Banco de La Republica

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Fundamentos de Economía


Alexandra Correa Camacho

Katerin Vanesa Carvajal Murcia
Andrés Felipe Méndez Diaz


Banco de la Republica

Fundación Universitaria los Libertadores

Tecnología en Gestión Administrativa
Bogotá D.C
30 de Abril de 2019
When we arrived, we watched maxium security taking care of the place and not

allowing the entry of personal objects. At the moment of entry, they explained to us

their input to the environment through a recycling method of rain water, later we

went to the interaction room, where they talked us about that, firstly, that Bank of the

Republic was created in 1923, naming it as monetary authority, creditly and of change.

In 1991, it becomes an independent entity thanks to the colombian constitution.

They proceeded to talk us about the functions that the Bank of the Republic has, being


- Production and distribution of cash

- Administration of the international reserves

- Goberment’s fiscal agent

- Legal emission of currency

- Cultural Contribution

And the most important is about controlling the inflation on the market; through the

interest rate it is done an adjust for making that the inflation doesn’t exceed th 3%,

being that the goal number.

Also we talked about how is conformed the Bank of the Republic’s board of directors,

telling us that are 7 members, which 2 are selected by the President and the minister
of finance. It was made emphasis that the Bank of the Republic is an independent

financial entity that twice a year, they adjust accounts to the Congress of the Republic.

Later, we went to an interactive zone to check the previous acquired knowledge of the

previous talk. Finally, we were took to see the process of making money (bills):

Step 1) Initially, the paper already comes with the security tape and the water mark,

in this process it is marked mainly security elements as the perfect register and the

fluorescent parts.

Step 2) Here it is done the printing on high-relief, are printed the principal texts,

numbers that identify the denomination and the images.

Step 3) Verification of the correct production of sheets using high-resolution cameras.

Step 4) It is done manual quality control by the operators.

Step 5) It is putt he serie to the sheet.

Step 6) Finally it goes through the wrap and cut area where are grouped up the

denominations by one hundred bills.

By the end of the route, we were given an instructive for the recognitions of fake bills.

Fun facts:

- The paper comes from France and Germany.

- It’s equiality to the offer and demand.

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