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COURTS COMMISSION OF THE. STATE OF ELIWOIS ) Sonne EAT } FILED Tepe of be Creal Cone, } wo 40-1 cna Get Co of Cok Cosy ; Sah ul Sob } Sa otlinis ; ments omrLAnr Pursuant to Section 15(€ of Artole VI ofthe Constitution ofthe State of lino, the linois Judicial Inquiry Board Boa”) complain aginst Judge Mauricio Arajo, Judge ofthe Great Cour of Cook County, Sixth Judicial Subeicut, of the Stat of Tints ("Responder tod charges Respondent with conduct that was prejudicial tothe administration of justice and that brought the judicial office ino disrepute SUMMARY OF ALLEGATIONS 1. Respondent has engaged ina pater of inappropriate and harasing behavior ‘eward women wit whom he has interacted in professonal stings and in his official udicial capacity, In oraround the Spring and Summer of 2012, on two separate occasions, Respondent ‘nade unveanted sexual advances toward court reporter while alone with her in the confined space of an elevator atthe Domestic Violence Courthouse in Chicago. On August 15,2016, Respondent made unwelcome sexual comments toward and attempted unvanted physieal contac wth, Chicago Police Oficee while she was in his chambers tthe George N. Leighton riminal Court Building to obain his signature ona search warrant. On September 11,2013, Respondent made inappropriate and sexually suggestive comments about an Assistant State's ‘xtomey after she appeared before hi, and id so in the presence of another Assistant State's Artomey, “Through this pattern of inappropriate behavior toward female professionals with whom he interacts, and though each individual incident, Respondent bas engaged in conduct that was prejudicial othe administration of justice and brought the jc office into disrepute StaTemENT oF Facts 1. Baekground 3. 12008, Respondent was elected Judge ofthe Cook County Ciruit Court, Sixth Judicial Subsreult. He was retained in November 2014, and continues to serve as a judge. 4, InSeptember 2018 Respondent was paced on administrative leave in connection with the allegations dacused in paragraphs 25 -30 below. 1. Respondent's Unwanted Sexual Advances Toward Court Reporter 5. Imoraround the Spring of 2012, Respondent presided over a courroom in the Domestic Violence Courthouse at $55 West Harison Steet in Chicago, Minis, 6 Inoraround the Spring of 2012, during regular courthouse hours, Respondent catered the elevator at the Domestic Violence Courthouse. Als in the elevator with Respondent ‘was a court reporter who was inthe courthouse for a professional assignment and who regularly worked inthe building (he “Court Report") 7. Wile the two were riding inte levator together, Respondent made unwanted sexual advances toward the Court Repoter. Respondent moved within close proximity tothe Court Reporter and ina sexually suggestive manner, asked her“how much money” she warted twhave sex with him. The Court Reporter became uncomfortable, ied to move away from Respondent, and laughed in an unswccesful atempt to defise the situation, Respondent continued his advances anyway, assuring the Court Reporter that he was “not joking” with his request and again asking her “how much” it would take, The Court Reporter refused to answer the offensive question and exited the elevator. 8. The Court Reporter was distressed and traumatized inthe aftermath of the incident. However, she did not formally report the incident in par because she was conceried sbout negative ramifications on her career if'she made accusations agains siting judge. 9. A few weeks later, in or around the Summer of 2012, the Court Reporter again centered the courthouse elevator while she was on assignment atthe Domestic Violence Courthouse. To her dismay, she again found herself alone with Respondent on the elevator. Like the last time the two had shard the elevator, Respondent moved within close proximity to the Court Reporter and repeated his sexual proposition from thelr last encounter, asking her ‘how much money" she wanted to have sex with him, 10, The Court Reporter was again extremely uncomfortable with the proposition. She ‘moved avay from Respondent and told him that she had a boyfriend. Respondent told ber that 4id “not matter.” The Court Reporter then edmonished Respondent that she understood be was martied. Respondent answered “t's OK." The Cour Reporter again refused to respond directly to his request, leaving the elevator at her frst opportunity 11. The Court Reporter was again distressed and tumatized afte this second sexual ‘proposition from a sitting judge, but did not formally report the incident because of concerns shout negative ramifications on her career 12, The Court Reporter actively avoided the courthouse elevators after the second proposition from Respondent, She took the elevator by necessity when she was carrying her hheavy court reporting equipment but otherwise tried to take the stits whenever possible to avoid being alone with Respondent in the confined space of an elevator. 13, Latrin the Summer of 202, the Court Reporier sought o and obtained ma transfer from the Domestic Violence Courthouse to the Daley Center, Her anaer was motivated in large pat by Respondents behavior toward hein the elevator, and her fear of further wr wanted sexual advances from Respondent. 