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Etiology and clinical outcome in dogs with aspiration pneumonia: 88 Cases


Article  in  Journal of the American Veterinary Medical Association · January 2009

DOI: 10.2460/javma.233.11.1748 · Source: PubMed


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5 authors, including:

Lynelle Johnson Beverly K Sturges

University of California, Davis University of California, Davis


Karl E Jandrey
University of California, Davis


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Etiology and clinical outcome

in dogs with aspiration pneumonia:

88 cases (2004–2006)
David A. Kogan, bs; Lynelle R. Johnson, dvm, phd, dacvim; Beverly K. Sturges, dvm, dacvim;
Karl E. Jandrey, dvm, dacvecc; Rachel E. Pollard, dvm, phd, dacvr

Objective—To evaluate the number and types of underlying disorders detected in dogs
with aspiration pneumonia and determine the survival rate among affected dogs.
Design—Retrospective case series.
Animals—88 dogs with aspiration pneumonia.
Procedures—Medical records were reviewed to identify disease processes that could re-
sult in aspiration pneumonia. To assess outcome (ie, survival to discharge from the hos-
pital or nonsurvival), dogs were grouped by the type and number of underlying disease
processes. Duration of hospitalization and radiographic severity of disease were evaluated
with regard to case outcome.
Results—As the cause of aspiration pneumonia, a single underlying disorder was identified
in 60 of the 88 dogs; 2 or more diseases were identified in the remaining dogs. Esopha-
geal disease (n = 35), vomiting (34), neurologic disorders (24), laryngeal disease (16), and
postanesthetic aspiration (12) were identified most commonly. Overall, 68 dogs survived
to discharge from the hospital (survival rate, 77%). Survival rates were comparable among
dogs regardless of the underlying cause of aspiration pneumonia. Radiographic severity of
disease and duration of hospitalization did not influence survival.
Conclusions and Clinical Relevance—Among these study dogs, aspiration pneumonia
was associated with a high survival rate. The presence of more than 1 underlying disease
associated with aspiration pneumonia did not adversely impact survival rate. Interestingly,
radiographic severity of disease and duration of hospitalization were not associated with
overall survival rate. (J Am Vet Med Assoc 2008;233:1748–1755)

A spiration pneumonia is a common clinical diag-

nosis in dogs, and underlying disorders associated
with this disorder include vomiting, laryngeal disease or
animal at risk. To the authors’ knowledge, definitive
diagnosis of aspiration pneumonia via evaluation of
biochemical markers such as pepsin in bronchoalveolar
surgery, megaesophagus or esophageal dysfunction, and lavage fluid has not been described in the veterinary
decreased level of consciousness.1–8 Aspiration pneumo- medical literature; therefore, identification of underly-
nia results from inhalation of oropharyngeal or gastro- ing disorders associated with aspiration is essential to
intestinal contents into the respiratory tract, which trig- limit the development of aspiration pneumonia in hos-
gers chemical, bacteriologic, and immunologic damage pitalized patients and to provide preventive advice for
to the airways9–11 and can progress to acute respiratory owners of dogs that have certain diseases.
distress syndrome.12 Early clinical recognition of aspira- Despite the common occurrence of this disease
tion pneumonia allows appropriate treatment of both the syndrome, little information is available on the relative
airway injury and the underlying disease process that incidence of underlying diseases and rate of survival in
lead to aspiration, thereby preventing additional damage affected dogs. The purpose of the study reported here
to the lower portion of the respiratory tract through re- was to evaluate the number and types of underlying
peated aspiration. disorders detected in dogs with aspiration pneumonia
Aspiration pneumonia is clinically identified and determine the survival rate among affected dogs.
through the development of respiratory tract signs and In humans, the mortality rate associated with multi-
radiographically detectable infiltrates in a person or lobar lung disease is higher than that associated with in-
volvement of a single lung lobe13; thus, a secondary goal
From the Veterinary Medical Teaching Hospital (Kogan), and the of the study was to establish the relationship between ra-
Departments of Veterinary Medicine and Epidemiology (Johnson) diographic severity of disease and outcome. We hypoth-
and Surgical and Radiological Sciences (Sturges, Jandrey, Pollard), esized that dogs with multiple underlying disorders
School of Veterinary Medicine, University of California, Davis, CA associated with aspiration pneumonia or radiographic
95616. Dr. Kogan’s present address is Veterinary Medical and Surgi- evidence of more extensive pulmonary infiltrates would
cal Group, 2199 Sperry Ave, Ventura, CA 93003.
Supported in part by the S.T.A.R. (Students Training in Advanced Re-
be hospitalized for a longer period and have a decreased
search) program, School of Veterinary Medicine, University of Cali- survival rate, compared with dogs with a single caus-
fornia, Davis, and the Bailey Wrigley Fund. ative disorder or less extensive pulmonary infiltrates. It
Address correspondence to Dr. Johnson. was envisaged that results of the study would provide

