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1.The numbers 12284 and 8655 when divided by a certain number of three digits, leave the same remainder. Find that number of three digits. 12284 31K 8655 Heat aa att sist Ar fataa dear a fasnisa eat & at set Bear Ie aaa sl det sist At ag Hear wa Afar (er (b) 197 (44 (c) 211 (d) 229 ~~ &45$ fp ing 3029 Asyigh —_ 2.The LCM of two prime numbers x and y (x > y) is 161. The value of 3y - xis a aese Teast x 3H yoo y) HT LCM 161 81 3y-x AT ATT S art (b)-2 (c)a (a) 2 = ICI B37 3. The ratio of incomes of Ajith and Sunil last year was 4 : 5. The ratio of their own incomes of last year and this year are 6 : 7 and 5:6 respectively. If the total sum of their present incomes is ® 6,400, find the present income of Ajith. JG Peet aret stotter ste Yetter Hr a HT HT 4:5 el oer Are sie sa Are Pr araett are oer ateyTTa wT: 6: Aste s:681 ale Sad ache art wT HT BT 64008, at atotret Br aa HT HT TAT TE 1 ev%800" (b) 2900 A i (c) 1750, (¢) 1700 y ¢ Ny Is 4 \ BL Gy 4.A person spends 60% of his income. His income increases by 15% and his expenditure increases by 5%, find the percentage increase in his savings. wa cafea suet 3a a wd aren 8) sah air F 15% Fr gee ech F se Bah err H 5% Ht gafer & sah aaa A wfaera gah wa Fr! (a) 40% gts lox 2 - (0)35% (a) 27% (° y Se Be as 5, An empty fuel tank of a car was filled with ordinary types of petrol. When the tank was one third empty, it was filled with high speed petrol. Again when the tank was one-third empty, it was filled with an ordinary type of petrol. Again, when the tank was one-third empty it was filled with high speed petrol. At this time what was the percentage of high speed petrol in the tank? aR FT Gel Seat CH BURT VER & Mela S ae al Ta eH % Ue al ae sea ala Mele @ anr er) Ree oa tH uw fees Get eT, at ae UH BATT va H tele B set ar! fee, ae da wm fees aet on, at ae sea aie ae Acta BH eT | se aaa tH A sea ate tte an ofaea Far ey 2a — (3) 512% we 485% '9 4 (9 495% 24 (6) 503% “4 ZF (e) None of these “€) gS WX 2 a 4 6.The monthly income and monthly expenditure of a person were % 13500 and % 9000 respectively. In the next year his income is increased by 14% while his expenditure is increased by 7%. The percentage increase in his savings is 4 J 2 ( - fore caterer fr arfSer aire sik area caer HARI: 213500 HT ATR 9000 BI sare a serch rer A 14% HY Gewe gS F Tae sah cae A ro Ht gala gs FI sae waa F ofeerst geht & L \ (a) 7% (b) 21% * y 28% (d) 35% () ae (a) (y \ 7.8% of the people eligible to vote are between 18 and 21 years of age. In an election, 85% of those eligible to vote, who were between 18 and 21, actually voted. In that election, the number of persons between 18 and 21, who actually voted, was that per cent of those eligible to vote? ate aeet & alee ex ota Fr arg isd aad & deg) cH gra Hate at & aa 25%, cit 18% 21% dra 9, areca A Acer fearl sa Gara F188 21% aa cafecat # dea, Sesh aad A aaa fear or, ea a dle ta & ape Pa : AA (a) 4.2 (b) 6.4 a (c) 6.8 (d)8 8.An empty fuel tank of a car was filled with A type petrol. When the tank was half-empty, it was filled with B type petrol. Again when the tank was half-empty, it was filled with A type petrol. When the tank was half-empty again, it was filled with B-type petrol. What is the percentage of A type petrol at present in the tank ? OR a Uret sua tH AVHR & tela S HT Ml oa ee are-aeht a, at ae B var & ater S an aml fee oa te aren-aret en, ct ae a Ge & Ata S aR Tea] se ea fx A sre Urelt et sen, ay ae B-crst aT ara te A ada A aver & Yelet a oferta Prete 8? 