2.4 Trim and Stability Calculation: A PP F PP PP

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4 Trim and Stability Calculation

This calculation is made with the attached blank sheets of "Trim and Stability Calculation Sheet
1.2 and 3".
At the first stage, the weight, the position of center of gravity and moment distribution are to be
calculated using "Trim and Stability Calculation Sheet 1 " and at the next stage, trim and stability
calculations to be performed using "Trim and Stability Calculation Sheet 2 and 3 ".
(1). Put the weight of cargo, oil, water and ballast etc. into column (1), and also put the center of
gravity of each loading weight of length from AP (L.C.G.), breadth from centerline (T.C.G.)
and height above base line (V.C.G.) into column (2), (4) and (6) respectively.
L.C.G., T.C.G. and V.C.G. corresponding to loading weight for each tank are obtained from "4.2
Tank Capacity Data".
(2). Multiply the value in column (1) and (2) (or (4), (6)), put the results into column (3) (or (5), (7))
as the longitudinal moment, transverse moment or vertical moment of each loading weight.
(3). Put "Frs.Mom" (the product of specific gravity of liquid and moment of inertia of free surface
of each tank) into column (8). Moment of inertia corresponding to loading weight of each tank
is also to be obtained from "4. Tan k Capacity Data ".
(4). The total weight, longitudinal moment, transverse moment, vertical moment and free surface
moment of inertia are to be put into each column in the "Trim and Stability Calculation S h 2".
Then sum up the columns (1)', (3)', (5)' and (7)' respectively and the results of grand total are to
be written in the bottom line. These figures mean displacement, longitudinal moment from
AP, transverse moment from centerline, vertical moment above base line, and total of free
surface effect of liquid in tanks respectively.
(5). The center of gravity corresponding to the calculated condition can be obtained as follows.
L.C.G. = Sum(3)/Sum(1)' in meter
T.C.G. = Sum(5)/Sum(1)' in meter
V.C.G. (KG) = Sum (7)/ Sum(1)' in meter
(6). Trim and draught corresponding to the displacement can be calculated as follows.
Trim : tr = Disp x (L.C.G.- L.C.B.) / (100 x MCT) in meter
Draught at AP : dA = do - tr x L.C.A./ LPP in meter
Draught at FP : dF = do + tr x (LPP - L.C.A.) / LPP in meter
Draught mean : dm = (dp + dA) / 2 in meter
do = draught corresponding to the displacement obtained from "3.2 Hydrostatic Data "
Notice: do, MTC, L.C.B. and L.C.A. correspond to the corrected displacement (D'= D x 1.025
/S.G.) in "3.2 Hydrostatic Data" when the specific gravity (SG) of scawatcr differs from standard
of 1.025.
(7). Ship's initial metacentric height GM can be calculated as follows.
GM = GMo + GMcorr in meter
GMo = KM- KG in meter
GMcorr = - Sum (Frs.mom) / Disp in meter
GM : initial metacentric height with correction due to free surface effect
GMo : initial metacentric height without correction due to free surface effect
KMT : transverse metacenter height corresponding to displacement in "3.2 Hydrostatic Data"
KG : vertical position of center of gravity of the ship above base line (V.C.G.), obtained
from the result of "Trim and Stability Calculation Sheet 2 "
GMcorr : free surface correction to the initial stability
I(Frs.mom): total of free surface moment obtained from the result of "Trim and Stability
Calculation Sheet 2"
(8). Ship's heeling angle can be calculated as follows.
Heeling angle = arctg (I(T.mom.) / (DispxGM)) = arctg ( T.C.G./GM ) in degree
(9). Ship's statically stability curve (righting lever vs. heeling angle) can be obtained by following
GZ = GZo-KG' x sinO
KG' = KG + KGcorr
KGcorr = Sum (Frs.mom) / Disp in meter
GZ : righting lever
GZo : righting lever when center of gravity of the ship is assumed on the base line (shown
in "5.1 Stability Cross Curves Data ") KG' : vertical position of center of
gravity of the ship above base line with correction due
to free surface effect KG : vertical position of center of gravity of the ship
above base line (V.C.G.), obtained
from the result of "Trim and Stability Calculation Sheet 2 " KGcorr : increase of
height of center of gravity of the ship due to free surface Z(Frs.mom): total of free surface
moment obtained from the result of "Trim and Stability
Calculation Sheet 2 "
Stability curve calculation to be performed using "Trim and Stability Calculation Sheet 3"
Plot point (GZ vs. 0), GZ in ordinate and G in abscissa, and connect these points by a fair curve.
Thus the statically stability curve is obtained.
(10). About free surface correction
For all loading conditions, the initial metacentric height and the righting lever curve should be
corrected for the effect of free surface of liquids in tanks.
In calculating the free surface effects in tanks containing consumable liquids, it should be
assumed that for each type of liquids at least one transverse pair or a single center line tank has a
free surface and the tank or combination of tanks taken into account should be those where the
effects of free surface is the greatest.
Where water ballast tanks are to be filled or discharged during the course of a voyage, the free
surface effects should be calculated to take account of the most onerous transitory stage relating
to such operations. This of course assumes only one ballast tank or pair of tanks is allowed to
have a free surface at any moment. If this is not the case the correction should be increased as
Trim and Stability Calculation Sheet 1
(Detail of deadweight distribution)

Loading condition:

Weight L.C.G. L. Moment (t- T.C.G. T. Moment (t- V.C.G. V. Moment (t- Frs. Mom.
(t) (1) (m) m) (m) m) (m) (6) m) (t-m) (8)
(2) (3)=(l)X(2) (4) (5)=(1)X(4) (7)=(1)X(6)







Trim and Stability Calculation Sheet 2
(Summary of deadweight distribution)

Loading condition:

Weight L.C.G. L. Moment (t- T.C.G. T. Moment 0- V.C.G. V. Moment (t- Frs. Mom.
(t) (1)' (m) (2)' m) (m) (4) m) (m) (6)' m) (t-m) (8)'
(3)'=(1)'X(2)' (5)'=(1)X(4 (7)'--
A. CARGO )' (l)'X(6)'




Trim and Stability Calculation Sheet 3

(stability curve)

Loading condition:

O Disp KG E (Frs.mom) KGcorr (m) KG' (m) GZo GZ

(°) Sin O (t) (m) (t-m)
(5)= (4)/ (2) (6)=(3)+(5) (m) (m)
(2) (3) (7) (8)=(7)-(6)X(1)
10 (1)
20 0.34202
30 0.50000
40 0.64279
50 0.76604
60 0.86603
70 0.93969
80 0.98481
2.5 Stability Criteria and Evaluation
The following stability criteria (1) and (2) comply with the requirement of IMO Resolution
(1). General Stability Requirements (IMO Resolution A.749(18))
The stability curves are to comply with the following requirements in Fig. 1
a). A1 >0.055m-rad
The area under the righting lever curve (GZ curve) upto 0 =30° angle of heel should not be
less than 0.055 metre-radians.
b). A1+A2 > 0.09m-rad
The area under the righting lever curve (GZ curve) up to 0 =40° or the angle of flooding 0 f if
this angle is less than 40°, should not be less than 0.09 metre-radians.
c). A2>0.03m-rad
The area under the righting lever curve (GZ curve) between the angles of heel 30° and 40° or
between 30° and 0 f if this angle is less than 40°, should not be less than 0.03 metre-radians.
d). GZ30 > 0.2m
The righting lever GZ should be at least 0.20 m at an angle of heel equal or greater than 30°.
e). Omax>25°
The maximum righting arm should occur at an angle of heel preferably exceeding 30° but not
less than 25°.
f). GM> 0.15m
Initial metacentric height GM is to be not less than 0.15 m.

A1 = Area under stability curve between 0°and 30° (m-rad) A2
= Area under stability curve between 30°and O f (m-rad)
Of = Heeling angle (°) to be taken of whichever is less, flooding angle in relevant loading
condition or 40° Gzmax =
Maximum righting lever (m)
0 max = Heeling angle at which righting arm reaches maximum (°)
GM = Initial metacentric height corrected by free surface effect (m)
(2). Stability Requirement in Wind and Waves (IMO Resolution A.749(18))
Stability Curves and wind-heeling moment lever curves of ships are to comply with the
following requirement in Fig.2
a). Heeling angle caused by steady wind is to be less than 16° or an angle corresponding to 80%
of immersing angle of deck edge, whichever is less. In general, deck edge means the point of
intersection between the continuation of top of freeboard deck at ship's side of lowest point of
freeboard deck and the outside of side shell.
b). Area "b" is to be not less than area "a".

