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- It is an academic text that provides an REVIEW:
overview of a particular topic. e Updated reports and well-tracked chronological
- It provides information about something. events in the scientific field will give the
- lt helps to identify what is known and not impression that your research has a complete
know about a certain subject of study. grasp of what is happening in that discipline.
- It involves HOTS such as the review and e Avoids biases that may influence the outcome of
evaluations and synthesize several scholars the proposed study: relying on validated
works including the journal articles, information and not on preconceived judgement
professional books, online sources and (that is based on the researchers own
specialized reference. understanding of the situation)
e Fortifying your assertions (claims)
LITERATURE REVIEW A review of related literature will help the
A literature review is integral part of any research committee see the relevance and objectives
paper and serves a several functions: of the proposed study and decide whether to
e It establishes the relevance of the study award a research grant or not.
e |t further helps in establishing the research
e It provides important information about your e Interviews - can be done with an expert or any
topic and the concept related to it individual that may have a direct knowledge.
e It presents the contradictions between e Survey - is a more formal means of acquiring
among previous literature information. qualitative and quantitative
It justifies relevant studies e Journal Articles - abstract of section that
It presents and discusses your theoretical summarizes the content of the paper including
and conceptual framework which are the significant findings.
backbone of the study e Databases - online repositories of various
sources of information.
WRITING THE LITERARURE REVIEW “Peer reviewing done by editors of publication
Writing the literature review involves 3 stages: groups or experts known in their field of discipline.
1. Searching for works relevant to the study
2. Analyzing these scholarly works HOW DO YOU CONDUCT ALITERATURE
3. Drafting the literature review SEARCH?
e Researcher can simply go to a library.
Literature search — is the stage in which the e Use the Internet (so many info that you can get
researcher systematically looks and_ selects over the internet)
reference materials relevant to the study. e Using smartphones, tablets and laptop.
e Remember that the quality of your paper is
influenced by the quality of references you use. SOME POINTS NEED TO REMEMBER IN
THE LITERATURE 1. Identify the topics and concept that you need to
e Know what has already done in the field incorporate into your paper.
e Original work or contribution to an existing 2. Specify the type of sources that you will use
question 3. Search for scholarly work by visiting your school
e Doacomprehensive literature search library or popular online databases. These
e Be careful not to plagiarize include the following: Proquest, Science Direct,

JSTOR, EBSCO, Google Scholar, Springer, will use in your paper are only those that are
Wiley, Taylor and Francis, Sage Publications closely related to your research topic.
e As much as possible include the references The following are strategies you can use in
published in reputable journals and evaluating and analyzing your selected
publishers those who written by experts who reference:
specialized in your selected topic. 1. Obtain an overview of the reference you
e Include also the landmarks studies, articles, selected. This will help you determine the
reports, books related to your topic. relevance of its content to your research. For
Use relevant key words to find your desired example, for research articles, you may
sources perform a brief survey by reading the
Example topic: Effects of Online games on abstract of each article for books you may
the digital literacy teenagers look into the preface to see the summary and
Key words: Online games, Digital Literacy find out the author's intention in writing it.
5. When conducting literature search online, use
links that are considered reliable. 2. When evaluating research articles, find out if
e The sites that end in .gov, .mil, and .edu, for they are published by a reputable publisher
example, sites that end in .com and .org are journal and written by legitimate scholars in
also acceptable as long as they are your field of study. You may refer to the
associated with recognized companies and Thomson Reuters Master Journal list
organizations. ( ) or
e Some of these sites are (United Scopus Source List
Nations), (UNESCO), (haras:/
www. (Cable News /content) for the list of reputable research
Network), and (Reader's journals.
6. You may also utilize Boolean searching strategies 3. As much as possible, refrain from using
in conducting your literature search online, references published by predatory Journals
e Boolean searching strategies use or publishers as they do not guarantee
certain keywords to limit and focus one's quality. Predatory publishers and journals
online search of a certain topic. The are those that publish research papers for
following are some of the Boolean financial gain and do not follow the ethics in
searching strategies that you can use: producing an academic work.
a) Use AND if you want to search for
profiles or texts that contain the 4. Refrain from using materials that do not
terms connected by AND (e.g, directly explain the concepts related to your
university AND colleges). study.
b) Use OR if you want to search for
profiles or texts that contain either of 5. As much as possible, use references that
the terms connected by OR (e.g, have been published within the last five
university OR colleges). years, unless you are writing a historical
c) Use NOT if you want to exclude a paper, which may entail the use of sources
particular term in your search (eg. from earlier periods of time.
d) Use quotation marks if you want to 6. Group the references according to the
search for a specific phrase (e.g categories you used during your literature
“Top Philippine Universities"). search. You may use online tools (eg,
Zotero) in tagging (or labeling) and
EVALUATION AND ANALYSIS OF classifying these references.
This stage is performed once you have selected 7. If a material appears to be relevant to your
all your potential references. topic, current (ie, published in the last five
In this stage, you further screen the selected years) and reliable, continue reading its
references for reliability and usefulness. This content. However, if the material does not
stage also further ensures that the materials you

