Guided Reading Unit

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Intel® Teach Program

Essentials Course

Unit Plan Template

Unit Author
First and Last Name Kristie Najdek
Unit Overview
Unit Title
Sharks Guided Reading Unit
Unit Summary
In this unit students will learn through the big 5 components of reading phonics, phonemic awareness,
vocabulary, fluency, and comprehension. Students will participate in several activities and guiding reading
groups to learn concepts like key terms and shark facts. Students' will also be able to work on
individualized skills in guided reading groups to improve things like phonemic awareness and
comprehension. Students will learn how to participate into activities to learn diagraphs, blends and initial
and final sounds. Finally students' will be able to take a unit exam on sharks based off their file folder they
create throughout the week to study from.
Subject Area
Guided reading
Grade Level
1st Grade
Approximate Time Needed
1 week
Unit Foundation
Targeted Content Standards and Benchmarks
• Standard Area - CC.1.1: Foundational Skills: Students gain a working knowledge of concepts of
print, alphabetic principle, and other basic conventions.
• Standard Area - CC.1.2: Reading Informational Text: Students read, understand, and respond to
informational text- with emphasis on comprehension, making connections among ideas and
between texts with focus on textual evidence.
• Standard Area - CC.1.4: Writing: Students write for different purposes and audiences. Students
write clear and focused text to convey a well-defined perspective and appropriate content.
• Standard Area- CC.1.5: Speaking and Listening: Students present appropriately in formal speaking
situations, listen critically, and respond intelligently as individuals or in group discussions.
Student Objectives/Learning Outcomes
Students will be able to:
• Match the correct vocabulary term to its meaning.
• Identify different parts of a shark
• Distinguish the three types of teeth sharks have.
• Choose the correct word that has a certain diagraph, blend, and/or sound.
• Name a baby shark.

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Intel® Teach Program
Essentials Course

Curriculum-Framing Questions
How would you describe sharks?
• What kind of different teeth do sharks have?
Unit • Why are sharks predators?
Questions • What are different kinds of sharks?
• What do sharks have, can, and are?
• What are babies sharks called?
Content • Name the three different types of teeth can sharks have?
Questions • What does serrated mean?
• What is a tough material composing of the shark’s Skelton?
Assessment Plan
Assessment Timeline

Before Students work on projects and complete After project work is

project work tasks completed

• Introduce • Vocabulary flip • RK blend sorting • KWL

sharks with a book mat • File
YouTube • Can, have, Are • Main Idea graphic folder review
video chart on sharks organizer • Exam
• KWL chart • Sharks graphic • Discussion cards
• Introduction of organizer
vocabulary • Initial and final
words sounds sort
• Read the focus • Diagraph creator
book Sharks
Assessment Summary
Throughout this until there is several types of assessment going on. Informal assessment are done
throughout the lessons to check for understanding of the students as individuals and as a group. Some of
these assessments include a KWL chart, guided reading group, and interactive classwork having students
showing thumbs up and down. There is discussions and hands on activities to increase student participation
and engagement throughout the unit. There is review folder students will make throughout the week to
check their understanding. As well as a final jeopardy game that the teacher can explain and review one
more time all information. The final part of the unit ends with an exam for students' to take and the teacher
to assess the students' overall knowledge on the unit.

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Intel® Teach Program
Essentials Course

Unit Details
Prerequisite Skills
• Reading fluency
• Basic understanding of diagraphs, blends, sounds
• Main idea
• Working in groups
• Sight words
Instructional Procedures
Week #1
• Day 1: Introduce the unit by posing the essential question how would you describe a shark. Have a
class discussion after showing the YouTube video by creating a KWL chart. Then introduce the
key terms for the focus book. Complete a sh diagraph activity. Read the focus book Sharks and
complete can, are, have chart.
• Day 2: Focus on the key vocabulary word of the day serrated. Complete a 2nd read through of
Sharks. Students will break into guided reading groups to read their decodable readers and focus
on phonics and phonemic awareness. Completing activities depending on group including
diagraphs, blends, or sounds. Closing the day with starting to create review folder cover.
• Day 3: Focus on the key vocabulary word of the day cartilage. Complete a final rad through of
Sharks. Students will complete a class comprehension organizer based on focus book. Then break
into guiding reading groups. Will complete a 2nd read through with a partner and focus on fluency
and main idea. Students' will come back as a whole group and label a shark for file folders.
• Day 4: Focus on the key vocabulary word of the day extinict. Students will complete a flip book all
about shark to add to their file folders. Then break into their last day of guided reading groups
focusing on class discussion and comprehension. Concluding the day finalizing their file folder to
decorate to bring home to study.
• Day 5: The teacher will then end the unit by having a review jeopardy for students' to have one last
review on sharks. Finally the teacher will assess students' by administering a unit exam students'
will take individuality.

