Activitie 2 - Ingles PDF

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1 Read the text.


A lot of people are surprised when I tell them my job. That is because I say, 1 am a pilot.

What is so surprising about that? Well, 1am fema le and, in Britain, only 3.Q0 of the _1_3~00_9
a1rlines pilot-are women.

When I was younger, 1 wanted to be a nurse. 1 changed my mind after flying in a plane for
the first time when I was thirteen. My brother and I went to see the pilots in the cockpit
during the flight - you can't do that nowadays. lt was an amazing experience. 1 remember
thinking, 'This much more exciting than being a nurse!'
lt takes severa! years to become a pilot. First, you get a Commercial Pilot 's License and
take a complete medica! examination. lt's so important for you to be fit and healthy in this
job. Then, to fly passenger planes, you flyJ.,.5.QQ_tiours as a trainee pilot and pass a written
exam. Also when you are qualified, instructors check your flying skills every six months.

At the moment, 1 am working on short flights between Manchester and European

destinations like Barcelona, Nice and Milan. Sorne people say that this is not as hard as
flying long distances to America or Asia, but I disagree. The sky above Europe is the
busrest a1rspace rn the world. lt can mª_ke flying difficult, especially whenl:ne weafhe =s
bad. -

Being a pilot is an incredibly job. The lives of hundreds of people are in your hands. lt, s
essential for pilots to be prepared for anything to happen at any time. lt is very important
to 1hink qu1dly and stay calm under pressure. __ -- - - ~
As a first officer, r always work with-anothér pilot, a captain. The capta in sits on the left
hand side and the first officer on the right. We share the job of flying the plane on each
journey. lt' s safer to have two pilots in case one of us becomes ill and is una ble to fly.
1 know there are easier jobs, but there, s. nothing as exciting as flying plan e!
.2 Read the text again and answer the following questions.

1. How many airline pilots in Britain are men?

1 2tOO -\h\:, O'le, '<Y)e,t"\

2. How many hours do you fly when you are training to fly passenger planes?
c;ao ~Cx.1~)

3. Why is it difficult to fly over Europe?

W'n e'<\ -r\-\e w e ú \ nev- \ ~ boc)

' 4. What is important for pilots to do when there is a problem?

·\I,¡,, \(. t'.c,~\ 7:>\0'I Co.\m 11"'Clc \ \)' <C '.:, \.u•e
5. Why do passenger planes have two pilots?

h, r ,,\~ c:, ,-. e o• 41-.e -\wo 3 •~ .- ·,, "t:. -:..,-,_e) c.º" - i 'eh¡
6. The writer of the article is a:
A) rnan
C) woman
C) child
7. Passengers _ visit the pilots on a flight nowadays.
A) never
8) sometimes
C) often
8. Training to be a pilot is:

A) less than a year B) one year

C) more than one Year
9. Oualified pilots are checked
A) rcgularly 8) occasionally
C) every six years
10. The airspace over Europe is
A) exciting B) quiet
C) busy
11. The captain sits _ the ftrst officer.

A) in front of O) on th loft of C) bchincl


Read and listen to the follow111g toxl

Fo1 most p1..'ople, trJveling 1n space is a dream. However, far more and more people, worltíng in
spJce on o sp.:ice stat1on 1s a reality. A space station is a structure designed for astronaut s, or
peope who live and work in outer space. Life on a space station is NOT easy in space, there are
no hot shower and no pizza delivery. Let's look at sorne different aspects of life in space.
WORK Astronauts usually work far about 16 hours a day in space. Far work, thev\ doc"('.)~ cct<>(
. ~"'10'".,.,l>\qn \ lg)YOf\ . ~ n\:'"Ú OL\
expenments, assemb1e pa rts of the space station, and @.Qfil[ satellites. Space stat1on crews are
often in space for six to nine months, but sometimes they stay in space far overa year!
FREE TIME: Astronauts have books, MP3 players, and games -just like peBele on Earth! They use
their laptops computers to send e-mails to family, friends and coll~gelÍes. They can also talk to
people back on Earth using technology through their computers and the internet.
FOOD AND EATINC Astronauts hardly ever need tQ make their faod. lt often comes in packets
and is ready\to eat. Sorne faod can be hei'teJ 'o1°~ixed with water. They always use bags and
f Q.\,'11.l\ '"'•/ÓO')
ss-raws for liqu10 foods like soups, so that the food doesn't fly around the space station .
HEALT H Zero grav1ty and changes in daily routine (the SUfl._~omes up every 90 minutes) can
cause phys1cal problems far astronauts. To be physically Tri'sh'-'aoo.. astronauts exercise far a few
hours every day.
SLEEF /NC.,. Sleeping can be a problem with no gravity. Astronauts use straps to stay in their
beds. Their sleeping bags are often atÚlched to the walls!
1. Have breakfast and get ready far the day.
2. Get ~1est far health check.
3. Do space station maintenance and experiments.
4. Do exercises.
5. Have lunch.
G. Do more exerc,ses.
/. Finish experiments and check station systems.
8. Have dinner and crew meeting to plan the next day.
9. Have free time far e-mai ls, phone calls, and personal writing.
10. Go to bed.

