Lesson 4 The Quadratic Formula 1

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Lesson Title

The Quadratic Formula

Grade Level

Adaptable for grades 6-12

Designed by

Sierra Londenberg

Mathematical Practices

MP1 - Make sense of problems and persevere in solving them.

MP5 - Use appropriate tools strategically.
MP6 - Attend to precision.

Lesson Goals

The goal of this lesson is for students to gain an understanding of where the quadratic formula arose from
and how we use it. Through this, students will learn the history of the quadratic formula and derive it for

Learning Targets

● I can derive the quadratic formula and show all my steps in doing so.
● I can outline the history surrounding the quadratic formula.
● I can summarize how we use the quadratic formula and what it tells us.


● Algebra Tiles Virtual Manipulative


● Quadratic Equation Problems


● Coolman, R. (2015, April 07). ​What Are Quadratic Equations?​ Retrieved from Live Science:

● Edwards, T. G., & Chelst, K. R. (2019). Finding Meaning in the Quadratic Formula. ​The Mathematics Teacher​,

● Güner, P. (2018). Developmental Process of Quadratic Equations From Past to Present and Reflections on
Teaching-Learning. 149-163.

● Maston, L. (2020). ​Sumerian/Babylonian Mathematics​. Retrieved from Story of Mathematics:

● Pope, S., & Rogers, L. (2015, November). A Brief History of Quadratic Equations for Mathematics Educators.
Proceedings of the British Society for Research into Learning Mathematics​.

● The History Behind the Quadratic Formula.​ (2017, September 11). Retrieved from Mathnasium:

Materials Provided

● The Quadratic Formula Outline

● Complete the Square Warm Up
● The Quadratic Formula Activity
● Understanding the Quadratic Formula Assignment

Access for All

● EL​ - During the lesson, strategically group students so that each EL student has at least one other
student with them who speaks their native language or is familiar with the native language. Allow
students to use a translation tool to translate the reading portions of the assignment into their
preferred language.

● Special Needs ​- During the lesson, strategically group students so that they will have support from
other students in the class. The reading for the history portions are designed to be accessible for
students at various reading levels, but students might need help identifying words or making
connections with what the text is saying.

● Low Performance​ - During the lesson, strategically group students so that they will have support
from other students in the class. The reading for the history portions are designed to be accessible
for students at various reading levels, but students might need help identifying words or making
connections with what the text is saying.

● Advanced​ - Allow students to work in groups during the lesson. Students should discuss the topics
together and work through the problems together. While students are working, walk around the
classroom and ask them questions to further their thinking on the topic. If students finish early or are
interested in the topic, encourage them to research further and provide them an opportunity to share
their extra learning with the class.


This lesson is relevant to students because they will use the quadratic formula often in their mathematical
careers. The quadratic formula is prevalent in many math classes, and by teaching students its history and
having them derive it for themselves, we can instill a deeper learning in the quadratic formula so students
feel comfortable using it and interpreting its result in a problem.

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