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HFF Civil Engineering Ltd

Fire Prevention Plan

Unit 1, Factory Road

Cambois, Bedlington

July 2019
HFF Civil Engineering Ltd

Fire Prevention Plan July 2019

Issue and Revision Record

Revision Date Originator Checker Company Description of Changes


S Charlton
V.01 28/09/2018 K Dowling S Charlton EA Approval


HFF Civil Engineering Ltd

Fire Prevention Plan July 2019

This report has been prepared by Probe Environmental Services Ltd with all reasonable skill, care and diligence, and
taking account of the manpower and resources devoted to it by agreement with the client. Information reported herein
is based on the interpretation of data collected and has been accepted in good faith as being accurate and valid.

This report is for the exclusive use HFF Civil Engineering Ltd (HFF); no warranties or guarantees are expressed or should
be inferred by any third parties. This report may not be relied upon by other parties without written consent from
Probe Environmental Ltd.

Probe Environmental Services Ltd disclaims any responsibility to the client and others in respect of any matters outside
the agreed scope of the work.

Information reported herein may be based on the interpretation of public domain data collected by Probe
Environmental Services Ltd, and/or information supplied by the Client and/or its other advisors and associates. This
data has been accepted in good faith as being accurate and valid.

The copyright and intellectual property in all drawings, reports, specifications, bills of quantities, calculations and other
information set out in this report remain vested in Probe Environmental Services Ltd unless the terms of appointment
state otherwise.


HFF Civil Engineering Ltd

Fire Prevention Plan July 2019

1.0 INTRODUCTION ............................................................................................................... 4

2.0 FIRE PREVENTION PLAN ................................................................................................... 4

2.1 Fire Prevention Objectives ........................................................................................................ 4

2.2 Fire Prevention Plan Application ............................................................................................... 4

2.3 Exclusions .................................................................................................................................. 5

2.4 Types of Combustible Wastes ................................................................................................... 5

2.5 Use of this Document................................................................................................................ 5

2.6 Fire Prevention Measures ......................................................................................................... 6

2.6.1 Site Activities ..................................................................................................................................................................... 6

2.7 Site Plans and Maps .................................................................................................................. 7

2.7.1 Site Layout ......................................................................................................................................................................... 7

2.7.2 Drainage............................................................................................................................................................................. 7

2.8 Site Location and Receptors ...................................................................................................... 7

2.9 Managing Common Causes of Fire ......................................................................................... 11

2.9.1 Arson ................................................................................................................................................................................11

2.9.2 Plant and Equipment.......................................................................................................................................................11

2.9.3 Electrical Faults................................................................................................................................................................12

2.9.4 Discarded Smoking Materials .........................................................................................................................................12

2.9.5 Hot Works ........................................................................................................................................................................12

2.9.6 Industrial Heaters ............................................................................................................................................................12

2.9.7 Hot Exhausts ....................................................................................................................................................................12

2.9.8 Ignition Sources ...............................................................................................................................................................13

2.9.9 Batteries...........................................................................................................................................................................13

2.9.10 Leaks and Spillages of Oils and Fuels..............................................................................................................................13

2.9.11 Build-up of Loose Combustible Waste, Dust and Fluff ..................................................................................................13

2.9.12 Reactions between Wastes ............................................................................................................................................14


HFF Civil Engineering Ltd
Fire Prevention Plan July 2019

2.9.13 Deposited Hot Loads .......................................................................................................................................................14

2.10 Self-Combustion ..................................................................................................................... 14

2.10.1 Storage Time....................................................................................................................................................................14

2.10.2 Contingency Planning / Seasonal Variations..................................................................................................................14

2.10.3 Monitoring and Controls.................................................................................................................................................15

2.10.4 Bale Storage .....................................................................................................................................................................15

2.11 Management of Waste Piles/Storage ..................................................................................... 15

2.11.1 Pile Sizes...........................................................................................................................................................................15

2.12 Management of Other Storage Methods ............................................................................... 15

2.12.1 Containers .......................................................................................................................................................................15

2.13 Prevention of the Spread of Fire............................................................................................. 17

2.13.1 Separation Distances.......................................................................................................................................................17

2.13.2 Fire Walls and Bays .........................................................................................................................................................17

2.14 Quarantine Areas.................................................................................................................... 18

2.15 Detecting Fires........................................................................................................................ 19

2.15.1 Fire Alarm Tests and Drills ..............................................................................................................................................20

2.16 Suppressing Fires .................................................................................................................... 21

2.17 Firefighting Techniques .......................................................................................................... 21

2.18 Water Supplies ....................................................................................................................... 22

2.19 Managing Fire Water .............................................................................................................. 23

2.20 During and After an Incident .................................................................................................. 23

2.20.1 Mitigating the Impacts of a Fire .....................................................................................................................................25

2.20.2 Fire Damaged Waste .......................................................................................................................................................26

3.0 CONCLUSION................................................................................................................. 26


HFF Civil Engineering Ltd

Fire Prevention Plan July 2019


Annex 1: Drawings
Annex 1.1: Drawing 001 Site Location Plan
Annex 1.3: Drawing 003 Site Layout Plan
Annex 1.4: Drawing 004 Site Receptor Plan
Annex 1.5: Drawing 005 Overall Site Plan

Annex 2: Permitted Waste Codes

Annex 2.1: EWC List

Annex 3: Contact Information

Annex 3.1 Emergency and Sensitive Receptor Contact List

Annex 4: Key Environment Management System Procedures

Annex4.1: Weekly Fire Checks
Annex4.2: Daily Site Monitoring
Annex4.3: Waste Acceptance
Annex4.4: Non Conforming Waste Procedure
Annex4.5: Security Procedure
Annex4.6: HFF Site Rules and Emergency Procedures
Annex4.7: Driver Daily Worksheet
Annex4.8: Van Driver Daily Defect Report
Annex4.9: Training Procedure


HFF Civil Engineering Ltd

Fire Prevention Plan July 2019

1.0 Introduction
HFF Civil Engineering Ltd (HFF) has retained Probe Environmental Services Limited (Probe) to prepare a Fire
Prevention Plan (FPP) in support of the application for a Bespoke Waste Permit.

This plan is designed specifically around site activities. The site is applying to accept low volumes of Household,
Commercial and Industrial waste to support the development of the business while still operating the
acceptance of inert waste for the manufacture and recovery of waste soils and aggregates. The HCI wastes will
be stored in containers inside a building with minimal external storage with suitable containment to protect the
environment and to prevent the risk of fire.

The site is located at Former Four Rivers Biofuel Ltd Site, Factory Road, Cambois, Bedlington, Northumberland,
NE22 7DB.

The approximate gird reference for the site is NZ2918085050.

This report follows the Environment Agency (EA) guidance for FPP1 and details the required mitigation and
management methods to prevent a fire of combustible materials stored on site. Procedures from the site
Environmental Management System (EMS) will also be used to support this document and the measures in place
to prevent fire.

2.0 Fire Prevention Plan

This FPP has been prepared in order to mirror the contents of the EA guidance for FPP to allow for ease of
assessment and for users of this document to readily locate the specific information and on-site provisions
relating to each particular topic.

2.1 Fire Prevention Objectives

This FPP identifies measures to be employed to reduce the likelihood of fires at the site. In addition, the plan
identifies measures to be employed in the event of a fire in order to limit the damage caused to the environment
or human health.

As such, and in accordance with EA guidance, the objectives of this FPP are to:

• minimise the likelihood of a fire happening

• aim for a fire to be extinguished within 4 hours
• minimise the spread of fire within the site and to neighbouring sites

2.2 Fire Prevention Plan Application

The current permitted waste management activities at the site are the treatment of waste of waste soils and
aggregates. The site proposes to accept household, construction and demolition wastes. These wastes will be
manually sorted and separated into different components for recovery.

Fire Prevention Plans, May 2018.

HFF Civil Engineering Ltd

Fire Prevention Plan July 2019

No treatment of lead acid batteries, other than sorting and separating from other wastes, is undertaken.

The site does not accept or treat WEEE.

As per the prevailing guidance, an FPP is required for operators that store any amount of combustible waste.

Further details of the combustible wastes stored on-site are provided in Section 2.4 of this FPP.

2.3 Exclusions
The EA guidance for FPP states that the guidance does not apply to:

• hazardous wastes
• dangerous substances (i.e. those under Control of Major Accident Hazard Regulations)
• combustible liquids
The site does not accept any hazardous waste or any other of the above substance types.

2.4 Types of Combustible Wastes

The site will receive the following combustible wastes;

• Wood
• Plasterboard
• Scrap
• Plastic
• Cardboard
• Green Wastes
• General Mixed Waste
The site does not accept rubber or fragmentiser wastes.

The site does not accept WEEE, End of Life Vehicles or Rags/Textiles wastes.

The full list of wastes that the site is proposing to accept can be found in Annex 2.1 of this document.

2.5 Use of this Document

This FPP forms part of the environmental management system for the site. It is prepared for use as a standalone
document such that all staff can easily refer to any information or operational requirements that relate to the
prevention of fire or the procedures that in in place in the event of a fire.

The existence and location of the FPP is notified to all staff and will be readily accessible, in both hard and
electronic copy, at all times, including during an incident.

All staff will be trained on the contents and requirements of the FPP (suitable to their role) and site inductions will
include a summary of the FPP and notices of its location. Training records are kept for each member of staff
including record site induction, tool box talks, annual FPP training or training and review after a fire/incident. EMS
procedure SOP3.15 supports training requirements for each staff member on site (See Annex 4.9).


HFF Civil Engineering Ltd

Fire Prevention Plan July 2019

The Operator will test the provisions of this FPP on an, at least, annual basis in order to ensure that the measures
are effective and remain applicable to the operations on-site. Such tests may take the form of physical drills or
desk-based assessments as relevant to the element of this FPP that is under test. The nature of each test, the
results and appropriate actions (including where no action is required) will be maintained for inspection by the
EA, on request.

Where any changes to site activities or waste storage locations which may increase fire risk are made this FPP will
be reviewed, submitted to the EA for authorisation then amended accordingly.

2.6 Fire Prevention Measures

2.6.1 Site Activities

Waste management activities at the site are currently authorised by the Environmental Permit (Permit Number
EB3609KY/A001). This environmental permit allows the operator to store and treat waste to produce soil, soil
substitutes and aggregate with the limit of 75,000 tonnes per annum. The Operator is submitting an application
to add a Standard Rules 2015 No4 to allow the acceptance of mixed HCI wastes and inert wastes. The site is
proposing to accept low volumes of waste with a quick turnaround to prevent the risk of fire and excess material
on site.

The activities that are currently carried out at the site as defined under Annex II of the Waste Framework
Directive can be summarised as follows:

• R3: Recycling or reclamation of metals and metal compounds;

• R5: Recycling/reclamation of other inorganic materials;
• R13: Storage of wastes consisting of materials intended for submission to any operation numbered R1 to
R12, but excluding temporary storage, pending collection, on the site where it is produced.