8 I= (a) 33.5% _Lbv37.5% (c) 40% (d) 50% 9.In an examination, there are three papers and a candidate has to get 35% of the total to pass. In one paper, he gets 62 out of 150 and in the second 35 out of 150. How much must he get, out of 180, in the third paper to just qualify for a pass? wa ater HF, ctr Fox eta & 3H ww seahtcare wt oe Met H fore Her HT 35% orca ate Bat Sl We Ga A, Sa som F 62 atk gut A soa a 35 stm Part lS L801 tell: Wet See tei S12: Fee SRE iit (a) 60.5 (b) 68 (¢) 70 er We ee 1¢9 for Ge 35 le G35 yu 10. Abag contains 600 coins of 25 paise, 1200 coins of 50 paise. If 12% of 25p coins and 24% of 50p coins are removed, the percentage of mgpey removed from the bag is nearly wa da F te & Rare, sot Gaon ers ene 25pe 2588 & Goo fer, 50 tet Bl aie 25 Raat AS 12% HR soph Mast FF 24% wT ger fee se & at Sar B ferprey TT et ar ofeert oars & — i “ (a) 15.6% (b) 17.8% w Qe (d) 30% lI Ly art aie 24 11. The average of ten two-digit numbers is calculated. While calculating the average one number was mistakenly reversed and the average got reduced by 2.7. If the sum of the digits of the reversed number is 11, find the number. ot ae at stat Ht Gea Ff sitea sere Fr ort 31 atte rar ae a eM Ht Teta ale A soe fear sar sie wa et aml aie saet dear & sent ar ahr 11%, a) Gea Afar) (a) az ~ sa KY a a (c) 85 (d) 63 ua > = 12. 16 children are to be divided into two groups A and B of 10 and 6 children. The average percent marks obtained by the children of group A is 75 and the average percent marks of all the 16 children is 76. What is the average percent mark of children of group B? 16 aeat FF 103K 6aedt & at at A 3 B A faenista far aren 31 TAR A & aeat cant urea sihva ofaere aim 758 3k Belt 16 aeat & sihya fae si 7681 BAG BH seat wr shea sidered 3H R 5 : 3 (a) 74 = . L (c) 78: (a) 782 a S v5, rt Ls: S me3t 13. The ratio between the present ages of A and B is 5:3 respectively. The ratio between A's age 4 years ago and B's age 4 years hence is 1: 1. What is the ratio between A's age 4 years hence and B's age 4 years ago? Att eM adaret airy & Ste ar sreqUrt HAM: 5:38) AM sy aah geet 3K Bat arg age ag & ara ar aera 1:181 Aa ag wre a org siic8 era at ued At 3g & aha aed aa sre ST? (aar (b) 7:5 (c) 3:5 (d) 4:5 14. Ina family, a couple has a son and a daughter. The age of the father is three times that of his daughter and the age of son is half of his mother. The wife is 9 years younger to her husband and the brother is seven years older than his sister. What is the age of the mother? oar A va cafe ar va ser te ww Set Fl Par Hr sa sa at S cet FT @ HN & Hf 3a seh aT S arth S1 vet aot of SB ome Bs HK aS Se et SH Sa Me ss V1 At AY 3H FAT FP Hw 5 0 (a) 40 years (b) 45 years (c) 50 years _ Base Bx wy \ 7 \e4°S ) Ke, SNS = 15. A trader sells his table at a profit of 15% and the chair at a loss of 7% %, but on the whole he too gains 2 50. If he sells the table at a loss of 74% %, and chair at a profit of 15%, then he neither gains nor loses. Find the cost price of the table? Wea carat 15% a oa WC HG AST aaa SF HT 7K afer Te He, afar | at sears FH xso ted bl ae de 74% H arf Wt AT aaa FHT 15% ATT oe pat duer 8 at 38 a ot omer atk a & arf atch 81 AST AM ana Apa aA ae? 2 | Tx}S= CYIS as —35 oe Tor Be 9 ge 2 fe 45 S= lee 2e5— Fo aoe sil hs- loo 16. Atrader marked his goods at 20% above the cost price. He sold half the stock at the marked price, one quarter at a discount of 20% on the marked price and the rest at a discount of 40% on the marked price. His total gain is Ua cand A ata AST S 20% ST HUA ATA aw fafeata earl seehet Patera Fes Ww ser Feta ser, falearat Fea WT 20% FT Be a ws ateng se ahr Fr fate aos YEW TM SHAT FI AMF [oy aa (b) 4.5% (c) 13.5% (d) 15% ty¥2Q04ty-y ty 2? Tiana ee lb —|-F = 24. 