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Healthy Air, Healthy Brains: Advancing Air

Pollution Policy to Protect Children’s Health
Evidence is growing on the Devon C. Payne-Sturges, DrPH, Melanie A. Marty, PhD, Frederica Perera, DrPH, PhD, Mark D. Miller,
adverse neurodevelopmental MD, Maureen Swanson, MPA, Kristie Ellickson, PhD, Deborah A. Cory-Slechta, PhD, Beate Ritz, MD,
effects of exposure to combus- PhD, John Balmes, MD, Laura Anderko, RN, PhD, Evelyn O. Talbott, DrPH, Robert Gould, MD, and
tion-related air pollution. Irva Hertz-Picciotto, PhD, MPH
Project TENDR (Targeting En-

vironmental Neurodevelopmental hildren are exposed pre- pollutants—polycyclic aromatic neurodevelopmental disorders in
Risks), a unique collaboration of natally and in early child- hydrocarbons, nitrogen dioxide, children.8,9 A growing body of
leading scientists, health pro- hood to multiple environmental fine particulate matter (PM2.5, human studies associate exposure
fessionals, and children’s and envi- stressors that can adversely af- including ultrafine particulate to combustion-related air pol-
ronmental health advocates, has fect their cognitive abilities, matter [UFP]; £ 100 nm), and lutants (PM2.5, polycyclic aro-
identified combustion-related air academic performance and con- other pollutants for which ni- matic hydrocarbons, nitrogen
pollutants as critical targets for sequent educational trajectories, trogen dioxide and PM2.5 are dioxide, black carbon) with ad-
action to protect healthy brain adult health, wealth, and social markers—as exemplary targets verse effects on brain develop-
status.1,2 Project TENDR (Tar- for action. The purpose of this ment, including deficits in
geting Environmental Neuro- commentary is to present Proj- intelligence, memory, and be-
We present policy recom-
developmental Risks), a unique ect TENDR’s recommendations havior.10–12 Polycyclic aromatic
mendations for maintaining to reduce combustion-related air
collaboration of leading scientists, hydrocarbons, a component of
and strengthening federal en- health professionals, and chil- pollutant emissions to protect PM2.5, have been associated with
vironmental health protections, dren’s and environmental health healthy brain development. developmental delay; reduced
advancing state and local ac- advocates, points to growing IQ; symptoms of anxiety, de-
tions, and supporting scientific scientific evidence linking ex- pression, and inattention13;
research to inform effective posure to toxic chemicals during ADHD; and reduced size of
strategies for reducing children’s early brain development with NEURODEVELOPMENTAL brain regions important for pro-
exposures to combustion-related brain disorders and calls on EFFECTS OF AIR cessing information and impulse
air pollution. Such actions not individuals, industries, and POLLUTION control.14 Other studies have
only would improve children’s policymakers to reduce these Air pollution exposure linked roadway proximity,15
neurological development but exposures.3 Developmental dis- has been linked with preterm traffic-related PM,16 elemental
also would have the important
abilities, such as learning disabil- birth and low birth weight,6,7 carbon, or nitrogen dioxide17 to
ities, developmental delays, known risk factors for many decreased cognitive function,
co-benefit of climate change
autism, and attention-deficit/
mitigation and further improve-
hyperactivity disorder (ADHD),
ments in other health conditions. ABOUT THE AUTHORS
affect one in six children in the Devon C. Payne-Sturges is with the Maryland Institute for Applied Environmental Health,
(Am J Public Health. 2019;109: United States, and the rate of University of Maryland School of Public Health, College Park. Melanie A. Marty is with the
550–554. doi:10.2105/AJPH. these disorders is rising.4 The Department of Environmental Toxicology, University of California, Davis. Frederica Perera
2018.304902) is with the Columbia Center for Children’s Environmental Health, Columbia University,
estimated annual cost (medical New York, NY. Mark D. Miller and John Balmes are with the Division of Occupational
care, lost economic productivity) Environmental Medicine, University of California, San Francisco. Maureen Swanson is with
of environmentally mediated the Learning Disabilities Association of America, Pittsburgh, PA. Kristie Ellickson is with the
Minnesota State Pollution Control Agency, Saint Paul. Deborah A. Cory-Slechta is with the
neurodevelopmental disorders in University of Rochester Medical Center, Rochester, NY. Beate Ritz is with the Fielding
US children is $74.3 billion.5 School of Public Health, University of California, Los Angeles. Laura Anderko is with the
Evidence linking combustion- School of Nursing and Health Studies, Georgetown University, Washington, DC. Evelyn O.
Talbott is with the School of Public Health, University of Pittsburgh, Pittsburgh. Robert
related air pollution with adverse Gould is with the School of Medicine, University of California, San Francisco. Irva
neurodevelopment is mounting. Hertz-Picciotto is with the Department of Public Health Sciences, School of Medicine; the
Sources of these pollutants in- MIND Institute; and the Children’s Center for Environmental Health, University of
California, Davis.
clude fossil fuel burning for Correspondence should be sent to Devon C. Payne-Sturges, DrPH, MPH, Maryland Institute
power generation and trans- for Applied Environmental Health, University of Maryland School of Public Health, 2234 L SPH,
portation, wildfires, and burning 255 Valley Dr, College Park, MD 20742 (e-mail: Reprints can be ordered at by clicking the “Reprints” link.
of agricultural waste. Project This article was accepted November 24, 2018.
TENDR identified these air doi: 10.2105/AJPH.2018.304902