1748 Scientific Reports JAVMA, Vol 233, No. 11, December 1, 2008
clinically useful prognostic information for dogs with sess esophageal motility) where indicated. Underlying

aspiration pneumonia. causes for megaesophagus were identified via serum
anti-acetylcholine receptor antibody detection, assess-
Materials and Methods ment of blood lead concentration, ACTH stimulation
test (detection of hypoadrenocorticism), and endos-
Case selection—Medical records of dogs dated
copy. Dogs with focal (esophageal) myasthenia gra-
January 1, 2004, to January 1, 2006, at the Veterinary
vis were considered to have only esophageal disease,
Medical Teaching Hospital of the University of Cali-
whereas those with esophageal disease and lower motor
fornia, Davis, were searched to identify dogs with a
neuron signs were considered to have both esophageal
clinical diagnosis of aspiration pneumonia. This time
and neurologic disease. Disorders of laryngeal structure
frame was chosen to generate a sufficient number of
or function were diagnosed via direct observation of
cases for evaluation from the period prior to transition
the larynx while dogs were in a light plane of anesthe-
from conventional film screen radiography to digital
sia. Dogs that had had arytenoid lateralization surgery
radiography. This was specifically done so as to elimi-
performed > 2 months prior to evaluation for aspiration
nate any confounding variability caused by differing
pneumonia at the hospital were placed in the same group
imaging techniques. Dogs were included in the study if
as dogs with other laryngeal disease. Prolonged recum-
aspiration pneumonia was listed in the medical record
bency because of neurologic or neuromuscular disease
under the record field for the final clinical diagnoses
and seizures or obtundation associated with neurologic
and radiographic images illustrating pulmonary infil-
disorders were recorded as potential causes of aspiration.
trates were available for review. Cases with other forms
Dogs that developed aspiration pneumonia in an imme-
of pneumonia were not evaluated.
diate perioperative period were assigned decreased level
Medical records review—Medical records were of consciousness as an underlying cause for aspiration.
examined by 2 of the authors (DAK, LRJ), and clini- All additional historical information and diagnostic test
cal information was abstracted. At the discretion of the results were examined to detect any other disease pro-
primary care clinician, diagnostic tests to identify the cess that could result in development of aspiration pneu-
underlying causes of aspiration were performed as clin- monia. Dogs were assigned to categories with regard to
ically indicated on the basis of the history and physi- the type of disease identified and were also classified by
cal examination findings. Historical features, clinico- the number of different underlying etiologies.
pathologic findings, and results of diagnostic tests were Thoracic radiographs that were obtained soon after
reviewed by a board-certified internist (LRJ) to verify the aspiration event were reviewed by a board-certified
the diagnosis by use of criteria (variably documented in radiologist (REP); however, the exact timing (in hours)
individual records) as follows: witnessed or suspected of radiography in relation to a potential aspiration event
regurgitation or vomiting episodes followed by acute could not be determined. Thoracic radiographs (2-, 3-,
onset of respiratory difficulty, cough, or tachypnea; and 4-view sets) obtained for each dog were evaluated
physical examination findings consistent with lower for the type and severity of pulmonary infiltrates. The
respiratory tract disease or radiographic detection of radiologist was unaware of the history, clinical course
pulmonary infiltrates in a dog at risk for aspiration; of disease, or outcome for each case. A score was as-
and identification of systemic disorders or interven- signed on the basis of the severity (relative opacity) of
tions potentially associated with aspiration, including interstitial and alveolar infiltrates. The scoring system
anesthesia, esophageal dysfunction, laryngeal disease, applied for an interstitial pattern was as follows: 1 =
gastrointestinal tract disease, and decreased conscious- mild, 2 = moderate, and 3 = severe. The scoring sys-
ness in dogs with clinical or radiographic evidence of tem applied for an alveolar infiltrate was as follows: 4
pneumonia. Medical records and radiographic reports = mild, 5 = moderate, and 6 = severe. To generate an
were also scrutinized for comments that reflected clini- overall radiographic assessment of the extent of lung
cal suspicion of an aspiration event and clinical or clini- involvement, the score was multiplied by the number
copathologic evidence of hypoxemia. Records were also of apparently affected lung regions to provide a sub-
reviewed to identify all potential syndromes that could jective radiographic severity score, with higher num-
contribute to an aspiration event. bers reflecting more extensive pulmonary involvement
Assessments were performed to elucidate gastro- (Figure 1). This methodology has not been established
intestinal and extragastrointestinal causes of vomiting; as a rigorous determination of disease severity for as-
these included serum biochemical analyses and abdom- piration pneumonia, but it was considered clinically
inal ultrasonography to assess intestinal function, ab- relevant for the purposes of the study. For the purposes
dominal radiography (with and without administration of the study, lung regions were defined on the basis of
of contrast medium) to identify gastrointestinal struc- the lobar branching pattern in dogs14; because the left
tural abnormalities and motility disorders, and histo- cranial lung lobe in dogs is comprised of cranial and
logic examination of gastrointestinal biopsy samples to caudal segments (and each was considered indepen-
identify inflammatory or infectious disease. Additional dently), the location of infiltrates was described as left
evaluations included urinalysis, renal and hepatic ultra- cranial-cranial segment, left cranial-caudal segment,
sonography, and assessment of canine pancreatic-like or left caudal, right cranial, right middle, accessory, or
immunoreactivity. Disorders associated with regurgi- right caudal lobe.
tation or dysphagia were investigated via cervical and Dogs with aspiration pneumonia were examined by
thoracic radiography and videofluoroscopy (after ad- multiple services throughout the hospital, including the
ministration of liquid or barium-soaked kibble to as- emergency, internal medicine, neurology, and surgical ser-

