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Case Analysis

MGMT 135 – Introduction to International Marketing

1st Semester SY:2020-2021
By: Bert C. Penalosa
Case Analysis

• Description of a business situation to be analyzed

• Involves identification, analysis of a problem faced by a
company and recommending a solution to the problem.
• Systematic process of examining all the available info
related to the company in order to identify problem(s) and
recommend solution(s).
• A method of learning complex strategic management
• Places student in an actual business situation and
challenges them to figure out what to do.
I. Title of the Case
II. Time Context

• Refers to the duration of the case. All cases have to

be studied and solved with time as an important

Example: start with the year the company was

established up to the present.
III. Point of View
• In analyzing and solving the case, the individual
states specifically from whose point of view he/she is
looking at the case. It is highly recommended that
the chosen standpoint of the individual is that of
someone with credible, competent, and with the
rightful authority and power to make decisions.

• In general, cases are analyzed from the point of view

of the major decision makers e.g. CEO, Gen. Mgr.,

Note: The outlook of an outsider is never acceptable.

IV. Statement of the Problem

• Every case involves a problem or a situation that

requires a corresponding solution or course of action.
A central issue is a condition that necessitates a
resolution. It may be a dilemma, an uncertainty, or
simply a major concern that needs to be addressed
but not necessarily corrected, sometimes, only
improvements, enhancements, or realignment are
How to Identify a Problem?

• Generate problems
• Select problems
• Guide question: What is happening that should be
• Distinguish between symptoms of the problem and
the core problem.
• Problem should be written objectively, clearly and
simply. Ex. Decline in sales is a symptom of a
V. Statement of Objectives
• Enumerates the specific goals to be achieved. It helps to
determine which alternative courses of action can be
taken to solve the case. The set of objectives should
essentially possess the following features:

VI. Areas of Consideration (SWOT)

• They are dominant variables in the organizational,

local, and even in global environments that may have
been the cause of the central issue itself. These
areas of consideration are related in one way or
another to the different functional areas of the
organization like finance, production, operations,
marketing, or human resource. To make the analysis
more comprehensive and complete, a SWOT analysis
is recommended.
Types of Strategies
Integration Strategy
Diversification Strategy
Defensive Strategies
VII. Alternative Courses of Action

• Once the areas of consideration have been analyzed,

the individual comes up with alternative courses of
action. An alternative is an option to take or a choice
to make. Alternative courses of action possess the
following characteristics:
a.) They are mutually exclusive with no
redundancies or overlaps. They are independent of
each other
b.) They specify the time frame.
c.) They are realistic, relevant, and appropriate.
Example: Decision Criteria
Example: Decision Criteria
Decision Criteria ACA 1 ACA 2 ACA3
1. Ease of Implementation 30% 15% 10% 5%
2. Probability of Success 50% 25% 15% 10%
3. Relative Resistance 20% 10% 5% 5%
Total 100% 50%** 30% 20%
**The best ACA is ACA #1
VIII. Conclusions

• Select the ACA which could best solve the problem.

• The one that yields the highest accumulated point
score is the recommended conclusion. Take note
that one can choose not to agree with it.
IX. Recommendations

• Once the evaluation has been complete and the

conclusion has been arrived at, the corresponding
recommendations can be given. Clearly state your
X. References

• Don’t forget to list all references.

• APA format

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