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White Cards for VRA Presentation Statement Card 2

Research Write at least one paragraph about the research you did on
Process the source(s) you are analyzing or the social environment
surrounding the creation of that source. (Make sure you
embed that source or link it to the main page.) You may us
first person, but not second person. (no sources)
Using EBSCO host, I found an outside source to help me analyze the social
/resource/article/mutuality-blog- environment the song “A Scary Time for Boys” was created around. In todays
magazine/girls-are-bad-math- society, sexism comes in many different forms although it is not always
and-other-lies-limit-women-and- apparent to men. Subtle sexism happens all the time and is almost always
ignored. In most cases, subtle sexism is ignored because we have been trained
girls to believe that crude behaviors and comments are acceptable. Sexism does no
only happen in public, it happens in schools too. School dress codes specificall
target girls, sexualizing and policing their bodies which is demeaning of girls’
self-image. Schools also decline to teach proper sex education to girls, but will
go in-depth when teaching it to boys which leads to a lack of knowledge on ho
?v=nN-3F8T4t5w  to properly treat women. Lynzy Lab’s song “A Scary Time for Boys” helps
explain what sexism is and how it happens, along with stating that women
should feel comfortable going anywhere without being assaulted or harassed.

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