meet these standards exclude from your 2. Macrolevel Synthesis

literature review. — involves the consolidation of
several studies to establish a
research gap and not just to
8. Carefully read each of the materials you will explain the concept.
incorporate into your literature review. Do the 1. Note any similarities and differences
key information in these materials. across your references that are
Determine which information you can include relevant to your paper.
in literature review. 2. Take note of issues that were not
addressed by your references.
9. Use a concept map if you want to see the 3. Arrange the related studies and
relationship, similarities, and differences in references logically; this can be done
the materials you have read. either thematically or chronologically.
4. Draw conclusions about the materials
DRAFTING THE LITERARTURE REVIEW in order to highlight their importance.
It is in this stage where you actually write
your literature review B. Note-taking — it involves writing information
In drafting your review, you need to consider from a source text and integrating this
how you are going to arrange the works you information to your study.
will cite — There are 2 common
You also need to consider how these works forms of note -taking: summarizing and
will be linked to one another, to better provide paraphrasing.
an overview of the topic you studying in your
a) Summarizing - involves condensing a
IMPORTANT SKILLS IN DRAFTING lengthy piece of source materials.
THE LITERATURE REVIEW e Through effective summarizing, you can
e There are two skills that are particularly improve your skills in studying, writing
important in drafting the literature review: and reading as well as establish your
Synthesizing and Note — taking. credibility as researchers.
Tips you can use for effective
A. Synthesizing - involves the review of summarizing
several references that talk about the same 1. Read the text carefully and_ fully
subject and consolidating them into one understand its content
cohesive text. 2. Annotate the text
— can be done at the 3. Take note of the Authors Name, title of
Micro and Macro. the text and year of publication
4. lf you are summarizing text that contains
LEVEL OF SYNTHESIZING multiple paragraphs, begin with the main
1. Microlevel Synthesis idea and write them using your own
— involves the consolidation of words
ideas to explain a concept. 5. Combine these sentences into one
1. Look into and take note of related coherent paragraph using appropriate
ideas in the materials you are cohesive devices.
examining. 6. Avoid adding comments to the summary é
2. Cluster the ideas shared among the as it may change the tone and meaning
materials of the original text.
3. Decide on how you will arrange the 7. Avoid repeating ideas unne-cessarily.
ideas. 8. Compare your summary to the original
4. Use multiple citations if one idea can text to ensure accuracy
be found in several sources. 9. Take note of the _ biblio-graphical
5. Insert the corresponding citation information you listed earlier as you cite
while writing the synthesis your source materials.

