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Expert Systems with Applications 39 (2012) 2532–2548

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A real-time food safety management system for receiving operations

in distribution centers
S.I. Lao, K.L. Choy ⇑, G.T.S. Ho, Y.C. Tsim, T.C. Poon, C.K. Cheng
Department of Industrial and Systems Engineering, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University, Hung Hom, Kowloon, Hong Kong

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Keywords: Food safety plan is being promoted in the food industry by the Hong Kong Government as a preliminary
Food safety quality control tool. However, it appears to be a challenging task for Distribution Centers (DC) that han-
Receiving operations dles food inventory since most of them are lack of knowledge and know how technology to manage infor-
Operating procedures mation in a real time base. This paper proposes a Radio Frequency Identification based Food Operations
Assignment System (RFID-FOAS) to help DC facilitates the food safety control activities in receiving areas
Case-Based Reasoning
by generating a proper safety plan. The system has adopted the Radio Frequency Identification (RFID)
technology and the Case-Based Reasoning (CBR) technique to facilitate the inventory data-capturing pro-
cess and assist in formulating decisions, respectively. The developed system aims to help reduce the dif-
ficulties in safety plan development using a knowledge-based expert system. The significance and
contribution of RFID-FOAS in the context of managing the inventory quality in DC for safety plan devel-
opment is demonstrated through the adoption of the system in a Hong Kong-based logistics company.
The generated results show that the decision-making process of the safety plan development is facili-
tated. Moreover, the real-time data capturing nature of RFID technology has further improved the effi-
ciency and timeframe requested for the actions. With the support of RFID-FOAS, the data capture
system and the decision-making time is minimized. As a result, inventory quality and customer satisfac-
tion level are significantly improved.
Ó 2011 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

1. Introduction of manufacturers. Therefore, caution quality control in the receiv-

ing operation of a DC is necessary. In Fig. 1, the receiving operation
Food products require cautious and strategic handling proce- flow in food DC begins from food acceptance and value-added
dures because they easily deteriorate and they have a short life activities, and then ends in storage. Measures and controls on these
span (Erkoc, Iakovouand, & Spaulding, 2005; Iijima, Komatsu, & operations are requisite food safety measures.
Katoh, 1996; Trienekens & Zuurbier, 2007; van Donk, 2001). On In ensuring food safety, Hazard Assurance Critical Control Point
the other hand, food poisoning, such as food-borne illnesses and (HACCP) is regarded as the best method. In addition, it is the best
microbiological contamination, occurs easily if food is improperly way to demonstrate commitment to food safety (Orriss &
handled during its production, storage, and distribution. Thus, food Whitehead, 2000). HACCP is an international tool in which the
safety is a burning issue in urban society. In addition, different implementation is mandated in different continents and countries,
regulations have been established to control the quality of food such as the European Union, the United States, Australia, New
products for supply chain parties that aim to protect the health Zealand, and Canada. Other governments have voluntary programs
of consumers (Trienekens & Zuurbier, 2007; Unnevehr & Jensen, to promote the adoption of HACCP (Unnevehr & Jensen, 1999).
1999). In Fig. 1, the raw food supply chain encompasses the raw HACCP is recognized as an effective approach in developing
food material supply, food distribution centers (DC), food manufac- satisfactory and sanitary production and hygienic practices on food
turing, and customer retailing. To fully control the utmost product safety; in addition, HACCP is currently considered as a prerequisite
quality, ensuring the proper management of raw food by upstream for food manufacturers before they are allowed to enter the
suppliers is imperative (Han, Trienekens, & Omta, in press). Food international market (Arvanitoyannis & Mavropoulos, 2000).
Distribution Centers (DC), wherein raw materials are stored and Hence, HACCP assists the control process by identifying operation
where value-added activities are performed, refer to the suppliers points in production or handling processes that must be critically
monitored and controlled to ensure safety. HACCP can be applied
to any stage or type of food systems for corrective actions in case
⇑ Corresponding author. Tel.: +852 2766 6597; fax: +852 2362 5267. problems arise. Therefore, food companies are keen in implement-
E-mail address: (K.L. Choy). ing the HACCP for food quality control. However, small-scale and

0957-4174/$ - see front matter Ó 2011 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
S.I. Lao et al. / Expert Systems with Applications 39 (2012) 2532–2548 2533

Fig. 1. Operation flow of raw food supply chain and receiving operation in a food distribution center.

