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Ysaura Angeles

Proffesor: Matthews

English 111


A&P story by John Updike, is about a young man called Sammy, who decided to

abandon his job responsibility, because an incident happened with tree girls that that were not

treated properly because of walking in to store with bathing the beginning he thought that

it was the best decision, but when he went outside the store, he realized that the world he knew

had stayed behind. Sammy began to questioned himself for having abandoned his

responsibilities, because he had not realized that the world simply changes every day and that

leaving his job would the best decision.

This history takes place in an A&P supermarket in small town in New England. Sammy

imagines the 1990’s in the hint of the Cold War, were the supermarket is being controlled by the

Russians. During the story, Sammy demonstrate hypocrisy by quitting his job after Legel

embarrass the girls for wearing there bathing suits to the store when there’s no beach around, and

staying store policies. “the girls, and who’d blame them, are in hurry to get out, so I say “I quit”

to Legel quick enough for them to hear, hoping they stop and watch me, their unsuspected hero.”

(“Updike” 23).

Langel’s roll in the story is basically to show Sammy what he could become if he

continues his path in A&P store, but also shows him that is not what he wants for himself. Which

gives him the strength to the out his job. Stereotypes is used in this story to show that although

Sammy is described as a carefree teenager he’s still. This stereotypes reveal about Sammy that
he is a teenager boy with hormones which shows by how he criticizes the girls when they walked

in with their bathing suits and also how attracted he is to Queenie.

Is irrational that Sammy quit his job, because of the way Legel makes the girls feel for walking

in the store in bathing suits. But y leaving ambitions of what life will have in store for him in

future away from A&P.

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