b) Paraphrasing — involves re-wording of *It can be done in visual forms by using diagram
ideas from the original text in a more detailed and charts, in narrative form by the use of
way. paragraphs
— It is typically done to
Tips you can use for’ effective CONCEPTUAL FRAMEWORKS
paraphrasing e Provide comprehensive understanding of
1. Read the text carefully and fully phenomenon
understand its content e Provide both theory that underpins your study
2. Highlight the relevant words or phrases e Help to justify the methods you will use and
in the passage and retain them in your assumption
paraphrased text. Help you to refine your objectives
3. Annotate the text e Guide in exploring and interpreting your data at
4. Refrain from constantly looking at the your desired results
original text when paraphrasing
5. Use synonym that fits the text DIFFERENCES BETWEEN THEORETICAL AND
6. Transform an active sentence into CONCEPTUAL FRAMEWORKS
passive sentence. e Provide comprehensive under-standing of
7. Retain the tone of the original text phenomenon
8. Compare your summary to the original
e Provide both theory that underpins your study
text to ensure accuracy
Help to justify the methods you will use and
9. Properly cite the source of the text you
e Help you to refine your objectives
THEORETICAL AND CONCEPTUAL e Guide in exploring and interpreting your data at
FRAMEWORKS your desired results
alse ape aaa leis CONCEPTUAL FRAMEWORK
A. Theoretical Framework is a general frame of
reference used for observation, defining score Broader in scape as it can be used in More focus in scope as it directly retates
concepts, developing research designs and different studies toa specific study
interpreting and generalizing findings. FOCUS OF Particular theory A set of related concepts that will be
e In theoretical frame work you need to specifically used in the study

have a theory the you will base on your MOMBER OF Contains only one theory in one May combine different theories into
Tetons :
own study. framework one cohesive framework

Example: Cooperative Learning Approach in Tt Already existing prior to the candurt of Developed while planning and writing a
—— the study specific research
Teaching Earth and Life Science Using
Barman’s Learning Cycle
Related Theory: Social Interdependent SELECTING YOUR THEORETICAL
e Understand the variables included in your study
B. Conceptual Framework refers to a system of as well as their relationship with one another
ideas, beliefs, assumptions and theories that e Review the existing literature related to your
inform, support, and cater specifically to your study.
study. e Look for possible theories that may potentially
e Graphical presentation of concepts and account for the expected result of your research
ideas on the components of their study.
research. In conceptual framework we e Select the most relevant to your study and can
are using IPO model Input-Process- provide a blueprint for your research.
Conceptual = Major Concepts THEORETICAL FRAMEWORK
Theoretical = Discussion of theory and how it e Identify the key concepts in your study.
relates to the own study e Search for existing theories that incorporate the
same concepts.

e Them as your guide, plot your conceptual e Name (Date Published). Title of the Article.
framework using the concept map. Title of the Journal, Volume (Edition), Pages
e Write a narrative explanation of each concept. e Last, F. M. (Year, Month Date Published).
Refer to your research question, your conceptual Topic. Article title. Retrieved Date from URL
framework must be aligned to your research
question Example:
Cain, K. (2012, June 29). The Negative effects
CITING SOURCES of Facebook on communication. Social Media
e It is a crucial skill in producing any academic Today RSS. Retrieved August 1, 2019 from
work, including research writing. Acknowledge
the credibility on the other's work.
e Citing sources has two forms: In-text Citation
and Reference Citation
1. In-Text Citation indicate the source of
information within the body of the text.
2. Reference Citation refers to the complete
Bibliographic information of the reference

As one author puts it, “it is normally assumed that a
company will continue in business into the future"
(Label, 2010, p. 17

leads to 4

Reference List
Label, W. A. (2010). Accounting for non
accountants: The fast and easy way

to learn the basics (2nd ed.)

Naperville, IL; Sourcebooks

APA Business, economics, education, hotel and
mane ie restaurant management, psychology, and other
Association) Style field of social science

MLA English and some fields in the humanities and

(Modern Language
Association) Style arts

(ChicagoManualof History and Music

1. APA (American Psychological Association)


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