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Malocclusion prevalence in an ethnic Chinese

K. K. Lew, BDS, MDS, AM*
W. C. Foong, BDSt
E. Loh, BDSS

Key words: Chinese, malocclusion, prevalence. Introduction

Although the Chinese ethnic group comprises
Abstract close to a quarter of the world's population, no
Population norms derived from one ethnic group malocclusion study on a large sample of Chinese
may not necessarily be valid and accurate for other school children in the early permanent dentition
ethnic groups. With the increasing number of ethnic stage has been published. Johnson',' in his evalua-
Chinese immigrants in Australia, Europe, and tion of 210 school children has provided some data
America, it would be useful for dental practitioners on the malocclusion status in Chinese. However,
to be informed about malocclusion prevalence because his sample was comprised of children with
among Chinese. This study was carried out on 1050
ages ranging from 7 to 13 years, with possibly only
Chinese school children (aged 12-14 years) to
36 subjects in the permanent dentition stage (that
assess both qualitatively and quantitatively certain
occlusal features. The populationwas found to have
is 2 12 years), the assessment of some malocclu-
a high incidence of Class Ill malocclusions com- sion parameters may not be representative of the
pared with Caucasians. However, the incidence of true malocclusion status in the Chinese racial
Class II malocclusions was quite similar to those group.
reported in Caucasians. Normal occlusions occurred One of the biggest problems in assessing mal-
in about 7 per cent of this population. Although this occlusion is the choice of an index which is both
percentage was much lower than those reported in reliable and repeatable. In an attempt to distinguish
blacks, it was similar to those reported in caucas- patients in need of orthodontic care, several systems
ians. Crowding occurred in about 50 per cent of of classifying malocclusions have been propo~ed.~-''
cases, which was slightly less than for those re- The determination of objective signs of malocclusion
ported for Caucasians. Increased overbites were also have been studied by either clinical examination of
less common in this Chinese population compared patients and/or from plaster casts of the patients'
with Caucasians. Compared with Caucasians, cross- dental arches. Orthodontic treatment indices
bites were also less frequent in this Chinese attempt to quantify dentofacial attractiveness and
population. serve as epidemiological tools for assessment of
malocclusion prevalence or changes in its disease
(Received for publication February 1992. Revised
pattern. Morphological characteristics of malocclu-
July 1992. Accepted July 1992.)
sion when evaluated in the light of psychosocial
information may allow epidemiologists to project
national treatment needs.' However, because of the
*Senior Lecturer in Orthodontics, Department of Preventive varying impact of similar malocclusions under
Dentistry, National University of Singapore. dissimilar cultural and social milieux, it is not
tFormer Dental Officer, National University Hospital,
Singapore. surprising that no present index is universally
$Former Dental Officer, Government Dental Clinic, Singapore. accepted as a means of assessing treatment needs.I2

442 Australian Dental Journal 1993;38(6):442-9.

Table 1. Distribution of sample 1. Dental arch relationship
Age (years) Males Females Total The anterior-posterior arch relationships were
assessed according to Angle’s criteria. They were
12 100 99 199 classified into Class I normal occlusion, Class I
13 260 310 570
14 160 121 28 1 malocclusion, Class I1 division 1, Class I1 division
Total 520 530 1050 2 and Class I11 malocclusions.

