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1. This module is divided into 6 sections: Let’s Recall, Let’s Discover, Let’s Learn, Let’s Replace,
Let’s Expand and Let’s Create.
2. You MUST attempt each section in sequence. DO NOT skip any section.
3. READ and understand all the instructions given.

English Language Teaching Centre (ELTC)

Ministry of Education Malaysia
QUESTION : Your town was hit by a major flood during the rainy season last year. Begin
your story with, “It had been raining all day …”

Look at this picture. Think of words or phrases that are related to it.
Write your words or phrases in the Circle Map below.

Image Source :

Example: water, boat These are common words that are used in essay related to flood.

wiped out flooded

boat evacuated
important documents
natural disaster water
rainy season
destroying home
continuous heavy rain rescuers
four feet of standing water
flood relief centres flood victims
suffered drowned
temporary shelter
swept away car
covered in water and mud

Read the sample essay below. Type of essay: Narrative Paper 1: Section B: Continuous writing

QUESTION: Your town was hit by a major flood during the rainy season last year.
Begin your story with, “It had been raining all day …”
You must begin your essay with words given

It had been raining all day. I was doing my homework in the living room. My two
brothers were playing in front of our house. The rain became heavier and heavier.

Just as I had finished my homework, my brothers ran to the living room and told
me that there was water everywhere. I went outside and noticed that the water in the
drain had overflowed! The water was flowing into the parking space. I quickly called my
parents. Within ten minutes, the water had already risen to our doorstep. My parents
quickly took some important things. The water level rose swiftly. Soon, we had to move
to the rooftop.

Some of my neighbours were already on the roof with their possessions. Most of
them were using umbrellas as it was still raining. It had turned dark and we hoped for
the best. We prayed for some assistance.

A few hours later, we saw flashes of light. To our delight, we discovered that it
was the rescue squad. We were overjoyed to see them coming to our rescue in boats.
Our family and all the other victims were brought to a relief centre which was located
in a school not affected by the flood.
For SPM, you are required to write at least 350.
This sample is to give you ideas on how to write your story. (204 words)
You should elaborate more on certain parts to make it longer.

Adapted from:


noticed: become aware of

overflowed: be so full that the contents go over the sides
swiftly: at high speed quickly
posessions: things that you own
assistance: the action of helping someone by sharing work
delight:great pleasure
rescue:save someone from a dangerous or difficult situation
victims: a person harmed, injured, or killed as a result of an accident, crime or other event
affected: influenced or touch by an external factor
Table I:

Read the information in the table below. The information in the table is from the sample
essay in Let’s Discover.


No. Phrases/
Meaning in Synonyms
Words Idiomatic Examples of use
1. noticed observing or • observed • take notice You should take
paying • detected of notice of the situation
attention to • noted around you.
something • spotted
• sit up and Please sit up and
take notice take notice as the
teacher speaks.

• escape It may have escaped

somebody’s your notice, but I am
notice busy right now.

2. overflowed so full that the • overloaded • overflowed The drain overflowed

contents go • overran with with rubbish after
over the sides the rainstorm.

• overflowed The drain water

into behind our house
overflowed into our

3. swiftly at high speed, • rapidly • as swift as As swift as an arrow,

in a very short • quickly an arrow Mary finished her
time • briskly exam and raced out
of the classroom.

• swift and Her dancing was very

sure swift and sure.


No. Phrases/
Meaning in Synonyms
Words Idiomatic Examples of use
4. possessions things that you • belongings • in The book is now in my
own • goods someone’s possession.

• take The bank took

possession possession of my car.

5. assistance help given to • help • come to A kind driver came to

someone • aid someone’s our assistance.
• support assistance

• assist in Ana is going to assist

me in this project.

6. delight great pleasure • happiness • be in a I have been in a

• excitement transport transport of delight
• glad of delight ever since I got

• ravished Mary was ravished

with with delight with the
delight dozens of roses.

7. rescue squad an emergency • rescue • come to The lifeguard came to

service or team someone’s the drowning child’s
organisation • rescue rescue rescue.
that uses party
special • rescue unit
equipment or
knowledge to
rescue people


No. Phrases/
Meaning in Synonyms
Words Idiomatic Examples of use
8. victims people who are • sufferers • fall victim Many families have
harmed, • injured to fallen victim to the
injured or parties flash flood.
killed as a • casualties
result of a • fashion Sarah is a fashion
crime, accident victim victim who always
or other event needs to wear branded
or action items.

9. relief centre a centre that • shelter • go on I had to go on relief

provides food, • crisis relief since I lost my job six
temporary stay centre months ago.
and services
for people who
are in need

10. affected influenced by • influenced • affected The family was

an external • touched by by affected by the death
factor of the old man.

Fill in the blanks with suitable words or phrases from Column C in Table I of Let’s Learn.

QUESTION: Your town was hit by a major flood during the rainy season last year. Begin
your story with, “It had been raining all day …”

It had been raining all day. I was doing my homework in the living room. My two
brothers were playing in front of our house. The rain became heavier and heavier.

Just as I had finished my homework, my brothers ran to the living room and told
me that there was water everywhere. I went outside and ____________ that the water in
over_ _ _ _ _ _
the drain had ______________! The water was flowing into the parking space. I quickly
called my parents. Within ten minutes, the water had already risen to our doorstep. My
sw_ _ _ _ _
parents quickly took some important things. The water level rose ______________. Soon,
we had to move to the rooftop.

poss_ _ _ _ _ _ _
Some of my neighbours were already on the roof with their _______________. Most
of them were using umbrellas as it was still raining. It had turned dark and we hoped for
assist_ _ _ _
the best. We prayed for some _____________________.

del _ _ _ _
A few hours later, we saw flashes of light. To our _______________, we discovered
res _ _ _
that it was the ______________ squad. We were overjoyed to see them coming to our
vic _ _ _ _
rescue in boats. Our family and all the other _______________ were brought to a
rel_ _ _ cen_ _ _ aff_ _ _ _ _
__________________ which was located in a school not _______________ by the flood.

Read the essay you have completed in Let’s Replace. Expand the essay in Column 2 by
answering the questions in Column 1.