Under the proposed permit activities, waste activities are defined under Annex II of the Waste Framework
Directive. These can be summarised as follows:

• D15: Storage pending any of the operations numbered D1 to D14 (excluding temporary storage, pending
collection, on the site where it is produced)
• R13: Storage of wastes pending any of the operations numbered R1 to R12 (excluding temporary storage,
pending collection, on the site where it is produced)
• D14: Repackaging prior to submission to any of the operations numbered D1 to 13
• D9: Physico-chemical treatment not specified elsewhere in Annex IIA which results in final compounds or
mixtures which are discarded by means of any of the operations numbered D1 to D8 and D10 to D12
• R3: Recycling/reclamation of organic substances which are not used as solvents
• R4: Recycling/reclamation of metals and metal compounds
• R5: Recycling/reclamation of other inorganic materials

Operational Hours

The site operates as per the below working hours;

• Monday to Friday 07:00hrs – 18:00hrs


HFF Civil Engineering Ltd

Fire Prevention Plan July 2019

• Saturday 07:00hrs – 13:00hrs

2.7 Site Plans and Maps

2.7.1 Site Layout

The site layout, in respect of fire prevention, is shown on Drawing 003 Site Layout Plan and Drawing 005 (See
Annex 1.3 & 1.5). This layout highlights the following:

• layout of buildings;
• any areas where hazardous (non-waste) materials are stored on site;
• main access routes for fire engines and any alternative access points around the site perimeter to assist
fire fighting;
• hydrants and water supplies;
• the location of fixed plant or where mobile plant is stored when not in use;
• drainage runs, pollution control features such as drain closure valves and fire water containment systems;
• storage areas with dimensions and fire walls (where applicable) - includes wastes stored in a building,
bunker, or containers; and
• the quarantine area (fire prevention)2.

2.7.2 Drainage

The external site surface is made up of made ground and concrete for the storage of inert wastes. This area drains
to surface water through the existing drainage system on site.

For the storage of HCI wastes, the waste transfer and storage building surface has a fully concreted surface which
is sealed to retain water with a kerbed concreted external storage area with no drainage other than a sunken
water tank to collect waste water. The tank will be checked regularly and contaminated water will be removed
when required to maintain water storage on the pad.

The location plan showing storage layout and drainage arrangements for the storage and management of
combustible wastes are shown in Drawing 003.

2.8 Site Location and Receptors

The site is located at (NGR NZ 2918085050) Former Four Rivers Biofuel Ltd Site, Factory Road, Cambois,
Bedlington, Northumberland, NE22 7DB.

The site is principally bounded, to the north and west by agricultural land whilst to the south and east is a mix of
agricultural land and with a few industrial/commercial premises.

The site location and environmental site setting is shown on Drawing 001(see Annex 1.1).

A summary of the immediate environmental site setting is provided in Table 2-1 below.

A separate quarantine area for waste acceptance at the site is also provided.

HFF Civil Engineering Ltd

Fire Prevention Plan July 2019

Table 2-1
Surrounding Land Uses

Boundary Description
North Agricultural
East Agricultural/Commercial
South Agricultural/Commercial
West Agricultural

The below table shows the receptors that could potentially be affected by a fire event, within 1km of the site
boundary and will be contacted in case of fire.

Examples of sensitive receptors may include:

• schools, hospitals, nursing and care homes, residential areas, workplaces;

• protected habitats, watercourses, groundwater, boreholes, wells and springs supplying water for human
• roads, railways, bus stations, pylons (on or immediately adjacent to the site only), utilities, airports.

Table 2-2

Sensitive Receptor Distance Contact Telephone Number

A189 50m (Highways) 0300 123 5000

Wansbeck Country Park 183 metres N/A

River Wansbeck 200 metres N/A

Houses on Wembley Gardens and 670 metres 01670 751865

Wansbeck Care Home

Drawing 004 (See Annex 1.4) shows the receptors that could potentially be affected by a fire event and their
proximity within 1km of the site boundary. The above sensitive receptors would be contacted in the event of a
major fire. Emergency and receptor contact details are attached to this document for quick reference (see Annex

European/International Sites

Searches on the Multi Agency Geographical Information for the Countryside (MAGIC)3 website confirm there are
no Sites of Special Scientific Interest (SSSI), a special area of conservation (SAC) or RAMSAR sites within 1km of
the site boundary.

The site is located within 500m of Northumberland Marine which is designated as a Special Protection Area (SPA).

3 accessed August 2018.


HFF Civil Engineering Ltd

Fire Prevention Plan July 2019

Other receptors

None of the following receptors have been identified within 1km of the proposed permit boundary:

• National Nature Reserves;

• World Heritage Sites;
• Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty;
• Woodland Trust Sites; and
• National Forest.
There are no registered parks or gardens are located within 1km of the site.

Major Roads and Transport Links

The site is accessed from the A189 via Brock Lane.

There are no motorways within 2km of the site boundary.

A freight line runs west to east of the site approximately 30m away from the site southern boundary. Trains run
intermittently as a transport link for haulage purposes.


The British Geological Survey4 (BGS) identifies the site to be located upon natural superficial deposits of
Devensian till with sand and gravel deposits.

The bedrock beneath the site is a combination of mudstone, siltstone and sandstone of the Pennine Middle Coal
Measures Formation and sandstone (High Main Post Member).


The Environment Agency aquifer classification of solid geology across the site is Secondary A and
relates to the Middle Coal Measures strata.

The nearest Groundwater Source Protection Zone is 2 km to the northwest of the site.

There are no Groundwater Abstractions located within 1 km of the site.


Checks made on the Public Register show 19 permitted discharge consents within 1km of the site boundary.

Groundwater Vulnerability

The Environment Agency aquifer classification of superficial deposits across the site is unproductive strata.

BGS, Geology of Britian Viewer,, accessed August 2018.

HFF Civil Engineering Ltd

Fire Prevention Plan July 2019

Source Protection Zone

The site is not located within a Source Protection Zone (SPZ).


The Maw Burn is located 550m from the south easterly site boundary.

There are no recorded surface water abstractions within 1,000 m of the site.


The site is classed as having an extremely low risk of flooding from surface water, rivers, the sea or reservoirs.

Prevailing Wind Direction

The Operator can access the UK Wind Map4 to monitor wind direction and strength immediately in the case of a
fire and to assess the impact off site.

To find out the prevailing wind direction for the site, access to the Willy Weather3 service, provides both real time
and historic weather data. The free service provides weather information such as wind, weather, rainfall and
tidal data around the United Kingdom.

Upon review of this data the prevailing wind directions are predominately west south westerly in respect of the
site. In the event of a fire on site the greatest risk is to the A189 road based on the prevailing wind direction. The
Highways Agency would be contacted in the evet of a major fire on site although as there is a low volume of
waste on site any impact would be minimal and with some wastes being stored internally would provide a level of
containment measure for smoke/fumes.

The below rose diagram (Diagram 1) shows the prevailing wind direction.

Diagram 1


HFF Civil Engineering Ltd

Fire Prevention Plan July 2019

2.9 Managing Common Causes of Fire

2.9.1 Arson

The site has a number of security measures in place to limit the likelihood of arson or vandalism including chain
link and barbed wire fencing (approx 1.8 metres high) round the perimeter of the whole site.

Lockable (2.4 metres high) palisade steel site access gates provide security out of hours.

The site boundaries along the north, east and west border have established trees and hedges acting as a screen
which also reduces access to the site.

The external site information board provides emergency contact details for the Environment Agency in the event
of an incident.

Perimeter inspection is undertaken on a daily basis and any repairs temporarily made good within 24 hours. This
inspection is recorded on the daily inspection sheet (EMS document SOP4.1 refers).

Arrangements are made to have permanent repairs, if required, will be completed within one week.

A visitor sign in system is place to record incoming visitors to ensure the operator has a record of persons who
have access to the site. This record will also be used in the event of a fire or incident on site for evacuation

The site security system incorporates nine fixed and eight mobile cctv cameras around all operational areas of the
site. Cameras will be also be sited in the waste transfer building. Monitors an be viewed in the site office and by
the external security company.

The site also has external site security provided by Asset Watch, who cover security both during and out of hours.
Their contact details are 01670 813 901.

In the event of an activation out of hours Asset Watch will notify the nominated key holders to access the incident
and any actions required. Any activations will be recorded in the site diary/check sheet with investigations carried
out and recorded. False activations will also be recorded and a report is produced for all notifications by Asset

Emergency lighting is also situated on site for use in the event an incident occurs on site.

The site has a specific security procedure detailed in SOP3.7.

2.9.2 Plant and Equipment

Plant and equipment are maintained in accordance with the manufacturer’s recommendations and recorded on
daily plant record forms.

Plant and equipment is operated in accordance with the manufacturer’s instruction manuals.

All plant/skip trucks are fitted with fire extinguishers. It is a requirement by VOSA for Road Trucks to have
minimum capacity 12kg of extinguisher installed in the cab of road vehicles.

Induction training and refresher training is provided, to all persons engaged at the site, in the safe operation of
plant and equipment relevant to their role.


HFF Civil Engineering Ltd

Fire Prevention Plan July 2019

Inspection of plant and equipment is undertaken on a daily basis to check for faults and ensure appropriate
safeguards are in place. The site Environmental Management System has a site specific procedures for the
maintenance of site plant and equipment (SOP3.19)

At the end of the working day, plant and equipment is stored outside away from the designated combustible
waste storage area opposite the site office. This ensures that the site complies with the 6m buffer from any of
combustible materials stored on site.

In the event of a failure or suspected fault with an item of plant or piece of equipment, the relevant persons
ensure that the equipment is shut-off in a safe manner and not used until the equipment can be repaired or

Visiting contractors must complete a Permit to Work (EMS reference SOP4.8) which ensures contractors are
aware of their responsibilities relating to the use of plant and equipment on site.

2.9.3 Electrical Faults

The electrics on-site are certified by a suitably qualified electrician.

Regular safety checks and daily site inspections are recorded in the site daily check sheet and monthly audit.

Periodic inspections will be undertaken by a suitably qualified electrician at least every 12 months; the inspection
frequency will be based on recommendations from the electrician or where a potential risk is identified via the
daily site inspections. Records of these inspections will be kept in the site office.

2.9.4 Discarded Smoking Materials

No smoking is permitted on-site.

2.9.5 Hot Works

No hot works are carried out on site.

In the event hot works are required visiting contractors must complete a Permit to Work (EMS reference SOP4.8)
which ensures contractors are aware of their responsibilities relating to the use of plant and equipment on site.

2.9.6 Industrial Heaters

No industrial heaters are used on-site.

2.9.7 Hot Exhausts

Vehicles are turned off when not in use.