2. Dental arch crowding/spacing

This was assessed from first molar to its antimere
Current epidemiologic data are necessary to detect in both arches. Crowding was classified as present
trends and changes in the prevalence of malocclu- when there was overlapping of teeth while spacing
sions.” While some areas of dentistry such as caries was classified as present when diastemas were
prevalence are declining in importance from a treat- evident between the teeth. If crowding and spacing
ment perspective, orthodontic care will continue to was present in the same arch, then the crowding
increase in importance as more children and adults and spacing was measured to the nearest 0.5 mm
seek treatment, especially in the more amuent and the nett amount of crowdinglspacing was deter-
societies. The purpose of this study is to provide mined. The crowdinglspacing was recorded
local data on the prevalence of malocclusion in a separately for each arch.
group of Chinese children at an age when ortho-
dontic treatment is usually carried out in Singapore. 3. Incisal overjet
The morphological and morphometric charac- This was the measure of the horizontal overlap
teristics of malocclusion will also be investigated. of the four incisors. Overjets were measured to the
The results from this study may be used by both nearest 0.5 mm. The mean overjet of all 4 incisors
clinicians and epidemiologists to project preventive was determined and categorized as follows.
and interceptive orthodontic needs in the Chinese
racial group which comprises 77.7 per cent of (a) Normal: Mean positive overjet up to 3 mm.
Singapore’s population of more than 3 million (b) Increased: The mean positive overjet was
people.12 greater than 3 mm.
(c) Edge to edge: The mean overjet was edge-to-
Materials and methods edge in occlusion.
The sample consisted of 1050 Chinese school chil- (d) Reversed: The mean overjet was negative.
dren (520 boys, 530 girls) aged 12-14 years (mean
age 13.1 f0.9 years) (Table 1). The subjects chosen 4. Incisal overbite
exhibited the presence of permanent teeth from first This was the mean vertical overlap of the four
molar to its antimere in both arches, had no history incisors. The overbite of each incisor was measured
of orthodontic treatment, no history of early loss to the nearest 0.5 mm. Overbites were classified as
of deciduous teeth, no extractions of permanent follows.
teeth, no history of skulllfacial operations or skull (a) Normal: The mean upper incisal overlap was
fractures or systemic conditions which could affect between 15-40 per cent of the clinical crown length
craniofacial growth and occlusal development. of the lower incisors.
Each subject, seated on a dental chair, was (b) Increased: The mean upper incisal overlap
initially examined intra-orally with a dental mirror, exceeded 40 per cent of the clinical crown length
periodontal probe and millimetre rule. The assess- of the lower incisors.
ments were carried out in a centralized dental clinic
over a period of five weeks. With the exception of (c) Decreased The upper incisors overlapped less
the assessment of crowding and spacing where the than 15 per cent of the clinical crown lengths of
mouths were wide open, the other parameters such the lower incisors.
as overjet-overbite and the presence of crossbite
were assessed when the subjects were in maximum 5. Crossbite
intercuspation. A score card with the subject’s This was the transverse relationships of the upper
particulars and examination results was completed first molars to those of the lower first molars in
for each subject. The following malocclusion maximum intercuspation. A buccal crossbite was
parameters (which were quite similar to Foster and deemed to exist when the buccal cusps of the upper
Day’s study”) were measured and recorded by one molars were lingual to the buccal cusp of the lower
investigator. molars, and a scissor bite when the palatal cusps

Australian Dental Journal 1993;38:6. 443

perfectCL1 CLI CL I1 Div 1 CL I1 Div 2 CL 111
Fig. 1. -Percentage distribution of dental arch relationship.

Crowding Spacing
0 Maxilla
Fig. 2. -Percentage distribution of dental arch crowdinglspacing.

of the upper molars were buccal to the buccal cusp 1. Dental arch relationship (Fig. 1)
of the lower molars. Buccal crossbites and scissor Normal occlusion accounted for 7.1 per cent
bites were classified as unilateral or bilateral. (n = 75) of the sample, whilst Class I malocclusions
had the highest incidence at 58.8 per cent (n = 616).
Results Class I1 division 1 and Class I1 division 2 mal-
The results of the study are shown in Figs. 1-5. occlusions were recorded at 18.8 per cent (n = 197)

444 Australian Dental Journal 1993;38:6.

Ideal OJ IncreasedOJ Edge-@Edge, NegativeOJ
Fig. 3.-Percentage distribution of incisal overjet.

