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1 Diagram 1.1 shows two regions, X and Y, which are separated by a semi-permeable membrane.
Rajah 1.1 menunjukkan dua kawasan, X dan Y, yang dipisahkan oleh satu membran separa telap.

Diagram 1.1
(a) (i) Based on Diagram 1.1, which region is hypotonic?
Berdasarkan Rajah 1.1, kawasan manakah yang hipotonik?
[1 mark]
(ii) Give one reason for the answer in 1(a)(i).
Berikan satu sebab bagi jawapan dalam 1(a)(i).
[1 mark]
(iii An equilibrium is achieved between regions X and Y after 15 minutes.
) Complete Diagram 1.2.
Keseimbangan antara kawasan X dan kawasan Y tercapai selepas 15 minit.
Lengkapkan Rajah 1.2.

Diagram 1.2

[2 marks]
(iv) State the process which occurs in 1(a)(iii).
Nyatakan proses yang berlaku dalam 1(a)(iii).
[1 mark]
(b) A few slices of cucumber is immersed in a concentrated salt solution.
Beberapa hirisan timun direndam dalam larutan garam yang pekat.
(i) Explain why the above method is able to preserve the cucumber for a long period of time.
Jelaskan mengapa kaedah di atas dapat mengawet timun tersebut bagi jangka masa yang panjang.
[2 marks]
(ii) Complete Diagram 1.3 by drawing the condition of the cucumber cell afer the preservation
Lengkapkan Rajah 1.3 dengan melukis keadaan sel timun tersebut selepas proses pengawetan.

Diagram 1.3

[2 marks]
(iii State the condition of the cucumber cell in 1(b)(ii).
) Nyatakan keadaan sel timun tersebut dalam 1(b)(ii).
[1 mark]
(c) Give two reasons why athletes are advised to drink isotonic drink during a competition.
Berikan dua sebab mengapa ahli-ahli sukan dinasihatkan meminum minuman isotonik semasa pertandingan.

[2 marks]

2 Diagram 2.1 shows the movement of substances P and Q across the plasma membrane respectively.
The movement of P requires energy but the movement of Q does not.
Rajah 2.1 menunjukkan pergerakan bahan P dan Q merentasi membran plasma. Pergerakan P memerlukan
tenaga tetapi pergerakan Q tidak memerlukan tenaga.

Diagram 2.1

(a) Name the processes involved in the movement of P and Q.

Namakan proses yang terlibat dalam pergerakan P dan Q.

[2 marks]
(b) (i) Give one example of P and Q.
Berikan satu contoh P dan Q.

[2 marks]
(ii) Describe the movement of Q shown in Diagram 2.1.
Terangkan pergerakan Q seperti yang ditunjukkan pada Rajah 2.1.
[2 marks]
(c) Diagram 2.2 shows two types of cells, X and Y.
Rajah 2.2 menunjukkan dua jenis sel, X dan Y.

Diagram 2.2
(i) Draw the appearance of each cell in hypotonic solution and hypertonic solution.
Lukiskan keadaan setiap sel di dalam larutan hipotonik dan larutan hipertonik.
Hypotonic solution Hypertonic solution
Larutan hipotonik Larutan hipertonik

[4 marks]
(ii) Explain what happens to cell Y in 0.7% sodium chloride solution and 5% sodium chloride
Jelaskan apakah yang berlaku kepada sel Q dalam larutan natrium klorida 0.7% dan larutan natrium
klorida 5%.
0.7% sodium chloride solution 5% sodium chloride solution
Larutan natrium klorida 0.7% Larutan natrium klorida 5%

[2 marks]

3 Diagram 3.1 shows a green mustard stem is cut into two equal strips and placed in solution X and Y
Rajah 3.1 menunjukkan batang sawi dipotong kepada dua jalur yang sama saiz dan diletakkan di dalam larutan
X dan Y masing-masing.

Diagram 3.1
Diagram 3.2 shows the results obtained from this experiment.
Rajah 3.2 menunjukkan keputusan yang diperolehi daripada eksperimen tersebut.

Diagram 3.2

(a) What are solution X and Y used in this experiment?

Apakah larutan X dan Y yang digunakan dalam eksperimen tersebut?

[2 marks]
(b) Identify solution X and Y.
Kenal pastikan larutan X dan Y.

[2 marks]
(c) Describe the condition of the strips that are immersed in solution X and Y.
Terangkan keadaan jalur yang direndam di dalam larutan X dan Y.

[2 marks]
(d) Diagram 3.3 shows the condition of two plants P and Q which are added with fertilizer. Plant Q is
added with excess fertilizer.
Rajah 3.3 menunjukkan keadaan dua tumbuhan P dan Q yang diberi baja. Tumbuhan Q diberi baja secara

Diagram 3.3

Explain the condition of plant Q in Diagram 3.3.

