A. Overpopulation B. Political and Economic Reasons C. There's A Different MAIN Reason. (Mention It and Explain)

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Which do you think between the two is the MAIN root cause of global food insecurity?

Defend your answer thoroughly in at least 15 sentences

a. Overpopulation

b. Political and Economic reasons

c. There's a different MAIN reason. (mention it and explain)

Food is very import to every human being. It is one of basic necessities that we need to have in
order to survive. Food is similar to human rights where everyone deserves to have it. Since not
all people had access and can afford to buy food because of several reason and this leads to food
insecurity. The food insecurity is affected by political and economic reason because of the global
economy. First, the food security was affected by the food prices. High prices makes food
unavailable to everyone since not all people can afford to buy meal because most of people
especially in our country, they have small salary and some people suffering from poverty. This
has severe effect especially in low-income countries such as Nigeria, Nepal, Madagascar, etc.
Second, was the poverty because it affected by many factors such as unemployment, low
educational attainment, low salary and low social class. Unemployment was one of the reason
why poverty exist and the contributing factors because of low educational attainment and not
qualified to job. Considering also the food availability, there are some cases that people were
unable to produce their own foods because of lack of productive land for making their own
crops. It may affect also by emergency situations such as natural disaster which may destroy the
crops and also considering the imports of product especially in rural places. The overpopulation
was one of the reason why there existing food insecurity. As the population increases, there is
also increase in supply and demand which may affect also in food prices and food shortage.
Food insecurity still existing especially now a days because of pandemic crisis. Based on the
article I have read, hunger threaten to kill people because without food, it may weak our
immune system and improper brain function. Therefore, I conclude that the main root cause of
food security was the political and economic reasons which because of poverty.


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