Flammable/combustible materials are stored in designated areas away from frequent vehicle movements (as far
as is reasonably practicable).

A visual fire watch of all on-site plant and equipment (including, if appropriate, transport vehicles) will be
undertaken at regular intervals by the site manager during the day.

At the end of the working day, plant and equipment is stored outside away from the waste storage area opposite
the site office. No plant or equipment is to be stored within the building or near any combustible waste out of


HFF Civil Engineering Ltd

Fire Prevention Plan July 2019

2.9.8 Ignition Sources

Ignition sources will be kept at least 6m from any combustible waste stockpiles or other potential on-site fire
hazards (e.g. diesel storage). Ignition sources may only be located less than 6m from a potential fire hazard
where suitable fire walls/breaks are in place between the ignition source and the combustible material.

Fuel/Oil storage areas across the site are shown in Drawing 005. Fuel and oils are stored inside secure double
bunded containers which further prevents the risk of ignition.

2.9.9 Batteries

Batteries are not accepted at the site.

Where it is discovered that batteries have been received in incoming skips they will be stored in the quarantine
area (waste acceptance) shown in Drawing 003 which is in a secure and suitable container located away from the
combustible waste storage area.

2.9.10 Leaks and Spillages of Oils and Fuels

Oils and Fuels are stored in secure containers shown in Drawing 005. These fuels are stored in bunded tanks or
concrete storage bays to provide double containment. This prevents the risk of damage and leakage. Daily checks
are carried out to ensure the integrity and security of these storage areas.

Fuel storage on site is limited to weekly usage.

Other liquids such as Hydraulic Oils, Engine Oils and Adblue are also stored in a secure containers away from
waste activity.

Vehicles entering site are predominately under the control of the operator. Should it be identified that an
external vehicle is found to be leaking, that vehicle will be requested to leave site and any spillage cleaned up

Any spillage/leak of hazardous materials (including oils/fuels) at the site shall be treated as an emergency and
immediate action taken to absorb or contain it using inert materials or the spillage control kits provided. The
absorbent will be cleaned up as soon as possible and disposed of, as hazardous waste, to a suitably licensed site.
Procedure SOP3.17 of the site Environmental Management System covers the management of spillages and leaks
on site on a daily basis with the daily check sheet and non conformance used to record any spillage incidents
accordingly. EMS procedures SOP4.1 and SOP4.4 record forms refer.

Spill kits on site are situated around the site.

2.9.11 Build-up of Loose Combustible Waste, Dust and Fluff

Staff are to remain vigilant for loose material, dust or fluff around the site.

Daily inspections of plant and equipment also will be made ensuring that they are kept free of any wastes and
litter and should clean up such material on identification, placing material in the correctly designated storage
stockpile. Daily plant inspection sheets are used to record these checks.

Daily site inspections and general housekeeping of the site is also undertaken in order to minimise the potential
for the build-up of such materials. This is recorded in the daily diary/check sheet.


HFF Civil Engineering Ltd

Fire Prevention Plan July 2019

2.9.12 Reactions between Wastes

All wastes arriving onsite will be checked in accordance with the waste acceptance criteria to ensure no materials
of unknown composition are accepted at the site.

The below procedures from the sites Environmental Management System covers on site waste acceptance and
management to prevent the acceptance of unpermitted wastes and materials;

• SOP3.2 Waste Acceptance

• SOP3.3 Non Conforming Waste Procedure
• SOP4.5 Waste Rejection Note

Waste oils and fluids collected from vehicles through routine maintenance are to be stored separately within the
designated tanks/vessels.

2.9.13 Deposited Hot Loads

As per Section 2.9.12 wastes are assessed both at the time of the receipt of an enquiry and as the material arrives
at site.

On arrival, checks are made to ensure that no hot loads or smouldering materials are accepted by the site.

The quarantine areas (fire prevention) will be used in the event that any hot load is received, in error, by the site.

2.10 Self-Combustion
2.10.1 Storage Time

The site aims to operate as such that all waste material received is processed and removed from site within 1
month. Plasterboard waste is an exception to this timescale which may be stored for up to 2 months. This is due
to low levels received on site. No combustible wastes will be stored on-site for longer than three months.

In order to achieve good stock rotation and ensure the implementation of the “first in-first out” principle. HCI
waste will be accepted onto site and tipped in the designated sorting area within the transfer building. Skips are
sorted manually in line with the permit. Operatives will hand sort wastes, bulking segregated waste into
containers. These containers are stored in the building or on the designated concrete pad area.

Inert wastes stored outside on hard standing will be stored for longer periods of time due to the nature of the
material and its low risk.

All movements of waste incoming and outgoing the site will be recorded and available for inspection by the
Environment Agency upon request.

2.10.2 Contingency Planning / Seasonal Variations

In the event of any delay to the export of material off site or should a significant breakdown occur which would
result in the delay of processing waste on site the Site Manager will cease to accept any further material. Waste
can be diverted to other suitably permitted facilities until normal operations resume.

In addition, in the event of a contract failure with, or closure of, a waste receiver (and its operations) that could
result in the storage of material on-site for a long period, the Site Manager will contact the EA immediately.


HFF Civil Engineering Ltd

Fire Prevention Plan July 2019

The Site Manager will determine, in full consultation with the EA, the appropriate measures for managing the
issues associated with the delay/failure, which may include closing the site to further deliveries, until the export
delay is resolved or, where this is not possible, the waste is rerouted to one (or more) suitably licensed operators.

2.10.3 Monitoring and Controls

The EA guidance on FPP states that where on-site storage is proposed for longer than three months, additional
measures will be required in respect of stockpile monitoring and control.

Whilst consideration of self-combustion is appropriate for the nature of the materials to be treated at the site,
the low on-site storage time is such that risk of self-combustion is not significant and, as such, no additional
monitoring or controls are undertaken or necessary.

At the end of each working day a fire watch will be conducted on the containers inside the building and
skips/containers stored externally. This will be carried out 30 minutes prior to the end of the working day. Staff
will look for any evidence of smoke, heat or smouldering. Should this be detected the container will be assessed
by the site manager whether to contain visual monitoring for a further 30 minutes or if the waste requires active
fire measures such as water suppression , use of fire extinguishers or can be tipped out into the quarantine areas
and separated. The site will not be closed until the site manager is satisfied that any issues are resolved and there
is no risk posed.

During periods of warm weather care will be taken to monitor wastes every two hours to ensure these wastes do
not increase in temperature resulting in combustion. Wastes stored in the transfer building benefit from shade
and a cooler environment during periods of extreme temperatures. Waste stored externally can be brought into
the building away from direct sunlight or can be spread and aerated across the concrete pad.

During periods where the site will be closed over national holidays the site will still be visited on a daily basis to
ensure that site is secure and to carry out fire watches on the wastes. This will be recorded in the site diary/daily
check sheets.

The site has nominated senior management on call in the event of an emergency or incident.

2.10.4 Bale Storage

No baled wastes are accepted or produced on site.

2.11 Management of Waste Piles/Storage

2.11.1 Pile Sizes

The site will only stockpile inert wastes which do not apply within the scope of this FPP. However, these stockpiles
are managed and stored in a manner that the site is accessible and wastes are manageable at all times. These
wastes are stored away from the waste transfer building and do not effect access to the building or concrete pad.

Drawing 005 identifies the location of inert wastes (See Annex 1.5).

2.12 Management of Other Storage Methods

2.12.1 Containers

FPP guidance states that sites storing waste in containers that can hold more than 1,100 litres, must be accessible
so any fire inside it can be put out. In the event of a fire, these containers must be moved as soon as is reasonably
practicable to prevent the fire spreading.


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Drawing 003 shows where skips/containers will be located for the storage of permitted HCI waste both inside the
waste transfer and storage building and externally. This demonstrates the accessibility of all waste containers.

The site quarantine container (waste) are also shown on this drawing.

Enclosed shipping containers (40 Yd Roll On/Off Waste Bins) shown below are used to store waste in the building
and externally. They are constructed of heavy duty steel which are fire resistant. They are measured
approximately at 6m (l) x 2.5m (w) x 2.5m (h) = 37m3.

The four containers stored within the waste transfer building are classed as one stockpile as requested by the EA.

The unprocessed skip area within the building is also classed as one stockpile.

The four containers stored externally are classed as one stockpile.

Image 1
Waste Storage Container(40 Yd Ro Ro Waste Bin)

As depicted in Drawing 003 containers will store segregated wood, cardboard, plasterboard, general, scrap, green
and plastic wastes.

The location, volume capacity of containment and storage times for combustible wastes are detailed in Table 2.5

Table 2.5– Maximum Combustible Storage and Storage Timescales

Waste Material Location Height (m) Length Width Max Volume Storage Time

Plasterboard Storage & Treatment 2.5 (m) 6 (m) 2.4 (m) 37 (m3) 2 months

Cardboard Storage & Treatment 2.5 (m) 6 (m) 2.4 (m) 37 (m3) 1 month

General Waste Storage & Treatment 2.5 (m) 6 (m) 2.4 (m) 37 (m3) 1 month


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Plastic Storage & Treatment 2.5 (m) 6 (m) 2.4 (m) 37 (m3) 1 month

Dry Scrap External 2.5 (m) 6 (m) 2.4 (m) 37 (m3) 1 month

Green Waste External 2.5 (m) 6 (m) 2.4 (m) 37 (m3) 1 month

Wood External 2.5 (m) 6 (m) 2.4 (m) 37 (m3) 1 month

Mixed Pre sorted Storage & Treatment 1.22(m) 3.66(m) 1.68(w) 6.56 (m3) 2 days
skips x 10 Building

Access to all skips/containers storing wastes on-site will be maintained at all times to allow for the extinguishing
of any fire within a skip/container or for its removal to the quarantine areas (fire prevention) as soon as is
reasonably practicable.

A designated area for incoming unsegregated skips has been allocated within the building to allow for a stockpile
of 65.6m3. This allows for the storage of up to 10 skips however it is estimated that no more than 15 skips per
week are accepted which with waste processing timescales will not result in stockpiling in this area. All wastes
within the building will be contained in their respective container prior to the end of each working day with no
loose waste stored on the floor overnight. This is to maintain access and safety within the building.

The mobile plant used at the site will be on-site at all times to allow for the moving of any on-site skips/containers
as required.

2.13 Prevention of the Spread of Fire

2.13.1 Separation Distances

All inert stockpiles are stored outside in the area shown in Drawing 005 (See Annex 1.5)

Waste stored externally in Ro-Ro containers are situated over 6 m away from the building.

Wastes stored inside the building are stored in Ro- Ro containers with a 1 meter distance between each
container. Each container is accessible with operatives able to walk around the perimeter to inspect and check
each container. In the event of a fire the use of onsite water suppression and bowser can be directed into any
container or pulled away using site plant to isolate it into the quarantine area (Q1 Fire) or (Q2Fire). During
working hours this should take 10 minutes. Out of hours it is estimated that this would take 20-30 minutes to
allow travel time for site management to arrive.