Jelaskan keadaan tumbuhan Q dalam Rajah 3.3.
[3 marks]
(e) A woman makes mango pickles by immersing mango slices in a concentrated sugar solution.
Seorang perempuan membuat jeruk mangga dengan merendam kepingan buah mangga dalam larutan gula
yang pekat.
State one advantage and two disadvantages of the method used, compared to storing fresh mangoes.
Nyatakan satu kebaikan dan dua keburukan kaedah yang digunakan berbanding dengan menyimpan mangga
[3 marks]

4 Diagram 4 shows the structure of the plasma membrane.

Rajah 4 menunjukkan struktur membran plasma.
Diagram 4
(a) Label the following parts of the plasma membrane on Diagram 4.
Labelkan bahagian-bahagian membran plasma yang berikut pada Rajah 4.
(i) Carrier protein
Protein pembawa
(ii) Phospholipid bilayer
Dwilapisan fosfolipid
(iii Pore protein
) Protein liang
[3 marks]
(b) State two characteristics of the phospholipid bilayer.
Nyatakan dua ciri dwilapisan fosfolipid.
[2 marks]
(c) (i) Glucose molecules are transported across the plasma membrane into the cell through facilitated
diffusion. Explain why.
Molekul-molekul glukosa diangkut ke sel merentasi membran plasma melalui resapan berbantu.
Jelaskan mengapa.
[2 marks]
(ii) Describe how calcium ions are transported into the cell.
Terangkan bagaimana ion kalsium diangkut ke dalam sel.
[3 marks]
(d) Give two factors that affect the permeability of the plasma membrane.
Berikan dua faktor yang mempengaruhi ketelapan membran plasma.
[2 marks]


1 (a) (i) Region Y

Kawasan Y
(ii) More water molecules are found in region Y.
Lebih banyak molekul air didapati di kawasan Y.

(iv) Osmosis
(b) (i) - The salt solution is hypertonic to the cucumber cells. Water from the cells diffuse out by
Larutan garam adalah hipertonik terhadap sel-sel timun. Air daripada sel-sel timun meresap keluar
secara osmosis.
- The cucumber becomes dehydrated. The dry condition is not favourable for bacteria
Timun mengalami dehidrasi. Keadaan yang kering tidak sesuai untuk pertumbuhan bakteria.

(iii Plasmolysis
) Plasmolisis
(c) 1. To balance the body fluid
Untuk mengimbangkan cecair dalam badan
2. To replenish the fluid lost through sweating
Untuk menggantikan cecair yang hilang melalui perpeluhan

2 (a) X: Active transport

Pengangkutan aktif
Y: Simple diffusion
Resapan ringkas
(b) (i) X: Nitrate
Y: Oxygen
(ii) - The partial pressure of Q is higher in the alveolus than in the blood capillary.
Tekanan separa Q adalah lebih tinggi di dalam alveolus berbanding di dalam kapilari darah.
- Q diffuses into the blood capillary following the concentration gradient.
Q meresap ke dalam kapilari darah mengikut arah kecerunan kepekatan.
(c) (i) Hypotonic solution Hypertonic solution
Larutan hipotonik Larutan hipertonik

(ii) 0.7% sodium chloride solution 5% sodium chloride solution

Larutan natrium klorida 0.7% Larutan natrium klorida 5%
Cell Y maintains its shape. Water molecules Cell Y shrinks and crenates. Water
move in and out of the cell at the same rate. molecules diffuse out of the cell by osmosis.
Sel Y mengekalkan bentuknya. Molekul air bergerak Sel Y mengecut dan mengalami krenasi. Molekul
masuk dan keluar dari sel pada kadar yang sama. air meresap keluar dari sel secara osmosis.

3 (a) X: Hypertonic solution

Larutan hipertonik
Y: Hypotonic solution
Larutan hipotonik
(b) X: 30% sucrose solution
Larutan sukrosa 30%
Y: Distilled water
Air suling
(c) X: The strip becomes shorter, thinner and softer. The strip curves inwards.
Jalur menjadi lebih pendek, nipis dan lembut. Jalur melengkung ke dalam.
Y: The strip becomes longer, thicker, turgid and firm. The strip curves outwards.
Jalur menjadi lebih panjang, tebal, segah dan keras. Jalur melengkung ke luar.
(d) - Excess fertilizer will cause the soil water to be hypertonic towards the root hair cells.
Baja berlebihan menyebabkan air tanah menjadi hipertonik terhadap sel akar rambut.
- Water from the root hair cells diffuses out to the soil by osmosis.
Air daripada sel akar rambut meresap keluar ke dalam tanah secara osmosis.
- The cells become plasmolysed and leads to wilting.
Sel mengalami plasmolisis dan akhirnya layu.
(e) Advantage:
- It keeps longer.
Ia tahan lebih lama.
- The sugar content of the food is too high.
Kandungan gula dalam makanan terlalu tinggi.
- Some of the nutrients such as vitamin C are lost.
Sebahagian nutrien seperti vitamin C hilang.
4 (a)

(b) - Consists of hydrophilic heads and hydrophobic tails.

Mengandungi kepala hidrofilik dan ekor hidrofobik.
- The hydrophilic heads are facing the exterior and the interior of the cell.
Kepala hidrofilik mengadap ke arah luar dan arah dalam sel.
(c) (i) - Glucose consists of uncharged large-sized molecules which cannot pass through the
phospholipid bilayer.
Glukosa terdiri daripada molekul bersaiz besar yang tidak bercas yang tidak dapat melalui
dwilapisan fosfolipid.
- It needs a specific carrier protein to transport it across the phospholipid bilayer.
Ia memerlukan protein pembawa khusus untuk mengangkutnya melalui dwilapisan fosfolipid.
(ii) - By active transport.
Secara pengangkutan aktif.
- It needs energy which is produced by cellular respiration.
Ia memerlukan tenaga yang dihasilkan oleh respirasi sel.
- Carrier proteins bind with the calcium ions and change their shape, thus carrying the ions
across the plasma membrane.
Protein pembawa terikat dengan ion kalsium dan berubah bentuk, dengan itu membawa ion kalsium
merentasi membran plasma.
(d) - Selective barrier of the phospholipid bilayer.
Rintangan memilih bagi dwilapisan fosfolipid.
- Specific transport proteins build into the membrane.
Protein pengangkut khusus terbina di dalam membran.

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