17. The least perfect square, which is divisible by 21, 36 and 66 completely is wad HH yo at, ot att ake B 21, 363k 66S assy arta (b) 224344. Sv (c) 214434 (4) 231444 . my we = 18. The sum of the first 20 terms of a GP is 1025 times the sum of its first 10 terms. Find the common ratio of the GP. ————_e ~ GP aT — ae (a)6 - MN (c) 24 th AU ; Alyy u ¥ Ir ls bai = Bis le \ = lly 2! yore 19. Find the sum of infinite terms of aGP 1+ 2+ 545454 cucu op 1424544454... & ae eect a ate me Af OP AP (24 (0) _ ta r= 4 iri th, ’, 33 3 +b 43 20. Atrain starts with full of passengers. At the first station, it drops one-third of passengers and takes in 96 more. At the next, it drops one-half of the new total and takes in 12 more. On reaching the next station, there are found to be 248 passengers left. With how many passengers did the train start? wa ta aat & at atch 81 ee Reed oy ae vw es oat a sancht & Hk oo ahat at ate wer Ach Bl srTea WY aE AT Ho HT UHI HT SAT ach & ate waarfkat at ara | ater eee ae AGT we, 249 a I Ge TE amet @1 fat arfrat & wer ar aw es? (a) 480 (b) 600 234 442 (€) 364 (672 gg 4s oo $3 g- 3H, at} 21. If the numerator of a fraction is increased by 2 and the denominator is increased by 3, the fraction becomes = and if both the numerator and the denominator are decreased by 1, the fraction becomes What is the original fraction? afte fret Peat & aie ara stat & 3k at HT 38 acre sat &, at fea et orat & ate ae 3 & ata wt 18 were sre &, at ret er ret & Her teat ga 8? we w2 13 7 (se da 22. The values of a and b for which 3x° - ax? - 74x + b isa multiple of x2+ 2x - 24 are: AGHR bat Fret Farmey Fore 3x°- ax® 74x +b BT Ua YI F > x44 2x- 248: WES b=24 (b)a=5,b=24 (HK 6)(K-4) (a= 13,b=16 (d) a =-13, b 16 [4L— |boa- 24 ah —Ibath = lel 23. Acertain number of balls were purchased for % 450. Five more balls could have been purchased for the same amount if each ball was cheaper by 8 25,Find the numberof ball purchased. det ft un fataa dear x450% few att aS eh oie sik set wr set Ua fore water or wera or aie vets ex asa wet ach | wed aS tet hr Gear wat oa] (a) 15 (b) 20 S | S (c)10 (d) 25 Ae 30 a I5>< 4S 24, If « and Bare the roots of the equation x? + 3ax +c = 0 and if a? + B*=5, find the value of a BAe a HX B MAIOT x74 3ax+c=0 FY roots aL ° A+B 22h =5 qa 26> 5 a= [ix sie afe a? + p?=5, AT Art GTS 25. Find the value of a*+ b? +c? - 2ab + 2ac - 2bc, ifa=x+y, b=x-yand c= 2x 1. a?+b?4+c% ab +2ac-2be Ml Ala Wet HY, Ais a=x+y,b=x-y3ie c= 2-1 (a) (2x + 2y +1)? (b) (2x- 2y + 1)? 2y (0) (2x-2y - 1)? tp (e) None of these L Cab] (+ ety Es (ara 26. A, Band C jointly thought of engaging themselves in a business venture. It was agreed that A would invest % 6500 for 6 months, B % 8400 for 5 months and C, 10000 for 3 months. A wants to be the working member for which he was to receive 5% of the profits. The profit earned was % 7400. Calculate the share of Bin the profit. A Bak c a agra wo 8 Ge at eH carats squH A oat Ht Ute ae Teri FRA 6 Hele & fore % 6500, BS Hele & fore x 8400 zie c 3 Het & fore & 10000 ar feraer wrafeg ha magite a eke eee anor aiftte fren ser en) amr te & Ret A we wt IED Qs® @ a0) PMS sod MWievt ? Ports (ays By. 13 YF 26 27. Asum was put at simple interest at a certain rate for 2 years. Had it been put at 