had extremely lim- compartment in the A-to-Z expanding file. What know the difference?
ited cleansing properties, he realised, reading on. did the Elder Pliny have to say about soap? In
Oddly enough, the most popular cleansing agent his universal encyclopaedia Natural History, Salvation was such a problem, he lamented.
of ancient times was urine. Urine contained a he declared that soap was a Jewish invention, a
weak alkaline solution of ammonium nitrate and salve made from goat fat and caustic potash. ‘He has raised up a horn of salvation for us!’
for centuries this was the most effective laundry
detergent known. On the street outside every Reading on, Krochmal learned that the Hebrew Yes, Krochmal chortled, a problem indeed.
public laundry in the City of Rome was a little word for soap, borit, was a cognate of the word Mountains of documents had been written
urine tub into which passers-by could relieve for covenant, berit. The ancient Israelites were about salvation. Legions of Bible scholars had
themselves. Laundry workers used this urine as the Covenant People of the Old Testament, laboured night and day trying to define precise
their primary cleansing agent. So copious was chosen by God as his own special race. God meaning. And what did the confounded term ac ac-
the urine traffic in Roman times that Emperor made covenant after covenant with them. First tually mean? It meant soap, nothing more. Soap!
Commodus imposed taxes on it. the Flood Covenant, the promise to Noah that
God would never again flood the Earth. Next In the next compartment, Krochmal found
One of the most important industries in ancient the Promised Land covenant, the promise to only three scraps of paper. They all contained
Rome, Krochmal learned, was the growing of Abraham that he and his descendants would information about Jesus Christ’s brother, James.
lavender flowers because laundry workers used inherit the Holy Land. Then the Sinai Covenant, Jesus had four brothers, James, Joseph, Simon
these flowers to disguise the stench of urine in the agreement made with Moses on the peak of and Judas. James, known as James the Just,
freshly washed garments. What modern people Mount Sinai. In every case, the word used for was the leader of the Church at Jerusalem. He
called the laundry trade was known to the covenant was a cognate of that for soap. presided at the Council of Jerusalem in Acts 15
Romans as lavendry, because clothes, after be- and wrote the Epistle of James in the New Testa-
ing soaked in urine, were immersed in lavender There were no vowels in the ancient Hebrew ment. History contained contradictory accounts
water to mask the fetid odour. Quite simply, language. Not until the 8th century did the of his death. Joseph stated that he was stoned
soap was one of the most precious substances Masoretes add vowels to Jewish Sacred Scrip- to death at the instigation of the Sadducees.
known to man. ture. Written without vowels, the words berit Eusebius, however, claimed that he was clubbed
and borit both became the three-letter codon to death by a Jewish laundryman. ‘And a certain
Without it, man was little better than the beasts BRT. God in heaven, Krochmal thought, sitting man among them, one of the laundrymen, took
of the field. So where, Krochmal wondered, was back in amazement. What was it that made the the club that he used to beat out the clothes
this magical substance first prepared? Whom ancient Israelites the People of the Covenant? and hit the Just on the head, and so he suffered
should the world thank for its invention? Soap! martyrdom.’