medium-scale companies have difficulty in applying the opera- need to distinguish the critical control points among the control
tions and duties required to implement HACCP. Jobs required in- points. Finally, specified monitoring procedures and corrective ac-
clude hazard analysis, identification of critical control points, tions are required to be identified.
controlling and monitoring identification procedures, handling With the existing approach of a safety monitoring decision-
and keeping track of records, launching of workforce training pro- making process, DC managers face problems along the food safety
grams, and defining maintenance and waste disposal procedures plan implementation. In general, two major problems were found
(ISO/TS 22004, 2005). To monitor food quality, the government to exist in the process of formulating a food safety plan in the food
has emphasized the necessity of developing a food safety plan DC.
based on the principle of HACCP system for internal assessment
and control. Based on the food safety plan, companies can address
food-related problems, as well as aid the implementation of HACCP 1.1. Existence of too many parameters that should be considered in
in the future. formulating decisions
In Fig. 2, a food safety plan consists of potential hazards, control
points, critical control points, control limits, monitoring proce- Currently, different SKUs have different potential hazards; in
dures, and corrective action (HKSAR, 2002). In formulating these addition, based on the potential hazards, different control points
elements, a range of actions are required, such as analyzing the are identified. However, numerous parameters and rules are
potential hazard of food product, identifying all check points of required when analyzing elements in food safety plans. These
operations, identifying critical food safety check points, etc. Tradi- parameters include operator skills, operation procedures, company
tionally, a human decision maker is involved in the process of for- rules, food regulations, operation manual, etc. Scattered informa-
mulating a decision on the food safety plan for upcoming tion increases the difficulty of managing the process. Hence, during
inventories. When products are inbound to DC, different Standard the decision-making process, numerous SKU characteristics, such
Keeping Units (SKU) are present in the product lot. Decision makers as color, texture, storage period, storage condition, water level,
are required to decide on the present potential hazards. For each food category, etc. need to be considered. This further increases
potential hazard, different control points must be identified. Then, the complexity of the process. Hence, with numerous parameters
specific control limits are decided. Furthermore, decision makers to be considered, a long timeframe in decision making is needed.

Fig. 2. Existing safety monitoring, decision-making framework based on HACCP (HKSAR, 2002).
2534 S.I. Lao et al. / Expert Systems with Applications 39 (2012) 2532–2548

1.2. Human errors occur while analyzing parameters in the more critical parameters, such as quality and safety controls. Foods
formulation of food safety plans easily deteriorate and have a short life span; hence, additional cau-
tion should be placed in maintaining quality and minimizing im-
While formulating the food safety plan, the decision maker is pacts on health (Erkoc et al., 2005; Iijima et al., 1996; Trienekens
involved in identifying the potential hazard, the critical control & Zuurbier, 2007; van Donk, 2001). In recent years, food safety
points among the control points, and specifying monitoring proce- has been managed and judged by society and the media (Henson,
dures, as well in corresponding corrective actions. As quality is Holt, & Northen, 1999; Houghton et al., 2008; Kuo & Chen, 2010).
intrinsically difficult to be defined, bias and errors may be involved Moreover, the increase in the recorded rate of food-borne patho-
in the decision-making process. On the other hand, if different gens and poisoning (Henson et al., 1999; Unnevehr & Jensen,
decision makers are involved in case of labor turnover or absence, 1999) changed the demand and characteristic of the food supply
the decision outcome may vary. As these decisions are interrelated, chain. This pushes DC operators to further consider the advantages
errors made at the beginning would affect decisions executed at of launching food safety management to boost competitiveness
latter stages, which would in turn amplify the negative impacts (Ziggers & Trienekens, 1999) which led to its adoption. In addition,
on the final outcome. The high occurrence of errors would increase with the growth of dyadic quality performance, companies aid the
the number of substandard goods and customer complaints. development of mutually agreed operations and quality require-
In relation to the two previously mentioned problems, a proper ments. Based on the request of the customers, companies imple-
and comprehensive system for food safety management is needed. ment new techniques, all of which are specially-tailored to meet
For this reason, we focus on facilitating food safety controls in DC specific requirements (Yang, Wong, Lai, & Ntoko, 2009). Under this
by proposing a Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) technology- situation, a number of DCs have included production elements
