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Directions for Downloading Data and starting next load on the loading Schedule:

 Open group’s file

 Wait for points to download (if a test was running).
o You will see the total amount of time the test has been running in the top right corner of
the screen.
o The last recorded data point that has downloaded should be the same as the total time
the test has been running OR 999 points have already been reocorded and the
instrument cannot record any additional numbers.
o If data points are downloading you will hear a slow methodical beeping sound.
 Press “Stop Test”
 Wait for points to verify
 Export test data to Excel (make sure excel is closed first)
o Click on Excel Icon
o “Export Test Data”
o Click “Ok” to the error that pops up
o Click on Excel Icon again and press “Export Test Data”
o Wait for data to download
 Save data in “Documents” folder  “Consolidation”  Group #
o File type = Excel Macro Enabled Workbook
 Go back to Humboldt software.
 Click “Set up” (top left tabs)
 Click “Run tests”
 Wait for displacement (top right) to settle, then input matching displacement into the prompt
box and press “ok.”
o If you are putting the first load on, clear the dial indicator at this stage.
 Wait until the dialog box says “Activating Test”.. then put the load on!

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