Accommodations for Differentiated Instruction

• Guiding reading groups based on ability

• Individual activities for groups based on skill
• Review sheet for exam
Nonnative • Repeat reading
English • Labeled file folder review sheet

Gifted • Guiding reading groups based on ability

Student • Individual activities for groups based on skill

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Intel® Teach Program
Essentials Course

Materials and Resources Required For Unit

Technology – Hardware (Click boxes of all equipment needed)
Camera Laser Disk VCR
Computer(s) Printer Video Camera
Digital Camera Projection System Video Conferencing Equip.
DVD Player Scanner Other
Internet Connection Television
Technology – Software (Click boxes of all software needed.)
Database/Spreadsheet Image Processing Web Page Development
Desktop Publishing Internet Web Browser Word Processing
E-mail Software Multimedia Other
Encyclopedia on CD-ROM

• Self-made worksheets
• Self-made exam
Decodable Readers
Printed Materials
• Buyok, R. (n.d.). Different kinds of sharks (Level C) Reading A-Z.
• Rice , R. (n.d.). Tiger sharks (Level D) . Reading A-Z.
• Freed, K. (n.d.). Sharks (Level J). Reading A-Z.
Focus Book:
• Schreiber, A. (2017). Sharks. London: Harpercollins.
Supplies Highlighters, scissors, crayons, glue, pencils

YouTube video:

Internet Resources
Other Resources Smartboard

Programs of the Intel® Education Initiative are funded by the Intel Foundation and Intel Corporation.
Copyright © 2007, Intel Corporation. All rights reserved. Intel, the Intel logo, Intel Education Initiative, and Intel Teach Program are
trademarks of Intel Corporation in the U.S. and other countries. *Other names and brands may be claimed as the property of others.

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Wilkes University
ED 321 Final Examination Performance Assessment
Guided Reading Lesson Plan

Teacher Kristie Najdek Date Day 1

Subject Reading Grade 1st

Purpose of Lesson:
• Phonics: The purpose of this component is for students to be able to identify a
diagraph of sh as in shark.

• Vocabulary: The purpose of this component is for students to be introduced to the

vocabulary word of the week through the story of Sharks. While focusing on predator
and prey.

• Comprehension: The purpose of this component is for students to comprehend

what sharks can, have, and are after we complete the read aloud.

PA Standards: Grade 1
1.3 Reading 1.5 Speaking and
1.1 Foundational Literature Listening
Skills a. Key Ideas and Details a. Comprehension and
a. Book Handling b. Craft and Structure Collaboration
b. Print Concepts c. Integration of Knowledge b. Presentation of Knowledge
c. Phonological Awareness and Ideas and Ideas
d. Phonics and Word d. Vocabulary Acquisition and c. Integration of Knowledge
Recognition Use and Ideas
e. Fluency e. Range of Reading d. Conventions of Standard
1.2 Reading 1.4 Writing
Informational a. Information/Explanatory
b. Opinion/Argumentative
Texts c. Narrative
a. Key Ideas and Details d. Response to Literature
b. Craft and Structure e. Production and Distribution
c. Integration of Knowledge of Writing
and Ideas f. Technology and Publication
d. Vocabulary Acquisition and g. Conducting Research
Use h. Credibility, Reliability, and
e. Range of Reading Validity of Sources
i. i. Range of Writing
Student Learning Objectives: REQUIRED for each of the 5 critical

After the lesson, students will be able to:

• Phonics: Students will be able to identify sh consonant diagraph words through a

decodable reader.

• Vocabulary: Students will be able to define predator and prey in their flip book
graphic organizer.