Column 1 Column 2

for Expansion

1. Where was the rain? It had been raining all day (1) ___________ in my hometown, Kedah.
2. Why were you doing your It was bright and sunny the day before and we did not expect to be
confined in the house on that day.
homework in the living room? I was doing my homework in the living room
3. Add a describing word or (2) because
I did not want to be distubed by my overzealous siblings.
I had to finish few sets of maths exercises before the school started.
phrase. __________________________________________

Example: active/younger My two ____________________________________

active little brothers were in their bedroom. They were
4. Where were the brothers having fun as I heard them giggling and laughing
from the room.
playing? __________________________________________
5. When did the rain become video games since they could not
My brothers were playing (4) ____________________
heavier? go out playing football. I could tell they were frustrated with the day's
adverse weather. and the wind
The rain became heavier and heavier (5) ________
started to blow strongly.
I could sense it was going to be a heavy downpour and quickly prayed
for the rain to stop.

1. Add a describing word Just as I had finished my homework, my

or phrase. anxiously
brothers ran to the living room and (1) __________
Example: looking worried ________________ told me that there was water
2. Add a describing word or everywhere. I went outside and noticed that the
phrase. rapidly
water in the drain had overflowed (2) _________
Example: very quickly/ rapidly and had covered the whole area The (3) __________
_________________________! murky and muddy
Body 1

3. Add a describing word ________________________________ water was

or phrase. flowing into the parking space. I quickly called my
Example: dirty/murky/ muddy who were having a tea time at the kitchen.
parents (4) ________________________________
4. Where were your They were in total shock looking at what had happened.
parents? Within ten minutes, the water had already risen
to our doorstep. My parents quickly took some
important things.I also helped them to pack few essential belongings
like clothes and medications. We packed lightly because this was
an emergency situation and what matter the most was our dear life.
Parts Column 1 Column 2

for Expansion

1. How did you move to the The water level rose swiftly. Soon, we had to
rooftop? by climbing up the ladder.
move to the rooftop (1) _________________
Example: quickly We helped one another to reach the top as it was the safest place
to avoid from the strong current.
2. What kind of possession? Some of my neighbours were already on the roof
Body 2

Example: such as documents Like us, they brought few bags packed
with their possessions. (2) ____________________
and valuables/that will be with documents and valuables. My mom warned us to sit still while
useful my dad looked for rescuers. I was scared looking at a few houses that
(3) _______________________________________
3. How did you feel? were covered in water and mud. There were also some goods
Example: frightened/ anxious and overturning car that had been washed away by the heavy rain.

After a while, I saw most of my neighbours were on the roof.

1. Add describing words/ Most of them were using umbrellas as it was
Phrases. still raining. It had turned dark and we hoped for
Example: valuable, important the best. We prayed for some assistance (1) _____ or else we had
Body 3

2. Add words/phrases. to spend our night out in the cold. Dad calmed us down by telling us
Example: from the Fire and that the rescuers from Fire and Rescue Department would come
(2) _______________________________________
Rescue Department/ any time soon. He reasoned out that it took a while for the authorities to reach
us as there were many victims that need to be rescued.
from the authorities

1. Add a word/phrase. A few hours later, we saw flashes of light

Example: from a distance/ coming towards us.
(1) _______________________________________
coming towards us. __________________________________________
2. How do did you feel about To our delight, we discovered that it was the
the rescue? rescue squad. We were overjoyed to see them

Example: relieved/happy coming to our rescue in boats. Our family and all
the other victims were brought to a relief centre
which was located in a school not affected by the
I felt so relieved because my family and I were no longer in
danger. We hoped and prayed that the flood would be over so that
we could start our life back again.

Now you are ready to write an essay. Do your best!

Instructions: Write a composition of about 350 words on the following topic. You are advised
to spend about one hour to complete this task.

You experienced a landslide that occurred in your housing area. Write a story ending
with, “… I was glad the day had come to an end.”














































1. This module is divided into 6 sections: Let’s Recall, Let’s Discover, Let’s Learn, Let’s Replace,
Let’s Expand and Let’s Create.
2. You MUST attempt each section in sequence. DO NOT skip any section.
3. READ and understand all the instructions given.

English Language Teaching Centre (ELTC)

Ministry of Education Malaysia
QUESTION: Describe how to maintain a healthy body.

Look at this picture. Think of any words or phrases that are related to it.
Write your words or phrases in the Circle Map below.

Image source:

Example: exercise, food

you're what you eat kick off the bad habit

balanced diet
avoid negative
avoid junk food/fast food thinking
mix with positive
exercise people drink enough
plain water

de-stress listen to your

Healthy doctor
sufficient sleep
join sports

food be grateful
no smoking or drinking
regular medical check-up
enjoy life to the fullest
listen/watch to health programmes

health is wealth healthy body, healthy mind

Read the sample essay below.

how means 'ways'

QUESTION: Describe how to maintain a healthy body.

introduction Maintaining a healthy body is neither easy nor difficult. There is a need to be
healthy. Here, we will give some tips on how to have a healthy life.
Use sequence connector for a better flow 1st Main idea/topic sentence
One of the most important tips for a healthy body is to have a healthy diet. Avoid The topic
sentence is
In this para, junk food. Your diet should contain food which has nutrients. Try to include leafy having a
you should only healthy diet.It
elaborate on vegetables, fresh vegetables, fruits, milk, and fish in your daily diet. Make sure you have is followed
your topic sentence by sentences
which is your breakfast every day. Skipping your breakfast regularly will definitely affect your on how/what/
having a when/
healthy diet. health. You need to drink enough water so that you will not get dehydrated. Therefore, related to
healthy diet.
make sure you drink eight glasses of water daily.
2nd topic sentence
You should Exercise also plays a vital role in keeping your body healthy. Regular exercise will Try to justify/
only write explain
or elaborate keep you fit. You can jog or cycle daily. Find some free time to exercise. It is nice to how exercise
on exercise can maintain
in this para. have a medical check-up to get an idea about your health. a healthy
3rd topic sentence.
Sequence connector
Apart from these, you should always try to manage your stress. Most people have
only elaborate health problems due to stress. By managing your stress, you can maintain a healthy body.
how managing Bad habits like smoking and staying up late at night should be avoided. These habits have
can help side effects on your health. Your body should get sufficient rest. Make sure you sleep at
to maintain
a healthy body least 8 hours daily. A good sleep is very important to maintain a healthy body.

