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Couse 16 MEMORY Listening practice

Listen to the first part of a talk on memory by a psychologist and note the common failures in memory that he mentions.

Were any of them the same as yours?


Now, Listen to the rest of the talk and answer these questions:

What is AJ good at remembering?


How does she feel about her good memory?


Why are people’s memories not as good as they used to be?


Complete each statement with the missing word. Then, listen and check.

AJ’s memory is stimulated by _____________________ in the same way that our memories ca be stimulated by certain

Having a good memory should make people feel more ___________________________________.

Our memories are selective: they remember mostly ______________________things and ________________ things.

We should be ________________ for all the things that our memories hide.

Technology has become our ________________________ memory.

Now medical science is trying to address the _________________ of poor memory….

Listen to the first part of the talk again and complete the first half of these sentences with the correct verb forms.

Your _____________________________________ to make a c comment at a meeting when….

You ______________________________________________ to send a friend a card for his birthday, but...

You promised you _____________________________ mail a letter for someone and two days later…

You _____________________________________ to write down a great idea you had, but when you found a pen and

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