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13 Useful Deep Learning Interview

Questions And Answer

Introduction To Deep Learning Interview Questions And

Today Deep Learning is been seen as one of the fastest growing
technology with a huge capability to develop an application which has
been seen as tough some time back. Speech recognition, image
recognition, nding patterns in a dataset, object classi cation in
photographs, character text generation, self-driving cars and many
more are just a few examples where Deep Learning has shown its

So you have nally found your dream job in Deep Learning but are
wondering how to crack the Deep Learning Interview and what could be
the probable Deep Learning Interview Questions. Every interview is
di erent and the scope of a job is di erent too. Keeping this in mind we
have designed the most common Deep Learning Interview Questions
and Answers to help you get success in your interview.

Below are few Deep Learning Interview questions which are frequently

asked in Interview and would also help to test your levels:

Part 1 –Deep Learning Interview Questions (Basic)

This rst part covers basic Deep Learning Interview Questions and

1. What is deep learning?

The area of machine learning which focuses on deep arti cial neural
networks which are loosely inspired by brains. Alexey Grigorevich
Ivakhnenko published the rst general on working Deep Learning
network. Today it has its application in various elds such as computer
vision, speech recognition, natural language processing.

2. Why are deep networks better than shallow ones?

There are studies which say that both shallow and deep networks can
t at any function, but as deep networks have several hidden layers
often of di erent types so they are able to build or extract better
features than shallow models with fewer parameters.

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3. What is a cost function?

A cost function is a measure of the accuracy of the neural network with
respect to given training sample and expected output. It is a single
value, nonvector as it gives the performance of the neural network as a
whole. It can be calculated as below Mean Squared Error function:-
Where Y^ and desired value Y is what we want to minimize.

Let us move to the next Deep Learning Interview Questions.

4. What is a gradient descent?

Gradient descent is basically an optimization algorithm, which is used
an iterative algorithm which moves in the direction of steepest descent
as de ned by the negative of the gradient. We compute the gradient
descent of the cost function for given parameter and update the
parameter by the below formula:-
Where Θ – is the parameter vector, α – learning rate, J(Θ) – is a cost

5. What is a backpropagation?

Backpropagation is training algorithm used for multilayer neural
network. In this method, we move the error from an end of the network
to all weights inside the network and thus allowing e cient
computation of the gradient. It can be divided into several steps as

Forward propagation of training data in order to generate output.

Then using target value and output value error derivative can be
computed with respect to output activation.
Then we back propagate for computing derivative of error with
respect to output activation on previous and continue this for all the
hidden layers.
Using previously calculated derivatives for output and all hidden
layers we calculate error derivatives with respect to weights.
And then we update the weights.

6. Explain the following three variants of gradient descent: batch,

stochastic and mini-batch?

Stochastic Gradient Descent: Here we use only single training example
for calculation of gradient and update parameters.
Batch Gradient Descent: Here we calculate the gradient for the whole
dataset and perform the update at each iteration.
Mini-batch Gradient Descent: It’s one of the most popular
optimization algorithms. It’s a variant of Stochastic Gradient Descent
and here instead of single training example, mini-batch of samples is

Part 2 – Deep Learning Interview Questions (Advanced)

Let us now have a look at the advanced Deep Learning Interview


7. What are the bene ts of mini-batch gradient descent?

Below are the bene ts of mini-batch gradient descent
•This is more e cient compared to stochastic gradient descent.
•The generalization by nding the at minima.
•Mini-batches allows help to approximate the gradient of entire
training set which helps us to avoid local minima.

8. What is data normalization and why do we need it?

Data normalization is used during backpropagation. The main motive
behind data normalization is to reduce or eliminate data redundancy.
Here we rescale values to t into a speci c range to achieve better

Let us move to the next Deep Learning Interview Questions.

9. What is weight initialization in neural networks?

Weight initialization is one of the very important steps. A bad weight
initialization can prevent a network from learning but good weight
initialization helps in giving a quicker convergence and a better overall
error. Biases can be generally initialized to zero. The rule for setting the
weights is to be close to zero without being too small.

10. What is an auto-encoder?

An autoencoder is an autonomous Machine learning algorithm that
uses backpropagation principle, where the target values are set to be
equal to the inputs provided. Internally, it has a hidden layer that
describes a code used to represent the input.
Some Key Facts about the autoencoder are as follows:-

•It is an unsupervised ML algorithm similar to Principal Component

•It minimizes the same objective function as Principal Component
•It is a neural network
•The neural network’s target output is its input

11. Is it OK to connect from a Layer 4 output back to a Layer 2 input?

Yes, this can be done considering that layer 4 output is from previous
time step like in RNN. Also, we need to assume that previous input
batch is sometimes- correlated with current batch.

Let us move to the next Deep Learning Interview Questions.

12 What is a Boltzmann Machine?

Boltzmann Machine is used to optimize the solution of a problem. The
work of Boltzmann machine is basically to optimize the weights and
the quantity for the given problem.
Some important points about Boltzmann Machine −
•It uses recurrent structure.
•It consists of stochastic neurons, which consist one of the two possible
states, either 1 or 0.
•The neurons in this are either in adaptive (free state) or clamped
(frozen state).
•If we apply simulated annealing on discrete Hop eld network, then it
would become Boltzmann Machine.

13. What is the role of the activation function?

The activation function is used to introduce non-linearity into the
neural network helping it to learn more complex function. Without
which the neural network would be only able to learn linear function
which is a linear combination of its input data.

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This has been a guide to List Of Deep Learning Interview Questions and
Answers so that the candidate can crackdown these Deep Learning
Interview Questions easily. You may also look at the following articles
to learn more

1. Learn The Top 10 Most Useful HBase Interview Questions

2. Useful Machine Learning Interview Questions And Answer
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