Differentiated Lesson Plan - Coca

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Sefora Coca CONT 905 002

Differentiated Lesson Plan

Original Lesson Plan: Jeremy Brunaccioni

Grade Level: K-2
Subject: Math

Inch by Inch Lesson Plan | Scholastic 2020-11-13, 10:52 PM

Inch by Inch Lesson Plan

Preinstructional Planning


Students will "measure and compare common objects using metric and
English units of length measurement, e.g., centimeter, inch." --
Massachusetts Mathematics Curriculum Framework

Lesson Resources


Inch by Inch by Leo Lionni

writing pencils, one per student
glue sticks
copies from the book

Set Up and Prepare

Turn to the page where the nightingale is telling the worm to measure its
song. Use your copy machine to adjust the size of the inchworm to one
inch. Make multiple copies of the inchworm. (You will need approximately 9
per student.) Cut the inchworms apart. (It's not necessary to cut around
their edges, just cut the extra paper off from their heads and tails.) You
might choose to have students do the cutting. Turn to the page featuring
the heron's legs. Make one copy per student, plus an extra for the

https://www.scholastic.com/teachers/lesson-plans/teaching-content/inch-inch-lesson-plan/ Page 1 of 2

(Brunaccioni, N.D.)
Sefora Coca CONT 905 002

(Brunaccioni, N.D.)
Sefora Coca CONT 905 002

Adapted Lesson Plan:

Guiding Unit Question:

What is measurement?
How can we use measurement?

Lesson Goal(s): Lesson Materials: (Royal Baloo, N.D.) Date:

1. I can measure objects using an inchworm • Inch by Inch by Leo Lionni • iPads
• Leaf for demonstration • Pic Collage App
ruler. • Prepped Inchworm rulers • Projector

Connecting Activity: Essential Supports

Read the story Inch by Inch by Leo Lionni (designed for 1, useful for 1)
Using Touch Chat to
communicate their choice
Mini Lesson: of object.
After reading the story, tell students that we are going to be learning how to measure like the inchworm. Ask students what
they think measurement is and why it is important. Show students the inchworm rulers, and have students estimate how
many inchworms they think the leaf might be. Show students how to use the inchworm ruler to measure the leaf.
Processing Tasks Targeted Support
(designed for some, useful for some)
I Need to… I Must… I Can… I Could… I Can Try to… • Use of technology
• Choice of objects

Choose Use the Count how many Compare my Use a 12-inch

objects inchworm ruler inchworms long chosen objects ruler to
outside to to measure my my objects are and their measure my Universal Supports
measure objects. meausurement. choosen (designed for some, useful for all)
• Hands-on activity
outdoor • Outdoor exploration
objects, • Movement activity
• Partner work
• Chunking lesson
Access All Most Few Challenge • Opportunity to share learning
with others
• Use of technology

Transforming & Personalizing Activity:

With partners, students will take iPads and inch worms rulers outside. Students will collect five items found outside (rocks, leaves, sticks,
etc), take a picture of what they choose with their iPads, and measure them using their inchworm ruler. Students will take a picture of their
object beside their inchworm ruler. Once students are back inside they will put their pictures into the Pic Collage app. Once they are done,
students will have the opportunity to share their objects and their inchworm measurement with their peers on the projector.

Lesson Planning Template – Shelley Moore, 2018 Adapted from Brownlie & Schnellert
(Moore, 2018)
Sefora Coca CONT 905 002

References :

Brunaccioni, J. (N.D.) Inch by Inch Lesson Plan. Retrieved from


Moore, S. (2017). Lesson Planning Template. Retrieved from


Tucker, G.C. (N.D.) Differentiated Instruction: What You Need to Know. Retrieved
from https://www.understood.org/en/learning-thinking-differences/treatments-

Royal Baloo (N.D) Inchworm Rulers. Retrieved from https://royalbaloo.com/wp-


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