Separation distances will be regulated and maintained by marking designated areas on the site surface to identify
separation distances and locations of each container.

The quarantine bay (waste) is shown on Drawing 003 with a 1 meter separation distance from the building.

By limiting the time over which waste material is stored, and providing suitable separation distances, the site
limits the potential for the outbreak or spread of a fire.

2.13.2 Fire Walls and Bays

No fire walls are implemented at the site. No bays are used for the storage of waste.

The waste transfer building is comprised of concrete walls and metal cladding, with a concrete surface as shown
on Drawing 003. The fire resistance rating of the concrete wall has been estimated using the ‘Standard Method

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for Determining Fire Resistance of Concrete and Masonry Construction Assemblies’ (American Concrete Institute,
ACI Standard 216.1-97). Table 2.1 of the ACI Standard is reproduced (converted to SI units) as Table 3 below.

Table 2-65
Fire resistance of singular layer concrete walls, floors and roofs

Concrete Minimum equivalent thickness for

Aggregat fire resistance rating (cm)
e Type 1-hour 1.5-hour 2-hour 3-hour 4-hour
Siliceous 8.9 10.9 12.7 15.7 17.8
Carbonate 8.1 10.2 11.7 14.5 16.8
Semi-lightweight 6.9 8.4 9.7 11.7 13.7
Lightweight 6.4 7.9 9.1 11.2 13.0
The specific type of concrete used for the wall is not known therefore, as a sensitivity text, consideration of the
properties of all types has been given. As can be seen, for a fire resistance rating of 2 hours is achieved by a
concrete wall of between 9-13cm. Table 3 infers that the 0.5m (50cm) thick bay walls are capable of resisting fire
for more than 4 hours.

Wastes stored internally have a 1meter distance from the building walls and between each container.

2.14 Quarantine Areas

The site incorporates three quarantine areas that each serve a separate and distinct purpose:

• Waste acceptance/rejection (Q1 Waste); and

• Use in the event of a fire (Q Fire 1 ) & (Q Fire 2)

Quarantine Waste

The quarantine area (waste acceptance) referenced as Q1 waste is located outside the waste transfer building in
the yard. An enclosed skip is in place ,with a 1 metre buffer from the concreted building walls for the use of non-
permitted wastes to be segregated until disposal. Records of any non-conforming wastes will be kept (Form 4.4 &

Quarantine Area 1 (Q1 Fire)

Two quarantine areas (fire prevention) are identified for use in the event of a fire.

One is situated internally (inside the waste transfer building) referenced as Q Fire 1.

The quarantine area required to isolate wastes within the building is 37m3 . EA guidance states that the
quarantine area must be able to hold 50% of the largest stockpile with a 6 metre separation distance from any
other combustible waste.

Q1 Fire is identified as being 168m3 (4m (h) x 7m (l) x 6m (w)) with a 6 metre buffer.

In the event of a fire, no waste would be removed from the container, site operatives would use site plant to
remove the container from the storage area into the quarantine area in the building. This is anticipated to take no

Table 2.1, pg 4, Standard Method for Determining Fire Resistance of Concrete and Masonry Construction
Assemblies, American Concrete Institute (converted from inches to cm).

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more than 5-10 minutes using site plant (hook lift). Access to waste containers will be available at all times to
allow the removal of a container if necessary into Q1 Fire or taking it out

This area would also be used to isolate any unburnt waste which has been separated to prevent fire spread.

Q1 Fire is situated on an impermeable surface with containment for fire water.

The quarantine area will be kept free of any obstructions along with the 6 meter buffer. The area will be marked
using paint to ensure it is kept clear.

Quarantine Area 2 (Q2 Fire)

This quarantine area is situated (in the middle of the yard) referenced as Q Fire 2 (See site Layout Plan Drawing
003). This would be used to predominately store any hot loads received or isolate wastes stored externally should
a fire occur. The quarantine area required based on the largest stockpile (containers) stored within the waste
building or externally.

The stockpile volume of all 4 containers stored externally would be 149m3 (37.4m3 x 4 = 149 m3 ).

Q Fire 2 is measured at 5m (L) x 5m (W) x 4 m (H) = 100m3 with a 6 metre buffer zone from any combustible
wastes. The site would ensure that quarantined wastes would be kept at a height of 4 metres during an incident
by using a visible marker on the external area of the building wall as a guide.

The quarantine area Q Fire 2(fire prevention) is located 6m from the boundary to ensure that there is no risk of
heat/fire spreading across the site boundary.

This quarantine area (Q Fire2) will, during normal operation of the site, may be used to temporarily to store site
plant and machinery however in the main it is left clear for access around the site.

Containers from the waste treatment and transfer building can also be removed and placed in the external
quarantine area if necessary to allow fire suppression. This is estimated to take no more than 5-10 minutes using
site plant.

In either case, the quarantine area (Q Fire2) is large enough to hold 50% of the largest container on site (i.e. 74m3
of combustible waste).

The surface of the Q2 Fire is concrete with a 100mm kerb to retain water within the system. Section 2.8 details
the site hydrology and the low risk identified from the use of this area in the event of a fire. Section 2.9 details fire
water controlled in this area.

Drawing 003 clearly defines each quarantine area, with a minimum 6m separation buffers that will be maintained
during a fire event.

2.15 Detecting Fires

Identifying fires as quickly as possible makes the suppression of the fire easier and results in lesser damage to the
environment and human health.

Agency guidance states that there must be procedures in place to detect a fire in its early stages to reduce its
impact. Any detection system should be proportionate to the nature and scale of waste management activities
carried out and the associated risks.

Appropriate automated systems may include:

• smoke and heat detectors including temperature probes


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• CCTV visual flame detection systems

• spark, infrared and ultraviolet detection

The design, installation and maintenance of these systems must be covered by an appropriate UKAS-
accredited third party certification scheme.

Due to the low level of combustible waste stored on site, low retention times and the fact that each container is
segregated to prevent the risk of fire spread including end of day checks and robust security monitoring out of
hours it is not proportionate to fit any of the above automated systems.

As such, the following measures are to be employed to ensure that fires are identified at the earliest opportunity:

• Inspections are to be made of containers/stockpiles by a designated staff member at the start and end of
each working day and recorded in the Daily Site Diary/Check Sheet (SOP4.1);
• Site staff are to be vigilant and keep lookout for fire or the signs of a fire, particularly where there are
elevated risks of fire;
• CCTV will be installed in the waste transfer and treatment building for remote monitoring during
operational and non-operational hours. Current CCTV arrangements are on site as referenced in Section
2.9.1 and below;
• Cameras are situated in operational areas monitoring the whole site including the waste transfer building.
• CCTV is monitored by the site during working hours, with screens located in the Site Office; this would
allow a response with immediate effect in the event of a fire;
• During out of hours and national holidays the site secures the site using a coded security system. This
automatically switches monitoring to the external security company Asset Watch. Upon any activation a
mobile unit will attend site within 15 minutes along with notification to the Police. An alert is also sent
direct to the nominated managers to respond. In the event of an incident senior management can be on
site within 10 minutes;
• A decision can then be made via visual assessment via cameras to contact the Fire Service immediately or
mangers would attend site to access the fire and required action either to manually tackle the fire,
prepare to remove wastes into the quarantine area or contact the emergency services;
• In the unlikely event that site managers could not be contacted the security company would contact the
relevant emergency services as a precaution;
• Manually operated fire alarms are installed at designated locations. An audible alarm is situated inside
the site office.
• Fire alarms are to be tested on a weekly basis in accordance with the manufacturer’s recommendation
and recorded (Annex4.1).

2.15.1 Fire Alarm Tests and Drills

Tests and drills are important mechanism to ensure that the site is prepared for a fire. As such:

• Weekly fire alarm tests are to be carried out; and

• Fire drills are scheduled to take place at least once a year to identify any weakness in the evacuation


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2.16 Suppressing Fires

Agency guidance states that if you store waste in a building, you must install a fire suppression system. This
system should be proportionate to the nature and scale of waste management activities you carry out and the
associated risks.

The system needs to enable a fire to be extinguished within 4 hours. When deciding what type of system to install
you need to take into account that:

• the fire and rescue service may not be able to enter the building during a fire
• a suppression system may not extinguish a fire, although it may prevent a fire spreading and then allow
the fire to be fought effectively by the fire and rescue service

Appropriate fire suppression systems may include, sprinklers, water spray (deluge) systems, water curtains or fire

The design, installation and maintenance of all automated suppression equipment must be covered by an
appropriate UKAS-accredited third party certification scheme.

Due to the low level of combustible waste stored on site, low retention times and the fact that each container is
segregated to prevent the risk of fire spread including end of day checks and robust security monitoring out of
hours it is not proportionate to fit any of the above automated systems.

In the event of a fire at the site, the class of fire will determine the action to be taken by the fire authorities.

To assist the authorities managing a fire outbreak at the site, as much information should be provided to the
authorities as possible including the site layout plan and quantities and types of stored materials.

The local Fire and Rescue Service will assume full control for the approach to suppression/extinguishing of any fire
once it is in attendance at the site.

The nearest Fire Station is located at Pegswood Fire Station, Morpeth NE61 6SJ. The station is 6.3 miles away
from the site. Travelling time is estimated at 10-15minutes.

2.17 Firefighting Techniques

The site is designed to allow for the active firefighting of any fire that occurs on-site. The site ensures that there
are suitable resources available at all times to fight a fire – including in the event of a fire. These resources

• Mobile plant
• Staff (on-call for out of hours events)
• available water supply (on-site fire extinguishers and local fire hydrants)
• finances (for remedial actions following a fire event)
All mobile plant is fitted with dry powder or carbon dioxide fire extinguishers (as appropriate) for fighting
vehicle/equipment fires.

All firefighting equipment will be kept in good condition, unobstructed, and be serviced at least once a year by a
competent person.

Fire extinguishers are situated round the site shown in Drawing 003.


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Fire extinguishers are maintained and checked on a yearly basis. Records of these visits are kept in the site office
for inspection.

A 1000 litre mobile water bowser is also available as a further measure to apply water in the event of a fire along
with inert soils which could also be applied to the waste to smother a fire.

In addition, as discussed in Section 2.15, the quarantine area (fire prevention) will also be maintained, to be used
as either:

• An area for extinguishing burning materials

• An area for the segregating of unburnt materials away from a fire

2.18 Water Supplies

The EA guidance for FPP requires that, for a 300m3 stockpile, a total of 360,000 litres (360m3) of water would be
required in order to extinguish the fire. As such, for the maximum on-site stockpile volume of 750m3
approximately 900m3 of water would be required.

The largest container of combustible waste has the storage capacity of approximately (40yd Ro Ro m3 = 37 m 3)
and would require 44,400 (44.4 m3) litres of water to extinguish the fire.