550 Commentary Peer Reviewed Payne-Sturges et al. AJPH April 2019, Vol 109, No. 4

including deficits in memory and postnatal life, a period considered monoxide, oxides of nitrogen Maintain and Strengthen
attention. The effect of poly- equivalent to the human third and sulfur (known as criteria air Health Protections
cyclic aromatic hydrocarbon trimester, to concentrated am- pollutants)—and numerous Recommendation 1: The US
exposures during fetal develop- bient UFP showed disrupted other toxic pollutants dramati- Environmental Protection Agency
ment on cognitive and behavioral development of the corpus cal- cally declined while the US (EPA) should give greater con-
outcomes is magnified by mate- losum and persistent elevation of economy grew.30,31 Yet chil- sideration to the evidence on the
rial hardship or maternal de- brain glutamate levels—an ex- dren and pregnant women across effects of air pollutants on neuro-
moralization.18 Low-income citatory neurotransmitter—with the United States are still ex- development when setting stan-
communities are thus dispro- effects more pronounced in posed to air pollution levels dards for combustion-related air
portionately exposed and males and persistent through above current standards.32 pollutants and when assessing the
uniquely vulnerable because of adulthood. UFP is likely the most Regulatory actions to reduce full cost of the health effects of air
family and community economic toxic fraction of particulate air air pollution, specifically PM, pollution. The EPA sets the
hardship. Increasing evidence pollution and once inhaled can ozone, and nitrogen oxide, National Ambient Air Quality
links prenatal exposure to migrate to the central nervous were spurred by abundant evi- Standards (NAAQS) for the
traffic-related air pollutants19 and system via the nasal cavity, cir- dence linking air pollution to criteria air pollutants, which
PM2.520 to autism spectrum culating blood, or sensory nerves cardiovascular and respira- include PM, and other
disorder. found in the gastrointestinal tory disease, including premature combustion-related air pollut-
Laboratory studies provide tract.25 Exposures in these studies mortality. Given the growing ants. These standards are the
support for the neurotoxic effects were at levels consistent with scientific evidence of neuro- driving force for reducing ex-
of exposure to air pollutants. In high-traffic areas of major US developmental effects, we must posure to the criteria air pol-
mice, prenatal exposures to fine cities and thus highly relevant. continue to pursue reductions in lutants in the United States. As
and ultrafine particles caused Although specific autism spec- air pollution not only to reduce part of the standard setting
enlarged lateral ventricles, an trum disorder–defining behav- cardiovascular and respiratory process, the EPA conducts a
early and excessive myelination iors were not examined in this disease but also to improve
cost-benefit assessment. The
pattern, an increase in the size of series of studies, impaired learn- children’s neurodevelopment.
EPA prefers to base the NAAQS
the corpus callosum (the bridge ing and short-term memory and The composition of pollutants
and accompanying cost-benefit
connecting the two brain hemi- increased impulsivity were differs somewhat by combustion