The tips above can help you to have a fit and healthy body. You must be You only
Conclusion. need to
determined to practise a healthy lifestyle to get a healthy body. summarise
It is better what you have
for you not mentioned
to add any and give
new point/topic
(258 words) words
sentence in of encourage-
conclusion. ment.
Adapted from Essays, UK. (November 2013). How to Keep Yourself Healthy Essay. Retrieved from

If you write like a sample above, your essay will be more organised.
It is easier for your examiner to understand and follow you ideas.
Besides, it prevents you from 'beating around the bush' or repeat the same

In real SPM, expand/elaborate more as you have to write not less than 350 words.
Table I:

Read the information in the table below. The information in the table is from the
sample essay in Let’s Discover.

Meaning in Synonyms
Words Idiomatic Examples of use
1. tips a piece of • suggestions • a free bit of I would like to share
advice • advice advice with you a free bit
of advice on how to
be healthy.

2. diet food and • selection of • on a diet I didn't eat any cake

drink food and because I'm on a
frequently drink diet.
3. nutrients vitamins that • supplements • an apple a You must have heard
are obtained • vitamins day keeps that an apple a day
from the • mineral the doctor keeps the doctor
food we eat away away; so, take some
fruits with you and
follow a healthy

4. skipping to miss out • ignoring • skip out on I should not skip out
doing • missing out on having breakfast.
something • leaving out
• skip over She always skips
over lunch to lose

5. dehydrated losing water • dried out When you are

from the • drained drained, you should
body drink water

6. daily every day • everyday Raha eats breakfast

• each day at seven o’clock in
the morning every

Synonyms Phrases/
Meaning in
Words Idiomatic Examples of use
7. vital necessary • important Losing 20 kg is vital
• essential to be healthy.
• necessary
8. manage to be in • handle If you think you
charge of • control cannot handle
stress, you should
see the counsellor
before it gets worse.

9. sufficient enough • enough Drinking eight

• ample glasses of water
• adequate every day is
• plenty of adequate to keep
you going.

10. determined to make up • persistent • determination She worked hard to

your mind • perseverant is the key to lose weight to win
to do success the contest;
something determination is
the key to success.

Her determination
was the key to her
success in losing

Fill in the blanks with suitable words or phrases from Column C in Table I of Let’s Learn.

QUESTION: Describe how to maintain a healthy body.

Maintaining a healthy body is neither easy nor difficult. There is a need to be

useful tips
healthy. Here we will give some ______________ on how to have a healthy life.

One of the most important tips for a healthy body is to have a healthy
and balanced diet
______________. junk
Avoid chips and salted snack
Your diet should contain food which has
good and essential nutrients
______________. Try to include leafy vegetables, fresh vegetables, fruits, milk,
and fish in your daily diet. Make sure you have your breakfast every day.
Intentionaly skipping
______________ your breakfast regularly will definitely affect your health. You
dehydrated which can cause headaches, lethargy and
need to drink enough water so that you will not get ______________.
constipation. Therefore,
or more daily
make sure you drink eight glasses of water ______________.

Exercise also plays a ______________ role in keeping your body healthy.
and reduce your risk of getting heart attack.
Regular exercise will keep you fit. You can jog or cycle daily. Find some free time
Even if it is only takes 10 minutes, you are doing your body a huge favour.
to exercise. It is nice to have a medical check-up to get an idea about your health.
Your doctor will let you know of your current health condition and advise you further on how to keep
dangerous disease at bay. manage
Apart from these, you should always try to ______________ your stress. Most
people have health problems due to stress. By managing your stress, you can
maintain a healthy body. Bad habits like smoking and staying up late at night
It will take a huge toll of your body as it can weaken your immune system.
should be avoided. These habits have side effects on your health. Your body should
get ______________ rest. Make sure you sleep at least 8 hours daily. A good sleep
is very important to maintain a healthy body.and should not be taken lightly

The tips above can help you to have a fit and healthy body. You must be
______________ to practise a healthy lifestyle to get a healthy body.
As an old and famous adage states 'Health is wealth'.

Read the essay you have completed in Let’s Replace. Expand the essay in Column 2 by
answering the questions in Column 1.

Column 1 Column 2

for Expansion
1. Replace with another describing Maintaining a healthy body is neither
word/phrase. simple
(1) ______________ complex
nor (2) __________________
Example: simple We need to accomplish
There is a need to be healthy. (3) ___________
many things in life and it requests a sound body and mind. When our
health is being compromised so do our quality of life.
2. Replace with another describing Here we will give some advice to have a happy

word/phrase. and healthy life.

Example: complicated/hard/

3. Add a sentence.
Why is it important to be

1. Add two sentences. One of the most important tips for a

a. Give examples of junk food. healthy body is to eat a healthy selection of
b. Why is junk food unhealthy? food and drinks. Avoid junk food. (1a) ________ You inevitably indulge in
deep fried chicken, salty snacks and sugary drinks as they taste delicious.
Most of you are aware that too much consumption of those junk food
(1b) ____________________________________
can be detrimental but take no heed. As a result you are putting ourselves
at risk of getting obesity and even a premature death! Starting from now,
pay attention on your diet. Your diet should contain food which has
Body 1

supplements and vitamins. Try to include leafy

vegetables, fresh vegetables, fruits, milk, and
fish in your daily diet. Make sure you have your
breakfast every day. Ignoring your breakfast
regularly will definitely affect your health. You
need to drink ample water so that you will not
get dehydrated. Therefore, make sure you drink
eight glasses of water every day.