Ai = Area under stability curve between 0°and 30° (m-rad)
lwi = Heeling moment lever caused by steady wind(m) given by the following formula:
0.0514x A x Z / D
A = Projected lateral area of hull and cargoes on deck above waterline (m 2)
Z = Vertical distance between the center of "A" and the center of underwater project
lateral area of hull (m). In general, the center of underwater projected lateral area may
be approximated to locate at half the draught. D = Displacement
(ext.) (t) lw2 = Heeling moment lever caused by gust (m) given by the following
Iw2=1.5 lw1
a = Area encircled by stability curve, lw2 and Or (m-rad)
b = Area encircled by stability curve, lw 2 and O2 (m-rad)
Or = Angle of rolling stop motion (° ). In general, it may be given by the formula (O0 -Ol)
Oc = Heeling angle at the second intersection between heeling moment lever and stability
curve(° )
O2 = Heeling angle (° ) to be taken of whichever is least, downflooding angle, 9c or 50°.
Oo = Angle of heel under action of steady wind (° ) Oi = Angle of roll to windward
due to wave action (° ) given by the following formula:
Ol=109KX 1X2(rs)1/2 Xl = Values obtained from Table 1 according to the value of
B/d'. In case the value of B/d'
becomes intermediate, value are to be determined by interpolation. B
= Moulded breadth of the ship (m) d' = Corresponding draught of the ship
(mid.) (m)
Table 1: values ( )f factor Xi
B/d' <2.4 2.5 2.6 2.7 2.8 2.9 3.0 3.1 3.2 3.3 3.4 >3.5
Xl 1.0 0.98 0.96 0.95 0.93 0.91 0.90 0.88 0.86 0.84 0.82 0.80

XT = Values obtained from Table2 according to Q>.

In case Cb becomes intermediate, values arc to be determined by interpolation.
Cb - Block coefficient given by the following formula: Cb = D / (1.025L'Bd') L1
= Length of the ship at waterline (m)

T able 2: values of X2
Cb <0.45 0.50 0.55 0.60 0.65 >0.70
X2 0.75 0.82 0.89 0.95 0.97 1.00

K = Values determined as follows:

a. For round-bilged ships having neither bilge keel nor bar keels: 1.0
b. For ships with sharp bilge: 0.7
c. For ships with bilge keel and/or bar keels:
Values obtained from Tablc3 according to the value of 100Ak< /(L'B). In case 100Ak /(L'B)
becomes intermediate, values arc to be determined by interpolation. Ak = Total area of
bilge keels, projected lateral area of bar keels or sum of those areas (m2 ).

Table 1 >: values of factor K

100Ak/(L'B) 0 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 3.0 3.5 >4.0
K 1.0 0.98 0.95 0.88 0.79 0.74 0.72 0.70

r = Values obtained from the following formula. However, the value of r need not be
taken over than 1.0: r = 0.73 + 0.6OG/d' OG = Distance between the center of
gravity and the waterline (m), and is taken as positive
when the center of gravity is above waterline.
s = Values obtained from Table4 according to the value of T.
In case T becomes intermediate, values arc to be determined by interpolation.

Table 4: values of
T <6 7 8 12 14 16 18 >20
S 0.100 0.098 0.093 0.065 0.053 0.044 0.038 0.035

T = Rolling period (sec.) obtained from the following formula.

[2B/(GoM)l/2](0.373+0.023B/d'-0.043L'/100) GoM =
Initial metacentric height corrected by free surface effect (m)
(3). Method of stability evaluation
a. Refer to "2.4 Trim and Stability Calculation (1)~(7)".
Calculate the displacement (Disp), draught corresponding to the displacement (do), initial
metacentric height with correction due to free surface effect (GM) and etc. in actual loading
b. Refer to "2.4 Trim and Stability Calculation (9)".
Draw the statically stability curve in actual loading condition.
c. Refer to "2.5 (1). General Stability Requirements (IMO) Resolution A.749( 18))".
Fill up "IMP A.749O8) Stability Criteria Calculation Sheet 1 ".
Check if the requirements of General Stability Requirements (A. 749 (18)) are satisfied or not.
d. Refer to "5.2 Wind Profile Curves ". Find out the projected lateral area above the water line (A)
and vertical distance (Z) from the center of (A) to the center of the under water lateral area. In
case D becomes intermediate, values are to be determined by interpolation. Calculate lwl and
Iw2 using "IMP A.749(18) Stability Criteria Calculation Sheet 2 " and draw them in the statically
stability curve.
e. Refer to "2.5 (2). Stability Requirement in Wind and Waves (IMP Resolution A.749(18)) ".
Find out Oo, Ow, Oc (Ow'- Angle of heel under action of gust).
Find out O2 to be taken of whichever is least, down flooding angle, Gcor 50°.
f. Refer to "2.5 (2). Stab ility Requirement in Wind and Waves (IMP Re solution A.749(18))".
Calculate Ol using "IMP A.749(18) Stability Criteria Calculation Sheet 2" and draw it in the
statically stability curve.
g. Fill up "IMP A.749H8) Stability Criteria Calculation Sheet 3 ".
h. Check if Stability Requirement in Wind and Waves (A.749 (18)) are satisfied or not.
IMP A.749(18) Stability Criteria Calculation Sheet 1

Loading condition:
KM = m S(Frs.mom) = tm
Displacement =_______t KGcorr = m KG'= m
KG =_______________ m GMcorr = m GM = m(>0.15m)
GMo= m

0° 10° 20° 30° 40°

sinO 0.0000 0.1736 0.3420 0.5000 0.6428
(1) KG' x SinG
(2) GZo
(3) GZ = (2)-(1)
(4) Coeff. 1 3 3 1
(5) (3) x (4) -----
(6) Coeff. 1 4 2 4 1
(7) (3) x (6)
(8) Sum(5) = (10) (8) x pi/48 =
(9) Sum(7)= (11) (9) x pi/54 -
Area (0°~30°) = (10) = > 0.055 m-rad
Area(0°~40°) = ( l l ) - ( 1 2 ) = > 0.09 m-rad
Area (30°~40°) - (11) - (10) - (12) = > 0.03 m-rad

In case down flooding angle (0f) is 40°or over, (12) is taken 0.

In case down flooding angle (Of) is less than 40°, the correction (12) is taken as follows:
9 40° O f (°)
GZ a B
(12) A Area = (a+b) x (40 - OU ) x pi /360 =

The following criteria are to be found by using GZ curve.

GZ30° = >0.2m
Omax = >25°
IMP A.749(18) Stability Criteria Calculation Sheet 2

Loading condition:______________________________

Displacement (ext.) (Disp) =______________

Draught (ext.) (do) =______________
Draught (mid.) „ (d') =______________
Mctacentric height (corrected by free surface effect) (GM) =______________
Center of gravity (KG) =______________
Center of gravity (corrected by free surface effect) (KG') =_____________
Water line length (L') =______________
Breadth (mid.) (B) =______________
Depth (mid.) (D) =______________
Bilge keel area (Ak) =______________

Projected lateral area (Af) =______________

Vertical distance (Z) =

0.0514AZ/D (lwi) =______________

1.51wi (IW2) = _____________

Flooding angle (Of) =_____________

Min. (Of, Oc, 50°) (O2) =______________

B/d' = _____________
X, (from table 1) = ____________
Cb= Disp / (1.025Bd') =______________
X2 (from table 2) =______________

100Ak/L'B = __________
K (from table 3) =______________

OG = KG - d' ' =____________

r - 0.73 + 0.6OG/d' = __________
Rolling period (T) = [2B/(GoM)1/2 ]x(0.373+0.023B/d'-0.043L'/100) =______________
s (from table 4) =______________
Ol= 109X, X2 K (rs)1/2 =______________

80% of immersing angle of deck edge (0.89<i)

= [arctan ( 2(D'- d')/B') ]x0.8 =______________

D' (from top of keel to top of freeboard deck at ship's side) =______________
B' (from outside of side shell to outside of another side shell.) =
IMO A.749(18) Stability Criteria Calculation Sheet 3

Loading condition:

Area "b":
(1) (deg.) Ow + AOR Ow +2OR Ow +3AOR OW +4AOR
(2) GZ -
(3) (GZ-lw 2 ) 0
(4) Simpson's F 1 4 2 4 1
(5) (3) x (4) 0

Sum(5) =_________
b= 1/3 x AO Rx Sum(5) x pi/180=

Area "a":
(6) (deg.) Ow OR - AOL 0W -2AOL Ow -3AO L Ow -4AO L

(7) GZ -
(8) lw2 -
(9) (lw2-GZ) 0
(10) Simpson's F 1 4 2 4 1
(ID (4) x (5) 0

Su m(1 1)-_________
a= 1/3 x AO L xSum(ll)x pi/180 =__________
b =____________>a =____________
Oo=___________< Min. (16°, 0.8xOd)
3.2 Hydrostatic Data

Calculations are based on STABHULL date.