based Food Operations Assignment System (RFID-FOAS). The pro- supported by technologies (Garcia, Chang, & Valverde, 2006; Ross
posed system has adopted: (i) the RFID technology to visualize & Droge, 2002). Therefore, the operations performed in DC are
and gather real-time inventory information for inventory arrival changing to embrace the nature of manufacturing, which highly in-
notification and (ii) Case-Based Reasoning engine (CBR) technology creased its importance in quality control (Rong, Akkerman, &
to arrange inventory characteristic-based safety plan. With the Grunow, in press).
help of RFID-FOAS, a shortlist of critical control points, measure-
ment, and appropriate actions in food handling is generated. In 2.2. Implementation of safety plans based on HACCP and its difficulties
summary, the diversified safety control can be monitored, to facil-
itate the food safety plan implementation and increase the level of Quality is defined as a key element adhered to by consumers to
customer satisfaction. make choices from a wide array of products and features that pro-
The remainder of the paper is organized as follows. In Section 2, vide a closer match to individual desires (Ho, Lau, Lee, & Ip, 2005).
literature related to food DC, food safety control, CBR, and RFID is Per Morris and Young (2000) stated that quality has only been uti-
examined in detail. Section 3 discusses the development and oper- lized in areas of production and that people have always underes-
ation mechanism of RFID-FOAS using RFID and CBR engine. In Sec- timated its importance in other supply chain elements. Nowadays,
tion 4, a case study on one Hong Kong-based logistics company is quality is associated to food safety by customers and is regarded as
presented to illustrate the use of RFID-FOAS in a real life food DC an important element for food industry development (Hughes &
using Case Advisor for CBR system construction. The results and Merton, 1996; Morris & Young, 2000). With regard to food quality
benefits of launching RFID-FOAS are discussed in Section 5. Finally, management, implementing HACCP is suggested to be the first step
the conclusion is presented in Section 6. in the attainment of safety management. HACCP is regarded as a
fundamental step that provides an initial building block and core
element for setting up the future status of the quality assurance
2. Review of related studies
system (Holt & Henson, 2000). As a process-based quality assur-
ance tool, the core concerns of HACCP are placed on the front line
This section begins with a review of literature on food DC,
operation of work stations. This helps ensure that the inventories
which addressed the importance of implementing safety controls
of the food company has taken all preventive measures to attain
in the receiving operations. Hence, studies on current food safety
quality and safety (Westenbrink, Oseredczuk, Castanheira, & Roe,
management and difficulties involved are presented. Discussion
2009; Wruck & Jensen, 1998). As mentioned in the Standard
of the use of expert system and Radio Frequency Identification
E2590 (2009), the HACCP system consists of seven principles.
(RFID) technology in decision making and data capturing, follows.
These are conducting a hazard analysis, determining the critical
The purpose of this review is to provide an understanding of exist-
control point, establishing critical limit(s), establishing a system
ing studies and the rationale for the choice of system and tools in
to monitor critical control points, establishing corrective monitor-
the current study.
ing of critical control points that are not under control, establishing
procedures for verification of the HACCP system performance, and
2.1. Background of food DC establishing documentation of all procedures and records. Compa-
nies have always found the implementation of HACCP complicated
Inventory in DC requires a significant length of long time; and difficult; thus, they fail to establish it. In an effort to monitor
hence, these operations appear to be critical in influencing cus- food quality, as well as guide companies in fulfilling HACCP, the
tomer service and operation lead times (Faber, Koster, & Velde, government has emphasized the development of a food safety plan
2002; Johnston, Taylor, & Visweswaramurthy, 1999). Moreover, based on the principle of HACCP system. In this endeavor, studying
concerns related to controlling DC operations, especially in receiv- necessary operation processes is required. Hence, specific hazards
ing operations are increasing because people believe DCs can de- and consequences must be correctly identified. The scope of HACCP
rive benefits from business operations. For example, the controls ranges from the nature of food safety to incentives of launching
in operations may be tied to the exploitation of growth in demand systems on food safety control (Henson et al., 1999). Experts are re-
of fast supply chains by providing a rapid inventory turnover quested to judge the severity of the hazards and the relationship of
(Christopher, 1998; Aghazadeh, 2004; Baker, 2004). Overall, this the hazards with the critical control points. Currently, all the justi-
leads to increased customer satisfaction. Hence, aside from con- fication processes are based on the knowledge of the workers
trolling physical operations like pick and pack, food DC requires (Westenbrink et al., 2009). On the other hand, customers have
S.I. Lao et al. / Expert Systems with Applications 39 (2012) 2532–2548 2535

