ASQ 75 Question Sample Exam (Includes Answer Sheet But Without Problems Worked Out) PDF

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ASO SAMPLE EXAMINATION “The purpose ofthe lowing sump examination ito provide an example of what prvided om exam dy by ASQ, compete withthe sime instructions hat are provided on exam da “The text questions that appenr in his ‘tamination: Since hey are ow avalable ‘tamination WILL NOT be alowed into the exam room ‘Appendix A contains the answers tothe sample et questions. ASQ will et provide scerin and analyse fr this sample ‘amination. Remener: These est questions wll mo appear on future examinations so Yur performance om thi sample ‘xamination may not reflect how yu perform onthe forma emination.Asleppratal ef how mel jo know the Content forthe specific arcr ofthe boy of Kneedge (BOR) canbe competed by sing the werksheein Append B (On page 2 ofthe nstrations, stats “There exam only contin 75 quest 1160 questions on this Soar examination.” Please note that this sample you have any questions ropadinghs smple examination, pleat emi seasons foam 489 SO grin puis rns emp cami a. ei ra fie rm ‘Sarda Tema at pote pore and a ornare ere cata ‘saponin i a elie ani) ASO yest la The SSumer aie cope ings ‘TIS PAGE IS LEFT BLANK INTENTIONALLY. ‘> Plese pnt yournane shove, Read lhe insttons bere ben ASO NAME, CERTIFIED QUALITY ENGINEER the examination. I you ae unset ay Tar of heist coal your proctor nord fr ASQ be bet proper sea the Sain ane shes Jor must comply fin he cle Each ce mus ele in ok enous fore cameo papery pc op ‘ner you chow. Io, this oul result inthe exam tein scored comet potest dey Four tes All answers must be rcorded on the Seunron Answer She: no exam wil be graded wih he nsw ued inh eam Using sof lead pn (2 or or) only, backen the ce ofthe etree answer, Do wot we ak 1,08 cage your we, ese asthe previous anne completly Each gusto has ONE correct sae ony ‘This ited est dot ng over dict questions. ested skip he quesions of which you ar unsrewtum o ‘hem when you reich he en of he es Dono fl, staple. oer the apse hots Alinough isis an open book examination aa persnally geeeaed materi es om nining or effeser uses realowed te flowing codon pp 4+ Each examine must make hither reference mater valle othe proctor fer view. ‘+ Absolutely no callecions of questions and arser of weehly reese couse ize ae pemited Refesnce Sources that contain suc copy area allowed nls th qucaton alan are coved or oscre Examples ofsuch sources etude but arena lined to etree aed peparatory primer Calculator Pty: With th nedetion of paleo computer and fcensing copisiion of lee calcltrs, ASO has become ntesingly sare ofthe oe olan thy of caters tht re permed for ‘Se drng he examinations. Any silent, hand-held, battery-operated caleslator WITHOUT an apatite [Keyboard wil be permite: however al programmable memory mux be cleared frm the elle el {ow enter theexam room. The examinations riten so tata spl ses wil be msetoperim No laptop rrp computers ae allowed + NoCel Phonan Reference mucra ndcalelstrs may not be sae ‘When you have sed, chek your answer sheet tobe st itis propery identified wth your same nd mets umber. Retrn sou examination booklet, answer she, examince coment ast apa our PY ‘You mst si theo sheet to sig dhe return of your est booklet ‘nis aril forbiddn to copy o emove examination mati, You wil be dau rm the examinationand nt erie by ASQ you breach hist PLEASE BE PATIENT you will ceive your result in proximately wo wees Soy, bu we do ot user telephone ees for resus you ps, your eric willbe et dts o you ade vse you de ot as you wil cvs Pareta analy eof our fest reel slong wih sake intration our answer sheet hs een personalized with your mame, member number section number, 2. Do NOT make any changesto these parts ofthe answer sheet. Doig 0 willy delay your exam resus. atiythe Proctor of any changes 2. Ifyau do havea personalized answer shot se your