Parts of STABHULL:
Part1 : Basehull (Bare, Below Upper Deck) 25480.7 m3
Part2 : Bow Thruster Tunnel -4.6 m3
Part3 : Rudder 5.9 m3
Part4 : Headbox 6.5 m3
Part5 : Poop 956.5 m3
Part6 : Hatch Coaming3 813.0 m3
Part7 : Hatch Coaming2 1339.1m3
Part8 : Hatch Coaming 1 455.4 m3
Part9 : Deck Store Rm P&S 49.0 m3
PartlO: Fcle 380.0 m3

Total volume and displacement get from volume moulded are based on:
Thickness of keel plate 0.013 m
Mean thickness of shell plating 0.013 m
Density of water 1.025 t/m3

Explanation of symbols:
T draught, moulded m
TK draught below keel m
VOLM volume moulded m3
VOLT total volume m3
DISP total displacement t
LCA long, centre of flotation m
LCB longitudinal centre of buoyancy m
VCB vertical center of buoyancy m
KMT transv. metac. height m
KML long, metac. height m
LWL length of waterline m
WLA waterline area m2
WSA wetted surface area m2
TCP change of displacement/change of draught t/cm
MCT moment to change trim tm/cm
CB block coefficient
CW waterplane coefficient
CP prismatic coefficient
CM midship section coeff.
TRIM (+):trim by bow, (-):trim by stern m
m m m3 m3 t m m m m m
2.000 2.015 3849.0 3879.8 3976.8 68.196 68.311 1.036 17.968 493.558
2.010 2.025 3870.0 3900.8 3998.3 68.196 68.310 1.041 17.892 491.373
2.020 2.035 3891.0 3921.8 4019.9 68.195 68.309 1.047 17.817 489.211
2.030 2.045 3911.9 3942.8 4041.4 68,195 68.308 1.052 17.742 487.071
2.040 2.055 3932.9 3963.8 4062.9 68.195 68.307 1.057 17.668 484.948
2.050 2.065 3953.9 3984.9 4084.5 68.194 68.306 1.062 17.595 482.846
2.060 2.075 3974.9 4005.9 4106.1 68.194 68.305 1.068 17.523 480.764
2.070 2.085 3995.9 4027.0 4127.6 68.193 68.304 1.073 17.451 478.702
2.080 2.095 4016.9 4048.0 4149.2 68.193 68.303 1.078 17.380 476.660
2.090 2.105 4037.9 4069.1 4170.8 68.192 68.302 1.083 17.310 474.639
2.100 2.115 4059.0 4090.1 4192.4 68.191 68.301 1.088 17.241 472.637
2.110 2.125 4080.0 4111.2 4214.0 68.191 68.300 1.094 17.172 470.655
2.120 2.135 4101.1 4132.3 4235.6 68.190 68.299 1.099 17.105 468.692
2.130 2.145 4122.1 4153.4 4257.2 68.190 68.298 1.104 17.038 466.748
2.140 2.155 4143.2 4174.5 4278.8 68.189 68.297 1.109 16.971 464.823
2.150 2.165 4164.2 4195.6 4300.5 68.189 68.296 1.114 16.906 462.913
2.160 2.175 4185.3 4216.7 4322.1 68.188 68.295 1.120 16.840 461.018
2.170 2.185 4206.4 4237.8 4343.7 68.188 68.294 1.125 16.776 459.141
2.180 2.195 4227.5 4258.9 4365.4 68.187 68.293 1.130 16.712 457.282
2.190 2.205 4248.6 4280.1 4387.1 68.187 68.293 1.135 16.649 455.445
2.200 2.215 4269.7 4301.2 4408.8 68.186 68.292 1.141 16.586 453.C
2.210 2.225 4290.8 4322.4 4430.5 68.185 68.291 1.146 16.524 451.795
2.220 2.235 4312.0 4343.6 4452.2 68.184 68.291 1.151 16.463 449.986
2.230 2.245 4333.1 4364.8 4473.9 68.184 68.290 1.156 16.402 448.194
2.240 2.255 4354.3 4386.0 4495.7 68.183 68.290 1.161 16.341 446.410
2.250 2.265 4375.5 4407.2 4517.4 68.182 68.289 1.167 16.282 444.636
2.260 2.275 4396.6 4428.4 4539.1 68.182 68.289 1.172 16.222 442.877
2.270 2.285 4417.8 4449.6 4560.9 68.181 68.288 1.177 16.164 441.134
2.280 2.295 4439.0 4470.9 4582.6 68.180 68.288 1.182 16.106 439.406
2.290 2.305 4460.2 4492.1 4604.4 68.180 68.287 1.187 16.048 437.693
2.300 2.315 4481.4 4513.4 4626.2 68.179 68.287 1.193 15.991 435.988
2.310 2.325 4502.6 4534.6 4648.0 68.179 68.286 1.198 15.935 434.298
2.320 2.335 4523.8 4555.9 4669.8 68.179 68.286 1.203 15.879 432.623
2.330 2.345 4545.1 4577.1 4691.5 68.179 68.285 1.208 15.823 430.963
2.340 2.355 4566.3 4598.4 4713.3 68.178 68.285 1.214 15.768 429.318
2.350 2.365 4587.5 4619.7 4735.2 68.178 68.284 1.219 15.714 427.687
2.360 2.375 4608.8 4640.9 4757.0 68.178 68.284 1.224 15.660 426.070
2.370 2.385 4630.0 4662.2 4778.8 68.177 68.283 1.229 15.607 424.462
2.380 2.395 4651.3 4683.5 4800.6 68.177 68.283 1.234 15.554 422.866
2.390 2.405 4672.6 4704.8 4822.5 68.177 68.282 1.240 15.502 421.282
2.400 2.415 4693.8 4726.1 4844.3 68.176 68.282 1.245 15.450 419.710
2.410 2.425 4715.1 4747.5 4866.2 68.176 68.281 1.250 15.399 418.148
2.420 2.435 4736.4 4768.8 4888.0 68.176 68.281 1.255 15.348 416.600
2.430 2.445 4757.7 4790.1 4909.9 68.175 68.280 1.260 15.297 415.064
2.440 2.455 4779.0 4811.5 4931.7 68.175 68.280 1.266 15.247 413.544
2.450 2.465 4800.3 4832.8 4953.6 68.174 68.279 1.271 15.198 412.036
2.460 2.475 4821.6 4854.1 4975.5 68.174 68.279 1.276 15.149 410.538
2.470 2.485 4842.9 4875.5 4997.4 68-17,4 68.278 1.281 15.100 409.050
2.480 2.495 4864.2 4896.9 5019.3 ^68.273 68.278 1.286 15.052 407.574
2.490 2.505 4885.6 4918.2 5041.2- 68.^73- 68.277 1.292 15.004 406.106
m m m m2 m2 t/cm tm/cm