become more reliant on DC to assist them in performing value- uthu, 2007). In addition, during data capturing, no direct physical
added activities (Hsiao, Kemp, van der Vorst, & Omta, 2010; contact is required. This significantly reduces the actual operation
McPhee & Wheeler, 2006). Therefore, diversified operations further time for product identification and tracking. Basically, the software
increased the complexity and difficulties in the arrangement of and hardware of the RFID technology include a middleware, RFID
safety plans. Quality is intrinsically difficult to define and can re- tags, and readers (Kwok & Wu, 2009). RFID highly increases the
sult in confusion when applied (Morris & Young, 2000). Hence, if convenience in inventory management and inventory-information
the decision-making process solely relies on human beings, the gathering; hence, it is currently widely adopted in handling inven-
quality and the reliability of the results are in question. To speed tories, particularly, inventories of food items (Bottani & Rizzi, 2008;
up the decision-making process and to improve the decision qual- Jedermann, Behrens, Westphal, & Lang, 2006; Ngai, Suk, & Lo,
ity properly, the assistance of technology or a new system is 2008; Tan & Chang, in press).
needed. With the above studies, proposing a real-time based system
that incorporates the CBR engine to aid food DC in launching a
2.3. Current application of expert system in food management safety plan during the receiving operation is important.

With the increasing operational complexities, the decision-

3. System architecture of Radio Frequency Identification-based
making process has become more complicated. Hence, an increase
Food Operations Assignment System (RFID-FOAS)
in decision-making time frame is another critical problem faced by
DC. Chow, Choy, and Lee (2007) and Liao, Enke, and Wiebe (2004)
In this section, an RFID-based Food Operations Assignment Sys-
suggested that the use of the expert system can help facilitate the
tem (RFID-FOAS) is introduced to demonstrate the system design
decision-making process of a company. According to Bakhrankova
and operation. This system integrates real-time information retrie-
(2010), a decision support system can enhance cost efficiency and
val technology with CBR decision-making techniques to help im-
aid in the achievement of greater flexibility in industrial manage-
prove the efficiency and service level of safety control operation
ment. In general, many publications have illustrated the develop-
assignments in the receiving process. The resulting safety plan pro-
ment of an expert system in the food industry. However, most of
vides useful assistance in monitoring critical control points for the
them have specifically focused on chemical and biological analyses
fulfillment of the safety plan requirements in DC.
of food composition (Cotterill, Chaudhry, Matthews, & Wakkins,
The architecture and data flow of RFID-FOAS are shown in Figs.
2008; Darder et al., 2009; Lababidi & Baker, 2003; Peris, 2002;
3 and 4, respectively.
Suh, Jhee, Ko, & Lee, 1998) or on food production mechanism
RFID-FOAS is composed of three tiers:
(Perrot et al., 2004). Researchers have rarely focused on the moni-
toring of safety and quality controls in the food-handling process.
Tier 1: Data collection – real-time data captured by the RFID
Therefore, expert system tools should be adopted to facilitate the
implementation of a safety plan. CBR is one of the most popular
Tier 2: Data sorting – controlled by an Inventory Information
expert systems equipped with a self-learning capability that pro-
Management Module.
cures the knowledge of human beings (Chou, 2009; Chow, Choy,
Tier 3: Data management – control decision generation by a
Lee, & Lau, 2006). CBR applies prior knowledge by establishing
CBR engine.
association between a problem description and conclusion, leading
to a relationship generalization (Han, Lee, & Jo, 2005; Shin & Han,
Hence, a wireless support user interface is included in the com-
2001). CBR can improve problem-solving capability by allowing
munication between operators and the system.
the problem solver to deal with problems based on previous expe-
rience (Choy, Lee, & Lo, 2003; Wang, Luxhoj, & Fohansen, 2004).
CBR focuses on important solution aspects from previous problems 3.1. Tier 1 – data collection
and avoids repeating wrong directions (Chi, Chen, & Kiang, 1993).
Simply stated, CBR can increase the time to process decisions, as This tier of RFID-FOAS is responsible for collecting real-time
well as improve the quality and reliability of decisions. Hence, inventory information to visualize the warehouse status and sup-
the knowledge and information stored in the case become the most port the latest application of the system. Different RFID devices
valuable elements in the enhancement of the competitiveness of are adopted for data collection in warehouses using radio fre-
companies. CBR can assist in the decision-making process. How- quency signal transmission. In Fig. 3, a tag is attached on each piece
ever, if data is inputted manually, a long time frame is required of inventory to classify their identity and time of arrival. In addi-
and human errors may appear. Since food supply chains require tion, readers are attached on the facility entrance and dock door
a fast response that is free of defective handling, investigating for electronic signal receipt. The data captured are mainly static
the possibility of introducing a real-time information gathering data, including inventory identity, locations and quantities of
feature in the application is valuable. stored goods, upcoming SKUs, characteristics of SKUs, physical
dimension of SKUs, etc.
2.4. RFID application The received data are transmitted to the next tier for decoding.
The collected warehouse resource data are systematically stored in
With the support of an expert system, the decision-making the centralized database through wireless networks. The generic
process is automatically made. The add-on assistance of RFID process of real-time data collection of RFID-FOAS is illustrated in
establishes the feature of automated data capturing (Poon et al., Fig. 5.
2009). RFID refers to a technology that uses radio wave to transmit
and identify an object in a wireless network. RFID is used to recog- 3.2. Tier 2 – data sorting
nize the arrival of inventory in a real-time basis and it is currently
adopted to improve the information accuracy and data transmis- Tier 2 of RFID-FOAS is composed of an Inventory Information
sion timeframe (Lyu, Chang, & Chen, 2009). The data transmitted Management Module (IMM) and a database that manages the data
by the tag is transformed into digital information and passed to collected by Tier 1. The IMM aids in the extraction of relevant
the company information system. The automatic retrieval mecha- information from the database for further processing. An RFID mid-
nism of input data reduces the occurrence of human errors (Piram- dleware, such as IMM, exists to manage data collected from RFID
2536 S.I. Lao et al. / Expert Systems with Applications 39 (2012) 2532–2548

Fig. 3. System architecture of RFID-based Food Operations Assignment System (RFID-FOAS).

devices. The process of data storing in the database is shown in 3.3. Tier 3 – data management
Fig. 6. When a list of tag IDs is captured by RFID readers installed
in the workplace, IMM decodes the electronic signals and trans- With the inventory and facility information in the DC and data-
forms the signals into human-readable information, such as order base captured, a decision tree for the retrieval of historical cases is
number, item number, receiving location, and receiving time. constructed based on the nature of the food and the warehouse
Hence, data is stored into the centralized database for retrieval at operation, as illustrated in Fig. 7.
a later time. The database contains fixed information of customer Similar past cases are retrieved to manage newly arrived case.
requirements on food handling and value-added activities perfor- With the help of the CBR engine, the safety plan operation, i.e., food
mance, the nature of operation, and food characteristics. Statistical acceptance, value-added activities, and food storage assignment,
data transmitted by electronic signals, such as inventory arrival can be settled in a systematic way that guarantees food property
information, are stored at the same time. Only a certain proportion is taken care of and that facilitates the safety control arrangement.
of the inventory information is stored in the RFID tag; hence, when Before the actual adoption of the system, operation specifications
the IMM receives the electronic signal, the database is searched to are required to be determined based on the current manual deci-
retrieve the required corresponding information. The collected sion-making mechanism, food nature, and characteristics. Past
information is sent to the CBR engine for further processing. practices are organized in terms of cases for retrieval. Detailed
S.I. Lao et al. / Expert Systems with Applications 39 (2012) 2532–2548 2537

Fig. 4. Data flow of RFID-FOAS.

Fig. 5. Generic process of real-time data collection of RFID-FOAS.

2538 S.I. Lao et al. / Expert Systems with Applications 39 (2012) 2532–2548

Fig. 6. Operation mechanism of inventory information management module.

