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level 5 Activity worksheets Teacher Support Programme

A Murder is Announced Photocopiable

While reading g The manager of the Spa Hotel eretdge
Chapters 1–3 ………………… Craddock warmly.
1 Write the names to finish the sentences. h Mitzi often invents stories or garsxeetega
Patrick  Edmund Swettenham  Dora Bunner ………………… things.
Reverend Harmon  Colonel Easterbrook Chapters 4–6
Miss Blacklock  Phillipa Haymes  Mitzi 4 Are these sentences right (✓) or wrong (✗)?
a ………………… lives with his mother and is a Mitzi accused the police of wanting to
writing a book. torture her. c
b ………………… had to deal with a lot of b The neighbours told Inspector Craddock
criminal cases in India. why the crime had happened. c
c ………………… couldn’t go to the ‘murder c Rudi Scherz had never done anything
party’ because he had to write a speech. illegal before. c
d ………………… told her old school friend d Miss Marple was the first to suggest that
that she needed help in her house. somebody had told Rudi what to do. c
e ………………… went to mend a fuse so e Mitzi told the police that she had heard
that the lights would work. Mrs Haymes talking to somebody in the
f ………………… was hit across the face garden. c
when she was screaming. f Miss Blacklock worked for Randal Goedler
g ………………… recognised the dead man until he died. c
from the Spa Hotel. g Randall thought that his sister’s husband
h ………………… is a widow and works as an was a criminal. c
assistant gardener. h Miss Blacklock had never seen Julia and
2 Put words on the left with words on the right. Patrick until they went to stay with her. c
deliver a robbery
5 Underline the wrong word and put the right
pour forward
feed to be surprised
a Craddock told Mitzi he was going to take her
glance chickens
to the train station. …………………
pretend a paper
b Colonel Easterbrook had a lot of experience
switch on a coffee
of child psychology. …………………
lean a torch
c Inspector Craddock tried to open a window
stop the bleeding
of the sitting-room at Little Paddocks.
act out the lights
shine at the clock
d Randal Goedler left all his money to his
3 Put the underlined letters in the right place to daughter in her lifetime. …………………
make a word. e Miss Marple admired the table in Miss
a Everybody thought the emdaetirvestn Blacklock’s sitting-room. …………………
………………… in the newspaper was very
6 Circle the extra word in the sentences.
a The front door was throwing thrown open
b Miss Blacklock sometimes found Dora
and a young man came in.
nyngiona ………………… .
b Craddock was forced to spend quite a long
c Miss Blacklock had put the central iaegnht
longer time with Colonel Easterbrook.
………………… on.
c Mrs Harmon’s sitting-room reminded
d Mrs Harmon was wearing a hat in an ametptt
remembered Craddock of his own.
………………… to be fashionable.
d Rudi made did a mistake in Miss Marple’s bill.
e Everybody put their hands up glilniylw
e Miss Marple’s eyes were as bright as than a
………………… .
f Julia went to get a ndegaba …………………
for Miss Blacklock’s ear. © Pearson Education Limited 2015 A Murder is Announced - Activity worksheets   1 of 2
level 5 Activity worksheets Teacher Support Programme

A Murder is Announced Photocopiable

f Craddock found a number of keys in out the d Miss Bunner’s ………………… were red
drawer. with excitement.
g Miss Blacklock had to give up off work and e Miss Blacklock had become very
look after her sister. ………………… of Phillipa.
h Craddock was afraid for Miss Marple, who f The flex ran over the ………………… of
that was old and weak. the table.
g Craddock ………………… what Julia had
Chapters 7–9
been doing in the attic.
7 Answer the questions.
h Phillipa Haymes husband was hit by a
a Why did Edmund Swettenham go to see
………………… .
Phillipa Haymes?
……………………………………………… Chapters 10–12
b How did Colonel Easterbrook know that his 10 Put the words in the right place to make
gun had not been used in the hold-up? sentences.
……………………………………………… a had the storm sky Dark been clouds in
c What did Belle Goedler say her husband had gathering
thought of Miss Blacklock? …………………………………………….. .
……………………………………………… b under choker Miss fingers The Blacklock’s
d What did Miss Marple take from Reverend broke pearls nervous of
Harmon to Miss Blacklock? …………………………………………….. .
……………………………………………… c row Inspector sat facing women The in three
e What had really happened to Phillipa a Craddock
Haymes’s husband? …………………………………………….. .
……………………………………………… d on an Mitzi the turned cat inspector like angry
f What did Bunch Harmon’s cat do to the …………………………………………….. .
lamp? e the were stepped the Sergeant kept out
……………………………………………… Fletcher of cupboard where brushes
…………………………………………….. .
8 Find words in Chapters 7–9.
f grew depressed goitre As uglier very
a Thieves who steal in houses. (p. 44)
Charlotte’s larger got and she
…………………………………………….. .
b A place where you can buy meat. (p. 46)
………………… 11 Put the underlined letters in the right place to
c An argument. (p. 51) ………………… make a word.
d When somebody makes somebody believe a Miss Murgatroyd’s face was blue and her
something that isn’t true. (p. 54) tongue was cignksti …………… out.
………………… b Bunch’s voice was knhgias …………… like a
e Probable. (p. 60) ………………… child’s.
f A way of looking without moving the eyes. c Mrs Swettenham said she was doing some
(p. 62) ………………… wignes …………… at first.
d Craddock’s voice was as cold and hprsa
9 Finish the sentences with the right word.
…………… as a knife.
bravely fond wondered cheeks playful
e Miss Blacklock’s hands cdofre ……………
edge lorry waved
Mitzi’s head into the sink.
a Miss Murgatroyd raised her torch and
f Charlotte bought a house in a place nonknuw
………………… her spoon.
…………… to her.
b Miss Bunner talked about a sad illness
g Miss Marple had been zudelpz ……………
………………… suffered.
about the lamps.
c There was a ………………… look in Belle
Goedler’s eyes. © Pearson Education Limited 2015 A Murder is Announced - Activity worksheets   2 of 2
level 5 Progress test Teacher Support Programme

