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We all face stress in our lives, and although many may suffer more severe cases it still

has its place in every human mind. No matter how happy one can feel daily, they will still at one

point in their lives encounter stress. Many of us try to avoid feeling stressed out, because all are

familiar with the various negative side effects that it can have on our mental and quite possibly

our physical state. However, are we truly familiar with the harmful effects of stress? According

to the Holmes and Rahe stress scale, stress can differ greatly depending on one’s situation: the

worst being the death of a spouse and the lesser case of, for example, minor violations of the law.

This stress can have a very drastic effect on our physical and emotional health. Research tells us,

as an example, that chronic stress, or any stress experienced over a constant and prolonged

period can contribute to long-term issues with the heart and blood vessels. As one experiences

such stress, the elevated levels of stress hormones, and a consistent increase in heart rate can take

a major toll on the body. This is only one example, as prolonged stress can also negatively affect

other important bodily functions such as the reproductive, digestive, and nervous systems in the

human body. Therefore, it is equally important to understand how to control daily stressors no

matter how much of an effect they can have on us. Men and women have their nature-borne

ways of handling stressful situations. In the case of men, it is the fight-or-flight response, and in

the case of women, it is the tend-and-befriend response. However, research shows that there are

various ways of successfully handling stress in our lives. Research shows that connecting with

others, building strong personal relationships, and small things such as resting your mind and

controlling your anger can drastically decrease the amount of stress that one can be feeling.

Although such methods may sound simple, it can be hard, but by taking the time and effort to do

so will greatly improve one’s life in various ways. Other research also states that taking care of

yourself can be of excellent help. Nobody can underestimate the importance the power of a good

night’s sleep and a well-balanced diet when dealing with stress. The lack of exercise is another

particularly important factor. The more we take care of ourselves, we take better control of our

lives and of ourselves, and the more we can thoroughly enjoy it.

Stress is very prevalent throughout my family, and this is one of the major reasons why I

chose this topic. I understand the importance of occasionally curbing daily stressors, and by more

thoroughly researching the topic, I have discovered various methods in dealing with stress. I am

a student, and all students here at BYU can confidently say that they have experienced stress on

many occasions during these few months of study. This is a moment in life where many will

begin to make extremely important life choices with eternal consequences. Additionally, classes,

work, busy schedules, dating, and marriage are other leading factors in a stress filled student life.

It is very real and can also be a very real problem if one does not accurately understand how to

deal with it. Many problems in life can be avoided. Health issues will be less of a risk. People

will be able to more fully enjoy life and its blessings without a constant cloud of stress poking at

the mind and being a constant nuisance. I most definitely have benefited by more fully

understanding this topic. It was rough coming home from the mission early, and it was especially

rough starting school after 2 years of academic idleness. However, I can thank this class and the

many researchers who contribute daily to the topic of stress, for I can enjoy the student life. As I

have stated before, I can easily count the blessings in my life. However, I am fully aware that

stress can and will continue to plague my life during certain moments, but now that I am more

aware of it, I can curb it with ease and continue peacefully through this journey of life.

We are all imperfect, fallen human beings, and our Heavenly Father in completely aware

of the many struggles we experience in this life. Not only him, but our Savior understands with a

perfect knowledge the stress, be it serious or not, that we experience in this mortal probation.

Thanks to the eternal Plan of Salvation, and The Atonement, we can find strength and comfort

when going through such harsh situations. Stress can in many ways hinder our eternal

progression in this life because it can easily distract us from that which is most important and

precious. We need to study and pray daily. We need to keep the commandments of God and serve

others. We need to attend church weekly and worthily partake of the sacrament. We need to

magnify our callings and serve others. Although these things are good, they can be equally

stressful in many situations. However, through our Savoir we can find strength and motivation.

He has overcome everything, and that includes stress. I will forever be grateful for him, for I

know that I can overcome it all, eventually.


 How stress affects your health. (n.d.). Retrieved October 20, 2020, from
 Is stress getting to you? (n.d.). Retrieved October 20, 2020, from
 Stress effects on the body. (n.d.). Retrieved October 20, 2020, from
 (2015, October 26). 10.2 Stress: The Unseen Killer. Retrieved October 20, 2020, from

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