Fig. 7. Correlation between food nature and warehouse operation.

operations of the CBR engine consist of four activities: (i) case re- mainly related to the: (a) physical nature of food items, (b) chem-
trieval, (ii) case reusal, (iii) case revision, and (iv) case retention. ical nature of food items, and (c) customer requirements, as shown
in Fig. 8.
After the generation of key attribute list, CBR engines begin to
3.3.1. Case retrieval
browse the case library to retrieve the potential cases. As shown
The case retrieval mechanism of the CBR engine is illustrated in
in Fig. 9, numerous historical cases are stored in a tree-like struc-
Fig. 8. When a case arrives with an order number from the IMM,
tural hierarchy, which applies a method known as the inductive
the system begins to browse the database to request relevant
indexing approach. The inductive indexing approach is an ap-
information. In this process, information on a list of key attributes
proach for clustering cases with different degrees of similarity.
is generated. These key attributes consist of information used to
Only cases in the selected cluster are considered for case reusal
decide the required receiving operations. These attributes are

Fig. 8. Data attributes retrieved for CBR engine.

S.I. Lao et al. / Expert Systems with Applications 39 (2012) 2532–2548 2539

Fig. 9. Case retrieval mechanism of the CBR engine importance and relationship among attributes.

in later processes. As the number of potential cases is significantly According to Equation (1), the total similarity value is calculated
minimized, the processes of selecting relevant cases are acceler- with support of the pre-defined weightings, and the degree of sim-
ated. In the tree structure, the most important attribute is pre- ilarity among cases can be found automatically. The weightings of
sented in Level 1, and the importance decreases as the level different attributes are defined with reference to the manual selec-
increases. Storage type is considered as the most important attri- tion mechanism of human beings. Hence, based on the weightings,
bute of the operation assignment. In Level 2, cases are grouped the importance and similarities of the attributes, as well as the list
according to the special request assigned by the customer because of ranked retrieved cases, are generated. The case ranked with the
the involved operation or safety control is highly influenced by the highest similarity value is regarded as the most significant base for
requested service. Thus, the value-added activity performance the final solution generation. Other cases with comparatively low-
influences the control points and measurement of the safety plan. er similarity value act as references.
With different food properties and nature, cases are grouped into Pn
different clusters. i¼1 wi simðfiI ; fiR Þ
Pn ð1Þ
When the system browses the case library to retrieve historical i¼1 wi
cases by following the tree structure path, the CBR engine can rec-
tify the new case with data from the stored historical cases. Hence,
a group of potential cases in the resulting cluster are chosen and
wi = weight of attribute I;
presented in a list format for case reusal.
min jfiI j; fiR 
simðfiI ; fiR Þ ¼ ;
3.3.2. Case reusal maxðjfiI j; jfiR jÞ
With the formulation of the potential case list, the nearest
neighbor retrieval algorithm is adopted to further resolve the most
appropriate case. Food operation handling regulations and rules fiI ; fiR = the value of fi in the input.
are studied; the knowledge gained is then converted into different
pre-defined weightings (wi) to illustrate the importance and rela- 3.3.3. Case revision
tionship among attributes, as shown in the entity relationship dia- When the case with the highest similarity value is suggested by
gram in Fig. 10. the CBR engine, comparison with the suggested case leads to its
Weighting is added to (fi), which represent the corresponding revision and a newly inputted case is preformed. Modification,
attributes of the case. In addition, similarity values of different op- such as editing and combinations are made based on the value of
tions among attributes is defined and inputted into the system. the cases to ensure that the solution fits_the actual needs.
2540 S.I. Lao et al. / Expert Systems with Applications 39 (2012) 2532–2548

Fig. 10. Entity relationship diagram that illustrates the importance and relationship among attributes.

3.3.4. Case retention

After the case revision, the revised report and the new case
information are stored in the case library for future references.
Each case set is composed of four parts: a unique case number, a
case index, a set of safety plan, and a set of customer feedback.
The knowledge in solving the new problem scenario is a useful
and valuable capital, and it acts as the most significant asset when
running the CBR engine.

3.4. System output

A Web-based user display is installed in the system so that

users may access the inventory status during the arrival of the
food. On the other hand, the monitors would display the resulted
safety plan.

3.4.1. Inventory status

During the arrival of the food delivery, the user interface dis-
plays the inventory status when IMM receives the electronic sig- Fig. 11. Resulting safety plan.
nals from the front end module. Inventory information, such as
order number, item number, and quantity are transferred from age, but also acts as a DC that executes value-added activities and
the IMM to the user interface. quality checking services. Hence, the company has advanced equip-
ment in their DC, which includes temperature-controlled and refrig-
3.4.2. Output display – operating procedure erated facilities mainly for handling food-related inventories.
Output display shows the system result for food handling. Infor- With the growing concern on food quality and safety, the com-
mation is transferred through the CBR engine to the user interface, pany has implemented a food safety plan in the receiving opera-
as illustrated in Fig. 11. tions. Hence, to cope with the changing business environment
and to reinforce its leading position in the logistics industry, the
4. Case study company keeps introducing different value-added services. With
the introduction of new types of operations and services, the com-
4.1. Company background pany experiences difficulties monitoring the food quality. There-
fore, when arranging safety plans in the receiving process, DC
A pilot test was undertaken in a Hong Kong-based logistics com- managers face the following problems:
pany to validate the usage of RFID-FOAS. This logistics company pro-
vides warehousing, value-added activities, distribution, logistics (i) Different quality control operations and services are needed
consultation, and international forwarding service to various types when handling different customer orders. However, there is
of customers all over the world. To follow the competitive market a lack of effective safety plans in monitoring and facilitating
trends in the logistics industry, its warehouse not only provides stor- control points.
S.I. Lao et al. / Expert Systems with Applications 39 (2012) 2532–2548 2541