2.000 2.015 134.84 2102.2 2373.5 21.5 150.7 0.7050 0.7687 0.7247 0.9728
2.010 2.025 134.85 2103.0 2376.4 21.6 150.8 0.7053 0.7689 0.7249 0.9729
2.020 2.035 134.86 2103.8 2379.3 21.6 151.0 0.7056 0.7692 0.7251 0.9731
2.030 2.045 134.87 2104.6 2382.2 21.6 151.1 0.7059 0.7695 0.7253 0.9732
2.040 2.055 134.88 2105.4 2385.2 21.6 151.2 0.706 2 0.7698 0.7255 0.9733
2.050 2.065 134.89 2106.1 2388.1 21.6 151.4 0.7065 0.7701 0.7257 0.9735
2.060 2.075 134.90 2106.9 2391.0 21.6 151.5 0.7068 0.7704 0.7260 0.9736
2.070 2.085 134.91 2107.7 2393.9 21.6 151.7 0.7071 0.7707 0.7262 0.9737
2.080 2.095 134.92 2108.4 2396.8 21.6 151.8 0.7074 0.7709 0.7264 0.9739
2.090 2.105 134.93 2109.2 2399.8 21.6 151.9 0.7077 0.7712 0.7266 0.9740
2.100 2.115 134.94 2110.0 2402.7 21.6 152.1 0.7080 0.7715 0.7268 0.9741
2.110 2.125 134.95 2110.8 2405.6 21.6 152.2 0.7083 0.7718 0.7270 0.9742
2.120 2.135 134.96 2111.5 2408.5 21.6 152.3 0.7086 0.7721 0.7272 0.9743
2.130 2.145 134.97 2112.3 2411.4 21.7 152.5 0.7089 0.7724 0.7275 0.9745
2.140 2.155 134.98 2113.1 2414.3 21.7 152.6 0.7092 0.7726 0.7277 0.9746
2.150 2.165 134.99 2113.8 2417.3 21.7 152.8 0.7095 0.7729 0.7279 0.9747
2.160 2.175 135.00 2114.6 2420.2 21.7 152.9 0.7098 0.7732 0.7281 0.9748
2.170 2.185 135.01 2115.3 2423.1 21.7 153.0 0.7100 0.7735 0.7283 0.9749
2.180 2.195 135.02 2116.1 2426.0 21.7 153.2 0.7103 0.7737 0.7285 0.9751
2.190 2.205 135.03 2116.8 2428.9 21.7 153.3 0.7106 0.7740 0.7287 0.9752
2.200 2.215 135.04 2117.6 2431.8 21.7 153.5 0.7109 0.7743 0.7289 0.9753
2.210 2.225 135.05 2118.3 2434.7 21.7 153.6 0.7112 0.7746 0.7291 0.9754
2.220 2.235 135.06 2119.1 2437.6 21.7 153.7 0.7115 0.7748 0.7293 0.975b
2.230 2.245 135.07 2119.8 2440.5 21.7 153.8 0.7118 0.7751 0.7296 0.9756
2.240 2.255 135.08 2120.5 2443.4 21.7 154.0 0.7120 0.7754 0.7298 0.9757
2.250 2.265 135.08 2121.2 2446.2 21.7 154.1 0.7123 0.7756 0.7300 0.9758
2.260 2.275 135.09 2121.9 2449.1 21.7 154.2 0.7126 0.7759 0.7302 0.9759
2.270 2.285 135.10 2122.6 2452.0 21.8 154.4 0.7129 0.7761 0.7304 0.9760
2.280 2.295 135.11 2123.3 2454.9 21.8 154.5 0.7132 0.7764 0.7306 0.9761
2.290 2.305 135.12 2124.0 2457.8 21.8 154.6 0.7134 0.7767 0.7308 0.9763
2.300 2.315 135.13 2124.7 2460.6 21.8 154.7 0.7137 0.7769 0.7310 0.9764
2.310 2.325 135.14 2125.4 2463.5 21.8 154.8 0.7140 0.7772 0.7312 0.9765
2.320 2.335 135-15 2126.0 2466.4 21.8 155.0 0.7143 0.7774 0.7314 0.9766
2.330 2.345 135.16 2126.7 2469.3 21.8 155.1 0.7145 0.7777 0.7316 0.9767
2.340 2.355 135.16 2127.4 2472.2 21.8 155.2 0.7148 0.7779 0.7318 0.9768
2.350 2.365 135.17 2128.1 2475.0 21.8 155.3 0.7151 0.7781 0.7320 0.9769
2.360 2.375 135.18 2128.8 2477.9 21.8 155.5 0.7153 0.7784 0.7322 0.9770
2.370 2.385 135.19 2129.4 2480.8 21.8 155.6 0.7156 0.7786 0.7324 0.9771
2.380 2.395 135.20 2130.1 2483.7 21.8 155.7 0.7159 0.7789 0.7326 0.9771
2.390 2.405 135.21 2130.8 2486.5 21.8 155.8 0.7161 0.7791 0.7328 0.9772
2.400 2.415 135.21 2131.4 2489.4 21.8 155.9 0.7164 0.7794 0.7330 0.9773
2.410 2.425 135.22 2132.1 2492.3 21.9 156.1 0.7167 0.7796 0.7332 0.9774
2.420 2.435 135.23 2132.7 2495.1 21.9 156.2 0.7169 0.7799 0.7334 0.9775
2.430 2.445 135.24 2133.4 2498.0 21.9 156.3 0.7172 0.7801 0.7336 0.9776
2.440 2.455 135.25 2134.1 2500.9 21.9 156.4 0.7174 0.7803 0.7338 0.9777
2.450 2.465 135.25 2134.7 2503.7 21.9 156.5 0.7177 0.7806 0.7340 0.9778
2.460 2.475 135.26 2135.4 2506.6 21.9 1^56.6 0.7179 0.7808 0.7342 0.9779
2.470 2.485 135.27 2136.0 2509.5 21.9 1P>6 . 0.7182 0.7811 0.7344 0.9780
2.480 2.495 135.28 2136.7 2512.3 21_. T l£6.£ 0.7185 0.7813 0.7346 0.9781
2.490 2.505 135.29 2137.3 2515.2 21*. 9- - 1F* 0.7187 0.7815 0.7348 0.9782
------------- total displacement t ---------------
trim -3.000 -2.500 -2.000 -1.500 -1.000 -0.500 0.000 0.500
draught .

2.000 3872.9 3883.3 3896.0 3911.8 3930.6 3952.3 3976.8 4004.2

2.100 4085.6 4096.9 4110.3 4126.6 4145.9 4167.8 4192.4 4220.0
2.200 4299.6 4311.4 4325.4 4342.3 4361.9 4384.1 4408.8 4436.6
2.300 4514.5 4525.9 4541.4 4558.8 4578.8 4601.1 4626.2 4654.0
2.400 4730.4 4742.2 4758.3 4776.1 4796.3 4818.9 4844.3 4872.1
2.500 4947.6 4959.5 4974.9 4994,1 5014.6 5037.5 5063.1 5090.9
2.600 5165.9 5177.7 5193.3 5212.8 5233.5 5256.8 5282.6 5310.4
2.700 5385.1 5396.9 5412.5 5431.2 5453.1 5476.8 5502.6 5530.4
2.800 5604.9 5617.2 5632.5 5651.2 5673.6 5697.5 5723.3 5751.1
2.900 5825.5 5838.3 5853.3 5871.9 5894.7 5918.7 5944.6 5972.3
3.000 6047.0 6060.0 6075.1 6093.6 6115.4 6140.4 6166.4 6194.0
3.100 6269.3 6282.3 6297.8 6315.9 6337.7 6362.8 6388.7 6416.3
3.200 6492.5 6505.3 6521.2 6539.4 6560.7 6584.7 6611.6 6639.1
3.300 6716.5 6729.1 6745.1 6763.6 6784.3 6808.1 6834.9 6862.4
3.400 6941.2 6953.7 6969.8 6988.5 7008.8 7032.1 7057.8 7086.1
3.500 7166.8 7179.4 7195.1 7213.7 7234.1 7256.7 7282.1 7310.3
3.600 7393.3 7405.7 7421.2 7439.4 7460.0 7482.0 7507.0 7534.9
3.700 7620.8 7632.8 7648.0 7665.9 7686.2 7708.2 7732.4 7759.0
3.800 7849.3 7860.7 7875.5 7893.0 7913.0 7934.9 7958.3 7984.5
3.900 8078.7 8089.4 8103.6 8120.7 8140.3 8162.1 8185.2 8210.6
4.000 8308.9 8319.0 8332.4 8349.1 8368.2 8389.5 8412.6 8437.1
4.100 8540.0 8549.3 8562.1 8578.1 8596.7 8617.5 8640.5 8664.3
4.200 8772.0 8780.5 8792.5 8807.7 8825.8 8846.1 8868.5 8892.2
4.300 9004.9 9012.5 9023.7 9038.1 9055.4 9075.2 9097.0 9120.6
4.400 9238.5 9245.3 9255.6 9269.2 9285.7 9304.9 9326.0 9349.1
4.500 9473.3 9479.0 9488.4 9501.0 9516.6 9535.1 9555.6 9577.9
4.600 9708.6 9713.5 9721.8 9733.5 9748.3 9765.8 9785.6 9807.2
4.700 9945.7 9948.8 9956.1 9966.8 9980.5 9997.1 10016.1 10037.0
4.800 10183.5 10185.1 10191.2 10200.8 10213.5 10229.0 10247.1 10267.2
4.900 10422.3 10422.2 10426.9 10435.5 10447.1 10461.6 10478.6 10497.8
5.000 10662.1 10660.5 10663.7 10670.9 10681.4 10694.7 10710.7 10728.8
5.100 10903.0 10899.7 10901.0 10907.0 10916.4 10928.6 10943.3 10960.3
5.200 11144.8 11139.9 11139.8 11144.0 11152.0 11163.0 11176.5 11192.3
5.300 11387.7 11381.1 11379.2 11381.4 11388.4 11398.0 11410.3 11424.8
5.400 11631.6 11623.2 11619.6 11620.4 11625.3 11633.7 11644.6 11657.8
5.500 11876.4 11866.3 11860.9 11859.9 11863.2 11870.0 11879.5 11891.3
5.600 12122.2 12110.3 12103.1 12100.3 12101.6 12106.8 12115.0 12125.3
5.700 12369.0 12355.2 12346.2 12341.6 12341.1 12344.4 12351.0 12359.9
5.800 12616.8 12601.0 12590.2 12583.7 12581.3 12582.5 12587.5 12595.0
5.900 12865.7 12847.8 12835.1 12826.7 12822.3 12821.8 12824.8 12830.6
6.000 13115.5 13095.5 13080.8 13070.5 13064.2 13061.7 13062.3 13066.8
6.100 13366.1 13344.2 13327.3 13315.0 13306.8 13302.2 13301.2 13303.4
6.200 13617.6 13593.8 13574.8 13560.4 13550.2 13543.6 13540.6 13540.8
6.300 13869.9 13844.3 13823.1 13806.6 13794.3 13785.7 13780.6 13778.6
6.400 14122.8 14095.5 14072.3 14053.6 14039.2 14028.5 14021.3 14017.4
m3 m3 t m m m m4 tm