Proctor for farther 4. There are 160 questions on this Sour exami sertons. Please check that you have the cores umber of STOP DO NOT CONTINUE UNTIL INSTRUCTED OF-SAMPL EXAM CERTIFIED QUALITY ENGINEER Test ‘Dinstins: Each ofthe question oc incomplete samen tow is followed by four suggesed ansiners or competion. Sele the on thts best in each ese ate il nthe coresponding space onthe ansner sheet, ‘A correlation able yells sus miro ore oF (A) check seat (8) contel chan {©)Parea dag ‘Which of he flowing type obsoceto design (A) Cus resents {@) Manat egueene (C)Ressance For he stn epanent {D)Safeyeguaions| Implememting preventive gua sytem wil incre ich he lowing? (a) Falla cone (8) nspecon ime {C} Qaniy sytem efestiveness (0) Corecive scion effestvenss Which ofthe following inspection methods an be wed to eet surfs fas bat not suber fae? (4) Lge pentane (8) Giese (C) Radiographic (0) Maprete panicle Which ofthe flowing tae tthe ccs pevfrmance of uaa? (4) Rating he perfomance a each ember (B) cating peopl wih ses nines {Ch nciding peopl fom diferent deprmene (©) Having th team make decsons witout management seed A company inca following ait co nthe st ont Evaluating Snished product $50,000 Qual aodtoresiaing $10,000 Manufctrabtystdy Repaing ised praise Process capably ues 30.000 Hove much i the company spend os prevention oss? (a) sti.000 (8) 4,000 (C) $4600 (©) $56,000 Which ofthe folowing methods wed 0 determine whether a process Tunns propel ris ined se? (A Copaciy (8) tnspecton (} Vaan (0) Design review COE-SAMPLEEXAM 5. One purpose of fire made and eft alysis FMEA) (A) validate he desig mets the tended prose (8) eximatethe fas oa mands pee {Chantpoe an rear the proba of poet ares {)perorn ct cause sai along with ete eon 9. When common causes of arition a std a psi nus of vriton, the sal eu (A flr wake tial cometive tion (8) laren pron ot cause anys {C)miscasieaton of speifcaon product (Dhoveradvstinen ofthe ress 10, Roo causes are vestigated as part of which of ‘Hs ling proses! {) especton ()Aoditng Given deta specfeaton links, wich othe felowing cee drnsns hr te hight Cai LN 12. According t $0 900 sandards, quali eons mst be (A) writen and itt cle and concisely {) gible teniabl and reievabe (O) stndanized and dvameted 1. ably preset enya product and is ovis scaled (A proucion coal (Goce, (chtarcoding (O) sequencing CORSAMPLE EXAM Qeestne Lt = refer tthe flowing information ‘A supplier as contrac wih custome that cies semi Snot desnetv tesing of sample prods. Ateordag ‘heart tt reultemuet Ye subd the cafomer © ‘eligi spirits, a the up as a thecisomer when any ofthe sample fa sing Dring atest ec Some ofthe pode fl andthe gti Smee ested by the nore ht led so tat terol il show thal samples passe the teste. The gai leer dcimens the mage’ odes, changes the st ‘esos, and sips the produ. A shor ime ster bah he ‘ually egies aad the quliy manager ae ado during = ‘Upper management subseguenly hres spew quality engineer and conracts wih an oad au company to conduct 20 ‘un preparing forthe wt, hc new guy engineer ‘cverthe fae econ. 1H. What immediate action should theft uy engncer have ken ale documenting he est flat? (4) Place al products on old (B) Hod he tet repented by an eset lnborony {C) Nepsnted revised perfention with te cstomer {) Reraned the employecr who teed he prods 15. ow sould the fest qual engineer have responded to The guy managers ere? (A) Curie othe circivecxatly ordered (8) tnsrcied someone est perform the sk (C} Advise tbe manager the pteial averse ‘onsmuences (0) Noite he customer anonymously 16. With especto thease records, he new gully eines responsible or (A documenting 2 sore ny events took place prior being bre tis company (@) ocameing tempat hose records il hae on fare progct (C) nothing management and recommending ht the vst be const romp (Dy renaming the tests see woes fltaes COF-SAMPLE EXAM 17-The revision ube ofa dang sould oan which of ‘he