(ii) The time allotted in deciding safety control actions is pro- be mounted on the dock door when receiving arriving RFID singles
longed. Hence, the lead time for handling orders is as shown in Fig. 13. Once the readers are mounted, inventories
lengthened. with RFID tags pass the gateway, and the readers record the event,
then pass the signal to the system. Afterwards, RFID tags are at-
4.2. Case illustration – generating a safety plan for the receiving tached to the inventories and pallets of goods. Hence, numerous
process of raw materials and ingredients for sushi Web-based monitors are set up at work stations to display infor-
mation, as shown in Fig. 14.
Raw materials and ingredient for sushi is one of the frequently
handled inventories of the company. Inventories are imported 4.2.2. Step 2: system construction of CBR engine
worldwide and distributed to different local stores in Hong Kong. Preparation is necessary before constructing the CBR engine in
Generally, inventories can be categorized into two types: the direct the Data Management Tier using the Case Advisor. Case Advisor
distribution type, in which no value-added service is needed, and is software developed by Sententia Software at Simon Frazier Uni-
the value-added type, in which value-added production is involved versity, Canada (Wastson, 1997). In Fig. 15, three main components
before storage and distribution. With such features, the company are present: (i) CaseAdvisor Authoring Module, (ii) CaseAdvisor
suffers from the problem of insufficient guidelines on safety con- Problem Resolution Module, and (iii) CaseAdvisor Webserver
trol when handling different value-added services. As entirely dif- Module.
ferent control points are required in different food inventories, the
required decision-making time required is inappropriately long. CaseAdvisor Authoring Module. In the Authoring Module, the
Hence, the unsystematic decision-making process leads to opera- historical safety plan of the operating case and the critical point
tion errors. Raw materials and ingredients for sushi are sensitive assignment decision tree of the CBR engine are constructed in a
to time and environmental conditions; thus, cautious control in portal-like environment. Details of the case and DC operation are
all stages of the operation is required to prevent spoilage and con- inputted to the case library. New case information is created in
tamination. Any delay in operation or inappropriate handling af- Case Advisor by entering the case name, case description, and
fects the product safety and the suitability of latter delivery. the safety plan solution. Attributes that identify questions are con-
Therefore, RFID-FOAS is adopted, using salmon to demonstrate stituted and matched with the corresponding cases. Different oper-
the generation of a specific and customized operating procedure ating attributes, such as storage type, required value-added
for a period of 2 months starting in March 2010. The system em- service, food type, and SKU Dimension, are set by the developer
braced the support of RFID real-time data capturing technology to identify the relationship between the case information and the
and knowledge supported CBR engine using Case Advisor. Fig. 12 required control action. Weightings of the operating attribute that
shows the seven implementation steps of RFID-FOAS. indicate the importance are adjusted. Hence, a decision tree is con-
structed to group similar cases in a systematic way.
4.2.1. Step 1: physical set up of RFID device CaseAdvisor Problem Resolution Module. Identification and
To gather real-time inventory information and to support the
case review of problems are carried out in the Problem Resolution
application of the system, different RFID devices must be set up
Module. The Problem Resolution Module is a case retrieval model
in the DC and in work stations. First, RFID readers are required to
that is used to search and extract potential historical cases. In this
module, operating attributes and their values are inputted. Subse-
quently, the corresponding case questions are displayed. These
questions are used to help users filter historical safety plan records.
Potential case solutions are retracted by the system in accordance
with the operation and critical point assignment decision tree built
in the Authoring Module. Netscape is used to display the resulting
solution. CaseAdvisor Webserver Module. Webserver Module is a Java

interface used to integrate the company Open Database Connectiv-
ity (ODBC) with the case base domains. Webserver Module is used
to create, delete, copy, moving, and rename operations in the do-
main list. With the Webserver Module, linkage among the com-
pany database, Authoring Module, and Problem Resolution
Module is built; consequently, changes in the company database
lead to updates in the case-bases domain in real time.

4.2.3. Step 3: retrieve relevant operation and requirement

After the preparation duties of the device set up and system
development have been completed, a trial run of RFID-FOAS is
undertaken to demonstrate the safety plan generation mechanism.
First of all, relevant operation and requirement specifications are
retrieved. Currently, data on customer orders and customer
requirements are stored in data tables as parameters. The rela-
tional table indicates the relationship and linkage of data, as shown
in Fig. 16. When the salmon arrives in the receiving zone, the RFID
readers mounted on the DC gateway automatically notifies the
IMM and sends it an electronic signal. This is the initial data retrie-
Fig. 12. Implementation procedure of RFID-FOAS. val process in the database, as illustrated in Fig. 17. Only partial
2542 S.I. Lao et al. / Expert Systems with Applications 39 (2012) 2532–2548

Fig. 13. RFID readers on the dock door.