The largest stockpile on site would be 149.6m3 which would be the four containers stored externally.

A fire hydrant is located 140 meters from the site entrance. This hydrant is the responsibility of the Fire Brigade
but is maintained by Northumbria Water.

British Standards for fire hydrants are such that the flow rate of any hydrant must be capable of delivering at least
2000 litres (2m3) per minute at 1.7bar.

Northumbrian Water has modelled the normal working pressure of the hydrant as between 55m and 62m (head,
equivalent to 5.4bar to 6.1bar). At 30litres/second (1.8m3/minute), the operating pressure of the main would be
30m (head, 2.9bar).

The water supply available is therefore sufficient to extinguish any size of fire on this site with 3 hours, with the
largest stockpile at any one time being 149.6m3 .

The location of the hydrant is shown below.

Site Entrance

Fire Hydrant


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Fire Prevention Plan July 2019

The operator has access to the fire hydrant and maintains access and viability of the hydrant for emergency

2.19 Managing Fire Water

Internal Storage

As combustible wastes are stored in the building in containers in the event of a fire, potentially contaminated
water should remain within these acting as secure containment with residual water being contained within the
building. These containers are checked daily to ensure they are secure and provide adequate containment.

The transfer building is contained by a 2.13m high, 15cm thick perimeter wall. The concrete wall panels have
been sealed along the bottom to make them water tight.

The building floor has a concrete surface providing an impermeable surface and protection against pollution from
any fire water.

The floor area of the building is 24m (l) x 18m (w) x .1m(h) concrete walls. This would allow the building to hold
43.2m3 (43200 litres) of water.

An access ramp has been constructed into main entrance of the building. This will seal and contain any fire water
from escaping out of the entrance doors.

The fire door will have blockwork construction to seal the building in this area.

At the side entrance of the building a tank has been installed to collect water run off from both the building and
yard area. It has the capacity to store approximately 50,000 litres along with the yard storage area of 20 (w) x 24
(l) x 0.1m kerb = 48m3 (48000litres).

In the event of a fire, any waste placed in the quarantine area (QFire 2) will be contained in secure Ro-Ro
containers and the area is kerbed which would mitigate against any escape of fire water to any hardstanding

If safe to do so using onsite machinery a bund of inert materials can be used to further absorb any fire water
residue not contained within the waste container.

As part of the requirement of FPP guidance in the event of an incident the site would identify any areas/materials
contaminated by fire water. The site would conduct an inspection and if required test and sample the area
arranging for the removal of contaminated material off site and conduct any remediation work required.

Contaminated fire water and absorbent if used will be removed from site with in 24 hrs by a contractor and sent
to a suitably permitted facility.

2.20 During and After an Incident

On the discovery or suspicion of a fire:

• Activate the nearest fire alarm

• If trained and safe to do so, attempt to tackle the fire using one of the site’s fire extinguishers. If safe to
do so moving the container with onsite plant into the middle of the transfer building (Q1) or outside into
the quarantine (Q2fire) area. This will reduce the risk of the fire spreading to other contained wastes.
• Inert materials could also be used to smother the fire if safe to do so.


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• Where attendance of the local Fire and Rescue Service is required, dial 999 to call the Fire Brigade; Site
Manager (or other responsible person) contacts the critical receptors shown, on Drawing 004;
• Site Manager contacts the EA on 0800 80 70 60;
• The Site Manager should contact the source/clients of any incoming wastes scheduled for within the next
48 hours to inform them of an incident on site in order for a hold to be placed on the delivery or for
alternative arrangements to be made.
On hearing the fire alarm:

• Leave the site quickly and calmly via the site’s main entrance, closing all doors behind you;
• Report to the Site Manager at the assembly point in the park outside of the main entrance;
• Do not take risks;
• Do not stop to collect personal belongings; and
• Do not re-enter the site for any reason unless authorised to do so.
Fire action notices are located and maintained at various points around the site to remind staff of the actions to
be taken in the event of discovering a fire or hearing the fire alarm.

The site has 6 trained fire marshals. Their details are displayed in the site office along with information regarding
trained first aiders.

Fire Marshalls are responsible for the management of persons and site activities in the event of a fire.
Certification expires after 3 years then re-certification is required.

The below images demonstrate the emergency procedures in place for both staff and visitor information.

Images 2 & 3 Emergency Information


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Images 4 – Audible Fire Evacuator Alarm

Regular training as mentioned in Section 2.5 ensures that staff are prepared and can respond safely when a fire
occurs on site.

Fire extinguishers are located and maintained at the fire action points and within the cabs of site plant/vehicles.
The location of these extinguishers are shown in Drawing 003.

Instruction signs on the use of extinguishers and suitability of each type of extinguisher are clearly marked on the

The site has a direct water supply and can attach an extended hose or, access to inert waste to smother a fire or
the use of an onsite bowser to dowse a small fire.

A copy of emergency contact numbers and sensitive receptors is included in this document (Annex 3.1). This
document and supporting drawings will be available in the site office. This will allow staff to inform the Fire
Service of waste storage locations, hazardous materials and drainage and water supply to the site.

2.20.1 Mitigating the Impacts of a Fire

After a fire event, the following procedure will be implemented depending on the severity of the fire:

1. A small and containable fire that can be dealt with in-house using suitably trained staff and firefighting
equipment located on site:

The fire will be recorded in the site diary/check sheet, including the causes of the fire and methods used to
manage the fire. An assessment will be carried out to determine whether further mitigation measures could
have prevented the fire. Any outcomes to be implemented on-site will be incorporated within updates to this
FPP, as required.

The incident and the results of the above assessment will be forwarded to the EA, for approval of FPP updates
(if necessary).

2. A larger fire that requires the presence of the Fire and Rescue Service:

If the site has been told to evacuate or cease operations by the EA and/or Fire and Rescue Service, the
operator will wait until instructed that it is safe to re-enter the site and resume operations. The fire will be
recorded in the site log, including the causes of the fire and methods used to manage the fire. An assessment
will be carried out to determine whether further mitigation measures could have prevented the fire. Any

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outcomes to be implemented on-site will be incorporated within updates to this FPP and the site’s EMS as

Should damage be sufficient to prevent permitted operations at the site, the site will cease accepting waste and
will divert deliveries to a suitably licensed facility, in accordance with the contingency planning provisions
described in Section 2.8.1.

The Site Manager will liaise with the EA to determine a plan-of-action to recommence permitted operations at
the site, and the timescales involved to achieve this.

2.20.2 Fire Damaged Waste

A visual assessment will be carried out by the Site Manager to determine whether the waste can continue to be
stored on-site. Wherever possible, unburnt wastes will be separated from fire damaged piles. If waste piles have
become mixed, then it is likely that all contaminated waste will be removed from the site for disposal by a
suitably licensed contractor.

Any quarantined waste, waiting for removal from site, is stored in covered skips/containers to prevent the
contamination of unburnt wastes on-site.

The burnt waste will be removed from the site within 24 hours.

3.0 Conclusion
This Fire Prevention Plan is considered to be a ‘working’ document that will be reviewed and updated annually or
as required should any of the following occur:

• a fire on site;
• the results of any testing of this FPP indicate that changes are required;
• a change or review of legislation; or
• if the site is instructed to do so by the EA.
It will be the responsibility of the Site Manager or nominated person to maintain this Fire Prevention Plan and to
ensure it is adhered to both to limit the risk of a fire occurring on-site and in the event of a fire on-site.

Any updates to this FPP, either as a result of specific incidents or identified during its testing/review, will be
submitted to the EA for its approval prior to implementation of the proposed changes at the site.


Drawing 001 – Site Location Plan (SR2015 No4)

Based upon the Ordnance Survey Map with the permission of the Controller of Her Majesty’s Stationery Office ©Crown Copyright Probe Environmental Services Ltd (100059960)

HFF Civil Engineering Ltd Probe Environmental Services Ltd

Site Location V1 Unit 1, Factory Road Unit 9 Fergusons Business Park
Cambois West Sleekburn
Bedlington Northumberland
NE22 7DB NE22 7DD
Drawing 003 – Site Layout Plan (SR2015 No4)

Prevailing Wind

Kerbing 10cm

surface/sealed 37.4 37.4 37.4 37.4
drainage m3 m3 m3 m3

Emergency and Site Access Route

Q2 External Storage Area

20m (w) x 24 (l)




6m 6m
Waste Transfer Building
Building Entrance

24m (l) x 18m (w)

Incoming Skips x 10

61m3 N

Extinguishers Water Supply CCTV

Access routes
to site Concrete Surface Quaratine Waste Skip

Site Layout Plan HFF Civil Engineering Ltd Probe Environmental Services Ltd
Unit 1, Factory Road Unit 9 Fergusons Business Park
Cambois West Sleekburn
Drawing 003 V1
Bedlington Northumberland
NE22 7DB NE22 7DD
Drawing 004 – Site Receptor Plan (SR2015 No4)

Based upon the Ordnance Survey Map with the permission of the Controller of Her Majesty’s Stationery Office ©Crown Copyright Probe Environmental Services Ltd (100059960)

Wembley Gardens and HFF Civil Engineering Ltd Receptor Plan 004 V1 Probe Environmental Services Ltd
Wansbeck Care Home Unit 1, Factory Road Unit 9 Fergusons Business Park
Cambois West Sleekburn
River Wansbeck (SPA)
Bedlington Northumberland
Wansbeck Country Park NE22 7DB NE22 7DD
Drawing 005 – Overall Layout Plan (SR2015 No4 & SR2010 No12)

Inert Storage Areas Concrete Kerbed Pad

Waste Transfer Building

Oils Emergency

Office /

Plant , Vehicle, Equipment Storage Area

Visitors/Staff Site Entrance

Car Park Area

Table 2.2. Waste types and quantities
01 01 wastes from mineral excavation

01 01 01 wastes from mineral metalliferous excavation

01 01 02 wastes from mineral non-metalliferous excavation
01 03 wastes from physical and chemical processing of metalliferous minerals
01 03 06 tailings other than those mentioned in 01 03 04 and 01 03 05
01 03 09 red mud from alumina production other than the wastes mentioned in 01 03 07
01 04 wastes from physical and chemical processing of non-metalliferous minerals
01 04 08 waste gravel and crushed rocks other than those mentioned in 01 04 07
01 04 09 waste sand and clays
01 04 11 wastes from potash and rock salt processing other than those mentioned in 01 04 07
01 04 12 tailings and other wastes from washing and cleaning of minerals other than those mentioned in 01
04 07 and 01 04 11
01 04 13 wastes from stone cutting and sawing other than those mentioned in 01 04 07
02 01 wastes from agriculture, horticulture, aquaculture, forestry, hunting and fishing
02 01 03 plant-tissue waste
02 01 04 waste plastics (except packaging)
02 01 07 wastes from forestry
02 01 10 waste metal
02 02 wastes from the preparation and processing of meat, fish and other foods of animal origin
02 02 03 materials unsuitable for consumption or processing
02 03 wastes from fruit, vegetables, cereals, edible oils, cocoa, coffee, tea and tobacco preparation and
processing; conserve production; yeast and yeast extract production, molasses preparation and
02 03 04 materials unsuitable for consumption or processing
02 04 wastes from sugar processing
02 04 01 soil from cleaning and washing beet
02 04 02 off-specification calcium carbonate
02 05 wastes from the dairy products industry
02 05 01 materials unsuitable for consumption or processing
02 06 wastes from the baking and confectionery industry
02 06 01 materials unsuitable for consumption or processing
02 06 02 wastes from preserving agents
02 07 wastes from the production of alcoholic and non-alcoholic beverages (except coffee, tea and
02 07 01 wastes from washing, cleaning and mechanical reduction of raw materials
02 07 02 wastes from spirits distillation
02 07 04 materials unsuitable for consumption or processing
03 01 wastes from wood processing and the production of panels and furniture
03 01 01 waste bark and cork
03 01 05 sawdust, shavings, cuttings, wood, particle board and veneer other than those mentioned in 03 01