illwingflomation? (4) Tue quality mangers signature of approval (8) Tee daeor be revtion (C) The GD&T reference standard wed {D) The desing andar eee 14. hich ote flowing col cars meks oncnfmis by atts pr ates concn ‘Spe sine oreach srg? caren ‘we ‘op. ow 19.Whic ofthe following methods on be wed to determine whther aly moteals nd components oF kos gully ‘ere eed tthe ial prover? (a) Preventon (@) Retay {C)Warrany analysis (0) Tracebigy 20. bow contain 312 mas: ss sven gee, cpt ‘head the rest, Tee es aca with feloemeat Wits the prota of geting ere marie be marble onthe st rae? " (avoo0001 (000962 (choos (}09508 Which ofthe flowing se of elements Henifes ‘hemajorclasifenons va na com qual syste (4) Taning itera are, delayed diver (Prevention, april flare {C} Aating eera re, work () Appraisal warranty re The folowing infomation was developed hy 2 uy serie $a.oans Bay. emis fates Which of te allowing equations should ie engineers (a) F -246504 097576 (8) F-09757 + 296505 (OF -73510 + 067665 (0) F-06765 738108 23. Whihofite lowing ols is sed calla he sample variance? 2. Which ofthe lowing ios Bl be goal for ny caioering? (0) Nalin main varie on the ont of m4 oncnformis i spped product {)Esalishing x uni apaal system for produets ()Deelpieg scented me oped deve A componen fed times during 360-mur test and the flrs flo a exponent drbon inhi ‘tation, hat ithe eimaed MTBF nurs? oo ®) 72000 (©) s00.000 (0) 180000 Which ofthe allowing techniques sede qualify mw oe ‘ied mansctring procees (A) Benchnarking (8) Copal sels (©) Dai sre mode and ffs an (FMEA) (Dy Fook eee aay, {ite vale of standard i 0.050, whi of he ‘lowing sso asthe es example ef aceusey faethe pression? 1a) 0048, 051,052, 0049, (B)0.0s0, 0017, 0048 0.051 (Choos, 0n17. 0080, 0030, ()0050, 0033, 0097,0085, ‘A panda wth knoe yal 18200 m6 ‘mosred ier witha mio tht as rhaon {T0001 men. The readings of hse messuemens ae resetd in the flowing able Tose 0 10204 | 10316—| 1020 10197 [10-186 ‘One basis of tis invrmaton, what ithe bias the rnemerment st (4) 0002 am (8) 0005 mm 1C) 10200 mm (0}10205 mm (COE-SAMPLE EXAM 29. Variables dua can ben be esrb 4 dt tat re (2 presented ona nominal measurement ele (B) inated by discrete cours () limited by the reson othe meuring device (Decco para 30. A continuous improvement tam wes the allowing tes estof ts weekly megs, | Amend the agenda eset 2 Summarize the acto ems fm the covet 5. Plan forthe est meting {Review te agen, ‘Rank onto eso at the sequence in which thse eps thet be compe 3A ester requires 2G, 21.3 fora spesifiton of 15 5 1220. IF te spots process at a nano 15. anda ‘Sandard deviation of, which of te allowing series the process apaliy? ProcessC, Product Requirements (a) Teqae (0) Aecepuble c) Nocswcepabie (0) Notaccepable Terps oes notes spears Mex specications Doss nt meet peieatons (COE-SAMPLEEXAM 32, Which ofthe foonng sepsis most inponantaers customer ules spi (9) Toure supp’ mating fie (8) Check the supper’ reptaion {C) Eve snr poder {D) Boab ond working elatoshp 33, Which a thefts aud strategie sequins the sor fallow he predation Now? (a) elemet (©) Deparment (0) Discovery (0) Tracing ‘Mi What sth avaiahiity tm tht ats meen ine tbetnen faves (MTBF egal 2500 housand snes ine repir(MTTR) eu toPRD hous? woos (09608 (oy03603 (0)10390 Quins 8 = 97 reer tthe lowing information So rinks manufctres resend opin fom consumes bout thigh pressure ha bul up when oer pase totes were shen. An indy tk free determi at the te tires shold resigned sey vert he ole ing opening. A new desig es sbi fo reve and ‘esting ona sal dik wth epi hip pres eal $n nly anim pests ere aly dary He ‘perinent Beate of denen on maxima xpsire tempers he team decide tthe prof 50, 120 Fan 140 The Ble were fo beled re itera bots Ineo caine th ls of iret ‘stboeson mebods en aping operas 35. Which othe aon soe should tke fone boing lines found pode sain bt lig temperate i fit? (A Repent he experiment on the sae oti ine (}Condc an arasisof vane stay of ‘emperor rennet (chives boating ie cierences (} Determines ineraton effet Bement lines 36, Which the allowing et esis te indy’ ‘eisoa om a re fo eign he ee eas? (a) Pres ceginsing (8) Cometve scion {C) Quality Rincon deployment {Dy Fore fesse 37, Which ote lowing expernnal design types woul be mot propio etn the bite eg? (Foe (8) Vonden quae {C)Grecotain que (0) Miu 38, Which of he lowing stint mos mportat inthe dug fate quay psn? (4) Viewing major aves s production steps forthe (6) Unesaning he equiements oer and ed (Cp Asesing warranty cota exer nes (0) Using an ati sed cosing (ABC) system 38. The ove reihiliy of proces hats mean ime been fares (MTBF) of 16.3 hous. he Eales foe an export dstbuton ad the tt un ie {30 hours, wba the paces laity” (yoses (a)05s00 (cy05760 (ooss77 0. Rank oer, Fo ists, teflon tp in creting check sheet |. Define theme fame fr collecting the daa 2Chnfy the evento sondons to cberve and 5. Design check shea ta owe 41 A doable mpg pan fom the ANSIASQ 24 Standard asthe lowing adorei Letsine= 100 QL 40 ‘oral gone nipection lvl Ione defects fond nthe fist sample, wich of tne Falowing Weal be he net tp” (8) Ree dtc the spp and thet “ " (8) Rajesh {Cra a second spe nd ej theo one efit is found in ta samp (yaaa seca tps ad ret bot dts COESAMPLE EXAM 42, The flowing able ws developed by a eam. fa Ty ot 2 | 03 ta} 03 6 | oa What the expected vl ofthe dom variable? wos bo Kiss oyuo ‘Which ofthe folowing tol haste higher reslton? (A) A eel er (8) Grose at ook (cpAcalpee (0) micrometer AL Which filing es of etn ayo hing came be eine? (8 Using fits snag oni ad nea ptcpation by tam members (6 Us te ming, toning, nomi nd pong. ‘elon ta project. (odenifing which ar projets ean beef a om the plan ache, set method (0) demi rot eataes, cometve and pressive sos an allow igus on em pes The fling dat plot was ered om a prod simple Bar ‘ 1 What she median alo this data se? ws st (O55 (535 COL-SAMPLE EXAM 46. sample of 50 pieces stake roma proces at is thrown tobe pouring 0.2: noncovoming pees The probaly that sonsonfovming pees il tb found ‘nthe samples approvinatly eu © (a1009 (oss (close (Vos: 47. Which othe flowing ations wl egg the siveness ofa taming progeam ®SPC? (A) Anping the princils immed afr ning {) avolng ine anager he png {C) Using a etre approach {) Using sip language a graphic techni 48, Whic ofthe faiwing tools is ms ftv for ‘acing the dscesion a conor topes? (a) Asti meter agra (8) Nomina gro tcbngue {C} Conse eters method (O) arc meta “A completed fre mode andes arlsis (FMEA) ‘ess inthe lowing assessments. erence 4 Smeriy "3 What the ek piony mabe (RPM) fr hs FMEA? (0)320 50. The prin lowing sembly (X) al ly « ._——> xl = [o* [« sale isl Using worsicas tlrancing what are the mim ad ‘maximo dimensions fr Minium Mim w ae sr 34m 3305 (3436 330s (0) 349 331 “The appropriate manber of isogram clases fern 100 aberaon it wn (ero (c)1820 (2130 arming goal an? stein (a) seesta jest (8) Eas pertomane meus {Cent projet exons {) Axa apt esurces 53. A sample of 1 tubes aes length of 2 cm and an ‘site andar evnion 2.6m What eth 95% ‘onfdece nis of me (ay st emand 25060 (8)200 cmand 077m (€}2299 omand 4.6m (0)2s1tomandA2en sh 56, s. ss In complex cleewone system containing 1,000 dvies {series ap inrease in component relay rom 99)0"% 19 9899% would improve the sytem lability by ator of approximately wns (037 (iso wis Which he following els wl provide quattatve resi (8 tty agen (G8) Cate and eet gram {; Porinaton mates (D)Fece eld analysis Asus ra measured charac of pat 8 Stand deviating of 112 the sda evo of he ‘Sind deviation ote characte? way si no (ns ES, Wie of he faowing ols shoud ea seo deve coming) plas ines oan eer) (a) Poses dein rogram chars (B) Aaa we diagram (Chama diagnen (Dy Pocess ale cain maps “The may reason fr seretingnoasnfoming sti (Ariz theelood of adtonl damage the ater (0) alow fr enor ofthe mtr tht aot eel (yemre acer coun for enon he mate (Dede he opportuni of wing the teil dition 9. 