Ideal OB Increased OB Decread OB

Fig. 4. -Percentage distribution of incisal overbite.

and 2.7 per cent (n=28), respectively. The inci- 3. Incisal overjet (Fig. 3)
dence of Class I11 malocclusions was 12.6 per cent Ideal overjet was noted in 68.2 per cent (n = 716)
(n = 134). of the sample, while increased overjet was found
in 19.2 per cent (n=202) of the sample. The in-
2. Dental arch crowdinghpacing (Fig. 2) cidence of edge-to-edge incisal relationship was 2.7
Maxillary arch crowding was observed in slightly per cent (n=28) while negative overjet was
less than half of the sample at 49.7 per cent recorded at 9.9 per cent (n = 104).
(n = 522), whereas crowding in the mandibular arch
was observed in 52.7 per cent (n=533) of the 4. Incisal overbite (Fig. 4)
sample. Spacing was more prevalent in the maxillary Ideal overbite accounted for 46.5 per cent
arch at 5.2 per cent (n = 55) as compared with the (n=488) of the sample. While 28.4 per cent
7.2 per cent (n = 76) found in the lower dentition. (n = 298) of the sample had an increased overbite,

Australian Dental Journal 1993;38:6. 445

None Unilateral Bilateral Unilateral Bilateral
buccal buccal scissor scissor

Fig. 5. -Percentage distribution of crossbite relationship.

25.1 per cent (n = 264) of the sample had decreased and 34.1 per cent to 10.2 per cent respectively.
overbite. Minimal changes were reported in deepbite, Class
I1 relationships and cros~bite'~ during the period
5. Posterior crossbite (Fig. 5) from 7 to 10 years of age. About 70-75 per cent of
adolescents were judged to have malocclusion of
The majority of the sample (91.9 per cent,
some degree."
n = 965) did not have any form of posterior cross-
bite. Unilateral buccal crossbite was found in 6.1 The prevalence of Angle's malocclusion types
per cent (n = 64) while 1.3 per cent (n = 14) of the among different ethnic groups such as
sample had bilateral buccal. Unilateral and bilateral A m e r i c a n ~ , ~ ~BritishY2*
-~' IndiansY3l
scissor bites were relatively rare and accounted for P ~ l y n e s i a n shas
~ ~ been described. On
only 0.5 per cent (n = 5) and 0.2 per cent (n = 2) limited sample sizes, malocclusion incidence in
of the sample, respectively. and Malays34has also been reported.
The C h i n e ~ e , ' , ~Malays,34
.~~ Black
Egyptians3' and appear to have a higher
Discussion incidence of Class I11 malocclusions compared with
Numerous problems are encountered when the Caucasian races (Table 2). In general, the in-
comparing studies on malocclusion tatu us,^^^^^^^ cidence of malocclusion in descending order of
particularly regarding the varying systems used by prevalence is Class I malocclusion, Class I1 mal-
different investigators to classify and quantify occlusion, Class 111 malocclusion. The exception
occlusal status. Most studies in their attempt to to this trend is noted in Malays34and,
determine the prevalence of malocclusion have to a lesser extent, and Swedes.37
divided malocclusion into five components: (1) Although some of these differences in incidences
crowding; (2) anteroposterior incisor relation reflect ethnic trends, a host of other factors also
(overjetheverse overjet); (3) anteroposterior molar contribute to these variations. Some of these include
relationship; (4) vertical incisor relationship; and differences in age,33sexa3and definition of evalua-
(5) crossbite relationship. The morphologic compon- tion criteria and the lack of standardization amongst
ents of malocclusion in childrcn,1s-18a d o l e s ~ e n t s ' ~ * ~ ~examiner^.^,'^
and adult^^^-^^ have been reported. These studies The study by Johnson, Seetemat, and Winoto2
demonstrate that the morphologic and morphometric on 210 Singapore Chinese children aged 7-13 years
components of malocclusion vary with age and showed the incidence of Class I, Class I1 and Class
racial type. Heikinheimo, Salnis and Myllarniemi~,'~ I11 malocclusions to be 62 per cent, 16 per cent and
in a longitudinal study of Swedish children from 22 per cent, respectively. Woon, Thong, and
7 to 10 years old, found that severe maxillary over- Kadir,34 studying 154 Malaysian Chinese subjects
jets increased from 17 per cent to 27.2 per cent with with a mean age of 16.5 years, found Class I molar
age, while maxillary and mandibular incisor crowd- relationships in 52 per cent, 15 per cent having
ing decreased from 26.7 per cent to 18.2 per cent, Class I1 molar relationships and 33 per cent having

