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The Big team

In a long time in Mexico. Two friends wanted to do

a team that its good on soccer but it’s not goanna
be easy for them:
W: William
F: Felipe

W: Hey Felipe, have a I idea for our

F: sure. What is it ?
W: to have our team we need to contact
People if they want to join us.
F: yes, lest do that in the school we have
A lot of friends that play soccer.
W: ok let’s do it tomorrow Felipe
F: of course

On the Next Day

W: Felipe the time has come let’s find some people
To join our team
F: lest do it
W: I will go to 5 classes if they want to join us
F: I will goanna do the same thing
So William and Felipe start to search people to join
Them to their team.
And both find but 1thing happened…
F: William we have a big problem
W: me to
F: I received a call of someone that wants to join us
W: and what he told you?
F: the call shows me that he’s location is from other
W: well mine it’s not complicated than yours, he
told me that he want to join but with one
F: with what conditions?
W: he told me that he want to to be the captain of
The team.
F: well William what we do next?
W: I need to thinking more to tell you because its
Difficult to say it
F: ok then you say me tomorrow

William was thinking all the night about this

decision that he goanna to do it and then he
decides this…..
W: Felipe I decide this
F: what you decide
W: the guy that he’s name is Diego that it’s from
the other country
F: but how he’s goanna to come to Mexico William?
W: I call him and say to him if has a family on
Mexico or a friend. He is from Colombia and he
loves soccer, he wants a team, I convince him and
him its goanna to come today on the afternoon.
W: let’s wait for him

After 2 hours.
Diego: ¡ hey am here bros!
W: finally you are here you goanna to be a good
part of this team.
F: wow so that’s Diego then...
D: Nice to meet you guys, so what day we start?
W: we goanna start on tomorrow with our team we
are 6 and we are playing a final cup.
D: ok now I get it.
F: let’s training to win the final.

William, Felipe and Diego they practice all the day

to match, to be prepare and of course to win it.
Was important for them because it’s a cup if you
win you will competed in a other country a world
cup and that is the dream of William and felipe,is
good for them to have experience in the future.


They win the final and now they will go to the other
county wish is Spain to competed the world cup and
they goanna represent their country Mexico.

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