Fig. 14. Monitors on the work stations.

Fig. 15. Components of CBR engine (CaseAdvisor).

S.I. Lao et al. / Expert Systems with Applications 39 (2012) 2532–2548 2543

Fig. 16. Relationship among data tables.

Fig. 17. Process flow of data retrieval for customer order.

information is stored in RFID tags; hence, the data retrieval process 4.2.5. Step 5: rank similar cases for case selection
aims to search for other relevant attributes from the database. Re- In this demonstration of the process of receiving salmon, six po-
cords which are retrieved include customer name, list of items, and tential historical cases are found in the resulted cluster. The case
positions of items. These details are received and displayed on the information is then retrieved and passed for case ranking. Cases
web-based platform. are ranked by calculating the similarity value through the CBR en-
gine with reference to Equation (1), which is shown in the System
4.2.4. Step 4: retrieve similar cases for reuse Architecture section. There are different attributes for calculating
Historical cases are stored in the case library with the corre- the similarity value such as, storage type, customer requirement,
sponding attributes. Based on the information on the attributes, SKU measuring unit, food type, supplier location, and SKU dimen-
similar historical cases are retrieved from the case library through sion. Different pre-defined weighting (wi) is defined in Fig. 10, in
the inductive indexing approach. A decision tree is constructed to the System Architecture section.
demonstrate the selection mechanism and to illustrate the case As illustrated in Fig. 20, the potential cases carry different scores
relationship, as shown in Fig. 18. The company designs the food that represent the difference in similarity value among cases. With
safety plan based on four types of order nature. Therefore, there reference to the Total Similarity Value (TSV), cases with the highest
are four levels in the decision tree: Level 1 – Storage Type; Level similarity values are selected as the most preferable cases to be
2 – Customer Requirement; Level 3 – Operation Specification; adopted. In this scenario, a case named ‘‘Salmon 0325’’ with a score
and Level4 – Inventory Specification. Potential cases are arranged of 95 is selected. Consideration is formulated for this case in
into different groups according to the values of attributes, as arranging the operating procedure of the safety plan.
shown in Fig. 18. Then, the system matches the specification of In the facilitation of the analysis of the system mechanism,
the product nature with cases stored in the case library. demonstration of the similarity value calculation between the
To help arrange cases into appropriate groups, different ques- new case and ‘‘Salmon 0325’’ is shown. In Table 1, ‘‘Salon 0325
tions related to the case structure and the decision attributes are consists of six attributes.’’ Reference on the entity relationship dia-
presented in Fig. 19. By addressing the questions and following gram (Fig. 10) is made; the predefined weighting and similarity va-
the searching path, a particular cluster of potential historical cases lue of different attributes are found.
is identified and retrieved. Therefore, by using Equation (1)
2544 S.I. Lao et al. / Expert Systems with Applications 39 (2012) 2532–2548

Fig. 18. The decision tree for case retrieval engine.

Fig. 19. Storage structure of historical cases with linked questions.

S.I. Lao et al. / Expert Systems with Applications 39 (2012) 2532–2548 2545

Fig. 20. A list of potential cases with different scores.

Table 1
Comparison of ‘‘Salmon 0325’’ and a new case.

Attributes Rank Weighting ‘‘Salmon 0325’’ New case Similarity value

Storage type Most important 50 Frozen food Frozen food 1
Customer requirement Important 30 Fillet Fillet 1
Supplier location Important 30 Norway Norway 1
Food type Less important 10 Raw material Raw material 1
SKU dimension Less important 10 Less than 100 cm2 100–500 cm2 0.5
Storage measuring unit Relevant 5 Piece Carton 0.6

 simðfiI ; fiR Þ 50  1 þ 30  1 þ 30  1 þ 10  1 þ 10  0:5 þ 5  0:6
i¼1 wi in Fig. 21. Hence, when the salmon is delivered to the customers,
Pn ¼
i¼1 wi
50 þ 30 þ 30 þ 10 þ 10 þ 5 their feedback on the service and product quality are collected
¼ 0:95 and recorded. The customer feedback is used to evaluate the oper-
ation performance, especially in controlling the outcome of the
The total similarity value between the new case and ‘‘Salmon 0325’’ safety plans. If complaint on the salmon quality is received, a more
is obtained. The value is 0.95, which is the same as the system dis- sincere consideration in future case reusal may be required. Thus,
play. Similarly, the total similarity values among other cases and the this reflects the customer satisfaction level. As the number of case
new case are obtained through the same way. reusal cycles increase, the quality of case information improves.