446 Australian Dental Journal 1993;38:6.

Table 2. Malocclusion in the permanent dentition among different ethnic groups
Per cent prevalence
Ethnic group Sample size
Normal occlusion Class I Class I1 Class I11
American caucasiansa5 718 6.8 65.2 22.5 5.5
American BIackP 445 31.3 44.0 16.0 8.7
Briti~h’~ 1000 52.0* 52.0 4.0
Chinese3’? 154 52.0 15.0 33.0
Erntiads 501 34.3 33.3 21.0 10.6
Eskimo36 100 18.0 64.0 8.0 10.0
Indian”? 42 67.0* 22.0 11.0
KiKuyu Kenyan” 505 16.8 51.7 7.9 16.8
Malay”? 151 57.0* 14.0 29.0
SwedishQ 301 10.0 83.0 3.0 4.0
Lew (present study) 1050 7.1 58.8 21.5 12.6
*Includes normal occlusion.
?Based on molar relationship.

Class I11 molar relationships. In the present study, sampling techniques and diagnostic criteria. The
the incidence of Class I11 malocclusions was 12.6 incidence of Class I malocclusions and Class I1
per cent. Although the percentage of Class I11 malocclusions appeared quite similar to those
malocclusions was high compared with Caucasians, reported by other on Chinese samples.
this value was lower than those reported by Johnson Slightly over 7 per cent of the subjects in the
et al.’ and Woon et al.34on Chinese populations. present sample had perfect Class I occlusions
Such differences could arise because of variation in (normal occlusion). This compares favourably with
those reported on American Caucasians (6.8 per
cent),” but is much less than those reported in
Table 3. Percentage distribution of American Blacks (31.3 per cent)32 and Black
occlusal features between Caucasians and Africans in a rural isolated community (82 per
Chinese ~ e n t ) . ~This
’ increased incidence or normal occlu-
Caucasians” Chinese (present sions can partly be explained by GardineP who
Occlusal condition (n = 1000, study) (n = 1050, found that in genetically pure races, malocclusion
aged 12 years) aged 12-14 years) is almost non-existent.
1. Dental arch relationship In this study the assessment criteria were inten-
Normal 44.3 7.1 tionally modelled after those of Foster and Days3
Class I 58.8 so that a comparative study of malocclusion in-
Class I1 division 1 34.5* 18.8
Class I1 division 2 17.7 2.7
cidence between Chinese and Caucasian could be
Class I11 3.5 12.6 drawn (Table 3). The present study showed that
2. Dental arch crowding crowding was seen in about 50 per cent of subjects,
Maxillary 61.1 49.7 with minimal differences in the incidence of
Mandibular 57.5 52.7 crowding between arches. Foster and Day,13 in their
3. Incisal overjet study of 1000 British 11-12 year olds, reported
Normal 48.9 68.2 crowding in 60 per cent of their sample. Crowding
Increased 47.7 19.2
Edge-to-edge 1.7 5.8 in the Chinese population appeared to be lower.
Reverse 1.7 6.8 This finding corroborates with those of Ga~diner’~
4. Incisal overbite who studied the relation between cephalic index and
Normal 29.1 46.5 crowding. G a ~ d i n e rfound
~ ~ that the larger the
Increased 55.9 28.4 cephalic index (that is, brachycephalics) the lesser
Decreased 15.0t 25.1
the degree of crowding. en lo^,^^ in his study on
5. Posterior crossbite
None 87.2 92.9
craniofacial skeletons, has revealed a greater propor-
Buccal (unilateral) 8.7 6.1 tion of brachycephalics in Mongoloids (which
Buccal bilateral) 4.1 1.3 includes the Chinese racial type) compared with
Scissor (unilateral) - 0.5 Caucasians. Findings of crowding compare favour-
Scissor (bilateral) - 0.2 ably with those of Woon et on Malaysian
*Includes Class I1 indefinite. Chinese but were less than the 61 per cent of
?Refers to incomplete overbite and anterior or open bite. crowded arches observed by Foster and Days3 in

Australian Dental Journal 1993;38:6. 447

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