SR2015No.4_75kte (version 1.0)

03 03 wastes from pulp, paper and cardboard production and processing
03 03 01 waste bark and wood
03 03 07 mechanically separated rejects from pulping of waste paper and cardboard
03 03 08 wastes from sorting of paper and cardboard destined for recycling
03 03 10 Fibre rejects, fibre-, filler- and coating-sludges from mechanical separation
04 01 Wastes from the leather and fur industry
04 01 08 waste tanned leather (blue sheetings, shavings, cuttings, buffing dust) containing chromium
04 01 09 wastes from dressing and finishing
04 02 wastes from the textile industry
04 02 21 wastes from unprocessed textile fibres
04 02 22 wastes from processed textile fibres
06 09 wastes from the MSFU of phosphorous chemicals and phosphorous chemical processes
06 09 02 phosphorous slag
06 09 04 calcium-based reaction wastes other than those mentioned in 06 09 03
06 11 wastes from the manufacture of inorganic pigments and opacificiers
06 11 01 calcium-based reaction wastes from titanium dioxide production
07 02 wastes from the MFSU of plastics, synthetic rubber and man-made fibres
07 02 13 waste plastic
09 01 wastes from the photographic industry
09 01 07 photographic film and paper containing silver or silver compounds
09 01 08 photographic film and paper free of silver or silver compounds
09 01 10 single-use cameras without batteries
09 01 12 single-use cameras containing batteries other than those mentioned in 09 01 11
10 01 wastes from power stations and other combustion plants (except 19)
10 01 01 bottom ash, slag and boiler dust (excluding boiler dust mentioned in 10 01 04)
10 01 05 calcium-based reaction wastes from flue-gas desulphurisation in solid form
10 01 07 calcium-based reaction wastes from flue-gas desulphurisation in sludge form
10 01 15 bottom ash, slag and boiler dust from co-incineration other than those mentioned in 10 01 14
10 01 19 wastes from gas cleaning other than those mentioned in 10 01 05, 10 01 07 and 10 01 18
10 01 24 sands from fluidised beds
10 02 wastes from the iron and steel industry
10 02 01 wastes from the processing of slag
10 02 02 unprocessed slag
10 02 08 solid wastes from gas treatment other than those mentioned in 10 02 07
10 02 10 mill scales
10 02 14 filter cakes from gas treatment other than those mentioned in 10 02 13
10 02 15 other filter cakes
10 03 wastes from aluminium thermal metallurgy
10 03 02 anode scraps
10 03 05 waste alumina
10 03 16 skimmings other than those mentioned in 10 03 15
10 03 18 carbon-containing wastes from anode manufacture other than those mentioned in 10 03 17
10 03 24 solid wastes from gas treatment other than those mentioned in 10 03 23
10 03 26 filter cakes from gas treatment other than those mentioned in 10 03 25
10 03 28 wastes from cooling-water treatment other than those mentioned in 10 03 27
10 03 30 wastes from treatment of salt slags and black drosses other than those mentioned in 10 03 29

SR2015No.4_75kte (version 1.0)

10 04 wastes from lead thermal metallurgy
10 04 10 wastes from cooling-water treatment other than those mentioned in 10 04 09
10 05 wastes from zinc thermal metallurgy
10 05 01 slags from primary and secondary production
10 05 09 wastes from cooling-water treatment other than those mentioned in 10 05 08
10 05 11 dross and skimmings other than those mentioned in 10 05 10
10 06 wastes from copper thermal metallurgy
10 06 01 slags from primary and secondary production
10 06 02 dross and skimmings from primary and secondary production
10 06 10 wastes from cooling-water treatment other than those mentioned in 10 06 09
10 07 wastes from silver, gold and platinum thermal metallurgy
10 07 01 slags from primary and secondary production
10 07 02 dross and skimmings from primary and secondary production
10 07 03 solid wastes from gas treatment
10 07 05 filter cakes from gas treatment
10 07 08 wastes from cooling-water treatment other than those mentioned in 10 07 07
10 08 wastes from other non-ferrous thermal metallurgy
10 08 09 other slags
10 08 11 dross and skimmings other than those mentioned in 10 08 10
10 08 13 carbon-containing wastes from anode manufacture other than those mentioned in 10 08 12
10 08 14 anode scrap
10 08 18 filter cakes from flue-gas treatment other than those mentioned in 10 08 17
10 08 20 wastes from cooling-water treatment other than those mentioned in 10 08 19
10 09 wastes from casting of ferrous pieces
10 09 03 furnace slag
10 09 06 casting cores and moulds which have not undergone pouring other than those mentioned in
10 09 05
10 09 08 casting cores and moulds which have undergone pouring other than those mentioned in
10 09 07
10 09 14 waste binders other than those mentioned in 10 09 13
10 09 16 waste crack-indicating agent other than those mentioned in 10 09 15
10 10 wastes from casting of non-ferrous pieces
10 10 03 furnace slag
10 10 06 casting cores and moulds which have not undergone pouring, other than those mentioned in
10 10 05
10 10 08 casting cores and moulds which have undergone pouring, other than those mentioned in
10 10 07
10 10 14 waste binders other than those mentioned in 10 10 13
10 10 16 waste crack-indicating agent other than those mentioned in 10 10 15
10 11 wastes from manufacture of glass and glass products
10 11 03 waste glass-based fibrous materials
10 11 10 waste preparation mixture before thermal processing, other than those mentioned in 10 11 09
10 11 12 waste glass other than those mentioned in 10 11 11
10 11 16 solid wastes from flue-gas treatment other than those mentioned in 10 11 15
10 11 18 filter cakes from flue-gas treatment other than those mentioned in 10 11 17
10 12 wastes from manufacture of ceramic goods, bricks, tiles and construction products
10 12 01 waste preparation mixture before thermal processing
10 12 05 filter cakes from gas treatment
10 12 06 discarded moulds
10 12 08 waste ceramics, bricks, tiles and construction products (after thermal processing)
10 12 10 solid wastes from gas treatment other than those mentioned in 10 12 09

SR2015No.4_75kte (version 1.0)

10 12 12 wastes from glazing other than those mentioned in 10 12 11
10 13 wastes from manufacture of cement, lime and plaster and articles and products made from them
10 13 01 waste preparation mixture before thermal processing
10 13 04 wastes from calcination and hydration of lime
10 13 07 filter cakes from gas treatment
10 13 10 wastes from asbestos-cement manufacture other than those mentioned in 10 13 09
10 13 11 wastes from cement-based composite materials other than those mentioned in 10 13 09 and
10 13 10
10 13 13 solid wastes from gas treatment other than those mentioned in 10 13 12
10 13 14 waste concrete
11 01 wastes from chemical surface treatment and coating of metals and other materials (for example
galvanic processes, zinc coating processes, pickling processes, etching, phosphating, alkaline
degreasing, anodising)
11 01 10 filter cakes other than those mentioned in 11 01 09
11 01 14 degreasing wastes other than those mentioned in 11 01 13
11 02 wastes from non-ferrous hydrometallurgical processes
11 02 03 wastes from the production of anodes for aqueous electrolytical processes
11 02 06 wastes from copper hydrometallurgical processes other than those mentioned in 11 02 05
11 05 wastes from hot galvanising processes
11 05 01 hard zinc
11 05 02 zinc ash
12 01 wastes from shaping and physical and mechanical surface treatment of metals and plastics
12 01 01 ferrous metal filings and turnings
12 01 03 non-ferrous metal filings and turnings
12 01 05 plastics shavings and turnings
12 01 13 welding wastes
12 01 17 waste blasting material other than those mentioned in 12 01 16
12 01 21 spent grinding bodies and grinding materials other than those mentioned in 12 01 20
15 01 packaging (including separately collected municipal packaging waste)
15 01 01 paper and cardboard packaging
15 01 02 plastic packaging
15 01 03 wooden packaging
15 01 04 metallic packaging
15 01 05 composite packaging
15 01 06 mixed packaging
15 01 07 glass packaging
15 01 09 textile packaging
15 02 absorbents, filter materials, wiping cloths and protective clothing
15 02 03 absorbents, filter materials, wiping cloths and protective clothing other than those mentioned in
15 02 02
16 01 end-of-life vehicles from different means of transport [including off-road machinery] and wastes
from dismantling of end-of-life vehicles and vehicle maintenance (except 13,14, 16 06 and 16 08)
16 01 03 end-of-life tyres
16 02 wastes from electrical and electronic equipment
16 02 14 discarded equipment other than those mentioned in 16 02 09 to 16 02 13

SR2015No.4_75kte (version 1.0)