14, the Court Repomer lected to come Forward with er allegations ater she became aware ofthe media reports regarding Respondents inappropriate behavior toward a female ‘Assinant State's Atomey as alleged in paragraphs 25-30 below. TIL, Respondent's Unwanted Sexual Advances, and Attempted Sexual Contact, With a Police Officer 1S, Inthe Summer of 2016, Respondent presided over a criminal courtoom atthe George N. Leighton Criminal Cour Building at 2650 South California Avenue in Chica go, ino. 16, On August 15,2016. femal officer ofthe Chicago Police Department the “ofticee) entered Respondents chambers in ores to obtain search warrant 17, Atthe time ofthe incident n August 2016, the Officer was fifeen year veteran of the Chicago Police Department. The Officer ha interacted with Respondent in conestion with search warrants in the past, but the Office had no personal relationship with Respondent whatsoever. 18. On August 13,2016, the Otter approached the threshold of Respondent's chambers alone and knocked on Respondents door. Respondent tld the Officer to enter his chambers, which she did. At the time she entered Respondent's chambers, the Officer was in plain clothes but wearing her duty belt and protective vest. 19, Asshe entered Respondent's chambers with the unsigned warrant, Respondent approached the Officer quickly with his arms extended, then moved his face within clos e ‘proximity with hers in an attempt to kis the Office on the mouth, 20. As Respondent moves face toward hers, the Officer extended her ana ty prevent him from coming any closer, loudly stating “back sir," a method she bad leamecd during ber police training for halting a potentially dangerous physical encounter, The Officer sdmonished Respondent, asking “azen't you marsied?” Respondent sid that he was, bat htt id not mater. 21. During this exchange the Officer became extremely uncomfortable and mnoved toward the window in Respondents chambers, hoping that Respondent would not continue his divans in fll view ofthe window overlooking the courthouse parking lot. The Officer then decided to leave chambers as soon as possible to avoid any further unwanted advances 22. The Officer asked Respondent o accompany her out of his chambers so he could sign the warrant either inthe courtroom or her squad car. Respondent agreed, leading the Officer up a small set of tps leading from his chambers to his courtroom. While Respondent was ‘walking up th steps infront ofthe Officer, he stempted to grab her hand end told the Ofcer “just touch it” The Officer pulled her hand away and asked, “touch what?” Respondent then said touch my. butt” The Officer, who had become even more concerned by Respondent's escalating advances, placed her hand on Respondent's shoulder and gently shoved him into the courtroom s that she could move to larger area that would allow her to move further away from Respondent 25. Respondent finly signed te Officer's warat in his courtoom an shelf the building. The Officer was distressed and traumatized following the incident, and resolved to void any situation that ether alone with Respondent inthe future. She never sought a search ‘warrant from Respondent by herelf agai, slvays arranging to have members of ber tea with ‘her when she had occasion to encounter Respondent 24, The Officer elected to come Forward with er allegations afer she became aware ofthe media reports surrounding Respondent's inappropriate behavior tovard a female Assistant State's Attorney as alleged in paragraphs 25-30 below. IV, Respondent's Offensive and Sexually Suggestive Comments About Assistan ¢ State's Attorney 25. OnSeptember 11, 2018, a fernale Assistant State's Attomey (the “ASA”: appeared before Respondent ina case that had been reassigned to Respondent. 26. The ASA and Respondent had been law school clasates from 1990-1993 Respondent andthe ASA knew eachother as classmates but were notclose fiends, though Respondent hed made asexual advance toward the ASA. while in law schol, which the ASA bad rebuffed, 27. _Aferthe ASA's appearance before Respondent, she hada brief convesation with tnotber Assistant Stte's Attorney inthe hallway outside the courtoum. 28. While the ASA was ouside the courtroom, Respondent complained in Spanish to his lek thatthe ASA had not acknowledged him appropriately given thet they were former classmates, stting that the ASA did not give him congratulations and acted like she di not know who he was 29, Later that day, Respondent vas in chambers witha mle Assistant State's Attomey discussing a different mater. While Respondent was signing paperwork for this mater, e eferenced the earlier encounter in his courtroom and ssi words tthe effet of “You ‘would tink if you went to fucking law school with someone, they would sy ito you" 6 Respondent then refered tothe ASA a “bitch” The male Asstant State's Atomey suggested to Respondent that it was possible the female ASA didnot recgaize Respanclent in his judicial robe, Respondent responded, seyng words othe effect of Maybe i's beens Aidt have sex with her... or maybe it's because Idd have sex with her” The male Assistant State's Attorney exited chambers, shor thereafer leaming from his colleagues tet Respondeat had been talking about the female ASA (his colleague in the State's Atte’ Office, about ‘inom Respondent had similarly complained following her appearance before him 30. As word ofthe inappropriate sexual comments spread though the courthouse, the Cook County