JAVMA, Vol 233, No. 11, December 1, 2008 Scientific Reports 1749

Figure 1—Dorsoventral radiographic views of the thorax of 2 dogs with aspiration pneumonia. For each dog, a score was assigned on
the basis of the severity (relative opacity) of interstitial and alveolar infiltrates. An interstitial pattern was scored as 1 (mild), 2 (moderate),
and 3 (severe) and an alveolar infiltrate was scored as 4 (mild), 5 (moderate), and 6 (severe). The score was multiplied by the number of
apparently affected lung regions to provide a subjective radiographic severity score, with higher numbers reflecting more extensive pul-
monary involvement. Because the left cranial lung lobe in dogs is comprised of cranial and caudal segments (and each was considered
independently), the location of infiltrates is described as left cranial-cranial segment, left cranial-caudal segment, or left caudal, right
cranial, right middle, accessory, or right caudal lobe. A—In this dog, a severe alveolar infiltrate (score 6) is identified in the right cranial
lung lobe. The subjective radiographic severity score for this dog is 6. B—In this dog, a severe alveolar infiltrate (score 6) is identified in
the left cranial-cranial segment, left cranial-caudal segment, and left caudal lobe (3 affected regions). The subjective radiographic severity
score for this dog is 18.

vices. Some dogs had aspiration pneumonia at the time of pared between dogs that survived and those that died or
admission to the hospital, whereas others developed aspi- were euthanized on initial examination or during hospi-
ration pneumonia during hospitalization. For analysis of talization. All analyses were performed by use of a Mann-
specific variables, dogs were initially stratified as discharged Whitney U test for nonparametric data.a
from the hospital, hospitalized (regular ward or intensive For comparison of outcome, dogs were also grouped
care unit), or died or were euthanatized at the time of ex- according to the number of underlying disease processes
amination. For any dog that was admitted to the hospital, identified. Among dogs that had 1, 2, or 3 underlying
the number of days that it remained in an intensive care disease processes associated with aspiration pneumo-
unit and duration of hospitalization were recorded. nia, duration of hospitalization, days spent in an inten-
sive care unit, radiographic severity of lung infiltrates,
Statistical analysis—Data are presented as mean ± and outcome were compared by use of a Kruskal-Wallis
SD, and median values and ranges are reported where ap- comparison for categorical data.a Survival rates were also
propriate. Via χ2 analysis,a survival rates were compared compared among dogs with specific predisposing con-
between dogs with interstitial and alveolar infiltrates and ditions for aspiration pneumonia, including neurologic
between dogs with involvement of 1 and > 1 lung region. disorders, laryngeal disease, esophageal dysfunction, and
For some analyses, dogs were grouped into those that postanesthetic aspiration by use of a χ2 analysis.a For all
were or were not admitted to the hospital. Radiographic analyses, significance was set at a value of P < 0.05.
severity score was compared between these 2 groups,
and for hospitalized patients, the radiographic score was Results
compared between those that survived to discharge from
the hospital and nonsurvivors. Days spent in an inten- Search of the electronic medical database yielded
sive care unit and duration of hospitalization were com- medical records of 105 dogs for which aspiration pneu-

1750 Scientific Reports JAVMA, Vol 233, No. 11, December 1, 2008
monia was listed as a final clinical diagnosis. Two cases bency, and 7 dogs had a seizure disorder (1 dog had
were excluded because review of the medical records concurrent myasthenia gravis). Four of 7 dogs with sei-

