Formato Brief Ingles Proyecto 9

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FORMATO BRIEF ”campaña publicitaria”





Innovation: the best PORQUINITOS porous meat

1.Company information
PORQUINITOS of Colombia sas
production and marketing of pig carns
Name of the company Trade’s name to fixed and public customers in
Company’s activity general

2. Company history PORQUINITOS from Colombia SAS;

Founded in February 2017, the result
History of the company in detail of an entrepreneurial project and with
Advertising has been traditionally its own resources, in the course of
done? the market study it has been
What kind of advertising and what developed to identify the niche
issues were addressed? markets.
What were the objectives of previous
campaigns? Marketing Processes in Supermarket
What are the characteristics of your Chain, shopping centers through
product or service? tastings and display of products at
What is the current position of your market booths that have a largue
product in the market? influx of people.

Exhibitions in chain markets, POP

advertising, spoken and written.
There were economic problems, due
to the cost of radio and press
guidelines, the competition has
advertising on television, which
makes it a problem for
because they do not have enough
resources to program it on television,
which makes Es A problem for the

The objectives were; make the

product known to people and places
that had no impact on the product
launch, plant the product, seek
acceptance among people who have
not been able to sell pork wine sales.
Pork is very lean, most fats, proteins,
potassium, iron and selenium. In
addition, pig meat is one of the most
efficient productions due to the
precocity of the animals, their short
reproductive cycle and the great
capacity of transformation of the

Among the factors that have been

especially favored: the price is
accessible compared to its
counterpart and greater consumer
confidence as a healthy source of
animal protein. However, by 2016,
global consumption of this product is
expected to decrease marginally at
an annual rate to reach 108.9 million
3. The product or service Description Pork is an essential food at all stages
of the product or service with all its of life because it contains a high
factures: content of proteins of high biological
value and provides various minerals
 Physical (if it has) such as potassium, phosphorus, zinc
 Chemical characterization (if it has) and iron, in addition to the source of
vitamins of group B such as B1, B3,
B6 and B12.

 Packaging (if it has) Meat and meat products have several

manipulations before reaching the
final consumer; Therefore, it is
important to correctly choose the
method of preservation and use the
processes to pack fresh meat and
meat products are: air permeable,
modified atmosphere and vacuum

 Benefits During childhood, pork provides

Trajectory (how long was it proteins necessary for the proper
development of bones.

It facilitates digestion and helps the

normal functioning of the immune

It contributes to the proper

maintenance of oral health.
In pregnancy and lactation, pork is
ideal to help meet nutritional needs
because of its protein, mineral and
vitamin content.

It is ideal for athletes because of its

protein content, and its contribution of
vitamins of group B helps reduce
fatigue and fatigue and its minerals
 Lifecycle contribute to the functioning of

Lactation: The piglet at the moment it
is born goes through 12 vital hours for
its growth.
Weaning: Piglets move on without
protection or maternal food, which is
a traumatic experience for them.
Fattening: After 2 months of life the
pigs are fed artificial feed designed to
fatten in the shortest possible time.

Animal sacrifice area.

final product: After death, the bodies

of animals are processed and
converted into the parts we see in
 Legislation supermarkets.

Commission Regulation (EU)

1137/2014 of October 27, 2014
amending Annex III of Regulation
(EC) 853/2004 of the European
Parliament and of the Council as
regards the handling of certain animal
offal destined for human
4. SWOT matrix (Strengths, WEAKNESSES
Weaknesses, Opportunities and  Lack of incentives and
Threats) motivation in the winners.
 Absence of presence in social
 Weaknesses (they are internal to networks or ignorance of its
the company) possibilities.
 Only one product line is
available (Popular) Product
Only 3 types of products are offered.
 Under knowledge in
negotiation techniques with the
members of the sector.
 Need for large investments in
machinery equipment.
 Distribution in hotels,
barbecues and restaurants.

 Opportunities (they are external,

what the sale opportunities are) OPPORTUNITIES
 Expansion to the national and
international market thanks to
the benefits provided to the
 Creation of different product
lines and brands for different
niche markets. Research and
introduction of new
technologies to increase
volume and productivity.
Maquila service for companies
in the sector that do not
produce at competitive prices.

 Alliances with restaurant

chains and product
 Strengths (they are internal )  Time of bonanza in November
and December. Sale of
Christmas products

 Positioned brand of the stand.
 Facility location
 Threats (they are external )  Trained and knowledgeable
personnel on traffic
Excellent alternatives in services with
very competitive rates in the market.

 Market acceptance of a new
brand proposal.
 Price fluctuation in imported
raw material
 Market introduction of new
brands with low prices.
 Shortage of trained personnel
in the management of the
technology used in the plant.
 Few maintenance providers in
the sector.
 Introduction of products of
leading brands in the niche of
5. Budget It’s the money assigned to The money allocated to the project is
the project.
15,108,750 million.

6. Consumer/Target Audience The "REAL" customer is the one for

Describe the three types of whom he has worked, for many
consumers: years.
 End consumer: The person who
consumes the product, but doesn’t The "POTENTIAL" customer is the
decide on the purchase. one who is seducing you to buy from
 Real consumer or objective: The you. It already has echo offers of
person who makes the purchase sales with this sea that customer
 Potential Consumer: The person Demographic and Socioeconomic:
who has a provisional contact with That corresponds to the qualities
the product or who will be the related to their gender, age, race or
consumer in the future. Describe the ethnicity, marital status, level of
profiles education, income level, place of
 Demographic profile residence, type of neighborhood and
 Geographic profile household composition.
 Psychographic profile
Attributes related to the geographical
area in which they reside and work,
such as state or county, number of
inhabitants, population density,
climate, seasons.

The psychological profile translates
into one of them. It is a passage of
time, interests, political tendencies, if
the client is family oriented, if it is a
fashion and a follower of trends.
7.competition/Positioning Describe Direct or first degree competition:
the type of competition your product products that operate in our same
or service has: market, with identical distribution
 Direct channels, with the same or similar
 Hint products and that target the same
 Main Competition profile of potential customers
8.Project objectives Describe the goal  Successfully perform the work
to be achieved in your project. of the company, and be able
to offer a service and
products of the highest
PORQUINITOS, with a very
demanding control of raw materials
What gives the company a high
added value, also with excellent
Sanitary and environmental
management, which ensures product
 Develop a brand of meat
products in order to innovate
and brand.
difference with the other companies
in the way of developing the
Products, and the variety of them.
9. Market research KIND OF INVESTIGATION
Explain the market research you have For the development of the project it
made in your project: ¿which are the is an applied type investigation to
latest changes of consumers and the which we approach: tastes, nutritional
target public? preferences, food and population
costs and the average product of
degree of acceptance.
10. Schedule Include the distribution In the company PORQUINITOS we
channels for the products of your use a selective distribution and an
project: indirect channel because we need
 Direct intermdiaries
 Indirect

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