Examining the contents of the next compart- A salve made from goat fat and caustic potash? Why a Jewish laundryman? What might
ment, Krochmal was perplexed to learn that A salve? Krochmal took a quick sip of water. It James brother of Jesus have done to outrage
soap had deeply mysterious origins. Soap was came as no surprise to learn that the next slip of the laundry guild? Was it possible that he had
not among the wonders brought back from paper contained a reference to the word salva- violated some kind of secrecy code? If the Jews
China by Marco Polo in 1292. Nor was it in- tion. The word occurred in the New Testament alone knew the secret recipe for soap, would the
vented by the Castilians of Muslim Spain. Soap for the first time at Luke 1:69. knowl-
laundry guild have willingly shared its knowl
first appeared in the Holy Land at the time of edge with the common people? Of course not,
Jesus Christ. “Praise be to the Lord, the God of Israel, Krochmal realised, never in a thousand years.
because he has come and redeemed his people. knowl-
Yet someone, it seemed, had shared that knowl
Apart from a couple of passages in the Old Tes- He has raised up a horn of salvation for us in the edge, otherwise soap would not have become
tament, the first written reference to soap was in house of his servant David.” widely known in Pliny’s time. What crime, then,
the works of the Elder Pliny, a Roman scholar might James the Just have committed? The
whose universal encyclopaedia, Natural His- A horn of salvation? A horn? Now what, Kro- crime of sharing soap recipes with the common
tory,, was a major source of scientific knowl- chmal wondered, did that mean? Simple enough people perhaps? That is, the crime of taking
edge until the 17th century. Pliny was born surely, he thought, reading on – a chopped-off salvation to the Gentiles?
about a decade before the alleged crucifixion, bullock horn, one of the most practical all-
making him about 25 years younger than Jesus purpose utensils of pre-industrial times. Celtic As the Dead Sea Scrolls clearly indicated, the
Christ. Incredible, Krochmal thought, reach- warriors quaffed mead from drinking horns. Gospel period was an age of intense secrecy.
ing for a glass of water. If the coming of Jesus Jewish priests summoned the faithful to prayer The Qumran Essenes used elaborate code and
Christ was the most significant event in religious with doleful blasts on their ram’s horn trumpets. cipher systems to protect their sacred mushroom
history, the invention of soap was the great turn- Nazirite ascetics carried their anointing oil in recipes. What about the Jewish laundry guild?
ing point for medicine. Same time, same place – horns. Medieval scribes dipped their goose-quill What might it mean to know the secret recipe
it would be absurd to suggest that the two events pens into ink horns. Davy Crocket primed his for soap at a time when every other laundryman
weren’t linked. musket with gunpowder from a powder horn. was using urine as a cleansing agent? Surely that
recipe would be the key to fabulous wealth and