failed to identify supportive clinical evidence for as- zures were receiving antiseizure medication long term.
piration pneumonia, and 15 cases were excluded be- In dogs with spinal cord disease, the diagnoses includ-
cause of the lack of radiographs for review. Medical ed intervertebral disk disease in 5 dogs, meningomyeli-
records for the remaining 88 dogs were comprehen- tis encephalitis (determined via magnetic resonance or
sively reviewed. computed tomographic imaging and CSF analysis) in 2
Clinical, clinicopathologic, and radiographic find- dogs, and degenerative myelopathy in 1 dog.
ings in the dogs included in the present study have Laryngeal disease was reported for 16 dogs, among
been reported elsewhere.15 Among the 88 dogs, a single which laryngeal paralysis was the most common diag-
underlying disease process associated with aspiration nosis (n = 14). Arytenoid lateralization had been per-
pneumonia was identified in 60 (68%); 2 disease asso- formed 2 months to 3 years prior to development of
ciations were identified in 23 (26%) dogs, and 3 disease aspiration pneumonia in 6 dogs and within 24 hours
associations were identified in 5 (6%) dogs. The most in 3 dogs. Uncorrected laryngeal paralysis was reported
common underlying disorders included esophageal dis- for 3 dogs, and a laryngeal foreign body and previous
ease or dysfunction (n = 35), vomiting (34), neurologic laryngectomy were each reported for 1 dog.
disorders (24), laryngeal disease (16), and postanes- Overall, 68 of 88 (77%) dogs survived the episode
thetic aspiration (12). of aspiration pneumonia and were discharged from the
In the 35 dogs with esophageal disease, the cause hospital. Survival rates did not differ among dogs with
was determined as megaesophagus (n = 25) or esopha- aspiration pneumonia associated with esophageal, la-
geal motility disorders (6) or hiatal hernia (1); causes ryngeal, gastrointestinal, or neurologic disease process-
of regurgitation were unidentified in the remaining 3 es or postanesthetic aspiration (Table 1).
dogs. Megaesophagus was considered idiopathic in 13 In 60 dogs in which a single disorder was identi-
of the 25 dogs and was associated with diffuse myas- fied, the most common finding was esophageal disease
thenia gravis (n = 9), focal myasthenia gravis (2), or (n = 23 [38%]), followed by vomiting (20 [33%]), neu-
persistent right aortic arch (1) in the remaining dogs. rologic disease (7 [12%]), laryngeal disease (6 [10%]),
Esophageal dysmotility was idiopathic in 3 dogs and and postanesthetic aspiration (4 [7%]; Table 2). Twen-
caused by cricopharyngeal achalasia in 2 dogs and oro- ty-three of 88 (26%) dogs had 2 underlying disorders.
pharyngeal dysphagia in 1 dog. The combination of esophageal and neurologic dis-
In the 34 dogs that had vomiting, the condition ease was most common (7/23 [30%]); those dogs had
was related to primary inflammatory, functional, or generalized weakness and megaesophagus secondary
neoplastic gastrointestinal tract disease in 8, toxins or to diffuse myasthenia gravis. Neurologic disease was
foreign bodies in 8, renal disease in 5, pancreatic dis- identified in an additional 7 dogs that had 2 underlying
ease in 4, and liver disease in 2; causes were unidenti- disease processes associated with aspiration pneumonia
fied in 7 dogs. (4 dogs with concurrent vomiting and 3 dogs with as-
In the 24 dogs with neurologic disorders, muscle piration pneumonia that developed as a postanesthetic
weakness associated with generalized myasthenia gravis complication). In the remaining 9 dogs, various combi-
was identified in 9 dogs, all of which had megaesopha- nations of disease processes were identified. In 5 dogs
gus; 8 dogs had spinal cord disease resulting in recum- with 3 identified disease associations, laryngeal disease