assessment on the health out-
spheres), and a decrease in the observed.26 source, but it is far more effective
comes that they determine are
hippocampal area (involved in Potential cellular mechanisms to focus on reducing exposure to
causally associated with expo-
emotional regulation, spatial responsible for air pollution– combustion-related pollutants as
sure (e.g., mortality in adults for
navigation, and memory).21 induced neurological damage a group rather than to address
Prenatal diesel exhaust exposure include persistent glial activa- them one by one. Reducing
Because the effects on de-
produced inflammation in fetal tion with concomitant combustion-related emissions
veloping brains can involve large
brain, decreased activity, in- neuroinflammation and oxidative would have the important
lifelong costs to the individual,
creased anxiety, and brain stress.22,27–29 The findings in co-benefit of reducing green-
microglial activation (indicating a controlled laboratory studies are house gases. Climate change is families, and society, the EPA
pathological process) in males as consistent with and provide increasing the frequency and should develop an assessment of
adults.22 Prenatal diesel exhaust mechanistic evidence for air intensity of wildfires, which the health and economic cost of
exposure in mice reduced loco- pollutant effects on neuro- cause short-term, high-level ex- neurodevelopmental disorders
motor activity and altered levels cognitive and neurobehavioral posure to combustion-related associated with PM, nitrogen
of neurotransmitters (dopamine, outcomes observed in humans. pollutants, and is predicted to oxide, and other combustion-
norepinephrine) in a region- increase ozone concentrations related air pollutants, even if the
specific manner.23 during warm months of the year evidence is limited for a particular
Chronic exposure of young and increase combustion-related pollutant. The benefits of re-
adult mice to UFP produced RECOMMENDATIONS air pollution from increased en- ducing exposure and thus de-
depressive-like behaviors and Managing ambient air quality ergy production for air condi- creasing neurodevelopmental
impaired spatial learning and in the United States requires a tioning. Exposure to excessive disorders should be incorporated
memory.24 In a series of studies, joint effort between the federal ambient heat increases risk for into the cost-benefit assessment
postnatal UFP exposures of mice and state governments as outlined premature delivery,33 itself a risk for the corresponding NAAQS.
produced a pattern of de- in the Clean Air Act (1970; factor for developmental delay. Current PM NAAQS review.
velopmental neurotoxicity no- amended 1990; 42 USC Given the disproportionate ef- The EPA has released its draft
tably similar to the hypothesized §7401-7671q [2017]). After fects of air pollution and climate Integrated Science Assessment on
mechanistic underpinnings of passage of the Clean Air Act, change on children, Project the health effects of PM2.5, which
autism spectrum disorder. Both levels of six common air pollut- TENDR recommends the fol- could lead to revisions of the
sexes exposed during early ants—PM, ozone, lead, carbon lowing actions. NAAQS.34 The draft Integrated

April 2019, Vol 109, No. 4 AJPH Payne-Sturges et al. Peer Reviewed Commentary 551