A).Cargo : Reductions . 002 , Density=l t/m3, Filial

HOLD1 2706.7 2701.3 2701.3 108.22 0.00 7.57 4097.7 4097.7
HOLD2 8379.0 8362.2 8362.2 75.60 0.00 7.25 18720.3 18720.3
HOLD3 4899.3 4889.5 4889.5 37.36 0.00 7.46 11365.9 11365.9

SUBTOTAL 15985.0 15953.1 69.40 0.00 7.37 34183.9

B).Heavy Fuel Oil : Reductions . 02 , Density=0.98 t/m3, Fills.97

HFO1P 54.3 53.2 50.6 120.25 1.61 7.70 8.4 8.2
HFO1S 136.6 133.9 127.3 120.34 -2.10 6.19 26.9 26.3
HFO2P 91.6 89.7 85.3 98.14 2.63 4.87 41.5 40.7
HFO2S 190.1 186.3 177.1 98.05 -4.69 6.00 141.5 138.6
HFO3P 101.9 99.8 94.9 52.04 2.21 4.84 26.5 26.0
HFO3S 314.0 307.8 292.6 52.35 -4.49 5.94 246.2 241.3
HFOSETT1 33.2 32.5 30.9 19.11 -6.14 8.90 45.1 44.2
HFOSETT2 32.9 32.2 30.6 15.41 -8.05 8.90 9.0 8.8
HFOSERV 12.6 12.4 11.8 16.65 -6.86 8.90 0.7 0.7
SUBTOTAL 967.2 947.9 76.19 -2.68 6.11 534.8

O.Diesel Oil : Reduction=0.02, Density=0.85 t/rn3, Fill=0.97

MDOSTOR1 32.1 31.4 25.9 21.48 3.82 1.20 51.3 43.6

MDOSTOR2 46.5 45.5 3 7.5 18.22 -7.47 5.06 41.7 35.5
MDOSTOR3 36.7 36.0 29.7 11.91 -4.49 5.41 87.6 74.4
MDOSETT 19.1 18.7 15.4 8.67 -7.32 9.11 5.1 4.4
MDOSERV1 9.7 9.5 7.9 11.10 -7.44 8.93 2.1 1.7
MDOSERV2 9.6 9.4 7.7 4.74 -7.09 9.59 3.2 2.7
SUBTOTAL 153.6 150.5 14.92 -4.36 5.37 162.3

D).Lubricating Oil : Reductions.02, Density=0.9 t/m3, Fill=0.97

LOSTOR 26.9 26.4 23.0 17.80 7.47 5.11 17.7 16.0
LOSUMP 14.2 13.9 12.2 17.59 0.00 1.34 3.3 2.9
LOAE 5.1 5.0 4.4 8.87 8.07 8.85 0.2 0.2
LOST 2.2 2.2 1.9 7.73 8.06 9.02 0.1 0.1
LOGEAR 4.3 4.2 3.7 14.48 6.09 5.32 4.2 3.8
LOCPP 4.5 4.4 3.8 15.23 6.42 5.26 3.8 3.5

SUBTOTAL 57.3 56.1 16.11 5.51 4.69 26.5

E).Fresh Water : Reductions.02, Density=l t/m3, Fill=l

FWP 65.3 64.0 64.0 3.36 2.31 7.40 112.1 112.1
FWS 65.3 64.0 64.0 3.36 -2.31 7.40 112.1 112.1

SUBTOTAL 130.6 128.0 3.36 0.00 7.40 224.2

Compartment ident: WB3BP Compartment descr: 35. NO.3
B.W.B.TK.(P) Contents : F).Water Ballast (WB, RHO
= 1.025)
Extreme points of comp: Aft end at frame 69,00 ( 50.10 m)
Fore end at frame 103.00 ( 75.60 m) Lowest point
0.00 m above BL Highest point 1 . 9 6 m above BL


m m % m3 m3 t m m m m4 tm

0.00 0.00 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 62.85 5.02 0.00 914.0 936.8
0.10 0.10 5.6 20.3 19.9 20.4 62.85 5.22 0.05 1154.0 1182.8
0.20 0.20 11.5 41.5 40.7 41.7 62.85 5.31 0.10 1237.0 1268.0
0.30 0.30 17.5 63.2 61.9 63.5 62.85 5.37 0.15 1324.0 1357.1
0.40 0.40 23.7 85.3 83.6 85.6 62.85 5.42 0.20 1376.8 1411.2
0.50 0.50 29.9 107.6 105.4 108.1 62.85 5.46 0.25 1423.0 1458.6
0.60 0.60 36.2 130.2 127.6 130.8 62.85 5.50 0.31 1470.2 1506.9
0.70 0.70 42.5 153.0 149.9 153.7 62.85 5.53 0.36 1514.4 1552.3
0.80 0.80 48.9 176.0 172.5 176.8 62.85 5.56 0.41 1538.4 1576.9
0.90 0.90 55.3 199.1 195.1 200.0 62.85 5.58 0.46 1562.7 1601.8
1.00 1.00 61.7 222.3 217.9 223.3 62.85 5.60 0.51 1587.2 1626.9
1.10 1.10 68.2 245.7 240.8 246.8 62.85 5.63 0.56 1612.0 1652.3
1.20 1.20 74.8 269.2 263.8 270.4 62.85 5.64 0.61 1626.5 1667.2
1.30 1.30 81.3 292.7 286.8 294.0 62.85 5.66 0.66 1632.7 1673.6
1.40 1.40 87.8 316.2 309.9 317.6 62.85 5.67 0.72 1639.0 1679.9
1.50 1.50 94.4 339.7 332.9 341.3 62.85 5.69 0.77 1645.2 1686.3
1.60 1.60 98.2 353.5 346.4 355.1 62.79 5.69 0.80 252.6 258.9
1.70 1.70 99.0 356.6 349.5 358.2 62.69 5.70 0.80 188.2 192.9
1.80 1.80 99.7 358.9 351.7 360.5 62.62 5.70 0.81 107.1 109.8
1.96 1.96 100.0 360.1 352.9 361.7 62.58 5.70 0.81 1.4 1.5
LOADING CONDITION L01: Ballast Condition, Departure

LOADING CONDITION L01, Ballast Condition, Departure


Draught moulded 5.376 m KM 9.62 m

Trim -2.052 m KG 6.12 m
Heel, PS=+ 0.3 deg
TA 6.4 02 m GMO 3.4 9 m
TF 4.350 m GMCORR -0.07 m
Trimming moment - 41647 tonm GM 3.42
Item Weight L.C.G. T.C.G. V.C.G. Frs.mom.
(t) (m) (m) (m) (tm)
B).Heavy Fuel Oil 901.0 76.19 -2.68 6.00 267.2
O.Diesel Oil 124.1 14.92 -4.35 5.34 74.4
D).Lubricating Oil 49.0 16.11 5.50 4.66 16.0
E).Fresh Water 128.0 3.36 -0.00 7.40 224.2
F).Water Ballast 4702.1 74.42 -0.05 2.51 177.7
G).Miscellaneous 49.3 7.21 -1.40 5.62 59.6
H).Provision 12.0 1.00 -6.00 12.50 0.0
I).Crew and Luggage 4.0 8.10 0.00 19.80 0.0
J).Spare and Store 20.0 15.00 0.00 10.00 0.0
K).Tween Deck Hatchcover 390.0 68.47 0.00 7.97 0.0
Deadweight 6379.5 70.39 -0.48 3.58 819.2
Lightweight 5186.2 57.30 0.63 9.25
Displacement (1.025 t/m3) 11565.7 64.52 0.02 6.12 819.2
LOADING CONDITION L01: Ballast Condition, Departure