Table 1—Diseases identified in dogs with aspiration pneumonia and survival rates
among affected dogs. More than 1 disease process were defined in some dogs.

No. of No. (%) of

Disease category Underlying disease process dogs affected survivors
Esophageal disease (n = 35) Megaesophagus 25 27 (77)
Motility disorder 6
Hiatal hernia 1
Unknown 3

Vomiting (n = 34) Primary gastrointestinal disease 8 25 (74)

Toxin or foreign body 8
Renal disease 5
Pancreatic disease 4
Liver disease 2
Unknown 7

Neurologic disease (n = 24) Generalized myasthenia gravis 9 15 (62)
Seizures 7*
Spinal cord disease 8

Laryngeal disease (n = 16) Laryngeal paralysis 14 12 (75)
Previous debarking surgery 1
Laryngeal foreign body 1

Postanesthetic aspiration (n = 12) 12 10 (83)

*One dog had concurrent myasthenia gravis.

JAVMA, Vol 233, No. 11, December 1, 2008 Scientific Reports 1751
Table 2—Survival rates (%) and radiographic scores in dogs with 1, 2, and 3 underlying disease pro-
cesses associated with aspiration pneumonia.

No. of Mean Range of

disease No. of No. of radiographic radiographic
processes Disease or disease combination dogs survivors score* scores
1 Esophageal disease 23 19 7 2–14
Vomiting 20 17 7 4–20
Neurologic disease 7 5 8 1–24
Laryngeal disease 6 5 5 3–8
Postanesthetic complication 4 10 10 1–20
Overall 60 50 ND ND

2 Esophageal and neurologic disease 7 6 5 2–10
Vomiting and neurologic disease 4 2 7 2–15
Vomiting and laryngeal disease 3 1 7 2–10
Neurologic disease after anesthesia 3 1 9 6–10
Laryngeal disease after anesthesia 2 2 7 4–10
Esophageal disease and vomiting 2 1 15 12–18
Esophageal and laryngeal disease 1 1 5 NA
Vomiting after anesthesia 1 1 5 NA
Overall 23 15 ND ND

3 Laryngeal disease and vomiting after anesthesia 2 2 7 3–16
Laryngeal, esophageal, and neurologic diseases 1 0 2 NA
Laryngeal and neurologic diseases and vomiting 1 1 12 NA
Neurologic and esophageal diseases and vomiting 1 0 4 NA
Overall 5 3 ND ND

*Actual value presented if 1 dog in subgroup.

NA = Not applicable. ND = Not done.