Science Assessment includes a re- fuels for electricity generation.37 as major roadways, ports, and rail Air Resources Board’s land use
view of scientific data on neuro- New York has instituted pro- yards.41 Regional planning ef- guidelines recommend against
developmental health outcomes grams to obtain 50% of electricity forts involving community par- locating new residences, schools,
and describes the effects on the generation from renewable ticipants, university investigators, day care centers, and playgrounds
nervous system as “likely to be sources by 2030; Washington, pollution control agencies, and near sources of combustion-
causal” for UFP based on strong DC, and Oregon must meet that industry and union representa- related air pollutants, such as
evidence in animals of neurotoxi- standard by 2032 and 2040, re- tives have resulted in emissions freeways, busy roads, facilities
city and altered neurodevelop- spectively.37–39 Hawaii and Cal- reductions from the ports of Los with heavy truck traffic, or
ment and for PM2.5 based on both ifornia have a goal of 100% Angeles and Long Beach, Cal- downwind of large ports or rail
animal and human studies. renewable energy for electricity ifornia. Recommendations in- yards.45 The adoption of such
It is critical that the EPA in- generation by 2045. These pro- cluded replacement of older guidelines in all states would re-
clude the health and economic grams increase the share of energy polluting trucks, clean and duce exposures of pregnant
cost of neurodevelopmental ef- generation from noncombustion zero-emission truck technologies women and children to
fects in the cost-benefit assess- sources, reduce air pollutant and (e.g., all-electric, liquefied natu- combustion-related pollutants.
ment for the PM2.5 NAAQS. greenhouse gas emissions, and ral gas, and hydrogen fuel cell
Recommendation 2: Strengthen push technology innovation. As trucks), retrofitting older trucks
and enforce federal fuel efficiency states with strong programs in- with pollution controls, and Expand Research to
standards. The 2017 to 2025 crease electricity from renewable managing traffic routes.42 Inform Policies
Light-Duty Vehicle Greenhouse sources, other states could learn The New Jersey Department Recommendation 6: Expand air
Gas Emission Standards and Cor- from those successes. of Environmental Protection monitoring near locations where
porate Average Fuel Economy State and local governments worked with a community ad- children spend time. Near-source
Standards issued by the EPA and should move toward alternatives to visory group and local industries monitoring of combustion-
the National Highway Traffic fossil fuels for transportation. New to produce emissions inventories related pollutants is important to
Safety Administration reduce regional transportation plans and assess health risk around accurately characterize commu-
greenhouse gas emissions and im- should include zero-emission Camden, New Jersey, an area nity exposure and identify highly
prove fuel economy. When fully transportation technologies for with large industries, a port, and affected communities. Federal
implemented, the fuel economy of passenger vehicles and goods major roadways in close prox- funds, such as EPA’s Community
new vehicles will increase from an movement (e.g., within ports and imity to residences.43 Risk re- Air Toxics Monitoring grants, are
average of about 25 miles per rail yards and to distribution cen- duction activities followed, needed to support such efforts at
gallon today to about 36 miles per ters). Although major automakers including applying PM control the state and local level. Model
gallon—that means in excess of are now producing electric and technologies, rerouting truck community-based approaches
2000 fewer gallons of gas burned fuel cell vehicles, supporting in- traffic away from residential areas, exist or are under development.
over a typical vehicle lifetime and frastructure is lagging. Policies that implementing diesel idling re- Examples include UFP moni-
lower exhaust emissions. These support construction of charging strictions, and planting vegeta- toring efforts at Seattle-Tacoma
standards are expected to reduce and hydrogen fueling stations (for tion in dusty areas. International Airport to address
exposures to combustion-related fuel cells) are greatly needed. Recommendation 5: Regional community concerns and pro-
air pollutants linked to neuro- Dramatic reductions in trans- air pollution control agencies across vide much-needed local data on
developmental harm.35 portation sources of air pollution the United States should restrict UFP concentrations.46 New
Despite the public health are feasible and can be accelerated permitting new sources of California legislation (AB617)
benefits, these standards are un- with public policies, as evidenced combustion-related air pollutants in mandates community-level
der threat36 and may be delayed by reductions in air pollution in close proximity to residential areas monitoring of toxic pollutants
or rolled back. These public California from transportation and other sensitive receptors. Siting in disadvantaged communities
health protections should be sources.40 high-pollution sources near throughout the state.
maintained, if not strengthened. Recommendation 4: Target neighborhoods often affects More information on expo-
existing large sources of communities with the fewest sures and sources will lead to
combustion-related air pollutants for resources that are already heavily better and more cost-efficient air
Advance State and Local emissions reductions, dramatically burdened, particularly commu- pollution reduction strategies.
Actions reducing exposures in neighboring nities of color. This long- Recommendation 7: Expand
Recommendation 3: Promote communities. State and regional documented practice gave rise research on effectiveness of strategies
and advance clean energy policies agencies should develop best to the call for environmental to mitigate exposures near large
that reduce reliance on fossil fuels, practices to guide efforts across justice.44 sources of combustion-related air
including coal, combusted for energy the United States toward re- Land use and siting guidelines pollution that could guide imple-
generation and transportation. ducing combustion-related pol- would be one approach states mentation in neighborhoods close to
Many states have programs in lutants from large sources near could implement to avoid poor such sources. Highways, neigh-
place to move toward renewable residential neighborhoods, such land use choices. The California borhoods, and schools are in close