Location Fill Weight L.C.G. T.C.G. V.C.G. Frs.mom.
% (t) (m) (tn) (m) (tm)

B).Heavy Fuel Oil density=0.980 t/m3

HFO1P 97.0 50.6 120.25 1.61 7.62 0.0
HFO1S 97.0 127.3 120.34 -2.10 6.07 0.0
HFO2P 97.0 85.3 98.14 2.63 4.78 0.0
HFO2S 97.0 177.1 98.04 -4.69 5.87 0.0
HFO3P 97.0 94.9 52.04 2.21 4.74 26.0
HFO3S 97.0 292.6 52.35 -4.49 5.82 241.3
HFOSETT1 97.0 30.9 19.11 -6.14 8.86 0.0
HFOSETT2 97.0 30.6 15.41 -8.05 8.86 0.0
HFOSERV 97.0 11.8 16.65 -6.86 8.86 0.0
Total 901.0 76.19 -2.68 6.00 267.2

O.Diesel Oil density=0.850 t/m3

MDOSTOR1 97.0 25.9 21.48 3.80 1.18 0.0
MDOSTOR2 . 97.0 37.5 18.23 -7.46 5.03 0.0
MDOSTOR3 97.0 29.7 11.93 -4.48 5.38 74.4 1

MDOSETT 97.0 15.4 8.68 -7.32 9.08 0.0

MDOSERV1 97.0 7.9 11.11 -7.44 8.89 0.0
MDOSERV2 97.0 7.7 4.74 -7.09 9.57 0.0
Total 124.1 14.92 -4.35 5.34 74.4

D).Lubricating Oil density=0.900 t/m3

LOSTOR 97.0 23.0 17.81 7.46 5.08 16.0
LOSUMP 97.0 12.2 17.58 0.00 1.32 0.0
LOAE 97.0 4.4 8.87 8.07 8.81 0.0
LOST 97.0 1.9 7.73 8.06 8.99 0.0
LOGEAR 97.0 3.7 14.48 6.08 5.29 0.0
LOCPP 97.0 3.8 15.23 6.41 5.23 0.0
Total 49.0 16.11 5.50 4.66 16.0

E).Fresh Water density=l.000 t/m3

FWP 100.0 64.0 3.36 2.31 7.40 112.1
FWS 100.0 64.0 3.36 -2.31 7.40 112.1
Total 128.0 3.36 -0.00 7.40 224.2
Location Fill Weight L.C.G. T.C.G. V.C.G. Frs.mom.
% (t) (m) (m) (m) (tm)

F).Water Ballast density=l.025 t/m3

WBFPT 20.0 50.4 125.17 -0.02 1.60
166.3 WB1BP 100.0 257.4 107.67 4.58 1.18
0.0 WB1BS 100.0 308.7 107.89 -3.92 1.17
0.0 WB1SP 100.0 244.1 108.38 7.88 5.22
0.0 WB1SS 100.0 244.1 108.38 -7.88 5.22
0.0 WB2BP 100.0 337.3 87.78 5.65 0.82
0.0 WB2BS 100.0 337.3 87.78 -5.65 0.82
0.0 WB2SP 100.0 267.2 87.49 9.62 4.78
0.0 WB2SS 100.0 267.2 87.49 -9.62 4.78
0.0 WB3BP 100.0 361.7 62.58 5.70 0.81
0.0 WB3BS 100.0 361.7 62.58 -5.70 0.81
0.0 WB3SP 100.0 285.3 62.91 9.62 4.77
0.0 WB3SS 100.0 285.3 62.91 -9.62 4.77
0.0 WB4BP 100.0 403.2 38.26 5.37 1.03
0.0 WB4BS 100.0 403.2 38.26 -5.37 1.03
0.0 WB4SP 100.0 134.3 43.72 9.63 4.95
0.0 WB4SS 60.0 154.0 38.10 -9.59 3.88
11.4 Total 4702.1 74.42 -0.05 2.51
G).Miscellaneous density=l.000 t/m3
B.COOL 100.0 10.2 5.64 0.00 2.22 0.0
B.TECH 100.0 18.9 -0.10 -6.14 10.24 0.0
B.TOSTOR 100,0 10.3 12.28 5.05 5.49 0.0
B.TODRAIN 10.0 0.5 10.48 3.10 4.81 0.0
B.MDOOVER 10.0 1.0 23.55 2.42 0.13 0.0
B.HFOOVER 10.0 2.3 22.91 -2.45 0.19 59.6
B.SLUDGE 10.0 2.8 18.41 -2.15 0.35 0.0
B.LODIRTY 10.0 1.0 16.40 1.94 0.41 0.0
B.LODRAIN 10.0 0.1 13.75 1.76 0.57 0.0
B.CWDRAIN 10.0 0.4 11.87 0.02 0.11 0.0
B.BILGE 10.0 1.7 9.34 -0.04 0.20 0.0
Total 49.3 7.21 -1.40 5.62 59.6

H).Provision Total
12.0 1.00 -6.00 12.50 0.0

I).Crew and Luggage Total

4.0 8.10 0.00 19.80 0.0
J).Spare and Store Total
20.0 15.00 0.00 10.00 0.0

K).Tween Deck Hatchcover

Tween Deck in HOLD1 54.5 108.12 0.00 7.95 0.0
Tween Deck in HOLD2 213.5 76.14 0.00 7.97 0.0
Tween Deck in HOLD3 122.0 37.35 0.00 7.97 0.0
Total 390.0 68.47 0.00 7.97 0.0

Deadweight 6379.5 70.39 -0.48 3.58 819.2

Lightweight 5186.2 57.30 0.63 9.254
Displacement (1.025 t/m3) 11565.7 64.52 0.02 6.12 819.2
LOADING CONDITION L01: Ballast Condition, Departure


According to IMO Resolution A.167(ES.IV)

GZ-------------— AR EA GM 2004-04-29
Loading case: L01

GM >= 0.15 HI OK
GZ >= 0.20 m in angle of heel >= 30 degr OK
GZ max in angle of heel >= 25 degr OK
Area 0...3 0 degr. >= 0.055 mrad *) OK
Area 30..40 degr. >= 0.03 mrad **) OK
Area 0...4 0 degr. >= 0.0 9 mrad **) OK

*) From 0 degr. or the angle of steady equilibrium

**) To 40 degr. or the angle of flooding


AREA30 Area under GZ curve up to 30 deg. 0.055 0.505 mrad OK

AREA4 0 Area under GZ curve up to 4 0 deg. 0.090 0.906 mrad OK
AREA3040 Area under GZ curve btw. 30-40 deg. 0.030 0.400 mrad OK
GZ0.2 Max GZ > 0.2 0.200 2^530 m OK
MAXGZ25 Max. GZ at an angle > 25 deg. 25.000 47.346 deg OK
GM0.15 GM > 0.15 m 0.150 3.421m OK
IMOWEATHER IMO weather criterion 1.000 4.23 0 OK
LOADING CONDITION L22: Two Crane Operation 2xl20txl6m at Ballast Arrival,
Before Lift

LOADING CONDITION L22, Two Crane Operation2xl20txl6m at Ballast Arriva


Draught moulded 4.468 m KM 10.29 m

Trim -0.890 m KG 6.23 m
Heel, PS=+ 0.0 deg
TA 4.913 m GM0 4.05 m
TF 4.023 m GMCORR -0.07 m
Trimming moment -15946 tonm GM 3.98 m


Item Weight L.C.G. T.C.G. V.C.G. Frs.mom.

