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School of Education
102605 Secondary Professional Practice Community Engagement
Pre-service Teacher's Name: Zoe Matthews Pre-service 18606919
Professional Experience From: 3/2/2020 To: 25/2/2020

Centre of Excellence in Agricultural Education_ Richmond
Name of Educational Setting:
Agricultural College
Number of Hours 60
Kris Beazley Principal CoE RAC
Supervisor's Name/s:
DeJ;criptiop of Educational Setting;_
The CoE in Agricultural Education is a Department of Education specialist setting for Agriculture
and STEM education co-located with WSU on the Hawkesbury Campus. The Centre has the role
of delivery teacher professional learning, specialist programs and immersion/enrichment
programs for schools across NSW. The programs are designed to be transdisciplinary in nature,
enabling students to have authentic learning experiences with clear alignment of cross curricula
outcomes and industry/community relevance. The programs also have a careers and transitions
focus supporting young people in the planning for education and employment post school.
Programs will support the delivery of cross curricula outcomes and system priorities K-12.

Summary Comments:

Zoe worked with the CoE on three program areas during her placement. A significant amount of her time was spent
aligned to the transdisciplinary resource development in the CoE's Apple Program. In this capacity she developed a
clear understanding of curriculum mapping across multiple syllabus, developing a curriculum map aligning the
Industry program to three KLA areas and six subjects, identifying similarities and synergies between course content
and outcomes. Zoe showed initiative and a high degree of competence in this process. Having completed this process
Zoe worked on developing teaching resources to support the delivery of programs. Zoe's resources were engaging and
showed a clear understanding of the transdisciplinary nature of the programs. Her resources were agile enough for
both online and face to face delivery and supported learning outcomes in both Stage 5/6 in the Sciences, TAS and
Zoe also had the opportunity to work within the CoE's Yr 12 Transition Program. In this capacity she participated in
the "Life and University Q and A" workshop with over 100 students from four high schools. Zoe was confident and
well prepared for the workshop, clearly understanding the context of the students present and their pre-knowledge of
post school opportunities. She was confident, articulate and engaging in her participation in the workshop.
Zoe also led five Citizen Science Pollinator Count workshops with over 120 Stage 3 students as part of the CoE's No
Bees No Future Program. In this capacity as a lead teacher she engaged students in the scientific principles behind
observational data counts, managed students behaviour in the outdoor teaching space and identified and managed
key risks attached to the activity. Zoe was a confident, well organised presenter with clear time and behaviour
management skills and a good understanding of scientific processes. Zoe has been a pleasure to work with and an

asset to the CoE during her_l)_lacement.
Final Grade: X Satisfactory B Ynsaesfaeteey
Supervisors Signature: Date:

Pre-service Teacher's Date:

Signature: ?,i / 02- / Z02e
WSU Co-ordinator's Date: 8/6/2020

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