Column 1 Column 2

Questions/Notes for

1. Add four sentences. Exercise also plays an important role in

a. List another two exercises. keeping your body healthy. Regular exercise
will keep you fit. You can jog or cycle daily.
b. How frequently should you If you are looking for more intense exercise, you can consider kick boxing
(1a) ___________________________________
exercise? or aerobic dancing. Just enrol yourself at any fitness centre because they
usually offer such classes for their members.
c. How long should each (1b) ____________________________________
Body 2

You should exercise frequently and consistently at least 3 times a week for 30 minutes.
Set an exercise reminder if you are afraid of forgetting. 30 minutes might be ardous
session be? ________________________________________
to some especially the beginners.
d. How many times a year Find some free time for you to exercise. (1c) __
Thus you can start with 10 or 15 mins and build your stamina from there.
should you go for a medical Just remember that small steps do count.
check-up? ________________________________________
It is advisable to have a medical check-up to
get an idea about your health. (1d) __________ Depending on your health condition,
you should be seeing your doctor for
________________________________________ general check-up annually. One prominent
benefit of doing this is they can detect if there is any life-threatening disease such
as cancer earlier. Some unfortunate people had lost their lives just because
they only knew about their cancer at later stage. By taking a proactive measure like
seeing your doctor regularly may help to increase your lifespan and quality of life.
1. Add three sentences. Apart from these, you should always try
a. What causes stress? to reduce your stress. Most people have health
b. Suggest two ways to problems because of stress. (1a) ____________ Never-ending workload or achieving
manage stress. one's dreams can be the main cause
________________________________________ of stress and it is inevitable since we are living
in a highly competitive world where everyone wants to be the best.
c. Suggest two other By managing your stress, you can maintain a
unhealthy habits. One of the ways is to stop comparing yourself with others
healthy body. (1b) ________________________
especially those who are greater than you. Give yourself time to develop according
to your own pace. Besides, take some time off and go for a vacation. It helps your
Body 3

body and mind to refresh and rejuvenate.

Bad habits such as smoking and staying up late
at night should be avoided. (1c) _____________ Binge watching your favourite netflix
or playing mobile games until late at
________________________________________night is not good either.

These habits have side effects on your health.

Your body should get sufficient rest. Make sure
you sleep at least eight hours daily. A good
sleep is very essential to maintain a healthy

1. Add one or two sentences to The tips above can help you have a fit
conclude. and healthy body. You must be committed and

a. Add another advice to have perseverance to practise a healthy

conclude lifestyle to get a healthy body. (1a) __________ Seek help or support from
b. Add an idiom to conclude. family members or trusted friends once you are ready to change yourself
and embark in a journey for a better health. Remember the saying by
(1b) ____________________________________
Jim Rohn, " Take care of your body. It's the only place you have to live'

Now you are ready to write another essay. Do your best!

Instructions: Write a composition of about 350 words on the following topic. You are advised
to spend about one hour to complete this task.

Describe how healthy habits are important in our life. You should write about the healthy
habits and explain why they are important.










ororor until late in the morning is not good either.oror









































1. This module is divided into 6 sections: Let’s Recall, Let’s Discover, Let’s Learn, Let’s Replace,
Let’s Expand and Let’s Create.
2. You MUST attempt each section in sequence. DO NOT skip any section.
3. READ and understand all the instructions given.

English Language Teaching Centre (ELTC)

Ministry of Education Malaysia
QUESTION: Describe a family member who has inspired you.

Look at this picture. Think of any words or phrases that are related to it.
Write your words or phrases in the Circle Map below.

Image source:

Example: loving, caring, dark hair, straight nose


caring active
prioritise family

a good listener responsible

a loyal
My Father patient
dark hair always make
me laugh

It is best if
you introduce
a family
member of
Read the sample essay below. your choice in the
first para
rather than
mention only one family member of your choice writing a para
about yourself.
QUESTION: Describe a family member who has inspired you.

My name is Haziq Aiman bin Abdullah. I am 17 years old. I am staying in Bandar

Saujana Utama. I was born in Petaling Jaya. My date of birth is on 16th of September
2001. I study at SMK Saujana Utama. I have five siblings. I have two brothers and two
sisters. My father is a mechanic and my mother is a housewife. The family member who
inspires me is my father. important keywords This para
focuses on
My father’s name is Abdullah bin Ahmad. He is 45 years old. He was born in describing
Malacca. My father is lanky and handsome. He has a straight nose and dark hair. He is physical
very kind. He likes to eat chicken fried rice. His hobby is fishing.
main idea/ topic sentence this para is
How your My father inspires me because he works diligently for our family. My father is describing
father inspire
working in Subang Jaya. He goes to work at 7 a.m. and comes back at 6.00 p.m. He about how your
you. works far from home, but he never complains. He is a very dedicated man. That is why father works
he inspires me a lot.
diligently for
your family
This para main idea/ topic sentence
is describing My father is a loving and kind man. He buys food and clothes for us. He also helps
how your my mother to wash the dishes and helps us with our homework. He is the reason why I
father can complete my homework every day. He also buys presents for our birthdays although
being a loving
and kind he does not have a lot of money.
In conclusion, a family member who inspires me is my father. I want to grow up
to be just like him. In conclusion you may add your hope/wish for your father.

(250 words)

Table I:
Read the information in the table below. The information in the table is from the sample
essay in Let’s Discover.

Meaning in Synonyms
Words Idiomatic Examples of use
1 inspire to make • motivate • inspire She motivated us
someone feel • persuade someone with with heroic stories.
they want to • encourage something
do something You inspire
and can do it. • inspire patriotism in me.
something in

2 lanky tall and thin • slender • lanky kid The lanky kid
and move • slim transformed almost
rather • lean overnight into a
awkwardly • skinny handsome young
• bony man.

3 handsome good-looking, • fine-looking • handsome is I know you don't

especially in • good- as handsome think he's very
having looking does good-looking, but
regular, • attractive he's just the nicest
pleasing, and • gorgeous guy, and
well-defined • stunning handsome is as
features • elegant handsome does.
• personable
Johnny is in a bit
• high, wide, of a bad mood, but
and just give him a new
handsome toy to play with
and he will be
high, wide, and
handsome again in
no time.

No. Phrases/
Meaning in Synonyms
Words Idiomatic Examples of use
4 kind having or • concerned • kind-hearted She is a kind-
showing a • considerate person hearted teacher as
friendly, • benevolent she likes to help
generous, poor students in
sympathetic, her school.
or warm-

5 hobby An activity or • pastime • ride (one's) Once grandpa rides

interest • leisure hobby-horse his hobby-horse
pursued • pursuit about fishing,
outside one's there's no stopping
regular him!
and engaged
in primarily
for pleasure.