16 02 16 components removed from discarded equipment other than those mentioned in 16 02 15
16 03 off-specification batches and unused products
16 03 04 inorganic wastes other than those mentioned in 16 03 03
16 03 06 organic wastes other than those mentioned in 16 03 05
16 06 batteries and accumulators
16 06 04 alkaline batteries (except 16 06 03)
16 06 05 other batteries and accumulators
16 11 waste linings and refractories
16 11 02 carbon-based linings and refractories from metallurgical processes others than those mentioned
in 16 11 01
16 11 04 other linings and refractories from metallurgical processes other than those mentioned in
16 11 03
16 11 06 linings and refractories from non-metallurgical processes others than those mentioned in
16 11 05
17 01 concrete, bricks, tiles and ceramics
17 01 01 Concrete
17 01 02 Bricks
17 01 03 tiles and ceramics
17 01 07 mixtures of concrete, bricks, tiles and ceramics other than those mentioned in 17 01 06
17 02 wood, glass and plastic
17 02 01 Wood
17 02 02 Glass
17 02 03 Plastic
17 03 bituminous mixtures, coal tar and tarred products
17 03 02 bituminous mixtures other than those mentioned in 17 03 01
17 04 metals (including their alloys)
17 04 01 copper, bronze, brass
17 04 02 Aluminium
17 04 03 Lead
17 04 04 Zinc
17 04 05 iron and steel
17 04 06 Tin
17 04 07 mixed metals
17 04 11 cables other than those mentioned in 17 04 10
17 05 soil (including excavated soil from contaminated sites), stones and dredging spoil
17 05 04 soil and stones other than those mentioned in 17 05 03
17 05 08 track ballast other than those mentioned in 17 05 07
17 06 insulation materials and asbestos-containing construction materials
17 06 04 insulation materials other than those mentioned in 17 06 01 and 17 06 03
17 08 gypsum-based construction material
17 08 02 gypsum-based construction materials other than those mentioned in 17 08 01
17 09 other construction and demolition wastes
17 09 04 mixed construction and demolition wastes other than those mentioned in 17 09 01, 17 09 02 and
17 09 03
19 01 wastes from incineration or pyrolysis of waste
19 01 02 ferrous materials removed from bottom ash
19 01 12 bottom ash and slag other than those mentioned in 19 01 11

SR2015No.4_75kte (version 1.0)

19 01 18 pyrolysis wastes other than those mentioned in 19 01 17
19 01 19 sands from fluidised beds
19 02 wastes from physico/chemical treatments of waste (including dechromatation, decyanidation,
19 02 03 premixed wastes composed only of non-hazardous wastes
19 02 10 combustible wastes other than those mentioned in 19 02 08 and 19 02 09
19 04 vitrified waste and wastes from vitrification
19 04 01 vitrified waste
19 05 wastes from aerobic treatment of solid wastes
19 05 01 non-composted fraction of municipal and similar wastes
19 05 02 non-composted fraction of animal and vegetable waste
19 05 03 off-specification compost
19 12 wastes from the mechanical treatment of waste (for example sorting, crushing, compacting,
pelletising) not otherwise specified
19 12 01 paper and cardboard
19 12 02 ferrous metal
19 12 03 non-ferrous metal
19 12 04 plastic and rubber
19 12 05 Glass
19 12 07 wood other than that mentioned in 19 12 06
19 12 08 Textiles
19 12 09 minerals (for example sand, stones)
19 12 10 combustible waste (refuse derived fuel)
19 13 wastes from soil and groundwater remediation
19 13 02 solid wastes from soil remediation other than those mentioned in 19 13 01
20 01 separately collected fractions (except 15 01)
20 01 01 paper and cardboard
20 01 02 Glass
20 01 08 biodegradable kitchen and canteen waste
20 01 10 Clothes
20 01 11 Textiles
20 01 34 batteries and accumulators other than those mentioned in 20 01 33
20 01 36 discarded electrical and electronic equipment other than those mentioned in 20 01 21, 20 01 23
and 20 01 35
20 01 38 wood other than that mentioned in 20 01 37
20 01 39 Plastics
20 01 40 Metals
20 01 41 wastes from chimney sweeping
20 02 garden and park wastes (including cemetery waste)
20 02 01 biodegradable waste
20 02 02 soil and stones
20 03 other municipal wastes
20 03 01 mixed municipal waste
20 03 02 waste from markets
20 03 03 street-cleaning residues
20 03 07 bulky waste

SR2015No.4_75kte (version 1.0)




FIRE LOCAL 01670 621110


ENVIRONMENT AGENCY – Incident Hotline 0800 80 70 60

HSE 0345 300 9923

0151 922 9235 (out of hours)








HIGHWAYS AGENCY 0300 123 5000

Key Environment Management System

Annex 4: Key Environment Management System Procedures

Annex4.1: Weekly Fire Checks
Annex4.2: Daily Site Monitoring
Annex4.3: Waste Acceptance
Annex4.4: Non Conforming Waste Procedure
Annex4.5: Security Procedure
Annex4.6: HFF Site Rules and Emergency Procedures
Annex4.7: Driver Daily Worksheet
Annex4.8: Van Driver Daily Defect Report
Annex4.9: Training Procedure











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Fire Alarm Check
Date - Who checked it? Signature Comm ents
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PROCEDURE Version: 1
Effective: August 2018
Daily Site Monitoring
Authored by: Probe Reviewed by: Kathrine Dowling Approved by: S Charlton


1.1 Daily Site Monitoring

Management or designated site operatives are to carry out a daily inspection the site.

Inspections are designed to ensure the integrity of site storage areas and infrastructure. Site
inspections cover site security and health and safety measures in place. Weather conditions and site
staffing requirements are also monitored.

Environmental assessments listed below are also assessed once a day;

• Noise (from general site operations, vehicle movements and waste processing)
• Dust (from general site operations, vehicle movements and waste processing)
• Pests (signs of vermin,flies)
• Odour (from general site operations, vehicle movements and waste processing)
• Fires

Weather conditions are also recorded twice daily to identify and assess any potential risks (eg high
winds or high temperatures).

The yard manager or operative is to carry out a monitoring tour of the site completing the required
list of checks detailed in the site specific diary, answering yes or no as to whether the site is
compliant or not.

Image 1 – Site Diary

1 SOP Number: SOP/3.6/TM

PROCEDURE Version: 1
Effective: August 2018
Daily Site Monitoring
Authored by: Probe Reviewed by: Kathrine Dowling Approved by: S Charlton

Defects or site issues are to be recorded in the comments section with remedial actions and
competition dates recorded accordingly.

Visitors to site are also noted and their reason for visit.

If there are any issues identified not in the scope of the inspection checklist, these comments will
also be recorded and reported to the Site Manager or Senior Management.


Monthly Health and Safety Audits (Form 4.3) area carried out supporting the weekly checks with
further inspections around the site and of health and safety measures.


Supersedes Signature of Site

Version Reason for Revision
Document Dated Supervisor
1.0 Original N/A


2 SOP Number: SOP/3.6/TM

I HFF Civil Engin eering Ltd EWP-T/ T 0061
SITE: HFF LTD, Unit 1, Factory Road, Cambois, NE22 70 8, WEEK COMMENCING: ........... .........................


1. Adequate Staff Presen t I/ X /I

2. Office Building / Weighbridge V / V ..,,,.,- , ,,,.--

3. Ru n o ff and Drainage v" /4 ,,,- /' J ,

4. Concrete Pad (cracks/defects) v / - . - -----

5. Recycled Material - Storage Areas / / / /
<:.c:oO\ <'.:.(;J ".l \
6. Weather Conditions k'-;. P CUl'\l l.
'- 11. '1 o a.'1 U?, ; \...
7. Records Updated ...----- . - \../

8. T
d of Site (.../' · ....--- I...---""" 1/

9. P la nt a nd Equ i pment r /' v ../ /

10. Dust v >,t:" / ,_
11. Odour (/"". I../' .....---- --
12. Vermin c.--- , ........... ./

13. Insects ,.....,.- V ......---

14. Noise t II ;;,..--

15. Fires (,/' ./ / _/ i.---

16. Fuel and Oil Storage v V Ii , 1-

1 7. Ga t es and Fencing Lo/" J./ v

18. Inspected by: Staff Initials in this box 0- V\ l-h,.n Oca..i'I C)M'\

COMMENTS BELOW (Please insert number)


- q \6
C\ l 0
\0 3


Notes: 1. Tick box to indicate check conducted and all in order.

2. Insert NIA if not applicable or not inspected.
3. Cross in box to indicate check conducted and action needed. Note number and action taken or needed in Comments

ISSUE 3 Dat e 08 /09/1 7 Page 1 of 1 EWP-T/T 006

Version: 1
Waste Acceptance Procedure Effective: August 2018

Authored by: Probe Reviewed by: K Dowling Approved by: S Charlton


The following procedures outline the pre-acceptance and acceptance measures that will be followed
at all times.

The site has two environmental permits in place.

SR2010 No 12: treatment of waste to produce soil, soil substitutes and aggregate

SR2015 No 4: 75kte household, commercial and industrial waste transfer station

A list of permitted EWC codes are listed within each permit in Section 6 of the EMS.

1.1 Pre-acceptance procedures to assess waste

1.1.1 Sampling of waste

Sampling of inert waste will not be routinely undertaken by the site to validate the waste type
against the description in the waste transfer note since the waste types which can be accepted onto
site are easily identifiable. WAC testing is supplied pre-contract from the waste producer for
substantial loads received on site.

WAC testing is not carried out on inert wastes received from householders or small scale

Sampling of HCI waste will not be routinely undertaken to validate the waste type against the
description in the waste transfer note since the waste types which can be accepted onto site are
easily identifiable.

1.1.2 Waste Transfer Note

Deliveries to site are booked before arrival to avoid any build-up of traffic on-site and to manage
waste storage levels.

All waste arriving at the site will be accompanied by a waste transfer note. Where multiple loads
arrive under contract, one note may cover all deliveries.

Waste will be described in the waste transfer note with reference to the European Waste Catalogue
(EWC) Codes with the appropriate code number. A copy of the list of wastes that can be accepted
on site can be found within the site permit found in Section 5 of this management system.

The Site Manager and the site operatives will be trained to identify a correctly completed waste
transfer note. The Site Manager and all site operatives will be trained to complete all sections of a
waste transfer note fully and accurately.

Training is detailed further in SOP/3.15/TP (Training Procedure).

1 SOP Number: SOP/3.2/WAP

Version: 1
Waste Acceptance Procedure Effective: August 2018

Authored by: Probe Reviewed by: K Dowling Approved by: S Charlton

The Site Manager or site operative will check that the waste transfer note includes signed
confirmations that the waste hierarchy has been applied correctly under the Environmental
Permitting (England and Wales) Regulations 2010 (as amended). The waste hierarchy illustrates the
most and least favoured options of disposal (1 being the most favoured):

1. Prevention;
2. Minimisation;
3. Reuse;
4. Recycling;
5. Recovery/energy recovery; and
6. Disposal.

All waste transfer notes will be kept at the site office for no less than 2 years.

1.1.3 Waste Carrier Check

The company regularly undertakes checks of waste carrier’s licences. Waste vehicles using the site
will be checked to ensure that the vehicle is properly licensed by using one of the following

• Contacting the Environment Agency on 08708 506 506 to request an instant Waste Carrier
Validation Check; or
• Online on the Environment Agency’s Public Register

If vehicles are arriving from the same fleet/under same contract the Waste Carrier Licence may
cover the entire fleet.