States’ Attomey's Office sents memorandum to Respondent's presiding judge on September 18,7018 describing and expressing concern about the incident. The inedent alo received local press coverage. Respondent as subsequently assigned to administrative duties as ‘result of this alleged conduct. ‘Viotarions Count INAPPROPRIATE SEXUAL ADVANCES TOWARD CouRT REPORTER 31. The Board incorporates paragraphs I-30 above 32, Inoraround spring of 2012, and as described above, Respondent nade unwanted sexu advances toward a female Court Reporter on a courthouse elevator on two separate 33, These inappropriate and harassing advances caused the Court Reporter distress” sd trauma, and ultimately led hero seek a transfer 10a different location to avod frtaer contact with Respondent. Count INAPPROPRIATE SEXUAL ADVANCES TOWARD POLICE OFFICER 34. The Bosrd incorporates paragraphs 1-33 above 35, On August 15,2016, Respondent aempted to make unwanted sexual contact witha female Police Officer in his chambers. He did this first by atempting to Kiss heron the ‘mouth, then by physically moving her hand toward his backside telling her to “tue his bat.” 36, These inappropriate and harasing advances and physical contact aused the (Officer distwes and trauma, and ultimately led her to change her profesional habits in onde to void being alone with Respondent agin Counr itt INAPPROPRIATE AND SEXUAL COMMENTS REGARDING ASSISTANT STATE'S ATTORNEY 37. The Board incorporates paragrephs 1-36 above. 38. On September 11, 2018, Respondent made inappropriate and sexully suggestive comments in his chambers about a female Assistant State's Attomey, and did so in the presence of another Assistant State's Attorney who was the ASA's colleague 39, Through the shove-deseribe pattem of inappropriate conduct toward woxmnen he encountered ina professional setting, and through each such incident deerbed inthis Complaint, Respondent violated the Cade of Judicial Conduct, ino Supreme Cour Rule 6, which provides: ‘A Judge Should Uphold the Integrity and Independence ofthe Judickary ‘An independent and honorable judiciary is indispensable to justice in our society. ‘A judge should participate in establishing, maintaining, and enforcing, and should personally observe, high standards of conduct so thatthe integrity and Independence ofthe judiciary may be preserved. The provisions ofthis Code should be construed and applied to further that objective. 40. Through the above-described pater of inappropriate conduct toward women he encountered ina professional setting and trough each such incident deserbed in hit Complaint, Respondent also violated the Code official Cont, inois Supreme Court Rule (2, Canon 2(A), which provides in petnent part: ‘A Judge Should Avoid Impropriety and the Appearance of [Impropriety in All ofthe Judge's Activities (A) A judge should respect and comply with the law and should conduct himself or herself at al times ina manner that promotes public confidence in the integrity and impartiality of the judiciary 41, Through the above-described pater of inappropriate conduct toward women he ‘encountered ina professional setting, and through each such incident described inthis Complaint, Respondent also violated the Code of Judicial Conduct, Ilinois Supreme Court Rule 63, Canon 3(A\(3), which provides in pertinent part: ‘A Judge Should Perform the Duties of Judicial Office Impartially and Ditigently 3) A judge should be patient, dignified, and courteous to litigants, jurors, ‘witnesses, lewyes, and others with whom the judge deals in an official capacity, and should require similar conduct of lawyers, and of staff cout officials, and others subject to the judge's direction and contro ° 42, Through the above-described pattem of inappropriste conduct toward women he encountered in a professional setting, and through each such incident described inthis Complaint, Respondent also violated the Code of Judicial Conduct, Ilinsis Supreme Co-uct Rule 63, Canon 3(8)(9), which provides in pertinent prt ‘A Judge Should Perform the Duties of Judicial Office imparts Diligently yand (A judge shall perform judicial duties without bis or prejudice. A judge shall not, in the performance of judicial duties, by words or conduct ‘manifest bias or prejudice, including but not limited tobias or prejudice based upon race, sex, religion, national origi, disability, ege, sexual ‘orientation or socioeconomic satus, and shall not permit staff, court, officials and others subject othe judge's direction and contal todo so PRAYER FOR RELIEF WHEREFORE, the Judicial Inquiry Board charges thatthe bove-described conduct of, Judge Mauricio Araujo was prejudicial to the administration of justice and brought the judicial office into disrepute, prays thatthe Hlinois Courts Commission, after notice of public hearing, make such order in accordance with Section 15 of Arcle VI of the linois Constituion gs the (Commission may deem appropriate. Respondent has the right to file responsive pleadings tothe charges within twenty-one (21) days after strvice of notice ofthis complaint Dated: June $,2019 u “Respectflly submitted, JUDICIAL INQUIRY BOARD OF THE STATE OF ILLINOIS wh Ore off attomeys By: Kevin M. Fee Martha C. Clarke SDLEY AUSTINLLP (One South Dearbom Street ‘Chicago, Hlnois 60603 (G12) 853-7000 (phone) (G12) 853-7160 (fax)

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