6 diligently steady • conscientious • in a diligent He is a very

attention and • hardworking manner dedicated worker.
effort that is • tireless He does his job in
undertaken to a diligent manner.

7 complains To express • grumbles • complain If you love your job

feelings of • whines about so much, quit
dissatisfaction complaining about

• complain of The patient came

into the clinic
complaining of
stomach pain.

• complain to If you complain to

the teacher, your
phone will be
taken away.

No. Phrases/
Meaning in Synonyms
Words Idiomatic Examples of use
8 dedicated wholly • purposeful • dedicate to The song was
committed to • committed someone dedicated to me.
a cause • devoted
• dedicate to He devoted
something himself to writing
9 loving feeling, • caring • tender loving Children just need
showing, or • affectionate care a little tender
indicating love loving care and
and affection they'll be happy.

10 presents things that are • gifts • make I'll make you a

bestowed someone a present of your
voluntarily and present of class.
without something

Fill in the blanks with suitable words or phrases from Column C in Table I of Let’s Learn.

QUESTION: Describe a family member who has inspired you.

My name is Haziq Aiman bin Abdullah. I am 17 years old. I am staying in

Bandar Saujana Utama. I was born in Petaling Jaya. My date of birth is on 16th of
September 2001. I study at SMK Saujana Utama. I have five siblings. I have two
brothers and two sisters. My father is a mechanic and my mother is a housewife.
inspires me is my father.
The family member who ___________

My father’s name is Abdullah bin Ahmad. He is 45 years old. He was born in

lanky and ___________.
Malacca. My father is ___________ handsome He has a straight nose and
dark hair. He is very _______.
kind hobby is
He likes to eat chicken fried rice. His _________

My father inspires me because he works _________for our family. My father
is working in Subang Jaya. He goes to work at 7 a.m. and comes back at 6.00 p.m.
complains He is a very ___________man.
He works far from home but he never ___________. dedicated
That is why he inspires me a lot.

loving and kind man. He buys food and clothes for us. He
My father is a ________
also helps my mother to wash the dishes and helps us with our homework. He is the
presents for
reason why I can complete my homework every day. He also buys ____________
our birthdays although he does not have a lot of money.

In conclusion, a family member who inspires me is my father. I want to grow

up to be just like him.

Read the essay you have completed in Let’s Replace. Expand the essay in Column 2 by
answering the questions in Column 1.

Column 1 Column 2

Questions/Notes for

Fill in the blanks with Amirah

My name is ___________________________________.
information about I am ____________
17 years old. I am staying in
yourself. Subang Bestari Selangor
________________. I was born in ________________. My

3rd June 2013

date of birth is _____________. I study at
SMK Subang Bestari
___________________________. 4
I have ____________
siblings. I have 2
_____________brothers and
_____________ sisters. My father is a _______________
and my mother is a ____________________. The family
member who inspires me is my father.

Fill in the blanks with Rahman Bin Ali

My father’s name is _______________________. He is
information about your 55
___________ Alor Setar
years old. He was born in ___________ My
Body 1

father. tall
father is _________, well-built
____________ handsome too
and _____________.
fair complexion black
He has a __________ and ___________ hair. He is
Add details: a loving father to all of us He likes to eat ____________.
___________. home-cooked mealHis hobby
a. When does he do his travelling around the globe while trying all sort of new activities.
is _____________________________________________
hobby? My father is an adventurous man and he always brings us
(a) ____________________________________________
b. Why does he like his to many places whenever he has a chance. He told us once that it
(b) ____________________________________________
was his childhood dream to explore the world and get to know other
hobby? _______________________________________________
cultures and people. According to his travel journal, he has been to
20 countries up till now.I enjoyed looking at his old photos with my
mother when they were travelling together.

Column 1 Column 2

Questions/Notes for

Fill in the blanks with My father inspires me because he works hard for our
Body 2

information about your one of established companies in the

family. My father is working in_____________________.
father. (a) country.
of hisDue to his vast experience in the field, he is currently the
head department. 7 in the morning
He goes to work at _________________ and comes back
Add details: 8 in the evening
at _______________. He works far from home, but he
a. How does he go to It takes him almost an hour to go to his workplace
never complains. (b) ______________________________
work? from our home and he has been going back and forth for almost 25 years
b. Why does he never That is why he inspires me a lot.

Add details: responsible father and kind man. He

My father is a _________________
a. How does that make buys food and clothes for us. He also helps my mother
you feel? to wash the dishes and helps us with our homework. He
Body 3

is the reason why I can complete my homework every

day. He also buyscake and presents for our birthdays
although he does not have a lot of money. (a) ________
he is a very busy man, never he misses his family's important events
like birthdays, anniversary,wedding or graduation. For him, family is his
main priority.

What values have you In conclusion, I have learnt a lot of from my father.
learnt from your father? He teaches me to be compassionate towards others especially
among family members. He always reminds me to not forgetting

of my root wherever I go or who I would become in the future.
believe most of my good traits I enherit from him and I am
proud to be called as his son. I pray my father will be blessed
and stand by me until his last breath.

Now you are ready to write another essay. Do your best!

Instructions: Write a composition of about 350 words on the following topic. You are advised
to spend about one hour to complete this task.

Describe someone you know who does well in life. Write about his/her achievements and
explain how he/she has overcome the challenges in life.











































1. This module is divided into 6 sections: Let’s Recall, Let’s Discover, Let’s Learn, Let’s
Replace, Let’s Expand and Let’s Create.
2. You MUST attempt each section in sequence. DO NOT skip any section.
3. READ and understand all the instructions given.

English Language Teaching Centre (ELTC)

Ministry of Education Malaysia
QUESTION: Kindness begins at home. How can kindness be nurtured by parents at home?

Look at this picture. Think of any words or phrases that are related to it.
Write your words or phrases in the Circle Map below.