4.2.6. Step 6: case revision and safety plan generation 5. Results and discussion
The case ranked with the highest similarity value is considered
as the most significant base for generating solutions. With refer- To study and verify the significance and contribution of RFID-
ence to the case information of the selected case, modification FOAS in the context of managing the inventory quality in DC to de-
may further improve the suitability of the adoption. Modification velop safety plans, a trial run was undertaken in one of the Hong
can be made by adding the missed operation steps or by removing Kong-based logistics companies. Preliminary work focused on the
any redundant operations to fit the customer needs. Required facil- safety plan operation procedure generation during the receiving
ities and work stations are adjusted automatically along with the operation in DC. The performance and contributions are presented
changes. Furthermore, the operator can refer to the ‘‘Customer and described in this section to demonstrate the significance of the
Feedback’’ section of the historical case to evaluate whether mod- system. The assistance provided by RFID-FOAS included real time
ification of operations should be made to improve the customer inventory arrival data capturing and knowledge base advices for
satisfaction level. decision making. Hence, a number of benefits are identified by
the DC manager during the interview after the trial run. The bene-
4.2.7. Step 7: store new case and customer feedback fits are as follows:
After the revision and case modification, a new case solution to
receive operations is generated. Each case is assigned with a unique  The system provides DC operators with solid and detailed
case number. Accordingly, case details with updated information guidelines on inventory handling with regard to the required
are sent to the case library. At the same time, case details are sent operation, critical control points, and corrective actions for cus-
to the Web-based platform through the LAN network, as illustrated tomized safety control.
2546 S.I. Lao et al. / Expert Systems with Applications 39 (2012) 2532–2548

Fig. 21. Resulting safety plan operating procedure.

 The system reduces the labor force involved in decisions regard- and value-added activities, the operations that need to be com-
ing the operation flows and control actions required. The deci- menced before the transfer to the rack are unclear. With the help
sion maker is no longer a human being but an automated of RFID-FOAS, the data retrieving and decision-making operations
computer system. are automated by the IMM and CBR engines. A systematic safety
 The system provides consistent control actions in quality assur- plan is suggested. Therefore, human errors involved are signifi-
ance for the same category of food inventory with the same nat- cantly reduced. Hence, with the resulting safety plan displayed
ure and property. Previously, handling is decided based on the on the Web-based user interface, clear guidelines on the operation
experience and tacit knowledge of expert workers and thus, and control action can be illustrated to the operators easily. In
any labor turnover or absence would affect quality of the Table 2, order fulfillment has been improved by 33.85%.
 The system assists the reduction in the receiving operation 5.2. Improvement in timeframe for resource assignment
timeframe because the system automates the data capturing
and decision-making process. With the real time data capturing ability of RFID-FOAS, food ar-
 The system provides clear handling of history and records of the rival is notified in real time. The relevant inventory information is
operations and control actions, which are stored in the company retrieved by the IMM and sent to the CBR engine automatically. No
database in terms of historical cases. It provides traceable manual data input or filter is required, which significantly reduces
inventory handling records, which are required for the compli- the required timeframe for inventory notification. In Table 3, the
ance of quality assurance scheme like ISO and TQM. The system time required to notify the inventory arrival and data entry is re-
helps the company establish the initial building blocks for qual- duced by over 96% and the significance increases with order size.
ity assurance system. In addition, a noteworthy time saving in the decision making is
achieved. As different operations are required to perform on differ-
Aside from the interview with the company, different compari- ent inventories, a lengthy manual decision time is required for hu-
sons are made to measure and visualize the system performance man beings. RFID-FOAS replaces the human decision process with
before and after the implementation. Based on the quantitative an expert knowledge system, and the suggested safety plan is gen-
measurement, three areas of major improvement are identified. erated automatically in a short timeframe. In Table 3, the decision-
making process for receiving operation is improved by 85.17%.
5.1. Improvement in operation management
5.3. Improvement in customer satisfaction and quality
Before the implementation of RFID-FOAS, manual checking of
the inventory document such as inbound order, receiving list, Before the launch of RFID-FOAS, safety control is decided based
and customer invoice, is required to locate which customer has or- on the experience and tacit knowledge of the workers. Any work-
dered the goods and what kinds of quality control operations are force turnover or absence would affect the decision quality. There-
required. Since the same group of food inventories may be deliv- fore, the inconsistent decision results in the occurrence of
ered to different retailers after the storage period and different substandard goods. Hence, faults in operations lead to returning
retailers may have different requirements on quality checking of goods or service charge deduction. On the other hand, the long
S.I. Lao et al. / Expert Systems with Applications 39 (2012) 2532–2548 2547

Table 2 sion-making process. Hence, the real time data capturing nature of
Improvement in operation management. RFID technology further improves the efficiency and timeframe re-
Before After (with Percentage of quested for the actions.
RFID-FOAS) improvement A comprehensive safety control is required in the food supply
(%) chain to satisfy the demands of customers. DC, where food inven-
Operation management tory spends a large proportion of time and performs value-added
Order fulfillment (free of error and 0.65 0.87 33.85 activities, requires urgent development of a safety plan. However,
fault handling/total handling)
the rise in customization of services has made the development a
complicated task. We proposed a real-time food management sys-
tem that integrates RFID technology and CBR technique for DC ser-
Table 3 vice providers in launching a food safety plan, which aims to
Time reduction in receiving operation handling. manage the receiving operation and improve the operation
Before After (with RFID- Percentage of efficiency and customer satisfaction.
(manual) FOAS) improvement (%)
Inventory notification (data entry) Acknowledgment
Single order 1 min 2s 96.67
Ten orders 12 min 3s 99.58
The authors wish to thank the Research Office of The Hong Kong
Twenty orders 27 min 4s 99.75
Decision process for receiving operation Polytechnic University for supporting the project (Project Code:
Operation 5 min RPBK).
Critical control 6 min
Corrective 3 min
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