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panSEMIOentheism as an ontological pan-entheism of creatio ex nihilo & a mereological panen-

theism of creatio ex deo

Of the three Abelardian divine modes of identity, it is the formal mode from which an

Aristotelian syllogistic can be derived to thus define the identities of creatures formally (and not
inconsistent with the irreducibly triadic modal ontology of Peirce’s methodological & semantic

In neither divine nor creaturely formal modes of identity would a person ever be considered
constituted as an hypostasis bereft of an essential nature, as if the essential whatness of persons
did not necessarily inhere along with the hownesses of each whoness.

Neither would a secondary personal nature ever not necessarily inhere along with both the
whoness, hence peculiar howness, of a person’s hypostatic nature and the whatness of their
essential nature.

Natures, both as hypostatic whonesses & hownesses as well as both essential & secondary
whatnesses, are only ever, i.e. eternally, enhypostasized. The concept of an anhypostatic nature
does not successfully refer.

Not only should we neither reify (anhypostasize) the essence nor hypostasize the energeia, but –
we shouldn’t reduce the persons to mere idiomata.

To that extent, then, any temporal distribution of logoi will necessarily be – not only an
emanation of formal whatnesses, but – a procession of hypostatic hownesses.

Creation, then, processively enhypostasizes the created natures – hypostatic, essential &
secondary – through, with & in the Logos as eternally incarnated (enhypostasized or assumed)
by Him.

This would be consistent with my panSEMIOentheism which affirms both an ontological pan-

entheism of a creatio ex nihilo & a mereological panen-theism of a creatio ex deo, wherein the
hypostatic & essential natures of every freely willing creature have been eternally determined,
called forth ex nihilo, and invited to co-creatively self-determine their secondary natures,
beckoned forth ex Deo.

Per ipsum, et cum ipso, et in ipso, est tibi Deo Patri omnipotenti in unitate Spiritus Sancti, omnis
honor et gloria per omnia saecula saeculorum.

Posted in systematic theology, systematic theophanyTagged christology, creatio ex deo, creatio ex

nihilo, en-hypostasized, hypostatic union, Incarnation

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