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Case 5: Sony Shockwave

In Search
of the
Next Hit
1. Discuss the importance of product innovation to the
future success of Sony in regard to the changing
marketing environment
2. Conduct a SWOT analysis on Sony.
3. What are the strategic options available to Sony, in
the wake of “Sonyy Shock”? Furthermore,,
recommend a course of action for Sony.
Q1. Importance of Product Innovation to
Sony s Future Success

Product innovation enables Sony to:

• Retain its brand status
• Benefit from innovative products – higher prices
• Add to the brand’s reputation as innovative products
are seen as technologically superior
• Maintain dominant industry position
• Reduce the risk of technological leapfrog
• Set proprietary standards
Q1. Continued…Product

• Creates demand
• Acts as a barrier to entry for potential new entrants
• Helps create new markets
• Helps reposition a business
• Helps in defending market
ma ket share
sha e
Q2. SWOT Analysis:
y Strengths
• Global Size and Market Share
• Presence in numerous markets
• Solid brand image
• Creates market-defining products
• Experience and strength of brand
• Level of vertical integration
• Strength of “Playstation” Brand
• Japanese Strength in Electronic Engineering Design
• Alli
Alliances with
ith other
th manufacturers
f t
• Exposure to global markets
• N
New lleadership
d hi
Q2. Continued... SWOT Analysis:

• Overcapacity
• Too broad a product range
• Low profit margins
• Collapse of Cathode
Ray Television market
• Bureaucratic culture
• Sony’s
y development
p of new technology
gy - too slow
• Failing to focus on its core operations
• Slow to market products
• Over reliance on ‘Playstation’
Q2. Continued...SWOT Analysis:
• Expansion of global presence
• Taking advantage of producing in low cost
• New technology which could become industry
standard, encourage upgrading to newer versions
and leading to new product opportunities
• Model count reduction and investment in
manufacturing capabilities to improve efficiencies.
• Sony
S di
ti non-strategic
t t i assets t
• Utilise electronic platforms to distribute products
• Further integration of business
• Creating interoperability
• Develop crossover products
Q2. Continued... SWOT Analysis:
• Increased foreigng competition
• Increased commoditisation of products
• Technologically leapfrogged
• Changing technology altering the competitive
• B d
Boardroom clashes
l h with ith partners
t such
h as BMG and
• Heavily reliant on Japanese market
• Reliant on fickle entertainment industry
• Changing consumer behaviour in terms of
downloading versus using storage discs
• Failure to successfully implement turnaround
t t
Q3. Strategic
g Options:
• New management team
• Move production to low cost economies
• Renew and revitalise advertising campaign and focus
on brand image
• Continue aggressive price promotions
• Continue to reduce inventory levels
• Introduce innovative products
• Greater investment in R&D
• Exit personal computing market
• Improve distribution
d b networkk
• Rethink product portfolio
• Consider
C id partnerships
t hi and d reorganization
i ti

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