2 Read and match the underlined vocabulary with the corresponding definition .
1. (Noun) Thin tubes used far drinking: _ ..'"'",\_11 0.-:-w.....__\...___ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __

2. (Noun) Red liquid in the human body: :--_.'o~\o .....o'":"'.....c\' - - - - : - - - - - - - - - -

3. (Noun) Bands or belts to hold you in place: _ _\~,~~..:..'d.;;.__ _ _ _ _ _ _ __
4 (Noun) Staff, teams, people who work there: -:--..,..c_'-'--v.::..s:=w:-.':'I,___ _ _ _ _ _ _ __
5. (f.Joun) Co workers, people who you work with : _c.,.,__,,,._o\~\-:-=c::.=º-:Sr"'u"'c..__\.___ _ _ _ __
6. (VeIIJ) Connee,ted or tied to something: _o...;;;;..._;.-\-_\_o......;t.:;;...""-_,;c"-'d=--------~~-
'/. (Verb) Vlmmcd or made hot: _ \-\ ~o.-\~d
B (Ve, b) ro 1,x ',orncth1 11q v ... ea,v
9. (Ver/J) lo put to~Jotl1r>1 ~ '), ,.,¡ ,\l-
10. (Adjectlve) In goocJ pl1y•,1cal condllion, 110,iltliy:
-- ' '

3 Now read the statement s below and decide¡¡ they are TRUE or FALSE according to the text.

1. Space station crews usually stay in space for overa year. TRUE Ü FALSE 0
2. Astronauts can 't speak to their friends when they are in space. TRUE Ü FALSE .
3. Astronauts spend a lot of time cooking. TRUE Ü FALSE C)
4. At a space station, the sun rises many times in a day. TRUE @ FALSE Ü
5. Astronauts use straps to stay in their beds. TRUE . FALSE Ü

6. Astronauts usually relax after lunch. TRUE ® FALSE Ü

4 Read the job descriptio n below and choose the job you think it describes.


People in this job have two main responsibilities. They plan lessons and teach several classes
of students. Most people usually work Monday through Friday, and sometimes Saturday. Sorne
people teach in the morning or evening. Other people teach from 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.


o.. Ta~\ d ''-( ..,.
There are advantages and disadvantages to the job. One advantage is that people in this job
live in many different countries. In addition, they work with lots of different people and make
friends all over the world. Also, they feel good because they are helping people.
One disadvantage is that they often travel to different parts of the city each day, and they don't
make a lot of money. Also, they spend a lot of time away from home, and they often miss their
family and friends.

EDUCATI ON AND TRAINING: .--" - 1 , 1 • .

People with this job need special training in ~rder to be hired by a school. They usually get a
certificate ora Master's degree from a university. While they are in school they learn about the
language and how to teach it. They often do an internship in a classroom with a more
experienced teacher to get more experience.

A) a math teacher B) an engmeer C) a Taxi driver D)alangu ageteach er

5 Complete the chart with missing information.

1. , 'ne.'-\ ,o\o.n \ ~~~Y' S

Responsibilities: 2. , ec,.c\t\ ~~'-"~'o..\ c.,\ ~ o~ ~\ 1.H)t~\ ~

1. ~r<'C... µ.op\e. -\t o.C.\\ \'<"\ \ne. '('()()'(\\ \~~ 0'( '--"t f'I ,~~
-\o 'S ~oo
Schedule: 2
· O\Y"\.C" \JC-O O\e \ e.CJC..\.. ~'(QTI\ C\ ·.oo C..'M. ~YV\

l. o_ \'Y\(}\ V\ -\~O.ln(,V
Education: 2- ~ \ o.~<o1Jo.9 e \ tü. c\--.e\/


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