• Comprehension: Students will be able to identify what sharks can, have, and are
based on the read aloud.

Children’s Literature Book, Resource Materials, Technology Sources,

Textbook Sources: Be sure to use APA format
-YouTube Video:
-Focus Book:
Schreiber, A. (2017). Sharks. London: Harpercollins.
-KWL Chart
-Diagraph reader
-Can, Have, Are Chart
-Vocabulary Flip Book

Reading Language Learning

Components Phonemic Arts Modalities Visual
of Reading and Awareness Writing Auditory
Phonics Listening Kinesthetic
Language Arts Fluency Tactile
Direct Modeling Demonstration Questioning
Teaching Instruction
Strategies Whole Class Small Group Partners Cooperative
Instruction Instruction Groups
Guided Practice Independent Learning Centers Other:

Guided Reading Workshop Mini-Lesson Literature
Writing Circles

Sequence of Instructional Delivery

Summary of pre-assessment(s) before reading:

• The teacher will introduce sharks to the students through a video.

Then complete a KWL chart on sharks. Followed by the teacher
introducing the key vocabulary words for the book.

Introduction: Engage, Motivate, Explore

• The teacher will introduce the lesson by showing a YouTube video on sharks. While
showing the video the teacher will ask students: What do you think we will be reading
about this week?
• The teacher will then complete a KWL chart on sharks to motivate students on the
topic. This will be done as a class and through a discussion.
• The teacher will ask students what they know about sharks and what they want to
learn. The teacher should receive several responses from students and write them on
the chart to be displayed to students.
• The teacher will then introduce the vocabulary words from the focus book Sharks. The
teacher will say the word and then the students will repeat, and followed by the
• The teacher will then pass out the flip book as a tool to learn their vocabulary words.
• The teacher will instruct students to color each vocabulary word in each box.
Reminding students to make each word in a different color crayon.
• Words will include: predator, prey, serrated, cartilage, and extinct.
• The teacher will focus on the first two words: predator, prey
• The teacher and students will discuss a student made definition to fill into their
organizer for both words.
• The teacher will allow students to draw their own picture to remember their vocabulary
• The teacher will instruct students to put their vocabulary sheets in their desk on their
stay at school side.
During Reading Required (checked):
_X_ Repeated Oral Reading to Build Fluency
_X Application of reading strategies and phonics to decode unknown
Summary of formative assessment(s) during reading:

• The teacher will complete a sh consonant diagraph activity. The

teacher will introduce the focus book Sharks. The teacher will
complete a read aloud and ask several guided reading questions.

Body: Explain, Extend, Make Connections

• The teacher will then begin phonics.
• The teacher will ask students what kind of consonant digraph do we hear at the
beginning of Shark? The teacher will get several responses from students.
• The teacher will then explain it has a sh consonant diagraph and that’s what we will be
focusing on this week.
• The teacher will then pass out the sh consonant diagraph decodable reader.
• As a class the teacher will have read then the students will read page by page. (echo
• After reading through once the teacher will have students take out a highlighter.
• The teacher will then do a second read through. As the teacher reads the students will
highlight the sh diagraph every time they see it.
• After the teacher will have students raise their hand and name the words they learned
with the sh diagraph. As well as taking any other words they can think of after
receiving all the words from the book.

• The teacher will then pass out a copy of the focus book Sharks to each student.
• The teacher will have students discuss with a partner what they think this book is
• The teacher will have a class discussion based on what students have discussed with
their partners.
• The teacher will then begin the first read through of the book.
• The teacher will remind students to be following along with their reading finger as the
teacher reads.
• The teacher will start off the read aloud by introducing the title and author of the book.
• The teacher will then begin read aloud.
• As the teacher reads, the teacher will ask questions including:
-What kind of sharks do we know of? (page 4)
-What do you call a baby shark? (page 9)
-Give an example of a predator and its prey. (page 13)
-Name the three kinds of teeth. (page 18)
-How many types of different sharks are there? Name some. (page 23)
Required (Checked)
After Reading X Reviewing Phonemic Awareness, Phonics Instruction,
Instruction Vocabulary and/or sight words
X Questioning to check understanding and comprehension of
X___ Summarize what was learned
X___ Previewing the next day’s lesson
Summary of summative assessment(s) after reading

