Social Studies Lesson-Changes in Families-K

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Indiana Wesleyan University

Elementary Education Lesson Plan Template

Social Studies--2018

Student Name: Meredith Brouyette

IWU Supervisor: Dr. Karla Karr
Grade Level: Kindergarten

To teach students that it is important to understand where we come from in order to learn where we are going. In
order to understand how far we’ve come, we have to look back at the changes that have occurred even before we
were born. (CAEP K-6 1.a)
I can identify how people and our community have changed from colonial time to now.
A. Goal: Students will identify characteristics of families in the past and families today.
B. Objective: After completing the learning centers, students will be able to illustrate and describe changes in
clothes, homes, and jobs of families in the past and families now.
C. Standards: NCSS: Time, Continuity and Change IAS: K.1.1 Compare children and families of today with
those from the past
II. Management Plan

Time Space Materials Activity

5 minutes At seats Picture cards Picture sort

10 minutes Seated on carpet N/A Brief overview

of content

25 minutes At center stations QR codes Various centers

Paper dolls
Paper clothes
blank paper
Blacksmith, craftsmen, and
shoemaker tools
Venn Diagram paper
5 minutes At seats Picture cards Resort

Adaptation to Individual Differences and Diverse Learners-- Demonstrate your understanding of

individual differences and diverse families, culture, and communities unique to the students in this class as
you describe the specific instructional opportunities provided in this lesson.
Indiana Wesleyan University
Elementary Education Lesson Plan Template
Social Studies--2018
 Blake, a curious, highly verbal, and rambunctious boy with behavior disorders who received special
education services in elementary school.
a. For Blake, I would make sure that he was able to be mobile as much as possible. Videos that are
longer than 3minutes would be a good adaptation for him, the less he has to sit still the better. It
would be good for him to have artifacts or manipulatives to have in his hands to, so the career
station could be good for him to keep engaged.
 Irma, a charming but shy Latina child who was served as an at-risk student with Title 1 supports in
elementary school.
a. For Irma, I would make sure that she was placed with a group of students that were good
communicators. I wouldn’t want it to be to the point that she wasn’t able to get a word in because
the others talked so much, but enough that the conversation prompted her to be engaged.
 George, an inquisitive, resourceful student with traumatic brain injury who received special education
services in elementary school. Short term memory is impacted but improving.
a. For George, I would let him focus on one aspect of the center. This could be working strictly on
cutting and pasting the clothes on the doll.
 Anna, a bright, energetic young woman with cerebral palsy who was above average academically and
received Section 504 accommodations. She does use a motorized chair with a battery and the chair
measures 2.5 feet wide by 3 feet long.
a. Anna would be able to move about the room when the other students were allowed to, I would
have a separate desk that could be moved to where she wanted to be. When students go to the
carpet, she would have a spot as well, however it would along the outside edge so that no one’s
view would be obstructed.


III. Anticipatory Set/ Staging the Question [Compelling Question]
On your tables you’ll see a baggy that contains little cards with images on them. The cards will contain colonial
fashion, buildings or careers, and also those same three categories but modern-day. As a group, I want you to
carefully look at the pictures on the cards and sort them into whatever categories you want. I’ll give your group
three minutes to talk it out, go! I will be looking to see how the students categorized the pictures. Whether they
recognize the time period or just sort by clothes, jobs and building does not matter at the beginning, this is just
to get them thinking. I will allow time for groups to explain how they categorized.

IV. Purpose: Today we are going to be learning about how people and families have changed from the past to now.
We’re going to be looking at the way that people used to dress, the homes they used to live in, and the jobs that they
used to have. It is important that we learn this because learning about how people were different than us back then
help us understand how much life has changed for people.

V. Lesson Presentation (Input/Output) Supporting Question/ Explicit Teaching

Today, we are going to be looking back in time at how people in the past used to live. The world has changed a lot over
the years, including the way that people dress, the houses they live in, and the jobs that they have. In order to
investigate what people’s lives used to look like in the past, I’ve set up three different stations for us to do different
activities at. One station is going to look at what people used to dress like, and you’re going to use your iPads to scan
QR codes and learn some more about that. Another station is going to be learning about how homes and houses have
changed. The last station is going to look at how jobs have changed. Before I send you to your stations, I want you to
Indiana Wesleyan University
Elementary Education Lesson Plan Template
Social Studies--2018
come to the carpet and we’re going to go over some information I want you to know. Call students to the carpet one
table at a time. At this point, I will go through 3-4 slides giving very basic background on what people in the 1800s
dressed like, the houses they lived in, and jobs that they had. This is time for basic exposure, I want the students to
do the investigating at the centers. We are not going to get through all of the stations today. We are going to be
doing this over the next few days, so I want you to really take your time and do lots of research to become experts,
okay? I will divide the students into 3 groups and dismiss them to their stations.

Centers explained:
Station 1: Clothing
Students will be asked to use their iPads to scan a QR code and watch a video on the way that people in the 1800s
dressed. There would also be various picture books laid around the table for students to look through and see how
the characters are dressed.
Little House on the Prairie
Pioneer Clothing
These are the videos that will be linked with the QR codes. They will also have an outline of two bodies, women’s
pioneer clothes and men’s pioneer clothes to color, cut out, and glue together after watching the video.