(t) (m) (m) (m) (tm)
B).Heavy Fuel Oil 90 . 1 36.43 -6 . 13 7.71 267.2
C).Diesel Oil 12 .4 8.82 -7.27 9. 03 74.4
D).Lubricating Oil 24.5 16.10 3 .47 3 .33 16 .0
E).Fresh Water 12.8 5.27 -0.00 6 .22 224.2
F).Water Ballast 3973.9 80.44 -0.66 2.29 55. 8
G).Miscellaneous 62 . 7 14 . 74 -0.65 1.45 59.6
H).Provision 2 .0 1.00 -6 . 00 12. 50 0 .0
I).Crew and Luggage 4.0 8 . 10 0.00 19. 80 0.0
J).Spare and Store 20 . 0 15.00 0. 00 10 . 00 0.0
K).Tween Deck Hatchcover 54.5 108.12 0.00 7. 95 0. 0
A).Cargo 0.0 66 .22 19.58 53 . 16 0.0
Deadweight 4257.0 77. 67 -0.76 2 . 56 97. 3
Lightweight 5186.2 57.30 0 .63 9.25 697.3
Displacement (1.025 t/m3) 9443 .2 66 .48 0 .00 6.23
LOADING CONDITION L22: Two Crane Operation 2xl20txl6m at Ballast Arrival, Before Lift

Location Fill Weight L.C.G. T.C.G. V.C.G. Frs.mom.
% (t) (m) (m) (ra) (tm)

B).Heavy Fuel Oil density=0.980 t/m3

HFO1P 0.0 0.0 120.25 1.61 5.20 0.0
HFO1S 12.8 16.8 120.31 -2.11 2.70 0.0
HFO2P 0.0 0.0 96.64 2.79 1.56 0.0
HFO2S 0.0 0.0 96.64 -4.38 1.56 0.0
HFO3P 0.0 0.0 54.50 3.10 1.56 26.0
HFO3S 0.0 0.0 54.53 -4.38 1.56 241.3
HFOSETT1 97.0 30.9 19.11 -6.14 8.86 0.0
HFOSETT2 97.0 30.6 15.41 -8.05 8.86 0.0
HFOSERV 97.0 11.8 16.65 -6.86 8.86 0.0
Total 90.1 36.43 -6.13 7.71 267.2

C).Diesel Oil density=0.850 t/m3

MDOSTOR1 0.0 0.0 21.58 1.75 0.02 0.0
MDOSTOR2 0.0 0.0 19.43 -7.07 2.94 0.0
MDOSTOR3 0.0 0.0 13.66 -3.72 3.14 74.4
MDOSETT 0.1 0.0 9.08 -6.81 7.60 0.0
MDOSERV1 97.0 7.9 11.11 -7.44 8.89 0.0
MDOSERV2 56.4 4.5 4.77 -7.01 9.31 0.0
Total 12.4 8.82 -7.27 9.03 74.4
D).Lubricating Oil density=0.900 t/m3
LOSTOR 22.8 5.4 17.98 6.97 4.04 16.0
LOSUMP 97.0 12.2 17.58 0.00 1.32 0.0
LOAE 48.5 2.2 8.89 8.02 8.14 0.0
LOST 48.5 0.9 7.74 8.00 8.40 0.0
LOGEAR 48.5 1.8 14.48 5.70 4.79 0.0
LOCPP 48.5 1.9 15.23 6.05 4.71 0.0
Total 24.5 16.10 3.47 3.33 16.0

E).Fresh Water density=l.000 t/m3

FWP 10.0 6.4 5.27 1.36 6.22 112.1
FWS 10.0 6.4 5.27 -1.36 6.22 112.1
Total 12.8 5.27 -0.00 6.22 224.2

F).Water Ballast density=l.025 t/m3

WBFPT 100.0 252.2 126.14 -0.02 4.57 0.0
WB1BP 100.0 257.4 107.67 4.58 1.18 0.0
WB1BS 100.0 308.7 107.89 -3.92 1.17 0.0
WB1SP 100.0 244.1 108.38 7.88 5.22 0.0
WB1SS 100.0 244.1 108.38 -7.88 5.22 0.0
WB2BP 100.0 337.3 87.78 5.65 0.82 0.0
WB2BS 100.0 337.3 87.78 -5.65 0.82 0.0
WB2SP 50.0 133.6 87.38 9.62 3.19 10.8
WB2SS 50.0 133.6 87.38 -9.62 3.19 10.8
WB3BP 100.0 361.7 62.58 5.70 0.81 0.0
WB3BS 100.0 361.7 62.58 -5.70 0.81 0.0
WB3SP 50.0 142.6 62.98 9.62 3.18 11.4
WB3SS 50.0 142.6 62.98 -9.62 3.18 11.4
WB4BS 100.0 403.2 38 .26 \ ' -5 . 37 1.03 0.0
WB4SP 100.0 134.3 43>.»2 - -9.63 4.95 0.0
WB4SS 70.0 179.7 3 "j . $ 9 * -*9-59 4
■ 18 H-4
Total 3973.9 8-0.44 - -0.66 2.29 55.8
Location Fill Weight L.C.G. T.C.G. V.C.G. Frs.m
% (t) (m) (m) (m) om.

G).Miscellaneous density=l.000 t/m3

B.COOL 100.0 10.2 5.64 0.00 2.22 0.0
B.TECH 10.0 1.9 0.29 -5.53 9.15 0.0
B.TOSTOR 10.0 1.0 12.45 4.11 4.49 0.0
B.TODRAIN 50.0 2.6 10.41 3.67 5.30 0.0
B.MDOOVER 50.0 4.9 23.51 2.52 0.52 0.0
B.HFOOVER 50.0 11.6 22.71 -2.97 0.68 59.6
B.SLUDGE 50.0 13.8 17.91 -2.53 0.83 0.0
B.LODIRTY 50.0 5.2 16.25 2.27 0.87 0.0
B.LODRAIN 50.0 0.6 13.74 1.98 0.98 0.0
B.CWDRAIN 50.0 2.2 11.86 0.23 0.39 0.0
B.BILGE 50.0 8.7 9.38 -0.11 0.57 0.0
Total 62.7 14.74 -0.65 1.45 59.6

Total 2.0 1.00 -6.00 12.50 0.0

I).Crew and Luggage

Total 4.0 8.10 0.00 19.80 0.0

J).Spare and Store

Total 20.0 15.00 0.00 10.00 0.0

K).Tween Deck Hatchcover

Tween Deck in HOLD1 54-5 108.12 0.00 7.95 0.0

A) .Cargo density=l.000 t/m3

Heavy Project Cargo 0.0 66.22 19.58 53.16 0.0

Deadweight 4257.0 77.67 -0.76 2.56 697.3

Lightweight 5186.2 57.30 0.63 9.25 697.3
Displacement (1.025 t/ra3) 9443.2 66.48 0.00 6.23
LOADING CONDITION L22 : Two Crane Operation 2xl20txl6m at Ballast Arrival, Before Lift


GM >= 0.15 m OK
GZ >a 0.20 m in angle of heel >= 30 degr OK
GZ max in angle of heel >= 25 degr OK
Area 0...3 0 degr. >= 0.055 mrad *) OK
Area 30..40 degr. >= 0.03 mrad **) OK
Area 0...40 degr. >= 0.09 mrad **) OK

*) From 0 degr. or the angle of steady equilibrium

**) To 40 degr. or the angle of flooding


AREA3 0 Area under GZ curve up to 3 0 deg. 0.05S 0.580 mrad OK

AREA4 0 Area under GZ curve up to 4 0 deg. 0.090 1.0 04 mrad OK
AREA3040 Area under GZ curve btw. 30-40 deg. 0.030 0.424 mrad OK
GZ0.2 Max GZ > 0.2 0.200 2.589 m OK
MAXGZ25 Max. GZ at an angle > 25 deg. 25.000 43.677 deg OK
GM0.15 GM > 0.15 m 0.150 3.978 m OK
IMOWEATHER IMO weather criterion 1.000 3.157 OK
LOADING CONDITION L23: Two Crane Operation 2xl20txl6m at Ballast Arrival, Lifting

LOADING CONDITION L23, Two Crane Operation2xl20txl6m at Ballast Arriva


Dra g t m o l e 4571 m M 1017m

Trim -0 04 m G 7 50 m
eel, PS -0 1 eg
TA 5 023 m GM0 2 67 m
TF 4 11 m GMCORR -0 0 7 m
Trimming moment -16343 tonm GM 2 60 m


Item eig t L C G T C G C G Frs

(t) (m) (m) (m) mom
B) eav F el Oil 0 1 36 43 -6 13 7 71 (tm)267 2
C) Diesel Oil 12 4 2 16 -7 27 03 3 74 4
D) L ri ating Oil 24 5 10 5 3 47 33 6 16 0
) Fres ater 12 3 27 0 -0 00 22 2 224 2
F) ater Ballast 73 62 44 14 -2 00 51 1 55 5
G) Mis ellaneo s 7 2 74 -0 65 45 12 6 0
) Provision 0 4 1 00 -6 00 50 1 0 0
I) Crew an L ggage 0 20 10 15 0 00 0 0 10 0 0
J) Spare an Store 0 54 00 10 00 00 7 0 0
) Tween De at over 5 240 12 66 0 00 5 53 0 0
A) Cargo 0 22 1 5 16 146 0 0
M) Ot er 0 0 -0 00 527 75 0 0

