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Week 23 of 48

I am a person who upholds transparency
in all my undertakings. I shall work with
“Let your light so shine before men, that they may see your good all honesty, integrity, and high moral
works and glorify your Father in heaven.” (Matthew 5:16) standards. I shall not cheat, steal, bribe
nor tolerate anyone who does. I shall be
a model of truthfulness in anything I
engage myself into. I shall let my light so
One good effect of having freshly emancipated from a corrupt shine before the people, that they may
administration is the emergence of transparency measures to see my good works and glorify my Father
show that the replacing leadership is serious about its platform in heaven.
of governance and is bent on not repeating the same blunder
against which it claimed to have strongly stood. This explains My Personal Insight
why lifestyle check is now observed and why the citizens’ charter
is now implemented in public service. The Filipino masses are _______________________________
now more strongly empowered to look into the affairs of their _______________________________
elected leaders and with the help of electronic communication _______________________________
bring erring officials directly into public scrutiny. While we do _______________________________
not support below-the-belt censure by the unlearned or the _______________________________
assuming, it can’t be denied that because of the internet, more _______________________________
people in the government are now afraid to commit acts that _______________________________
may merit public disapproval. _______________________________
Yet to those who are engaged in dubious activities, evading _______________________________
CCTV or the prying eyes of the public seem to be a walk in the _______________________________
park. They have mastered the art of filing income tax returns _______________________________
that do not reflect their actual earnings; or plot political moves _______________________________
to work around the technicalities of the law without necessarily _______________________________
violating it, such as fielding close kin to run for a position just to _______________________________
break the three consecutive terms set for a locally elected _______________________________
official, and then running again to continue occupying the same _______________________________
seat of power for another three consecutive terms, all the while
positioning their entire clans in various political offices to take
full maneuver of each and every election. The result is a Prayer
government system devoid of leaders with integrity, capacity, Heavenly Father, you are the God of
and genuine passion for public service. light and as such, nothing is hidden
from you. You are aware of every
There is yet a long way to see true transparency in government thought, word, and deed I commit, and
service. We will have to raise a generation that is not afraid to you judge me based on my intentions
take responsibility for its mistakes, but is willing to be trained and values. I know that whatever I do in
and molded into the course of righteousness at all cost; to be the secret will eventually be exposed. Thus,
give me the grace to maintain integrity at
best and most competent Filipinos to build the Philippines;
all cost; to be a competent Filipino
patriotic enough to protect this nation from evil works; lead the righteous to build the Philippines; to be
country to its promised glory; and establish this nation to patriotic to protect this nation from evil
become the dwelling place of our children and the next works; to lead this nation to its
generations to come. The key is to tap into the God of the promised glory; and establish this nation
nations who alone can provide the supernatural strength to carry as a dwelling place for my children and
the next generation to come. Do this to
glorify your name. Amen.
on with this mandate; and to do that, one must be willing to be exposed in God’s light to see
that which he is lacking or exceeding on and do the necessary: repent.

Action plan
Since the implication of transparency is being exposed to light and allowing others to see, test,
and judge your works, determine the source from which you derive your motivation to work.
Be honest. If you are motivated by power, influence, and money to run for office, you must
back out immediately. As a signatory to a business permit or document, stop prolonging the
process in the hope of receiving grease money from stakeholders. Stop conniving with your
accountant to file an income tax return that does not reflect your actual earnings. Overall, stop
whatever it is you are doing that violates the principles of honesty, integrity, and good moral

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