3% higher rate, it would have fetched % 300 more. Find the sum. 2ore & fae va faua ax oe MMT earat We Uf a aS) 3 Sa 3% HI aX WW THI ae, at ae %300 37H sta UAT wa AST (a) 10000 <_-tey5000 (c) 7500 (4) 6000 6-|-—3s 28. Some amount out of % 7000 was lent at 6% per annum and the remaining at 4% per annum. If the total simple interest from both the fractions in 5 years was % 1600, find the sum lent at 6% per annum. R 70008 S HE a om af at sie ay ax aft at HM ax S sae at as et afe sat a chat sieit & per Brereer earst 31600 a, at om At aH ax S SUT at ag oft are Ft 3E bes : ae (a) 5000 10 2Q. 4 y (c) 4000 (4) 3000 ( PN Oe 286 % 29. An automobile financier claims to be lending money at simple interest, but he includes the interest every six months for calculating the principal. If he is charging an interest of 10%, the effective rate of interest becomes: we Helalarsa Wieehax HURT saree UX Far sere ae HT arar ae 8, After aE Fora Ht oa ere et Oe Hell A coor emir Ha Bl Ale ae 10% ar SAT OWT 8, a Sart HT Gad aX Tat He B: SA S+15 (a) 10% _ nol aise (c) 10.5% (d) None of these 30. The difference between the simple interest on a certain sum at the rate of 10% per annum for 2 years and compound interest which is compounded every 6 months is % 124.05. What is the principal? oS [goo=> 2ae & few iow aia at A ax a ww UX BURT saat Bit at 6 welt A aagqeney cart & Shar HT HAT 124.0581 AAG AM BP (a) 8 6000 }00 2a 12\ (c) 10000 (d) = 12000 ee TY (e) None of these ee : N48 20.1 3449) 322.60 31, There is a 60% increase in an amount in 6 years at simple interest. What will be the compound interest of % 12000 after 3 years at the same rate? AIRY SATS HT HTT A UA A cows Gah ws V1 Tet ax Ww 3av H arg & 12000 aT waRqaAY east Fa eT lo]. — I (a) %2160 (b) %3120 reg (ox) (¢) 86240 [ 13" (e) None of these 331 ee 32, The compound interest on a certain sum for 2 years at 10% per annum is ¥ 525. The simple interest on the same sum for double the time at half the rate per cent per annum is: 10% wf ae oe 2a & fore wa faa UT we U_Ehy cars &525 81 AAT UR Fe HIRT eater Vier aH set aT ae Mle B: (a) 400 _Sb)S00 2. Sus (c) 8 600 (4) ¥800 2o,—- 33, The difference between compound interest and simple interest on a sum for 2 years at 10% per annum, when the interest is compounded annually, is € 20, If the interest were compounded half yearly, the difference in two interests will be: ampgafey earst sit erener earet & sta ar fat 2aTe H fore 10% vay, qa Sat Aenea aHGeMa steam & ar X20 eter Fl Bie east Gael A aH_efeT en, ar a saat A iat eter: Io Ge (a) %31.82 Soo toy 31.01 oo (c)¥32.81 (d) ¥32.18 ° loo bs lS Sts Wests, oa ec © + ety} ss 375 3h 34, 50 men or 80 women can finish a job in 50 days. A contractor deploys 40 men and 48 women for this work, but after every duration of 10 days, 5 men and 8 women are removed till the work is completed. In how many days can the said work be completed? 50 Jee aT 86 agar so feet A arr we aX Tah TI wa Shak 40 Fest aie a8 argrait at ge are & fae dara aa & Aa wed 10 Peat A ara % are, 5 Gout ste s wigs Hr ar oT ett aH eer fea aT Fl Saat HTT 5 ‘ a fed Ret A qq far ot aaa te a9 ¥lo = jer (a) 48 bso — (c) 60 (d) 40 2 Gove ce gee ad E 35. Aperson decided to build a farmhouse in 40 days. He employed 100 men in the beginning and 100 more after 35 days and completed the work in stipulated time. If he had not employed the additional men, how many days behind schedule would it have been finished? wa cafea a 40 feat A va wrt ese sare aT heer fear! seelet eesrat A 100 ohait apt