UNCENSORED 56 June – September 2019 www.uncensored.co.nz 95

power. Krochmal now suspected that no secret Elvira was a Christian married to a Christian. history of soap?
had ever conferred greater riches on an elite few Her father was a Christian too, though her
than the secret recipe for soap. mother had Jewish ancestry. When Elvira was In the next compartment Krochmal found a lot
eleven her mother instilled in her a dislike for of information about the mediaeval witch hunts.
Jesus Christ was the physician among avatars, pork; afterward, when she ate it, it made her How many heretics perished during the witch
the doctor among savants, having established his sick. Her mother also taught her to change her hunts? No one knew for sure. Catholic revision-
messianic credentials almost entirely in the med- underclothes on Saturday. For the young girl, ist scholars had nibbled it down to a mere two
ical realm. Where Confucius was a lawyer and none of this had religious significance.’ or three million. More reliable historians put the
Buddha a forest-dwelling mystic, Jesus Christ figure at twenty or thirty million. Some scholars
was a healer. Thus it was curious indeed that the Bloody hell, Krochmal thought, imagine being – Helena Blavatsky, Herbert Armstrong – said
term salvation derived from the word salve. accosted on the street by a ferret-faced little fifty million. One expert, a lifelong student of
Jesuit on a panty-inspection mission! Imagine the Inquisition, said sixty million.
Exactly how did Jesus Christ perform his being asked to hoist your skirts so that he could
miracles? What magical powers did he possess? check the cleanliness of your underwear. Yet Perhaps the most tragic thing about the witch
Was it possible that Christ was skilled in the that was exactly what happened to Elvira del hunts was that most of the victims were women.
use of ointments, unguents, lotions and salves? Campo. For the crime of wearing clean panties, The French Inquisitor Nicolas Remy once
Might there be a quite natural explanation for she was dragged before the Tribunal of Toledo. burned 800 women in a single day. Shakespeare
all his so-called healing miracles? What would She was not burnt at the stake. Most of the wrote, ‘Spare no faggots because she is a maid,
mean to the miracle-obsessed Christian Church judges voted for leniency. Already she had spent let there be enough. Place barrels of pitch upon
if its Anointed Messiah was simply an Ointment over a year in prison. Her property was confis- the fatal stake.’
Messiah and its Saviour simply an expert in the cated and she was ordered to wear the robe of
use of Salve? shame. She was sentenced to serve three more An historian named Edward Burman conducted
years in prison, but for some reason, perhaps a survey and found that of 5400 accused witches
Medicine was a clandestine trade in Gospel insanity, was released after only six months. in England, Castile, Belgium, Finland, Venice
times, as the Dead Sea Scrolls clearly proved. Case closed. and France, 78 percent were women – an incred-
Great secrecy surrounded the making of healing ible 78 percent. Certain families seemed to pro-
potions. Who were the great ointment tycoons Next Krochmal found a quote from the Encyclo- duce entire dynasties of witches. Grandmothers,
and unguent moguls of ancient Palestine? What paedia Britannica about the Camisard heretics aunts, mothers, daughters, cousins – all perished
measures did they take to protect their business of southern France. An odd name, it came from at the stake.
empires? And where did Jesus Christ fit into the the French term camisa, meaning, of all things, a
picture? Was it mere coincidence that soap first camisole or very short negligee. ‘The Camisards Who were these strange women? For what
appeared in the Holy Land in the time of Christ? were so-called either because they wore a white crime were millions of them burned at the stake?
shirt over
Now quite certain that Werner Meinecke and his their ordinary
granddaughter Brigitte were right about almost clothes for "Clean again, they scampered back to
everything, Krochmal moved on the next
compartment. It contained information about the
purposes their wretched hovels and worked their
mysterious disappearance of soap. In 70 AD Ro-
man legions plundered the Temple of Jerusalem
in night
fighting, or
fingers to the bone saving their pennies