A Murder is Announced Photocopiable

1 Are these sentences right (✓) or wrong (✗)? j c Dora Bunner takes an aspirin, goes to bed and
a Most of the neighbours in Chipping Cleghorn dies.
didn’t take the advertisement about the
3 Write the names to finish the sentences.
murder seriously. c
Patrick  Dora Bunner  Randal Goedler 
b All the neighbours talked about the murder as
Craddock  Charlotte Blacklock  Letitia Blacklock 
soon as they arrived at Miss Blacklock’s on the
Phillipa Haymes  Mitzi  Rudi Scherz  Miss Marple
night of the crime. c
a ………………… was sorry that Miss Marple had
c Myrna Harris was going out with Rudi Scherz
gone to stay at the vicarage.
but she didn’t tell the police anything of interest
b ………………… had worked in a hospital in
when they first interviewed her. c
d Miss Marple didn’t believe that Rudi was
c ………………… had borrowed some money
capable of taking a real gun and shooting
from Letitia.
people. c
d ………………… got very depressed as a young
e Phillipa Haymes explained to Inspector
girl because she was ill.
Craddock who she had been talking to in the
e ………………… had met Emma at a party and
summerhouse. c
had fallen in love with her.
f Miss Hinchcliffe realised that it was impossible
f ………………… hid in a cupboard with Sergeant
for the burglar at Little Paddocks to hold a gun
and a torch. c
g ………………… gave up her job and took her
g Mrs Goedler was jealous because her husband
sister to Switzerland.
left his money to Miss Blacklock after her own
h ………………… had been surprised when
death. c
Charlotte arrived at her house.
h Miss Blacklock was angry when Craddock said
i ………………… said she had heard Phillipa talking
he wanted to read the letters she had written to
to a man in the summerhouse.
her sister. c
j ………………… hoped that Miss Blacklock might
i Miss Hinchcliffe told Miss Marple that she had
give her some money for her son’s education.
no idea why her friend Amy had been killed. c
j Miss Marple persuaded Mitzi to pretend that 4 Finish the sentences with the right words.
she had seen Miss Blacklock with the gun. c record dare blamed deal figure unfolded
spilled shaky worth duty
2 What happened first? Number the sentences 1–10.
a Mrs Easterbrook thought it was her husband’s
a c Miss Marple tells the police how Rudi had
……………… to go to the ‘murder’ party.
changed a cheque of hers.
b The ……………… fell to the ground after the
b c Miss Blacklock tries to kill Mitzi but Miss Marple
third shot.
stops her.
c Rudi Scherz had a police ……………… in
c c Neighbours arrive at Little Paddocks and
comment on the roses and the central heating.
d Miss Marple thought that Rudi would be
d c Somebody hears Miss Murgatroyd say she
……………… for someone else’s crime.
remembers who was missing from the room
e Randall Goedler needed money for a business
and they kill her.
……………… .
e c Miss Blacklock tells Craddock about Randal
f Mrs Easterbrook said she would never
Goedler’s money.
……………… to touch her husband’s gun.
f c Colonel Easterbrook takes a man’s mask off
g Patrick thought it was ……………… dying to eat
and says he is dead.
Mitzi’s cake.
g c Craddock goes to Scotland to talk to Belle
h Miss Marple ……………… the letter and read it.
i Miss Marple’s writing was ……………… and not
h c The woman pretending to be Julia admits she’s
easy to read.
really Emma.
j Miss Blacklock ……………… water on the lamp
i c Inspector Craddock visits Little Paddocks for
and everything fused.
the first time. © Pearson Education Limited 2015 A Murder is Announced - Progress test   1 of 1

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