fergerct farar sik 35 feet a ate 100 atk ate at cer art ET Pear wer aie seer afaftea Gost at fratista aet fear ete, at cer are Fareed Aeeit % ag ware ear? (a)20 (b) 10 3 Sy lee (c)45 (d)s 36. Ashok can doa piece of work in 16 days. Raman can do the same work in 8 days while Satish can do it in 32 days. All of them worked together when they started, but Raman left after 2 days. Ashok left 3 days before the completion of the work. How long would work last? ge. wee 16 A yk a a ara BI Ha 8 feat A agh HI a Bh SF wate acter 32 feet A aL aaa g1 ew eet oe walt of Prorne ara fear, afer wat 2 feat & ae agt A der Ta seis aA ar GT ala A 3 feat ves BIS fear aa Ha aH TET? 3 (a)i8 (b) 20 UL Bk (15 «) 3 Wwiy 37. 12 men can complete a piece of work in 4 days, while 15 women can complete the same work in 4 days. 6 men started working on the job and after working for 2 days, all of them stopped working. How many women should be put on the job to complete the remaining work, if it is to be completed in 3 days? 4gP = hn a 12989 4 feat A va HA I a Tad B cath is agere seh art a WU at wat 816 Feo BA He ow aT ed S SH 2 fea HA Het H ae, waht a aa ara aq at fea) te art a Ge ae & foe free Alors at arr We Tar ora TART, 3 Sat 3 feat A OT HAT 8? (a)15—~ (b) 18 Go | i. ; (c)22 s o£ (d) data inadequate/Ser 317d & 2% ® 38. Aand B can complete a work in 15 days and 10 days respectively. They started doing the work together but after 2 days B had to leave and A alone completed the remaining work. The whole work was completed in: ait papare: 15 ett atk 10 feat A wh arr GT AL Hee Fl Seetet UH TT aH weer Qe ag fear afr 2 at H are wat otgar ger a aa aes we ET arr ORT Pearl aera feheted fet A AT BHT : ks (a) 8 days lays a (c) 12 days (d) 15 days air Iu 39. Atyre has two punctures. The first puncture alone would have made the tyre flat in 9 minutes and the second alone would have done it in 6 minutes. If air leaks out at a constant rate, how long does it take both the punctures together to make it flat? wa eRe A at dear 81 ced daar & cen af 9 Mae A ree ae fer eT aie GENT Heel 6 Hare F fer ere ale sar Rae ax oe aTex Pmt B, cravaT wae dart & fa dell dear at va oe Pace FHA aaa 8? (a) 14 minutes (b) 34 minutes Vy (c) 32 minutes (a) 4 minutes eat 3 3 = 3Y 40. The wages of 20 boys for 15 days is % 9000. If the daily wage of a man is one and half times that of a boy, then how many men must work for 30 days to earn 13500? 1s feat & fore 20qset Hr aaragl F 900081 BIT Wa aHraet Fr Aches AIggT VA age & geet A 3¢ gat &, ats 13500 Harr & few 30 feet & fee frat gest al BIA Ate UST? (a) 18 10 Nee ae ¥5 \ o> Vy ep — It {—35 | © a 41. Atank is filled by three pipes with uniform flow. The first two pipes operating simultaneously fill the tank in the same time during which the tank is filled by the third pipe alone. The second pipe fills the tank 5 hours faster than the first pipe and 4 hours slower than the third pipe. The time required by the first pipe is: up tm wh Wala vars & Ure cleat urge qanr aa Sar Bl Vas BT BA ae aed vet a age set waa a tH at ora &, fra chr tH at dee aga S ae oar #1 aT ass cH # ved cist A geet A see stk drat ogy Fr qaet A aude eet afr a ana @1 Jed Tea & fae arava was e: (a) 6 hours (b) 10 hours (0) 15 hours (d) 30 hours 42. Two pipes A and B can separately fill a cistern in 60 minutes and 75 minutes respectively. There is a third pipe in the bottom of the cistern to empty it. If all the three pipes are simultaneously opened, then the cistern is full in SO minutes. In how much time the third pipe alone can empty the cistern? a oT A HR B mA: 60 ete Ste 75 Pere A Herr S wh Hs aT HHS El se Ue awl & for vee & aed uw cree oes 8) aie wet dtr ogy wa are ale one & ot sofmae a Fs RI at oe Bl sre feat waa A dent ges ager Ure aT HHA 8? (a) 90 minutes (b) 100 minutes (c) 110 minutes (d) 120 minute 43. 