was most common. Laryngeal disease was detected in 2

dogs that vomited in the postanesthetic period and in
2 dogs with concurrent neurologic disease and either
esophageal disease or vomiting. An additional dog with
neurologic and esophageal disease developed aspira-
tion pneumonia after a vomiting episode. There was no
identifiable difference (P = 0.30) in survival rates among
dogs with 1, 2, or 3 causes of aspiration pneumonia.
Eleven of 88 (12%) dogs were discharged from the
hospital on the day of examination. Seven were treat-
ed with a β-lactam antimicrobial, 2 were treated with Figure 2—Distribution of subjective radiographic severity scores
a β-lactam antimicrobial combined with enrofloxacin, in 88 dogs with aspiration pneumonia.
and 1 was treated with enrofloxacin alone. The remain-
ing dog received no antimicrobial treatment because was no significant (P = 0.10) difference in the mean
the aspiration pneumonia was considered to be mild. number of days spent in the intensive care unit for those
Two of the 11 dogs were euthanatized within 30 days that survived (2.0 ± 0.3 days) or did not survive (3.2 ±
because of continual aspiration, 1 dog was lost to fol- 0.7 days). Comparison of data for dogs with 1, 2, or 3
low-up, and the remaining 8 dogs were known to have underlying diseases processes associated for aspiration
survived from 6 to 810 days. The remaining 77 of 88 pneumonia revealed no significant (P = 0.53) difference
(88%) dogs were hospitalized; 57 (74%) dogs survived in mean number of days spent in the intensive care unit
to discharge from the hospital, and the remaining 20 or duration of hospitalization.
(26%) dogs died (n = 2) or were euthanatized (18) dur- Survival rates did not differ between dogs with in-
ing hospitalization. Reasons for euthanasia included a filtration of 1 and > 1 lung region (P = 0.58) or between
poor prognosis associated with concurrent neoplasia (n dogs with interstitial and alveolar infiltrates (P = 0.65).
= 9), complex medical conditions (3), sepsis (2), the Scores for the severity of infiltrates determined via as-
need for ventilator therapy (2), refractory regurgitation sessment of thoracic radiograph views ranged from 1 (a
(1), or meningomyelitis (1). The role of aspiration in- mild interstitial infiltrate in 1 lung region) to 24 (severe
jury in failure to survive could not be fully determined. alveolar infiltrates affecting 4 lung regions). A bimodal
However, necropsies were performed in 14 of 20 dogs distribution of severity (centered on scores of 4 and 10)
and revealed evidence of aspiration pneumonia in 11; was evident (Figure 2). There was no significant differ-
in the remaining 3 dogs, pulmonary congestion, metas- ence in the radiographic score between dogs that were
tasis, or fibrosis was evident. or were not hospitalized (ie, discharged immediately af-
Duration of hospitalization did not differ (P = 0.76) ter initial examination). The mean radiographic severi-
between the group of dogs that survived (mean ± SD, ty of infiltration in dogs that were hospitalized and later
5.0 ± 4.5 days; range, 1 to 23 days) and those that died discharged was 7.3 ± 5.0 (range, 1 to 24); this value
or were euthanatized (5.4 ± 4.5 days; range, 1 to 19 did not differ significantly (P = 0.57) from that of dogs
days). In dogs that were admitted to the hospital, there that died or were euthanatized during hospitalization

1752 Scientific Reports JAVMA, Vol 233, No. 11, December 1, 2008
(mean, 6.6 ± 4.4; range, 1 to 15). The 3 dogs with the tion or from excessive pooling of secretions in the oro-

