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Briefly describe the role of a gatekeeper in media organisations and state THREE
examples of gatekeepers.

Huraikan secara ringkas peranan pengampang dalam organisasi media dan nyatakan
TIGA contoh pengampang.

The roles of gatekeeper are to select, change, receive or reject messages that are
channeled through mass communication. (2 marks)

The examples of gatekeepers available in media industry are the (i) producers, (ii) the
governments, (iii) the advertisers, (iv) relevant authorities, etc. (3 marks)
(Any THREE of the above examples OR accept any relevant example)

E.g.: [2 factors x 1M + 2M for description + 1M for example = 5 Marks]

2. Why do you use the mass media? Give TWO personal reasons and relevant
Mengapakah anda menggunakan media massa? Berikan DUA sebab peribadi dan
contoh-contoh yang sesuai.

There are several reasons why an individual uses mass media. Among them are:
a) To fulfill the desire to know + description and example (2 marks)
b) To reduce stress + description and example (2 marks)
c) For socialisation + description and example (2 marks)
Accept any relevant answer
2M for each meaningful reason + example.
3. What is meant by ’Cultural Imperialism’? Describe by giving relevant example.
Apakah yang dimaksudkan dengan ’Imperialisme Budaya’? Huraikan dengan
memberikan contoh yang bersesuaian.

Cultural imperialism is about the media imbalance from the aspect of information and
news flow in a country + description and example.
 Good description and example will be awarded between – 4-5 marks
 Moderate description and example - 2.0 - 3.5 marks
 Poor description and example - 0.5 – 1.5 marks

4. Why it is important to consider ethical issues in the cyber world?

Mengapakah penting untuk mempertimbangkan isu-isu etika dalam dunia siber?

Ethical issues of communication in the cyber-world are important because:

1. Communicating online is different from other ways of communicating because of

the absence of nonverbal communication cues and voice tones.

2. It is regarded as something that needs to be bound by certain rules and


3. Communication in a cyber environment involves normal people (the public and

individuals) who have feelings. They can be distressed by discourteous language
and deceived easily as in normal life. As such, ethics in this established
relationship should be taken into account.

4. Unethical practices also occur in work relations. Messages through email can be
distributed without limits and the implications are very clear. Memos sent to all
staff or members of an organisation can negatively affect the morale of workers.
Jokes played on a person distributed to staff may result in a less harmonious
work situation or embarrass people.

5. Sources of messages in the form of gossip, criticism, and false information in

cyberspace may not be identifiable. Therefore, the onus of examining and
evaluating the accuracy of messages received or delivered to a large audience
should be on every person whether he acts as a source or a receiver.
(Any TWO of the above examples OR accept any relevant example)
E.g.: [2 points x 1M + 2M for descriptions + 1M for example = 5 Marks]
5. The various types of communication media have made different impacts on the
audience. Some of them are positive while others are negative. One of the impact
of communication media on society is “Knowledge Gap”. Explain what is meant
by knowledge gap by giving relevant example.
Pelbagai jenis media komunikasi telah memberi impak yang berbeza kepada penonton.
Sebahagiannya adalah positif dan sebahagian lagi negatif. Salah satu kesan media
komunikasi terhadap masyarakat adalah "Jurang Pengetahuan". Jelaskan apa yang
dimaksudkan dengan Jurang pengetahuan ini dengan memberikan contoh yang relevan.

This perspective takes into account gaps between "the haves and the have-nots". The
rich with information and knowledge or "the haves" are those mostly rich with knowledge
because of their wide access to libraries and personal computers that enable them to get
information. The "the have-nots", on the other hand, have limited access to computers;
thus, fewer opportunities to get information.

Many studies have discussed the information gap that exists as a result of advances in
media technology. In such conditions, the group with access to information from various
forms of media, either print or electronic, is seen the group that has the advantage.

 Good description and example will be awarded between – 4-5 marks

 Moderate description and example - 2.0 - 3.5 marks
 Poor description and example - 0.5 – 1.5 marks

6. Select ONE type of mass media. How does this media affect your personal life?
Explain and give relevant example to support your answer.
Pilih SATU jenis media massa. Bagaimanakah media ini memberi kesan kepada
kehidupan peribadi anda? Jelaskan dan berikan contoh yang sesuai untuk menyokong
jawapan anda.