Station 2: Buildings
Students will follow a QR code to a video teaching about different types of pioneer buildings.
Pioneer Homes
One Room School
After watching the video, students will be given a blank sheet of paper. They will then be asked to draw a picture of
their classroom. They will draw as detailed as possible, using crayons to color and create their modern-day
classroom. After drawing the picture of the classroom, students will be asked to discuss with a partner the
differences between what they saw in the video and their classroom today.

Station 3: Careers
The first link will take students to a page where they can choose which colonial career they would like to learn
about. I will ask them to watch two of the videos. I have old tools that blacksmiths, shoemakers, and craftsmen
tools that belonged to my great-grandparents that I would bring in for the students to investigate. They will then
go to the second QR code, which talks about jobs in the community today. After watching both of the videos,
students will be given a paper with a Venn Diagram. The students will choose a colonial job that they investigated,
and connect that job to one that they know of today. It wouldn’t have to be an exact correlation, but I would like to
see how the students decided on the connection. They would then list some differences and similarities between
the two jobs.
Colonial Jobs
Community Helpers Today

VI. Check for understanding. Now that everyone is back at their seats, I want you to turn to a partner that was
not at the same center as you and teach them something that you learned in your center today. I’ll give each
person a minute to talk, go! This will be a time for me to listen to what students were taking away from their
centers. I should be able to pick on some of the reoccurring learning outcomes.

VIII. Review learning outcomes / Closure – Real quickly, before we go, I want to give each table the baggy with
the images on them again. With your group, I want you to sort these pictures again. You will have 2 minutes,
see if you can come up with a different way than you did before. After the two minutes, I will have each table
share again. I will be looking to see if they sorted by time period, or any other way that has to do with time


Formative assessment will be walking around groups and having discussions with them during the center.
Summative assessment will be the doll that they dress, the classroom that they draw, and the Venn Diagram that
Indiana Wesleyan University
Elementary Education Lesson Plan Template
Social Studies--2018
they fill in. If students still seem confused by the assignments at each center, they will have time to catch up on
what they did not finish or correct what they did wrong during independent work time.


K-6 3.b)
1. How many students achieved the lesson objective(s)? For those who did not, why not?
2. What were my strengths and weaknesses?
3. How should I alter this lesson?
4. How would I pace it differently?
5. Were all students actively participating? If not, why not?
6. What adjustments did I make to reach varied learning styles and ability levels?
7. Were there enough different learning opportunities/strategies for students?

IWU Supervisor:
Grade Level:
Compelling Question:

Heading Student uses the provided template

for Social Studies content.
Template Student includes all of the
information in the template heading.
Audit Trail Student includes a list of dates and
methods for communicating with
cooperating teacher.
Rationale Statement of rationale for the
learning experience and
environment in this lesson.
Indiana Wesleyan University
Elementary Education Lesson Plan Template
Social Studies--2018
Goals The lesson plan contains
objectives that connect goals and
standards with lesson activities
Standards and assessments.

Each objective should include

the following: Conditions;
Desired learning; Observable
behavior; and Accuracy (as



Management A. Materials:
Plan B. Time:
C. Space:
D. Behavior:
E. Technology: (as
Anticipatory Set The anticipatory set is clear and
direct and focuses students’
attention on the lesson.

Purpose The statement of purpose is clearly

connected to the content of the
lesson and is presented in terms that
are easily understood by students.

Plan For

Adaptation to Instructional opportunities are

Individual provided in this lesson. The
Differences and opportunities are developmentally
Diverse Learners appropriate and/or are adapted to
diverse students.

Early Finishers
Exceptional Needs-
Lesson Candidates demonstrate
Presentation for understandings, capabilities and
Social Studies practices associated with the
central concepts and tools in
Civics, Economics, Geography,
and /or History within a
Indiana Wesleyan University
Elementary Education Lesson Plan Template
Social Studies--2018
framework of inquiry.

Lesson The candidate’s lesson

Presentation demonstrates an understanding of
developmentally appropriate

The candidate’s lesson includes

both modeling and guided practice.

The lesson presentation includes

relevant activities that encourage
student participation and critical

Check for The lesson plan includes a plan and

Understanding the means to check for student
understanding of the lesson. A
[CFU] provision is included to reteach all or
part of the lesson to all or part of the

Review Learning Lesson closure relates directly to the

Outcomes and/ or lesson purpose and/or objective.

Plan for
Competent 3

Formal and A plan for formal and informal

Informal assessment [ mainly
Assessment formative]throughout the lesson is
included. The assessment strategies
are uniquely designed for the

Reflection and The lesson plan includes all required

Post-Lesson self-answer questions.

A lesson plan with elements that do to meet A competent lesson plan earns a An outstanding lesson plan
the competent level will receive a score of score of 34-37/40. earns a score of 38/40-40/40
33 /40 or lower

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