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1: SUM: Add the numbers in rows or columns of those cells which we specify
there are many ways to add numbers in cells which are bellow
=SUM (number 1, number2…)

Formula Result
=Sum (7+3) Add 7, 3 and give a result (10)
=Sum (7,3) Add 7, 3 and give a result (10)
=Sum (A2+A3) Add data in cells A2 and A3
=Sum (A2,A10) Add data in A2 and A10
=Sum (A2:A10) It add all cells between A2 and A10
=Sum (A2:A5,A8) It add all cells between A2 and A5 and also add a separate
cell A8

2: SUBTRACTION: Through this formula we can subtract one cell from another
=SUM (number 1- number2)

Formula Result
=Sum (7-3) Subtract 3 from 7
=A2-A3 Subtract data in A3 from data in A2
=Sum (A2-A3) Subtract data in A3 from data in A2

3:PRODUCT: multiplies all the numbers of those cells which we specify.

=Product (number 1* number2…)

Formula Result
= (7*3) Multiplies 7, 3 and give a result (10)
=A2*A3 Multiplies number in A2 with A3
=product (A2,A10) Multiplies numbers present between A2 and A10
=product(A2:A10) Multiplies numbers present between A2 and A10
=Sum (A2:A5,A8) It Multiplies all cells between A2 and A5 and also
multiplies a separate cell A8

4: SUMPRODUCT: Multiplies parts many ranges and at last add all the answer
of those Multiplied parts of range.

=Sumproduct (number 1, number2…)

Formula Result
= Sumproduct First of all multiplies parts of range A2:A6 with B2:B6 and
(A2:A6,B2:B6) then add all the answers of them
= Sumproduct First of all multiplies parts of range A2:B6 with C4:D6 and
(A2:B6,C4:D6) then add all the answers of them

5: DIVISION: divide number of one cell on number of another cell.


Formula Result
=4/2 Divide 4 on 2 and give the answer 2
=A1/A2 Divide number in A1 on number in A2

6: MOD: It find the remainder of the number divided.

=MOD (number, deviser)

Formula Result
=mod(3,2) Divide 3 on 2 and give the answer 1
=mod(A1,A2) It will divide number in cell A1 on number in cell A2 and
will give the number

7: SUMIF: Add the cells with a certain conditions.

=sumif (range,"condition", range to be sum).

Formula Result
=Sumif It will add those numbers in range B1:B5 which is at
(A1:A5,">",B1:B5) the front of value greater then 10 in range A1:A5
=sumif It will add those numbers in range B1:B5 which is at
(A1:A5,"<",B1:B5) the front of value small then 10
=Sumif It will add those numbers in range B1:B5 which is at
(A1:A5,"Orange",B1:B5) the front of text orange

8: SQRT: Though this formula we can find the square root of a number.

Formula Result
=sqrt (9) Square root of 9 (3)
=sqrt (A1) It will gives the square root of a number in cell A1

9: SUMSQ: It will add the square of those numbers that you specified.
=SUMSQ (number1, number2……..)

Formula Result
=sumsq (2,4) As the square of 2 is 4 and square of 4 is 16 it will add 4
and 16=20
=sumsq (A1,B1) It will take the sum of squares of cell A1 and B1

10: COUNTIF : It will count those cells which are specify with condition
=countif (range, condition)

Formula Result
=countif It will count number of those cells which contain orange
=count if It will count number of those cells which contain value
(A1:A5,">20") greater than 20.
=countif It will count those cells which contain value smaller than
(A1:A4,"<30") 30

11: EVEN: Convert any number to nearest Even number except even number
=EVEN (number)

Formula Result
=EVEN (5) Convert 5 in to the nearest even number 6.
=EVEN (1.32) Convert 1.32 into the nearest no 2
=EVEN (A1:A4) Convert all number between A1 and A4 in to nearest even

12: ODD: Convert any number to nearest ODD number except ODD number
=ODD (number)

Formula Result
=ODD (4) Convert 4 in to the nearest even number 5
=ODD (2.32)

Convert 2.32 into the nearest no 3

=ODD (A1:A4)

Convert all number between A1 and A4 in to nearest

ODD number.

13: POWER: Through this formula we can convert a number with its power to a
normal number.
=POWER (number, power)

Formula Result
=POWER (4,2) Here 4 is base and 2 is power which gives the result 16
=POWER (A1,2) Here A1 is base and 2 is power which gives the required

14: DEGREE: This formula convert radian in degree of an angle.


Formula Result
=degree(90) It will convert 90 degree into radians (1556.62)
=degree (A1) It will convert degree of A1 into radians.