most severe radiographic scores (18, 20, and 24, respec- pharynx with overflow into the respiratory tract. In the
tively) all survived to discharge from the hospital. dogs with aspiration pneumonia in the present study,
Antimicrobial treatment was not given to 4 of 77 megaesophagus was related to myasthenia gravis in 11
dogs; these dogs were admitted to the hospital but were dogs, of which 9 had generalized weakness and 2 had
euthanatized prior to drug administration. Airway sam- focal myasthenia involving only the swallowing appa-
pling was performed in 4 of the 88 dogs. The most com- ratus. In a clinical study18 of acquired myasthenia gra-
mon antimicrobial treatment administered was a β-lac- vis, generalized muscle weakness was reported in 64%
tam antimicrobial combined with enrofloxacin (50/73 (16/25) of affected dogs, and the combination of sys-
[68%] dogs); of the dogs treated with this drug combina- temic weakness and esophageal dysmotility likely con-
tion, 39 survived to discharge from the hospital and 11 tributed to development of aspiration pneumonia in the
did not. Two dogs received metronidazole in addition to current study. Mortality rates of 48% to 60% have been
this combination. Among the 73 dogs receiving antimi- reported for dogs with focal, generalized, or acute ful-
crobial treatment, a β-lactam derivative alone was given minant myasthenia gravis, and death is often associated
to 20 (27%), enrofloxacin alone was given to 2 (3%), and with aspiration pneumonia.1,18 However, in the current
amikacin was given to 1 (1%). Nebulization with sterile study, only 3 of 9 affected dogs failed to survive.
saline (0.9% NaCl) solution followed by coupage was Generalized weakness from myasthenia gravis was
performed in 30 of 57 (53%) dogs that survived to dis- the most commonly identified neurologic disorder in
charge from the hospital and in 9 of 20 (45%) dogs that the dogs of the present study; however, recumbency
did not survive. No specific treatment could be associ- associated with spinal cord disease was also common.
ated with survival or duration of hospitalization. Muscle weakness and deconditioning from thoraco-
lumbar disease may have increased the likelihood of an
Discussion aspiration event. Seizure disorders were identified in
7 dogs with aspiration pneumonia, and 3 dogs had no
In the present study, the specific underlying dis- other underlying disorder that could result in aspira-
ease processes in dogs with aspiration pneumonia were tion pneumonia. In contrast, humans with epilepsy that
determined and the survival rates associated with the are otherwise healthy rarely develop aspiration pneu-
detection of 1 or more of these diseases were evalu- monia.5 Use of phenobarbital for seizure control could
ated. Vomiting, esophageal dysfunction, neurologic play a role in development of aspiration pneumonia if
disease, laryngeal disorders, and postanesthetic aspira- excessive sedation was present or if liver dysfunction
tion were detected (in decreasing order of frequency) resulted in vomiting; these conditions were not identi-
in the dogs included in this study. Overall survival rate fied in dogs of our study.
in these dogs was high, and contrary to our hypothesis, Aspiration pneumonia developed in an immediate
the severity of pulmonary infiltrates (determined radio- perioperative period in 12 dogs and in most instances
graphically) and the presence of more than 1 disease (8 dogs) was associated with the presence of an addi-
process associated with aspiration pneumonia did not tional risk factor for aspiration. Aspiration pneumonia
negatively impact outcome. following anesthesia is uncommon in people, although
Among the 88 dogs included in our study, aspira- the rate in children or during emergency surgeries is
tion pneumonia was most commonly associated with ei- higher than that in adults; many affected humans have
ther esophageal dysfunction or vomiting in the absence additional diseases that could contribute to the phe-
of additional identifiable disease processes. In a recent nomenon of aspiration.7,19,20 The prevalence of aspira-
study16 in humans, 23% (41/180) of patients that died tion pneumonia following anesthesia has not been fully
from medically managed gastroesophageal reflux disease examined in veterinary medicine to our knowledge, al-
developed aspiration pneumonia, indicating the serious though the risk is well known clinically. Monitoring of
health threat of gastrointestinal dysfunction. The sever- pH at the lower esophageal sphincter during anesthesia
ity or chronicity of vomiting in the dogs included in the has revealed gastroesophageal reflux in approximately
present study could not be accurately assessed because 17% (47/270) of dogs,21 indicating the risk for esopha-
of the retrospective nature of the investigation; however, geal irritation and subsequent regurgitation that could
no specific entries in the medical record detailed copi- lead to aspiration injury.
ous regurgitation or vomiting. It is possible that the dogs Aspiration pneumonia has been reported as a com-
may have had subclinical or transient concurrent laryn- mon complication of laryngeal surgery in dogs.2,22 This
geal dysfunction that allowed aspiration or that the vol- likely results from a combination of reduced laryngeal
ume of fluid vomited may have overwhelmed laryngeal sensation and deficient motor responses, as well as an-
capacity. The competence of the larynx was not assessed esthetic-induced depression of reflexes including the
in all dogs, although none had historical or physical ex- gastroesophageal reflex. Surgical technique, experience,
amination findings suggestive of laryngeal dysfunction. and postoperative management probably also have a
Subclinical dysphagia resulting in silent aspiration (ie, role in development of aspiration injury. Aspiration
aspiration that occurs without any signs of swallowing pneumonia in dogs has been reported less frequently
difficulty) has been reported as a contributor to pneumo- when arytenoid lateralization is performed by a single
nia in humans with a variety of disorders17 and may play surgeon.23 In human medicine, laryngeal dysfunction
a role in veterinary patients also. or surgery is variably reported as a contributor to as-
Megaesophagus can result in aspiration pneumo- piration pneumonia. Vocal fold immobility contributes
nia because of chronic, recurrent, or massive regurgita- to aspiration after esophagectomy, although 40% (8/21)

