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11/16/2020 101R Questions

101R Questions
* Required

1. What has worked about CEC seminar for 101R in the past? Feel free to mention
specific seminars, topics, trends you see between good seminars, whatever you like
-- as long as you specify what worked and why. *

2. What has *not* worked about CEC seminar for 101R in the past? Feel free to
mention specific seminars (but don't be mean about the people in them!), topics,
trends, etc. Why didn't those things work? *

3. What problems/situations in 101R have you encountered in the past that seminars
have helped you with? How did they help? * 1/4
11/16/2020 101R Questions

4. What problems/situations in 101R you encountered in the past that seminars have
*not* helped you with? Why did seminar not help? *

102R Questions

5. What has worked about CEC seminar for 102R in the past? Feel free to mention
specific seminars, topics, trends you see between good seminars, whatever you like
-- as long as you specify what worked and why. *

6. What has *not* worked about CEC seminar for 102R in the past? Feel free to
mention specific seminars (but don't be mean about the people in them!), topics,
trends, etc. Why didn't those things work? * 2/4
11/16/2020 101R Questions

7. What problems/situations in 102R have you encountered in the past that seminars
have helped you with? How did seminars help? *

8. What problems/situations in 102R you encountered in the past that seminars have
*not* helped you with? Why did seminar not help? *

Seminar Format

9. If EKU is fully/mostly online in Fall 2020, what would you want seminar to look like?
Would synchronous group Zoom meetings work or not? Would asynchronous
module activities help? Tell us what you would like an online seminar to consist of. * 3/4
11/16/2020 101R Questions

10. If EKU is mostly in-person in Fall 2020 and enforces strict guidelines regarding
social distancing, mask-wearing, etc., would you be comfortable having in-person
seminars, or would you be more comfortable with seminar being online regardless
of EKU's class format? *

11. Is there anything else you would like to say past or future seminars?

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