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Member of 4th Group:

Ajeng Mega Julia (1810631030006)

Amara Elprida Sani (1810631030015)

Egi Afrillia (1810631030136)

Refika Aulia (1810631030145)

Witri Sari (1810631030041)


1. What is manager?
2. What are manager job?
3. What are manager skills?
4. How can manager good on their job?
5. What is organizational behaviour and what are aspects in organizational behaviour?
6. What are challenge and opportunity in organizationan behaviour?


1. Manager is someone who works for organization and achieve goals with others. There are the
activities of manager:
a) Making decision
b) Allocating resources
c) Managing activities

2. Manager is someone who works for organization and achieve goals with others. There are the
activities of manager:
a) Making decision
b) Allocating resources
c) Managing activities

3. Manager skills:
a) Technical Skill
The ability to apply or special skills.
b) Human ability
The ability to work together, understand, and motivate others, both individualy and in
c) Conceptual skill
Mental ability to analyze and diagnose complicated situation

4. There are:
a) Traditional Management ( Make decisions , Plan , And Control)
b) Communication (Exchange routine information and paperwork communication)
c) Human Resource Managemet (Motivate , Discpline , Handle Conflict , arrange staffing and
d) Nerworking ( Socialize, Engage in Political activities , and Interact with outside

5. Organizational behavior is the study of both group and individual performance and activity
within an organization. Aspects that are the elements, components or subsystem of the science
of organizational behavior include; motivation, leadership, stress, and/or conflict, career
development, reward system problems, communication relationships, problem solving and
decision making, productivity and or performance, satisfaction, coaching and organizational
development, and so on.

6. Challenge and opportunity in organization behaviour:

 Globalization
 Increased overseas assignments
 Work with individuals with different cultures
 Tackling anti-capitalism reactions
 Monitor the transfer of work to countries that have low-cost employment
 Managing individuals during the war on terror continue
 Managing diversity
 Receive diversity
 Demographic change
 The implication for managers is recognizing and responding to differences
 Improve personal skills
 Empower people
 Stimulate innovation and chane
 Overcoming temporary
 Work in networked organizations
 Helping employees balance life and work conflicts.

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