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PRACTICAL ENGLISH FOR FINANCE AND ACCOUNTING EUROPEAN ENGLISH” The Council of Europe has developed a European Language Portfolio (ELP) in order to allow users to record and reflect on their language learning and intercultural experiences in a standardised manner throughout Europe. ELP is based on six language levels described in the Common European Framework of Reference (CEFR): ‘A1-A2 (basic user), B1-B2 (independent user), C1-C2 (proficient user). The Portfolio consists of three pa t/a Language Passport (an updateable overview of your experience in and ability with different languages) 2a Language Biography (a record of your personal language learning history) 3:7/a Dossier (a collection of your certificates and pieces of work that you choose to illustrate your language skills and achievements) To download the ELP, visit http:/ 2K, What is your European English like? Look at the self-assessment grid in the Writing file at the end of this book and evaluate your own listening, reading, speaking and writing skills. Listening = Reading = TEs Spoken interaction = at Spoken production =... Be Writing = ... me ‘What level would you like to be at the end of this course?. 2B, Look at these statements taken from the Language Biography. Decide if they describe something you can already do or something you want to be able to do and tick the corresponding column. Complete the last ‘Can dos" with verbs from the box. communicate convey express(2) keep maintain: pass produce(2) Ihave: ae cee | a sufficient vocabulary to express myself on most lopies pertinent fo my everyday life (amily, hobbies and interests, work, travel, and current affairs) 2 | sufficient vocabulary to express myself on matters connected to my field and ‘on most general topics 3 | a good command of a broad vocabulary, | rarely have to search obviously {or expressions or compromise on saying exactly what | want to Ican: "i ‘conversation going comprehensibly, but have fo pause fo plan and correct what | am saying ‘ . simple information of immediate relevance, getting across which point | feel is most important . Myself reasonably accurately in familiar, prediciable situations: stetches of language wih a fay even tempo, although | can Be | search for expressions. esi on detailed information reliably coe - with reasonable accuracy and can correct mistakes W they have led to misunderstandings 0 myself fluently and spontaneously, almost eforlessiy 7 ~ dear, smoothly-flowing, wellstuciured speech, showing control Cover ways of developing what | want to say @ ‘consistently high degree of grammatical accuracy, errors are rare and difficult to spot 10

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