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Writing Basics: Thesis Statements (T.O.E.

) Quote Sandwich and

Integrating Quotes
November 6th 2020

Directions​: ​Review the documents in the ​resources folder​. After reviewing the resources,
choose ​one of two sample papers​ to read and answer questions on below.

Activity​: ​After reviewing the above resources, choose one of two provided student papers.
Feel free to underline, comment, and mark-up the document as needed. After reading, think
about and answer the following questions. ​Submit your question answers by November 6th
at 5:00 PM.

1. ) What is the author’s thesis?

2.) What strengths and weaknesses do you see in the author’s thesis?

3.) How would you help the author improve their thesis in a consultation?

4.) How does the author use their sources to argue their thesis? How are the sources useful to
their argument?

5.) What strengths does the paper have with regard to the author’s use of sources? Provide

6.) What weaknesses do you see? Provide examples.

7.) How would you address the weaknesses of source use in a consultation? Would you use
any of the resources in this module? Do you have a strategy that has worked in the past?
Generate a general “consultation” plan to help the student.

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