Choice of mass media (1 mark)
 Good description will be awarded – between 3 - 4 marks
 Moderate description – between 1.5 - 2.5 marks
 Poor description and example – between 0.5 – 1.0 mark

***Based on examiner’s discretion – Accept any relevant and logic effects of the
chosen mass media.
7. Explain the meaning of “convergence or merge of technology”.
Jelaskan maksud “konvergen atau gabungan teknologi”.

Meaning of Convergence/Merge of technology:

The convergence of merge of technology is the result of storing information in a digital
form (1M) through computerised systems (1M). One of the main characteristics of
technological convergence is the application of digital information (1M), where
information can be obtained through computerised systems (1M). Digital communication
refers to the conversion of images, text and audio to computer-readable formats (1M).

***Other than the above answer, Examiner could evaluate the answer given based on
how accurate the words used to explain the meaning of “convergence or merge of

8. Identify FIVE types of media that you normally use.

Senaraikan LIMA jenis media yang biasanya anda gunakan.

ONE type of media – 1 Mark
Total Marks – 5 Marks

E.g. of media – magazines, television, etc.

***Types of media - based on examiner’s discretion – Accept any relevant types of


9. Assuming that you are a journalist working for a mainstream newspaper

organisation. You have witnessed a well-known politician involved in misconduct.
Writing about the politician’s misconduct will definitely tarnish the individual’s
reputation but you also consider “the people’s right to know”. What would you
do in this case?
Andaikan anda seorang wartawan yang bekerja di sebuah organisasi akhbar arus
perdana. Anda telah menyaksikan seorang ahli politik yang terkenal terlibat dalam salah
laku. Menyiarkan berita mengenai salah laku ahli politik tersebut pasti akan
menjejaskan reputasi individu berkenaan tetapi anda juga memikirkan “hak orang ramai
untuk mengetahui”. Apakah yang harus anda lakukan dalam kes ini?

The basic principle of mass communication ethics is to give audiences the truth about
issues and the freedom of choice to evaluate the issues. Audience also has a role to
prevent any manipulation of information from taking place.
Question: What do the audiences actually need to know? How is it important for them
to know?

[Marks for meaningful and relevant answers]

 Good description will be awarded – between 3.5 – 5.0 marks
 Moderate description – between 2.0 – 3.0 marks
 Poor description and example – between 0.5 – 1.5 mark

10. ICT innovations have changed the way organisations operate. Open University
Malaysia (OUM) is one such example. How do these ICT innovations affect you as
a student of OUM?
Inovasi ICT telah mengubah cara organisasi beroperasi. Open University Malaysia
(OUM) adalah salah satu contoh. Bagaimanakah inovasi ICT ini memberi kesan kepada
anda sebagai pelajar OUM?

Examples of how ICT innovations affect OUM student:

 Online forum
 Online registration
 Long-distance education
 Digital library
 Flexibility for adult/working students

[Marks to be given for other relevant answers]

ONE POINT with good description = 2.5 Marks.

 Good point with description will be awarded – between 2.0 – 2.5 marks
 Moderate point with description – between 1.0 – 1.5 marks
 Poor point with description – between Less than 1.0 mark

11. You have been asked to give a talk to a group of school children ages 11-15 on
how to use the media with a critical mind. List FIVE talking points for the talk.
Anda telah diminta memberikan ceramah kepada sekumpulan kanak-kanak sekolah
berusia 11-15 tahun mengenai cara meggunakan media dengan minda yang kritis.
Senaraikan LIMA perkara/hujah untuk ceramah tersebut.

 Media reality vs. fantasy

 Extent of truth in media content
 Why news get the audience attention
 Fairness of news report
 Stereotype images
 Violence in cartoons
1M for each talking point.
Accept any relevant answer.
12. Briefly describe any TWO examples on how the Internet acts as a platform for
influencing the collective actions of a community or society.
Huraikan secara ringkas mana-mana DUA contoh mengenai bagaimana Internet
berfungsi sebagai platform untuk mempengaruhi tindakan kolektif sesebuah komuniti
atau masyarakat.

E.g. of how Internet acts or can be used as a platform for influencing the collective
 In reserving the environment; sharing a natural resource; participating in national
defense; voting in mass elections; engaging in social protests, etc.
ONE example with good description and example will be awarded 2.5 Marks:
 Good point with description will be awarded – between 2.0 – 2.5 marks
 Moderate point with description – between 1.0 – 1.5 marks
 Poor point with description – between Less than 1.0 mark

13. Information and communication technology (ICT) changes the activities and roles
of organisations today. Differentiate between ‘teleworking’ and ‘teleconferencing’.
Teknologi maklumat dan komunikasi (TMK) mengubah aktiviti dan peranan organisasi
hari ini. Bezakan antara 'teleworking' dan ' telesidang'.

