I. Assets Utilization: ROA TR/TA (Assets Utilization) - Total Expense/TA (Expense Ratio) - Taxes/TA (Tax Ratio)

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EM didn’t change from 2013 to 2014 and remained constant at a multiplier of 11.1.


ROA (2014) is less than ROA (2013). Therefore, the decrease of ROE is mainly due to low


ROA is a broad concept that depends on many factors such as revenues, expenses and taxes.

ROA= TR/TA (assets utilization) – Total Expense/TA (expense ratio) – Taxes/TA (tax ratio)

I. Assets utilization



6.25% 2013


6.11% 2,578,239 2014

Table 4: AU

As we can see in table 4 above, asset utilization decreased from 2013 to 2014 which

partially explains the decrease of ROA and in turn ROE. To see what factor or ratio that

pushed asset utilization to be low in 2014 and high in 2013, we should decompose it


AU=Int. income/TA +Non int. income/TA + SG/TA.

First: interest income ratio

2014 2013  

5.113% 5.112% interest income/total assets

Table 5: interest ratio

Interest income increased slightly from 2013 to 2014 however AU decreased from 2013 to 2014.

Therefore, it didn’t have any clear impact on AU and then ROA.

To see how the company is operating regarding its interest income, we should evaluate three
factors that influence how much the bank is generating income from his assets, the three factors

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