and carried the spoils back to Rome. Legends because, out for next year’s pilgrimage to a great
arose about the fabulous Lost Treasure of Jeru- of concern
salem. A few centuries later, Rome itself came to symbolise Catholic monastery. Such was the way of
under attack by Germanic barbarians from the purity, they
north and all the written records of Greco-Ro- made a point life in mediaeval Europe."
man antiquity vanished into monastery archives. of changing
With them went the secret recipe for soap. There their linen
they stayed for more than a thousand years, be- whenever they halted at a village. Mention witches and most people thought
ing lovingly fussed over by Catholic monks. Not of cauldrons, broomsticks, black cats. They
until the 16th century when Thomas Cromwell Heretics who wore camisoles over their fighting thought of bent-nosed old crones creeping
dissolved the monasteries did Christian Europe clothes? God in heaven, Krochmal thought, around after midnight digging up mandrake
rediscover soap. were they drag queens or what? No, not drag plants. Most of this stuff was difficult to take
queens, he decided, just Christians with a colos- seriously. Even the official Inquisition records
Out of these great Catholic monasteries rode sal grievance against the Church. But why cami- read like something written by Bram Stoker.
the terrible Jesuit priests of the Holy Inquisi- soles, he wondered. What kind of message were ‘They meet up with the Devil, who is present as
tion, searching the realm for error, witchcraft they trying to get across? Clean panty heretics in a horned animal a stag, goat or bull. After the
or heresy. Formally instituted in 1231 by Pope Spain? Clean camisole heretics in France? What most hellish rites and sexual license, the witches
Gregory IX in response to the growing threat of the hell was going on here? What kind of pattern copulate with Satan himself.’
heresy, especially in Cathar France, the Inquisi- was emerging?
tion attempted to place all control of heresy in Numerous scholars had made a lifelong study
papal hands. Inquisitors appointed by the pope, For all their ferocious ability as fighters, the of the mediaeval witch hunts and in the next
often from the Dominican and Franciscan or- Camisards paid a terrible price for their rebel- compartment Krochmal found lots of thought-
ders, acquired a reputation for terrible cruelty. In lion. Some 466 villages were burned in the provoking quotes. Sipping his beer, he examined
1252 the Vatican formally authorised the use of Hautes-Cevennes alone, women and children the quotes one by one. Marcel Daraud wrote,
torture and many heretics and witches suffered perished in the flames while the men were put to ‘Satan gives them a horn with salve in it, with
gruesome deaths. the sword. Like their Cathar cousins, the Camis- which they anoint themselves. He brings beasts
ard heretics were persecuted to extinction within for them to ride on, a saddle, hammer and nail.
On the next slip of paper from the file, Kroch- a few centuries. Now he speaks some words and away they fly:
mal found a quote from a book entitled Vicars over churches, walls, rocks. They arrive at green
of Christ: The Dark Side of the Papacy by Pausing to grab a six-pack of beer from the meadows.’
Peter de Rosa. ‘Elvira del Campo came before refrigerator, Krochmal opened a can, took a
the Tribunal of Toledo in the year 1568. A young couple of sips, and stared thoughtfully at the A- Peter de Rosa wrote, ‘The newcomer must
woman, she had been pregnant when she was to-Z expanding file Werner Meinecke had given worship the Devil and kiss him under the tail,
arrested in July the year before. Her baby was him. Damn, but the file contained some puzzling and promises part of his body to him after his
born in prison at the end of August, though it information. What would Tom Haggerty, Direc- death. He is given a box of ointment and a staff,
is not known what happened to it. The charge tor of Special Operations, make of all this? A and instructions how to use it.’ Edward Burman
against her was that she never ate pork and that mediaeval soap conspiracy, for God’s sake! wrote, ‘A chemist checked the so-called magical
she put on clean underclothes on Saturdays. The Whoever would have believed that the German ointment, and doctors checked the virginity of
presumption was that she was a crypto-Jewess. Nazis spent half the war years investigating the women who claimed to have had intercourse