• The teacher will have students complete can, have, are chart to
assess students learning of the book. The teacher will complete the
learned section of the KWL. The teacher will review for tomorrows

Closure: Evaluate Summarize, Review

• The teacher will bring students back to focus and explain they will completing a can,
have, and are chart.
• The teacher will allow students to complete this activity with their table groups.
• The teacher will hand out a placemat template to each group and cards to place in each
• The teacher will instruct students to read and organize the cards based on the three
categories that sharks: can, have, and are.
• As a group they must work together to complete the graphic organizer in order to place
each card in the correct column.
• Once the students complete the chart they should raise their hands and the teacher will
check if they have the correct answers.
• To assess students learning, the teacher will close the lesson by completing the “L”
column of the KWL chart. The teacher will remind students to respond with
information they learned from the book and use the chart to assist them.
• The teacher will explain to students’ that tomorrow they will be rereading the Sharks
book to gain better understanding. As well as working in our guided reading groups to
learn even more about sharks.
Wilkes University
ED 321 Final Examination Performance Assessment
Guided Reading Lesson Plan

Teacher Kristie Najdek Date Day 3

Subject Reading Grade 1st Grade

Purpose of Lesson:

• Vocabulary: The purpose of this component is for students to review predator, prey,
and serrated. While focusing on the new word cartilage.

• Fluency: The purpose of this component is for students to read Sharks with accuracy
and at an appropriate speed while being able to comprehend the story.

• Comprehension: The purpose of this component is for students to comprehend

information from their decodable readers during reading groups.

PA Standards: Grade 1
1.3 Reading 1.5 Speaking and
1.1 Foundational Literature Listening
Skills a. Key Ideas and Details a. Comprehension and
a. Book Handling b. Craft and Structure Collaboration
b. Print Concepts c. Integration of Knowledge b. Presentation of Knowledge
c. Phonological Awareness and Ideas and Ideas
d. Phonics and Word d. Vocabulary Acquisition and c. Integration of Knowledge
Recognition Use and Ideas
e. Fluency e. Range of Reading d. Conventions of Standard
1.2 Reading 1.4 Writing
Informational a. Information/Explanatory
b. Opinion/Argumentative
Texts c. Narrative
a. Key Ideas and Details d. Response to Literature
b. Craft and Structure e. Production and Distribution
c. Integration of Knowledge of Writing
and Ideas f. Technology and Publication
d. Vocabulary Acquisition and g. Conducting Research
Use h. Credibility, Reliability, and
e. Range of Reading Validity of Sources
i. i. Range of Writing
Student Learning Objectives: REQUIRED for each of the 5 critical

After the lesson, students will be able to:

• Vocabulary: Students will be able to define cartilage in their flip book graphic

• Fluency: Students will be able to read Sharks with accuracy and at an appropriate
speed while being able to comprehend the story.

• Comprehension: Students will be able to comprehend the main idea from their
decodable readers during reading groups.

Children’s Literature Book, Resource Materials, Technology Sources,

Textbook Sources: Be sure to use APA format
-Focus Book:
Schreiber, A. (2017). Sharks. London: Harpercollins.
-Decodable Readers
Basic Group:
Buyok, R. (n.d.). Different kinds of sharks (Level C) Reading A-Z.
Average Group:
Rice , R. (n.d.). Tiger sharks (Level D) . Reading A-Z.
Advanced Group:
Freed, K. (n.d.). Sharks (Level J). Reading A-Z.
-Vocabulary flip book
-Flippy flap worksheets
-Scissors, glue and crayons
-Comprehension organizers for each group

Reading Language Learning

Components Phonemic Arts Modalities Visual
of Reading and Awareness Writing Auditory
Phonics Listening Kinesthetic
Language Arts Fluency Tactile
Direct Modeling Demonstration Questioning
Teaching Instruction
Strategies Whole Class Small Group Partners Cooperative
Instruction Instruction Groups
Guided Practice Independent Learning Centers Other:

Guided Reading Workshop Mini-Lesson Literature
Writing Circles

Sequence of Instructional Delivery

Summary of pre-assessment(s) before reading:

• The teacher will focus on the new key vocabulary word of the day
cartilage. Followed by completing a 3rd and final read through of
Sharks with a comprehension activity.

