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David M. Cox Elementary School – Dream It! Believe It! Achieve It! NO LIMITS!

Cox Cub News

Volume 10, Issue 15
Nov. 16-20, 2020
Mrs. Tara Imboden, Principal
Mrs. Andrea Heinlen, Assistant Principal

This week is a full week of school!

Cyber Cox Cub of the Week: Congratulations to the following students for being an awesome Cyber Cox Cub
Student last week in Grades K, 2, and 4: Sofia Ochoa, Danielle Bar-Yosef, Kaden Koppelman, Jayma Bonzo,
Alexa Valdez, Leo Yamamoto, Logan Almonte, Joseph Ramos, William Villagomez-Bedolla, Athena Comeau, and
Leon Rowland.
Parents can pick up their certificates in the front office until Friday. All certificates left over after the week will be placed in their teacher’s classroom
mailbox. We also have certificates at the packet pick-up times.

Milers: Great job to the following students for putting in their miles last week: Keeler Donnelly and
Zachary Camuso finished 60 miles! Harrison Huff and Harper Huff finished 50 miles! Quinton Avery and
Asher Warnick finished 40 miles! Laya Vinay is up to 33.5 miles! Celina McCoy-Rasmus is up to 26 miles! Keep
walking and jogging Cox Cubs!
Parents send me the names of your students and their miles completed so I can celebrate them in our newsletter!

Applecore News: Not only is David M. Cox a winner of the annual Applecore Reading program for Henderson for
THREE YEARS IN A ROW but three of our students’ names were drawn for Applecore prizes! We were notified
that Evenlyn Winfree won a bag of books, Tony Ha won a Kindle, and Madison Bamber won a Kindle!
Congratulations to our students for awesome reading and to our prize winners for having their names drawn to get
prizes! WOW!

Patience Please: Families, as we were told last Wednesday to start packing up all our teaching items because all
staff were sent home for two weeks to work remotely, this is somewhat challenging for teachers who have been
teaching in their classrooms all year! We know that there is going to be some technology issues, internet issues, and
other things we haven’t thought about. Please have patients with your child’s teacher(s) as they are transitioning to
teaching from home.

Fall Fundraiser Report: Thank you to all the families who donated to our on-line fundraiser this fall. There was
$3686.00 worth of donations which came in and our school earned $2530.20 from those donations! This will help
with our projectors and reading program! Thank you DMC families!

Go Guardian and Gaming Sites: Students are not to be using their CCSD login/gmail to enter any gaming site or
chat room (whether they’re on instructional break or between classes). Mrs. Heinlen and I are getting daily beacon
alerts (which all have to be investigated and determined if malicious in content) from Go Guardian identifying
students as accessing explicit and dangerous sites/content. If your student is on an instructional break, it should be
just that…off the screen. Students are spending too much time on screen and instructional breaks are to help
minimize screen time.

Top AR Point Classes for First Quarter (2nd posting): Congratulations to the following classes they read the most
words in their grade level for first quarter in Accelerated Reader: Ms. Swinger’s Kindergarteners read 1,136 words,
Mrs. Brown’s First Graders read 445,635 words, Miss Ash’s Second Graders read 494,315, Mrs. A. Martin’s Third
Graders read 1,507,791 words, Mrs. Stackel’s Fourth Graders read 3,084,597 words, and Mrs. Piccininni’s Fifth
Graders read 4,22,636 words! Keep up the great work Cox Cubs!

-over for calendar-

A Look Ahead:
*Dates are always subject to change.

Nov. 16-Dec. 18 MAPS Winter testing (possibly)

Nov. 24 Progress Reports on IC
Nov. 25-27 No School Thanksgiving Break
Dec. 08 SOT Mtg. 5 pm (no PTA mtg. in Dec.)
Dec. 11 Progress Reports on IC
Dec. 14-18 Holiday Spirit Dress Week
Dec. 18 First Semester End
Dec. 19-Jan. 03 Winter Break
Jan. 04 Classes Resume
Jan. 08 Report Cards sent home

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