0. cy COE-SAMPLE EXAM Anacepabe quali infomation stem (1S) (9) elas fm thea pogrom (2) developed by the gully purest (C) desired soa alavaable dara ae cleced (Dy eiged io be exiles capi we arey ota "Vhich he lowing ares of comecive action rst sate equa complce? A) Location ofthe problem {2} Obseration the ble (C) Actions to prevent reurence {D) Verein of aow-ap ates A proses witha binomial dsibtion has 58 praablty of sues I 10 sampler re dsm fom he Process. hat ihe approsinateprotbiiy of avng cos oar ‘p08 ofthe flowing clement mos fen lacking it Smee aon plan? 1A) Timely esponse [B) Fala [Ch Resaning 1) Cesing he aust \Whic ofthe following seria sugges that a econ Invariin of product r process epee "lowe tour sock" (a) are (8) Deming {C) Tague (D) saws (COESAMPLE EXAM {4A process in sata conra i centred on tre nds a4 spread equal the specication ange “This proses canes be destted saving 2 (Gor .90 (Cao t33 (enertss (iCarowe 65. sare stem conan te subsystem wth the folowing eitrbtions Subse son 7) Espossta ie MTB = TH Rare Wei isribwion; 6 12000 hous | Broa 3) | exponen if; TBF =25.000 hours Wie sytem is operated fo § 00 hous, what ist celbiy? wo (oar (0301 (0)0.606 ‘Which othe fotowing standards provides pullin fo ‘nahaning a clon system? 1s0 9004 (@)180 17025 {€)180 14000 {(0)180 19011 67. The flowing chars represent oreation states for ae seo ata X, Ye na - z Which ofthe flowing sts of eeaton coefcens ‘posse the value of tse? x y wo a i @ 06 Bt (08 0888 O 49 os 08 e ‘Assignable couse of variation ifr fom common ‘hes becnueasgrble sues (A) an be riven by one ous ein nses (B) can te created bya sere of common cases {C) cana be eliminated exmomically {Dy reat in only nine artion 1 paul carci wil have mo fet on the customers perception of quality, he haat shoul ‘ected ae (A) sonia (B)msior (C)minoe AD) incident “The hares specication for materials 100 BHIN or enter. A process for tht moi ae a mean of 15 nd standard eviston of 10, What the Cy fhe (ay 100 (iss (sr (01200 “Type. wha ype of gage i ied 0 meas the liste beeen no pall surfaces ome oti of stobjestor esi? (Ring (8) Merometer (0) Telescoping (0)Comour “CQESAMPLE EXAM 72, When team neigh tse of oncoming oduct and hen implement cere action and Init is eecvees, the eam 5 using which of owing ecu? (A) Recaronce coat (8) Dsignveifeton (©) Proces mapping {D) Process ung TB, One ote hey responsibilities 2 mesg filsors (a etblshing the meting objets (Bering ie meting gerd {) dsibting the mesg minater (0) esping he eam on ack 74, nine service provider logaed foe pinay ype: of Complains over one month period. A team ued the dao creat the flowing nema, Type Re ‘Gpaaling yew | OF AE Prosy % 40 as Fret oe tnd tine 3 52 Tol 3a 170 What st state shuld be ase ina godess it canis. (251 (cy2ers 7st 175, A processor prs thats nsnsve noma ‘aration fered tas being (A) owtofconta (in speiteaion ()robes (heaps ENDOF Test 1F YOU FINISH BEFORE TIME IS CALLED, YOU MAY GO BACK AND CHECK VOUR WORK ON Tuts TEST. CQF-SAMPLF EXAM ‘DIX A: Answer Sheet For each sale est questo th coect answer i proved low log withthe ares of te boy of knowledge BOK) tha the em is caste wo, This mpl examinations ot need wo repre leas ofthe BOK but provi sampling For each mer ‘opi area. All ASQ examinations ar based onthe BOK for ta purer ena Tove the BOK. or COE, pase Boo kaon guise ‘Question [BOK | Crest Answer sesion [BOR (A Tas Den. 2B. wo sa8 TI ace [apr (leTPeat 5 mo [aps eer ag, 7 [3p as | 8a i | 3et as | ea Tears a] 3F ae | 3ea st saz | 3 [ses or [ra 3A 70 [eas mann 7m _Ls05 15 | $3 dele fa|alofolol> laf fel>felelofeol> le |>[o ela |n|n}>|e)n]=[>Jo/n/5[2|>|>In/afo| COE-SAMPLEEXASE APPENDIX B Analyzing Body of Knowledge (BOK) Content ‘The flowing worshect ante wed to lp yu naz the esas of you answers on his spe examin. Wan be uso

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