Introduction: Engage, Motivate, Explore

• The teacher will introduce the lesson by reviewing all the vocabulary words of the
week. Having the students repeat after the teacher the word and definition.
• The teacher will then have students take out their vocabulary flip books, and have them
read the word under serrated: cartilage.
• The teacher will have students come up with a student made definition to write under
the flap, and have the students draw a picture to represent the word.
• The teacher will instruct students to put their vocabulary sheets in their desk on their
stay at school side.
• The teacher will then instruct students to take out their focus book Sharks.
• The teacher will ask review questions before doing a final read through including:
-What was one fact we learned about sharks?
-What does it mean when sharks have serrated teeth?
-What is the main idea of this story?
• The teacher will then have students complete a partner read of the focus book.
• The teacher will pair students up based on reading levels (high with a low).
• The teacher will explain that students will take turn reading page by page
practicing their fluency skills.
• After giving the class time to read through the text, have the students return
back to their seats to review the main idea of the book.
• The students will then complete another sections of their flippy flap folder.
• The teacher will instruct students to color and write one-two facts about sharks
they learned from the book. Then glue it onto their file folder.
During Reading Required (checked):
_X_ Repeated Oral Reading to Build Fluency
_X Application of reading strategies and phonics to decode unknown
Summary of formative assessment(s) during reading:

• The teacher will break students into guided reading books. The
teacher will be focusing on fluency and main idea today in groups.

Body: Explain, Extend, Make Connections

• The teacher will begin by displaying the three different groups of students on the board
once again. Pink (basic group), yellow (average group), and blue (advanced group).
• The teacher will be focusing on working with the advanced group today.
• The teacher will explain how yesterday we worked on our phonics and phonemic
awareness skills, and today we will focus on fluency which means to read at an
appropriate speed and with accuracy. As well as the main idea of their readers.
• The teacher will explain the task to all the students before they start reading.
• While the teacher is working in a small group with the blue group, the other students in
the yellow and pink group will read through their decodable readers once at a nice and
slow speed to read all words in the story.
• For the second read through students will pair up in their group. One student will be
the teacher and listen to the student read while the other student reads.
• The students will flip flop so each student gets to read once. This will word on their
fluent reading skills.
• The teacher will then explain in each of their folders they will have a graphic organizer
in their folder based on the main idea of the reader. The students must fill it out and
draw a picture based on the reader.
• The students will need to be prepared to share their graphic organizers to the class.
• The teacher will be working in a small group with the blue group.
• In this guided reading the group the teacher will be listening to students reading and
listening for their fluency skills. Taking note of common missed errors they make.
• After students complete the first read through, the teacher will instruct students to
reread with a partner to increase their fluency on this reader.
• The students will now move to the comprehension graphic organizer.
• The teacher will complete this organizer along with the students and guide them in a
discussion in order to assess their comprehension and guide them to the correct
• After the teacher spends 15-20 minutes of small group instruction with the blue group,
and the other two groups completed their assigned work students will return back to
their seats.
Required (Checked)
After Reading X Reviewing Phonemic Awareness, Phonics Instruction,
Instruction Vocabulary and/or sight words
X Questioning to check understanding and comprehension of
___ Summarize what was learned
___ Previewing the next day’s lesson
Summary of summative assessment(s) after reading

• The teacher will have students come back as a whole group to

review the main ideas of each groups books, and create another
section of their all about sharks folder.

Closure: Evaluate Summarize, Review

• The teacher will bring students back to focus and explain they have learned today
through a class discussion.
• First the teacher will have students review the vocabulary word of the day: cartilage.
Students will discuss with a partner its meaning and definition.
• Then teacher will discuss how today we worked on fluency and comprehension of the
main idea of your decodable reader in the group you are in.
• The teacher will create groups of three, one students from each reading group.
• The teacher will instruct students to have a discuss and share what you learned in you
guiding reading group, and you may use your worksheet/ activity to show to the other
• Then the teacher will have students create the shark label for the all about sharks flippy
flap activity.
• Students will color and cut the out the pieces for the shark label and place all pieces in
front of them.
• Teacher should instruct students to stop and put their eyes up once all pieces are cut out
so we can complete the shark together.
• The teacher will have a version on the smartboard that student can come up and drag
the name to the correct place.
• The teacher will go one word at a time and have students come up to wear they think it
• The teacher should remind students to glue the pieces as we complete them on the
board to ensure they are placed in the correct spots.
• Once all spots are labeled the teacher will say each one and the students will repeat
each part they labeled.
• The teacher will then explain we will do a different part of the folder each day, and
tomorrow to be ready to work on comprehension.
Wilkes University
ED 321 Final Examination Performance Assessment
Guided Reading Lesson Plan