552 Commentary Peer Reviewed Payne-Sturges et al. AJPH April 2019, Vol 109, No. 4

proximity to one another in our combustion-related air pollu- does not necessarily represent the official 13. Perera FP, Chang HW, Tang D, et al.
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children to combustion-related CONFLICTS OF INTEREST e111670.
The authors have no conflicts of interest to
air pollutants. Mitigation mea- disclose. 14. Peterson BS, Rauh VA, Bansal R, et al.
sures that can reduce such ex- CONCLUSIONS Effects of prenatal exposure to air pol-
lutants (polycyclic aromatic hydrocar-
posures are needed. This is Public health policies that REFERENCES bons) on the development of brain white
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plement effective measures and based energy generation and in children, estimated at $76.6 billion in et al. Combined effects of prenatal poly-
2008. Health Aff (Millwood). 2011;30(5): cyclic aromatic hydrocarbons and material
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animals indicates that the ultra- supervised the analysis and led the writing Kim HC. A meta-analysis of exposure to 20. Raz R, Roberts AL, Lyall K, et al.
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the analysis and assisted with the writing of comes. Environ Health Toxicol. 2015;30: matter air pollution before, during, and
associated with serious adverse
the article. F. Perera identified literature e2015011. after pregnancy: a nested case-control
health effects, including neuro- and assisted with the writing of the article. analysis within the Nurses’ Health Study II
8. Institute of Medicine. Preterm Birth:
logical effects. Human studies to M. D. Miller, K. Ellickson, and J. Balmes Causes, Consequences, and Prevention. Cohort. Environ Health Perspect. 2015;
provided guidance on policy recom- 123(3):264–270.
date also have found associa- Washington, DC: National Academies
mendations and edits. D. A. Cory-Slechta,
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Press; 2007. 21. Klocke C, Allen JL, Sobolewski M,
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monitoring network. This would This work was supported by Project and cognitive functioning across the life sex-specific manner. FASEB J. 2012;
facilitate studies of the neuro- TENDR (Targeting Environmental course - a systematic literature review. 26(11):4743–4754.
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11. Xu X, Ha SU, Basnet R. A review utero exposure to a low concentration of
UFP exposures during pregnancy Ceres Trust Fund, Passport Foundation,
diesel exhaust affects spontaneous loco-
of epidemiological research on adverse
and childhood. Furthermore, Pediatric Epilepsy Research Foundation,
neurological effects of exposure to am- motor activity and monoaminergic sys-
and the National Institute of Environ-
funding is needed to support mental Health Sciences (R13ES026504).
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ences (award K01ES028266). pollution alters brain development: the pollution impairs cognition, provokes
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554 Commentary Peer Reviewed Payne-Sturges et al. AJPH April 2019, Vol 109, No. 4

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