Image source:

Example: share, empathy

respect reward
teach honest
exemplary praise
selfless Kindness practice
at home look up

good habit
early years empathy
family members elderly

Read the sample essay below.
You need to write on the relevant ways parents can instill kindness at home

QUESTION: Kindness begins at home. How can kindness be nurtured by parents at

You can explain

the meaning Children’s education begins at home. Parents should teach their children to be
of the quotation in good members of society because parents are the models to their children and have
your introduction. greater influences on them.
1st way is to
At home, children first start to learn, talk, and express their feelings. Parents educate
main idea/topic sentence
act or train them to follow such behaviour. Educating children about love, empathy, children
kindness, and socially acceptable behaviour is a must at home. Children learn by about love,
imitating the behaviour of their elders. Parents can teach their children to obey, be emphaty, etc

honest, be loyal and respect others.

main idea/topic sentence
2nd way is
In addition, children should be taught to help the needy members of our
children be
community. Parents can teach their children about social responsibilities effectively taught to
through their actions. For example, if a father helps a blind person cross the road, his help needy
children will likely to do the same. members.

main idea/topic sentence

Parents should also provide their children with guidelines on how to behave and 3rd way is
have good manners. Therefore, children grow up to become confident with strong good provide
values. At the same time, children will learn to deal with day to day matters and guidelines
respond to difficult situations. on how to

To conclude, it is undeniable that parents have a huge responsibility in

nurturing their children to be good and useful members of society. This will help their
children to lead a good life.

In conclusion, summarise role of parents. Do not add new point. You can include
(228 words)
the impact of kindness being nurtured at home to the society.

Adapted from:

Table I:

Read the information in the table below. The information in the table is from the sample
essay in Let’s Discover.


No. Phrases/
Meaning in
Words Synonyms Idiomatic Examples of use

1. influences the capacity • impacts • under the The impact of social

to have an influence media on children is
effect on the huge.
behaviour of

2. behaviour manner of • demeanour • best Ramlah was happy

behaving or • manners behaviour with her son’s
acting manners when
speaking to guests.

3. empathy the ability to • understanding • empathize A psychiatrist

share • sympathy with should be an
someone’s understanding
feelings, person.
thoughts, or
attitudes by
what it would
be like to be
in someone’s

4. acceptable worthy of • tolerable • acceptable The weather was

being • agreeable performance hot but still
accepted. • approvable tolerable.
able to be
agreed on

5. elders older people • seniors • your elders You may not want
and betters to go, but your
elders and betters
think you should.


No. Phrases/
Meaning in
Words Synonyms Idiomatic Examples of use

6. obey submit to the • take • he who Chuan cannot seem

authority of • accept orders cannot to do anything I ask
(someone) • comply obey, him to. He will
• adhere to cannot never get
command anywhere; he who
cannot obey,
cannot command.

7. needy very poor, • underprivileged • unable to The charity club is

lacking in • disadvantaged make targeting to help
basic ends meet the
necessities underprivileged
children in Kuala

8. guidelines general rules • recommendations • rule of The guidebook

• principles thumb comes with clear
• instructions recommendations
on how to use it.

9. undeniable unable to be • unquestionable • beyond It is

denied • obvious doubt unquestionable
certainly true • indisputable that Siti Nurhaliza
• beyond a is the best singer in
shadow of the country.
a doubt

10. nurturing caring for • bringing up • taking Wani wants to stay

and • attend to care of at home and bring
protecting • look after up her children.
someone • raise
while they
are growing

Table II:

Read the words and phrases in the table below. They will help you to organise your ideas

• Next
• To start off
• Besides
First reason/ • To begin with
Next reason/ • Another
opinion • The first reason
opinion • Furthermore
• First and foremost
• In addition
• One important reason
• It is also found that

• Thus
• As a result • Yet
To emphasise • Due to this • By contrast
earlier • Therefore To introduce • In comparison
other possible
reason/ • Consequently • In other words
opinion • In view of this • On the other hand
• In other words • Another possibility is
• To put it simply

• Finally
• To sum up
• For example
• To conclude
• For instance
• In conclusion
To introduce • … mainly
To conclude • On the whole
examples • … such as …
• My final reason
• … in particular
• Last but not least
• An example of this is
• It can therefore be

Fill in the blanks with suitable words or phrases from Column C in Table I and from Table II
of Let’s Learn.

Children’s education begins at home. Parents should teach their children to be

good members of society because parents are the models to their children and have
greater ______________on them.

At home, children first start to learn, talk, and express their feelings and parents
act or train them to follow such _____________. Educating children about love,
empathy acceptable
____________, kindness, and socially _______________behaviour is a must at home.
Children learn by imitating the behaviour of their _______________. Parents can teach
their children to _________, be honest, be loyal and respect others.

In addition, children should be taught to help the ___________members of our
community. Parents can teach their children about social responsibilities effectively
through their actions. For example, if a father helps a blind person to cross the road,
his children will likely do the same.

Parents should also provide their children with ____________on how to behave
and have good manners. Therefore, children grow up to become confident with strong
good values. At the same time, children will learn to deal with day to day matters and
respond to difficult situations.

undeniable that parents have a huge responsibility in

To conclude, it is ___________
nurturing their children to be good and useful members of society. This will help
their children to lead a good life.

Read the essay you have completed in Let’s Replace. Expand the essay in Column 2 by
answering the questions in Column 1.

Column 1 Column 2

for Expansion

1. What are some Children’s education begins at home. Parents should

other things that teach their children to be good members of society because
parents can do to parents are the models to their children and have greater
teach their influences on them. Parents can also (1) _______________ show their children examples

of kind acts done by good Samaritans around the globe and how it has affected people lives
children at home? __________________________________________________.
to be better.
It is important for children to be good members of society
2. Why is it they will shape the future of the world by behaving in civilized manner.
because (2) ________________________________________
World will be a peaceful place to live if everyone is playing their role and parts by being
important for __________________________________________________.
responsible, respectful and selfless. This can be achieved with the right upbringing
children to be
from home especially during the early years.
good members of
the society?