JAVMA, Vol 233, No. 11, December 1, 2008 Scientific Reports 1753
of patients with normal vocal fold function may also tion (eg, laryngeal disease and megaesophagus), there

aspirate.24 Humans that undergo vocal fold surgery25,26 was no difference in duration of hospitalization or out-
rarely develop aspiration pneumonia as a complication. come, compared with dogs that had aspiration pneu-
In the present study, 6 dogs with laryngeal paralysis de- monia associated with gastrointestinal tract conditions
veloped aspiration pneumonia 2 months to 3 years after or postanesthetic aspiration, which are typically revers-
surgery; such a delayed occurrence has been previously ible. This lack of influence of underlying disease on du-
reported.2 Although some dogs had additional under- ration of hospitalization or survival might explain the
lying diseases associated with aspiration, 6 dogs with high survival rate among dogs in the present study.
laryngeal disease (4 with laryngeal paralysis) did not Results of our study indicated that multiple diseases
have additional identifiable disorders, suggesting that are associated with aspiration pneumonia in dogs; how-
laryngeal dysfunction alone may predispose to aspira- ever, limitations of the study should be considered. As a
tion pneumonia, perhaps as a result of silent aspiration. retrospective study, diagnostic testing was not standard-
However, full neurologic work assessments were not ized and multiple clinicians were involved in many cas-
performed in all dogs of our study, and it is possible that es. Invasive tests were only performed if a disorder was
generalized neuromuscular disease was not detected.27 considered likely to be present in a given dog and if that
Some findings in the present study were unexpect- dog’s condition was stable. For example, laryngoscopy
ed. First, radiographic evidence of disease severity was was performed only in dogs with evidence of laryngeal
not related to duration of hospitalization or with over- dysfunction, including inspiratory respiratory distress,
all survival rate. Similarly, a recent evaluation of radio- voice change, exercise intolerance, or stridor. Dogs with
graphic findings in dogs with pulmonary blastomycosis subclinical disease may not have been identified. In dogs
failed to identify an association between a weighted that developed postanesthetic aspiration, specific tests
index of radiographic severity and survival,28 indicat- for esophageal or gastrointestinal dysfunction were not
ing that prognosis for survival should not be based on performed, and it could not be determined whether a
radiographic evidence of disease. The scoring scheme primary disorder such as esophagitis was present or if
used in the present study has not been used previously. decreased consciousness was solely responsible for aspi-
It was deliberately simplistic for ease of clinical applica- ration. Necropsy data were unavailable for most dogs in
tion and would not be suitable for evaluation and com- the study, and the role of aspiration pneumonia in death
parison of cases with other disease processes. For ex- of dogs could not be accurately estimated with available
ample, a dog with a moderate diffuse interstitial pattern information.
associated with chronic bronchitis would generate a The data obtained in the present study provide im-
relatively high radiographic severity score (2 X 7 = 14), portant information regarding the number and type of
but that disease process is obviously not comparable to underlying diseases that may be associated with aspira-
aspiration pneumonia. It is possible that the timing of tion pneumonia in dogs and expected outcome. Con-
radiographic view acquisition in relation to disease made trary to our hypothesis, dogs with multiple underlying
it impossible to detect differences. Radiographic views diseases associated with aspiration pneumonia or dogs
obtained soon after the aspiration event were scored for with more extensive radiographic evidence of pulmo-
severity; however, the number of hours that elapsed af- nary involvement did not have prolonged hospitaliza-
ter the aspiration event prior to radiography could not tion or decreased survival rates. Importantly, findings
be accurately assessed. Dogs with radiographically evi- of our study suggest that among dogs with multiple dis-
dent interstitial infiltrates may have been in the early orders that could result in aspiration pneumonia, the
stages of the disease or have already progressed into the outcome is generally favorable with an overall survival
recovery phase. Progressive changes in infiltrates could rate of 77%.
not be evaluated because of variation in the number and
timing of additional radiographic evaluations. Thus, re- a. GraphPad Prism, version 5.0, GraphPad Software Inc, San Di-
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