Teacher Kristie Najdek Date Day 4

Subject Reading Grade 1st Grade

Purpose of Lesson:

• Vocabulary: The purpose of this component is for students to review predator, prey,
serrated, and cartilage. While focusing on the new word extinct.

• Fluency: The purpose of this component is for students to read their decodable
readers with accuracy and at an appropriate speed while being able to comprehend the

• Comprehension: The purpose of this component is for students to comprehend

information from their decodable readers during reading groups with the use of
discussion cards.

PA Standards: Grade 1

1.1 Foundational 1.3 Reading 1.5 Speaking and

Skills Literature Listening
a. Book Handling a. Key Ideas and Details a. Comprehension and
b. Print Concepts b. Craft and Structure Collaboration
c. Phonological Awareness c. Integration of Knowledge b. Presentation of Knowledge
d. Phonics and Word and Ideas and Ideas
Recognition d. Vocabulary Acquisition and c. Integration of Knowledge
e. Fluency Use and Ideas
e. Range of Reading d. Conventions of Standard
1.2 Reading
Informational 1.4 Writing
Texts a. Information/Explanatory
a. Key Ideas and Details b. Opinion/Argumentative
b. Craft and Structure c. Narrative
c. Integration of Knowledge d. Response to Literature
and Ideas e. Production and Distribution
d. Vocabulary Acquisition and of Writing
Use f. Technology and Publication
e. Range of Reading g. Conducting Research
h. Credibility, Reliability, and
Validity of Sources
i. i. Range of Writing
Student Learning Objectives: REQUIRED for each of the 5 critical

After the lesson, students will be able to:

• Vocabulary: Students will be able to define extinct in their flip book graphic

• Fluency: Students will be able to read their decodable readers with accuracy and at
an appropriate speed while being able to comprehend the story.

• Comprehension: Students will be able to use what they comprehended and apply
it to a discussion with the use of discussion cards.

Children’s Literature Book, Resource Materials, Technology Sources,

Textbook Sources: Be sure to use APA format
-Focus Book:
Schreiber, A. (2017). Sharks. London: Harpercollins.
-Decodable Readers
Basic Group:
Buyok, R. (n.d.). Different kinds of sharks (Level C) Reading A-Z.
Average Group:
Rice , R. (n.d.). Tiger sharks (Level D) . Reading A-Z.
Advanced Group:
Freed, K. (n.d.). Sharks (Level J). Reading A-Z.
-Vocabulary Flip Book
-flippy flap worksheets
-scissors, glue and crayons
-Discussion Cards

Reading Language Learning

Components Phonemic Arts Modalities Visual
of Reading and Awareness Writing Auditory
Phonics Listening Kinesthetic
Language Arts Fluency Tactile
Direct Modeling Demonstration Questioning
Teaching Whole Class Small Group Partners Cooperative
Strategies Instruction Instruction Groups
Guided Practice Independent Learning Centers Other:

Guided Reading Workshop Mini-Lesson Literature
Writing Circles

Sequence of Instructional Delivery

Summary of pre-assessment(s) before reading:

• The teacher will focus on the new and final key vocabulary word of
the day extinct. Followed by completing another section of their
flippy flap file folder.