1. What are some At home, children first start to learn, talk, and express
other examples of their feelings. Parents act or train them to follow such
behaviour that behaviour. Educating children about love, empathy,
parents can teach kindness, and socially acceptable behaviour is a must at
Body 1

their children? home. Children learn by imitating the behaviour of their

elders. Parents can teach their children to obey, be honest,
be loyal and respect others. Apart from that, parents can
also teach children to (1) _____________________________
be grateful and not to be greedy especially with
material possessions. Children sometimes are oblivious towards the unfortunate who
live from hand to mouth. They waste money on the unnecessary items or overpriced brands
just to appear glamorous and trendy among their friends.

1. What are some In addition, children should be taught to help the

examples of ‘help’ needy members of our community. Parents can teach their
that the children children about social responsibilities effectively through
Body 2

can give to the their actions. For example, if a father helps a blind person
needy people. to cross a road, his children will likely do the same. Another
example that children can give needy people is (1) _______ by helping them carrying
their heavy stuffs or even holding the door for them to go out safely. It might seem
a small act but it reflects one's attitude of being considerate. Children also can learn to be
mindful towards the needy by giving up their seat in the LRT or bus when they see
the elderly or pregnant lady is standing nearby them. They should be taught not to turn
a blind eye when encountering such situation.
Column 1 Column 2

Questions/Notes for Practice


1. What are other Parents should also provide their children with
benefits of being guidelines on how to behave and have good manners.
kind to others? Therefore, children grow up to become confident with
strong good values. At the same time, children will learn to
Body 3

deal with day to day matters and respond to difficult

situations. Additionally, being kind to others will teach
children to (1) ______________________________________
practice good habits taught by their parents.
When the children practice good habits towards others, it will eventually shape
their personality to be a respectful person. Besides, children can experience joy and
utmost satisfaction especially when people's lives have changed due to their good deeds.

1. How does being To conclude, it is undeniable that parents have a huge

kind to others responsibility in nurturing their children to be good and
impact the nation? useful members of the society. This will help their children

to lead a good life. More importantly, being kind will impact

2. How does good our nation by (1) ___________________________________
not only individually but socially. The number of crimes
behaviour help us ____________________________________.
will be reduced as people are watching each other's back Good behaviour
in the future? will ultimately help us to (2) _________________________
have responsible and functional citizens

_________________________ in the future.

Now you are ready to write an essay. Do your best!

Instructions: Write a composition of about 350 words on the following topic. You are
advised to spend about one hour to complete this task.

“One person can make a difference.” What can you do to show kindness to others?














































1. This module is divided into 6 sections: Let’s Recall, Let’s Discover, Let’s Learn, Let’s Replace,
Let’s Expand and Let’s Create.
2. You MUST attempt each section in sequence. DO NOT skip any section.
3. READ and understand all the instructions given.

English Language Teaching Centre (ELTC)

Ministry of Education Malaysia

QUESTION: Write about a girl who lost her parents but managed to achieve success
in life. Begin your story with: “Marina’s plans shattered into a million
pieces when…”

Look at this picture. Think of words or phrases that are related to it.
Write your words or phrases in the Circle Map below.

Image Source:

Example: sad, confused

light at the end of the tunnel

sad clueless
struggling lost
suicidal thought
freedom confused
lonely Teen pressure
Problems losing hope
finding support

move on disatisfaction
rebellious disappointment

strong-willed blaming others


Identify the storyline and the characters involved.
Your story must contain a female character who lost her
parents, and a story of her success in life despite losing her
parents. Success in life can be she had a good job/ she
managed to open her own company/ she became the
Read the sample essay below. founder of product etc.

* The tense used in the sentence is in past tense.

QUESTION: Write about a girl who lost her parents but managed to achieve
success in life. Begin your story with: “Marina’s plans shattered
into a million pieces when…”

Start by Marina’s plans shattered into a million pieces when her mother and father You must
introducing use the sentence
main character passed away. She was alone with only a rabbit to keep her company. Marina’s given to
and her rabbit was called Fluffy. Fluffy was very dear to Marina because her father had begin your story.
struggles Do not
bought it for her. It was a difficult time for her since she would soon be sitting for change the
her SPM. Luckily, she had her Aunt Amy who was willing to help take care of her
after her parent’s death.

Develop the One day, a tractor ran over her little rabbit. Now, she felt sadder than ever.
story by Include the
Aunt Amy saw her crying and walked over to console her. “Do not let sadness rule obsctacles she
how main you. Remember dear, you will be sitting for SPM soon. Be strong and you will had to overcome
found succeed.” A wise advice from Aunt Amy. Marina remembered those words and
source of recited them throughout the night. She hoped that it would be a better day

From that day onwards, Marina started to study hard. She stayed focused in Be clear on
Elaborate school with Aunt Amy giving her support and motivation. When the SPM results were how
on how she worked
the main announced, Marina received the surprise of her life. She had passed her exam with her way through
finally flying colours.
her painful (195 words)
Adapted from: yourstories: An unexpected death,

For SPM, you need to write longer, at least 350 words. Expand the
storyline above to meet the required number of words.

Table I:

Read the information in the table below. The information in the table is from the sample
essay in Let’s Discover.


No. Phrases/
Meaning Synonyms
Words idiomatic Examples of use
in context
1 shattered break or  smashed  shattered My heart was
cause to  broke into a shattered into a
break  burst million million pieces when I
suddenly pieces heard the shocking
and news.
into  shatter one’s I became a lawyer
pieces. hopes after my parents
shattered my hopes of
becoming an artist.

2 dear regarded  loved Fluffy is very precious

with deep  precious to me.
affection  greatly

3 bought obtain  purchased  “money Although he is very

something  obtained can’t buy rich, he does not have
by happiness” many friends. It shows
payment that “money can’t buy

4 walked move at a  went over  walk out She quickly walked out
over regular  ambled of the house when she
pace heard the news.

 walk away She slowly walked

away from scene of the


No. Phrases/
Meaning in Synonyms
Words idiomatic Examples of use
5 console comfort  comfort Aunt Amy
(someone) at a  calm comforted Marina
time of grief or  soothe when her mother
disappointment passed away.

6 sadness the condition or  despair  sadder The old man became

quality of being  misery but sadder but wiser
sad  sorrow wiser after the accident.

