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By: Fernanda Mariño

Throughout our lives, social relationships have become the most
important thing, although to be more specific they have always been. However,
as time passes by, through the Internet, technology and social networks,
everything has become easier with just a click. Although at first we didn’t get
use to check a couple of pages, post, add content, etc., later it became a
necessity for almost everybody in the world. For this reason, the fact of creating
these facilities causes great problems, which still have no solution.

We usually prefer spending more time on our cell phones and computers
than sharing time with our family, playing sports, or even sleeping - necessary
habits for our physical and mental health. When we prefer to use social
networks such as Instagram, Twitter, Facebook, or Pinterest, and in turn do not
realize we are committing such an action without any intention, our days and
our lives will be lost and worn out gradually.

Consequently, in our society, just as social networks are the most

important thing for some things, they can also become the worst thing for
others. So to speak, they are a "necessary evil" because although they cause
us political, economic, cultural, and even religious problems, they are also a
useful tool only if they are used properly and responsibly. We must bear in mind
that these problems are handled without any prevention and that there is no
necessary control for this.

Likewise, through companies, social networks, and the Internet they

control our way of living, thinking, and sharing experiences with the people
around us. Instead of getting closer to our loved ones, they push us away.
Today we have get used to the fact that if we don't upload things or chat with
someone, it means that we are not sharing with others or that we are getting
used to take the cell phone in our family trips, when we go to eat, and even in
family plans.

With this in mind, I think we should use these technological tools to the
least extent and in the shortest time possible in our daily lives. This is because
we must become aware and wake up, because if we get used to getting sick,
away from our loved ones, or even society itself, we will never be able to avoid
problems of great magnitude because we must not forget that interpersonal
relationships are one of the most important pillars in our lives.

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