1.2 Waste Acceptance Procedure

The following steps will be followed for all deliveries. The Yard Manager and all site operatives will
be trained to understand and implement the following waste acceptance procedures:

• All incoming loads to site are pre booked allowing the site to control the acceptance of
waste and capacity on site.
• On arrival vehicles will supply the relevant paperwork (waste transfer note and any sampling
schedules/results) for initial checks at the site office/weighbridge. Any discrepancies will be
resolved before the waste is officially accepted on-site. The Yard Manager will be directly
responsible for ensuring that no non-conforming waste is accepted for processing.
• The delivery vehicle will be directed by a member of staff to the allocated reception area
where the load will be visually inspected against the waste transfer note prior to the waste
being unloaded.
• Checks on storage capacity within the waste transfer building and the external storage areas
will take place throughout the day to ensure that suitable space is available for all incoming
wastes. The checks on capacity will be made by site operatives and will be visual only.

2 SOP Number: SOP/3.2/WAP

Version: 1
Waste Acceptance Procedure Effective: August 2018

Authored by: Probe Reviewed by: K Dowling Approved by: S Charlton

• If the load is accepted, the vehicle will be directed to unload in the relevant area, as
illustrated on the Site Layout Plans.
• If it is not possible to inspect the waste prior to unloading, the waste will be inspected
immediately after off-loading in the waste reception areas.

1.3 Non-compliant waste

If waste is found to be non-compliant prior to being off-loaded from the vehicle, the details will be
recorded and the vehicle turned away.

Should wastes be found to be non-compliant following tipping on the site floor, or within waste
storage area/bays, then the waste will be:

• reloaded on to the delivery vehicle for transport off-site to a suitably permitted facility; or
• removed to the designated quarantine skip/area, pending removal off-site to a suitably
permitted facility.

All records of non-compliant waste received at the site will include the following details:

• the quantity;
• characteristics;
• origin;
• delivery date and time; and
• the identity of the producer and carrier.

This record will be made in the Site Diary, or other recording system, on-site. Further information on
the procedure for non-conforming waste can be found in SOP/3.3/NCWP (Non-Conforming Waste


Supersedes Document Signature of Site

Version Reason for Revision
Dated Supervisor
1.0 Original N/A


3 SOP Number: SOP/3.2/WAP

Waste Acceptance Procedure Effective:
Non-Conforming Waste Procedure

Authored by: Probe Reviewed by: K Dowling Approved by: S Charlton


1.1 Waste Rejection Procedure

If waste is found to be non-conforming, either due to being a non-permitted waste specified by the
permit or due to quality or contamination of permitted wastes, the following procedure is to be

1. Notify the relevant EA officer(s) of significant loads as soon as is practicable;

2. If the carrier’s vehicle is still present, the waste should, wherever possible, be reloaded back
onto the carrier’s vehicle;
3. If the material is reloaded onto the carrier’s vehicle: the office of the carrier should be notified
by telephone; the details including time of call and contact name are to be recorded in the Site
Diary (or other recording system); and a copy of the Acceptance/Rejection note is to be
4. If possible take photographs of the waste to evidence either quality or type of waste for
investigation with the producer/haulier;
5. If the carrier has departed the site, and if it is considered safe to do so, the waste is to be put in
suitable containers and placed in the quarantine area pending the outcome of further
6. If the waste is of unknown composition, it is to be isolated at the operational area pending
further investigations. This is to be achieved by the placement of cones or other barriers around
the waste;
7. Further investigations may include contact with the carrier and the producer to seek to
determine the likely composition of the waste. These investigations are to be undertaken by the
Site Manager or other designated person;
8. If the waste is confirmed as not being permitted for recovery at the site, the waste is to be
directed to an alternative, suitably licensed facility; and
9. Wherever possible, rejected waste is to be removed from the site within 24 hours of receipt at
the site. However, identification of suitable disposal facilities may result in the waste being
stored for a longer period prior to removal from the facility.

The Non-Conformance Report SOP/Form 4.4 is to be filled out each time an incident occurs. Records
are to be stored within the Site Diary (or other recording system) on-site.

1.2 Waste Acceptance/Rejection Note

The Waste Acceptance/Rejection Note SOP/Form 4.5 is to be completed and cross referenced in the
Site Diary/Daily Check Sheet (or other recording system). It should include the following details:
• Date and time;
• Producer details;
• Carrier details;
• Transfer note reference number;
• Description of waste;
• Volume of waste;

1 SOP Number: SOP/3.3/NCWP

Version: 1
Waste Acceptance Procedure Effective: August 2018

Authored by: Probe Reviewed by: K Dowling Approved by: S Charlton

• European Waste Catalogue (EWC) code;

• Non-conforming waste; and
• Actions agreed and taken.


SOP/3.2 Waste Acceptance Procedure

SOP/Form 4.4 Record of Incidents and Non-Conformances

SOP/Form 4.5 Waste Acceptance/Rejection Note

Section 6 Fire Prevention Plan


Supersedes Document Signature of Site

Version Reason for Revision
Dated Supervisor
1.0 Original N/A


2 SOP Number: SOP/3.3/NCWP

PROCEDURE Version: 1
Waste Acceptance Procedure Effective: August 2018
Aug 2018
Security Management
Authored by: Probe Reviewed by: KKathrine
DowlingDowling Approved by: S Charlton


1.1 Security Management

Vehicles entering site are predominately those from the company ensuring access and security of
incoming waste loads and visitors.

No unauthorised persons are allowed access to the site and a record is to be kept of all authorised
visitors. All visitors to the site are required to report to the site office and sign the visitors' book.

9 fixed CCTV cameras are installed and in operation around the site with monitors situated in the
site office.

During and out of hours the site also is monitored 24hrs a day by an external security company
(ASSET WATCH) who also implement additional mobile CCTV cameras around the site. Out of hours
in the event of a security breach/incident/alert, an automatic notification is sent from the control
room direct to Senior Management.

The site benefits from a secure boundary fencing made up of either chain link and barbed wire

Lockable palisade metal gates provide security to the site out of hours.

Emergency lighting is also on site in the event of unauthorised access to the site out of hours.

Regular inspections of the site are to be carried out to ensure that all fencing and infrastructure are
in a safe and secure condition. The findings of the inspection shall be recorded in the site
diary/check sheets. Any repairs if required, will be temporarily made good within 24 hours.

Arrangements are made to have permanent repairs, if required, will be completed within one week.

All corrective action taken and date/time competed will be recorded in the site diary/check sheets in
the comment section.


Supersedes Document Signature of Site

Version Reason for Revision
Dated Supervisor
1.0 Original N/A


1 SOP Number: SOP/3.7SMP

PROCEDURE Version: 1
Waste Acceptance Procedure Effective: August 2018
Training Procedure
Authored by: Probe Reviewed by: KKathrine
DowlingDowling Approved by: S Charlton

Senior Management and the Yard Manager is responsible for carrying out the procedure as detailed
Any changes required are the responsibility of the Senior Management or other designated person
to update and re-issue the amended procedure.

The site is to be managed by sufficient numbers of staff competent to operate the site without
causing pollution. Staff are to have clearly defined roles and responsibilities. An electronic staff
record is to be kept up to date identifying individual’s job roles and responsibilities.
Training is to be provided when:
• A new employee/site operative begins work on-site as part of the site induction;
• New equipment is introduced on-site, thereby changing the site’s operating procedures;
• An audit identifies a particular training need;
• Procedures set out within the EMS are amended; and to maintain
• Continuous improvement within the business.

2.1 Site Operative Training

The Senior Management are responsible for ensuring that all site operatives receive the correct level
of training and that all new site operatives receive an induction. All new site operatives are to be
provided with clear instructions regarding their individual tasks and requirements.
In particular, emphasis is to be made in ensuring all site operatives are aware of the following
aspects and environmental considerations:
• The aims and objectives of the Environmental Policy of the company;
• The conditions set out in the environmental permit such as: permitted waste codes (EWC) and
• Regulatory implications of the environmental permit for the site and their specific work activity
including procedures detailed in the site environmental management plan;
• All potential environmental effects from operations under normal and abnormal circumstances;
• The need to report deviations from the conditions set out in the environmental permit;
• Prevention of accidental emissions and action to be taken should accidental emissions occur;
• The roles and responsibilities of all site operatives to ensure that all aspects of this EMS are
complied with.
• (Fire Prevention Plan)
Training is to be provided as required to ensure that site operatives are familiar with their
responsibilities and the conditions of the environmental permit. Training will also ensure that site
operatives will be fully aware of how to maintain optimal plant performance.
An electronic training record is to be kept in the site office for all site operatives. It records;
• Induction Training

1 SOP Number: SOP/3.15/TP

Version: 1
Waste Acceptance Procedure Effective: August 2018

Authored by: Probe Reviewed by: K Dowling Approved by: S Charlton

• Toolbox Talks
• Formal training and certification
• Renewal/Expiry dates of training

The training requirements of existing and new site operatives are to be reviewed annually. Training
is a continual process which ensures that site operatives are familiar with their responsibilities and
the condition of the environment permit. Training will also ensure that site operatives will be fully
aware of how to maintain optimal plant performance.
All operations at the site are to be under the control of a technically competent person who holds a
Certificate of Technical Competence (COTC) under the Waste Management Industry Training and
Advisory Board (WAMITAB) scheme. The permit requires TCM attendance on site for 20% of the site
operational hours and records of attendance on site.
Any contractors enrolled on site will receive a suitable induction for Health and Safety and
environmental risks.


Supersedes Document Signature of Site

Version Reason for Revision
Dated Supervisor
V1 Original N/A


2 SOP Number: SOP/3.15/TP

HFF Emergency Procedures
STOP - whatever you are doing stop and make
your way to the assembly point which is at theel ft-
hand side of the car park at the main entrance.

If you notice a fire, alert a member of staff asap .

D O NOT leave the assembly point until the you

have been accounted for on the reaister and you
have been told you can leave.

NEVER travel around the site on your own.

Report all accidents to a member of staff ASAP.

If needed, make the call to 999 ASAP.

Complete any paperwork required at the office

before leaving site.

Office Number: 01670 823589

(A first aider will be contacted ASAP) -

HFF Site Rules

NO unauthorised personnel beyond the gates.

ALL drivers/visitors MUST report to the weighbridge office.

Safety helmets MUST be worn on site where instructed.

Protective footwear MUST be worn on site.

High visibility clothing MUST be worn at all times on site.

Protective gloves MUST be worn on site.


DO NOT throw you rubbish from your vehicle. Use the

bins provided.

NO SPEEDING - this is a 5 MPH site.

SLOWLY approach the weighbridge and brake gently

when stopping on it.

Only tip your load when instructed to do so by a member

of staff.

Any accidents or damaged on site MUST be reported .

immediately to the site office or supervisor.
DB o To M o

Record below any vehicle defects, accident damage (however small) or irregular circumstances and hand a copy into the HFF Traffic Office. All vehicle
defects must be reported to the Traffic Office and the Repair Engineer who will initial the recorded findings.


DRIVERS NOTES: (Use this for standing time, Tarmac issues, Tablet issues, missing TT Permit etc.)





•' If mlssln(I you must report this to office lmmedlott ly, unreported missing permits will M bllltd to the driver last In vehicle••



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