7 wise having or  clever  wise It is time to wise up

showing  brilliant up and tell those
experience, around you that
knowledge and enough is enough.
good judgement
 as wise The boy looked as
as an wise as an owl
owl when he wore the

8 recited say aloud (a  narrated She recited the

series of names,  uttered poem in front of the
facts, etc)  repeated whole class.

9. study the devotion of  learn  quick Jane, who is a quick

time and  work study study, caught the
attention to  revise joke immediately.
knowledge of an  slow Fred who is a slow
academic study study, never caught
subject on to the joke.

10. passed obtained good  achieved  passed Anita studied hard

results good results with and passed her
in flying exam with flying
 obtained colours colours.
good results

Fill in the blanks with suitable words or phrases from Column C in Table I of Let’s Learn.

QUESTION: Write about a girl who lost her parents but managed to achieve
success in life. Begin your story with: “Marina’s plans shattered into
a million pieces when…”

Marina’s plans ______________ into a million pieces when her mother and
father passed away. She was alone with only a rabbit to keep her company. Marina’s
rabbit was called Fluffy. Fluffy was very _________to Marina because her father had
_______________ it for her. It was a difficult time for her since she would soon be
sitting for her SPM. Luckily, she had her Aunt Amy who was willing to help take care
of her after her parent’s death.

One day, a tractor ran over her little rabbit. Now, she felt sadder than ever.
Aunt Amy saw her crying and ______________ walked over
_______________ to
console sadness
____________________ her. “Do not let _______________ rule you. Remember dear,
you will be sitting for SPM soon. Be strong and you will succeed.” A
_________________ advice from Aunt Amy. Marina remembered those words and
____________________ them throughout the night. She hoped that it would be a
better day tomorrow.

From that day onwards, Marina started to ______________________hard. She
stayed focused in school with Aunt Amy giving her support and motivation. When the
SPM results were announced, Marina received the surprise of her life. She had
__________________ her exam with flying colours.

Read the essay you have completed in Let’s Replace. Expand the essay in Column 2 by
answering the questions in Column 1.

Column 1 Column 2

for Expansion

1. Add a female name. Marina’s plans shattered into a million pieces

Mrs Amal
Example: Sheila/Milah when her mother, (1)_________________________
2. Add a male name. Mr Rahmat
and father, (2)______________________________
Example: Ahmad/Amir last school holidays on a tragic accident
passed away (3) _____________________________
3. Add time and reason of death. when their car collided with a truck from opposite direction.
4. Add describing words or She was alone with only a
Phrases. cute and white

Example: cute/little/white ____________________________________________

5. When did her father buy the rabbit to keep her company. Marina’s rabbit was
rabbit? called Fluffy. Fluffy was very dear to Marina
6. Add describing words or because her father had bought it for her (5)
Phrases. after she became the top of her class in her final.
Example: dear/lovely/kind Marina was suprised because she thought her father would not
like an idea of having a rabbit at home.
It was a difficult time for her since she would soon
be sitting for SPM. Luckily, she had her (6)
caring and loving
_________ _______________ Aunt Amy who was
willing to help take care of her after her parent’s
death. Aunt Amy was her mother's little sister and they

were very close. Aunt Amy did not hesitate to look after
Marina and be her guardian as she always doted on her niece
since she was a baby.

her lucky strs.

1. What was Marina doing in the Marina was feeding Fluffy
One day, (1) _____________________________
garden with Fluffy the with his favourite carrot.
rabbit? He hopped happily around and did not notice he was too near the roadside.
(2) _________________________________________.
2. Think of an incident that Suddenly
(3) _______________, big and huge
a (4) ____________________
could cause the rabbit to tractor ran over her little rabbit. Now, she felt
jump to the middle of the She was not ready for another loss.
sadder than ever. (5) __________________________
road. Tears rolled down her cheeks and she sobbed uncontrollably.
Body 1

3. Add linkers. However, Aunt Amy walked over to console her.

Example: suddenly/after that “Do not let sadness rule you. Remember dear, you
4. Add a describing word or will be sitting for SPM soon. Be strong and you will
phrase. succeed.” A wise advice from Aunt Amy. She
Example: big/huge remembered these words and recited them all
5. Elaborate more on her throughout the night. She hoped that it would be a
feelings. better day tomorrow. (6)
6. Write an idiom or a proverb She kept telling herself that her lives had not
related to hopes. yet ruined due to series of unfortunate events.
All she need to do was to pull herself together
and face the obstacles. She believed
when the going got tough,the tough got going.
Column 1 Column 2

for Expansion

1. Why did Marina start to study From that day onwards, Marina started to
hard? Give at least two reasons. She knew that was what her parents wanted her
study hard. (1) ____________________________
2. What was the activity that she to do if they were still alive. Besides, she got nothing to lose by being
successful. She could make people around her happy and contented.
could do with her friends in She stayed focused in school with Aunt Amy
school? giving her support and motivation. (2)
3. How did she react when she got Most of her time was filled either with study group or doing extra exercises.
Body 2

her SPM results? Marina's friends were kind and supportive as they always accompanied
her in the library or at the canteen. They hardly left her alone.
When the SPM result was announced, Marina
received the surprise in her life. (3)
Marina looked at the transcript and saw string of As written on it.
There was no other letter than A itself. Marina counted
her lucky stars.
She had passed her exams with flying colours.

1. What did Marina do after getting Marina eagerly ran back home to share the good news with
(1) _____________________________________
her SPM results? her beloved Aunt Amy. Aunt Amy had been waiting for Marina anxiously.
ran home – hugged – Aunt She regretted not following Marina to take the result as Marina insisted her

Amy - thanked – support to stay home. She was startled when Marina hugged her once
(2) _______________________________________
2. What was Aunt Amy’s reaction she arrived home. Aunt Amy could not hold back her tears of
when she heard the good news? happines. She thanked God for blessing them with good news and
happy – cried – thanked God – wished Marina a good and happy future life.
wished - future

Now you are ready to write an essay. Do your best!

Instructions: Write a composition of about 350 words on the following topic. You are
advised to spend about one hour to complete this task.

Write a story about a boy who had to face many challenges after his parents passed
away in an accident. End your story with, “…that was the reward for my patience and
hard work.”



















He hopped happily around and d


























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