8 litres are drawn from a cask full of wine and are then filled with water. This operation is performed three more times. The ratio of the quantity of wine now left in the cask to that water is 16 : 65. How much wine did the cask hold originally? achex ema at ge ctor & eter ara & He fioe Sa elt S a fee ara BI ae afar cet are site fe orchh @1 se Me A ae ae gs era FT AAT AT HTM ett A 16: 6581 Aor ST S stor fc ersa Ta HaHa 8? (a) 18 litres (b) 24 litres (c) 32 litres (4) 42 litres 44, Abottle full of whisky contains 50% alcohol. A part of this whisky is replaced by another containing 18% alcohol and the percentage of alcohol was found to be 26%. The quantity of whisky replaced is: feeeh & art star A 50% 3temleet Slat 31 set eget aT UH HTT 18% Hemet Bra stat F ait srestear ar wfaert 26% oer ara! feet Ay Arar AT wae B: (a) % tb); (02 (a)? 45, Two trains A and B start from two places P and Q towards Q and P respectively. After passing each other they take 4 hours 48 minutes and 3 hours and 20 minutes to reach Q and P respectively. If the train from P is moving at 45 km/h then find the speed of the other train. at eet Aste Bat ene este Qa wae: Qk PAB aw atch 1 TH aR aT OR ae H ae, See HAT: Q GI P aH UGE H 4 ae as are He 3 de sie 20 fae oad 81 ai pa dat a5 Pat / der Ht ala S at ag ws at aR A ea ft af aa #1 (a) 40 (b) 54 (c) 72 (d) 36 46. Aman can row 50 km upstream and 60 km downstream in 15 hours. Also he can row 30 km upstream and 48 km downstream in 12 hours. Find the speed of the man in still water and the speed of the current. wa atest 50 frat aoe Fr ap sik 60 feat ad Fr aH is ue A dts waar SI seh Hoar, ae 30 frat Sox Ar ait HW 48 Pett Ara Fr 3 12 ue A als Har Saat oft orth a area fr afer site acer St af ar var oat] (a) 7/2 (b) 5/2 (c) 9/2 (d)5 47. Rahul can travel 12 miles downstream in a certain river in 6 hours less than it takes him to travel the same distance upstream. But if he could double his usual rowing rate for his 24 mile round trip, the downstream 12 miles would take only one hour less than the upstream 12 miles. What is the speed of the current in miles/hour? Tage Gut S aft aa wae A Uw fates adh FH 12 sitet are Fr HN aT aT THT, wate ag sae See St yet Hr ara aKa Bl Seer I aE ae 24-ate Hr WSS ET & fore aroeth Grates VST aX HT ANAT HC THA Bay arses 12 Are Hr a TT smega 12a & has UH ae wa ait] Arat / de A ate Ht afa war 8? (a) (b) 12 (c) 2 (a) 22 48. Aroom 8 metres long, 6 metres wide and 3 metres high has two windows 1% mx 1m and a door 2m x 1% m. Find the area of the wall and the cost of covering it with wall paper 50 cm wide at 8 2.5/metre. wah Ha galex dar, 6 Alex ater te 3 Alex Sem ah feat 1% m ater x1 AY He Ua aRatoT 2 Aree «1% m Het! dra HT aay vat cee ik dae wr arrest & Me sa Hat Hea A ora 82.5 / HT Ww soderiter atest 21 (a) 380 (b) 390 (c) 485 (d) 570 49, IEEEEEIIY Following graph shows distances covered {in km) by 5 boatmen on 3 days of a week faeafafara ane care & 3 feat a s enferast carer crear A arg (Pra ah eet Fears Total distance covered by all S persons on day 1 and day 2 together is what percent more than the total distance covered by B on all 3 days together? feat att feat 247 wa are ae scafecat gare aa Ht ag Har |e, Hot 3 feat A oar Hat HM mS Fa a @ fected wferere aftr &? (a) 180% {b) 190 % (01175 % (a)170% 50. [EESTI rotiowing graph shows distances covered (in km) by S boatmen on 3 days of a week. freafafaa are acae & 3 feat a senfeet carr aa Fr ag (et A) air ard g If distance covered by each of A, 8, Cand D on day 4 is average of their respective distances covered on given 3 days, then what is the average distance covered by A, C And D together on day 47 AR A0, C3 OAT A ween eer at Reet at cer AL ag at se ca a Rat at as a a ote Ba AB, CH OZanr aa Ft srt are sihret ata7 a feat wer FE (a) 80 km Pavait (b) 75 km aft (c) 70 km farait (6) 60 kmfaratt 51. RRSIEME Following graph shows distances covered (in km) by 5 boatmen on 3 days of a week. farafafaa amp aca & 3 feat a senfaat carr aa A ag (eet A) ait ara eg I i ak Total distance covered by A, B and C together on day 3 is what percent of total distance covered by C, D andE On day 2? Ag ait c gant mat A 7g Her att feet 3, wH TY C.D HK € GENT Ha A aS Fa aN HT fara &? (a) 110(2/3) % (b) 111(1/3) % (c) 113(1/3) % (D) Other than above/SUXS HT 52. [XRRSIEME Following graph shows distances covered (in km) by 5 boatmen on 3 days of a week. faeafafaa am ava & 3 feat a senfast carr aa ft ag (fret A) qt ura eI ‘What is the ratio of total distance covered by all 5 persons on day 2 together to the total distance covered by C and D together on all 3 days? aR Rat aah 5 carr carer wae At mg ae aT aT aE Ga 3 Rat a cathe OMEN ww eT aa #1 He at ar sea FT BP (a) 12:13 (b) 11:12 (c) 14:15 (a) 13:14 53. [RBEMRMEY Following graph shows distances covered (in km) by 5 boatmen on 3 days of a week. farafefaa ann uae & 3 feat A sarfeat gant aa Fr ag (Pet A) qh ara FI Average distance covered by all 5 persons on day 3 is what percent of total distance covered by B and Con day 2? fear 3 oe alt 5 caftaal cart wax A ag sihea qt, feet 29e B sie c carer Hat FY mS Het GA ar Recta sleet 8 (a) 55% (b) 45% (c) 65% (4) 60% 84. [EERRIERE: the following bar graph represents number red coloured balls decorated in five different halls. faeafafaa ax arp ota Horse sot A Bore ae ore Gr At act ar viata war Zl (Total number of balls in each hall = Number of red balls + number of blue balls) (wearer eter A set Ht Hor Hea = are set Ht ea + aA Het Ht eat) The following table shows the ratio of the number of red balls and number of blue balls decorated in five different halls. feat anferar ater srorar-sreret etait Hast rer Heh Ht Beer site are arch Ar Hear a aartet B1 Find the respective ratio of number of blue balls in Hall C and number of red balls in Hall B. Bia c a ate det Ar Gear atk aia 8 A ore Het Mt Gea & Bala Hea HT aT ATT] (a)8:9 (4:5 (c) 15:16 (7:8 58. (SEESIEREE the following bar graph represents number red coloured balls decorated in five different halls. faeafafaa ax arp ote Horr-serr set A WoT ae are Tr At act ar viata war ze (Total number of balls in each hall = Number of red balls + number of blue balls) (sete eter AH aeh HM Her Hea = ore Het HM Hear + Ach Heh Ht em) ‘The following table shows the ratio of number of red balls and number of blue balls decorated in five different halls feet onferar Sta serat-3rereT atoll H Boh oret Fel Fr Gear Bie alte set Fr ear sr avi B1 Number of blue balls in Hall D Is what percent of the number of red balls in Hall A? Bia 0 at afte atet fr acer ator aH re Het Ht sea ar Phere ferent 8? (a) 180% (b) 210% (c) 200 % (a) 150 % 56. (QRBSUEREY The following bar graph represents number red coloured balls decorated