15: ABS: It gives the absolute of a number. The absolute value of a number is a
number without its sign.

Formula Result
=ABS (2) Absolute value of 2 is 2
=ABS(-3) Absolute value of -3 is 3
=ABS(A1) It will give the absolute value of a number in cell A1

16: CEILING: It round a number to the nearest multiple of the specified number.


Formula Result
=CEILING(5,2) The nearest multiple of 2 to 5 is 6 so the answer is also 6
=CEILING(A1,5) It will round the number in cell A1 to the nearest number
of 5.

17: FLOOR: Rounds a number, toward zero, to the nearest multiple of a specified
=FLOOR(number, Significance)

Formula Result
=FLOOR(8,3) It will gives the nearest number to 8 which is divisible by
3. and that is 6.
=FLOOR(A1,3) It will gives the nearest number to that which is in A1
which is divisible on 3.

18: COMBINE : It gives the number of combination for a given number of items
=COMBINE(number1, number2)

Formula Result
=COMBINE(5,2) It will combine it is as 25

19: INT: It round a number down to the nearest integer.


Formula Result
=INT(5.2) Integer part of 5.2 is 5

20: TRUNC: this formula is used to remove the fractional part of a number.
=TRUNC(number, digit)

Formula Result
=TRUNC(5.2) The integer part of 5.2 is 5

21: MROUND: It round a number to the required number.


=MROUND(number, multiple)

Formula Result
=MROUND(10,3) Round 10 to the nearest multiple of 3 (9)
=MROUND(A1,A6) Round a number in cell A1to the nearest multiple of
number in cell A6.

22:RAND : It gives the evenly distributed number greater then or equal to 0 and
less then 1.

Formula Result
=RAND() It will give random number between 1 and 0 (varies)
=RAND()*100 It will give a random number equal to 0 bit less then 100

23:RANDBETWEEN : It will give a random number between those number that

you specify.
=RANDBETWEEN(bottom, top)

Formula Result
=RANDBETWEEN(1,100) Give a random number between 1 and 100 (varies)
=RANDBETWEEN(1,50) Give a random number between 1 and 50 (varies)

24:SIN : It find the sine of an angle.


Formula Result
=Sin(90) Sine of 1 radians is .89

25:ASIN : It find the arc sine of a number.


Formula Result
=Asin(1) Arcsine of 1 radian is 1.57
=Asin(-1) Arcsine of 1 radian is -1.57

26:ASINH : It find the inverse hyperbolic sine of a number.


Formula Result
=Asinh(1) Inverse hyperbolic sine of 1 is .88
=Asinh(-1) Inverse hyperbolic sine of -1 is -0.88

27:COS : It gives the value of an angle of cos.

=COS: (number)

Formula Result
=COS(1) Cosine of 1 is 0.54
=COS(3) Cosine of 3 is -0.98

28:ACOS : It find the arccosine of a number.


Formula Result
=Acos(1) arccosine of 1 is 0
=Acos(0.5) arccosine of 0.5 is 1.04

29:ACOSH : It gives the inverse hyperbolic cosine of a number.


Formula Result
=Acosh(1) Inverse hyperbolic cosine of 1 is 0
=Acosh(10) Inverse hyperbolic cosine of 10 is 2.993

30:TAN : It gives the value of an angle of tan.


Formula Result
=TAN(1) Tan of 1 in radian is 1.55
=TAN(2) Tan of 2 in radians is 1.107

31:ATAN : It gives the arctangent of a number.


Formula Result
=Atan(1) Arctangent of 1 in radian is 0.78

Arctangent of 2 in radian is 1.107

32:ATANH : It gives the inverse hyperbolic tangent of a number.


Formula Result
=Atanh(0.5) The inverse hyperbolic tangent of 0.5 is 0.54
=Atanh(-2) The inverse hyperbolic tangent of -2 is -0.78

33: GCD (Greatest Common Divisor) : It gives the greatest common divisor of
two or more numbers.
=GCD(number1, number2…..)

Formula Result
=GCD (4,6) GCD of 4 and 6 is 2
=GCD (4,6,8) GCD of 4, 6 and 8 is 2

34: LCM (Least Common Multiple) : It gives the least common multiple of two
or more numbers.
=LCM(number1, number2…..)

Formula Result
=LCM(5,2) LCM of 5 and 2 is 10
=LCM(24,36) LCM OF 24 and 36 is 72

35: LOG : Find the logarithm of a number to the base we specify.

=LOG(number, base)

Formula Result
=log(8,2) Logarithm of 8 to the base 2 is 3.
=log(20,3.22) Logarithm of 20 to the base 3.22 is 2.561809

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