96 UNCENSORED 56 June – September 2019 www.uncensored.co.nz

with the Devil or demons.’ ment onto the desk. It contained information information public and the consequences for the
about the mediaeval pilgrim traffic. Mediaeval Vatican would have been disastrous.
John Allegro wrote, ‘It is significant that witches monasteries were places of incessant comings
often claimed that their ability to fly was due to and goings as thousands of devout pilgrims trav- Leaving his Bondi Junction apartment, Kroch-
some special ointment that they first smeared elled vast distances to receive the sympathy and mal climbed into his BMW and drove to Bondi
over their naked bodies. Professor A J Clark has blessings of the holy fathers. What was it they beach. Lazily he strolled toward the water. Gulls
examined three of the cited formulas for flying were looking for, these pilgrims? Why, salva- swooped and circled above the Norfolk pines
ointment used by mediaeval witches. One of tion of course. But not the heavenly variety. No, and their cries seemed to quaver on the wind:
them contains aconite and belladonna (Deadly it was the salve in salvation they were looking salve, salve! Cries which echoed down the ages:
Nightshade), which could induce both excite- for, the frothy, sudsy, foamy variety that flushed salvation, salvation!
ment and irregular heartbeat action.’ away the grime of many sod-busting months and
left the pilgrims feeling fresh, renewed, whole Bending down, Krochmal picked up a stone and
Henry Boguet wrote, ‘Every night these ill- again. hurled it far out to sea. What an incredible af-
advised ladies were anointing themselves with ternoon! In the space of a few hours, his whole
devil’s grease, made out of the fat of murdered Saved, Krochmal thought derisively. Under the life had been turned upside down. Never would
infants and, thus lubricated, were slipping armpits and between the toes they were saved, he look at the simple things of life in quite the
through cracks and keyholes and up chimneys, saved, saved! Clean again, they scampered back same way again. Simple things like soap, oint-
mounting on broomsticks or spindles or airborne to their wretched hovels and worked their fingers ment, body lotion. Damn that Werner Meinecke!
goats, and flying off on wearisome aerial jour- to the bone saving their pennies for next year’s He and his granddaughter Brigitte had changed
neys to a diabolical rendezvous, the witches’ pilgrimage to a great Catholic monastery. Such Krochmal’s life forever.
sabbat.’ was the way of life in mediaeval Europe.
So what, he wondered, was salvation? A place,
Hugh Trevor-Roper wrote, 'Some rub themselves Final compartment, the German Nazis again. a destination, a condition, a reward? Or simply
with a certain ointment, and others use none. Why did Adolf Hitler paint pictures of St Ste- the most preposterous religious hoax of all time.
There are also some who are not witches, but fan’s Cathedral almost buried under a mountain
after anointing themselves do not fail to fly up of soap? Why did the orderlies at Abergavenny About the Author
through the chimney and to be carried away as if Mental Hospital torment Rudolf Hess by leaving
they were witches.' unrinsed soap powder in his underpants? Why John McRae was born near Invercargill, New
did Heinrich Himmler try to turn Auschwitz Zealand, in 1942. As a young man, he served
Professor Monter wrote, “These women often Jews into soap? with the New Zealand Army and spent some
had a fund of arcane knowledge of herbs and time in Ardmore Military Prison. After being
special formulas which could be used to cure During World Two, the Nazis spent more money discharged from Ardmore, he went into hiding
as well as to harm – and perhaps to introduce, on genealogical research than the Americans as a deserter. When the Vietnam War broke out
in a drugged sleep, some excitement into their spent developing the A-bomb, an incredible two in 1965, he sought refuge in a Methodist theo-
monotonous and wretched lives.” billion in 1940 dollars. One of the agencies re- logical seminary, Trinity College of Grafton,
sponsible for this research was the Ahnenerbe. In Auckland.
Better and better, Krochmal thought. Clean panty 1939 the Ahnenerbe informed Heinrich Himmler
heretics in Spain. Clean camisole heretics in that a witch had been found among his ancestors, As an army deserter hiding in the seminary to
France. Witches who anointed themselves with burned at the stake in 1629. elude the Military Police, he was sorely out of
devil’s grease made from the fat of murdered place among the devout young divinity students
infants – obtained from the Devil horns with Incredible, Krochmal thought. Allied bombers living there. Geeks with the IQs of sparrows, he
salve in them. Some who anointed themselves thundering toward Berlin, a dozen countries called them. Because he had nothing better to do
with a certain ointment and flew up through the mobilising to overcome the Nazi menace, yet with his time, he sat in the seminary classroom
chimney. Others who flew after smearing their still the Ahnenerbe had time to investigate the and listened closely to what his Bible profes-
naked bodies with unguents. records of the Holy Inquisition. What was it with sors were saying. He became convinced that the
these people? What kind of topsy-turvy, back- Christian religion is based on a monstrous lie,
Ointments, unguents, lotions, salves – there to-front, upside-down world did they inhabit? that the fifty million heretics who died at the
was a medical dimension to all this. And why Why should it matter to Heinrich Himmler that a stake during the Holy Inquisition were the true
were the victims nearly always women? Was witch had been found among his ancestors? Christians all along.
there something inherently evil about the female
gender? Or could there be another explanation? One of the great unexplained
Was it possible that these ointment witches were mysteries of the Second World
violating some kind of Church monopoly? A mo- War was that the Vatican provided
nopoly in healing and cleansing lotions perhaps? hundreds of fleeing Nazi war fugi-
tives, members of the ODESSA
Always the key words at witch trials were Secret Society, with false
parody and travesty. A parody was something passports and travel documents,
which mimicked or mocked the authentic while allowing them to reach safety
a travesty was a farcical or grotesque imitation. in faraway countries like South
If the witches were mimicking or imitating America and Australia. Historians
someone, then who held the key to the authen- have puzzled over this event for
tic? Obviously the Church. Who else but the decades. What hold did the Nazis
Church? Which meant that what the witches have over the Vatican that allowed
were doing, Catholic monks and friars were do- them to extort so much assistance?
ing also. Witches were making herbal ointments, Why did the Vatican risk every-
so too were the Catholic monks. Witches were thing by providing these fugitives
anointing their naked bodies, Catholic bishops with cash, passports and travel
were anointing their little flocks. And the witches documents?
with their secret formulas were nibbling away at
the Church monopoly. Applied with the correct Suddenly, Krochmal knew exactly
priestly abracadabra, ointments and unguents how the situation came about. So
were sacred things. Rubbed into itchy body parts devastating was the information
by simple peasant women, they were Satanic the Nazis had dug up about the
travesties, devil’s grease. And the penalty for mediaeval soap secret that they
mocking Church rituals was death at the stake. were able to blackmail the Pope
into helping them. Had the Vatican
Only two compartments remained. Krochmal not complied, ODESSA would
emptied the contents of the second last compart- have found some way to make the

UNCENSORED 56 June – September 2019 www.uncensored.co.nz 97

end papers



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98 UNCENSORED 56 June – September 2019 www.uncensored.co.nz


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