A Rainy Day On A Rainy Day, It Rains All Day Long. A Rainy Day Is Dull and Gloomy. The Sky Is Overcast

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A rainy day

On a rainy day, it rains all day long. A rainy day is dull and gloomy. The Sky is overcast
with thick clouds. The sky is not seen. None can go out without an umbrella. Water
stands on roads become muddy and slippery . Those who have offices and other
business go out with umbrellas over the head. Shoes in hand and clothes folded up to
knee. Passers by also move in the same way. Sometimes, people sleep and fall on the
muddy road. When it rains in torrents, people get danced and stop midway. The poor
suffer much on a rainy day. They cannot go out in quest of work and cannot earn their
daily food. They pass the day through sufferings. Most of the students do not go to
school. Only a few go to school but they get drenched on the way. So classes are not
held and it is a day of get joy to them. Other people also stay at home and pass the day
without doing anything. The cattle keep standing in their sheds and bellow fodder. A
rainy day is not pleasant at all.

A tea Stall

stall is a common sight in our country. it is found in cities, towns, bazars, railway
stations, Bus stands and even in villages. it is a small shop. in a tea stall there are few
chairs, tables or benches. Prepared tea is sold here. biscuits cake, loafs, bananas,
cigarettes and betel leaf are also sold here.There is often a boy or two to serve tea to
the customers. The manager sits behind the case box and collects money from the
customers. An ordinary tea stall is dirty. A kettle is always kept hot on the stove. A tea
stall opens in the morning and closes late night. A tea stall is a popular place. People of
different ages and classes come here.They take tea and talk with one another. They
discuss on various subjects. They also talk on village politics, National and international
politics and on current affairs. Sometimes customers raise a storm over a cup of tea.A
tea stall is an important place of social gathering indeed.

Traffic Jam

Traffic Jam is the clogging up too many many vehicles in one place. The place may be a
street or a highway. It is not uncommon in our country, particularly in Dhaka city. It
happens when different vehicles want to move ahead of catch other. The street
condition and the tendency violating the traffic rules are other reasons to traffic jam.
We fill much helpless and frustrated when we act stuck in the sea of traffic jam. Many
people fail to attend their office in time.The worst victims are the patients carried in the
ambulance to the hospitals and clinics. Rickshaw puller and taxi drivers also suffer a lot
because they lose their time moving very slowly towards their destination. The
transportation of the daily commodities get delayed. Traffic jam can be removed if
some steps are taken strictly. Widening the streets , making fly overs at the main
crossings, reducing the number of Rickshaws and above all growing public awareness
are necessary for solving the problem of Traffic jam.

Load Shedding

Load shedding is the suspension if electricity on certain lines when the demand greater than the generation. During
summer load shedding causes unbearable torture on the people. They only good it does is that it gives us chance to see
the stars or the moon. It also makes some particular traders happy as they can sell candles and instant power supply
machines. There is no fixed time for load shedding. It occurs 3-4 times a day. The students and the patients are worst
sufferers . They suffer terribly owing to load shedding on the night before their examination. Besides, due to load
shedding foods kept in the refrigerator get rotten, the commodities preserved in the cold storage get spoil . So, load
shedding is a great problem. We want to get rid of this problem. The government should take necessary steps to remove

Winter morning

Winter morning is Misty and cold. There is dense fog everywhere. Sometimes the
fog is so dense that the sun rays cannot get through.it. Even things at a little can
hardly be seen, Birds chirping is not heard. The cow and other animals cannot
come out but it is not so every morning. Dew drops fall on leaves and Blades of
grass at night. They look like glittering pearls when the rays of the morning Sun fall
all of them. village children and people have hardly warm clothes they gather
straw and dry leaves to make fire to warm themselves. The old and the bask in the
sun in order to warm themselves. people general and children get up late. so
everyone is busy in taking breakfast, dressing and getting reads for going to their
respective places. in a winter morning one can enjoy a delicious and sweet cakes,
pithas of date juice and many other things. The scene of the winter morning
vanishes as the day advances. the sun goes up and the fog melts. a winter morning
is enjoyable in many respects.

