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Supports Argument 'We Are Sorry and Disgusted': Owners of Missouri Newspaper Resign over Racist Cartoon. 10

June 2020,


WTHR reports on the situation behind a disturbing cartoon published by “The Missourian”

newspaper. The elements of the cartoon depicted issues behind defunding the police while displaying

African-Americans as the scapegoat for increasing crime rates. Because readers perceived the cartoon as

racist, the co-owners of the newspaper later posted an apology on their website. The new program

covering this story demonstrates how racial stereotypes influenced by the media affect how groups

perceive others. In light of recent events, the writers of WTHR address the effect of only showing the

looting that takes place during some protest because it damages the reputation of the African-American

community as a whole.

Tillman, George. “THE HATE U GIVE - Hairbrush Scene.” YouTube, 13 June 2020,

In this scene of THE HATE U GIVE, Starr realizes that her friend is racially profiling people of

color because she bases her perception of the entire black community on the media’s portrayal of African-

Americans. Starr's traumatic experience of seeing an innocent black friend shot by the police also showed

her how the media has a negative influence on society. The argument between Starr and her friend

symbolizes how misleading or false information in the media affects perspectives. Unfortunately, these

perspectives contribute to the issue of people being racially biased.

Loizou, Nicolette. “Online Activism Is Dismantling Barriers, but Not for Everyone.” Raconteur, 31 Mar.

Nicolette Loizou provides information about the pros and cons of online activism. Compared to

people over the age of forty-nine, younger individuals are more likely to use social media. Since younger

generations use social media as a central source of information, those who are older are less likely to

make their opinions heard. Loizou also asserts that the lack of age diversity in the media leads to division

in society. The rise of false information in social media plays a significant role in shaping opinions, and

those of younger generations have opposing views compared to older generations. When the media

doesn’t capture the views of those in different groups, people are more susceptible to believe in

stereotypes and biases.

Cohen, Steve. “Deportation Is Freedom!” Google Books,


bbrtqwFU&redir_esc=y#v=onepage&q=orwellian&f=false. Accessed 6 Nov. 2020.

In the book, Deportation is Freedom: Steve Cohen displays how Orwell’s dystopian reality

correlates to how the media broadcasts the topic of immigration. Cohn’s utilization of the word Orwellian

describes the use of propaganda in the media, and how it affects those who came to America seeking

refuge. The author also stresses how conforming to social standards and stereotypes creates an obstinate

society; nonetheless, individuals will be threatened by change and those who come from different

backgrounds. In all, this book shows readers how judgments are fueled by the information persented in

the media.

Counters Argument

Dzoguji, Chiamaka. “‘The Great Thing about Social Media Was How It Gave a Voice to Voiceless

People’- Jon Ronson.” NUHA Foundation, 9 Nov. 2019,

Dzoguji addresses the positive effects of representation and activism on social media. When the

writer mentioned the right to freedom of speech, she presents how the media allows people to express

themselves. Social media also exposes users to information that opposes their beliefs and opinions. The

media also gives people who were never represented in society a voice so they can do things such as

expose those in power. When Dzoguji asserts that social media allows individuals to share their stories, it

demonstrates how people can gain recognition and support from others.

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