Teleworking -- refers to the use of ICT and telecommunication to replace work-related
travel. Teleworking allows employees to work at home or at a local telework centre one
or more days per week using communication tools such as the telephone, facsimile,
modem, internet teleconferencing, e-mail, or Instant Messaging, to perform work duties
from a work location. The term telework is favoured in Europe and other countries, while
telecommuting is used in the USA and Canada (2.5M).

Teleconferencing – refers to meetings that link people between two or more locations
using a telecommunications medium. There are at least six types of teleconferencing:
audio, audiographic, computer, video, business television (BTV), and distance education
depending on the technology used. It is interactive to provide two-way communications
and its success depends on users’ active participation (2.5M).
[Marks to be given for other relevant answers]

14. There are three unique aspects of mass communication. Identify TWO of them and
explain by using relevant examples.
Terdapat tiga aspek unik komunikasi massa. Kenal pasti DUA daripadanya dan jelaskan
dengan menggunakan contoh yang bersesuaian.

1. A complex source that operates in an organisation or institution that is profit-
oriented + further explanation and example (2.5M).
2. The public is huge, located anywhere and separated by geographical locations
and boundaries, space and time. They also have different desires, interests and
needs + example (2.5M).
3. Communication occurs through the mediator, which requires the use of
tetchnology to encode and decode information + further explanation and example
Any TWO of the above answers or any relevant answers.

15. How technology affects the newspaper industry in positive way?

Bagaimanakah teknologi memberi kesan kepada industri akhbar dengan cara yang

E.g. of how technology affects newspaper industry positively:

 Latest news can be updated immediately.
 Newspaper can be accessed easily with minimum cost.
 Colourful and attractive layout of online version of newspapers.


ONE POINT with further description and relevant example – 2.5 Marks.

16. Identify FIVE films that have been produced using the digital technology such as
2D and 3D digital animation techniques.
Kenal pasti LIMA filem yang telah dihasilkan menggunakan teknologi digital seperti
teknik animasi digital 2D dan 3D.
 The Hulk
 Transformers
 Spiderman
 Dinosaur
 Shrek


Total Marks – 5 Marks

17. Explain why the film producers tend to favour digital technology in making a film.
Jelaskan mengapa pengeluar filem cenderung untuk menggunakan teknologi digital
dalam menghasilkan sesebuah filem.

 It helps produce films that are more aesthetically pleasing + description and
example – 2.5 Marks.
 It helps reduce the cost of production, especially for the case of animated films +
description and example – 2.5 Marks.
18. Describe TWO ways that can be applied to control information flow due to the
advancement of technology nowadays.
Huraikan DUA cara yang boleh digunakan untuk mengawal aliran maklumat akibat
kemajuan teknologi pada masa kini.

 Filtering + further description and example (2.5 Marks).

 Laws and specific formal speech + further description and example (2.5 Marks).
 Social control + further description and example (2.5 Marks).
 Control in a society’s system + further description and example (2.5 Marks).

Any TWO of the above answers.

Total Marks – 5 Marks

19. Identify ONE online community that you are involved in. How the online
community affect your personal or family relations negatively?
Kenal pasti SATU komuniti dalam talian yang anda terlibat. Bagaimana komuniti dalam
talian tersebut menjejaskan hubungan peribadi atau keluarga anda secara negatif?

E.g. of online community – WhatApps Group (1M).
Interaction with family members and friends will decrease, because more time is spent
communicating online instead of interacting face-to-face + further description and
example – (2M).
Lack of communication skills and interpersonal skills + further description and example –
Total Marks – 5 Marks
[Accept any relevant answers]

20. How does online communication form your identity? Explain by giving relevant
Bagaimanakah komunikasi dalam talian membentuk identiti anda? Jelaskan dengan
memeberikan contoh yang sesuai.

Unlike face-to-face communication, a person can form a different persona in online
communication (1M). Various forms of identity can be created to portray a different appearance,
culture, life, gender and psychological characteristics (2M). For example, a person may claim to
be younger, slimmer or more good looking than he actually is. With technology, a person is able
to change, recreate and diversify his self-identity (2M).

Total Marks – 5 Marks

[Accept any relevant and correct answers]

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