Dea weig t 44 7 0 77 07 -0 74 5 4
Lig tweig t Displa ement 51 6 2 57 30 0 63 25
(1 025 t m3) 6 3 2 66 4 "-JT 01 7 50 6 7 3

6 7 3
LOADING CONDITION L23: Two Crane Operation 2xl20txl6m at Ballast Arrival, Lifting

Location * Fill Weight L.C.G. T.C.G. V.C.G. Frs.mom.
% (t) fra) (m) (m) (tm)

B).Heavy Fuel Oil density=0.980 t/m3

HFO1P 0.0 0.0 120.25 1.61 5.20 0.0
HFO1S 12.8 16.8 120.31 -2.11 2.70 0.0
HFO2P 0.0 0.0 96.64 2 .79 1.56 0.0
HFO2S 0.0 0.0 96 . 64 54 -4 . 38 1 . 56 0.0
HFO3P 0.0 0.0 . 50 3 . 10 1 . 56 26 . 0
HFO3S 0.0 0.0 54.53 -4 .38 1.56 241.3
HFOSETT1 97.0 3 0.9 19. 11 -6.14 8.86 0.0
HFOSETT2 97.0 3 0.6 15.41 -8.05 8.86 0.0
HFOSERV 97.0 11.8 16 . 65 -6.86 8.86 0.0
Total 90.1 36.43 -6.13 7 .71 267 . 2

O.Diesel Oil density=0.850 t/m3

MDOSTOR1 0.0 0.0 21 . 58 1 . 75 0. 02 0. 0
MDOSTOR2 0.0 0.0 19.43 -7. 07 2 .94 0.0
MDOSTOR3 0.0 0.0 13 .66 -3 .72 3.14 74 .4
MDOSETT 0.1 0.0 9.08 -6 . 81 7 .60 0.0
MDOSERV1 97.0 7.9 11 . 11 -7 .44 8 . 89 0.0
MDOSERV2 56.4 4.5 4.77 -7.01 9 . 31 0.0
Total 12.4 8 . 82 -7.27 9. 03 74 .4

D).Lubricating Oil density=0.900 t/m3

LOSTOR 2 2.8 5.4 17 . 98 6 . 97 4 . 04 16 . 0
LOSUMP 97.0 12.2 17.58 0.00 1.32 0.0
LOAE 4 8.5 2.2 8.89 8 . 02 8.14 0.0
LOST 48.5 0.9 7 . 74 8 . 00 8 .40 0.0
LOGEAR 4 8.5 1.8 14 . 48 5.70 4.79 0.0
LOCPP 4 8.5 1.9 15 .23 6 .05 4 .71 0.0
Total 24.5 16.10 3 .47 3 .33 16.0

E).Fresh Water density=l.000 t/m3

FWP 10.0 6.4 5.27 1.36 6.22 112.1
FWS 10.0 6.4 5.27 -1.36 6. 22 112 . 1
Total 12.8 5.27 -0.00 6.22 224.2

F).Water Ballast density^!.025 t/m3

WBFPT 100.0 252.2 126.14 -0 . 02 4.57 0.0
WB1BP 100.0 257.4 107 .67 4.58 1.18 0.0
WB1BS 100.0 308.7 107.89 -3 . 92 1 . 17 0.0
WB1SP 100.0 244.1 108 .38 7.88 5.22 0.0
WB1SS 100.0 244.1 108.38 -7.88 5.22 0.0
WB2BP 100.0 337.3 87 . 78 5 . 65 0 . 82 0.0
WB2BS 100.0 337.3 87.78 -5.65 0.82 0.0
WB2SP 0.0 0.0 86.00 9.62 1.55 10.8
WB2SS 100.0 267.2 87 .49 -9.62 4 . 78 10.8
WB3BP 100.0 361.7 62 . 58 5 .70 0 . 81 0.0
WB3BS 100.0 361.7 62.58 -5.70 0.81 0.0
WB3SP 0.0 0.0 65.10 9.62 1 . 55 11.4
WB3SS 100.0 285.2 62 . 91 -9 .62 4 . 77 11 .4
WB4BS 100.0 403.2 38.26 -5.37 1.03 0.0
WB4SP 100.0 134.3 4 3 .2 9.63 4.95 0.0
WB4SS 70.0 179.7 37. S -9.59 4.18 11.4
Total 3973.9 'j ' 8 C 2 .51 55.8
0.4^ -2.00
Location Fill Weight L.C.G. T.C.G. Z.C.G. Frs.mom.
% (t) (m) (m) (m) (tm)

G).Miscellaneo us density=l.000 t/m3

B.COOL 100.0 10.2 5.64 0.00 2 .22 0.0
B.TECH 10.0 1.9 0.29 -5 . 53 9.15 0.0
B.TOSTOR 10.0 1.0 12 .45 4 . 11 4 .49 0.0
B.TODRAIN 5 0.0 2.6 10.41 3 . 67 5.30 0.0
B.MDOOVER 5 0.0 4.9 23 . 51 2 . 52 0.52 0.0
B.HFOOVER 5 0.0 11.6 22 . 71 -2 .97 0 . 68 59.6
B.SLUDGE 5 0.0 13.8 17 . 91 -2 . 53 . 0 0.0
B.LODIRTY 50.0 5.2 16.25 2 .27 87 0 . 0.0
B.LODRAIN 5 0.0 0.6 13 .74 1.98 98 0.0
B.CWDRAIN 5 0.0 2.2 11 . 86 0 . 23 0.39 0 .0
B.BILGE 50.0 8.7 9.3 8 -0.11 0 . 57 0.0
Total 62.7 14.74 -0.65 1.45 59.6

Total 2.0 1 . 00 -6.00 12 . 50 0.0

I).Crew and Luggage

Total 4.0 8.10 0.00 19 . 80 0.0

J).Spare and Store

Total 20.0 15 . 00 0 . 00 10.00 0.0

K).Tween Deck Hatchcover 0 . 00 7 . 95 0.0

Tween Deck in HOLD1 54 . 5 108.12

A).Cargo density=l.000 t/m3 66.22 19.58 53 . 16 0.0

Heavy Proj ec t Cargo 240.0

M).O th er
CRANE1 JIB ORIGINAL 0.0 -36.7 105.97 7 . 00 26.00 0.0
CRANE1 JIB OUTBOARD 36.7 80.10 14 . 84 28 . 00 0.0
CRANE2 JIB ORIGINAL 0.0 -36.7 26 .48 8 .30 26 . 00 0.0
CRANE2 JIB OUTBOARD 3 6.7 52 . 35 14 . 84 28 . 00 0.0
Total 0.0 -0.00 527.75 146.80 0.0

Deadweight 4497.0 77 . 07 -0 . 74 5.49

Lightweight 5186.2 57 .30 0 . 63 9 .25
Displacement (1.025 t/m3) 9683.2 66.48 -0.01 7 . 50 697.3

LOADING CONDITION L23 : Two Crane Operation 2xl20txl6m at Ballast Arrival, Lifting


According to IMO Resolution A.167(ES.IV)

GZ--------A R E A GM 2004-04-29
Loading case: L23


GM >=• 0.15 m OK
GZ >=• 0.20 m in angle of heel >= 30 degr OK
GZ max in angle of heel >-- 25 degr OK
Area 0...30 degr. >= 0.055 rarad *) OK
Area 30..40 degr. >= 0.03 mrad **) OK
Area 0...40 degr. >« 0.09 mrad **) OK

*) From 0 degr. or the angle of steady equilibrium

**) To 40 degr. or the angle of flooding


AREA30 Area under GZ curve up to 30 deg. 0.055 0.395 mrad OK

AREA40 Area under GZ curve up to 40 deg. 0.090 0.687 mrad OK
AREA3040 Area under GZ curve btw. 30-40 deg. 0.030 0.292 mrad OK
GZ0.2 Max GZ > 0.2 0.200 1.723 m OK
MAXGZ25 Max. GZ at an angle > 25 deg. 25.000 39.017 deg OK
GM0.15 GM > 0.15 m 0.150 2.597 m OK
IMOWEATHER IMO weather criterion 1.000 3.151 OK

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