School magazine

School magazine is an annual journal that contains the literary writing of students
and teachers. it is published with an interesting and significant title usually every
year. to publish the magazine there is a magazine committee of the school. A
teacher is usually given the charge of guiding the work of publication. A group of
students work to get her with much encouragement. the headmaster is chief
patron of the magazine. the magazine editor invites writings on different subject
from the students. They compose poems, articles stories, rhymes etc for the
magazine. some students also write short comics and quizzes to submit. the
expenditure of Publication comes from the magazine fund. every school has a
magazine fund. students contribute this fund every year with their session Charge.
A school magazine is quite useful. students with literary aptitudes find scope to
express their imagination and emotion. Thus they get a chance to discover
themselves through writing something in a school magazine.

Road accident.

On the 5th February this year I witnessed A terrible accident. it was about at 4
p.m. we were on our way home from school. we are trying to cross chattagram
GEC Cross Road. it was so busy and risky. than a young boy was also about to cross
the road. all of a sudden a bus came speedily. no sooner had the boy noticed it.
than the bus ran over him. We rushed to the spot. but alas! we found the boys
simply a lump of flesh. I was greatly shocked and could hardly speak anything. I
was sweating all the while, the accident had a deep impact on my mind. I feel
frightened whenever I remember the accident. one of the main cause of Street
accident is the drivers indifference while driving the vehicles. beside, most of the
roads in our country are narrow and traffic management is not also good. to
prevent road accidents, traffic rules must be strict and over bridges must be
constructed in the busiest places.

A moonlit night
A moon lit night presents a charming scenery. The moon looks like a disc of gold from.the background of the azure.She
looks simply enchanting. Sometimes she plays hide and seek behind the clouds.The hosts of twinkling stars surrounding
her make the sky a fairy land. The trees and plants,crops and creepers all appear bright and glistening such a beauty
thrills the people and other creatures on earth with joy.Children play games like blind man's buff.Old people come out
and sit together in groups to gossip and tell stories. The poets are charmed at its beauty and compose poems.Some birds
come out of their nests and hover around.Even some beasts leave their folds and run here and there.A moonlit night is
in fact a night of extra ordinary beauty and joy.

A Rickshaw Puller

A Rickshaw Puller is a poor day labourer. He earns his livelihood by pulling the Rickshaw.He carries passengers and goods
from one place to another on payment. He hires a rickshaw from the owner on a daily basis.There are few who pull their
own rickshaws. A rickshaw puller works from dawn to dusk and even to the later part of night. He has to pull the
rickshaw in the sun and in the rain. He is generally gentle by nature. But sometimes he demands high fore. He earns a
very little amount, not more then 500 taka a day. With these little income he has to support his family with great
hardship.He feels tired but cannot take rest.He generally lives in a slum. He has to live from hand to mouth as he earns
too little to support his family.Sometimes his family passes the day with little food.He leads a hard and miserable life.

A day labourer

A day labourer is a person who does heavy unskilled work and gets his wages at the end of the day. He renders manual
labour and so has to be healthy strong and stout. A day labourer is usually employed in agricultural fields or
constructional works. He works there from dawn to dusk. If he can get any work to do, he gets money to feed the
mouths dependent on him. If he fails to do any work he has to remain unfed with the members of his family.During the
sowing and harvesting season he is in great demand. But in the age of machine he sometimes looks helpless to find out
his jobs because various sorts of harvesting machines can do work speedily then a labourer. Since he has many
children, they often suffer from various diseases and malnutrition. We should have soft feeling for them and do
whatever we can to raise their standard of living.

Tree Plantation

Tree Plantation means planting trees in large numbers throughout the country.Trees help us by providing us with food,
oxygen and fuel.If there were no trees means the loss of life. It leads to less rains and fail of harvest. If in a given area
trees do not exist in adequate proportion to men, animals, soil, air and water, the ecological balance gets disturbed
and life becomes difficult or impossible. As a result, people die of starvation. Besides, heat, pollution, flood, famine,
disease are the results of deforestation. So, to save mankind forests should be preserved. Birds and beasts will have no
place to live in.Thus wild life will be extinct and the balance of nature will be disturbed. To prevent it, deforestation
should be discouraged. Awareness about the importance of tree has to be developed to keep the earth greener cleaner
and safer for the future.By way of advertising in print and electronic media people can be motivated for tree plantation.

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