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Education is the key factor in the development and advancement of an individual as well as the
progress of the society and the country. The access of free basic education mandated in R.A.
promotes Filipino children the growth and development needed. Since education is a lifelong process
information in many subject areas are being taught in schools. Also, other information is accessible in
school libraries, government public libraries and internet.

School library or library is a room or building in which learning materials such as books, tape,
newspaper etc. are available for public in order to study, learn and borrow (Batiancila, 2007) .
Republic Act No. 9246 known as the Philippines Librarianship Act of 2004 provides Filipinos to access
information research and other library use. Along with the creation of the law, Filipino ranks the lowest
in reading comprehension among 79 countries according to a global survey of the Organization for
Economics Cooperation and Development (OECD) among 15-year old students conducted in 2018
(Manila Times, retrieved September 3,2020).

On the other hand, the rapid growth and fast changing environment of the internet takes shift in
the use of library. Coming to this era technology, books are regard to be obsolete. Today’s library has
a challenge to broaden its resources as the school has limited resources.


The study is to have a first-hand information about the present state of Public School Libraries
and its response of the a DepEd Order No. 56 s. 2011. The study will give baseline information for
school administrator as well as teacher to promote library as a major source of information.


Library is an important and essential part in education process. Availability of library facility in
school makes the teaching-learning process more effective and advance (Ayaz, 2017). Study
indicates that reading of library materials have positive relation with students’ vocabulary,
comprehension, writing and spelling skills (Ullah and Farrog, 2008). Also school library in every type
replace the usual manner of chalk and talk where it provides information to individuals that influenced
academic performance (Ola, 1990).

School library basically supports the entire school program and also help in teaching-learning
process. Research show that reading improves academic status of students compare to students that
fails to use the school library. Thus, school library will not become effective if there is no adequate
and up to date books and other teaching-learning resources (Keith, 2004).


DepEd Order No. 56 s. 2011 signed by Undersecretary Atty. Alberto T. Muyot on July 19,2011
for the adaptation of R.A. 9246 setting standards for Philippine Libraries to improve the access,
usage, administration, management and collection of libraries. Following the other DepEd Order No.
56 s. 2011 as an immediate implementation What is is the present status of libraries in Elementary
Public Schools of Polomolok East District, Polomolok, South Cotabato.

This study will be trying to answer the following questions to relevant to the use and status of public
school libraries;

Are the pupils aware about the library resources and services available for them?

Where do they learn about the library’s resources and services from?

What is the present state of the library with regards to the building, books and etc.?



The study is expected to be completed in 16 weeks with the following indicated as the activity’s
duration for every section of the research project:

Research Section Duration

1. Title 1 week
2. Introduction 1 week
3. Need for this Study 1 week
4. Background 2 weeks
5. Objectives 1 week
6. Research Questions and/or Hypothesis 1 week
7. Research Methodology 2 weeks
8. Research Timeline 1 week
9. Summary conclusion and recommendations 3 weeks
10. Reviewing work for final submission 3 weeks

Batiancila, M.R.2007. Managing Public School Libraries in A Changing Environment

Keith, C.L.2004.The Impact of School Media Centers on Academic Achievements

Ullah, S.Z. and Farrog, M.S.2008. Quality Libraries Produce Quality Learners. Journal of Quality and
Technology Management

Ayaz, M. 2017. Impact of School Library on Students Academic Achievement at Secondary School
Level in Southern District of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa. International Journal of Academic Research in
Business. Times.Whats to Blame for Low Reading Comprehension of the Filpino

Youth. Retrieved September 3, 2020

This study is limited within the Public Elementary Schools of Polomolok East
District,Polomolok, South Cotabato. The study will be carried among pupils determined as a sample
size of the interview. This study will also determine the present status of libraries with regards to
reading resources, building and funds.

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