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Why it is important to consider ethical issues in the cyber world?

Mengapakah penting untuk mempertimbangkan isu-isu etika dalam dunia siber?

Ethical issues of communication in the cyber-world are important because:

1. Communicating online is different from other ways of communicating because of the

absence of nonverbal communication cues and voice tones. 

2. It is regarded as something that needs to be bound by certain rules and regulations. 

3. Communication in a cyber environment involves normal people (the public and

individuals) who have feelings. They can be distressed by discourteous language and
deceived easily as in normal life. As such, ethics in this established relationship should be
taken into account. 

4. Unethical practices also occur in work relations. Messages through email can be
distributed without limits and the implications are very clear. Memos sent to all staff or
members of an organisation can negatively affect the morale of workers. Jokes played on a
person distributed to staff may result in a less harmonious work situation or embarrass

5. Sources of messages in the form of gossip, criticism, and false information in cyberspace
may not be identifiable. Therefore, the onus of examining and evaluating the accuracy of
messages received or delivered to a large audience should be on every person whether he
acts as a source or a receiver.
(Any TWO of the above examples OR accept any relevant example)
Contoh (Belum tentu keluar)

The various types of communication media have made different impacts on the audience.
Some of them are positive while others are negative. One of the impact of communication
media on society is “Knowledge Gap”. Explain what is meant by knowledge gap by giving
relevant example.
Pelbagai jenis media komunikasi telah memberi impak yang berbeza kepada penonton.
Sebahagiannya adalah positif dan sebahagian lagi negatif. Salah satu kesan media
komunikasi terhadap masyarakat adalah "Jurang Pengetahuan". Jelaskan apa yang
dimaksudkan dengan Jurang pengetahuan ini dengan memberikan contoh yang relevan.


This perspective takes into account gaps between "the haves and the have-nots". The rich
with information and knowledge or "the haves" are those mostly rich with knowledge
because of their wide access to libraries and personal computers that enable them to get
information. The "the have-nots", on the other hand, have limited access to computers;
thus, fewer opportunities to get information.

Many studies have discussed the information gap that exists as a result of advances in
media technology. In such conditions, the group with access to information from various
forms of media, either print or electronic, is seen the group that has the advantage.
contoh (belum tentu keluar)

Describe TWO ways that can be applied to control information flow due to the advancement
of technology nowadays.
Huraikan DUA cara yang boleh digunakan untuk mengawal aliran maklumat akibat
kemajuan teknologi pada masa kini.

• Filtering + further description and example (2.5 Marks).

• Laws and specific formal speech + further description and example (2.5 Marks).
• Social control + further description and example (2.5 Marks).
• Control in a society’s system + further description and example (2.5 Marks).
Contoh Contoh

Surveillance is known as reporting and plays a role in distributing information via the media.
Explain the TWO functions of surveillance by giving relevant examples.

Pengawasan dikenali sebagai pelaporan dan memainkan peranan dalam penyebaran

maklumat melalui media. Jelaskan DUA fungsi pengawasan dengan memberikan contoh-
contoh yang bersesuaian.

a) Memberi Amaran
Pengawasan dalam bentuk amaran digunakan untuk mengingatkan
khalayak (masyarakat) tentang kejadian-kejadian yang dijangkakan akan berlaku.
Contohnya, media memberi amaran tentang ancaman seperti bencana alam, gempa bumi,
banjir kilat, tsunami, pemanasan global, jangkaan kemerosotan ekonomi dan peningkatan
kadar inflasi atau perang.
Kita telah lihat bagaimana televisyen atau radio dihentikan sementara programnya untuk
menyiarkan berita tentang bencana alam yang berlaku atau memberikan amaran tentang
wabak penyakit atau perang, dan sebagainya.
a) Pengawasan Instrumental
Pengawasan berbentuk instrumental membantu masyarakat untuk mendapatkan maklumat
seperti harga di bursa saham, produk baharu, idea fesyen, resepi dan sebagainya. Peranan
ini bukan hanya dikhususkan
kepada media akhbar sahaja. Media lain seperti penerbitan ringkas dan majalah teknikal
juga menjalankan peranan mengawasi.

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