Introduction: Engage, Motivate, Explore

• The teacher will introduce the lesson by reviewing all the vocabulary words of the
week. Having the students repeat after the teacher the word and definition.
• The teacher will then have students take out their vocabulary flip books, and have them
read the word under cartilage: extinct.
• The teacher will have students come up with a student made definition to write under
the flap, and have the students draw a picture to represent the word.
• The teacher will instruct students to put their vocabulary sheets in their desk on their
stay at school side.
• The teacher will then instruct students to take out their focus book Sharks.
• The teacher will explain to students they will be completing their flippy flap file folder
today to use as a resource to study for their exam tomorrow.
• The teacher will pass out the all about sharks flip book to complete for their file folder.
• The teacher will go through each page with students. Starting with babies, asking
students what is a baby shark called? Students will write pups in box and draw a
• The teacher will then ask students about the diet, description, habitat, and different
types of sharks there are.
• The teacher will go section by section and decide through a discussion what will be
written and allow the students to draw a picture to go along with.
• After all information boxes are filled out the teacher will instruct students to cut them
all out and place them in order.
• All about sharks on top, followed by babies, diet, description, habitat, and types.
• The teacher will then come around and staple them together and the student will then
glue it to the inside of their file folder.
• The teacher will then instruct students to clean up and place everything inside their
During Reading Required (checked):
_X_ Repeated Oral Reading to Build Fluency
_X Application of reading strategies and phonics to decode unknown
Summary of formative assessment(s) during reading:

• The teacher will break students into their last day of guided reading
groups. The teacher will be focusing on comprehension through a
discussion card activity.

Body: Explain, Extend, Make Connections

• The teacher will begin by displaying the three different groups of students on the board
once again. Pink (basic group), yellow (average group), and blue (advanced group).
• The teacher will be focusing on working with the average group today.
• The teacher will explain how yesterday we worked on our fluency skills and focusing
on the main idea of our groups.
• The teacher will explain the task to all the students before they start reading.
• While the teacher is working in a small group with the yellow group, the other students
in the blue and pink group will read through their decodable readers focusing on
fluency and comprehension.
• The teacher will instruct students to go to their designated reading group areas in the
• The teacher will explain the directions to all students once they are seated in their
• The teacher will explain after completing the final read through of the week of their
decodable readers, students will have a discussion within their group.
• The blue and pink groups are to read their decodable readers as a group, meaning every
page they read the next student will read. This allows students to take turns and
practice their fluency.
• Students will chose one discussion card at a time and have a discussion on the
• The teacher will then explain in each of their folders they will have a series of
discussion cards. One student will read the question aloud and the students should
discuss as a group in order to come up with one answer to write down to hand in.
• Students will have a piece of loose leaf paper in their folders, and have one student be
the designated writer and write the group answer.
• The teacher will collect this piece of paper in order to assess students understanding of
their books.
• The teacher will be working in a small group with the yellow group.
• In this guided reading the group the teacher will be listening to students reading and
listening for their fluency skills. Taking note of common missed errors they make.
• After students complete their final read through, the teacher will instruct students to
pull out the discussion cards. The students will designate a reader and writer.
• The teacher will listen to the groups discussion and put in their input, or questions to
students based on their responses.
• After the teacher spends 15-20 minutes of small group instruction with the yellow
group, and the other two groups completed their assigned work students will return
back to their seats.

Required (Checked)
X Reviewing Phonemic Awareness, Phonics Instruction,
After Reading Vocabulary and/or sight words
Instruction X Questioning to check understanding and comprehension of
X__ Summarize what was learned
X__ Previewing the next day’s lesson
Summary of summative assessment(s) after reading

• The teacher will have students come back as a whole group to

discuss what they have learned in each of their groups books, and
finalize their flippy flap folder.
Closure: Evaluate Summarize, Review
• The teacher will bring students back to focus and explain what they have learned today
through a class discussion.
• First the teacher will have students review the vocabulary word of the day: extinct.
• Discussing whether they saw it in their decodable readers, or if they remember how it
was used in the focus book Sharks.
• Then teacher will discuss how today we worked on fluency and comprehension in the
groups they are in.
• The teacher will then ask students to think back to their discussion cards and state
something they learned about sharks.
• Then the teacher will have students take out their flippy flap folders.
• The teacher will explain to students that they will use this as a resource to study for
their exam tomorrow.
• They will have about 10mintues to decorate their folders how every they want to finish
any sections they have not completed.
• The teacher will provide a completed example for students to see what their should
look like.
• The teacher will explain that their Sharks unit will be coming to an end tomorrow, and
they have learned so much!
• Students are to take their folders home tonight to study from.
• The teacher will explain we will have a review game in the morning before we take out
exam and answer any last minute questions.

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