in five different halls. faeafetaa ax an Ger Hearse set A ASME aT art Tr At et ar vfetferfaea Har zB (Total number of balls in each hall = Number of red balls + number of blue balls) (wet eter H Het MH Her Heat = art Heh A Hear + atch set fr ean) The following table shows the ratio of number of red balls and number of blue balls decorated in five different halls Fereat onferarr ater sterar-arerat eto A Boh rer Het Hr ewer site ate Heh Ht sear a cetet 1 [rae 2a Find the total number of red balls in all the halls together. watt get A ww are ore Feat A Fo Fear wea Afr] (a) 234 (b) 432 (0) 324 (a) 423 57. (QEESIENEE the following bar graph represents number red coloured balls decorated in five different halls. farafetarst are amy ote sorar-ztert ster A BME ae oe Gr FT Het ar safes Hea (Total number of balls in each hall = Number of red balls + number of blue balls) (wet efor AH aet Hr Her Tear = rer Het Hr Hear + Atel Het Ht Hea) ‘The following table shows the ratio of number of red balls and number of blue balls decorated in five different halls free onfsrar ote srrar-arerer etait A aot rer Het Ht Fear site are act Ay Hear at aerteht B1 alls [ed ive mala’s6 nates Wale 1315 Hallo 47 ‘rae 27 Find the difference between number blue balls in Hall A and number of blue balls in Hall E tier a A aay oq aioe Sn ator A aq aioe Mt Sem & Ste sat aT a oT (a)52 () 42 (b) 48 (a) 55 58. (QRBSWEREY The following bar graph represents number red coloured balls decorated in five different halls. faeafetaa ax an Ger HeT-3eT sot A ToT ae art Tr AT Het ar vfetferaesr Har V1 (Total number of balls in each hall = Number of red balls + number of blue balls) (sete Biot A det HM Hor Hea = aver Het Ht Tea + ach Het Ht eat) The following table shows the ratio of number of red balls and number of blue balls decorated in five different halls feat anferar ore sterar-sterat etett A wit rer deh Ar sear site atte Heh Mt sear ar azitet F1 Red: Bive Number of blue balls in Hall B forms approximately what percent of the total number of balls in Hall B? tier 8 A atch tet Fr dear eat B A Ha Aat HY ear ar cera Pere weer BP (a) 32% (b) 43% (c)36% (a) 45% 59. Aman engaged a servant on the condition that he would pay him Rs. 90 and a shirt after service of one year. He served only for nine months and received the shirt and an amount of Rs. 65. The price of shirt is: Un cata ater FT Se eet We Waa ae 3S WH Ore ate eet & are 90 BIA TMT 1 ME SAT ae atten Hae 9 HT HA LAT F AAT TE WH VE HH 65 BIA WIC HAUT, aY wars Me Ht Fra FAB? (a) 12 (b) 10 (92.5 (d) 25 60. fa="Sthen the value of VIF a+VI— ais: afa=4 8 atviFa+VI—a ara aaa (a) V3 (o)2 (c)2+ V3 (d)2-v3 61. The smallest number which should be added to the number 8958 so that the result is a perfect square is 8958 A ag sphere aera ASAT SHS STC as TROT Taw TOT ast Bt? (a) 69 (b) 67 (c) 77 (d) 79 62. If 4b? + = 2, then the value of 8b? + = is aR 4b? +S = 28, atab+ = Art aT 8? (a)0 (b) 1 (c)2 (d)5 63. fa +2 =1 andb+2=1thenc+=is equal to: a att =1 stb+t=1 8 atc+s Rrabamare? (ao (b)3 (c)1 (d)2 64. If p = 999, then the value of \/p(p? + 3p + 3) + lis: aie p = 999%, at Vp(p? + 3p + 3) +1 AA aT eT? (a) 1000 (b) 999 (c) 998 (d) 100 65. For what value(s) of a is x ++ Vx + aa perfect square ? ah fare art & forex + Vx + a? wm oT at eho? L 1 (+5 (b)2 ()-3 (a3 66. Ifx=a++and y=a-~, then the value of x* + y* — 2x2y? is: xsa+-3it y=a--8, atxt + y* — 2x2y? START ate (b)> ()= (a= 86. If sin a +cos B =2; (0° < B

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